Andy's Arse

By Namab Mas

Published on May 6, 2021


This is a story involving scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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Andy's Arse

Chapter Two

A few days later I was working at home when my phone rang. Irritated by the distraction I grabbed it, but then my stomach did a backflip as I saw who it was. I could hear the sound of traffic in the background before he spoke.

'Hiya,' he said cheerily. 'Erm ... are you in? I'm out on a job round near your place, and I really need a shit! I got another job to go to so I haven't got long, but if you want me to take a shit at your place?'

'Ow wow! Yes, I'm in; I'm working at home today. Come over!'

'Cool, cheers man. I'll see you in ten minutes.'

I sat and fizzed with impatience for nearly half an hour before he knocked on the door. As I opened it I was struck again by how handsome he was, and I still couldn't believe I was lucky enough to have this gorgeous young man who shared my dirtiest, most exciting fetish.

'Sorry man,' he said as he bustled in. 'Traffic was real bad, and I'm gonna be late for my next job if I don't hurry. Need a shit big time as well.'

'Okay. D'you just want to sit on the toilet, then? Come on through...'

We hastened through to the bathroom with my dick stiffening in my pants, and I put the toilet seat down and stood next to it.

'Sit well forward,' I said. 'So's I can see it coming out.'

He nodded, then turned around and started unbuckling his belt. His black work trousers dropped around his ankles, and for a moment his boxer shorts were stretched over his sturdy bottom. Then he pulled them down too and showed off his beautiful pale cheeks. His T-shirt rode up from them as he sat down, and shuffled forward a bit until his dick was touching the front of the seat and I had a clear view down into the toilet. He fumbled in front of him and held his semi-hard dick down, and from below him came the sound of him pissing. The water rippled and turned slightly yellow. His bottom heaved a little a couple of times, and deep in his hairy crack I could just see his hole flaring out. When he did it again he farted, a little sharp rasp. The smell tickled my nostrils. Quickly I unbuckled my belt and pulled my pants down, and started to wank next to him. He looked around, smiling slightly; his face stiffened a little as he strained, and he farted again. Then he looked straight in front again and rocked forward ever so slightly. From underneath him came that soft, deliciously filthy crackle, and his turd began to come out. He pushed it out slowly at first, in fits and starts as he strained, but then it came more fluidly, and slid out of his bum until he had a dark, lumpy column hanging down. Slowly the end of it started to pull away.


Water splashed up on his bottom and the seat behind him, he grunted softly, and then his bottom heaved a little and the slimy crackle came again. He gave a little sigh of relief as once more his thick turd began to grow. Another big log fell from it, and then another, and another.

'Plomp! ... Plomp ... plop!'

The sound of him having a shit seemed to echo in the room. Below him I could see his turds, floating alongside one another and breaking the surface, with his gloriously dirty smell rising up from them like smoke. The water around them stirred again as he let out another long piss. When that was over he sat silently for a while, very still, and I imagined that normally he'd have been playing with his phone at this point, relaxing in mid-shit. Twice more he gave a couple of little grunts and a strain, rocked forward slightly, and another solid, dark turd crackled from his bottom. The sound as they fell was soft and slimy; shit falling on top of shit. He toilet was well filled now, and the broken end of one turd stuck up out of the water, and the smell was even stronger.

'Phew, Andy, you must've really needed to go!'

'Yeah, I did,' he chuckled, then twisted round and looked at me, grinning. 'You really get off watching me, don't you! S'okay, I don't mind now. I were wrong. It's actually kind of hot shitting in front of you. I like how you get off on how bad it smells!'

'Mm, yes, I really like the smell of your shit. So fucking dirty!'

'Nice. Wanna wipe my arse for me then? Serious, if you wanna do it...'

'Ooh! Yes please! Pass me the bog roll.'

'Nah, not yet. Ain't finished!'

He farted again as he strained and his bottom heaved, and he rocked a little forward and did a long, dark, snaky turd. My cock dribbled onto the floor as I watched it curl and drop and pile up out of the water at the back. Finally it slowed and stopped, and then a last slim turd curled slowly out of him and fell on top of his load. He reached out for the toilet roll and held it behind him.

'I'm done,' he said. 'Now, if you wanna wipe me...'

I folded a few sheets of paper -- not scrunched it, like he did -- and he lifted his bottom up off the seat for me to wipe it. I could feel his little muscly hole flaring out a little as I drew the paper back across it, making a long, ragged dark smear. I folded it and gave him another long, slow wipe, and he grunted softly, evidently liking the feeling of having his bottom wiped for him. I was loving it too: it felt so intimate doing this for him. This time the paper came away cleaner, and I dropped it into the toilet and folded up some more. Again he grunted with satisfaction, and then when it was coming away with just the faintest little marks on it he grunted again contentedly as I gave him a last, harder rub. When he turned around I saw he was nearly hard, and his hand went to it just as I did to mine. We started wanking together for the first time, grunting and sighing and tugging at our cocks. I watched his face as he began to moan, and his cute features contorted, and then he gasped out loud and came, and shot our spunk all over his big manly shit.

'That was really good,' he said slightly coyly as he pulled his pants back up. 'Wanna do it again? I do quite a lot of jobs round this part of town, so when you're in and I need a shit...'

'Yes! Why not text me when you know when you're going to be around, and I'll see where I'll be, and we can take it from there?'

'Okay, yeah, that sounds like a plan. I'll text you. See ya later!'

I watched him get into his van and drive off, then went back inside and into the bathroom, to enjoy the smell and skidmarks he'd left, and to fantasise about the next time.

The next time came sooner than I expected. Only two days later he texted me when he was on a job a mile or so away, and starting to need a shit. So did I, as it happened, and in the hour I waited whilst he finished his job and drove over I became desperate. By the time he arrived I was lying on the sofa, squirming and clenching up and trying to ignore the dull pain in my chute. At one point I'd thought I wasn't going to manage it and I texted him telling him to hurry up. When he arrived he had an obvious semi, bulging out the front of his trousers. It grew quickly to a full hard-on as we stripped, and bounced cutely as we hurried through to the bathroom.

'Don't wank,' I said urgently as I threw down a flattened bin liner and squatted over it. 'Save it til you've done yours too, and we'll cum all over it together.'

'I'll try,' he said dubiously. 'You know how I always cum when you shit for me ... ooh! Oh that's a big one! Mm! Oh man that fucking stinks!'

I looked down and back, to where my own thick, golden-brown shit was piling up underneath me, grunting with relief. I could have held back a bit, but shitting felt so good and the relief was so intense that I just let it go, and emptied my bowels in one long stream. By the time I was done there was a big, coiled pile on the bag. When I twisted round to look at him he was staring at it in amazement, and although he wasn't touching his dick it was swollen and throbbing and bobbing up and down.

'My turn,' he said huskily. 'Really need a shit now!'

He pulled the bag towards him, shuffled round and squatted over the other end. He farted sharply a couple of times, and then his turd started to emerge. It came slowly as he grunted and strained, and his hole puckered and squeezed, all lumpy and cracked. A couple of little nuggets broke away from. As more came out his turd got smoother, and the lumpy end broke away and thudded loudly onto the floor. Above it he pushed out a hefty brown column that hung from him, for a second dropped a thick log onto the floor, and then tapered off and landed upright, sticking up like a brown spike. His smell mingled with mine, sweeter and harsher, and both of them hung round us like fog. He hadn't asked for the washing up bowl but it didn't matter: he was way too hard to piss, and his dick just bobbed up and down a couple of times before he grunted and curled out another weighty turd. His shit was smoother now, cracked and broken at the ends, glistening dully underneath him. With a soft grunt and a slimy hiss he added another one to his pile, strained and farted and flared his brown little hole out, and in again. I was coming to love it when he was in mid-shit like this, squatting over a hefty pile already, pushing and grunting softly as the next turd slid down his chute. He strained again, and a little wet fart signalled that he was about to shit. I edged hard as two or three long, sinuous turds slid out of him. No sooner had the last one dropped and his dirty hole squeezed shut behind it than he turned round hastily, his big cock in his hand, wanking hard.

'Fuck...' he breathed. 'Oh that felt good. Gonna cum!'

He began to moan and breathe heavily, and then his head went back, eyes closed, crying out through his clenched teeth as he came. He shot so hard it spurted right over his shit and spattered onto mine. He watched with a blissed out smile as I too edged again, leaned forward sharply and came all over his hefty pile.

He said before he left that he was really getting into shitting for me, and that now he'd got over his shyness about it opening his bowels and having a shit while I watched and wanked was exciting and sexy. He liked how I got off on it, and how that made the usual pleasure and satisfaction of having a shit ten times better. He couldn't wait to do it again.

In the end it was the following week before he could come over again, in the afternoon. He'd started to need a shit whilst he was on his last job, doing a bit of rewiring for an elderly customer. He'd had his sandwiches sitting in the van, not long afterwards he'd started to need a shit, and his heart had sunk at the thought of having to go and do it in the old lady's bathroom. By the time he got to mine he'd been holding it in for nearly two hours, and he was horny and desperate. I got him to take his trousers off and sit backwards on the toilet with his arse hanging over the front, so that his piss went into the bowl and I could sit behind and watch close up as he had his much-needed shit.

Right in front of my face his bottom relaxed and his hole began to open. He let out a little squeaky fart, and then the thick end of his turd forced its way out. His soft little grunts gave away his pleasure and relief as he grew a thick brown tail. The smell hit me and set me off whimpering and wanking harder, and then his turd started to pull apart.


It landed hard on the plastic bag, bent and toppled over. At once another hefty log fell, and then the long, tapered end curled from his flaring hole and dropped on top of both. He twisted round to look at me, his face a picture of satisfaction.

'Cor!' he grunted. 'I fucking needed this! Oh ... uh ... another turd's coming...'

He farted and his hole squelched and crackled, and he sighed with relief as he pushed out another turd that curled and snapped, and built up into a pile underneath him; a big, healthy, toilet-blocking shit from his gorgeous body. I was edging constantly now, sniffing deeply at his stink as I wanked. And then he grunted and pushed out a long slim one, and the filthy sound and the sight of it curling from his arse tipped me over the edge. I leaned forward suddenly and shot all over his brown pile.

That Saturday he had his hangover shit in front of me, at his place. He'd been out with his mates the night before to some tacky club. He'd had a lot to drink and he didn't remember much about the last couple of hours, apart from getting a pizza on the way home. He rang me when he was still in bed, and held the phone down under the duvet so I could hear him fart.

'I'm gonna need a shit soon,' he said. 'When I get up and have a coffee...'

'Mm! Wanna come over?'

'Nah, I can't. I'm still gonna be over the limit to drive. Why don't you come over here? It's okay, my housemate plays football and they're away today. He'll be going out in a minute. Think he's just having a shit now before he goes, actually. I'll have to go and smell it when he's done, get myself in the mood! Anyhow, he'll be gone in a quarter of an hour, if you wanna come over?'

'Er ... yeah, okay then. I'll be about twenty minutes, half an hour maybe.'

I didn't have a car and the bus would take ages, but it was only a few quid to get a taxi over there and I couldn't resist it. It felt strange, buzzing through the city on a Saturday morning on my way to do something so kinky, and trying to hold a conversation with the driver while my cock stiffened in my pants. Finally he turned off the main road, and into a cul-de-sac of modern houses, all neat front gardens and nearly new cars on the driveways. I paid him quickly and went over to the house in the corner, which alone in the road looked slightly dilapidated, with Andy's work van parked across the front. My heart raced as I knocked at the door, and behind the frosted glass I saw his silhouette.

'Hey man,' he grinned. 'Come in.'

He looked as if he'd only just got out of bed, still in his crumpled T-shirt and boxer shorts with his hair all over the place, and dark circles under his eyes. The house was a typical lads' house, with piles of DVDs and other clutter all around the living room and the remains of last night's pizza on the floor. He made us a coffee and we settled on the sofa.

'So ... you need a shit, then?'

'Yeah, starting to. Gonna be a big one.'

'Mm! And smelly?'

'Yeah it will be. I always do a really stinky one when I've got a hangover, and it comes on quick too. I'm really starting to need the toilet!'

We sat and finished the coffee, the tension rising steadily. I could see Andy's cock starting to get hard, pushing the front of his boxers out into a tent, and mine was the same. I looked him up and down, this gorgeous, hung over tradie lad, sitting slightly stiffly as the pressure in his bowels mounted. The prospect of watching him do his big hangover shit was awesome! Presently he drained his coffee, and my heart started to thump as he put the mug down and went to stand up.

'I've gotta take a shit now. You ready?'

Quickly I drained my own coffee and followed him up the stairs, with my head whirling in excitement and my eyes fixed on his sturdy arse. The bathroom was as cluttered as the rest of the house, with two young men's toiletries and towels scattered around. He pushed things away to clear some space in front of the toilet, picked up a bag he'd left on the side and laid it on the floor, and then chuckled cutely as he glanced at the toilet and pointed out his housemate's skidmarks. I'd seen a picture of his housemate; a tall, blonde, good-looking young man, who evidently did big, light-coloured turds.

'Go on,' he said. 'Strip. Wanna see you naked and wanking off while I shit.'

My cock was rock hard, pressing against my flies, and it bounced free when I pulled them down. He grinned sexily as he saw it, and pulled down his boxer shorts to show off his own hard-on. He peeled off his T-shirt too, and stood naked in front of me, all masculine and horny, stroking his cock and watching as I got naked and knelt down on the floor. I looked up at him in something like worship, longing to lean forward and suck his beautiful dick, and wanting what was about to happen more intensely than I'd ever wanted anything before. My heart felt as if it was going to burst through my chest as he turned around, showing me his gorgeous smooth back and his firm arse, and then lowered himself into position. His cheeks parted to show off his hairy, tight hole, right in front of me. I waited for a few seconds that seemed like a lifetime.

'Uh,' he grunted. 'Uh ... oh here it comes!'

His bottom filled out a little as he relaxed, his crack pushed out and his hole flared open. A brown point emerged at once, paused, and then his turd came out. Normally his shit was solid and nuggety at first and he had to push his lumpy logs out. Not now. He just relaxed and let it go, and over the filthy hiss and little gassy farts from his arse came his satisfied grunts. His shit was firm and dense and smooth, a rich, dark colour; and as it slid sinuously from his flaring hole deep cracks opened up across it, pulling apart into jagged broken ends. One thick log fell onto the bag, and then another, and another on top of both. The smell rolled out from him. It was much stronger than usual, a rank cloying smell that really filled the room and set my dick twitching with its sheer foulness.

'Mm!' I breathed, sniffing deeply at it. 'Mm! Oh wow, Andy, that fucking stinks!'

He grunted in reply. The sliver of shit hanging from his hole moved, and came out stuck to the end of another long, smooth turd, from which it dropped away and fell lightly. Then he squeezed his hole shut, and his long log dropped and curled around on top of his pile. His hole was all brown and sticky. It flared and pinched in, and then out again in a couple of little wet farts. He grunted again, and sat, straining occasionally and grunting. I could barely believe what was happening. Andy's hangover shit was horny on a whole new level. The size and the obscene beauty of it, and the filthy sound and the stink, drove me wild. I was edging and whimpering behind him, almost begging him to do more.

He strained a little, grunted softly, and his hole flared again. It was all brown, with bits of shit clinging to his anal hairs, and it bubbled brown slime as he farted. His shit came out like a long brown rope, slowly at first, dropping long slim curls. It went on and on, and then it grew softer and gassier, and the lumps dropped wetly onto his pile. I leaned in closer, and the smell nearly made me gag, but then I leaned back sharply as he let out a wet fart and pushed out a last surge of mushy little turds.

He flashed his dirty arse at me once more as he lifted himself up. Then he turned around and sat back down on the toilet, looking down on me as I leaned in again and sniffed deeply. I was buzzing in a way I never had before, and even though the stink made my stomach heave my dick was bouncing and bobbing without my even touching it, and I was dribbling pre-cum all over the floor.

'Ooh!' he breathed. 'Oh yeah, you liked that, didn't you?! Look how fucking hard you are! Can you smell it? Go on, sniff it. Sniff my big shit.'

I leaned down nearer to it and sniffed again, and started wildly at his pile, marvelling at this gorgeous young man's revolting, beautiful hangover shit. His logs lay buried, their ends sticking out from under a great, slimy brown mound. All of a sudden I couldn't help myself. It was as if some invisible hand was pressing down on the back of my neck, forcing my face closer and closer. I in until I could feel its hotness on my nose and the stink overpowered me. All of a sudden I wanted to push my face right into it, but I couldn't. I knelt there whimpering with desire.

'You fucking love my shit, don't you,' he hissed. 'It's fucking awesome how much you get off on it.'

I nodded and moaned. Above me he was wanking hard.

'Yeah, that's it. Sniff it ... go on, smell my nasty hangover shit. Now ... ooh, I'm gonna cum soon. Go on ... wank off now. Wanna see you cum all over my shit!'

I hadn't cum so hard in years. My whole body convulsed and my vision went blurry, and I cried out through clenched teeth as I shot all over his reeking brown pile.

Enjoyed this? You can find a complete list of my stories on the prolific author page. Name: namab mas

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Next: Chapter 3

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