Banging Ben Cohen

By Chunky Chains

Published on Aug 15, 2015


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behaviour of the actual person.

-------------------- THE ROAD TO MONTEREY --------------------

After four days under Steven Gerrard's roof, Ben was feeling like his old self again. He had spent a lot of relaxing time by the pool, taking in the sights of the hills while out jogging, and catching up on movies in the evenings in Stevie's home cinema room. At night he'd enjoyed sharing his friend's bed, taking a load or two from Gerrard before they fell asleep in the comfort of the satin sheets. Sometimes they curled up in each other's arms, but usually they would just spread out across the super-king-size mattress as it was more than large enough for the both of them.

However, Stevie's wife Alex and their kids were due back the next day after a trip to see family in England, so the time had come for Ben to move on. Unlike the gut-wrenching feeling he experienced every time David went back to Victoria, Ben was fine with getting out of the way as he and Stevie were really just friends. Ben knew he was enough to satisfy his mate's occasional need for a man in his bed, whilst Stevie offered him uncomplicated companionship that never generated any stress or anxiety.

Ben knew he was not ready to go back to the UK yet, and was pondering what to do next. He was enjoying being in America, and knew that if he phoned up any number of people he'd be offered a place to stay in exchange on the understanding that they'd have round-the-clock access to his arse. This had its appeals, but at the moment he was looking more for some time with a friendly face.

Having pondered on it for the best part of a day, Ben eventually got out his phone and called Chris Salgardo, President of Kiehls USA. They had joined forces to ride across the country on motorbikes for charity a couple of years ago, and despite coming from very different backgrounds had formed a close friendship. Every day of the charity ride had ended with Ben getting gangbanged by his fellow bikers, but it was always Chris's bed that he ended up in to sleep, wrapped in the comforting arms of the beauty business executive.

"My man Ben!" said Chris when he answered the phone.

"Hey" said Ben, "how are you?"

"I'm good man, how about you?"

"Good thanks" replied Ben. "I'm in LA."

"Really? Since when?"

"A few days ago. I'm staying at a friend's. Needed a break."

"I hear ya" said Chris.

"Actually" said Ben, hesitating a little, "I was wondering if you've got room for a guest?"

"Sure thing" said Chris. "You OK?"

"Yeah" replied Ben, "just got to get out of the way now that the wife is coming back to town."

"Ah" said Chris, "that old chestnut."

"Ha, yeah" laughed Ben, "the story of my life."

"Well, get your stuff and come on up to the Bay" said Chris, "I can meet you at an airport if you want."

"Thanks" said Ben, "but I think I might ride up."

"Oh cool" said Chris. "You wanna maybe meet me half way or something?"

"That sounds great!" said Ben, smiling. "Where?"

"Well, let me know when you're setting out and I'll find somewhere."

Ben came off the call and immediately started looking up places to hire a motorbike. Eventually he found a company in Santa Monica that had Harley Davidsons on offer, and he called their offices to make arrangements. A few hours later, after saying goodbye to Stevie with one final fuck over the kitchen table, Ben got a cab down to the bike hire place and loaded his bags of stuff into the panniers. He'd left his suitcase at Stevie's to be chucked away as it would never have fitted on the bike, so he made for a bit of a sight as he unloaded all of his gear from the cab in a load of plastic bags.

With all the formalities completed, Ben was eventually on the road, dressed in some hired leathers and safety helmet, and wearing his aviator sunglasses. He'd called Chris just before setting out from Stevie's, and got a text later on directing him to a place on the seafront in the small town of Cayucos, a few hours up the coast.

Ben loved the feeling of being back on the open road on a proper bike, and he decided to take his time over the ride as he suspected Chris might take a while to get himself on the road from his retreat in Monterey. He mostly followed Highway 1, but took the occasional detour off to use even smaller roads that kept him closer to the coast or the beautiful state parks along the way.

It was evening before Ben arrived in Cayucos, and after a couple of wrong-turns he eventually found the address Chris had sent him. The house was in darkness, so once Ben had typed in the code to get through the security gate he parked his bike down the side and then wandered through to the garden area. The views of the ocean were stunning, and the sunset was in full swing so he sat down on the grass and spent the next half an hour just staring out to the west. His mind wandered on to David, and although he found himself wishing his lover was here with him to enjoy the view, the sadness and pain he'd experienced in recent days when he thought of Beckham seemed to have subsided. He allowed himself to drift into deep thoughts about David, about himself and about the future.

The hum of another motorbike coming into the driveway broke Ben's trance-like state, and knowing it would be Chris finally arriving, he hauled himself up from the grass and walked back to the house. When he got out front Chris was unloading a couple of bags from his bike, but when he saw Ben he walked over and gripped his friend in a hug.

"Good to see you old friend" said Chris, causing Ben to chuckle as they'd only known each other a couple of years.

"You too mate" he replied. "This is a nice place."

"Yeah, I found it online. Not cheap, but hey, it'll do for a night."

"Just a night?" asked Ben, pulling away from Chris with a smirk on his face.

"Yes, just a night" said Chris. "We've got to be back in Monterey tomorrow."

"We?" asked Ben, raising an eyebrow.

"Uh huh" said Chris. "Word may have got out you're on this side of the pond. There's, er, some guys flying in to see you."

"Oh really?" said Ben, now grinning.

Chris smiled at him. "You big slut" he said, "you can't wait, can you?"

"Haha" laughed Ben, "I'm sure you can keep me occupied in the meantime!"

The two men got all of their stuff and went into the house, with Chris producing a load of pre-packed meals and bottles of beer for them to enjoy. They ate and drank out on the terrace while catching up on each other's lives, and then Chris brought out a bottle of whiskey as the night got later and their conversation got deeper. Ben eventually confided in Chris about what was going on with David and his exploits in Richmond Park a few nights earlier, causing Chris to move his seat closer so he could put his arm around his friend and comfort him. The comforting led to kissing and they were soon naked in bed, with Ben lying on his back as Chris gently thrusted his cock into him.

They slept in each other's arms, waking late in the morning. Ben rolled onto his front and Chris slid on top of him, giving him another gentle fuck and adding a second load into his hole before they got up and showered. Chris had also brought along provisions for breakfast, which they ate out on the terrace again with strong cups of coffee, enjoying the view together without the need to say very much.

Around midday they got back on the road, riding together along the coastal route and stopping only for a clam chowder lunch from a hut by a beach. They arrived into Monterey towards the end of the afternoon and headed to Chris's clifftop villa, where Ben unloaded all of his stuff into a guest bedroom. They took a shower together, again indulging in a gentle fuck under the luxurious spray of hot water, before relaxing in the kitchen over a few glasses of wine while wearing just towels around their waist.

Once night had fallen, they both got ready for their evening's entertainment. They munched on some food that Chris had got delivered while slowly getting dressed, with Chris opting for some relaxed jeans, black leather boots, a fashionably frayed T-shirt and some leather wristbands. Ben borrowed a leather jockstrap from Chris, and then dressed over it with some slightly tighter jeans, a close-fitting black T-shirt and his Timberland boots. He also decided that tonight he'd put on the massive silver chains he so rarely wore in public, which comprised of a huge bracelet on each wrist and nearly a kilo's worth of chain around his neck.

"Wow, rocking the bling" said Chris as Ben emerged from his bedroom.

Ben blushed a little, and necked the rest of the glass of wine he was holding. "Thought I'd try something different" he said.

"Very nice" said Chris. "The boys will love it."

Ben smiled at him. "So, are you finally going to tell me who's fucking me tonight?" he asked.

"Nope" said Chris, "but I will say that the theme is Bikers, Bears & Rockers."

Ben smiled and then headed out on the balcony where he lit up a cigarette. Chris joined him, lighting a cigar and handing him another glass of wine.

"Beautiful place this" said Ben. "How long have you had it?"

"A year" said Chris. "I just love getting out of New York sometimes, and Fire Island doesn't do it for me anymore."

"Really?" asked Ben. "Why not?"

"Too many twinks" said Chris, smiling.

Ben also smiled, and took a deep draw on his cigarette. He knew what Chris meant, but he himself had no particular problem with the clientele who made the journey to Fire Island these days. Indeed, he'd spent a happy couple of days there the previous summer getting fucked round-the-clock under the pine trees.

"So what time are your guests arriving?" asked Ben, stubbing out his cigarette and then taking a big gulp of wine.

"Soon" said Chris.

Almost as soon as he had said that, they heard the buzz of the intercom from inside the house. Chris smiled at Ben, and then went inside. Ben watched him go, and then turned back to face the ocean as he lit another cigarette. He stood there alone for a while, listening to the waves crashing on the rocks far below, and felt a sense of euphoria pass over him. Maybe he was going to be alright. Maybe he'd be able to quit David after all. Maybe he'd find true love with someone who could actually be with him.

Ben was reaching the end of his cigarette, and was starting to wonder what was taking so long with everyone else, when he heard voices and sounds from inside. He took a final draw on his cigarette and then stubbed it out, before turning round to see who Chris had assembled for him this time.

But there was no group of bikers, no bears, and no rockers. Not even Chris. Coming towards Ben was about the last person he had expected to see.

"Hi" said Ben, as David Beckham stepped out onto the deck.

"Hi" said David.

They stood and looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity, before Ben moved forward and wrapped his arms around his lover. David did the same, and buried his face in Ben's shoulder.

"I've..." said David, breaking off.

"You've what?" asked Ben eventually.

"I've left Victoria."

In that moment, Ben's world changed forever...


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