Ali Baba Baths

Published on May 22, 2011


Ali Baba Baths 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have any comments send them to

I thought that once the floodgates were opened, all the men who frequented the baths would take advantage of me. This wasn't the case at all. Indeed, there were occasions I wanted more sexual experiences than the members could provide.

The men of the Ali Baba Baths were a relaxed group. In some ways, it was difficult for me to admit my cock was a part of my body and that sex was an important part of my life. All of the bath's patrons shared my interests, but seemed to be at ease with their sexual natures. They were normally willing to share their bodies with me.

Since sexual adventure was always available at the baths, one could be more relaxed. If you felt an intense desire for sex, someone at the bath was almost certainly willing to satisfy it. Someone was always willing to help you out at the baths. For a man with limited sexual experience such as me, they were not only willing to satisfy me, they were willing to expand my sexual repertoire.

I admit that before I went to the baths I would never have considered sucking a cock and I hadn't realized it was possible to take a cock in my ass. These activities should have been as foreign to me as the rites or sacrifices of a primitive tribe. In some ways, I was like a blind man who miraculously could see for the first time. I loved it all. Everything was exciting and thrilling. It made no difference if I was looking at an ugly or handsome man; it was all good.

I was so new to sex I was unaware of the range of men's approaches to sex. Everything was equally new to me. All was good. The penny-dreadful novels of the day were filled with stories of virgins despoiled by heartless rakes. I knew the men I was with were much more experienced than I was, and their "lessons" were deeply pleasurable to them. I didn't mind at all. If they found some extra enjoyment in my body, that was fine with me. I was a sponge willing to absorb sexual pleasure.

At the time, I didn't realize it, but my good initial experiences with man sex at the baths were due to Omar and Murad. Omar had good taste in men and tended to select men who were enthusiastic and fun. He preferred masculine men, many of whom were inexperienced when they first visited the baths. While it would be incorrect to say he had a training program, he had some friends who helped to introduce new members to the pleasures of man sex.

Apparently, my own introduction to these pleasures was rushed since I was so responsive and willing. I was a bit insulted when Omar told me this, but he assured me he meant that as a compliment. "This may sound strange to you, but it is often hard for a man to accept his true nature," Omar said, "It is sometimes much easier to accept hardship and even pain, than to enjoy pleasure. We are taught pain makes you stronger and pleasure makes you weak. This is nonsense of course. You are lucky that you can accept and enjoy pleasure; many men can't."

Murad played a different role. Omar was big and muscular like a strong man at the circus. While he was friendly, he was physically impressive and intimidating. He was gentle, but there was no question he had the strength to get his cock in your ass any time he felt the urge. Murad was smaller and physically unimpressive.

Certain types of men like to abuse weaker men. Sometimes the abuse is verbal. They like to make fun of the weak. Others like to embarrass men like Murad in front of others. Some men want to dominate smaller, weaker men.

This is a character flaw of the worst sort. I noticed Blackie would roughhouse with some of his bigger friends, but was always gentle with smaller pals. There was one older man we called Mr. Smith who was much smitten by Blackie. I got the impression Mr. Smith was an important man of some sort. Smith was not his name. When they were together, I was afraid Blackie might roll over a crush Mr. Smith. That never happened. One day I found Mr. Smith moaning in pleasure as Blackie skewered him on his massive cock. Somehow, Blackie got his entire organ in the frail man and Mr. Smith loved it.

Murad's small stature seemed to attract domineering men and when he found one, they soon were no longer welcome at the baths. Murad was always sexually generous, but always liked men who asked first. Murad found men who had problem and Omar excluded them form the baths.

The membership in the baths was varied in the extreme. There were laborers and millionaires in the group. We never discussed money and wealth. The only common denominator I could find was an interest in man sex. That interest had to be associated with a willingness to participate. Gustav told me there were men who wanted to visit the baths only to observe. Omar didn't like that. He felt watchers shortchanged the rest of the men. While sex was voluntary, watchers sometimes found themselves squirming on Omar's love pole. This was good for some of them, but others found it was easier to select more modestly endowed partners.

While Omar was a prosperous man, he seemed to be a sexual socialist. He often said, all cocks are created equal, and felt everyone should share the joy and the fruits of sex.

Of course, everyone came to the Ali Baba baths after a lifetime of hiding their sexual interests. Most men lived in terror fearing they might be found out, humiliated and embarrassed. It was difficult for many to make the transition for the cold and intolerant outside world to the warm and tolerant spaces of the Ali Baba baths. Nothing was rushed at the baths. While sexual delicacies were available for all, there was no requirement you take them. Men could progress at their own rate. Many men found the baths unbelievable at first. The baths hardly seemed real and it took a while for men to get use to the free and open ways,

There were no real rules as such. However, there were understandings. While these were flexible, they were mostly observed. The most important rule was that all sex was voluntary. While some men asked permission outright, most men arrived at an understanding before becoming intimate. Some men, such as me were always naked, but most wore a towel when not actually bathing.

When sitting in the steam room a man might let his towel slip, exposing his genitals. When this happened, other men might let their towels slip too. It was perfectly acceptable to rearrange one's cock and balls. I noticed man men seem to need to scratch an itch. Interested men would follow suit. Some might whisper compliments. Others would play with their foreskins and eventually peel it back to expose their cock heads.

Foreskin tended to capture any man fluids generated by sexual excitement. Once you exposed the cock head, the telltale bead of precum often appeared. Precum presented both a clear indicator of a man's interest, and a problem. Men have no control over their sex juices, so I loved it when the slippery goo made an appearance.

The problem was that Omar and Murad did not like many precum or sperm on the floors or seats. Fortunately, Murad had a taste for these manly juices and would lick them up. When he wasn't there, other men had to fill the gap. Gustav told me he liked to reach over and spread the bead over his potential playmates's entire cock head. "This gives the knob a beautiful shine and keeps it from dripping. For some shy men the touch is more acceptable than the tender caress of a tongue," he explained.

"Does not the touch excite the man further?" I asked.

"Of course it does. It is a slippery slope. The touch generates more fluid and eventually you need to lick it up. Men being men, a polite lick often turns into a fuller exploration."

"Eventually that must result in the thicker, creamy stuff," I observed.

Gustav smiled. "That it does!" he replied. "You have discovered me secret way to get the shy man to enjoy sex. By the way, you should be on the watch for a post orgasmic drool. The manly juices continue to flow well after the orgasm. Men often get up and leave immediately after they shoot off. Some men feel lonely after the orgasm. They can be more relaxed and receptive. If you clean up some of the later flow, they can be most appreciative. Some even discover they still have more to give. You can make friends easily."

"I think you are a calculating man!" I exclaimed.

"Think of me as an observant man," Gustav replied. "In many ways were profoundly ignorant of sexuality. Old wives' tales and religious obsessions dominate our thoughts. I don't think there is anything wrong with observing a man's reactions and using them to increase enjoyment. I study and watch men. When I find something that excites them greatly, I do it."

"What things excite you?"

"It is more exciting for you to discover those places on your own, than for me to tell you," Gustav replied. "Walter, you are an open book sexually. You are both responsive and demonstrative. I am reserved in many ways. As you continue your genital explorations of the Ali Baba men, you will find out all of our secrets. A secret discovered is more exciting than a secret explained."

The baths were scrupulously clean as were the men. You had to enter through the shower bath everyone cleaned and scrubbed themselves. Regular baths were still unusual in a city as big as New York. Having an apartment with a bath was expensive. In many tenements, there was a single bath per floor and most working men had little access to bathing facilities.

New men found this need to clean up, both embarrassing and exciting. You might think this was primarialy a problem of the lower orders, but it was much more general than that. A weekly or monthly bath was quiet typical and ones privates could easily become quite gamy. Perhaps it is due to our society's general ignorance of sexual matters, that many men weren't aware that almost all men ooze sexual juices when they are stimulated. Some were under the impression these juices were related to urine. This all took some explaining.

I was confused in my own mind. In my parents' home, there was only urine. My father mentioned no other bodily fluids. I would dream of asking him about any others. Omar explained it too me.

"A doctor explained it to me once," he said. "Most of the fluids a human body creates are waste. Snot, phlegm, piss and shit are all the unwonted remains of our body. The cock alone produced productive fluids. When a man becomes sexually excited, he begins to ooze a sweet slippery fluid. The doctor called it pre-ejaculatory fluid, but I call it joy juice. This lubricates the sperm tube, and if you ooze enough, it helps to lubricate whatever hole you are trying to poke your cock into!"

"Some men are mostly dry, others leak buckets of the stuff," he continued. "When you taste it in a dry man, you know he's excited. Once and a while you are sucking an unresponsive man. You know the kind of man who gives the impression he rather be reading a newspaper than being sucked off? Well when you taste the sweet stuff, you know he's ready. I think it may turn off the brain in your scull and turn on the little brain in your cock."

"After the joy juice flows the cream is rising," Omar said. "This is semen, man milk, sperm, or cock caviar. Sperm is each man's seed, his reproductive juices. It is thick and not as tasty as the joy juice, although it is plenty slippery. It usually spurts and doesn't drool. As far as I can tell there is an all but inexhaustible supply."

"There are some that claim you get weak or run out of the stuff if you drain your balls too often," Omar said. "I've been running these baths for five years and we have some prodigious sexual athletes here, and no one had run out yet. Maybe there is a limit for most men of five or six orgasms a day, but there are a few who have more than surpassed that limit. I do admit the distance you can shoot diminishes." We laughed.

Blackie recruited many men for the bath. He made friends easily and encouraged many men of his class to join. Fortunately, Blackie was also a leader of men. Many working class men felt a weekly or monthly bath was adequate. Others felt bathing was effeminate. When Blackie brought a potential new member to the bath, he always showered with the man, and converted the shower into foreplay. Blackie fully explored a man's recesses and darkest places. Once you associated bathing with sex, all was well.

One of his most exiting finds was Frank. Frank was a carpenter of average size, with sandy unkempt hair and a massive beard. He was shy about nudity, but had little to be shy about. His cock was average, but his balls were oversized and contained in an impressive hairy pouch. , Frank, was a particularly heavy leaker and was most responsive to any sexual stimulus. His cock would drool at the slightest inspiration. His cock didn't actually drool; it flowed. This embarrassed him greatly since he was a he was a man who wanted to keep his feelings private.

Frank did not warm up quickly to the exotic ways of the Baths. Blackie introduced him to us, but it took a while to accept us. Several weeks after the initial introduction, Frank came by himself. Omar was most welcoming.

Frank went to the locker room and then to the shower baths. This was a Friday night so most of the married men were home and I was the only one in the shower. Frank had always been there with Blackie, and he looked unsure about what to do. Much to my surprise Omar entered nude. Omar normally wore his Turkish robe, so it was unusual to see him entirely nude.

Omar later told me he wore the robe because he was normally semi-erect, and he liked to keep his cards hidden until he knew then lay of the land. This evening, all his cards were on the table, and Frank responded immediately. Omar was a big man and in the shower room, the bulk of his body provided some privacy. If anything, Omar was less shy than Blackie.

They had three of four minutes of quiet conversation, when Omar called me over to join them."Walter, Frank here has a problem with a leaky faucet," Omar said. "Murad is at the desk, can you help us out? We are having a nice conversation, but you know I like it neat!" I looked at Frank's organ. It was dripping cock juices that fell to the floor connected by a filament of his ball ooze.

"Of course," I replied as I dropped to the floor and took the drooling organ into my mouth. As I said his balls were huge, but his cock was average, so I could take the entire organ into my mouth. I swallowed it, and then pulled back, suctioning some of his sweet joy juice from his balls. I got a mouth full. I swallowed again. When I pulled back, there was even more of the sweet goo in my mouth.

"I'm sorry, I don't know how to keep that from happening," Frank whispered."It's embarrassing."

Omar smiled. "Man is not in control of his cock, don't worry," he replied. "Is it tasty, Walter?"

"It's sweet and plentiful," I said, than I added. "The man is a regular soda fountain!"

"I'm sorry!" Frank moaned.

"I don't think that was a complaint," Omar said. "Blackie told me you were a good leaker. That is a positive asset here at the Ali Baba Baths." Omar motioned for me to get up. He took my place at Frank's spigot. I had been under the impression that Murad had the real interest in man juices. I discovered Murad was a scout seeking out men for Omar. Omar loved it. Omar and I shared Frank's cock for the next hour. By the time we were done, Frank was comfortable.

Frank was both affable and pleasant, but he had another attractive characteristic. While he got excited easily, he had a hard time climaxing. The sweet juices began to flow as the slightest suggestion of sex, but he had a hard time finally ejaculating. For those who like manly juices, that was a blessing. Frank was happy sitting in the corner of the steam room with men sucking his ball juices for hours.

His balls struck me as stunningly productive. Not everyone found this attractive, but enough did to make Frank a popular man. Frank was shy and timid, but as he found friends, he began to explore his sexual potential. The men who love to milk his manly juices were enthusiastic and many were skilled. A number found ways to coax his man seed from his balls.

I'm not sure he understood the pleasure derived from his drooling cock for other men. He felt he should repay their kindness. He eventually fondled his playmates genitals. If the steam room were empty, he would lick a cock. Frank didn't actually suck the organ; he concentrated on the cock head. He seemed to like the tender knob especially the tender ridge that connected the foreskin to the cock.

I had just walked in the steam room when his tender ministrations achieved their natural result and Frank got a mouthful of sperm. The man he was sucking loved it; thanked him and left. I took a place at Frank's cock, which if course had been drooling at a great rate. A second later, he filled my mouth with sperm. I had never taken his before and almost felt honored.

I had Frank's entire organ in my mouth, so not a drop escaped. My lips were at the base of the cock, and my tongue caressed the sperm tube on the underside. When his ejaculations stopped, I continued to massage the underside of his cock with my tongue, milking the last remains of his orgasm. When I finally got up and left he whispered, "Thank you." That was a rare thing for the reticent man.

Frank developed a relationship with Col. Windner. Col. Windner was a blustery, slightly pompous man who tended to watch whenever he could. He was bald, but possessed copper-colored, mutton-chop sideburns of great size. His beefy body was covered in curly, copper hair. As I mentioned Omar didn't like watchers, and had poked the Colonel from the rear on one occasion. Omar's cock didn't fit well, and the Colonel was discomforted. While he was uncomfortable, Col. Windner came back, but made sure he was actively engaged in sexual activity whenever Omar was near.

This may have been harsh medicine for Windner, but he soon became more popular. When Omar made a surprise visit to the steam room, Windner went to Frank who was in the corner. Windner had sucked me several times but it was a perfunctory effort, without enthusiasm or skill. Windner seemed to love what he found dripping from Frank's cock. When Windner got up after a half hour of sucking, he was fully erect. Windner had no idea he was excited by Frank's cock drool. Windner was a beefy, almost fat man, and his cock was normally concealed under the shade of his gut. Not so after his time with Frank. He displayed a thick and massive organ.

Omar noticed it and complimented the colonel. Windner turned beet red. He was embarrassed. Omar stoked the organ and complimented Windner again.

I thought it was odd that Windner was comfortable with his cock concealed by fat, but embarrassed when he sported an impressive erection, but the mind is a strange thing sometimes. Later that day in the shower baths, Windner asked me how often Frank visited and when. I told him he came every day or two at dusk. It was late fall and masons could only work in daylight. It was cold and Frank came to warm up. I mentioned that I wasn't sure his rooming house was heated.

I tended to visit the Ali Baba after dinner at the school. My school's students were half "day boys" and half boarders. A number of the "day boys" parents dropped by during the day. While boarding school food is typically poor, our food was good. The families paid top dollar for their education at the school, and many knew members of the school board. They complained if this expensive school served starvation portions.

I began to notice that Col. Windner was at the baths quite regularly and he was often with Frank. They were a miss matched pair. Frank was lean and quiet; the colonel was fat and incessantly talkative. They got along well. The Colonel also had done some reconnoitering and discovered Franks tits were sensitive and playing with them increased the flow. Windner's finger explored Frank's ass. Windner was very gentle, but insistent. Frank enjoyed it all.

It was a cold winter and masons only worked when the temperatures were above freezing. Frank moved into Windner's house and served as a handyman during the lean months. Both men continued to frequent the baths. They enjoyed the warmth and sexual stimulus of the baths.

I eventually came to know both men well. I had misjudged Col. Windner. He was a much decorated officer who had served in the Indian Wars and had been a spy in Mexico. He was badly injured by bandits in Mexico and could no longer serve. He was bored to death with civilian life and longed for the camaraderie of army life.

He had never acted on his sexual tastes in the army, but the Ali Baba baths were a revelation to him. His longing for men had been entirely intellectual and spiritual. He was an officer; they were his men, his responsibility. He loved them deeply. At the baths, he had no idea how to convert his intellectual affection into physical passion.

He had a few false starts, but Frank's generous flow of manly juices was what he needed. Frank was the sort of man he had under his command, strong, manly, hard working, sensible and direct. I assumed they would have a master and servant relationship once Frank moved into Windner's house. That didn't happen. They were friends.

Col. Windner had commanded a troop of cavalrymen. Oddly, the men of the Ali Baba baths became his troop. Soldiers are rarely alone, they live and fight in a group. Windner loved Frank, but he needed a troop too. I must admit the men of the baths were not particularly obedient, but they were affable. For an army officer who had spent 35 years ignoring his sexual desires, the Ali Baba Baths gave him a chance to make up for lost time.

Next: Chapter 4

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