Between Twilight and New Moon

By moc.loa@4181namra

Published on Mar 18, 2010


Disclaimer: I do not own any of the rights to these characters. All factions and representations of the Twilight saga belong to Stephanie Meyers. I do not make any profit off of these stories.

This story is fiction and does not mean to imply anything about any Celebrity's sexual orientation or personal life mentioned in it.

This story will contain intimate relationships and sex between two males. If this offends you, or if you are not allowed to read this story due to age restrictions, please leave.

Firstly I would like to thank you all who e-mailed me back with your feedback, good or bad it was much appreciated. Okay I'll start of from the last line of part 1.

"Stop," Edward yelled from behind. But it was too late. Edward was too late to save me.

When I woke up I was in a drawing room of a massive house. The walls were mainly made up of large glass with wooden frames. I was lying on a white 4 seat leather sofa, with a dark brown wooden frame all around it. The frame was made up of carvings, but I couldn't make out what they meant. But you could still make out it was Italian, and also in the middle of the top of the wooden frame, it looked like there was a V shape. But then again I could be wrong.

As I tried to get up, the impaling pain in my arse was so much that I just yelled in agony and fell back on my back. My arse was on fire. I got a white feather cushion and placed it under my behind to relieve the pain.

The room had a strong smell of citrus about it. The citrus smell made me think of the holidays I use to have in Mumbai when I was only 8 or 9 years old. My maternal grandma, who I always imagined to be some sort of heavenly figure, and this was due to her good command of English. Most of British, Americans, and Australian people sounded dumb in front of her. She spoke better than the Queen's English, and scolded me when I spoke in an incorrect grammar. After all this was part of her job, to train the future Indian Miss World and Miss Universe entrants to speak the best, and also most intelligently. That's why India in recent times had the most Miss World and Miss Universes. But the citrus smell, made me think of her, because she had told me that citrus fruit helps to counteract any smell of blood in the air, and that's why it was often used in hospitals after major operations or in gynaecological wards where there were a lot of blood stained bed sheets.

But there is no blood in this house I thought, so why the such strong smell of citrus. Citrus in oil burners and aerosols, never smelt this strong. Something strange was in this house, and I wanted to get up and leave. But as I tried, again my body gave way, and I fell back onto the sofa. As I looked to my left, there on a glass table was 01001918 QUEEN OF THE NILE. It was a porcelain piece. Made by a very famous company called Lladro. There were only a 100 pieces of that in the world and it cost over œ100,000.00 or $250,000. My mother being an art collector always wanted that piece, it's just she couldn't get a mortgage on it. I thought to myself whoever's house I was in they must be very rich.

As I looked around I saw it was snowing outside. This reminded me of Oxford last January. How all we heard on the news for weeks on end was snow, snow, and more snow, and how the grit was running out and how France would be sending more. As I turned back I gasped.

There standing in front of me was a beautiful woman, she like the Lladro statue had porcelain skin and had shoulder length red brown hair. She had beautiful big brown eyes, and I knew who she was straight away.

"You're the model mum aren't you?" I asked her perplexed.

She smiled like how a caring mother should. I felt safe with her. I hugged her and began to cry.

"Hey hey ssh what's wrong," said Esmee.

My face snuggled against her Cadbury coloured purple top. The satin felt so nice and comforting against my cheeks. Her knee length white skirt so crisp and straight made her look like a model from the 50s.

I wiped my tears, and apologised.

"I'm so sorry, it's just I miss my mum, and when I saw you, I remembered her," I wept.

"I'm sorry Esmee," I carried on crying.

She ever so lightly loosened her hold.

She sweetly said into my ear, " So how do you know my name."

I lied and told her that Edward had told me.

I was beginning to freak myself out, and thought how did I know her name, what were these psychic abilities going on in me.

Esmee asked me where my mother was, and I explained to her she was doing a photography tour in Tokyo of some rare breed of dog known as an Akita. Apparently the Akita's descended from a Japanese wolf. The Akita's were also known to protect infants and babies when mothers had to go to work or shopping. The Akita's were also known as fighters of evil. Even in humans they could sense whether someone's forefathers had been in involved in some criminal activity.

Behind her I now saw Edward approaching towards me.

I was in so much anger, that the pain there was before, I no longer felt anymore. He approached in his white shirt and grey jeans, and his hair immaculately styled, like he had just stepped out of a Vidal Sassoon salon. Not a hair on his face, smooth like a second let down my guard. But then I turned back into anger mode.

"Why the hell did you rape me? You sick pervert," I screamed at him.

Esmee was taken a back when she heard me shout. Her face froze. She let me go and her body language when into a movement which could only be described as tigress defending her cub.

"Edward would never do that. I know my son! He is a thorough gentleman. I won't hear a word against him," defended Esmee.

"He didn't it was Le Stat," a calm collective voice said from behind Edward.

"I'm Edward's father Dr.Carlisle Cullen."

He wore a large beige jumper, and black trousers. His face was as white as snow, but yet not an albino. His hair was pure blonde.

"You mean like in the film Interview with the vampire?" I said in a monotone voice. I was shocked to hear that.

Edward and Esmee both look shocked.

"Yes," Dr.Cullen replied

I began to stutter, "So does tha, tha, that mean I'm becoming a vampire."

"No, firstly because young Mr.Jacob Black saved you," replied Dr.Cullen.

"And also that Le Stat is not a Vampire, fiction has distorted the truth. Le Stat is actually a cannibal and rapist all in one. So to make that a sellable media story, he became known as a vampire," said Dr.Cullen in a melancholic way.

"Jacob Black saved you . As Le Stat was going to start eating you, Jacob sprung him from a far corner of the barn you were in. You owe him your life Kris. If he hadn't knocked Le Stat of your body in time, we wouldn't be having this conversation. Edward was too late to save you, but he brought you here to me, to nurse you better. You have been passed out for 4 days," said Dr.Cullen with his blue eyes slightly sparkling in the sun light.

Edward and Carlisle moved into a darker area of the corner of the room.

"Carlisle, Le Stat is the oldest vampire and ranked even higher than the Voltouri, so if he is in Forks then he must want me for killing his mate," Edward said in a low hesitant voice so no one could hear him.

"That maybe true son, but Kris must never find out that his attacker was indeed our oldest Vampire and probably creator of Voltouri. But are you sure it was him son?", asked Carlisle calmly yet slightly worried.

"Yes father it was him, he had the necklace which marked his emblem, that of teeth into a king cobra body." Edward replied worriedly.

Carlisle turned around to face me.

"Kris why don't you have bath and then get some sleep for an hour in the guest room, and we can then get you something to eat when you wake. Edward why don't you show him the bath room?" asked Carlisle in a caring fatherly voice. "Wait!" I exclaimed.

"Edward I must apologise to you, I am sorry for falsely accusing you."

He looked at me in a slightly condescending way.

"No worries follow me then," Edward hissed.

As we walked to the guest bedroom up the stairs I noticed on the wall adjoining the staircase, was filled with graduation gowns caps. Edward noticed me looking at the wall. He just huffed, its as if he wanted to say something but yet he didn't.

As he opened the door to the guest room, there in the middle was an oyster shaped bed. But the bed was like 2 King-sized beds put together. The bed had shining gold and cream satin covers. There were matching cushions, throws, and mini cushions. This was like heaven on earth. The floors were made of Rajisthani marble. There were low dim lights, but many of them. So even with low voltage bulbs, but because of the number of bulbs the room was very bright. Yet oddly the room had no window. The marble floors had mini lights within them.

There was a fire built into the wall. The fire was done by electric flames surrounded in a glass and platinum plated fire case. The fire's flames were remote controlled. To the left of the bed was a dressers, a dark brown wooden one, which contrasted well into bright white effect of the room. The dresser had all the aftershaves and perfumes of the world.

There was a portrait of all the family, but some members of the family I didn't recognise. In the middle of the portrait was Esmee and Carlisle, and to their right was Edward and Alice. But to the left was some beautiful blonde woman, and a dark haired jock guy. The portrait seemed like someone was missing.

Edward said, "Why are your eyes lost? The moment of grief will pass." He huffed heavily.

"Forget the past moments, those moments are not here anywhere. Time will bring another life, and once again the wind of carefree will blow, once again fragrance will spread in your paths, once again some another companion will come along."

I responded, "God you sound gay."

We both laughed at that point.

"No try and understand the meaning," Edward giggled.

"Man you can be funny," he carried on giggling.

"Edward, I haven't lost a companion, you nutcase." I said trying to keep a straight face.

Edward then looked at me hard, " What about Logan the model." He replied inquisitively.

I stared at him hard, "How do you know about him?" I asked in a stern tone.

Edward looked at me blank and statue like. He like the floor seemed marble.

"Logan is also my friend and he talked a lot about you, but he never mentioned your name." He replied in a nervous tone, and you could tell his mouth was getting dry and his right wrist began to shake a little.

"Well he was my best friend up and till last year and at 16 he then moved to."

"Milan," Edward cut me off.

At this point I was beginning to get angry. "As Armani and Gucci both hired him," he carried on.

"Well your both good friends and now I don't really believe in friends. It's a cut throat world out there." I snapped.

Edward came close behind me his chest literally touching my back. The hairs on my neck began to rise, and cold shivers went up and down my spine. I began to get scared and excited all at the same time.

Edward put his chin on my shoulder, and wrapped his arms around my waist, he whispered in my ear, "I also don't want to be your friend, I have Bella and my family that's more then enough, but I want you as a best friend." He rubbed his nose into my neck. I became putty in his hands. But I thought no, this ain't right. Something is very wrong was in this house.

Everything was too perfect no chips on the wall, no scratches on the wall or floors. All the people here looked like supermodels. Not a stain, not any object pointing out at the wrong angle. I pushed Edward away, I ran and headed for the stairs and began to slip and then fall. Edward was there in a millisecond to catch me.

I looked at him in amazement, my heart was beating so fast, and I noticed Edward's eyes began to change colour. My face was red, and I began to get a headache. My hands were trembling. He met my gaze and then looked away. Again I looked for his eyes to see the colour. Then out of the blue he hugged me tight. "Edward let go of me," I bellowed in an angry manner.

"So what no thank you, that I helped you from hurting yourself." Edward began to look away from me, and stare at some painting next to the window. Just for a second I saw his skin sparkle like there was crystal on it, as a ray of light hit Edward's face from the window. Edward promptly moved away.

"Will you please come to the dining room, I shall escort you there myself, and we may begin luncheon," Edward murmured.

When I got to the dining room Esmee had a feast laid out all my fave foods. Aloo papri chaat (an Indian potato and yoghurt, and tamarind sauce delicacy) ,Fish and Chips (Yorkshire style for the Brit in me) and fresh strawberry and Battenberg trifle. The trifle was always something I made back home in Oxford during Christmas. But the ultimate was Pasta and Doritos Crispy bits. Seeing that shocked me. I thought only I knew how to make that.

I sat down at the table which had Calvin Klein cutlery.

"Please help yourself," Edward insisted.

"Well Mr I am still stuck in the 18th century, by the way I talk won't one by joining me?" I joked.

"No, I'm on a special diet," Edward replied in a soft tone.

Then it hit me. I knew what he was, I knew what this family and it's members were. I dropped my fork in an amazement. I sprinted to the door, and down the stairs not caring about the bad state of my clothes. I made a run into the woods, and as I ran, in just a few seconds Edward was in front of me. Again him being here confirmed my suspicions.

The twigs cracked under his feet, as he walked close to me. I took a short step back. His eyes were a reddy brown colour now.

"You know it's rude not to say goodbye, after someone has cooked for you!" He barked in an impatient tone.

I turned my back to him.

"Your skin is ice cold white, you don't eat or drink, you speak perfect grammar as if from your another time. Your house is perfect and so are your family members. Your eyes change colour, and when light shines on you it's a like a reflective surface. I know what you are." I told him in a tone which showed power, and control.

"Say it," he snarled.

"You're a robot , and you haven't been oiled recently."

Edward burst out laughing. "Man that's a good one."

"Why it's true Edward I'll prove it this very second." I marched up to him, picked up a stone from the side. If you are not a robot then me scraping you with this sharp stone should enable some blood to come out."

I swiftly attacked his face with the stone. The stone broke against his skin. "See you are a robot." I said smugged.

I noticed birds were beginning to leave from above their nests from high above, and a nearby deer which had lost its way looked Edward right in the eye, and Edward stared back at it. Edward moved a step closer to the deer, and it sprinted like mad in the opposite direction . The deer frightened was as if it thought Edward was going to kill it.

"Kris look at this, he took out a Swiss army knife from his pocket," he commanded.

"Oh how convenient a robot having knife in his pocket or should I say it's pocket, just in case it needs to do essential repairs. So are you Microsoft's latest release. What model type are you, are you solar based. Oh my god your not radioactive are you?" I was laughing. "God I had feelings for a radioactive robot, what next we have phone sex and your tool gets stuck 180 degrees high."

As I finished from laughing, I saw Edward dig the knife into his wrist. Dark red blood began to dash everywhere from his wrist. I ran to him like a mother protecting her baby. On the way to him ripped part of my t-shirt off, grabbed his left wrist, and rapped the material around his wrist.

"Leave me alone," he threw me back to the ground.

"Edward please your bleeding."

"Do you believe me now that I'm human, I need you to believe this." Edward spoke in a mild cry.

"Yes Edward, I believe in you. I don't believe in vampires, ghosts ghouls, and Friday the 13th but I believe in you."

Edward grabbed my hand we walked back to the house. We didn't say a word to one another. As soon as we got to Edward's palace I walked to the guest room , and into the bathroom. I needed a shower, I started to undress, and as I did I looked behind me, as I could feel someone's stare, but there was no one there. When I carried on undressing, I saw in the mirror in front of me a reflection of a King Cobra. I turned back to see, but there was no King Cobra.

I turned on the hot water and felt the water drip on to my pecs, as I soaped myself up. I began to think of Edward and Jacob making love. The two kissing each other passionately in a large bed with satin sheets.

Jacob stop resisting , Edward said. I know that you are gay, and you want my cock. I need to fuck something I'm so horny, so were both needed by each other. Edward grabbed Jacob's bulge. Jacob moaned and moaned, loud. Edward pulled of Jacob's Calvin Klein boxers, pulled out his cock. Edward sucked at it furiously with each suck he moaned louder and louder. Edward told Jacob to role onto his chest. After that Edward came and grabbed the back of the Jacob's head and began to fuck his ass, pumping all 10 inches into his dark smooth tight butt . Edward pulled Jacob up by his waist, Edward with no hesitation stuck his cock into Jacob's ass with strength and smacked his arse. It hurt Jacob so bad, and he scrunched up his nose like a child. But pain turned into pleasure. Edward started to talk dirty to Jacob, "oh yes Jake take my cock. fuck my cock, your my bitch. take it, augh!" Jacob said I love your dick, im your bitch, you own this bitch. For the next 5 mins he fucked Jacob so hard, and talked so dirty to him. Sweat poured down Jacob's back. Edward moaned I'm gana cum, im gana cum, and then....AUGH! Edward let out a roar and let out a huge load, but he didn't stop, he kept on, so he was about to cum again so he said come suck my cock Jacob my bitch, your gona like this. Jacob grabbed his phone, and started to take pictures. Jacob said you better be ready give it to me . Edward pulled Jacob's head down to the bottom of his cock and let out a huge roar, and a huge river of cum got everywhere inside Jacob's mouth. Jacob gagged and Edward wouldn't let Jacob off his cock. He said swallow it all, now bitch. Jacob did and Edward let go of Jacob's mouth and head. Edward said now how was that for you Jacob. good as hell Jacob said, Jacob leaned in and gave Edward a soft and gentle kiss. Jacob and Edward laid down naked together in the bed for hours Jacob then got up. Jacob pushed Edward on his back, and put Edward's legs on his shoulders. Right Cullen that ass is mine, as he began to enter Edwards tight ass with his 10 incher. Thick and uncut, that of a real man.

At this point the water began to turn cold, and I mean stone cold. I quickly switched of the shower and grabbed the towel, wrapped it around my waist. A good twenty minutes had past by, as I rushed to my bed, there he was lying naked in the bed. You could make out the pole under the covers. "Come to Daddy, come to daddy Kris!" he grinned mischievously. There was he was. Handsome, reassuring sexy, seductive. His nice smooth pale body there in my guest bed was Carlisle. I knew I wanted him. I wanted a real genuine love. Some caring fatherly love. A father I never had. I ran and jumped into the bed and threw off my white cotton towel onto the dresser.

I was lying chest down. I felt his hand on my ass. It rubbed my bubble butt softly but with his smooth skin. Goosebumps covered my body instantaneously. Carlisle started rubbing my ass with one hand and my back with another. I could tell he was exploring a man's body for the first time and he was nervous like me. I glanced down behind me and I saw my Carlisle, my dad was near my crotch and his cock was pressing against his boxer shorts wanting out. I reached back like I was stretching and touched it and my Carlisle. Both our breathe got heavy for that instance. He leaned over me and kissed my lower back, he continued kissing it and moved around my back and then on my ass. He then slipped one hand under me and made his way to my nipple. He pinched it and pulled on it. I could tell he liked it a lot. He lifted me slightly as if he wanted me to turn over which I did. His hands began exploring my chest and stomach. My cock stood harder than ever and my Carlisle knew but wasn't ready for that yet. He began kissing my nipples then bit one I moaned in pain. He didn't seem to care I was in pain. He continued to bit and pull on my nipples, I began to moan more and more trying to control them so not to alert anyone in the house. Carlisle was really into what he was doing by now I was beginning to realize I had no control what was going to happen. Carlisle told me to turn over again and lie face down. I did so, nervous as to what he was going to do now my nipples hurt I wasn't expecting this it wasn't my fantasy I was scared. Carlisle pulled his grey boxers off and his cock was about twelve inches and thick. He closed my eyes with his hand came even closer to me and on the bed. He started grabbing my ass cheeks hard and squeezing them, I contracted with pain. Which only made it worse he slapped my ass hard, and then again, and again. I could tell one hand was working on his cock and the other was feeling and slapping my ass. Then both hands were on my ass spreading my cheeks. I felt his finger touching my hole and rubbing in circles around it. Then he spat on my hole and rubbed it on my hole and did it again. Then I felt his finger start pushing its way into my ass, it burned going in. He went the full length of his finger and started to slide his finger in and out slowly. I was in pain and tears were rolling down my face it burned and hurt. Then he stopped, I prayed he was done. Then he turned me over again and lifted my legs and placed them on his shoulders. He spat in his hand and rubbed it all over his cock. He then guided it to my hole and pressed it against it. Then started pushing into me my ass, it began to hurt again and his head wasn't even in. Then he pushed it all at once with his might. His cock ripped into my hole all at once, the pain was immense, his cock slammed into my rectum. I was about to scream but knew I would be hit if I made any loud noises. He then moved his hands and grabbed my throat as he started to pull back readying for a second slam. I felt helpless, he stared at me with such anger, I knew he wasn't sure what he was doing but he wanted it that's all he knew. He began slamming into me hard each one hurt like I was being split in two. His hands continued to grip my throat his pace grew faster. Eventually the pain was gone I realized my body was numb, all I felt was his body rocking mine back and forth with each pump. Then I saw my Carlisle's eyes close and he picked up the pace to as fast as his hips would allow him to pump my ass. He gasped for air and his grip reached its tightest I could no longer gasp for air, my father then slammed all at once into me and I felt his cock shake inside me as he came. He released his grip on my throat and pulled his cock out of my ass. He climbed over me and told me to clean his cock. I reached for a towel on the dresser, "No" he said.

He looked at me and nodded, he wanted me to suck his cock clean. I was slightly grossed out by this but I could see there was no option but to do as he said. I opened my mouth and began sucking his cock, I could taste the cum on his cock and I began getting hard again. My Carlisle got up a few minutes later and put his grey boxers back on and left my room. My cock still raging, my mind reeling about what just happened. I began stroking myself off and then felt my hole and the juices around the hole. I realized then my dad cum was inside me his own son. I got on my knees and started fingering myself feeling the fluids inside me. I started to push them out with my hand under my hole waiting for the semen. Before long I had a small pool in my palm, I laid back down and rubbed harder. I rubbed his cum on my cock and stomach and chest. Then cleaned my fingers off in my mouth and then in that moment my balls tightened and cum sprayed. One shot past my head the next as I looked hit my face as did the second. Then the third, the fourth, and on and on till my mid section was covered. I was exhausted I laid their in the fluids of Carlisle and myself I was in heaven. As I was beginning to catch my breath back, my door slammed open. There was Carlisle with blood shot red eyes. With his foot he shoot the door back firmly. I could see in his cock he inserted a piercing like a huge earring but it wasn't a cock ring. From where he was standing near the door and where the bed was there was a distance of at least 6 feet. Carlisle just leaped to the bed like a cheetah after it's prey. I felt scared, and something was very nerve racking, as I realised I was the prey. He put his cock in my arse, with no mercy he impaled me into heaven and hell. He began rocking me like a rocking charge. I began to moan and groan. Then Carlisle started with his dirty talk. "You like that, you want some more bitch," he snarled at me. Yeah oh yeah I love that, harder I want more. The cock ring in his penis gave my butt sensations it never knew. My legs were over his shoulders, and he rocked me like a baby. His lips close to mine but never touching them. He teased me like this. I wanted him to kiss me, make love to me. But lust was the only thing on his mind. His large cock opened my tite hole stretching it to oblivion. The bed mattress was going up and down like a bouncy castle, by the sheer strength of his force. "You want it harder you like that bitch" Yes please more harder, I moaned in ecstasy. My body was sweating like a pig, we were sliding together. I wanked my cock as he fucked me now at slower pace, I was still huffing and puffing, like his bitch. He spanked my sore arse. "Your such a whore, you like that you like that." My eyes were closed but looking up to him. I nodded to him in agreement. The feeling was amazing. My adopted father making love to me. "Who's your daddy then bitch. Taking that tight tight hole" Carlisle spoke in his mind of frenzy. His warm body was beginning to slightly have that sparkle which Edward had. "Yeah oh yeah, fuck me say it," Carlisle demanded. Urr I moaned urr, I moved me head from side to side brushing my nose against his. His face just a millimetre from mine. "Fuck me please daddy," I responded like a passive slut. "Yeah your not use to big dicks up your arse you whore, you stupid foreign slut, you stupid fucking slut," he said with lust. Then the pace of him fucking my arse became faster and faster and harder. I was about to go through the wall and the bed would break any minute. I moaned more and more, he placed his left hand on my chest, and the other under my back raising me slightly off the bed, as if not to break it. "You tight little ass," he spoke as slapped my butt. "Yeah your goanna make daddy cum, you whore boy. You like that boy." "Yeah" I replied. "Yeah you like that boy, come on tighten your butt on my ass, I'm breeding you bitch, no condom on me boy. Come on daddy's little boy." My eyes were closed tighter now and I was moaning even louder, I squeezed his cock so hard in my ass, just like a hoover. Carlisle ran his hand up and down my chest and then up my neck and squeezed my neck, and I began to choke. I was loving every minute of this. Then he placed his hand over my mouth. "Take it, take it, take my big cock up your virgin smooth arse." Oh, oh oh ho I moaned in pleasure. I began to bite his left arm up and down, as his arm was at the side of my head. "Take it ur yeah take that cock boy," repeated Carlisle again and again. "Oh nice tight ass, like that, like my balls slapping against your arse. Like that whore arse having the work out, you fucking stupid whore." I moaned more in pleasure, "Yeah you like that, you like that boy." He then flipped me over on my chest. He put his tongue up my ass, and licked me out like he was cleaning every drop ice cream from a bowl. "Oh yes Carlisle, oh yes. Bet I'm better then Esmee. Aren't I daddy. Yeah moisten my hole with you tongue." I commanded. "No way you piece of shit, her pussy knows how to take a cock, not like your tite pussy," he replied as he inserted his huge cock in my butt, impaling me once again like his bitch. He slapped my back, "Get down," I replied, "That all you got Carlisle." He then picked his pace up again. "You like that bitch, you want me to fuck you say it bitch tell your daddy you want him to fuck you." At this point he pulled out his cock out of my ass and began to squirt his tonnes of cum on my back. "Yeah you still like that boy," he yelled. Then the next thing I felt was sharp teeth going into my jugular vein, and blood began to spurt out. There was blood everywhere on the sheets, on the wall, on the dresser. And that's the day I died. That's the day my heart stopped, that's the day I took my own last breath. That's the day I saw Edward's tears for me. Okay hope you enjoyed it and sorry for the bad grammar. I would love your feedback, good or bad, please e-mail me at If you want more of this Twilight saga do let me know. Oh and again thanks to all those many e-mails for the first part, means a lot. Oh big thanks to Mr.Pattison for his remarks. Thanks again Arman X

Next: Chapter 3

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