Best Friends Forever

By Sebastian Summers

Published on Aug 28, 2000


Hey, it's me again, with another installment of Best Friends Forever. Sorry for the delay of this chapter, my internet access got screwed up and I couldn't go online. Plus, the fact that I only post the chapter only if the next chapter is complete so I could change stuff that might not make sense or little errors clashing in the story. Also, I apologize for the shortness of the last chapter, I know it didn't seem really interesting even to me. And I guess some of the readers would agree considering I didn't get as much feedback as I did for Chapter 1. Anyway, on with chapter three... But first all the usual stuff...

Legal Disclaimer If you aren't old enough or offended by boy/boy sexual stories than don't read this and go. This is not meant to imply anything about the real sexuality of any members of *NSYNC or any other celebrities that is mentioned. After all it is just a story, and is a work of pure fiction.


Chapter 3

"So... whatchathink?" Justin asked me on the way back from the studio.

"About what?"

"About JC, Britney, and everyone else... duh!" He said rolling his eyes.

"I dunno... they seemed kinda nice... well... except... never mind." I didn't want to tell him that JC was being so rude to me. I didn't know myself so...

"Who? Tell me." He asked looking at me.

"No," I told him.

"Tell me!" He whined.

"JC" was all I said.

"JC? What are you talking about? He's the nicest person I've ever met. How is he rude to you?" Justin looked confuse since he didn't notice JC was only nice to him and not me.

"Well... he didn't seem to care that I was there." Yeah, well it sounded kinda selfish.

"That's all?" he asked. "What do you mean 'That's all?'" I asked him back.

"Well, JC, he's... he's kinda shy..."

"He's seventeen." "So? Seventeen-year-olds can be shy." "Um... okay... Anyway, you know who's not shy?"


"Britney. After you introduced me to her, she kept talking to me and all that. I mean, I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but she's kinda weird." Justin looked at me and then thought for a moment. He looked at me again, smiling. "She likes you too." "What? What ya mean she likes me too?"

"Well when I first met her, she did the same thing to me, so..."

"But how do you know if she's not being friendly?"

"I don't think she was just being friendly, I mean, she was staring at me as I was talking to her, and she wouldn't let me talk to anyone else." "Yeah, that happened..." I sat back and thought of a possibility that a girl liked me.

"So, you're gonna do anything about it?" "No, are you?"

"No way!" Justin said fast, "I mean, Britney is nice and everything, but she's a girl!"


"Girls have cooties!" Justin said, I started to laugh hysterically.

"You still believe in that Justin? I thought we passed that stage two years ago..."

"Yeah, well, Sebastian..." He couldn't think of anything to say so he stuck his tongue out at me.

      • Three years later * * *

"Sebastian..." Justin said, "What ya think of the song?" He was referring to the song they just recorded. I think it was called "I Want You Back" or something like that. Anyway, he looked at me expecting an answer. I thought about it for a moment and replied, "It was okay..."

"Just okay?" Justin asked kinda hurt.

"Yeah, it would've been a whole lot better if you didn't sing in it." I told him, I started to laugh and he just tackled me onto the floor tickling me. Justin knew all the spots where I'm ticklish at and began attacking those areas.

"Give up yet?" he asked.

"No..." I managed to say between laughs. I was about to give in when there was a knock on the door. "Come in," Justin finally stopped tickling me. However he didn't get off me.

"Hey Justin, Sebastian, we're gonna go..." Chris stopped speaking when he saw us two on the floor, "oops... sorry, my bad... um... never mind..." He was about to leave when Justin spoke up.

"What Chris?" he asked.

"I think it's because you're on top of me..." Justin looked at me and then realized what I was talking about. "What were you gonna say Chris?"

"Uh, uh..." he stuttered.

"OH! Chris, did you think... We're not... It wasn't like... I was just getting him back for insulting my singing..." Justin explained while his face blushed like hell.

"You call that singing?" I laughed and he started tickling me again. I suddenly remembered Chris was about to say something so I gave in, "Okay, I'm sorry Justin, stop it..." I said laughing. He finally stopped and got off of me. "So Chris, what were you gonna say?"

"Oh, Joey, and I are gonna go clubbing, and since you two and Lance are underage, we were just letting you know we were going."

"Oh, okay... What about JC?" Justin replied.

"He said he didn't feel like going..."

"Oh, where's JC now?"

"He's in his room, where else?" Chris rolled his eyes.

"Shut up," Justin replied.

"Don't tell Chris to shut up just because you're a dumb blonde." I joked.

He looked at me, "Well, you're blonde too!" He snapped back.

"Well I'm a smart blonde." I replied.

"Dumbass, there are no such things as smart blondes..." He stopped and thought about what he just said.

"Uh... you kinda dissed yourself there too..." I said laughing. Justin in return started tickling me again. Chris just looked at us, laughed, and left the room. "Just... Justin... stop... Justin... seriously..." He stopped and looked at me with his sparkling blue eyes.

"What? Had enough?" he asked.

"Yeah, that and we should probably go check on Lance and JC. Let's see if they wanna do something or... something..."

"Yeah..." We both got up from the floor and I headed for the door. I stopped and turned around only to see Justin check his hair, "Thanks for ruining my perfect hair." I was about to reply but decided not to. We left the room and went to Lance's room. We opened it and Lance wasn't there. "Weird," Justin said.

"Maybe, he's with JC?" I asked. He nodded and we headed for JC's room. We knocked softly on the door and waited. No one answered, we heard the TV on inside, so we turned the knob, and it was unlocked. We both walked in and couldn't believe our eyes. There was JC on top of Lance on his bed, both of them were naked.

"What the hell is going on?" Justin asked causing both JC and Lance turning around. They both quickly covered themselves. "What the hell is going on?" he asked again.

"Uh...uh...uh..." was all Lance could say.

"Um, Justin... uh... me and Lance... we're... g-g... we're gay..." JC said nervously.

"No shit JC," Justin said coldly, "If you weren't then you two wouldn't be in bed together like that right now." Justin looked kinda pissed yet hurt at the same time. "How could..."

"Justin listen..." JC said but he couldn't finish. Justin just ran out of the room. "He hates me..."

"No he doesn't..." Lance told JC.

"Hey guys... um... I'll go talk to Justin, okay?" I told them.

"Yeah, okay..." They responded, Lance then asked me, "um Sebastian, you're okay with us being... you know... um..."

"Gay?" I interrupted, "I don't have a problem with it. I'll go talk to Justin..." I left knowing they were at least happy that I didn't have a problem. But Justin, on the other hand, it seemed like he did. I went back to our room and found him face down on the pillow. "Justin?" I asked, he didn't respond. "Justin..." I walked towards him. I sat down on the bed and just watched him. "Justin, you okay?" He nodded, "You sure?"

"Just leave me alone..."

"Justin..." I tried to pick him up. "I was wondering... and Lance and JC were too..."

"To hell with them... Just go... Sebastian, I need to be alone right now." He said a little bit coldly.

I nodded and started for the door. I turned around and told him, "Justin, if you need to talk, you know I'll listen... Okay? Remember best friends forever." He nodded and I left the room. As I closed the door, I thought of what Justin said before. "To hell with them," were his words. Does this mean he can't accept JC and Lance are gay? ...Does that mean he probably won't accept anyone else? Tears started to come my eyes as I realize if I told Justin about my secret I kept from him for the past five years, the truth... that I was gay, he'll say to hell with me too and our eight years of friendship will mean nothing. I thought about telling him sometime this week but after seeing the reaction from the whole Lance/JC ordeal, I decided for the best not to tell him at all. I can't risk everything and ruin my life. I'm not going to lose my best friend.

To be continued...

Don't you just love stories that end like that? Well if you don't... too bad, that's the end of chapter three. I don't know when the next installment will be until I finish chapter five, like I said before, I only post the chapters until the next chapter is complete. So I've been mixing a few ideas here and there for chapter five and would appreciate any feedback/suggestions from anyone. Send it to Until next time...


Next: Chapter 4

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