Andy's Arse

By Namab Mas

Published on May 6, 2021


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Andy's Arse

Chapter One

I've been around long enough to be cynical about personal ads wanting kinky sex. They're normally just time-wasters who stick ads up when they're drunk and horny and then never reply to any emails, or if they do they shit themselves and disappear when they're faced with the prospect of actually acting out their fantasies. That was why I didn't expect much when I opened the ad, even though my heart did beat just a little faster.

NEED THE TOILET? 25yo bi guy, always had a fetish 4 a hot guy havin a shit. Will reward guys under 35 who'll let me watch them on the toilet.

I just had to email him, even though I was a bit older than he'd said. I have had some very mild scat experiences over the years but only a very few, mainly with guys I didn't really find attractive, and I wasn't going to let the opportunity slip by. I went out for a walk and thought about how much to say to him in my first email. I didn't want to give him the impression that I was only interested for the money, but I didn't want to scare him off with my wilder scat fantasies either. In the end I didn't say too much; just that I fantasised about scat as well and was up for it if he was. Slightly to my surprise he replied, and we got talking.

His name was Andy, and he was an electrician. He'd had a fetish for shitting since he was little. It was mainly something that turned him on with guys, although he admitted that he sometimes liked watching videos of girls doing it too. It wasn't something he thought about a lot, but ever since he was a teenager he'd found that the sound of a guy having a shit in the next cubicle had turned him on, and the smell a fit lad left behind when he was done always made him hard. He didn't have very hard scat fantasies, and just the thought of watching a guy take a shit made him spurt all over himself when he was wanking. He'd never told anyone that before, he admitted. After that we started to trust one another, and I sent him a face picture. I'm not wearing too badly, but even so I was relieved when he replied, even with a little compliment. Then my heart thumped when I saw the pics he sent in return. He was gorgeous; a tall, quite slim young tradie, with a friendly oval face and stubble, and black hair that was short down the sides but fashionably long on top, swept across his head. He was wearing a suit in the first pic he sent: it suited his clean-cut appearance, and showed off his sturdy, toned body. The next one I opened, of him out with friends, a tattooed arm round his mate and his T-shirt riding up slightly over his well-defined stomach and his happy trail, was even better. Then he emailed again, and suggested we meet up.

We met for a drink in a city centre pub a few days later; somewhere neither of us frequented and where we weren't going to be recognised. I got there first, and I'd just settled at the side with a pint when the door opened. He was even more handsome in the flesh as he stood looking around the place, and then he saw me. For a second or so he hesitated, and then he smiled and came over, holding out his hand. His palm was a little sweaty as I shook it, and when he came back with a drink he was obviously nervous. We made small talk about our jobs and so on for a few minutes, sizing one another up and each waiting for the other to raise the subject of why we were here. I took a gulp of my beer and a deep breath, and then looked straight at him. He gulped nervously, and I noticed his hand was shaking a little.

'So ... we're both into the same thing, then.'

'Er ... yeah, I guess so.' He had a nice voice, with just a faint northern accent. 'It's ... I've never even told anyone about it before so's real weird talking about it.'

'Yeah, I know. Not many of us into this. But ... so you wanna watch a guy shit, yeah?'

'Yeah.' He looked down and took another gulp of his pint. 'Yeah I do.'

'Is that all? I mean ... would you be up for being watched too, if I wanted?'

'Nah.' He shook his head and looked down again. 'I'm ... well, I'm quite shy about it. I don't ... I just ain't comfortable with it, if you see what I mean. Not now anyway.'

'Yeah, I do. It's a shame, cos I'd love to watch you, but it's up to you. But if you still wanna watch me...?'

He looked up again and met my eyes. His were deep and green and very pretty, looking at me intently with his face very serious as he weighed up whether to take the plunge or not. My throat felt tight and my heart raced as he sat there. Then he nodded and smiled.

'Yeah. Let's do it!'

It happened that Saturday, Normally I need to shit in the morning, and since he started work early there wasn't going to be chance during the week, but when at the weekend I felt the urge starting to come to me as I sat with a morning coffee and cigarette I texted him at once. He lived with his housemate a few miles away but he could use his work van to come over, and less than half an hour later he knocked on my front door.

'Hi! Come in...'

'Hey man.' He looked very nervous again and he hesitated for a moment, but then he shrugged and came inside. 'How's it going? Er ...nice place.'

He didn't say much as he took off his shoes, and when we settled in the living room he spotted the ashtray, fumbled in his pocket for his cigarettes and lit one awkwardly. I got the feeling he wasn't quite reconciled to what he'd come to do and I didn't want to push him and scare him off, but equally I wasn't going to be able to wait forever, and the pressure in my arse was starting to get uncomfortable. My head was whirling at the prospect of this gorgeous lad watching me take a shit. No-one had seen me do that since I was little. All of scat experiences had been with other guys' shit and that turned me on more than my own, but equally, going for a shit in front of him still felt like a big deal. My mouth was dry, and I had a semi. I rolled a cigarette for myself, looking him up and down, and when I lit it he turned and looked at me. His face was pale and serious, and he swallowed anxiously as our eyes met.

'So...' I said slowly. 'I er ... I do need to go...'

'Yeah,' he said flatly. 'And ... um, well, you really wanna do it...?'

'Yes,' I said, looking him straight in the eye. 'Yes I do. So long as you're comfortable with it, that's all. Are you...?'

'Erm ... Look, I never done anything kinky like this with anyone and it's like I can't believe it's happening now. I'm nervous, yeah, and I can't quite get me head round how you're gonna shit in front of me and I'm gonna wank. If I can ... if you don't mind...'

His voice tailed off suddenly. We hadn't talked about what we were actually going to do, and suddenly he seemed to think he'd said too much, as if he shouldn't really admit he was turned on. I leaned in a bit closer.

'Of course you can. Look, it's okay. Yeah, it's kinky, and it's weird for me too. That's what makes it exciting! But no pressure or anything: I won't do anything you're not comfortable with. Well, except have a shit, and if you don't like that you'll just have to leave the room while I finish! It will smell a bit...'

He looked at me a second longer, then his face twisted into a little horny smile.

'Ooh, I like guys who stink! Fuck it, yeah, let's do it.' He reached forward and crushed the end of his cigarette out in the ashtray. 'You ready...?'

Everything felt unreal as I led him through to the bathroom at the back of the house. My legs felt soft and my heart was racing, and all of a sudden I really needed a shit badly. Inside we stopped, and I looked around and clocked the outline of his cock, long and hard, pointing up and to the right. My hands were shaking as I put them to my belt, and then with a little encouraging smile from him I pulled down my jeans and pants. He smiled again as I stepped out of them, and then started undoing his own belt. He pulled his jeans down round his legs, and out sprang his big, meaty cock, jutting out from a forest of dark pubes. He stroked it slowly as he knelt down behind me, and looked up expectantly. I'd put a plastic bag ready, spread out on the floor, and slowly I knelt down over it, until I was on all fours with my arse sticking out. My head was spinning again, and my shit was pushing hard against my arsehole, and behind me I could hear him breathing hard.

'You ready?'

'Yeah,' he said huskily. 'Yeah, I'm ready. Take a shit now...'

I love having a shit at any time, but the sensation of opening up and letting go right in front of him like this was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. I felt everything ten times as strongly; every lump and crack in my shit as it pushed my hole open and forced its way slowly out. I could hear it, hissing and crackling behind me, and then he drew breath sharply as the smell hit him. Looking down my legs I could see a big dark turd hanging down from me, and then it snapped off, and again, and two thick logs thudded onto the bag. Relieved for a moment, I felt my flow stop.

'Ooh .. fuck!' he breathed behind me. 'Fucking hell!'


'Yeah! Fuck that's so hot. God it fucking stinks an' all! Ooh ... yeah, go on, do some more...'

The relief and the pleasure as I let go and began to shit again were unbelievable, and I couldn't stop myself grunting and sighing with relief as I emptied out. My turds landed with little rustling thuds and piled up underneath me. Behind me Andy lost his inhibitions completely, and he wanked his big cock frantically, moaning out loud as I shat for him, sniffing eagerly as the stink filled the room. Then as I pushed and farted and began curling out some last little turds he gasped a couple of times behind me, and then squealed out aloud, and his cum spattered all over my arse.

Andy said after the first time that watching me shit had given him the most intense wank he'd ever had, and after that he came over again and again. After the first time he always stripped naked to watch, and his body captivated me. It was lithe and taut from long hours in the gym, and I loved his nicely defined, footballer's legs and his hairy chest, and his smooth, pale arse. The tattoos down his forearms set off his manliness to perfection. I loved how excited he got as well. The first few times he couldn't control it, and he wanked off madly and came all over my arse and my shit before I'd even finished. I loved kneeling there in mid-shit, with a big pile under my arse and more to come, the smell filling the room, and him moaning and tugging frantically at his cock behind me. Afterwards he used to look all shocked and embarrassed, as if he still couldn't quite deal with what he was getting off over. After a few sessions though, he relaxed a bit, and the next time he watched me shit he managed to stop himself cumming until I was done. He leaned in close over me as I unloaded a big smelly dump, his dick jerking and dribbling even though he wasn't touching it,and then when I was wiping my bum he wanked off and shot all over my turds.

'Can't believe how horny it is watching you shit,' he said afterwards, as we sat with a coffee. 'You do such big ones, and the smell! It's so disgusting, but it's so fucking hot as well!'

'Really? Am I that smelly?'

'Yeah, a bit. Well, about the same as me I guess. My housemate sometimes complains about the smell when I've been in the bathroom!'

It was the first time he'd brought his own shit into things. Normally whenever I mentioned it he changed the subject quickly, and his attitude to it had started to remind me of a few bi guys I'd shagged in the past, who loved playing with and fucking other guys' arses but wouldn't let me near theirs. Maybe that was starting to change, though, and if he was willing to talk about his own toilet habits I wasn't going to stop him! I thought for a moment about how to keep him on the subject.

'You go at home, then...?'

'Sometimes, yeah, at weekends mainly, especially when I've got a hangover and I need to go first thing. I really stink when I've got a hangover too. Weekdays I normally have to go at work. I hate it when I'm out on a job and I have to go at someone's house who I don't know, a customer, like, and I end up skidmarking their toilet.'

I looked him up and down. He was so fucking handsome, in that slightly macho kind of way, and the image of him sitting on a customer's toilet and feeling all shy about the smell he was making got my dick stirring again in my pants!

'I take me time over having a shit as well,' he continued. 'I'm in there ten minutes, like, so me workmates know where I've gone. Everyone does it, don't they, but maybe I notice cos it turns me on. One of the lads at work is really fit and he always goes about the same time, and I always know when he's been and try to go and have a sniff afterwards.'

'Yes, I know what you mean. When you're into it you notice all the things most people take for granted.'

'Yeah.' He smiled shyly. 'It's ... erm, it's good having someone to talk about it with ... and do it.'

'I'd still love to watch you,' I said, thinking that now he was onto the subject and he seemed comfortable with it I might as well try again. 'I mean, it's well horny doing it for you, but hearing you talk about it now is getting me going, and I'd love to be there when you're having a shit.'

'I know,' he said awkwardly. 'But ... it's summat I'm real private about normally. Not dead shy, like; I ain't one of these guys who won't go in a public bog; but I don't like it when someone can smell it, and ... well, some of the lads at work piss about taking pics of each other in daft situations and they 'ave photographed me on the shitter once, and I really didn't like it. But then, I guess this is different, innit.'

'Yeah, I think it is. It's just between us, isn't it. I mean, you get off on being there when I'm doing it, and I'd like to do the same. It's ... it's kind of horny just hearing you talk about it. You ... um, well, you mentioned skids. Do you do big ones then?'

'Yeah I do. Always. My shit's pretty solid an' I do big logs. Sometimes I do one that won't flush an' I have to break it up with the bog brush. Hate it when that happens at someone else's place! Sometimes I try an' hold it until I can get home, but normally when I need to go I need to do it straight away. Well, not straight away, I can hold it a bit, but only an hour or summat like that.'

'How often do you go?'

'Every day. Normally just once, late morning usually, but sometimes I have to have a shit first thing and then a little one later when I get in.'

He grinned, and I realised he was getting more comfortable with the situation. My throat seemed to constrict a bit as I wondered whether I might even be able to talk him into doing it there and then, and I thought briefly about how to steer the conversation round to it. I shot him a glance as he took a sip of his coffee and sat back in his chair, getting hard again at the thought of this handsome young man on the toilet.

'When did you last go, then?'

He looked round sharply, no doubt having realised what I was thinking. He was quite a sharp guy, I mused, in his practical sort of way. For a moment he looked uneasy, but then his face relaxed again.

'Yesterday morning. Thought I'd have to this morning before I come out, cos I had such a big tea last night, but I didn't.' He looked at me edgily, and the faintest trace of a grin spread across his face. 'It won't be long though. Reckon if I 'ad another cup of coffee I'd be on the toilet pretty soon!'

Our eyes met, and my stomach dropped to the floor. He looked very serious for a moment, as if he wasn't quite sure. Then he winked and held out his empty coffee mug. Heart racing, I went and made us another coffee. When I got back he was lounging on the sofa looking every so slightly tense, and he shot me a wary smile as he took the mug from me.

'Think I'm startin' to need the toilet,' he said. 'Feel like I'm gonna fart, like I usually do when I'm just startin' to need a shit.'

'Ooh! Yes, go on, fart for me!'

He took a swig of coffee, put his mug down and looked down at the floor. I could see his face stiffening and his body tensing, as if he was straining. From underneath him came a muffled, deep fart, and he looked up, smiling shyly. His nose twitched a little, and then I got the smell too. It was thick and dirty; not all that strong, but one of those ripe, fruity smells a lad sometimes makes. It was so erotic, and I sniffed deeply at it. He looked at me uncertainly.

'Sorry ... that smells.'

'Ooh, yes it does! I like it!'

He grinned and leaned back a little, making his straining face again, and did another one. The smell grew a little stronger. He took a sip of his coffee and looked back at me, with a faint smile playing across his lips.

'I'm definitely startin' to need a shit,' he said. 'When we've 'ad this coffee I'm gonna have to go, I think. Can't believe I'm gonna do this!'

The tension mounted as we drank the coffee. I couldn't stop looking at him, taking in his hunky form and imagining again and again what was about to happen. He farted a couple more times, and my cock pressed urgently against my jeans. His smell was so masculine, and so beautifully nasty! A couple of times, too, he shuffled a little in his seat, looking uncomfortable, as if his bowels were full and he was having to hold it in. Finally he drained the last of his coffee and put the mug down, and swallowed.

'So ... I need the toilet. You ready?'

I nodded, mouth dry, and we both stood up and started taking our clothes off for the second time that morning. He was more than half hard, I noticed as he lowered his pants. Even though he was still evidently a bit freaked out by the prospect of me watching him take a dump, he was excited by it all the same. He had that tense, monosyllabic air about him, like he'd had the first time we'd done anything together. But he was so beautiful, I thought as he stood naked in front of me. He was a perfect vision of a handsome young tradie guy, and he was about to let me in on his most private moment. The prospect was just awesome!

We went through to the bathroom, and he stood by as I spread another carrier bag on the floor. I'd left the window open earlier to disperse the smell. Now he pursed his lips as I shut it again, all too aware of why.

'Best put a towel or summat down too,' he said softly. 'I might piss a bit.'

I went and got an old washing up bowl I didn't use any more for him to kneel over, and a towel to put under it whilst he watched on, looking self-conscious. My head was whirling in excitement and my dick was rock hard. It all felt unreal again, until I knelt down on the floor, looked up at him and motioned him to kneel down in front of me. He hesitated, biting his lip, his big semi-hard cock right in front of my face. For a moment I thought his nerve was failing him and he was about to back out, but then he made his mind up and my stomach began to churn again as he stepped in front of me and turned around, so that his hairy arse was right in front of me, his cheeks and back vividly pale above his legs. Then he knelt down on all fours. The skin of his crack was darker than his cheeks, and his puckered little hole was well fringed with wiry black hairs. I got down lower behind him, heart racing and eyes fixated on his arse. He grunted softly, puckered his hole out and did a couple of little rasping farts, then closed back up again, and let out a long stream of piss that splashed into the washing up bowl and threw droplets onto the towel., and then tailed off and left a big drip on the end of his semi. The silence was total apart from our breathing, and the soft grunts he made as his shit slid slowly down the chute. Maybe he always took a long time over starting to have a shit: I had no idea. All I knew was that he was about to do it, and kneeling right behind him like this was the horniest thing I'd ever done. My dick was throbbing. He farted again, slightly gassy and wet, and as his hole puckered I saw a dark brown mass right behind it. His smell hung like smoke between us.

'Uh, he grunted. 'Gonna shit.'

He puckered his hole open again, and this time the lumpy turd inside him started to emerge. It was thick and hard and rounded, its slimy surface glistening as the light caught it. He pushed it out slowly, puckering his hole out around it and grunting sexily, until he had a sturdy lump jutting from his hole. He gave another push, and it came out a little further, then broke away with a filthy little sound and dropped onto the bag.


His hole closed up again over the broken end, and again I waited, eyes darting between his arse and the golf ball-sized lump on the floor. It was dark, almost umber brown, with a hint of redness to it, and its faint smell wafted up and tickled my nostrils. The wait seemed to last a lifetime. Then he grunted and strained, flared his hole out again, and the broken, slightly rounded end re-emerged. He pushed it out slowly, until he had a lumpy spike protruding from him, and then it became smoother, and grew more steadily into a thick brown column that hung down towards the floor. I was transfixed by it, eyes fixated on its lumps and cracks and the lighter bits buried in it, sniffing deeply as his heavy smell thickened around us. Slowly his turd pulled apart. The hefty log broke away and dropped with a heavy thud, and toppled backwards so that when it dropped its jagged end pointed at me like an accusing finger. He grunted again, and the broken end still sticking from his hole slid out further, curled round and dropped onto the other end of his log, and above it his hole pinched shut again, now with just the faintest brown traces around it.

'Okay?' he whispered hoarsely. 'You like it?'

'Mm! Mm, yes. So fucking good ... and it smells so nice! You got more?'

'Yeah.' He strained a little. 'Uh ... uh ... oh it's coming...'

His arse crackled loudly as he pushed out another hefty, cracked log. It snapped off a couple of times, and dropped with soft squelchy sounds. His thick turds piled up beneath him, solid and manly and obscenely beautiful. Suddenly his dick twitched and he did another long, splashy piss, and as it tailed off he began to grunt once more, and curled out another solid, smooth turd. I could feel my dick jerking up and down without my even touching it, aching to let go and cum all over this exquisite young guy's beautiful big shit. As I watched he curled out another one, slimmer than before but still solid, crackling filthily as it came out.

'Fucking hell,' I breathed. 'You do so much!'

In reply he grunted and strained hard, and his arse let out a long, thin brown rope that went on and on. The smell became thicker and fouler and even more erotic, and that and his grunts and the sight of his hole flaring and shitting and his pile growing underneath him drove me wild. I was edging madly by the time it ended. He knelt there for a good minute more, flaring his hole in and out every so often. One last little nugget squeezed its way out.

'Oh,' he sighed. 'I've finished.'

He twisted round to look at me, and grinned at the sight of me edging. I looked again at his huge shit, and then back to him. He reached out for the toilet roll, tore off a lot of it and scrunched it into a ball. I couldn't resist it.

'Can I ... can I wipe your bottom for you?'

'Oh.' He looked pained. 'Oh .. no man, I don't want that. Not this time.'

'Okay, no worries. Only what you're comfortable with. I'll just watch.'

I sat and wanked as he wiped. He normally did it squatting, lifting his bottom off the seat to give himself room to reach round underneath. Now he stayed kneeling, and rubbed slowly at his hole with, scrunched-up balls of paper. His solid shit hadn't left much trace, so after a couple of slow wipes he was clean, and he reached round with one last pad to give himself a quick rub to finish off. I love the sight of a lad wiping his bottom and it drove me wild this time, and I wanked harder and harder and sniffed deeply at his thick smell. When he dropped the last piece of paper next to his shit he turned around, with a grin playing across his face as he saw me edging and moaning over his pile. He was half-hard too, and together we knelt there and wanked off. He came first, and screwed his face up cutely as his big dick fired sticky cum all over his own shit and used paper, and seconds later I did the same.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 2

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