Banging Ben Cohen

By Chunky Chains

Published on Jul 29, 2015


This story is about male/male relationships and contains graphic descriptions of sex.

You should not read this story if it is in any way illegal due to your age or residence.

This is a work of pure fiction. It mixes fictional characters and events with real people. However any real person mentioned in this work is purely an actor playing a part. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about the sexuality, personality, or behaviour of the actual person.

---------------------- DATE AT THE DORCHESTER ----------------------

After waking earlier than he'd planned, Ben had spent the morning getting himself ready for a fun afternoon. He had hit the gym for a hard workout, and once home again he'd gone through his normal bathroom rituals to get his beard in order, his hole cleaned out and just the right manly scent applied to his body. Once happy he was ready, he pushed in a buttplug, put on his jock, and then dressed like a gentleman on top of that. As he had admired himself in the mirror, he was pretty pleased with what he saw.

Despite the distance, Ben decided to get a cab to the Dorchester rather than drive or risk unwanted attention on the train. He arrived just before midday, and headed in to the Reception desk to get his instructions for the day.

"Good afternoon, Mr Cohen" said the concierge on duty, before Ben had even spoken. "Mr Beckham and the rest of your party are waiting for you upstairs. Please follow me."

Ben smiled at him, and then followed the concierge over to the lifts.

"I thought we were having High Tea" Ben said, as he noticed the concierge pressing the button for the 8th floor.

"Mr Beckham has booked a suite for a more private experience" replied the concierge, a slight smirk appearing on his face.

"Oh right" said Ben, flushing a little. He wasn't sure what the concierge knew, but he'd heard stories about hotel staff somehow having all the inside gossip about what went on in their establishments.

They arrived at the 8th floor, and the concierge led Ben down to a set of double doors. He knocked, and then turned to Ben.

"I trust you will enjoy your time at The Dorchester" he said, giving Ben a big smile and a nod before walking back down the corridor. Ben watched him walk away, and then turned back around when the door was opened.

"Mr Cohen" said David, standing before him wearing only a pair of pyjama bottoms, grinning ear to ear. "Glad you could make it."

"Mate, if it's a pyjama party then why did I have to get all dressed up in this garb?" asked Ben as he walked into the room.

"You know I like you in a suit" replied David, still grinning. "So fucking handsome."

With that, David closed the door and then walked over to Ben. He put his hand behind Ben's head and pulled him down for a deep kiss.

"Hi" said David quietly, as they broke apart.

"Hi" whispered Ben, smiling.

"You hungry?" asked David.

"For you? Always" replied Ben.

David chuckled, and then pulled away from Ben and went over to a table where there were some platters of food, jugs of juice, coffee and tea, and a towering stack of cakes.

"I catered" David said, grabbing a sandwich and taking a big bite. "Thought we'd need the energy" he continued, talking with a mouthful of food.

Ben stripped out of his jacket, undid his tie and then loosened the top few buttons of his shirt.

"So" he said, "are we alone?"

David smirked at him. "For now, yeah" he said. "We're going over to Kensington Palace later, but I thought I would get my share of you first."

"That's a lot of food for just the two of us" said Ben.

"I figured rugby players know how to eat" replied David. "Unless you're on a strictly liquid diet today that is?"

Ben chuckled. "Something like that" he said.

David walked back over to Ben, and started to undo the rest of his shirt buttons. Ben helped him along by untucking the shirt from his trousers, and then David pushed it off his back.

"Mmmmm" said David, admiring Ben's torso, "I've missed this."

He leaned forward and started to kiss Ben's chest, moving lower to his stomach before getting on his knees in front of him. David undid Ben's trousers and then pushed them down, rubbing Ben's hairy legs once they were exposed. His hands then travelled back up to cup Ben's arse, his fingers lightly touching the buttplug he could feel between Ben's cheeks. David buried his face in Ben's crotch and took a deep sniff, before he curled his fingers over the waist of the CK trunks and gradually pushed them down, revealing the black jockstrap underneath.

"You've come prepared" he said.

"I was in the Scouts" said Ben. David looked up at him and smiled, before leaning forward to nuzzle Ben's rock-hard penis through the jock. He spent a while on his knees, gently exploring Ben's body with his lips, tongue, nose and fingers, before reaching down to untie Ben's shoelaces. He then stood back up, and Ben took the sign to remove his own shoes, trousers and socks so that he was left standing naked, but for the jockstrap.

David slipped down his own pyjama bottoms, and then stepped forward to Ben. They wrapped their arms around each other and started a long and passionate kiss. David's hands roamed around Ben's back and arse, and then he reached around a little further to grip the buttplug. He pulled on it, prompting Ben to push out. The plug popped out of his hole, prompting Ben to grunt into David's mouth as the widest part of the rubber toy stretched him open.

David pulled away from the kiss, and pushed on Ben's chest to encourage him back to the bed. Ben lay down on his back and raised his legs, while David got down on his knees and leaned in to Ben's crotch. He nuzzled on the jockstrap, and then used his hands to push Ben's thighs up so that his arse was exposed. David leaned in and took a sniff, and then stuck out his tongue and started to explore in and around Ben's gaping hole. He rimmed him for nearly quarter of an hour, sending Ben into an ecstatic haze.

Eventually David pulled back, and then climbed up onto the bed. He lay over Ben, using his own body to force the rugby player's legs wide, and his erect penis started to prod at Ben's hole. Without needing to use his hands, David found the target and pushed forward, burying himself inside Ben. He hadn't put on any lube assuming that Ben had probably squirted half a tube of the stuff inside himself while getting ready, and was proved right as his cock slipped all the way into the hole without any resistance.

Once buried inside, David adjusted his position and leaned right forward to kiss Ben. They stayed face to face, kissing one another or just looking deep into each other's eyes as David started to hump, his rod massaging Ben's insides and giving him huge amounts of pleasure.

An hour later, they had changed positions so that Ben was lying flat on his front with David on his back, gently moving himself back and forth inside Ben. It had been a long and gentle session, neither speaking nor really making any sounds as they lost themselves to the intense feelings their connection was giving to them. Eventually David's breathing started to increase, and with a single more forceful thrust forward he unloaded inside Ben. He lay on top of the rugby player panting as his balls emptied and he came down from the orgasm, with Ben revelling in the feel of the seed filling him up and David's breaths in his ear.

They lay together in the same position for a while, until David pulled up his hips to remove his cock from Ben before sliding off him onto the bed. He shuffled himself forward so that they were both lying on their fronts face-to-face, looking into each other's eyes. Ben smiled and David, and reached his hand up to gently wipe a bead of sweat from the footballer's forehead. He then rested his palm on David's head, lightly rubbing his thumb on his cheek.

"Hi" Ben whispered.

"Hi" David whispered back, smiling groggily as his eyes fluttered. The gentle rubbing on his cheek gradually lulled him to sleep, with Ben just watching as the most beautiful man he knew drifted off.

Around an hour later David opened his eyes again. Ben's arm was now resting on his back, and he could see that Ben had fallen asleep too. David gazed at him for a little bit, and then reached his own arm over to rest on Ben's back. Ben opened his eyes and smiled at David, before shuffling himself over a bit. David rolled onto his back as Ben slid over on top of him, their mouths meeting in a long and deep kiss. Ben then lifted his head to look down at David, who reached his hand up to stroke Ben's face.

"I love you" David whispered.

Ben gazed at him for a moment, and then lowered himself back down. He kissed David again, and then moved his body round to rest his had on David's chest.

"You're married" he said. "With kids."

"I know" said David.

"Do you still love her?" Ben asked.

"Yes. I do."

"Then you should be with her" Ben said, his eyes starting to sting.

"I know" said David. "But..." he trailed off.

"But what?" Ben asked after a while.

"I don't know" said David. "I'm happy at home. I am. I love my wife, I love my kids, and I am really happy. But when I'm with you I just..."

Ben lifted his head and turned to face David. He looked at him quizzically, trying to work out what David's now pained expression was saying.

"I guess I just wonder whether I'm where I should be" David eventually said, staring at the ceiling. "It's like I feel different with you. More like I should feel. Or something."

Ben smiled at David.

"It's OK" he said, "I know what you mean."

"You do?" asked David.

"Yeah" sighed Ben. "Don't forget I was married too. I've got kids. I was really happy there for a while."

"And?" asked David.

"And" continued Ben, "it was all fine until I found what I was missing."

"Men" said David.

"Yes" replied Ben, staring intently at his lover. "But I still sort of wish I had just been happy with my wife. Life would be easier."

"Yeah" said David. "That's the thing. I am happy with Victoria but there's this thing missing. I just don't think I can blow up my life over it."

"Like I did?" Ben asked.

David darted his eyes to Ben's. "No, that's not what I meant" he hurriedly said.

"Yeah, it kind of is" Ben replied, smiling warmly at him but with tears on his cheeks. "I gave in to what I needed. Lost my wife, only see my kids at weekends. You know the drill."

David stared at Ben, and then sat up. He pulled Ben up towards him and kissed him deeply, holding both sides of Ben's face with his hands. He then pulled away an inch so they were face to face.

"God I love you" he whispered.

Ben looked into David's eyes. "I love you too" he replied. "But it's not enough, is it?"

Tears now appeared in David's eyes, and his face started to scrunch up. He took his hands away from Ben's face to wipe his cheeks, but then buried his face in them and started to sob. Ben shuffled over and wrapped his arms around David, pulling him in to his shoulder. Tears were streaming down Ben's cheeks as well.

An hour later and the two men were getting dressed in silence, having got clean while they tenderly held one another under the shower. Occasionally their eyes would meet and they'd smile, but they were both now feeling a little exposed after their heart-to-heart.

Once they were both dressed in their fine suits, David started heading towards the door of the suite.

"David, wait" Ben said. David turned back towards him as Ben walked over. Ben put his hands on David's cheeks and leaned him to give him a brief kiss, before pulling back.

"It's OK" said Ben. "We're OK."

"What do you mean?" asked David.

"I mean that we're OK like this" Ben said. "We can go and have some fun now, and then after that I'm OK if you just want to carry on as we were."

"You are?" said David, looking unsure.

"Yes" said Ben. "I am."

"I don't know if I am" David said quietly, looking down.

"Then I'll give you time to figure it out" said Ben. "But let's not be weird with each other. OK?"

David nodded, still looking down.

"OK?" said Ben again.

David looked up at him and gazed at his face for a few moments before nodding again. "OK" he said. "I don't want things to be weird either."

"Good" said Ben, smiling as he let go of David's face.

David smiled at him, and then turned back towards the door. They left the suite and headed down in the lift together, standing closer than two men normally would while their hands grazed one another's. Once at the ground floor they headed out to the forecourt to the black Lexus that was waiting for them. As they climbed in, David's phone buzzed with a text. David looked at his phone and smiled.

"Something funny?" Ben asked.

"Harry's getting impatient" David replied, grinning.

"Well, we mustn't keep the princes waiting" Ben said. "Driver! To Kensington Palace as fast as you can go!"

With that, they sped off onto Park Lane, and onwards to a right royal romp...


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