A Love Eternal

By Ozorli / Orlirz

Published on Oct 28, 2019


This is is a fictional tale about Vampires and love. The tale of a mortal in love with a Vampire and all the trials he and the Vampire face for their love.The Vampire character is based off the utter perfect man in the "All for Terry" story I have in the nifty site. This is a story I ahd been wanting to write for ages. But was always blocked when trying to wrote it like a regular fiction novel. But now it seems I can by adding sex to the mix. It is told at diffrent points if view. I hope you all enjoy it...


A Love Eternal (5) A vampires memories....

....Terry came home to his big lonely house after a nights feeding. He would sit on the back porch and gaze at the view he had of the city below. He lived up on the hill top that looked down at the valley below. And he had been there for a long long time. Watching as the valley started as nothing more than a forest that was slowly cleared out to expand into the vast metroplolis it was now. To the high rises of concrete and glass and the thousands of glittering lights that seemes to blot out the night sky. Had it not been for the abundance of a food supply, he woukd have left for another home. And he has dine that many, many time iver the centuries. Moving from place to place. From country to country. Continent to continent. But akways alone. That was the life of a vampire. A solitary one. And save for a few companions through the centuries. Terry remaind alone.

"I wonder if they are still out there" he pondered

All the other vampires that he has come across throughout the centuries. The few that he had called friend. Many had long passed. Fallen to foolishness. Many friends and companions. All dead due to their own ignorance. His own maker as well.

"So man centuries" as he pondered existence

There is of course a misconception about the vampyre breed of creature. That they are immortal and can live forever. Save the infamous tales of stake through the heart. Sunlight and holy water. But those fairytales are but just that stories. The truth is vampires do die, they do age and of course a atake through the heart or any truly severe action can kill them. Also a vampire can die of old age as well. There body chemistry once the vampire blood is infused into them slows down aging considerably. 15 -20 years for a mortal is like one to them. It depends on the genetics makeup of the original host. Terry has calulated himself to a 1 to 18 scale years span to humans. What they can overcome are afflictions. Such diseases as cancer or other illnesses do not kill them. For the vampyre immunity system is 100 fold more powerful against these illnesses. Cancer can come on as a bad cold to a human. And thwrw ia truth in there strength. More than 10 times the normal humans ability. And they certainly cannot turn into a bat and fly. Terry laughed at such silliness.

"Damon" he then recalled. "My creator." "I recall your passing" "I ache so much that day"..

.. Damon was the vampyre that made him. So many hundreds of years now. Terry was but a boy when the glorious creature save him from death. Disease had consumed the boys family. Killing them off one by one. And there as the boy held his dying mothers hand. Trying to console her in her last moments. This is when the vampyre appeared at their door. He was trying to find food in a city filled with the disease. The boils on the skin, lung that would collapse just before the death came.

"Sir" the boy said as he lookes up at Damon "Please help mother." "She is quite ill"

The vampyre planned on killing the boy at first. He did not want to feast on the dying woman in her state. For even though this horror that easily killed all it touched would not do him in. He did not want 2 days of aches and fever to rule his body. That and the wretching from the black bile that would come back up when a vampire felt Ill. But the boy. He although Ill as well with the affliction. Was only in the early stages. Damon would not suffer the agonies so with him.

"I shall find sustanance in him" he thought

But as he looked at the sad beautiful boy before him. Crying from the tears as he sobbed for what was probably the worst week in his life. The death of 2 sisters, a father and soon his mother. Damon sighed at the pain he could actually feel pouring from the boy. Then he remembered his own mothers death over a hundred years before that day. How he held his mothers hands, just as this boy was doing. How he suffered so at his own loss. So Damon could not take the boys life.

"I cannot help her boy" he said to Terry "Her affliction is too far gone for my aide" "It would only make it more agonizing"

He stopped and stroked the boys head. His long fingers pulling softly at the blonde curls in the boys head.

"I can ease her passing if you wish" he then offered "So her pain is gone forever"

Terry looked up at the beautiful man above him. Pale striking face a sharp dark eyes. Tall and lean in form. The long black hair trailing down his long cloak halfway down the mans back. He was utterly stunning to Terry. This stranger that would end his mothers life. And he knew that what the man would do. It was the only ease to her death.

"Turn your sweet head boy" the vampire said "This is not for your eyes"

So Terry did. Then he heard a sharp cracking of bone as the vampyre snapped her neck, fast. The tears fell as Terry knew she was gone now. Hus last family member gone to to the horror that was this disase. This affliction that had killed so many. Sweeping through the region like a fire. It was hard that his mother had to be killed. But he knew her suffering. The pain she was in. And she had to be freed if it. So he was glad for that.

"She is at piece now" damin stated "Come with me boy." "You must flee this dreaded place before you fall to the affliction"

Even though the vampyre knew the boy had it already. He smelled it on him. But he was still well enough that his blood would not even affect the vampyre. Then Terry hugged the man. Thanking him for releaseing his mother from the disease.

"Oh thank you ever so much kind sir" Terry chimed "I could not bare to watch her die as the others"

The Vampire stroked the boy as he hugged him. He looked down to the boys neck. There were the vien was that he would sink his fangs into. It seemed to pulsate at him. Taunting him to go on and do the deed.

"He will be dead soon" his mind uttered "Take him now before the illness conaumea him too" "Take him. "

The vamoires fingers mived to the spot where the vein taunted ta him. Stroking the soft tender skin if the youngster. He licked at his lips as he felt it. Felt as the blood coarsed through the channels pumping blood through his body. But also moving the illness to other areas of the boy. He wanted it. He wanted the boy. But something woild not let him commit the deed. Something made him pause and not just kill the lad he held. Damon pulled Terry from his hold and crouched down before him. Looking at the young face. So filled with hope. But unknowing of the death inside if his body.

"My lad" Damon said sternly "The affliction that has taken your family" "It is in you as well." "I must tell you this so you may know"

Terry didn't seem too surprised. He half smiled. The vampire looked at him oddly. Curious that the boy was not wailing with fear that he too would die. And thats when the boy reminded Damon of himself. Stronger than he should be amidst such horror. "Are you not afraid little one?" The vampire asked "I have seen so much death already sir" Terry answered "If I am to die. It is meant to be so"

The vampyre smiled at the boy. Then he patted his shoulder. Looking at those soft young hazel eyes. He stroked Terry's face. "But it will be an ugly death" he added "Then you shall release me sir" "As you did my mother."

Damon then fell quiet. Saddened by the words. He then pondered saving the boy. Making him immortal as he was. Could he do it. Then he would have another companion himself. So the centuries of his own loneliness wouldn't be so lonely. It was a thought. Then he stood. He gave the boy his hand and lead him from his home. He could not take his life. So he decided to take him. Contemplating freeing him from this life and bringing him to another.

"Come" he said "I shall take care of you until death comes"

Terry gave him his hand. And they left the home of his family. He looked back only once at the dim dark room. Where his mother lat in her death. But he knew he would never come back there. A tear did fall from his cheek. And he knew what followed was likely death. But he seemed to be at piece. And something inside said to him. 'You will be fine'. So he left with the beautiful stranger.

"Here. Eat" Damon had told him that evening. "You need to keep your strength for what is to come" "Yes sir" Terry answered as he looked at the bowl before him

Damin had taken him to his home. It was many males from the dread of the city. To his large estate in the country. He had his servants make a room for him and make a meal if strong soup to keep nourished. The vampires home was massuve compared to his families humble place. So many rooms and many servants. All there to cater to their master.

"Will they be okay from the illness out here" he asked "We all are here" Damon said "The servants drink my elixirs to keep them strong and healthy" "I cannot have them dying about after all. " "Are you a dictor?" The boy then asked

The Vampire smiled and saud no. He mentioned he was older than he appeared and had carried down through the years 'his families' options. And he brewrd them to stay young and healthy. "There is some in the soup" he said "It will help fight off the disease"

Terry smiled at this. Would he be able to get better with the aide of his keeper? Would he be able to live a normal life. But as he was about to take the soup down, he asked the question of Damon. Why did he not bring his mother there to give her this great potion. But the Vampire reminded him of how deep into the affliction his mother was.

"Even my potion could not save her my boy" he stated "And for that i am sorry" "It was best to ease her pain as i did" "Now eat"

Terry looked at the soup before him. Looking at the noodles as they floated around in the bowl. And with small pieces of some meat he assumed chicken. It smelled good so he ate it up. Damon sat there for a moment watching him eat.

"Thats a good boy" the man said "Just eat. It will help"

What Terry did nit know was thatvthere was blood in the soup. Small amounts of the vampires blood. The creature kept viles of his blood un the cold for such use. A drop of vampire blood could easily kill many insignificant virruses. But something as powerful as this disease wiping out families in just weeks, even a vampires blood had difficulties killing. But at least his blood qpuld slow down the progression.like an antibiotic to many infections.

"This will sustain him" Damon said as he left the boy. "But only turning him will save him" "But can I do that to him?"

Damon considered this change to Terry. It was not an easy change. It was like a death in itself. He did not want to put this boy through any more pain. "He has been through so much" he huffed

Then he went to his chambers to rest. A dark room, not a coffin as many believe. This is another tale rold of vampires that is not true. Though they are sensitive to the light, it will not kill them. Their eyes are just highly sensitive to the brightness. So if they do go out in day. Which in Damon's time was near never. They stayed away from direct sun light for it did hurt their eyes. They didn't have sunglasses like they do now. So Damon slept dor a while. He would go back out to feed later.

"I hope that he can help me" Terry said to himself "Maybe if I eat lots of soup"

Terry got up and left the room he was in. He figured he would find the servant to awe if hw could get some more. He did come across one of them in the dark halls if the house. So he asked where the kitchen was. She looked at him with fear. Then told Terry to go back to his room.

"You must obey the master" she said "Go back to your room boy" "I shall bring you more later"

She grabbed the bowl as she scooted him back to his room. He then sat there in the chair and waited. Hoping that the strange man would come back. It was a few days later that Terry's symptoms began. He started to habe troubled breathing. And his chest hurt. Alot. So he himself surmised that the potion was not working. The servant came in to his room to give him something to eat again. But saw his trouble. She touched hia face to feel the fever on him. Then went get a cool towel to wipe his face down.

"You are very ill" she said "I will get the master"

So she went out and a few minutes later Damon stepped into the room. He sighed as looked upon the sickly boy. He touched his head. Feeling the sweat and heat on his face. He hoped that his blood would help Terry. But this thing inside his small body was too strong.

"Damn!" he grumbled "How I had hoped this would be delayed" "You should release the boy" the servant chimed "He is so young to be made to suffer so"

Damon looked down at the woman. His eyes seemed to light up in flame as she gazed at him. Then she pulled back and cringed at his steely gaze.

"Get out!" He then ordered her

She bowed and left him to the boy. Damon syroked Terry's head and face. Almost tenderly.

"I am sorry my boy" he said "It seems I have failed you" "No..." Trrry coughed "No you have not sir" "You tried. And thats all that matters"

The boy weezed and coughed more. Then a spittle of blood came out of his mouth. Small but enough to tell Damon that there was no alternative. Either he put the boy out if his misery, or save him the only way he could. So he let the boy decide.

"Do you wish to live my son?" he asked.

Terry looked up at the man curiously. Why would he ask such a thing if there was nothing left to be done.

"I am to die. Am I not?" He asked again "Well boy." Damom then said "I tried one manner" "It was a futile hopw" "But I know I can save you."

Terry's brow furled as he did not understand. If there was a sure way to rid him of the disease. Why did he not do so already. "But?!" He started to ask

Then the vampire hushes him. Putting his hand to the boys lips. Then he pulled up a chair and sat next to Terry. Then he proceeded to explain what he was to the boy. And what to could do.

"Let me tell you a story my son" he started...... ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To be continued

Next: Chapter 6

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