Being Dylan Obriens Assistant

By A B

Published on Jul 19, 2015


Dear Nifty Archivist,

Please add this next chapter to the Celebrity section.

Your time is MUCH appreciated!Jason:)

The following story is purely fiction. I have no knowledge of any person`s sexual orientation except my own and make no claim otherwise, whatsoever. If you're not old enough to be reading this for WHATEVER reason, please leave now. If you are plenty old enough, please continue on and let me know what you think of my second submission to the Nifty Archives. As I'm sure you've seen many other Nifty authors say, if you'd like to continue seeing our creations, please donate to them.

Being Dylan OBriens Assistant

Chapter 2

I finished my shower, dried myself and got dressed in my running errand clothes. I went back into the bedroom and grabbed my phone, it vibrated as I picked it up, letting me know I had missed some sort of notification. I quickly unlocked it and saw a missed call from none other than Dylan. There was also a new voicemail. I dialed the voicemail and listened eagerly. My heart was racing slightly. Why on Earth did he affect me so quickly. "Because he's hot as hell, that's why." My inner voice interjected.

The message started to play, "Hey Jason, it's Dylan O'Brien. How are you doing? When do you finish your current assignment? I was wondering if we could hang out the next time you have a break. Shit, I don't even know where you live! Oh, ummm, please excuse my language, I just realized I don't know very much about you...Sooo, maybe give me a call or text me after you get this and I'll talk to you then. Ummm...yeah, bye!!"

He was SOOO cute, his voice was nervous and I could tell he was having a hard time getting it out there. Poor guy. I'm not that hard to be around or to talk to. I wonder what he's really feeling. I deleted the message and started to write a quick text message.

From Jason: Dylan, Just got your message. Sorry I didn't answer, was in the shower at home after getting off a 3 hour plane ride. How's it going?

I knew I needed to keep it short because most people weren't used to my complete sentences and lack of abbreviations when I text messaged. I was putting my phone in the pocket of my shorts when his reply came back. God he's quick...

From Dylan: Hey Jason! NM going on here. NW bout not answering I understand. Where is "home" BTW?

From Jason: Home is wherever my client needs it to be. But the "Home Base" is a small apartment in LA. How about you?

I sat down on my bed, not bothering to put my phone away, I had a feeling it was going to take me a while to get out the door. As I was slipping my socks on, my phone bleeped again. I smiled, despite myself.

From Dylan: Cool. I don't really like LA. Too many ppl. As for me, I live with my parents in the house I bought them in Santa Cruz. Lame, right?

*From Jason: Not at all. That was very kind of you, to buy your parents a home before you settled down yourself. I respect that. Very much."

I set my phone down again, quickly, hoping I'd have enough time to get my shoes on before his next message came through. I tied the second shoe and waited about a minute before getting up from my seated position, in case he replied. But no message came, I assumed he became occupied with something else, so I stood, put my phone in my pocket and headed towards the door, grabbing my keys and wallet along the way.

As I was locking the door behind me, my phone bleeped. I finished locking up and headed toward the elevator. Pulling my phone from my pocket I unlocked it and opened the message from Dylan.

From Dylan: Thanks Man. I couldn't think of anything else to do for them after I got my first big check from making The Maze Runner. I wanted to pay them back for all of their support and sacrifice during my career.

From Jason: That's very commendable of you Dylan. I wish I could have done the same for my parents before they cast me out. But that's a story for another day, and in person.

The elevator dinged and I got on, pressing the garage level button.

As I rode down, I made mental note to send a fresh fruit basket to my housekeeper. I hated calling her that, but that's what she insisted on. She was really good to me and I wanted to show my appreciation to her for keeping the apartment in order this last time I was away. She had a 21 year old son that loves cars and is in school to become a certified mechanic. He was a good kid and I trusted him with my pride and joy. I considered Carlos my car sitter. When I was gone for more than a week at a time, he'd come in and take my car for a drive once or twice a week. Just so she didn't sit for too long without being ran.

The elevator doors opened and I stepped out into the brightly lit, very clean parking garage level and headed towards my assigned spot. I hit the remote start on the keyfob when I was a few spaces away. The lights flashed and the engine turned over with a roar. Once it started idling the engine purred like an excited lion. I loved this car. It's a 2014 Dodge Journey R/T. It was a very custom job. It had all the bells and whistles it could come with off the line and quite a few that were aftermarket. The paint is a custom slate gray and all of the windows were tinted to just below being illegal. The engine had been upgraded as well as the suspension and some of the electronics. It was what I spent most of my money on. I paid cash for it and it was all mine. I was so in love with my car that I rented the spaced immediately in front and to each side of it so that no one could ever park next to or in front of her.

As I approached I did not fail to notice how she sparkled in the bright fluorescent lighting. Carlos never disappoints. He usually always washes and waxes the exterior and vacuums the interior the day before I'm scheduled to come home. He's too good to me and loves this car probably as much as I do. I get in, buckle up, say hello to her and let her know how much I've missed her. As I'm getting ready to back out of my spot, my phone bleeps again and the dash computer of the car says "New text message from Dylan. Would you like me to read it to you?" I acknowledge with a verbal "Yes."

From Dylan: I completely understand. So, as I mentioned in my voicemail, I think we should hang out the next time you have a break.

"Would you like to reply?" The computer asks. Again I say "Yes." And then compose my message.

From Jason: I'd like that, very much. I'm actually heading out to the store to pick up a few things. Can I message you when I get home later?

After sending the message, I back out of my spot and head towards the exit. Pulling out onto the street the computer lets me know that Dylan has replied.

From Dylan: OH! So sorry for keeping you! Let me know when you're free. TTYS.

From Jason: No worries, Dylan. You weren't keeping me, just don't want to be distracted while I'm driving. Talk to you soon.

A couple hours later I'm home and have put my groceries away and have changed into my lounge clothes. I sit down in front of the TV, turn it on and plug my phone in. I text Dylan.

From Jason: Sorry that took so long. I haven't been home in so long, I didn't realize how much stuff I needed and refuse to let my housekeeper buy my groceries before I come home. How is your evening so far?

I start sorting through the recordings on the DVR and select what I want to watch, as it starts to play, the phone bleeps.

From Dylan: I hear ya there. I don't have a housekeeper, but get it. There are some things you just want to do on your own. My evenings going well. Just got out of the shower after a swimming workout.

The mental image that this message created made me squirm a little and a jolt to hit my groin.

From Jason: I bet that feels good. Being clean and having worked out a little. I will be hitting the gym in the morning. My routine gets thrown off everytime I'm away from home.

From Dylan: My "people" won't let me skip on my workouts. They're relentless. I apparently have to keep my figure up to par, even when I'm not shooting. Go figure.

From Jason: HAHAHA!! I hate it when I have to look good. Could you tell?

From Dylan: You looked pretty good to me when I last saw you.

This surprised me slightly. He was giving me a compliment that most guys wouldn't give to another guy they had just met. As I pondered my response to this another message came in from him.

From Dylan: I mean, you know, for a guy and stuff...

I smiled. Then sent my reply.

From Jason: I knew what you meant. ;-)

From Jason: So, when do you want to hang out? I don't have another job lined up for a couple of months and don't have many appointments between now and then.

From Dylan: I'm free almost anytime. I have a production meeting down in LA for Teen Wolf in a couple of days wanna hang out after?

From Jason: Sure! That sounds like fun. Do you want to stay here for a couple of days? I have a guest room.

From Dylan: Are you sure? I don't want to intrude.

From Jason: Of course I'm sure. I wouldn't have offered if I wasn't. It would be good to have some company that's not work related for a few days.

From Dylan: Cool! Sounds like a plan.

From Jason: Are you driving down or flying?

From Dylan: Flying. Not sure if the studio is going to have a car for me or not. I get there the day before the meeting and then can fly back whenever. They usually get me an open ended ticket.

From Jason: Ok. How about you plan on me picking you up at the airport. Give me the flight details and I'll be there. Let the studio know that and that you have a place to stay so that they don't plan anything for you.

From Dylan: You don't have to do that. I can get a cab or rent a car while I'm there.

From Jason: I have already decided. No changing things now. And besides, it's the least I can do for what you did for me a few weeks ago.

From Dylan: Alright, fine. I'll let you know the details. Thanks Jason.

From Jason: Of course! I'm going to go and cook myself some dinner. TTYS.

From Dylan: Food sounds like a good idea. I'm going to go try to find some too. Later!

Over the next couple of days Dylan and I finalized our plans. I have figured out what kinds of foods he likes and dislikes. I have made a few runs to several grocery stores to make sure I had stuff in the house that he'd eat. I didn't want to eat out the entire time he was here. I also had the housekeeper come in and freshen up the guest room and the house. I wanted to make a good impression. I also prepared several meals in advance and had them in the freezer ready to go in case of an urgent need for food.

The day of his arrival came and I was driving to the airport. I had used this airport for over a hundred flights so I had a pretty good idea of the timing. I had asked Dylan to text when he deboarded so I could decide if I wanted to just pick him up at arrivals or if I wanted to park and meet him in baggage claim.

As I approached the airport I looked at the signage for the parking garage. Seeing that it was over halfway full already, I decided that parking and meeting him in baggage claim was out of the question, so I exited to the cell phone parking lot and waited. As I waited, I replied to several emails from colleagues I had filled in for in the past. These kinds of emails were usually far and few between and consisted of stuff like "Hey, remember how so and so said they hated such and such, well that's changed. So keep that in mind the next time you're here..." etc.

As I finished that task up I checked the time and found that Dylan's plan should be landing any minute. So I had some time to kill before he was able to turn on his phone and send a text that they had landed. I pulled up Facebook and looked around. Nothing exciting happening with any of my family or friends, so I closed the app and opened one of the few games I played.

I was in the middle of a move when the game paused and a text message came through.

From Dylan: Just landed. Getting my carry on down then deboarding. What's the plan?

I guess I had lost track of time, it was just a few minutes after the time the plane was scheduled to land. I quickly replied.

From Jason: The parking garage was almost full. I'll come through the arrivals area and drive through until I see you.

From Dylan: Ha! That sucks. Wait a few minutes for me to get to baggage claim and to wait for my bag before you start driving through. Don't want you driving around in circles waiting for my slow ass.

From Jason: Alright, sounds good. Let me know when you get to baggage claim and when your flight's bags start coming around, I'll leave the cell phone parking lot then.

From Dylan: Will do! See you soon.

I leaned back in my seat and rested my head against the headrest. This was going to be an interesting few days. I didn't know if I was going to be able to control myself around Dylan. My crush on him had grown over the last few days as we got to know each other while planning his visit. I was certainly smitten with him and hoped that I could keep a face of professionalism and friendship. I didn't want to scare him away.

About 10 minute later another text came through.

From Dylan: OMG! This waiting thing is awful. They haven't started our bags yet and I think someone recognizes me and is too scared to come say anything.

From Jason: How obvious is it that it's you? You've got to be wearing stuff that conceals your identity, don't you?

After a few seconds a picture message came through.

From Dylan: I'm wearing a hat, aviator sunglasses and a hoody. I should not look like myself. But apparently this girl is having a shit fit. She's tugging on her mom's arm and pointing.

From Jason: I don't recognize you at all. Weird. Was she on the flight with you and heard someone call you by your name?

From Dylan: Possibly. The male flight attendant wasn't exactly tactful after reading through the First Class passenger log. A $50 tip to keep his voice down didn't help either. I complained to the pilot but they won't do anything.

From Dylan: That's why I didn't text as soon as we landed. I had to wait for everyone else in First Class to deboard before I could get the other attendant's attention to get the Captain for me.

From Jason: I understand. I'm sorry you had to go through this. I wouldn't let that happen on my watch.

From Dylan: I know. We need to talk about that during my stay too. I think I'm ready for my first assistant. :-)

From Jason: I'd be honored. :-)

From Dylan: We'll see. You may not be after we talk. LOL!

From Jason: We'll see what the conditions are. :-)

From Jason: Have the bags started coming round from your flight yet?

From Dylan: Yeah, the sign just changed.

From Jason: Ok, I'll head in that direction. I'm in a darker gray SUV with tinted windows. I know what you're wearing now, so I might spot you before you spot me.

From Dylan: Sounds good.

I started the car and slowly exited the parking lot headed in the direction of arrivals. As I was about halfway through my first circle round, I got a text from Dylan.

From Dylan: Got my bag headed towards the street. I'm near Section B.

From Jason: I just passed Section D. I'll circle around again. Make your way to the second B sign and I'll be there soon.

From Dylan: Ok. Hurry up, that girl has broken away from her mother and is stalking me!

From Jason: I'll be as fast as I can be.

I sped up a little and changed lanes quickly to the lane that would take me back around. I was back around and in the closest lane to the sidewalk when I saw Dylan with his head down standing under the second B sign like I had instructed. I sped up just a little bit more to pass a car in my way and came to a stop right next to him. I could see the girl he had been talking about making her way towards him. When she realized that my car was the one there to pick him up, she picked up her pace. I could see the determination on her face and decided to help Dylan out. I bleeped my horn a couple of times, causing him to look up. I had just rolled down the passenger side window and hollered "Need a lift stranger?"

He smiled and headed for the back seat door. He threw both his bags onto the back seat and quickly got into the front passenger seat. I had rolled up the window and had put the car back in gear and merged back into traffic just as the girl had gotten to where Dylan had been standing. I saw her start to yell and wave her arms.

I warned Dylan, "Don't look out the window. Your stalker is chasing us."

"Oh God, really??"

I laughed, "Yes, she's waving her arms and trying to take pictures with her phone."

"Get out of here then."

"You don't have to tell me twice." I gunned the engine and merged onto the freeway in less than a minute.

"Holy cow! This thing gets up and goes, doesn't it?"

"Yes Sir, it sure does. It's the biggest engine this model comes with and has a lot of aftermarket work done to it. She's my baby," I said with just a hint of pride in my voice.

"She's beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen a car this color before. I only got a glimpse of it as I was getting in. What kind of car is it? It doesn't look like a normal SUV."

"It's a Dodge Journey. Technically it's classified as a Crossover. Half SUV half Sedan. And the paint is custom and aftermarket as well. I mixed it myself. There aren't any other cars out there this color."

"That's so cool! This is what you spend your money on, huh? I guess by the fact that you aren't wearing a wedding ring and with the amount of time I assume you're away from home, there isn't a lady of the house?" He asked.

I thought carefully about my response. I wanted to let him know who I was and see how things played out, "You're quite right. No significant other of any kind. Like you said, I'm away from home a lot. It makes it hard to keep a relationship strong with time apart like that. And the fact that I'm gay doesn't help. Most guys in the LA area aren't into guys that look like me."

I glanced at his face to try and read his reaction. By this time, he'd removed his glasses, hat and hood, so I was clearly able to see the shock on his face. "You're gay??" He asked incredulously.

I smiled at the look on his face, "Yes I am. Will that be a problem?"

His face quickly changed to one of apology and regret, "NO! Not at all. I'm just surprised. You don't seem like the stereotypical gay guy, that's all. No offense intended."

"None taken, I actually take that as a compliment. Although I don't advertise my sexuality, I also don't hide it either. If that makes much sense. I am who I am and people can either accept me or not. That's how it is."

"I like that. It's very admirable. Thank you for telling me so soon. I'd have hated to insult you by asking if a girl was hot or not." He laughed.

"I wouldn't have been offended. Not in the slightest. I would have given my honest opinion of the female in question. I may like guys, but I can still appreciate the female form," I stated matter of factly.

"Touche! I can do the same with guys. I work with some of the most attractive guys around right now. It comes with the territory."

"Yeah, that Tyler Posey is freakin HOT, dude! You should get me his number," I joked with a little sarcasm in my voice. Dylan heard it and continued to play along.

"Tyler? I was talking about Dylan Sprayberry. And I'm a little offended that you don't think I'm hot." He stated with a shocked and slightly defeated look on his face. I knew he was playing along, but there was a very brief instance where I could see on his face that what I said had hurt him on some unconscious level.

I became instantly serious, "Dylan. Listen to me." I saw him look at me. "I'm going to be really honest with you right now." I took a deep breath and plunged in. "I have a huge crush on you. I have had since the first episode of Teen Wolf I watched. I know this is going to be a problem, but it's MY problem, not yours. You have nothing to worry about. I will never hit on you. I know there's nothing between us other than a possible friendship. And I hope that's the case. I really like the person that you are, not just how you look, although that does help. I think you're the hottest guy I've seen. Ever. I'm sorry if this offends you in any way or if you feel that we can't be friends because of it. If that's the case, I can pay to get you a hotel near the studio so that you aren't uncomfortable." It felt like I had made this entire statement in one breath and had to take several deep breaths to calm my aching lungs. This was the moment of truth and I was scared shitless.

It took a couple of minutes for Dylan to respond. I was starting to have an anxiety attack and hoped that he'd say something soon. We were close to my apartment and I didn't want it to be any more awkward than it already was.

He took a deep breath and finally started talking, "Jason, I greatly appreciate how honest you've been with me just now and the last few minutes. To be honest, I'm not sure how to take what you've said. It's certainly a compliment. Don't take me wrong, I've had guys saying those kinds of things to me for years now. But from you, I can tell that it's more than lust, like it was with all of those others. I am not uncomfortable with the fact that you're attracted to me, both physically and emotionally. I have no problem with it whatsoever. I trust you and believe you when you say that you will not let your feelings become a problem for our friendship. I really want that friendship. More than I've wanted anything in a long time. You're a genuine guy and like I said, I trust you. We may not have known each other for long, but I DO trust you. We can just forget that this discussion happened if it will make you feel less like you're walking on eggshells."

I was relieved, to say the least. "No, I don't want to forget that this conversation took place. I want to remember that it happened so that I'm as in control of my feelings as I can be. I think that's the only way that I'll be able to keep myself from falling for you. Well, at least falling any more for you than I already have. Please don't be offended if I slip and say something inappropriate to you in the future. I know it will happen and I'll do my very best to keep it from happening, but I'm human and I can't control myself all the time. When I do slip, just politely tell me and I'll apologize and we'll move on like it never happened. Deal?"


There were several minutes of comfortable silence as I maneuvered off of the freeway and into my neighborhood. I pulled into the entrance to the garage, hit the button on my visor to open the gate and pulled in. Making it to my space, I put the car in park and turned off the ignition. "Well, we're here. I didn't hear you say that you didn't want to stay with me after my immature confession, so I figured it was safe to continue to our destination."

"You were right, I'm completely at ease and comfortable being with and around you, so this will be fine. I'm very excited about the next couple of days. Getting to know each other, finishing up these last minute production issues for Teen Wolf and then relaxing and touristing for a few days. This is a much needed trip and I thank you, for asking me here and offering your hospitality and courtesy to me. Now let's get out of this car and into your apartment, I need to use the bathroom. Bad."

I laughed and opened my door. I opened the back seat door on my side and grabbed one of his bags while he grabbed the other. He offered to carry his own bag, but I insisted since he was my guest. We got on the elevator and waited patiently for it to reach my floor.



This is my second attempt at fictional writing, please let me know what you think of it by emailing me redmondgayguy at yahoo dot com.

Next: Chapter 3

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