Best Friends Forever

By Sebastian Summers

Published on Jul 30, 2000


Well I haven't written anything like this before, so I hope you don't think it sucks. This isn't one of those meet the two main characters, they fall in love, and start getting it on... This story is for those with patience and not just readers who are looking for sex. This is sort of based on life and how not everything works out the way you plan. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it.

Legal Disclaimer If you aren't old enough or offended by boy/boy sexual stories than don't read this. This is not meant to imply anything about the real sexuality of any members of NSYNC or any other celebrities that is mentioned. After all it is just a story, and is a work of pure fiction.


Chapter 1

"Come on," a voice enters my head... It mixes in with my dream, but the dream starts to fade away as I began to wake up. "Time to get up!" A loud thud was heard as I felt someone next to me. "Get up now or I'll tickle you!" I was still sort of in dreamland and didn't want to be disturbed... "Do you want to be late?" he asked me. "What time is it?" I asked. "6:30, now get up!" was all I heard. That was too early for me so I didn't bother listening to the rest of the garbled sound going into my head. "Do you want to come to the studio or not?" That's when it hit me... Today he promised he would take me along with him to see the studio and to meet his new friends that he made since he joined the Mickey Mouse Club. "Okay, have it your way then..." He got off the bed and started walking. I finally opened my eyes and saw him leave the room. "Why do I always do this?" I thought to myself. "JUSTIN!" I screamed as I got up and starting running to the door. I guess I wasn't looking at where I was going, he was about to walk back into the door and I ran into him. We both fell down hard, well not hard for me cause I landed right on top of him... Of course this moment kinda started the whole change in my life. "What you do that for buttmunch?!" Justin yelled loud enough to wake the entire city. "Sorry Justin. I guess I didn't want you to leave without me..." I told him looking sad. He looked at me angrily for a moment and then as we kept staring at each other, we started to giggle. Hey! We were twelve then!

      • Four years later * * *

"Come on," I said to Justin as he laid on the bed still sleeping. "Time to get up!" I jumped onto the bed and stared at him sleeping for a moment. "Get up now or I'll tickle you!" He mumbled something and then turned over and continued sleeping. "Do you want to be late?" I asked him. He turned over again and looked at me. "What time is it?" He closed his eyes expecting an answer. "6:30, now get up!" I thought to myself for a moment... This all seemed to be a little familiar. "Justin, you're gonna be late if you don't get your ass out of this bed right now!" I was getting kinda pissed at him.

"What are you gonna do about it?" He said in a daring kind of voice. He looked at me with a grin thinking he was so smart. Instead of responding, I picked him up. "Hey! What the f..."

"Watch your language buttmunch." I interrupted in a half serious and joking manner. I started to walk with Justin over my shoulder.

"Let go of me!" Justin pouted. I continued on walking to the bathroom and I turned on the shower. I placed him down in the tub soaking him and the boxers he was wearing. He kinda yelled at the coldness of the water as it hit his well-built body. He tried to turn it off but I kept pushing his hands away.

After a while, he finally stopped and looked at me. "Okay! Okay! I get the point." I turned off the cold shower. "Geez, remind me to wake up the next time you ask me to..." I started to laugh. "On second thought, don't remind me." I continued laughing and walked out of the bathroom closing the door behind me. As I closed the door, I heard the shower go on again. I sat down in Justin's room staring out the window thinking about the past four years.

"Thank you for the lovely wake up call this morning Sebastian." Justin said in a sarcastic tone.

"What are best friends for?" I asked jokingly. I watched him get dressed. I started to stare at him looking at the shimmering of his blondish-brown hair from the shower, his well-toned body that glowed from the sunlight coming into the room, everything about him was amazing. I kept staring for a couple of minutes and didn't notice Justin talking to me.

"Hey yo! Earth to Sebastian..." He said waving his hand at me breaking my trance.

"I'm sorry man..." I said in a low tone.

"What were you thinking about so intensely?" He asked, I didn't want to answer that so I tried to stray away from the question, but of course no luck.

"Nothing important, what did you say before?"

"What do you mean nothing important? You had this weird look on your face and I couldn't talk to you for five minutes! You were a zombie. What were you thinking about?"

I couldn't tell him I was staring at him, thinking about him, and adoring everything about him... Sure, we were best friends but I couldn't risk it. "Nothing..."

"Are you sure?" he asked, "cause you know you can tell me anything."

"I know but..."

"C'mon Sebastian... I thought it was best friends forever."

"That's not the point..." He kept interrupting me, so finally I got pissed. "IT WAS NOTHING! OKAY!!!" I screamed causing Justin to look surprised and JC to run into the room.

"What the hell is going on here?" he asked. It was silent for a while; neither Justin nor I answered. "Well?"

"It was nothing JC." I told him in a calm voice. He looked at me and then asked Justin. "Justin?"

"Nothing JC..."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah..." I replied only to get cut off.

"Was I asking you?" he asked kinda rudely. "Justin?"

"It was nothing JC... Forget it... We were only playing around... Come on let's get breakfast." Justin reassured him. JC looked at us and replied whatever. He told us to meet in Lance's room in fifteen minutes. We told him we'll be there. He left and as the door closed... I tried to apologize to Justin for blowing my top. I walked to him and before I could touch him, he moved away obviously pissed at me for being pissed at him.

"Justin?" I said, he wouldn't even look at me. I walked in front of him and looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry for yelling before... Don't be mad, please?" I tried to sound sad and gave him my sad puppy face that always worked on him and vice versa if he did it to me. He looked at me and then started to laugh. "So you're not mad right?" I asked trying to reassure myself he wasn't.

"What do you think?"

"I dunno... Are you?"

"You're dumb Sebastian, you know..." He joked which didn't really help me. I know I was slow at times.

"That doesn't really help... Are you mad at me?" I asked causing him to laugh. "Answer me."

"If you could get me mad at you just like that Sebastian, we wouldn't even be best friends right now. You think I would be mad at someone like you?" He looked at me. I smiled at him causing him to laugh even more. "Sometimes, it seems like I'm the older more mature one."

"Yeah in your dreams Just, you wish you were older, more mature, better looking, better singer, dancer, actor, and all that... overall I have more talent than you ever will..." I joked.

"If you're so much better in singing, then how come you don't have your own group? Huh? Smartass!" Justin responded. "And if you are such a better actor than me, then how come you didn't make it in the MMC?"

"Then how come it was canceled? You know why because people couldn't stand your acting or the whining that you call your singing." I replied. I knew I shouldn't have said that because although I meant it as a joke, and Justin knew that too, he didn't like it when people insulted his talents as an actor or singer. And it was kind of a low blow to him to hear it from his best friend. He looked at me like he was about to break down right there. This was one of those moments you want to press rewind on your life. "Justin, you know I didn't mean that. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that..." I tried apologizing to him in different ways. He looked up and then tackled me onto the bed with a huge smile on his face. "You ass, you were faking!"

"And the Oscar goes to..." he said laughing, "You think after all these years, you would actually say something that would upset me."

He had me down but I was stronger than he was, so I easily reversed it and then I was on top of him holding him down. "And you think after all these years, you would actually stop thinking you're stronger than me." He tried to struggle out of it. "Say Uncle!"

"Never!" He kept trying to struggle out but soon without his breath, he let out a small quiet uncle. I released him and there was a pounding on the door. We both got up and opened it and it was JC again.

"What the hell is keeping you guys?" JC asked half pissed.

"Sorry JC," We both said at the same time trying to hold back our laughs. We got into Lance's room and they were all finished with their breakfast. There were two empty plates on the table waiting for us but without any food left. "You guys finished already?!" Justin asked.

"Hey curly, it's not our fault you two won't come to breakfast... You could pick up something later, we gotta do the photo shoot now... Come on, let's go." Chris said in a parenting tone. Justin acted hurt. He looked at me and whispered "This is all your fault buttmunch."

      • Later that day * * *

"Are we done yet?" Justin moaned. He was getting tired of the photo shoot. "I wanna eat!!!"

"Calm down Justin. We'll be done in five minutes." Lance told him.

"Five minutes is all I hear... Five minutes! Five minutes! Five minutes more!" Justin imitated Lance, "Well you said that for the last hour and half. When are we gonna be..."

"Okay guys, and we're done!" The Photographer told them.

"Finally!" Justin exclaimed as he ran and bumped into me knocking me down. "Sorry Sebastian."

"It's okay Justin... Here, I got you something." I handed Justin the bag. He quickly opened it and saw what it was.

"Thanks Sebastian! You're a lifesaver! Thanks." Justin said happily hugging me just because I got him some pasta to eat.

"No prob, Just... uh Justin... Justin..." He hasn't released me from his hug yet. "Justin, do you mind letting go of me?"

"Oh sorry Seb, I'm just very happy to see food!" He started to eat the pasta without chewing. The others looked on, some surprised and some disgusted.

"Sometimes we forget that you are the baby of the group." Joked Joey.

"Shut up, I'm happy." Justin replied as he stuffed more pasta down his throat. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Okay, Justin, slow down on the pasta... You might choke and kill yourself."

"So?" asked Justin trying to see what I would say.

"So? Slow down! If you kill yourself, I have to find a new best friend and it takes a while to break in a new best friend. Plus, who am I gonna find? I got it! Lance be my new best friend?" I joked.

"Sure, I might not eat pasta like that but I'll be the bestest best friend you ever had." Lance said in a goofy voice causing everyone to laugh. But the laughter stopped because soon Justin started choking. The others stood back in horror. I tried my best to help Justin.

"CALL 911!" JC yelled.

"Don't ya think that's a little too extreme?" Joey said.

"And a little unnecessary?" Justin added as he regained his breath. "I mean, I'm fine. Thanks Seb, I needed the water."

"You dumbass, we thought you were seriously hurt!" JC stated in a somewhat serious tone.

"Speak for yourself." I told him. He just glared at me. "So you okay Justin?"

"Yeah, I'm okay." Justin responded. He got up from the floor and continued to gobble down the pasta.

"Justin, slow down, remember I don't want to find a new best friend." I warned him.

"It's okay, you got Lance." He tried to make a joke but no one laughed. "Yeah, you guys laugh when Lance say something and not me."

"You gotta pick your moments Justin." Lance said grinning.

"Whatever, now if y'all done, let's go." Joey said in a leader-type tone.

To be continued...

Well that's chapter one. I hope everybody liked it. I know it's not as exciting as the beginnings of other stories but like I said before, it's one of those stories you need patience for. I promise it'll get better. Since this is the first time I'm writing something like this, I would appreciate any feedback/suggestions. Send it to If anyone feels like I should continue it, email me... Until next time.


Next: Chapter 2

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