
By Angel Markley

Published on May 30, 2007


Disclaimer-I don't now the creators of Marvel X-Men nor do I plan on following any set storyline from the comics or the movies. This is a work of pure fiction, done all by little ole' me and I hope you all like. I have been writing for years but thought that if I am ever going to get anywhere I have to start putting myself out there so I figured why not put one of my fanfics up and see what people think.

I would like some feedback so if you could please tell me what you think, if you have any suggestions, or if you have any suggestions. My e-mail is so drop me a line. I would like to thank the people that e-mailed me already to tell me they liked the story and would ask that others PLEASE do the same.

I looked out over my class on the lawn, each of them at an easel sketching anything that came to mind. I had found though that I was the new hot topic at the school, anytime I had my back to someone I heard whispers. My first class consisted of Bobby, Marie though she preferred to be called Rouge, Kitty, Peter, and John.

"Mr. Markley" Peter asked in a thick Russian accent.

"Yes Peter" I smiled walking over to him.

"What is the objective of today's class" he asked me it seemed.

"Well I want to get a grasp of each of your styles, the five of you are very different people and your drawing style will reflect that" I smiled, he seemed happy with this and went back about sketching.

"What is your power" came John. There was something about this kid, I had a feeling he stirred up trouble on NUMEROUS occasions.

"Complete elemental control and the ability to heal myself" I answered with raised eyebrow.

"So you are like Storm" Kitty asked.

"Well yeah but I can control water, fire, earth, and ice as well as the weather" I nodded.

"Really, so if I shot a fireball at you...."John asked looking my way.

"I would knock you on your ass and you would be in big trouble" I grinned as the class laughed.

"Is it true you brought your sister and brother with you" this time Rouge.

"Seems today turned into 20 questions and yes, they are both mutants like me" I chuckled walking over and picking up my shoulder bag and leafing through it, wanting to see who was in my next class.

"What can they do" Bobby asked.

"You'll have to ask them" I grinned earning a groan from everyone.

"Come on, please" Kitty begged.

"I have to give them some mystery, but I will answer anything you want to know about me" I smiled as I began to walk amongst them again.

"Are you single" Kitty grinned.

"Nope no boyfriend" I smirked as everyone turned to look at me wide eyed.

"You're gay" Bobby asked shocked.

"Yes, I'm gay" I chuckled.

"Wow, we add him to Kurt and Logan being bi" Kitty said thinking.

"You are just the schools information center aren't you" I chuckled as everyone laughed. Looking out over the students I heard rustling behind me, turning just in time to see a green guy and Mystique emerge from the bushes.

"Everyone inside NOW" I screamed as people scattered off the lawn accept for Bobby and Rogue.

"We are staying with you" Bobby yelled, his body suddenly covered in a layer of ice.

"Are you sure" I asked.

"Definitely" Rogue nodded. The green guy opened his mouth and what I took to be his tongue shot out as I went right for Mystique, catching her in the stomach and sending her to the ground.

"You definitely have balls" she growled getting up.

"So do you after what happened last time" I said slowly lifting off the ground. Concentrating, shards of the earth shot out around her trapping her in a cage.

"What the fuck are you doing" she screamed grabbing at the stone.

"I want to know what the fuck is going on" I said then turning my arm behind me and sending a bolt of lightening into the frog guy, knocking him out.

"Wow, you can handle yourself" Bobby said shocked.

"Go get the professor...NOW" I yelled as they nodded and ran back to the mansion.

"Can't handle me on your own huh" Mystique grinned then gasped as I darted in the cage and grabbed her neck.

"Let me give you a little hint, I don't like being hunted so I want to know what is going on" I said looking into her eyes. I let my ability flow through my hand, taking control of her systems.

"What are you doing" she screamed frantically.

"Do you know I have the ability to kill you with my touch, now you are going to tell me what the fuck is going on" I growled.

"Eric wants to resurrect Apocalypse and the temple is hundreds of miles underground and you are the only one that can reach it" Mystique gasped.

"Over my dead body, now you go back to your boss and tell him to leave me alone" I growled, I could feel Charles, Jean, and Logan run up behind me, in my anger I had kicked up a high wind and I could feel it moving over their bodies. This was something new to me, I could actually feel everything the wind was brushing against.

"They weren't lying, you have Mystique" Logan said a little shocked shaking me out of my own little world.

"She told me someone named Eric wants to bring back someone named Apocalypse and I'm the only on that can get to his temple" I said turning back to Charles.

"How are you getting her to give so much info" Charles asked confused.

"Part of my healing ability means I can heal others but its more than that, I can take control of their systems" I said looking into Mystique's eyes.

"You're killing her" Jean asked shocked.

"Never, I would never kill someone" I answered.

"But she doesn't know that" Logan grinned. I let her go and she dropped to the ground, turning the stone retreated into the ground and Mystique quickly ran into the woods.

"Don't think we need that test Professor" Jean chuckled.

"I would say not" Charles chuckled. ************************************************************** **********

I sat down in my room with a big sigh and kicked my shoes across the room and then slipped on some pajama pants and wandered downstairs. I stood in front of the refrigerator trying to find something to eat as Logan walked in, leaning himself against the door frame.

"Do you always try to appear to be Fonzie" I chuckled then laughed harder as he flipped me off.

"You certainly know how to handle yourself, better than anyone around here actually" Logan grinned.

"I wouldn't go that far but thanks, you are rather bad ass yourself" I chuckled. GOD he is hot, standing there in those tight jeans and tank top I said to myself as I checked him out.

"You gonna drool over me some more" Logan chuckled walking in more as I went red.

"You're the one that wears jeans that tight" I chuckled walking over and pouring me some water as I turned I was face to face with him. Next thing I knew his lips were on mine and I could feel his hands traveling up my sides.

"Oops" Tish said before turning around. The moment was stopped though and we slowly separated, my hands on the counter to brace myself.

"Maybe you would like to get something to eat sometime" Logan asked as I opened my eyes.

"I'd like that, maybe tomorrow night" I asked hopefully.

"Sounds like a plan, till then" he grinned turning and leaving. ************************************************************** **********

After getting dressed the next morning I walked down to the kitchen still a little groggy to see everyone rushing around eating breakfast. I grabbed a grapefruit and some tea and sat down at a table with Ian, Tish, and Rogue.

"Not a morning person either huh" Rogue chuckled.

"GOD NO, I could sleep until noon if possible" I laughed, blushing a little as I looked up and Logan passed winking at me.

"Okay so what's going on" Ian asked pointing his fork at me.

"Logan asked me on a date tonight" I said still blushing as I cut my grapefruit.

"You are kidding me, lucky bitch" Ian said shocked, throwing his napkin at me.

"So what's on the agenda for class today" Rogue asked stirring her oatmeal.

"First assignment, I want everyone to start something emotional" I said eating a section of my grapefruit.

"Emotional huh, so like something that's gonna make me sob" Tish responded sarcastically.

"No, but something that is somewhat personal to you" I chuckled.

((((Rich please come to my office before class)))) went through my head causing me to drop my spoon.

"Not used to the psychic intercom system huh" Rogue chuckled.

"To say the least, well I better go" I sighed hopping up and heading to the professors office. I walked in to find Jean, Aurora, Scott, and Logan all sitting around with Charles behind his desk.

"What is it" I smiled sitting down.

"Well with your combat skills you have showed we would like to extend an invitation to join the team" he smiled as everyone around the room nodded towards me with smiled.

"I would be honored" I answered a little shocked.

"We would also like you to join us on a mission, you see there is a mutant by the name of Warren Worthington that is being held against his will in a facility in the San Francisco Harbor and I am sending you five to free him" Charles said, a slight frown forming on his mouth.

"Do you have any idea what his abilities are" I asked.

"He has beautiful white wings on his back like an angel and healing abilities" Charles answered.

"Before we go don't you think we need to give Rich his codename" Scott smiled.

"Definitely, now codenames are decided by the person's ability so after some thought we thought you would be Fury" Charles smiled.

"I like it, thank you" I smiled.

"Well we had better go suit up" Jean grinned.

So that was the latest installment, kind of a cliffhanger to leave you wondering what the battle will be like in the next chapter. I hope you enjoyed it and again drop me a line and tell me what you think,

Next: Chapter 3

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