Being Dylan Obriens Assistant

By A B

Published on Dec 16, 2015


The following story is purely fiction. I have no knowledge of any person`s sexual orientation except my own and make no claim otherwise, whatsoever. If you're not old enough to be reading this for WHATEVER reason, please leave now. If you are plenty old enough, please continue on and let me know what you think of my second submission to the Nifty Archives. As I'm sure you've seen many other Nifty authors say, if you'd like to continue seeing our creations, please donate to them.

Being Dylan O'Brien's Assistant

Chapter 6

I finished my shower and walked to the kitchen to grab a water bottle. Dylan still hadn't come out of his room. I was getting ready to leave and went and knocked on his door. "Dylan, I'm headed to the gym, do you want to join me?"

"Umm...No. I'm good. Thanks."

"Ok. I'll be back later." Was my reply.

I headed to the gym and lost myself in my workout. When I got back to the apartment I realized that Dylan must still be in his room. I didn't make much of it. I went and had another shower. Then headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I cooked up an egg and sausage scramble and called out, "Dylan, I made some breakfast. Do you want any?" I didn't get a response, so I headed towards his bedroom door and knocked. "Hey Dylan, did you hear me? I made breakfast."

"Oh, yeah. I heard you. I'm not hungry right now though. I can heat it up later, if you don't mind." His voice was hoarse and I thought I heard some sniffling. I didn't know what to make of it. So I let it go.

"Yeah, sure. I'll put it in the fridge."

I went back and sat down at the breakfast bar and ate in silence. I didn't know what was going on with Dylan, but I was starting to get a little worried about his demeanor. It didn't seem quite normal for the guy I had known so far. But then again. I hadn't known him that long and hadn't witnessed his entire personality yet. So I needed to just let things progress and let him do his thing.

I finished eating and put things away, then headed to the office to do some work. I had gotten a list of Dylan's upcoming appointments and a schedule of rehearsals and recording times for Teen Wolf and needed to enter them all in his calendar. After completing that task I looked at his schedule for recording the next Maze Runner movie. There were several times where the two schedules overlapped each other slightly. I made notes about those interferences and started an email to the producers of both productions asking how we could maneuver things to work out for everyone.

After finishing a couple of other emails and changes to the schedules. I started booking flights, hotels and cars. There was going to be a lot of travelling coming up. Dylan would be back and forth between California and New Mexico quite a bit. 1 to 2 weeks in each location for about 3 months. Recording for each production. It was going to be busy. I sent an email to the housekeeper and my car guy letting them know when I'd be away so they could each perform their respective duties. I had set up travel plans for the next couple of months so I decided it was time to take a break.

I went and knocked on Dylan's door. "Hey Dylan, are you ok in there?" I got no response from him so I tried the knob to see if it was locked. It was. I grabbed the safety key from the top of the molding and knocked again, "Dylan, are you ok?" Still no response, so I unlocked the door and opened it. He was on the bed, on top of the covers in nothing but a pair of boxers, asleep. His face was red and his eyes were puffy. A pile of kleenex laying on the floor beside the bed indicated that he had in fact been in here crying for a good part of the morning. I knelt by the side of the bed and brushed my hand against his cheek. "I'm sorry Dylan. I didn't mean to cause you heartache. I was just trying to be a friend."

As I got up and headed towards the door I heard him mumble in his sleep, "I know. I'm having trouble processing my feelings. I'm sorry I'm not being a good friend..." and with that he rolled over and breathed a deep sigh.

I relocked the door and closed it quietly behind me.

I spent the next couple of hours catching up on TV shows I had recorded and eating snacks. I finally heard movement coming from Dylan's room. He was getting up and would be coming out soon. I refocused on the TV show I had started to try and make it seem like I wasn't waiting for him to get up.

I heard the door open and heard him come out. He headed to the kitchen and I heard the fridge open and close. He then came in and sat down on the couch opened the bottle of water he had grabbed and took a swig. "Hey, sorry I fell asleep. I hope I didn't ruin any plans you had for today."

"No, not at all. After I hit the gym I came back here and did some work. Using the schedule you had given me, I made travel arrangements for us for the next 3 months. And then I've just been catching up on TV. Did you have a good nap?"

"Yes, I did have a good nap. I have no idea why I fell asleep though. I normally don't do that."

"It's ok, Dylan. I completely understand. It was a rough day yesterday and we put away quite a bit of wine last night. Your body must have needed it, otherwise it wouldn't have happened."

He was looking at his clasped hands in his lap and replied, "I know. It's just not normal for me."

"Haha, it's really ok, Dylan. It's done and over with. What do you want to do with the rest of the day?" I asked.

He looked up and with a smile on his face he asked, "Could we hit the town? Go out to eat, maybe some music or a club?"

"Sure. I think that can be arranged. Do you have any particular type of atmosphere in mind?"

"Nothing in particular. But not one of those places that the celebrities always hang out at. I'd like to keep a low profile if possible."

"I have just the place in mind. I will warn you now, it's a gay club. But I have a feeling you'll enjoy yourself. There will be a lot of lesbians there that love dancing with a cute young man." I replied with a smile.

His face changed slightly and he nodded his head, "Sure. That sounds like a good idea. I don't need to be the center of attention..." He trailed off and got up, "I'm going to take a shower and then eat something."

"Sure thing. I'm going to finish this show and then do the same. If I'm not out here when you finish, help yourself to anything in the kitchen."

"Thanks Jason." With that, he headed towards his room. I soon heard the shower start and I continued my show.

I had just turned off the TV and turned on the radio when I heard the guest bedroom door open and out stepped Dylan with wet hair and a towel around his waist. I tried not to act surprised, but seeing this much of his body really got me excited. I'm sure I blushed a little as I got up from the chair and started heading towards my room. Trying to not make eye contact or show that I was checking him out.

"Sorry, I thought you would have been getting ready by now. I was just going to grab a snack to eat while I finished getting ready." Dylan said.

"It's ok. I was just headed that way. See ya in a bit." I said, looking up at his face. I noticed him pull his hands away from the towel and it sagged just a little bit lower on his waist. My eyes went to the towel line and I'm pretty sure I licked my lips. I freaked and my head darted up and looked him in the eyes. They sparkled a little and his smile reached them. I melted a little as we passed each other. After I was past him, I turned and checked out his towel covered ass. I proceeded to walk into the table in the hall and knocked over the vase that stood on its top. "Shit!" I yelled as I watched the vase topple over and I reached for it and caught it just an inch from impact with the floor.

"Good catch there Jay! I haven't seen reflexes like that in a long time." He laughed as he turned and walked around the corner.

"What the HELL was that, Jason!?!" I asked myself quietly as I placed the vase back into its spot and headed toward my room. I closed the door behind me and leaned against it. I slid down and threw my head back, whacking it on the solid wood door. "OUCH!" I said loudly.

"You okay?" Dylan asked from down the hallway.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm being a total clutz and I have no idea why." Was my reply.

"Well, as long as you don't bleed, you're fine. Get in the shower already and you'll feel better, I'm sure of it."

"Okay. I'm on it. Thanks."

I did just that. I took a long hot shower and took care of the raging erection that I'd had since seeing Dylan's nearly naked body. It didn't take long before I was washing the white creamy ejaculate from the shower wall. I was in fact refreshed when I stepped out of the shower and dried myself off. I put on my favorite smell and deodorant. Did made sure my slight beard was trimmed just right and then donned my best club attire.

Walking out of the room, I noticed Dylan's door was open. He must have finished and was waiting for me in the living room. As I passed through, I saw that he wasn't there. So he must have been in the kitchen. I walked in and there he was.

He looked amazing. His short sleeved button up shirt was just a little too tight and hugged his arms and chest, the top 3 buttons undone showing off just enough of his smooth chest to make anyone drool a little. That's when I realized that he must have shaved his chest, because there had been a light dusting of hair there the other day when we had gone to the gym together. He hadn't notice me walk in and turned towards a cupboard away from me. I then got a look at his jeans. They were very dark blue and had thick white stitching and were a little on the tight side as well. He reached up and his shirt rode up showing that the jeans were riding very low on his hips and the elastic and about a half inch of his underwear were showing.

He was gorgeous and I wasn't sure if us going out together where alcohol would most likely be consumed would be a good idea.

"You smell good. What are you wearing?" He asked, coming back to the island with a box of cereal.

"I don't know, something one of my clients gave me as a gift. I don't go out much so thought it would be a nice change. To smell different than my normal body spray and body wash."

"Well, whatever it is, it smells really good. I'm going to have to see the bottle later so I can get some. I wonder what it would smell like on me."

"You can try it the next time we go out. To see if you like it before you buy some. I'm sure it's really expensive."

"Thanks Jason. I'd really like that."

He poured us both a bowl of cereal and we ate in silence. After eating we headed for the door. I decided to use a car service instead of driving, in case there was alcohol consumption and the car was waiting outside the lobby when we stepped out. We arrived at the club shortly after and headed in. We stopped at the bar and ordered a drink. I opened a tab and we went to find a table. It was still really early in the evening, but it was nice all the same. There was the usual crowd for a Friday evening and it picked up quickly. There were a lot of eyes on Dylan most of the evening. He seemed to be enjoying himself. And after quite a few drinks, he was dancing with some of the ladies and had been turned down a couple of times. He was looking dejected as he came towards the table and downed his recently delivered drink.

"I don't know how much more of this I can handle Jason. We've been here for a few hours now and I think I've danced my last dance." he said.

"You might have one or two more left. Go ask the blonde for a dance. She's been checking you out all night. She probably thinks she can convert you." I replied with a smile.

"Convert me? What do you mean?" He asked a confused look on his face.

"There's always at least one straight girl at the gay bar that wants to try to convert a hot gay guy. She's been watching you and she probably thinks she's got a chance, seeing you dance with all the ladies tonight."

"But I'm not gay." He said, turning to look at the woman I had indicated.

"Dylan, the likelihood of finding a straight guy at a gay bar is pretty unlikely. Even if he's just here with a friend, he would probably assume all the women here were lesbians and wouldn't be having nearly as much fun as you are. Just head in her direction and see what happens."

"Ok. She is kinda pretty, isn't she?"

"Yes. She's very attractive. Go get her slugger." I said with a slight push to his shoulder.

I had a plan in place and was hoping this would show me another aspect of Dylan's personality. I had a hunch and was hoping to be proven correct.

Dylan made his way toward the blonde woman who I was acquainted with and had set this up with. She saw him coming and turned back to her group like she wasn't interested. Dylan approached and gently touched her elbow. She turned around and after a few words her face turned irate and she threw her drink in his face and stormed off. Dylan turned around and with a look of shock on his face started walking back towards me. His steps were uncertain and he wouldn't make eye contact with me.

I laughed lightly when he was within hearing distance. "What happened Big Guy, she wasn't interested?"

"No. She said something about ignoring my boyfriend and should be more respectful of my relationship with you. She said she would never dance with me unless I danced with you for a while. I don't understand. I tried to tell her we weren't together and that I'm straight, but she wouldn't hear it. Then she threw her drink in my face. I think it was just water though. But damn it's cold." He pulled his too tight shirt away from his chest and it fell flat again and I could distinctly see his erect nipples pressing against the wet fabric.

"Take it off, it will dry faster hanging on the back of the chair than on your warm sweaty body." I suggested. And he did just that. Took it right off and hung it from the chair. "So, do you want to?" I asked.

"Want to what?" He asked, finally making eye contact with me. Confusion radiated from his eyes. He was in a mental struggle, that much I could see.

"Dance. Do you want to dance with me?" I asked. "It would give me an excuse to show off a little arm candy to these old queens that are in here prowling for a young piece of meat. You know, give a little hope that it's still possible." I gave him the most exaggerated wink I could muster. That got him to laugh, loudly.

After his laughing spell passed he nodded his head. "That sounds like a good time. Come on." He then grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor. He then turned to me and started a hypnotic gyration to the music and I couldn't help it, I joined in and soon had my hands on his hips. I pulled him closer than I should have. But I wanted my `show' to seem genuine, even if I did have ulterior motives.

The alcohol we had consumed had obviously had an effect because soon, Dylan had turned around in my hands and was backed up against me, grinding his ass into my pelvis. This had the expected reaction and I tried to pull away before he felt it. This caused Dylan to reach back behind us, grab my ass and pull me into him tighter. As he lulled his head back onto my shoulder, his neck became exposed to me and I nuzzled him, inhaling his intoxicating scent. My lips met the soft skin and I kissed him there, I felt the moan escape his lips. He was enjoying this. A lot. My lust and desire filled brain finally processed what was happening and I stopped immediately and tried again to pull away.

Dylan turned to face me again grabbing my hips and pulling me in tightly, he moved his mouth to my ear and whispered, "Where do you think you're going? I know what you want and I want it too. I was just too scared to act on it. It's probably the alcohol talking and I'll probably regret this in the morning, but I want you, Jason. I really want you. Can we go home now?"

His lust filled whisper caught me off guard. And his hot breath on my ear sent a shiver down my spine. I then wrapped my arms around his waist and leaned in to speak into his ear. "I know it's the alcohol and I know you will regret it in the morning. Let's go home and you can take a cold shower and sleep this off. We'll talk more in the morning." With that I turned, took his hand and headed toward our table. I grabbed his shirt and handed it to him. He took it with his free hand, not releasing the one I had been holding when I tried to release my grip.

He didn't attempt to put the shirt on and I knew it was going to be chilly when we got outside. But I didn't say anything. I texted the driver and let him know we were on our way out and to warm the car up. I headed to the bar with Dylan in tow. I paid signed the tab slip and headed to the exit.

We were almost to the exit when I heard a familiar deep voice yell, "DYLAN!!"

I turned towards the voice and there stood Tyler. I tried to pull on Dylan's hand, but he was frozen in the spot. A look of horror on his face. "Dylan, let's go. Quickly." I tried to pull harder on his hand, but he wasn't moving.

"Ty...Tyler, man, what are you doing here?" Dylan stuttered out.

"This is a regular place for me to hang out when I'm in town on a Friday night. There's a lot of ass here just looking to get with a hot young celebrity. What you doing here?" Tyler then noticed me there, holding Dylan's hand, a smirk spread out across his face.

Dylan noticed this and dropped my hand as if it had been burned by my touch. "Oh...ummm...I didn't realize what kind of place this was. My assistant just came to get me out of here. It...ummm...took me a while to realize what was going on. You know me, a little on the innocent side..."

Tyler's smirk widened, "I see. Well, it looks like you were having a good time." He moved in really close to Dylan and placed his hand on Dylan's chest, feeling the slippery sweat that stood there glistening in the pulsing lights. "Are you sure you want to leave?" He asked as he slid his hand down over Dylan's pec and onto his abs, stopping just above the underwear showing above his pants.

"Yes, I'm sure I want to leave. Jason, please show me to the car." Dylan said as he pulled away from Tyler and headed towards the door. The experience must have sobered him up slightly, because he tried to pull his shirt on and was having trouble.

Once I knew we were out of Tyler's sight I reached out and grabbed Dylan's shoulder to stop him. He was shivering, violently. I was concerned instantly. He wouldn't turn around, so I moved to face him and he wouldn't look up. I could see, even in the dim lights of the entrance, that he was flushed. He was fumbling with the buttons of his shirt and I could see that shock was quickly setting in. "Dylan, stop. Take a deep breath. Let me get your shirt." I reached out and took his trembling hands in my own. "Here let me." I button his shirt up and left the top button undone.

I then turned and handed our coat tickets to the coat tender. I took Dylan's coat first and helped him put it on. He was clearly troubled by the experience and I had to get him out of there. I donned my own coat we headed to the street. The car was waiting and we got in and I told the driver to take us home.

Dylan hadn't said a word by the time we got to the apartment and I took his coat from him. After hanging it I led him to the couch and had him sit down. That's when I noticed the tears staining his face. I grabbed him a couple tissues and knelt down in front of him. "Dylan, are you okay?" I asked.

He just nodded his head and wiped absentmindedly at the tears. I decided to let him sit there while I went and started a pot of coffee. I poured two mugs and headed back to the living room. Dylan had removed his shoes and had curled his legs up to his chest and was resting his forehead on his knees.

"Here. Drink this." I said handing him a cup of steaming black coffee.

He looked up at me with a look of despair in his eyes. He took the cup and said, "Thank you."

I sat next to him on the couch and sipped at my coffee. He was just looking into the cup held tightly between his hands. "You better get to drinking it before it gets cold."

He looked at me and smiled slightly, "I was just thinking about how much it reminds me of the feelings I'm having right now."

"What does that mean?" I asked him. Then I realized that the coffee was black. "Oh. You feel darkness inside you." I said it as a statement, instead of posing it as a question.

"Yes. I don't know why I feel this way. But I do." Was his reply.

"Well, I'm sure there's a reason and if you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to." I said.

"But I do. I think these feelings are what's holding me back from what I'm beginning to realize is what I need." He then took his first sip of the coffee and his face warmed slightly as the warmth overtook him. "That's good coffee. So strong."

"It is good stuff. What do you mean by, `what I need'?" I asked.

"To be honest, I'm not entirely sure. The last few days, being with you have opened my eyes to something I've been denying my entire life. I've known for as long as I can remember that I've had attractions to other men. There haven't been very many, two or three really. But I've denied it and forced myself to believe that I'm straight. I've had sex with several girls over the years. But there's never, ever been any kind of connection with them. I've never been with a guy sexually or affectionately. And tonight, when we were dancing, I felt alive. I felt free and truly like myself. I don't know really how to explain it. But it was incredible." He took another sip of his coffee and looked up to meet my eyes.

"And you're scared of what it could mean?" I asked.

"No, I don't have a problem with any of that." He said.

"That's a lie." I stated matter of factly. "And you know it."

He smiled slightly, "You're right. I'm terrified of what it could mean. But I'm more concerned about what could happen after Tyler finds out."

"What do you mean? What does Tyler have to do with this?" I asked. I had accidentally let a slight tone of jealousy slip into my second question.

He smiled again. "He has a lot to do with it. A couple of years ago we were at a season finale party for Teen Wolf and we were all a little on the drunk side and Tyler asked to come back to my hotel. I had an extra bed so I didn't think twice about letting him crash there. We were bullshitting and one thing led to another and he ended up on my bed and had pressed me back against the pillows and was over top of me leaning in to kiss me and I freaked out and pushed him off of me. He was furious. Saying things like No one turns me down.' and You'll be begging to be with me, just wait and see.' It was pretty traumatizing. Suffice it to say, I ended up leaving the room and getting another one for the night. When I went back to my room the next morning he was gone.

"Ever since then, he's been trying to tease me into wanting him. I've almost let it happen a couple of times. But I've always been afraid of that side of myself, so I've never let it happen.

"A few months ago, it started getting worse and I had to start avoiding him altogether. You know, never let myself be alone with him. I felt that once we were alone together he was going to force himself on me and rape me." He looked down into his cup again and stopped talking.

I took a minute to absorb what he had said to me. "I see. So what I saw tonight was not the first time something like that has happened?"

"No. And it freaked me out. I was having the time of my life with you tonight and then he was there. I thought for sure that if he realized what was going on between us, he'd finally have his proof that I could be into it. Being with him, I mean. And if that happened, he'd have his way with me for sure. I don't want that."

"I can see what you're going through. I'm sorry if I pressured you in any way. If I had known, I would have never suggested that place. Or tried to get you..."

"Tried to get me what? Was tonight planned?" He looked at me with an intense look and I cringed slightly.

I looked away. "Kind of. I was trying to get you out of your shell a little. I felt a connection with you. I could tell that there was something there. But also saw that there was a wall. I wanted to do it subtly, but your reaction when we were dancing was like heaven to me. I had a hard time saying no. After the dance, I had decided I was going to bring you back here, sit you down and talk about it. Maybe cuddle a little and watch a movie. I had no intentions of letting anything physical happen between us, given in the state we were in. But then Tyler showed up and I was a little shocked by his reaction."

He smiled. "I know. It's ok. We were both shocked. I'm just glad you're taking this so well. You could find yourself a really good guy. One that's completely comfortable with himself. Like you are. But instead, there's me. The complete nutcase that can't accept what he needs."

"You are not a complete nutcase. Maybe a little nuts. But not much."

He laughed. "Hey now. That's not very nice. You have to be nice to me, I'm going through an emotional meltdown here."

"No, you're just coming to terms with who you are. There's no meltdown." I reached over and placed my hand on his. "I'm here for you. I'm a patient guy. I want whatever is meant to be, to be. I couldn't ask for anything more than what we're willing to have together."

"That's deep, Jason. I'm not sure what to say..."

"Okay, Smartass. Take it how you will, but I want to watch a movie, join me?"

"Sure. Let me get out of these clothes though. I'm not comfortable enough to sit for that long." He said.

"I agree. Meet you back out here in a bit. You pick something to watch."


I got up and offered my hand. He took it and I helped him up. He hugged me then. Tightly.

"Thank you." He said. I could hear the sadness there. I also heard the confidence trying to break through.

"Of course, Dylan. I just want you to be happy."

We pulled apart and headed to our rooms to change. I disrobed and headed to the bathroom to wash my face. I felt dirty from the dancing and felt a little better after. I put on some basketball shorts and a t-shirt. Then headed to the living room.


This is my second attempt at fictional writing, please let me know what you think of it by emailing me redmondgayguy at yahoo dot com.

Next: Chapter 7

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