All Alone

Published on Sep 26, 2013


All Alone: Chapter 11

All Alone

Copyright © 2013 by JD

Authors Note: This story you are about to read is one of emotions. I have laughed, got angry, cried, and even depressed while writing this story! Most of all, I enjoyed writing it. I hope you the reader will enjoy it as much as I did. For those who would like to email me, you can reach me at Please remember that if you like the stories here on Nifty to donate whatever you can to help keep this wonderful site up and running.

Now on to my generic disclaimer!-

The story you are about to read contains diaper use, violence, adult language and strong sexual content. The following is evil, illegal, should be banned, and all that other blah, blah, blah. If reading a coming of age story of self-discovery about pre-adolescent and adolescent boys that wet their beds, wear diapers, and explore their awakening sexuality with each other does not tickle your pickle (or if the law in your area says that pickle tickling is illegal) then don't read it.

Chapter 11: Saturday November 16th, 2013 – 8:25am

Once morning finally came, I tried to get answers. As Jessie predicted, both Mr. and Mrs. Jackson had gone out that morning. They had did it so quickly that I didn't realize it until they left. This made it very hard to ask them if they knew anything. At least I was able to successfully hide my bedwetting accident.

Once Jessie got up, I helped her with cleaning my bedding. As we were putting the wet stuff into the wash, Adam appeared out of nowhere. Already feeling the stress about my mother, I freaked as I saw him come into the laundry room. Jessie tried to calm me and as she managed to do this, she turned and gave Adam a threating look.

"Adam, if you know what is best for you; you won't say a thing about this to Mom and Dad."

Adam looked like he wanted to say something but after getting a look from Jessie, he chose to remain quiet.

I guess he realized that if he did say something that it might endanger his own secret. He of course had just as much to lose as he didn't know that I knew his secret. He might have been afraid that if he didn't agree that Jessie would out him right there in front of me.

As I was saying, I was stressing very badly. I still didn't know anything more about the dead body that was found yesterday. Also, neither Adam nor Jessie knew anything. Well, Adam knew that I had freaked out last night but since his parents didn't tell him anything other than to stay in his room, he didn't know why. He did notice a couple things. For instance, he was the one that told me first about me wetting my pants right there in the living room. As for Jessie, she was at work and didn't get home until late. This meant she knew nothing at all about what happened.

Grasping at any idea, I thought of something. "Is it alright for me to turn the TV on and see if there is anything on one of the channels?"

"Local news won't be on until noon." Adam informed me. "If Mom and Dad are back by then, Dad will watch it."

Jessie did have a suggestion. "We can do a search online. Maybe there is more information there."

I liked this suggestion very much and Jessie led me up to her room where she booted up her HP Pavilion laptop. Even Adam was curious and followed us into his sister's room. We then tried googling for information and after a few different searches; we finally did find the story I saw last night. Trying my best not to lose it again, I listened as Jessie read the article to us. It was a short article but other than the confirmation that the body was that of a woman, no other new information had been given.

The short article did suggest that the body may be that of my missing mother. Once again I felt my world crashing beneath me!

Starting to hyperventilate, I could just make out Jessie's voice trying to sooth me. "Jamie, calm down. We don't know for sure that it's your mom! Try to think positive for me." She pleaded.

Wanting to believe she was right, I began to calm down again. She sat there and rubbed my back until I started to feel better. Grasping for the hope that Jessie was right, I tried to think positively. Still, I found this was hard to do. My mind was demanding an answer be given to me, one that would guarantee that it wasn't my mother.

"I really wish I could find out for sure!" I said desperately.

In the end it was Adam who thought of calling the police department. "If anyone should know, they would." He suggested.

I am not sure what Jessie was thinking, but I personally felt like an idiot. I mean, how could I let a 9 year old think of something that I should have known? I think I would have felt better if Adam was indeed older than me like I originally thought. I remembered I had of course thought when I first met him; that he was pretty close to my age. But due to his large size, I was sure Adam was at least 12 or maybe 13 years old. Not 9 almost 10.

Using the internet, Jessie looked up my local police department number and dialed it. When someone answered, she asked to speak with someone in charge of the case of my missing mother. Since I had forgotten the lieutenant's name, she had to talk to a couple different people before she finally reached the detective that was in charge. To make it easier for all of us to hear, Jessie placed the phone on speaker. Then filled with a new optimistic hope, I explained who I was.

"Hi, my name is Jamie Adams." I told the voice on the other end. "I'm calling about my mother, Julie Adams." I explained.

"Oh yes, the missing woman case." The man stated and we heard what sounded like papers being shuffled through, in the background.

"Were you the lieutenant that came out to my apartment the day before yesterday?" I asked politely. As I tried to remain calm it was becoming harder to do so as there was a building of stress and pressure inside of me.

"Yes, this is Lt. Michaels." I was pretty sure that I recognized the name. "How can I help you?"

I tried my best to tell the officer what I wanted but for some reason my words seemed to get choked in my own throat. As much as I tried, I just couldn't get them out. It was Jessie that came to my rescue. Knowing what I wanted to know, she explained to Lt. Michaels why we called.

"Yes Lt. Michaels, we were wondering if you have any new information on Miss. Adams." She then explained how we came to hear about the dead woman found yesterday.

"I am sorry, I wish I could tell you what you want to know, but we have yet to get a proper identification."

Frustrated and afraid, I began to cry loudly. "Please... I need to know if it was my mommy?" I cried.

I was once again breaking down. I wasn't sure how much longer I could handle the stress of all this.

"Jamie, please understand! We are doing everything we can to find out who the woman is. If I could, I would tell you. I just don't know yet." Lt. Michaels tried his best to explain to me. "Please remember that it could very possibly be someone else and not your mother at all. I suggest that for now, you keep the belief that she is still alive. Please don't believe what you read or hear on TV." I could tell that he really believed what he was saying and that alone went a long ways with making me feel a lot better. He then ended with, "I promise, I will call you as soon as I know something positive."

Jessie did have one more question for the Lieutenant. "Why is it taking so long to identify the woman's body?" She asked.

The detective hesitated for a moment. "Let's just say that whoever killed this woman, has made it very difficult to identify her. I can say this for sure, none of the people who knew Mrs. Adams think it is her."

You cannot believe how much better that last part made me feel, Of course I didn't understand everything the detective just stated. Now, with some hope to grab on to, I was finally starting to feel a lot better. The stress was still there, but at least there was now a good reason for hope.

By the time the Jackson's came home later that morning; all my bedding and clothes from last night's wetting had been washed, folded, and put away.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Jackson wanted to talk to me about yesterday but after Jessie pulled them aside and talked to them, they both decided to let it go for now. I have to say that I was very grateful of this.

Because of the stressful morning I had, I had totally forgotten about Jessie's offer to take me with her and her friends to the mall. When she reminded me of our impending trip to the mall, I found it as a much needed temporary escape from the pressure and stress I had been feeling.

For the rest of that day, Jessie did her best to keep my mind off of my mother. She tried to stay positive and made sure that I felt like a part of the group. It helped that all of her girlfriends found me cute and adorable. It filled me with pride and comfort at how nice they were being to me. The only thing I didn't like was that they could get a little too mushy at times.

We walked the mall together. If one of them saw something interesting in one of the stores, we would all go inside and join them. I know it sounds boring and in certain circumstances I might have agreed. The thing was, the girls did their best to include me as much as they could.

For instance, we stopped at this store that is like a beauty parlor. Jessie and her friends got manicures and their finger and toe nails painted. They also got me to do it as well, except mine were painted in a clear coat.

At one of the shops, they had makeup and perfumes to try and the girls tried a few on me. To be honest, I thought I smelled quite nice, even if it was girl perfume. Jessie even had some fun by trying a couple of the lipsticks on me. I know it sounds girly, but I actually thought I looked pretty with red lipstick, and even kissed the back of my hand to see the mark it made. One of Jessie's friends mentioned that they thought I could easily pass for a girl with a wig and some makeup. Jokingly I told them I would love to try it. Her response was "will see." I hope she was just joking back.

Several of the shops we stopped at, the girls would look for outfits that I would look good in. I have to say that some of them look great on me. Of course with no money, I wasn't able to buy any of them.

We even spent some time in the arcade. It turns out that Jessie is pretty good with video games. She beat me at quite a few games. We also browsed the book store. So that I wouldn't be bored Jessie took me back to the juvenile section. She then showed me some of her favorite books when she was my age.

We ended up eating lunch at the food court, Jessie's treat of course. Never once did I feel bored that day, and while everyone was still there, my mind was far from its worries. As it got late, Jessie's friends started to leave one by one. Soon it was just Jessie and me. I knew that soon, we too would have to go home. Of course thinking about this reminded me of what I was to expect when we got there. No mom, a strict foster mom, all the stress and pressure that I was able to temporarily forget. I started to wish that this day would never end as the unknown was waiting for me the Jackson home.

I am not for sure, but I am guessing that Jessie could see the dread I was feeling about going back to her home. I think that was why she made the next suggestion. I mean, I wasn't dumb enough to actually think she had a sexual attraction to me.

"Hey Jamie, how would you like to see a movie?" She asked me.

We were back in the food court by this time. When we were there earlier, I had noticed the digital clock hanging on the wall. I now found myself looking at it when Jessie made her offer.

"But it is getting late!" I said in worry as I could see it was quickly approaching 6pm. "Won't we get in trouble for not being home by 6?" I asked.

I of course remembered the rules I had been given on that first evening there at the Jackson home. One of the rules was very clear that I was to be home by 6pm which was dinner time.

"I tell you what, I will take care of my parents and you pick out the movie." She said assuredly.

She then led the way to the movie theater while getting out her cell phone and calling her parents. After a brief conversation, Jessie smiled at me. Now more than ever, I was sure that she and her mother had a really strong bond. Maybe it was a girl thing? It seemed it would be possible for Jessie to be allowed to do almost anything and her parents wouldn't mind.

As Jessie promised, she allowed me to pick the movie. When I saw that `Man of Steel' was being shown there, I asked if it would be okay to see it. With it being more of a guy movie, I was afraid that she might ask me to choose something else. Instead, when she seemed almost excited as I was at the possibility of seeing `Man of Steel', I was astonished. I was happy, but definitely astonished.

Jessie purchased tickets for the 6:35 showing. Since we had about a half hour before the movie started, she suggested that we go back to the food court and grab something for dinner.

I decided on Taco Bell and Jessie grabbed something from the Chinese place. I loved Taco Bell hard shell tacos, so I ordered the 3 hard taco meal deal. For my drink, I got a Baja Blast Mountain Dew. Normally my mother wouldn't like me drinking this as she considered it too much sugar for me. She in fact referred to it as rot gut! Still, I loved the taste and so that is what I chose.

Not really thinking too much about it, I ended up not only drinking my first large pop, but I also got a refill. I found that the day I had spent with Jessie went a long way towards making me feel a lot better. It allowed me to escape the reality of the situation I was in. This also included my recent potty problems.

As we walked into the theater, Jessie purchased a large popcorn for us to share and a large drink for each of us. We then made our way into the theater and waited for the movie to start. Eventually the lights dimmed and the previews started and eventually followed by the movie.

It wasn't even an hour into the film that I felt my bladder start to scream! It urgently needed to empty itself. Not wanting to miss any of the movie, I mentally locked down my bladder and squeezed my legs together with my left hand squeezed between them, pushing down on my crotch. Amazingly as the movie continued, I forgot about my urgent need.

We were in a particular interesting part of the movie when my bladder suddenly reminded me that it needed emptying. Unfortunately as soon as I realized this, it spasmed and I panicked as hot urine filled my pants. I tried my best to stop it, but to no avail.

I felt as my eyes filled with tears as I emptied myself into my pants and onto the cushioned seat. It wasn't until I was completely empty that I started to sniffle as I began to cry a little harder.

"Jamie, are you okay?" Jessie asked worried.

A part of me wanted to hide what I did. After what happened last night and what I just did now, she was going to think I was nothing but a baby. Then I remembered how kind Jessie had been to me and I was sure she would somehow help me. So I quietly told her the truth.

"Oh, I am so sorry Jamie. Do you want to leave?" She asked.

A part of me did want to leave, but the other part wanted to finish watching the movie. "I do, but I don't" I answered confusingly.

Even though I couldn't see it as well, I knew that Jessie was giving me one of her warmest smiles. "I tell you what, the damage is already done. We can't do anything about that. Let's just finish watching the movie and when we leave you can tie your coat around your waist to hide the wet spot on your pants." This suggestion of Jessie's sounded like a good idea to me. She was of course right. Still there was one other problem and that was her parents.

"What about your mom and dad? How am I going to sneak past them without them noticing?" I asked her.

Jessie then grabbed and lightly squeezed my hand. "Let me take care of that."

With that said, I did my best to try and not think too much about it and we finished watching the movie. In fact, by the time the movie had ended, I pretty much forgot all about my wet pants. For a while, I was happy and not ... All Alone!

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Next: Chapter 12

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