Alien Wet Bar

By moc.eriflegna@skrew_retaw

Published on Jul 29, 1999


Alien Wet Bar 2

Warning: Water sports, urination theme, sci-fi some violence at the end

Feedback to:

Sequel: Please read Alien Wet Bar, or none of this will make a lick of sense.

Thanks: To all the folks who wrote and asked for more!

continued from part one.....

"You a vessel help with others....drink what they not hold."

I blinked slowly. "Say What?"

The human shoved his friends dick towards me. "You heard the man, it's your duty now that your one of those. You gotta drink some man...he's gonna die if you don't."

I stared in disbelief as tears welled in the eyes of the shaking man who had his penis in a death grip. Did they really expect me to drink his piss?? I looked over at my elfin friend, who helpfully flashed his needle teeth and nodded his head. There was no way I was going to do way! I looked desperately at the door for Mal, but he had already been taken out to the bar. I swallowed nervously as others began to stalk over with unhappy expressions, staring fixedly at me.

Automatically, my head started shaking no. I didn't want to do this! Some of the other beings started to poke at me, but I shoved their hands away, as did my elfin friend. He then patted my arm in a soothing gesture.

"You a vessel now. You must do. It not bad as you know."

I glanced at the young man who was beginning to look very pale. He was actually kinda sweet looking in a way, his blonde whispy bangs hanging over blue eyes that were half shut. It made him look quite young. It would suck to die out here on this weird planet because you couldn't hold it anymore. My heart felt for him. Could I really do this?

"Hey, you got the mark! You help him out, he'll help you." The bigger man stared pointedly at me. "It's how things work here, got it? You can waltz out there anytime you want, so you gotta help the ones who can't hold it. See?"

I closed my eyes and grit my teeth. No doubt several others would drink from each other in times of great need, but you first had to form a strong alliance. I briefly wondered why Mal had not offered to help me out that way when I first showed up, but I also realized the Jourgh would probably get rid of you if you didn't produce enough piss to serve them. You were better off trying to hold it, if you could. Besides, any extra fluid you drank endangered yourself, if you were not careful. Being an "exclusive vessel" was a great asset in that sense, I could go anytime I wanted. No wonder then that the others considered it my duty to relieve them. I opened my eyes and looked at the young man who now stood alone, the other guy had walked off to leave him to his fate. The young man pleaded with his eyes, and spoke a few words in a dialect I was not familiar with. He had no allies and no more time. I nodded slowly and he stepped eagerly to me, his cock head quivering in his tight grip.

I felt the warm skin of his penis on my lips. I wasn't really gonna do this, was I? I wanted to run. The pain in my leg from my "label" was throbbing again, and my mouth was suddenly dry. I laughed in spite of myself at that thought; having a dry mouth was not a condition that was going to plague me for long! I did all I could to banish every thought I had about piss and the smell of urine, but that only served to make me more revulsed. I stopped just short of gagging and tentatively wrapped my lips around the head. He pushed in slightly and with a groan, began to stream. It was a good thing he had gripped my skull to keep me still, my head reflexively jerked back as I startled.

Hot piss gushed into my mouth, spurting from the tip of his cock, and I moaned. I was shocked at the temperature, it was stunningly warm as it rushed over my tongue. My mouth was rapidly filled, and I had to swallow. It took everything in me to do it, but I managed to keep from choking. I was expecting the taste to be worse than anything I could imagine, and yet there was not the strong, acrid flavor I was expecting. I could not describe the taste, but tried not to dwell on it; I was doing well so far and didn't want to gag. The young man was now stroking my head and whispering gratitudes in his language, and I could feel my elfin friend at my back. He had been holding and supporting me while I drank, gently stroking my chest and patting me. I swallowed more warm piss and tried not to bite the guys dick.

When the young man was finished, he pulled his cock out of my mouth and impulsively kissed me square on the lips. I had saved his life, after all. I coughed a bit, and tried to clear my throat. He then whirled around and trotted to the other side of the room, leaving me with an aftertaste of slightly sweet piss in my mouth and a warmth in my belly that was not there before. I dashed to the fountain and gulped handfuls of water, concentrating on not vomiting. I had just let another man piss in my mouth! I sat back on my rump and tried to think positive thoughts.

I knew of guys who crashed their ships and were stranded for days without water, resorting to drinking their own urine to survive. They didn't like to talk about it of course, but basically the feeling was you did what you had to to hang on until rescue ships arrived. My whole experience sort of surprised me in that it had not been as bad as I thought it was going to be. For one thing, the taste was mild; definately not something I would have associated with the pungent odor of a waste container on a long range star shuttle. Considering how much water they pumped into us, our piss was no doubt rather weak and watery, it of course wouldn't be as strong as normal. A side benefit was the added warmth, although I would have traded it for an insulated flight suit anyday. I guess I was more mentally freaked out by what I did than from suffering any physical side effects. I hiccuped and wondered what the Jourghs thought about their "vessels" barfing, although I assumed this would get easier for me in time. I broke out of my musings when a warm hand touched my shoulder.

"You done good kid. Most guys would have let that poor bastard die."

It was Mal, he had come in while I had been siphoning off the young guys piss. He helped me to my feet and I grabbed him around the waist and hugged him strongly. I was quite pleased that he was proud of me, although I wasn't sure why. He bear hugged me back, then helped me over to the bench where my elfin friend sat. Grabbing a tiny piece of cloth from a shadowy corner of the room, he wet it and cleaned my wounded leg as gently as he could. I hissed at the pain, but it also was a blessing as it took my mind off what I had just done. My pale elfin friend let me lean back on him and spoke to me in a musical language that I assumed was his native speech.

"You just listen to Smiley there, Jake."

I blinked at Mal. "Who's Smiley?"

Mal nodded towards the all white creature cradling me. "The Aphid."


"Well, his race's name kinda sounds like "aphiddiddious...siddlium....something. We just call them Aphids. And you can't pronounce his real name either," On cue, my friend burbled a few words which I had no hope of imitating. "We had to call him something, and he's so damn happy all the time..." I twisted around and Smiley flashed his mouthful of needle-teeth at me. I chuckled and patted his shoulder.

"Thanks for your help, Smiley. And to show you my gratitude, I may even teach you better grammar."

Mal snorted and rose, nearly bumping into the man behind him. The young man who's piss I had drunk had returned. He held a small packet in his hand and looked like he wanted to get close to me, but kept darting nervous glances at Mal. I motioned the man closer and he knelt by the bench. Under watchful eyes, he tore open the packet he held and pushed a good amount of some slippery white stuff onto his fingers. He rubbed his fingers together, then held it up to me to inspect. I sniffed it, it smelled weirdly minty. He then cautiously made rubbing motions near my leg where my label tattoo was. I looked at Mal, who just shrugged, he had no idea what the stuff was either. I nodded at the young man, and he carefully smoothed the stuff over my bubbled flesh. The pressure of his fingers hurt, but the substance gave me the rapidly cooling relief I had been craving. I released a breath and smiled encouragingly at him. He broke into a wide grin and kissed my knee. My ordeal of piss drinking had already paid off. I had, hopefully, made another ally in this bizarre world.

The young man left to wash his hand off in the fountain, leaving the remainder of the stuff with me should I need it. Then he retreated back to his corner of the room, and squatted down by the guy who had originally brought him over. Mal sat down on the bench with me and inspected my leg. It didn't hurt as much to move it now.

I folded the packet to conserve the rest. "I don't know what it is, but my leg feels a whole lot better. I'm hoping it has some infection fighting properties. What exactly happens to you if you get ill in here?"

Mal shook his head. "Same thing as always. You die. I just wish I knew what was in it. For all you know, it could kill you later."

Smiley shook his head. "No dead from this. Is..." At that point he began chattering in a different tongue, and Mal questioned him in what sounded like a similar language. The two spoke haltingly back and forth, until Mal burst into laughter.

"Okay, what's so funny guys?"

Mal snickered. Smiley says he's seen that guy smear this stuff on his food."

"What?" I was indignant. "You mean to tell me I'm treating my wound with a condiment?"

Mal almost fell off the bench he laughed so hard. Smiley just smiled and shook his head, "It good for you." Which of course, only made Mal laugh harder. I chuckled too, until the thought of food made my stomach grumble. It had been a while since the Jourghs had handed out the metal cylinders of nourishment. Along with my hunger, I felt the need to relieve myself.

"Mal, I gotta piss. How do I get their attention?"

"Oh, that's easy. Just walk over to the square in the wall by the door and line your mark up on it. It'll sense it, and they whisk you out of here like greased ham."

"Will they take any others by the door?"

"If the Jourghs are buying. But it kinda works in our favor even if we don't get picked right away with you. The other Jourghs will see yours drinking, and well, it's like when your buddies are havin' a beer. You want one too. So maybe the door opens a little later and we all get relief."

I nodded and walked somewhat stiffly to the wall by the door. Sure enough, there was a recessed square panel I hadn't really noticed before. I lined my leg up to it and waited. Several of the others had seen me and hobbled quickly over. The doors opened and the Jourgh with the apron walked in, practically knocking over anyone standing too close. It's plate sized eyes scanned around, then it spotted me and scooped me up effortlessly and carried me into the warmth of the bar.

As before, I was hoisted into the metal seating in front of a large brown alien. I looked down at his chest, it had the slightly reddish V shape; it was my patron. Without hesitation this time, I placed my legs on it's huge shoulders and held my cock towards the fleshy hole under it's eyes that served as it's mouth. In one sloppy gulp, my cock had disappeared down it's throat and I felt the tickling of it's tiny tongue pushing at my piss hole. I wiggled and shivered and began to piss. Being as I wasn't about to burst this time, my stream was not as forceful, and that seemed to be better for the Jourgh. More of my piss stayed sloshing around in it's throat as if it were savoring it, washing over the skin of my penis and causing my nipples to harden.

I leaned my head back and sighed, it felt great. I wondered if I could get these aliens to develop a taste for cum. They could invade earth and be declared kings! I pushed my cock a bit deeper into the Jourgh's throat, it's velvety wet muscles stroking me as it swallowed. It's little tongue pushed into my piss slit farther this time, as if seeking more of what I could give it. I closed my eyes and gasped slightly, it felt so good. My balls were resting on the slippery bottom lip, and I wiggled slightly, enjoying the feeling. The suction increased as my piss ran out, the vestigial tongue snaking around my cock head lapping at any drops that might be left. I squeezed my insides as the alien milked me, but there was no more to be had.

The Jourgh played with me in it's mouth for a little while, not quite ready to send me back. I began to get hard, and groaned when the Jourgh finally pulled away from me. I would have given a lot to shove my cock back in there and get sucked off! I looked deeply into it's dark eyes.

"I have to call you something, if I'm going to be here a while. Guess I'll call you Bob."

I laughed stupidly at my own humor. The Jourgh made no indication my noises meant anything to him, but he apparently enjoyed the drink, for he squeezed my thighs gingerly and gurgled deep in his throat. I lazily looked down the bar and saw some of the guys who had been at the door when I left, Mal had been right, more rounds had been bought. However, there must have been something wrong with one of the humans because the Jourgh drinking him got very agitated. The other aliens seemed to be watching and listening to the noises he was making, then he got up abruptly, grabbed the guy from the seat and smacked his head on the bar. I heard a loud crack as his head connected, and to the dismay of the Jourghs closest, blood splattered onto them and the bar. My own shout of fear was echoed up and down the bar as more beings took in what was happening, and I leapt off the seat and into the lap of my patron. Huge arms encircled me by reflex, and I watched from their protection as other Jourghs roughly pushed at the alien who had done the killing. Unfortunately, they were of course more upset that they had been splattered. It reminded me very much of some clown I knew from earth who made it a habit of throwing beer at people when his favorite team won a game. I realized then how valuable my label really was. I shuddered and was glad it had at least happened quickly, as more Jourghs moved about and made agitated noises.

I buried my face in the fur and hung on tightly, but my patron had other ideas. He plucked me from his chest and handed me quickly to the barkeeper, who caught me easily and marched with me into the cold room. I landed on my feet as he dumped me, but before I got two steps in, I stopped and stood in shock. Across the room was Mal, draped along the stone bench on his stomach, getting his ass throughly plowed by a guy with a dick at least ten inches long. I watched in frozen fascination as the long member oozed out from between Mal's well rounded cheeks, only to disappear as it was slowly shoved to the hilt back in again.

"M-Mal? What the fuck...?"

Mal looked over. "Oh hey kid, take notes. You're next."


Well, for now at least. Sorry no sex this time for sure! Why is Mal getting fucked? Will Jake have to submit to this as well? And will he like it? And what happens when Jake meets other Jourghs? Write me...let me know if you like this stuff or not....I'm at

Next: Chapter 3

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