Between Twilight and New Moon

By moc.loa@4181namra

Published on Feb 19, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the rights to these characters. All factions and representations of the Twilight saga belong to Stepahnie Meyers. I do not make any profit off of these stories.

This story is fiction and does not mean to imply anything about any Celebrity's sexual orientation or personal life mentioned in it.

This story will contain intimate relationships and sex between two males. If this offends you, or if you are not allowed to read this story due to age restrictions, please leave.

This takes place between Twilight and New Moon, where a 17 year old boy called Kris Kapur has moved over from Oxford UK. Kris being 5ft 11 slim and toned with a six pack on its way. He has blinding blue eyes very fair skin and black hair slightly long hair, just going past his neck line, and a slight wave in them. He had classic chisel face and also a predominate Adam's apple. From now on I will be Kris.

As I entered the English Literature class being 15 minutes early, I ran to the very back desk placed my black Paul Smith satchel down. I got my book out and buried my head down in the Merchant of Venice novel. I was hoping and praying that nobody would notice me as the new guy.

Five minutes to go and people began to enter. A comical voice began to say, "Jessica I never said that you have put on weight, it's just the top you are wearing is quite well fitted and deep necked and I don't want other men eyeing you up. That is only my privilege."

Jessica shrieked in her bimbo America's next top model voice, "Get real Mike, we ain't in the 50s, where its scandal cos naked ankle shown in public by mistake." Mike just looked perplexed in his weird screwed up face. He wanted to say something but he knew not how to. As he placed his bag next to Jessica. She looked at him and he froze in fear.

"I don't think so captain caveman," snarled Jessica.

Mike just held his hands up and moved to an empty desk. Next Angela and Ben came in holding hands.

"I hear there is a new guy starting tomorrow Angie, maybe we can use him as our next scoop," laughed Ben.

Angela smiled to Ben, and brushed her hair back from her eyes and in the most gentle voice whispered, "Don't make him the Bella scoop, you missed okay pumpkin."

"Whatever you say Cinderella," smiled Ben and hugged her close.

A few other students came in and began talking about Shylock and Bassanino and how Shakespeare made Shylock the hero even though he was the villain.

"Sounds like me my love," Edwards whispered to Bella. Who wore her usual olive v neck top and faded brown cords. Bella nudged Edward in his firm icy rib cage. As he took, two steps forward but walking behind Bella, he froze, and yanked Bella behind.

"Ouch," Bella yelled. "What is that for."

Edward stood still in deep thought. He scanned the whole room till he saw me. He turned to Bella.

"I smell new blood," he said nervously. "So what," said Bella.

"James," replied Edward.

Bella stood dumb, and felt chills run down her spine, and she could hear her heart beat faster. She ran her hand over the cold scar left from James just 3 months ago.

Edward whispered in her voice, " Should we leave?" "No," fumbled Bella

Edward held Bella tight and they sat on the Table on my right, and Mr Lushward Cullen, nearest to me. Just the small aisle between us.

Mr Reed came in, and shut the half wood and half glass brown door behind him with a firm kick.

"Okay everyone settle down, books out page 47 please," he said as he fumbled through many papers.

Mr.Reed was a slender man of 6ft1. He had grey eyes, and presence that commanded respect but in a friendly way. As he was the kind of handsome teacher or friend you wanted to do well for. Just by looking at him you knew in his early years there would be a long line of girls after him. Mr Reed loved to ski, and he took a bunch of kids every year to Aspen. He had each one of his skis placed at the side of the whiteboard.

Mr.Reed stopped, "Oh before we go any further there will be a new student joining us tomorrow."

Edward interrupted, "Actually sir he is already here," as he pointed towards me.

I looked at him, and if looks could kill he would be dead. But he returned the same deadly look back at me.

"Thank you Cullen, it seems that you are set out to be a private investigator, no need to go to the careers fare," replied Mr.Reed.

The class laughed and even Bella giggled a little.

Mr.Reed looked at me quizingly with his tie all out of place, and his white shirt just that little too baggy for him, in a very fashionable way.

"So you must be Krishna Kapur," he asked me.

Why could any Caucasian not say me surname right. It was simple just prounced Cup-or not capoor or cooper,

"Yes sir, but with all due respect and no offence meant everyone just calls me Kris." I replied looking down into the ground.

"None taken Kris, I see your on your own there, well Cullen to do more of your P.I. work move onto Kris's table, and pair with him, Bella would you also come and join Newton at the front."

Mike turned around and smiled at Bella, Jessica saw the smile and let out a gasp.

"Sure sir," smiled Bella.

Edward came onto my table and sat on my left now.

Ben whispered to Angela with a giggle, "This is gonna be fun."

As Edward sat next to me I could feel the tension between us.

"Okay everyone quieten down, and discuss how Shylock saw himself as being a victim of racism, in 10 minutes I want answers that would make Uncle William take notes," gloated Mr.Reed.

I thought I should take the morale high ground and apologise, as I didn't want to make enemies on the first day.

I turned to him and cleared my throat, and my pulse began to race. He stopped me dead before I said anything.

"It's okay no need to apologise." Said Edward.

"How did you know I was going to do that," I said perplexed.

Your white to red cheeks gave it away, and your heart is beating so fast. A deaf person could hear it., he replied.

We both laughed at this point.

Well Mr.Cullen nice to meet you as I extended my hand out to shake his. He in a swift move, moved back and covered his nose.

"What's wrong do I smell Mr.Cullen, I'm sure my Armani Aftershave and deodorant should let me down just after an hour," I smiled coyly.

"No I am feeling sick, I gotta go." Sorry Cullen said, and stormed out the room.

Mr.Reed exclaimed, "Erm Cullen where you off."

"To vomit," he said with a blood shot red eye .

"Go quick Cullen, and have the rest of the day off," replied Mr.Reed

He ran out fast almost like lightening.

Bella saw Edward exit. She looked at him, and understand what his facial expressions meant.

A painful twenty five minutes passed as I was wondering what had happened. When the bell rang I saw Bella run out so quick, that as she didn't know she had made all Mr.Reed's class assignments fall of the desk.

Mr.Reed wanted to say something, but knew that young love was very illogical, he clearly remembered with his love triangle about how he loved Bella's mother Renee, but she fell for Charlie's charms..

I quickly packed my stuff leaving behind my copy of Merchant of Venice behind. I ran into the corridor calling out Bella's name.

Bella stopped, and stared at me as if I had committed murder. She shouted, "No go away leave us alone." Referring to her and Edward.

"But I.," I mumbled.

"Fuck off you Brit," she screamed. Then she ran away again down the corridor.

A delicate sweet voice from behind said, "Oh don't worry she doesn't mean that she's just worried about Edward."

I turned around and told her, "I know Alice."

The doll like girl mumbled, "How do you know my name?"

I was amazed at myself, I had no psychic powers so how did I know her name.

I lied to her, "Edward told me there is a girl in the school who has the most beautiful voice so nice that you feel it's like eating candy."

I thought in my mind god I'm good at bullshitting.

Alice picked up and smiled, "Didn't know my brother spoke so highly of me. I thought he would say that about Bella."

"I take it your parents are models, to produce such good looking kids." I flattered her.

Alice's smile got wider and responded, "You could say that, and don't worry about Bella she'll apologise on her own accord."

"Thanks," I told her. She grinned and began to walk away in her white cotton flary top, and dark blue jeans. Alice walked away like she was some ballerina and almost like she was floating on air.

Soon more of my peers began to fill the corridor, and I could see Jessica begin to walk towards me. I thought oh fuck please no. I ran towards the gents, and sat in a cubicle until the next period bell rang. I shouldn't have run off like that maybe Jessica didn't want to talk to me but was heading towards me to find Bella.

As soon as the noise and hustle calmed down, I thought I better get home, I can't stand this. This is probably the worse day in anyone joining a new school, how can you make two enemies. I thought to myself I feel Lindsay Lohan in Mean Girls.

I unlocked the cubicle door, and tip toed out of the toilet, as I opened the door. There stood Edward Cullen. I gasped, and he placed his ice cold hand over my hand. He said, "Follow me." I was scared what was he gonna do, kill me, hit me. But at the same time I got a feeling which could only be described as to trust him.

I like a child followed him to the parking lot. His grey jacket stood well against his firm defined body. I couldn't help thinking why was he so pale, and his lips looked so red that from a distance you could think he was wearing a red coloured lipstick, but yet he wasn't.

"What's going on Eddie boy," trying to lighten the mood and tension.

"Please don't call me that!" He replied in a melancholy voice.

"Look Kris, I have a girlfriend but there is something which is drawing me to you."

I looked at him in a shocked face.

"Wha What What did you say," I replied badly trying not to stutter.

"Not in a sexual way Kris, but there is something about your personality, your dress sense, your intelligence, it's as if I want to be you Kris. I just don't now how to describe it." He said with a glowing brown eye.

"That's strange Edward, cos I want to be like you. Have everyone admire me like they admire you. Have the perfect body and from what I see model parents. I love the clothes you wear your dress sense is so with it. You don't need designers to make you look good, a bin liner would look good on you." I said to him in brutal admiration.

"No," he replied firmly. "That's a lie you believe, I have the ability to make you believe such things."

I laughed, "Yeah yeah so you're the new mystic meg so I can call you eddi'es septic peg."

Edward looked at me in such a way, that I knew he was telling the truth. At this point I began to get scared. I tried to walk away, but Edward yanked me back in a millisecond and forced me against a silver Volvo car.

He held my hands up and by the sides of my head. He leaned forward, and his lips were almost touching mine.

I could feel his cold breath against my face, and chills ran up and down my back. "Take this as a friendly warning, we shouldn't be friends, we could be the best of friends, but I'm not as good as you think, and I love Bella and will protect her against all evil, scum like you," he hissed.

This statement outraged me and I don't know where I got the courage from. I looked at him, and I saw fear in his eye.

I spoke to him in a tone that he knew I meant business.

"Firstly I aint scum Mr.Cold one." At this statement he looked deeper into my eyes, and I could hear a snarl like sound, as if from a dog.

"You came and got me, I have been nothing but nice and complimentary to you. I'm not interested in your girl at all. In fact I'm not into sex at all. I don't fantasise and am not drawn to anyone."

"Well that's good then," he said in relieved tone.

"But Edward tell me why do you find me attractive, what do I have that Bella doesn't." I bitched back.

"What do you mean," snarled Edward.

"A cock maybe Edward, your bisexual Edward, and the excuse you made in class that you were sick, was all bullshit. You saw me and brought up feelings you thought you had locked away. Tell me Edward am I the man of your dirty bisexual dreams. Do you want my tight ass and not Bella's pussy. You want to suck cock. You want to feel a hot cock in your mouth, and musky smelling balls slap against your face and an explosion of cum going down your throat, You've been waiting for me, you dream of me, isn't it Edward." I had just made up a load of rubbish, and Edward looked stunned.

Edward grabbed me by the collar.

Just then a loud voice said, "Hey blood sucker leave him."

Edward dropped me, and I ran to the motorbike next to the tall long haired boy. He was actually 6 foot. I ran onto the motorbike and started the engine. The long haired boy said, "Hey hey what you doing that's my bike.!"

I began to drive and he jumped on the back the seat. I passed him the helmet from the front. I revved the bike till max I was now driving at maximum speed. We rode for 10 minutes with him complaining, to get off his bike.

There was a massive boulder coming in front and I didn't have time to manoeuvre around it. Fuck it I thought, and I went towards the boulder, and could hear the guy behind me with his warm chest against my back, making me sweat, moaning not to do it. I felt the boy behind grip onto my tighter his chin nuzzle into my shoulder and neck, and I looked back and saw him close his eyes.

The boulder was 2 feet from the bike and I wheeled over it, as the bike rode over the massive 5 foot boulder I shouted out, "Jai Mata Di." Which is a reference to the Hindu Goddess Durga. In a way it's the Hindu version of saying praise the lord or oh Christ.

The bike landed with a thump near a farmhouse. The dark long haired boy went flying into the barn, and the bike just skidded, and I managed to stay on the bike intact. I quickly rode the bike to the barn, and turned of the engine. I saw the long haired boy lying in the hey, taking of his helmet.

I nervous panicky voice said, " Shit you okay Mr."

He was laughing, "That was so cool, where did you learn that."

I replied with a smile, "Well I am Indian."

He replied with a wider grin, and flashed his pearly white teeth, "Even better so am I."

Getting a bit defensive I told him laughing, "I'm a Bombay Boy, not a native American one. We learn to drive motorbikes since the age of 8, and it isn't slave labour. The Mumbai traffic is mad, just like that boulder was. If you want dangerous driving Kolkatta is the place to go and Delhi in the summer. So what's your name?"

He grabbed me quick and pulled me down next to me so I was lying on my back and he rolled on top of me.

He whispered into my ear, "I'm Jacob Black." As he spoke those words he licked my neck and nibbled onto my ear. I felt him get hard and push it against and rub and ride against my crotch. He drowned me in his deep brown eyes, and said, "You smell like Bella and your skin is as soft as hers."

Before I had chance to say anything he kissed me passionately lustfully. We didn't care who might walk in. We were lost in the moment. He ripped my t-shirt and began to lick my nipples. His hand entered my jeans, and he felt my crotch through my boxers. My hands up and down his back and I kicked of my shoe and began to rub his crotch with my foot. He looked up to the ceiling with his eyes closed, and moaned, "Oh yeah God." I pulled of his white shirt and felt his firm pecks. I took two of his fingers and began to suck them. He yanked my jeans down, and began to suck violently on my cock through the white Calvin's with the red waist bands. I was moaning loud too now.

He turned me around on my chest. He then quickly took of his grey boxers. He licked up the centre of the my spine from just about the crack of my tight smooth ass. When he got to the top of my back he kissed neck, and then French kissed me. His hands were in mine. His hot chest against my back, and his thick uncut 11inch cock, resting on my ass. He then let go of my hands and wrapped his arms waist tight and said, "Oh Bella I love you." I replied, "Oh Edward I love you too." Neither of us were meaning what we were saying. He then quickly did something I'd never had done in my life before. He began to wank my cock, and then opened my ass cheeks, and spat in my pussy hole. He told me to push out my pussy hole, so he could really see it. He then began to lick my hole up and down very slowly. Man this was better then Heaven. The warm tongue going up and own my smooth tite hole, made my body shiver, and him wanking my cock not too fast not too slow. He then bit my neck, but it felt cold not warm like how it should be. I looked to my right and there was an icy cold figure lying to me. He smiled with his golden eyes. Placed his lips on mine and said everything will be fine. He told me cold and heat you need both or you will die from just one sensation. His golden eyes had me mesmerised. I then saw Jacob growl at the cold person. But the cold person just laughed and through Jacob of me. The cold person then inserted his 12inch cock in my tite ass, and I yelled in pain "No." I was in so much pain and look for Jacob but couldn't see him anywhere.

He pulled my hair back and said, "Take it you bitch slut whore. This is what you dream about and this is what you are getting." He pulled my hair back, kissed my neck and slapped my arse tight.

"You piece of trash, your not worth anything, I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you bleed. You're gonna have my babies. I'm raping your virgin ass. Tell me you like it you slut. You smell so Good, so good to eat. I'm gonna come up your tite smooth but again and again." He was impaling me time and time again, he got hold of my nipples and began to twist them. I had fainted by the pain and was just a lifeless body.

Just then as the 12 inch cock cold man, snarled, opened his mouth lifted his neck and showed his fangs and was about to bury them.

"Stop," Edward yelled from behind. But it was too late. Edward was too late to save me.

Okay hope you enjoyed it and sorry for the bad grammar. If you would like more and I would love your feedback, please e-mail me at Thanks Arman X

Next: Chapter 2

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