Alien Wet Bar

By moc.eriflegna@skrew_retaw

Published on Jun 29, 1999


Alien Wet Bar

Warning: Water sports, urination theme

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I was piloting my shuttle near the known border of our section of space when it hit me. A strong tractor beam was tugging me towards that blip that had appeared on my screen just seconds ago. I'm in deep shit... was my last thought as a powerful beam lanced through space. Darkness enveloped me so fast, I never saw the huge craft that swallowed my tiny ship into it's maw.

I awoke slowly, my first impressions telling me I was naked, I was cold, and I was on the floor. I opened my eyes and blinked in the weak light. After a few minutes I felt more alert, and got up off the cold floor. A few guys, all naked like myself, were milling in a corner with me. Several other things, presumably alien life forms, were shifting about the rest of the room. I wrapped my arms around myself to ward off the chill. While it wasn't freezing, it was just cool enough to be uncomfortable to a man with no clothes on. The room was not overly large, but there were several benches and a small fountain in the middle of it. Water tinkled like bells as it cascaded gently down the side of the fountain into a small pool. In some ways, it was rather tranquil, though I sensed the others were somewhat tense.

I tried talking to them, but they were obviously not from Earth. Oh, they were humanoid, but they either refused to speak to me at all, or they did not speak my language. I spent half an hour trying to communicate and find a way out. The only way in or out seemed to be a solid metal door with windows that were too high for me to see out of. I understood why they were so high when some nasty looking beings strode through the door. They had to be a good nine foot tall, brown eyes the size of plates and fleshy looking mouths, large bodies covered in a fine brown sort of fuzz. They had huge hands with yellowed claws and made snuffling noises to each other. They approached several of us and handed out metal containers. A human next to me began drinking greedily, so I took one. A straw popped up and I took a tentative sip. It was not a warm bowl of soup, which I really could have used, but it wasn't bad. The others drank theirs down, and the tall beings who came in refused to take mine until I had finished it all. Since I didn't know when next I would get nourishment, I obliged. They never made any reaction to my attempts at communication, and left shortly.

After a while, the doors opened again. This time several beings crowded the entry. I didn't know what was going on, so I hung back. A humanoid and several others were herded into the room, and some of the ones who had been with me were grabbed in huge paws and shuttled out through the door. I got a glimpse past the door, the room beyond was slightly brighter, and definately warmer. I decided I was going to crowd up to the front next time that door opened and see if I could escape that way. Just then I realized I had to piss. I glanced around, hoping to effect some sort of modesty, and stood in front of the wall to relieve myself. Before a drop ever hit the floor, a strong hand shot out and grabbed my penis, squeezing hard. I gasped and elbowed the guy under the chin. I recognized him as one of the guys who had just come in from the warm room.

"Get the hell away from me!" I growled, deciding if he didn't understand the words, he could probably figure out my feelings about being fondled by my tone of voice.

"I'm trying to save your life, asshole."

He dropped his death grip on my prick and shoved me up against the cold wall. In a moment of horror, I recognized him. He was a pilot like myself, missing for three months, probably captured the same way I was.

"If you piss in here, they will kill you if they find out it was you." A quick look at the other humanoid's angry faces made me listen. "If they don't know who it was, we all get beaten. So you hold it. Got it?" He shook me roughly, but I read some concern in his eyes. Not just for himself, but for me as well.

"You're part of the border patrol, aren't you?" I asked. He was a fairly well built man, with a graying beard and well muscled shoulders.

"Yeah. They picked me up a while ago."

"It's been a few months." He nodded and released his grip on my arms. "Tell me what's going on? None of the others will talk to me."

He glanced around the room. "Most of 'em aren't earthers, so don't take it personally." I shook his offered hand. "Malcom, call me Mal. I'll clue you in as fast as I can before they take you out." He put his arm around my shoulder and lead me over to one of the benches.

"First off, if you play by the rules, they won't kill you. Secondly, if you don't play by the rules, they will kill you."

"Comforting. My name's Jake. What are the rules?"

Mal laughed a little. "This is gonna sound weird, but you have to remember, you are dealing with an alien life form. They aren't like us, and they don't like the same things we do. As it is, we're lucky they breathe oxygen, otherwise we'd never survive." Mal scratched his chin, he seemed unsure how to explain this to me.

"Go on," I encouraged.

"They drink piss. Basically."

"WHAT?" I yelled as I grimaced to show my disgust. While kinkier games were not beyond me, I had never gotten into the golden shower thing. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

"Well, since earthers have entered space, we've been dumping our waste in it. Some of the aliens have come across these containers and examined them. And apparently, for some aliens, it's a delicacy. Once word got out that we were water-based life forms, they have been shadowing the borders of our range, picking us off every now and then. Not enough to draw too much attention. I imagine a token investigation went on after I disappeared?"

I thought back. "Yes, but very small. They figured you went wacky and just shot yourself off into space."

He nodded sadly. "Not that the company could do anything even if they knew where I was. And they will do the same now that you are gone. You have to try not to think about it too much, just concentrate on surviving." He indicated beyond the metal door. "Out there is a bar of sorts. They will take you out, and sit you in the racks on the bar. The aliens will take your dick in their mouths, and uh...suck on you." Mal was nearly fidgeting by this time. "All you have to do is let go. They'll lap it up, and then you're back in here with the rest of us."

I hugged myself, trying to wrap my mind around this concept. "Does it hurt at all?"

Mal chuckled. "Oh no. In fact, if these guys were as hot for cum as they are for piss, I would be a happy camper. They have soft, wet mouths. And they do try to be gentle, although they are amazingly strong."

By now I was really having to go and I stood to pace. Mal stayed by my side, offering me encouragement. "You said they would kill me if I didn't play by the rules..."

"Yes. To them, having you piss in here is like pouring expensive wine on the floor. If they catch you doing it, they think you will do it all the time, and you become useless to them. And trust me, the rest of this bunch in here will rat on you in a heartbeat if the big guys don't see you doing it. No one wants to get a beating, they are too strong."

By now even pacing was not helping. I was obligated to squeeze off my cock to keep from pissing. The coolness of the room, the tinkling water in the was all calculated to make me have to go! "They know what works, don't they?" I asked, indicating the fountain.

"Oh yeah, they've been doing this for a while. And that drink they gave you? Mostly water and I suspect a diuretic. You'll be ready to burst by the time that door opens." Mal herded me towards the door. Now I understood why the others clamoured to be chosen. If you didn't get picked when you had to go, you ran the risk of pissing yourself and losing your life. I bit my lip to distract myself from the pressure in my bladder. I didn't hink I had ever been so full.

Ten minutes later, and I was crossing my legs, my grip on my cock so tight it began to turn colors. Mal kept talking to me, trying to distract me and keep me from listening to the fountain. He put his arms around me to keep me as warm as he could, but I was gonna lose it soon. Several others were with us by the door, each being displaying discomfort in some way. The thing that had looked like a walking jellyfish when I came in was bloated and turning a pale pink.

To our collective relief, the doors swung open. Apparently several patrons had finally bought another round! A large, furry brown guy wearing some sort of apron grabbed the jellyfish alien and hauled it out. Then it turned back and Mal shoved me into it's grip, elbowing some of the other beings aside. "Good luck kid!" he called. I was thrust into the warmth, and grit my teeth to keep from pissing. The big guy brought out a few more of us, then began loading us onto the bar.

It was indeed a bar, a long counter ran the length of the room, with seats on one side where large, furry creatures sat, snuffling and snorting to each other. The lights were not very bright, but I could make out their huge, liquid eyes. Before I had a chance to observe more, I was hoisted into the air and plopped into a cold metal seat which was situated on the bar, angled so that the being in front of me had clear access to my genitals. I groaned as I tried not to start my stream right there.

My legs were splayed on either side of his head, and I stared down my dick at the two plate sized eyes which regarded me. I couldn't find a nose to speak of, but it opened it's mouth, which was nothing more than a fleshy hole under it's eyes. I suddenly found myself trying to crawl backwards in the uncomfortable metal seat as it engulfed my dick in one gulp! I gave a small scream as I watched my cock disappear, envisioning him biting it clean off. What was worse...there was something in it's throat! I could feel a small something wriggling around my piss hole.

"Don't worry. It soon alright." A soft voice to my left. Another humanoid sitting in the metal seat on the bar next to mine, this one thin and pasty white with white hair and black eyes. Not of earth, but he obviously had picked up some of the language. "He not hurt you, just relax."

My legs were churning, trying to get away. "Wha...what the hells down his throat?" Despite the warm wetness of it's mouth, I was in a panic.

"It is...uhm...vestigal tongue? It not hurt you. Here, relax."

His voice was soothing, and I stopped struggling. Then he took my hand and set it in a bowl of warm water on the bar, presumably for just this sort of thing. I looked deep into the eyes of my "patron" and felt his tiny, probing tongue tickling my penis. He reached up a paw and gently poked me in the bladder to encourage me; I couldn't take it anymore.

I leaned back against the chair and felt my muscles relax. I felt my warm stream hit his "tongue" and swirl around my cock head. I placed my hands on his head and felt him suck gently. I groaned as I relieved myself. I was pissing down this things throat! He swallowed and his wet muscles gently massaged my dick. Hot piss washed over me each time he swallowed, and it felt so good! My nipples contracted and I shivered. The thing had a firm hold of my hips, my legs on his shoulders, and I combed my fingers through the fur on it's head. I kept pissing and pissing, almost sorry to have it end.

When he had milked me dry, he took away that soft wet mouth and I nearly grabbed it to force him back. Mal was right...these guys would be great for sex! My "patron" was smacking the lips of it's mouth and making snuffling noises while gesturing excitedly with it's hairy arms. I just sat with a contented smile on my face. I had never been so uncomfortable and now relished the empty feeling. I looked at my "patron" again. He was covered in the brown fur of his bar mates, but I noticed he had a reddish streak down his chest, forming a sort of V shape. The elfin man to my left who had helped me relax was excited now too, and I turned a questioning look at him.

"You lucky!" he sighed.

"Why's that?"

"You are...uhm...chosen exclusive!"

I scowled. "What does that mean?"

He pointed a thin finger at me and the creature who had just drunk my piss. "He like your water very much! You to be the vessel of this Jourgh, to be drunk by no other. You will be treated well, and never harmed."

Well, that was a relief! I looked at my "patron" and smiled slightly. He seemed to have calmed down some, and was busy snuffling and clicking with the bar tender, who shuffled off. The Jourgh returned his attention to me, and I gave him a tight lipped smile. He made a grunting sound, and gently stroked my head, like I was a pet. The bartender returned with a four inch square of paper and began to smooth it over my thigh. I looked at the thin man. "What's this?"

"You wear the tag. You are this Jourgh vessel."

Oh great, I would sport a label. Hey, it beat having to worry about getting myself killed over loss of bladder control. Besides, how much would it hurt to wear a label for a while?

It did hurt. A LOT. After the bartender got the paper substance affixed to my leg, he wetted it down and I began to feel a burning sensation. In a matter of seconds, my leg felt like it was on fire! The Jourgh and the bartender both had to hold down my arms and legs while I struggled and screamed. It was some sort of acid, and it was eating into my skin! Through a haze of pain, I heard the thin man muttering about being lucky to wear the tag. At that moment, I was feeling less than lucky, but then the burning subsided somewhat and the bartender removed the paper. Biting my lips to keep from whimpering, I looked at my thigh. The skin was raw and bubbled, but in a somewhat decorative shape. It was like a three dimensional tattoo, and I would have to gouge out my skin to ever get it off. I was now quite perminately marked.

The Jourgh was making a weird clicking sound deep in it's throat, and pulled me off the metal chair on the bar and into an embrace. While I struggled not to be suffocated in fur, it gently stroked my back and crooned in its own way. It obviously understood pain, and even better, didn't wish it on its pets. I snuffled a bit and buried my head in its fur, trying hard not to concentrate on my throbbing leg. The fur did not smell badly, though its odor was strong so close to it. I dug my fingers into the thick mat and felt steel hard muscles underneath. One swat from its giant paw, and I would be floor tileing. I resolved not to cross any Jourghs while I was in this hell hole.

Having satisfied himself that I would indeed survive, the Jourgh gingerly handed me back over the bar to the bartender, who ushered me back into the cold room. I was nearly squashed by several beings hoping to get chosen to be let into the bar, causing considerable pain to my leg. I was in a state of shock, and did something I hadn't done since I was a child. I couldn't help it, I just started to cry. Two large tears made it down my face before a rough looking humanoid with scales on his skin ran up to me and began licking my cheeks. At first I was moved by this seemingly act of kindness, when Mal punched him square in the back and drug me off to the far side of the fountain.

Mal lay me on one of the stone benches and tried to keep me warm. "Wh...why'd you do that for?" My weak voice made Mal scowl at me with worry.

"He was after your salt, Jake. If you're going to cry in here, you make sure you do it around me. Got it?" I nodded weakly. "Now....I hafta get myself up to the front or I'm in for it. You stay here and try and keep awake. You're doing great kid, got yourself a Jourgh mark first time out. Damn few are that lucky!

My despair almost returned when Mal left, but to my surprise the thin, elfish alien that had been in the seat next to me at the bar sat down. I looked into his jet black eyes and tried to relax.

"You feel better now."

I couldn't tell if it was meant as a question or statement, but I nodded. "You speak my language."

"I been here a time. I like talk many things."

"Well, your speech could use some improvement...." I sat up slowly, trying not to sound so bitter. It wasn't his fault my leg was killing me, although he seemed to think it was a great privelage or something. I looked over his smooth, naked body, but found no label. "You marked by a Jourgh?"

He made a whooshing sound and shook his head. "No. My water too, uhm, milky. Jourghs like thin water. Like you!" He pointed at me and flashed a row of needle sharp teeth in a semblance of a smile. The effect was kinda creepy, but I tried not to offend him.

"So...why do you think it's so great to have this label, anyway?" Might as well find out all I could.

" exclusive vessel of Jourgh who marks you. Any time you get to go."

I blinked, trying to wrap my mind around the concept. "'re saying if I have to go...I just go to the door? They'll let me out?"

He bobbed his head, flashing those teeth. "You not to be killed, mark protected. No other may sip you."

I sighed. I supposed that was something good. At least I could get used to my particular Jourgh. "Do they have names?"


"Yes, do they have individual names?"

He started to shake his head, but was distracted as two humans approached us. One was in bad shape, shaking and whimpering. he was gonna lose it for sure, and I wondered why his friend was pushing him towards the fountain. Maybe they intended to piss in the water and hope no one noticed?

"'ve got a mark..."

I touched the wound tentatively, wondering how I was going to fight off infection. "Yeah, and it hurts like hell."

"My buddy's gonna lose it here. You have a mark. It's your duty to help him out."

"Uh, I'll do what I can. But what do you expect me to do?" I doubted I had enough authority to demand the bartender pick his friend next. Again, my elfin friend came to my aid.

"You a vessel help with others....drink what they not hold."

I blinked slowly. "Say What?"

The human shoved his friends dick towards me. "You heard the man, it's your duty now that your one of those. You gotta drink some man...he's gonna die if you don't."

I stared in disbelief as tears welled in the eyes of the shaking man who had his penis in a death grip. Did they really expect me to drink his piss?? I looked over at my elfin friend, who helpfully flashed his needle teeth and nodded his head. There was no way I was going to do way! I looked desperately at the door for Mal, but he had already been taken out to the bar. I swallowed nervously as others began to stalk over with unhappy expressions, staring fixedly at me.


Will Jake have to drink another man's piss to save his life? Does Mal give a rat's ass about him? Will Jake have to take it up the ass to get some salt pills? And who is "Bob?" Send me feedback and encourage me to tell you...

Next: Chapter 2

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