Ali Baba Baths

Published on Aug 11, 2011


The Ali Baba Baths 8 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have comments send them to

The next few weeks were busy at the school. The fire had left many of the students unsettled, so getting them calmed down enough to study science was a chore. I changed my class to study fire and gases. This was a great success. The students saw the fire as a random event such as a lightning strike. I discussed it as a natural phenomenon.

I was able to work in combustion and the production of gasses and well as air circulation. This interested the students and calmed them. Once you understand something one feels more in control. Mr. White sent one of his associates to explain fireproof construction. This was most interesting to my students.

The Headmaster received several notes from the parents commending me for my efforts. Fire is frightening under most circumstances, and ten of our students had been trapped on the upper floor of the burning building.

While I receive praise for my fast action, some teachers felt my working on the cleanup after the fire was inappropriate. It was ungentlemanly. I also associated with men who were not of my status. Firemen and construction workers were lower class men. They felt I should have left that to the school's janitors. I was entirely unapologetic about that. I asked if we would have been better if we had waited for a brigade of bankers and stockbrokers to come to our rescue, so our students could be save by gentlemen.

The Board of Trustees was most pleased by my actions, as were the parents. I tend to be well organized and had managed to save many of the students' possessions. The school laundry brigade did a wonderful job cleaning smoke damaged clothes. Mrs. O'Bannon, the head laundry woman was good and was able to work miracles. The headmaster had been afraid the fire would scare off students. Our quick response to the emergency was reassuring.

Everyone knows that fires happen. The school responded well, and both the students and the parents were reassured. There were several unexpected results of the fire. Mr. White's architectural firm, McKim, Meade and White did the rebuilding after the fire. The board decided to upgrade fire protection and exits in all school buildings.

The school hired the construction firm that employed Blackie to do all the new construction. Blackie's crew became a fixture at the school. While I was busy, I still had time to get to the baths. One Sunday I was surprised to find Blackie there with Captain Malloy, the fireman. I never understood how Blackie made contact with men. The captain looked uneasy. I assumed this was his first trip to the Ali Babba.

He was wearing a towel. Blackie was nude. I was naked. Malloy was afraid to take a look, but he cast furtive glances at both Blackie and me. Blackie was more impressive, my own equipment was more accessible. We chatted for a while and Malloy relaxed some.

"My friend here his seven children and his good wife had cut him off," Blackie explained. "She says seven is too many. You know I am a charitable man and I wanted to help him out. No one wants a tense fireman."

I smiled. "You are a humanitarian."

"Wait until I am finished with my story before you praise me," Blackie continued. "We talked about his situation. Malloy doesn't like streetwalkers. He could only afford the least expensive ones, and they're no good. Now I just happened to let it slip that I knew a man who had an ass that could meet his needs. Malloy didn't believe me."

"I'm really not sure about this," Malloy whispered.

"Relax, it's fine," Blackie replied. Blackie was a convincing man. "Walter is a good, friendly man. I told you nothing goes beyond the walls of the baths, not a word. It's a place when you can let your hair down and no one minds."

"It ain't my hair I'm thinking about," Malloy whispered. Blackie and I laughed. "Damn, I have three weeks of cum built up in me! I've never done anything like this before. There are other men in the room."

"They've all seen it before," Blackie said. "To tell you the truth, they've all done it a few times too! You don't need to do anything. We'll take care of everything."

"I'm really loaded. I make a big mess. Bridget hates that," Malloy replied. I noticed that wasn't exactly a refusal.

"That's not going to be a problem here," Blackie said. "You are a bit overdressed for the stream room. Take off your towel and close your eyes." Malloy did as he was told. He was uneasy, but Alonzo and Gustav walked by, naked and fully erect. They met Fergus and Gustav played with Fergus' foreskin. Malloy opened his towel.

I was annoyed Blackie had volunteered me to take care of Malloy's problem. I liked Malloy, and I too seemed to do what Blackie wanted. He was that sort of man.

I assumed I would suck; Malloy would shoot off, and then I would swallow. This is what Malloy and I expected. Malloy later told me he didn't expect me to swallow. He thought he would hose down the steam room as he spurted his semen and would have to clean it up. It would be a utilitarian interlude. That's not what happened.

Malloy wanted some quick, tension release sex; he needed a full-scale, no holds barred passionate sex. He warmed up quickly. Afterward, he told me he had never seen naked except in the dark and a tongue had never touched his privates. He had unusually think foreskin, but his cock had grown enough to part the skin and I could see the tip of his cock head and the slit.

I extended my tongue and touched the tip. Malloy shivered in excitement and a glob of his ball juices emerged. I took the tip of his cock into my mouth and worked my tongue into the space between the head and the skin. He came close to ejaculating pre cum. His ball juices were both plentiful and tasty. Life is full of surprises and Malloy was a joy to suck. He rewarded every movement of my tongue with a glob of fresh juice and a shiver.

Blackie had to hold him down at first; his reaction to my tongue's magic was that strong. He calmed down and eventually only his cock twitched as I sucked. Malloy had a large cock head on a curved shaft. The head seemed to be exceptionally sensitive.

When I took a breather, he asked me if he had to suck me. I told him no, unless he wanted to suck me. I had noticed before that by leaving it up to your partner, ones chance of being sucked later greatly improved. Most men have a sense of fair play.

Alonzo, Gustav and Fergus had joined us and they were playing with Blackie. Alonzo and Fergus were kissing as Gustav eased his cock into Fergus' ass. Gustav was shorter than Fergus and his cock fit into the ass while Fergus stood. Blackie was on his knees sucking both Alonzo and Fergus. Malloy liked watching Gustav's cock probing Fergus's ass. I knew what he wanted.

I got on my hands and knees and Malloy was ready. We didn't need any lubricant since Malloy oozed so much. Malloy went at it like a mad man until Blackie got him to slow down. Eventually I got on my back and he fucked me with my legs bent back over my chest. This was spectacular for me. The curve of his cock made him hit all the right places.

He began to kiss me as he pumped. A minute or two later his balls let loose their loads. I could feel him shooting in my ass. He was shivering and twitching with each ejaculation. He finally pulled out. He looked at the men around us as if they would pity him. Alonzo dropped to his knees and slurped up the remains of his orgasm.

"Damn, that was beautiful," Gustav said. "Just beautiful." I don't think that was the reaction he expected. Malloy looked relieved. Every once and a while you think you have failed only to discover you won the race. That was the way Malloy looked.

Blackie put his arm around him. After a orgasm as massive as Malloy's, he needed some comfort. Malloy didn't lose his erection after the orgasm. He was still hard and still drooling sperm. It was lovely.

Malloy was ready to get going again and half hour later. He had just discovered the joys of man sex and wanted to do it again. As a new man at the baths, the members wanted to make him feel welcome. Malloy was like a bear that had just discovered a pot of honey. For a man who had been so uneasy a short time earlier, Malloy made friends easily.

I assumed he would stay near Blackie and me, but he was an independent sort and open to all the possibilities. By the time, he left the steam room his beard was dripping with sperm and his own man seed was in the rectums of three men. The afternoon was success.

As I walked home after school on Wednesday, I ran into Malloy a few blocks from the baths. I knew this wasn't by accident. The fire station was nowhere near where we met.

"I want to thank you," he said. "I was scared and you were as nice as a man could be," he said.

"I had a good time and think I should be thanking you," I replied.

"It wasn't the way it is with Bridget. I felt warm and welcome," he said under his breath. "I'd never been sucked before and I've never sucked one. It wasn't what I thought it would be. I thought it would be. . ."

"Well it is a bath," I said.

"It wasn't just that. I'm not sure I've been with someone who wanted it," he continued. "Bridget did it because it was a woman's duty. She never really enjoyed it. My brother does it whenever he wants whether his wife wants it or not. I can't do that. Bridget gets pregnant almost every time."

I leaned close to him. "Well I can assure you, I won't do that!" He burst out laughing.

"You are the science master at the school. You should know," he continued. He dropped his voice. "Do you think we could do it again?" I nodded.

"The Ali Baba Baths is a welcoming place."

"Does everyone there like it as much as they seemed to like it?" he asked. "It seemed too good to be true."

"I've been going to the baths for over six months now. There are many different men, but they are all friendly and accommodating," I said. "Omar doesn't let anyone join unless they are easy to get along with."

"There are two other men at the Station who might like to visit," Malloy said.

"You have been busy!"

"Not really, I knew about these men before. They are good firefighters and one saved my life," he explained. "I saw them together once. They didn't know I saw them. Officially, I should have turned them in, but a good firefighter is a good firefighter. I'm pretty sure they would like a place to go where they can't be exposed, a safe place."

"The baths are safe," I said. "I go there almost every day. I'd be glad to introduce them to Omar."

"When do you go?" he asked.

I told him I usually went after dinner at the school, usually at 7:30. We agreed to meet on Friday and visit the baths again. Malloy went off in another direction. I continued in to the baths and told Omar about the conversation. He was enthusiastic he was also willing to give them a discount if they enjoyed the place.

At 7:30 on Friday, I met Malloy and three friends and we went to the baths. Apparently, his friend had other friends. He introduced me to them as Robert, George and Sean. All had pronounced accents. They were all big, burly men. Fire fighting was heavy work, even with modern steam engines. One of the men I recognized had been at the school fire. They were nervous, but excited.

Fridays tended to be the bachelor nights, since the married men had to go home to their families. Omar was welcoming as usual, and Murad took us to the locker room. The bath had electric lights and skylights in many of the rooms. At night, the interior was dim. That was good for my nervous firemen. They didn't feel exposed.

The shower bath was a great success. Some Fire Houses had converted to showers but others still had baths. The showers were easy, fast and let the men see the bath's members nude. They were a bit shy at first, but soon realized there was no need to hide one's privates here. They also realized it was acceptable to look.

I had become accustomed to the nudity at the baths, but for most men simply seeing other men nude was exceedingly rare. It simply didn't happen unless one went swimming in a river or stream. That could occur in rural areas, but was not possible in gigantic cities like New York or Brooklyn. It is safe to say that my firemen and the regular patrons of the baths formed a mutual admiration society.

I tend to plan things out in advance, and had no idea how to introduce these men to the joys of man sex. I didn't know how experienced they were, nor if they were as open-minded ad the Bath's members. All my planning and worrying came to naught. The men of the Bath were interested in firemen, and they made their own introductions and came to their own arrangements.

It didn't make any difference what the firemen wanted; someone was willing to do it for him. The firemen could pick and choose. Robert and Sean got along well; George seemed shyer. He attracted me. Malloy, Robert and Sean were all Irish, George was a Scot and more reserved.

He was a ginger bear, with a massive, bushy beard and a coat of curly red hair from his neck to his ankles. It didn't show up well in the dim light, but he seemed to have a halo when the light was behind him.

George was the biggest of the men and the most muscular, but the least aggressive form a sexual point of view. It is curious that one's actual physical condition isn't always reflected in your personality. If you saw George, you would guess he was a hearty fellow with a taste for bar room brawls. His face had several scars, as did his body. They were due to injuries sustained in a rescue. Bar room, brawl and heroic rescue scars all look the same. He was also the least experienced of the four firemen.

I was planning to remedy that condition, when Omar joined us. Normally he wore his robe and let it fall open at strategic times. He was robe less and semi-erect. Omar saw me sitting with George and came over to us. Since we were sitting and Omar was standing, we were face to cock. Omar did his standard, "I hope you enjoy our little bath," routine. This gave George some gazing time with the cock in his face.

Omar was about George's size and Omar's organ seemed to inspire George. George's cock barely peaked out of his bush. The bush was a tangle of copper hair and you almost wondered if it was lost I the forest. It began to peek out. George had extra foreskin. What I had thought was the tip of his cock was just the tip of the skin. The cock was an inch or more to the rear.

As he talked with Omar, I slipped to the floor and sucked on George's emerging cock. I sucked the skin into my mouth and then got my tongue into the skin wrapper. George had seemed uneasy in the steam room, but he had been pumping out sex juices the whole time. The taste was intoxicating. It was as if it had fermented inside the thick skin. I had only a short while to enjoy that before his cock head grew and stretched the skin.

As luck would have it, my tongue first touched his oozing slit and I got to taste his fresh home brew. His knob was huge, but I managed to force my tongue into the gap between the tender underside of his cockhead and the skin. The organ was tender and responsive. He shivered.

"He doesn't need to do that," George whispered to Omar.

"Let me assure you, it is no problem for him, or indeed for any man who patronizes the Ali Baba Baths," Omar said. "Let me make that clearer, far from being a problem, it is a pleasure and a joy."

"I'm afraid I may shoot off," George complained.

"Don't worry about that," Omar said in his most reassuring voice. "This is an all male club. Our rules reflect that. Outside the Baths, the world had many rules and restrictions as to what is, and more importantly, is not acceptable behavior. We have many fewer rules in the baths, the most important rule, other than to be polite to the other men at the baths, is that that there are no restrictions on ways men can feel pleasure. It is also incumbent on our patrons to share pleasure and to help our friends and acquaintances experience pleasure,

"Every man's male organ makes a rich combination of juices and fluids," he continued. "We all know the more excited we get the more we ooze, drip or spurt. If this is a necessary part of the pleasure, why not rejoice in it? I once thought it was just messy. Now I rejoice in it. What could be friendlier that to give pleasure to a friend and then taste his own seed?"

George began to spurt and I was there to take it. I don't know how long he had saved his seed, but I still had a mouthful after I swallowed twice. Omar kissed me and coated his tongue in George's cream. George looked shocked at this, but he had another major ejaculation. It splattered on Malloy. He looked and saw it came from George. The Irishman then collected the sperm on his finger and licked it. George's cock twitched, but didn't shoot.

Aldred entered the room and came over to George and me. He looked George in the eye and I knew they would get along. I went with Omar to see how the other firemen were doing. When I came back, George was on the floor, gently sucking Aldred's organ.

Robert and Sean were in a cock-suckers heaven. They had the look of children in a candy store. There were so many cocks, they wanted to try them all. That wasn't a sophisticated approach, but it had the advantage of making friends easily. I found Robert in a corner with three men. Two were sharing his cock as he sucked a third. He began shooting, and covered the heads of the two suckers in cream. They were good sports.

Sean was feeding Alonzo his manly juices. Alonzo was always appreciative. Malloy was with a man I didn't know. The man was on his hands and knees. Malloy unloaded his balls and all was well.

By now, all four firemen had climaxed and they regrouped in a corner of the shower. There was a certain amount of post orgasm let down, but they were strong vigorous men. While their cocks were still dripping form the previous orgasms, I could tell their juices were beginning to rise. The man Malloy had fucked was in the floor licking any cock that was dripping.

Next: Chapter 9

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