
By Angel Markley

Published on Jun 9, 2007


SO yeah here is the next installment, as always I'm not following any set storyline from the movies or the comics cause...well that would be boring lol. The characters belong to Marvel and not me though I wouldn't mind keeping Logan under my bed.

I would love some feedback people, so come on read the story and drop me a line as to what you think.

"I feel like one of the Village People" I said tugging at my leather uniform.

"It looks good on you though" Logan grinned as I blushed...yet again. I looked out the front window as we spend across the sky, watching trees and little towns zip by under us.

"So any idea why they have this guy contained" Scott asked.

"According to the Professor his father is trying to come up with a cure for the mutant gene and wants to make an example of his son I guess" Jean sighed as she and Aurora piloted.

"Paying little mind to what his son actually wants, what a kind father" I chuckled walking over and sitting at a table that laid out the plans for the building.

"It looks pretty plain, bunch of security I'm sure but there should be no problem getting to the cell" Logan said scanning the plans. Soon we were skimming along the bay waters, Aurora's eyes glowing a faint white as a sudden fog picked up blanketing the area. Parking on the roof of the main building we cautiously walked out, finding the access door and making our way down.

The first set of guards we came across Jean took out with a psychic move, both of them slumping forward then falling to the floor. Making our way further we stupidly ended up in what was obviously a break room, the guards rushing forward. I kicked up a high wind sending three guards against a far wall and made a break for a door. Sirens and red lights flashed over my head as I rushed to the hallway with holding cells. Checking a chart that hung on the wall I found the one I needed and hurried to it, of course the door was locked. Looking around for anything that I could pry the door open with I came up empty so with some quick thinking I froze the knob then brought my foot down on it hard shattering it, then threw the door open. Inside I found a teenage boy huddled against the fall wall, his beautiful wings protecting him.

"Please don't hurt me" he whimpered.

"I'm here to break you out, hurry" I said motioning to the door. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes then nodded, taking my hand and running down the hall together.

"There you are" Logan said rushing into the end of the hall.

"I found him, lets get the hell out of here" I said frantic, sure that every guard in this place was on the look out.

"Sounds like a plan to me" Logan chuckled. We met up with the rest of the team still in the break room taking out the last of the guards.

"NEVER stray from the team" Scott scolded me.

"Sorry, I figured this would be faster" I apologized.

"Next time tell someone, now lets move" he said as we bolted to the stairs. We got onto the jet just as more guards stormed the roof and took off into the sky. Speeding through the clouds I had a feeling that they weren't going to give up so easily, noticing a scared look on Jean's face.

"They are sending jets after us" Jean said frantically as she began pushing buttons on a screen. Closing my eyes I began to concentrate on the sky around us, reaching my mind out I knew what I had to do.

"Hold on to something people" I yelled as spiraling clouds began to form around us, the sky turning an angry gray. I could feel the jets turning around one by one accept one and this guy was just not giving up.

"How's it going Rich" Logan asked standing in front of me.

"Go watch Warren" I said, my eyes opening to reveal a dark midnight blue. I was a little hesitant to do it but I clipped one of the wings of the jet that was chasing us with a lightening bolt, I guided it down to the ground as softly as I could so the pilot wouldn't be hurt.

"You did it Rich" Scott smiled at me as I opened my eyes, the sky returning to its original blue. I nodded with a smile before I felt myself beginning to fall, Logan darting across the room to grab me.

  • * * X * * *

"Hey there, how are you feeling" Jean said looking down at me as I opened my eyes. Looking around I found what I took to be a hospital.

"Okay I guess, why am I in a hospital" I asked sitting up cautiously.

"You passed out, and you are in a medical bay under the mansion" Jean smiled.

"Oh, well I guess I can live with that I just hate hospitals" I chuckled getting up and swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

"Where do you think you are going" Jean said trying to push me down.

"Not to be rude but I really need to get out of here, like I said I hate hospitals and this is driving me crazy" I said pulling off the probes attached to my chest.

"Well since you are regenerative I guess its okay, but be careful" Jean sighed. I nodded as I walked out into the hall, getting confused I walked back in and asked for directions.

"Um how do I get out of here" I asked confused causing her to chuckle. Walking over she took my hand and led me down the hall to the elevators and soon we were on dorm floor.

"Rich oh my god are you okay" Tish said bolting over from where she stood with Rogue and Ian.

"Yeah, it will take a lot to hurt me" I smiled ruffling her hair.

"True, so what happened" Tish asked.

"I just over extended myself, don't worry" I said trying to calm her down.

"Warren has been asking about you too" Jean smiled.

"Where is he, I want to talk to him a little. He looked so lost and scared when I broke into the cell" I asked. She nodded and led me down the hall to a door, after thanking her I knocked.

"Come in" came a quiet voice. I found Warren sitting in the corner of his bed against the wall with his legs pulled up against his chest. It was so dark, the shades drawn with only a desk lamp on.

"Hey, how are you" I asked walking in, his eyes getting wide as I sat down across from him.

"I'm okay, are you okay, I hope you didn't hurt yourself to much trying to save me" he said frantically moving across the bed towards me.

"Hey don't talk like that, I would gladly put myself in the middle of something to save someone. You know you don't have to hide here, everyone here is just like you" I smiled stroking his hair.

"But the still stare, look over there angel boy" he sighed falling back against the bed.

"Up come on, sitting here feeling sorry for yourself solves nothing so you and I are going flying" I said standing up.

"You can fly too" he asked shocked.

"Well I can control the wind to move my body but its like flying" I chuckled.

"Cool, lets go" he nodded rushing out the door. I followed him out into the hallway where I bumped into Logan.

"Hey there sexy" he almost purred.

"Hey, sorry about missing our date" I chuckled.

"No worries, so what up with the kid" Logan smiled pointing to Warren standing by the stairs bouncing on his feet.

"He's feeling a bit alienated still so I am gonna take him flying" I chuckled.

"Maybe we could have some dinner tonight" he grinned.

"Try and stop me" I chuckled turning to leave. I looked back and winked before running down the stairs with Warren and out into the back yard. I looked at him and smiled as a gust of wind lifted me into the air, looking down I watched as his wings stretched out and he took off after me.

"So what's going on with you and that gruff looking guy" Warren asked with a chuckle.

"He asked me out" I said looking for his reaction.

"Wow, you are gay too" he asked shocked.

"Yep" I smiled then spiraled backwards causing him to laugh. We kept looping around each other laughing and suddenly I heard Warren go quiet. Moving up by him I spotted a man hovering towards us, a cape blowing in the wind behind him.

"Mr. Markley, how nice to finally meet you" he smiled.

"Warren go back to the mansion and tell the others I need help" I said noticing the magnetic charge in the air.

"There is no need to frighten the boy I am here for you not him" he smiled as Warren dived down towards the ground.


I LOVE cliffhangers I really do, nothing like some excitement to really get you going. Remember drop me a line and tell me what you think I'd love to hear from you.

Next: Chapter 4

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