Black and White

By Gymhunk (Marlyn Lewis)

Published on Sep 3, 2001


All Disclaimers


Chapter 53--The Reckoning

"When's the full partners meeting gonna happen?" Dave asked. "And who broke the news about the 'palace coup'?"

"Your old boss, Mr. Hargraves," Leon said. "But, he didn't say when."

"At least, he's trying to atone for his bad sense of conversation partners," Dave sighed. "But, I'm afraid it's too late."

"You sound like you're never comin' back," Leon pressed.

"If they said those hateful things about you, would you, Leon?" Dave stormed.

"Well, when you put it that way, no. And furthermore, it may not make any difference what happens with the full partners meeting," Leon admitted. "That kind of a poisoned atmosphere isn't where I wanna keep working, anyway."

"Exactly the point, Leon," Dave agreed. "Well, let me know when you hear any more gossip around the water cooler, Man. And thanks for calling. This adds more fuel to the fire and puts their collective butts in a burlap sling. They are gonna lose SO big!"

"Nail 'em, Dave!" Leon urged. "Those full partner meetings are taped, Dave, so if there is anything juicy in them, I'll call ya as soon as I hear from Myrna." Myrna was the executive assistant who always took meeting notes, and made sure the tape recorder was working properly for all partnership and board meetings.

Dave gave me the history that he and Leon shared. Leon had been with the firm for nearly 20 years. He was the best law clerk they had (and that was high praise), and he knew everything there was to know about everyone there. I suggested to Dave that John might want to talk to Leon to get some additional scoop on the firm that wasn't already known to John. He agreed that we might have to pull out all the guns to win this.

Another messenger rang the doorbell. "FUCK! Now what?" Dave fumed as he headed for the door. Dave was presented with two copies of the lawsuit that John had filed. He grinned at the messenger and thanked him.

"I don't even pretend to understand this legal shit, Dave," I cautioned, waving my copy at him. "You read it and give me the Reader's Digest version."

He smiled back at me. "Sure, White Bread." For the next 30 minutes, Dave poured over the legal pages, taking notes, grinning, frowning, cursing, and fuming. I decided to read a book in the sunroom. There was a new Clive Cussler book out which was part of his Dirk Pitt series. The man knew how to write a real "page turner". I was getting deeply into it when Dave joined me. I put the book down and gave him my undivided attention.

"There's some good news in here," he said rustling the pages of the legal brief. He consulted his notes. "Board meetings are taped, so there were be lots of things said there which will be confirmed by the tape (which John heard when he was still on the board this morning). With the tape from the full partners meeting coming up (which I'm sure will be a real pot boiler), that'll really cook their collective gooses, or is that geese?" he grinned. Dave looked down at his notes, again. "John is suing for $30,000,000, plus $300,000,000 in punitive damages."

I whistled low. "Damn," I murmured, shocked at the size of the damages sought. "Their malpractice insurance carrier is gonna be SO pissed at them."

"This won't be covered by their insurance. This is employment, not legal malfeasance. The firm and the partners will be liable."


"The suit's not asking for my job back," he continued. "I already told John I couldn't work there again. He agreed with me. You okay with that, Mike?" I nodded. It was his career. Whatever he thought he had to do, I'd support his decision. "John writes a tight legal brief. He's laid it all out for them, stating events, witnesses, and legal precedence, the works. You can bet the farm that John's suit, well, our suit, is gonna be Topic A at the partners' meeting when it's held."

The phone rang. John was bringing us up to date on what was happening. "We sure stirred up a hornet's nest, boys!" he boomed out laughing. "They're shittin' their britches over there, right and left. To put a fine point on it, I made a discrete call to the Chair of the County Commissioners this morning. He's an old friend of mine. I let him know about the suit we'd be filing. When I told him the particulars of it, he went ballistic. He instantly saw that the County couldn't support a sexual minorities statute, and at the same time award a contract for legal services to a law firm that flaunts the same law. The Commissioner was gonna go over there this afternoon and have a 'frank discussion' with them. I believe in polite circles, it would be called a 'Come to Jesus' meeting," he guffawed. "Their name is gonna be MUD!"

"You heard anything from the firm?" Dave asked.

"No, and I don't expect to for a few days," John replied. "Sometime soon, though, they'll call for a conference to discuss it. That's when we do the hard negotiating. We're dealing from a position of strength here. They don't want their good names and reputations dragged through the legal system. They'd only get a black eye out of it, even if they won, which they won't."

"John, I want to let you know that we have a mole in the firm who is feeding me information," Dave revealed. "I'll let you know who it is if we need to use his testimony, should this go to trial. He said that there's a meeting of the full partners coming up soon. And the words 'palace coup' were being used."

John laughed. "They're running scared." He paused, collecting his thoughts. "Let's see. There are ten full partners, four of whom sit on the board. The majority of the partners can sweep out all the board members by majority vote, if they should so choose. I know we have at least one member on our side, but three partners against us. You know these guys better than I do, Dave. What do you think the chances are that we'll get a new board?"

"I know one of the other partners is a major conservative asshole," Dave considered. "But, for the good of the firm and his good name, he may side with the interlopers. For that matter, we might turn one of the board members who voted against us (Mr. Mason not being one of those) for the same reason. It really does come down to how much pressure the County Commissioner and other powerfully connected outsiders can put on them. This bunch of partners is well connected, politically."

"I know the Mayor," John volunteered. "I'll call him, too. By the way, who pays the biggest percentage of the firm's billable hours? You know, the big corporations aren't gonna keep them as legal counsel if this hits the papers." Dave rattled off a few of the Fortune 500 companies in the area that they represented. "How about any other politicians, like in State government, Mike? Senators, Representatives from the State Legislature?"

"I don't know any of them very well, but I could call our..."

John interrupted. "No, no. I just wonder who the liberals are that would have some connections in the metro area. I'll do the calling. Does your firm make political contributions, Dave?"

"Sure," Dave answered. "Both political parties, as they don't wanna piss off anyone, and a couple of PAC's."

"Great! We'll call them instead and let them whisper in the ear of a couple of the partners about the firm losing credibility with them, etc.," John added, clearly gleeful about staking the partners to a political buzz saw. I'll get back to ya, boys. This is SUCH fun!"

"Before you go, John," Dave inserted, "I didn't see any mention of the more slanderous statements made by Mr. Mason."

"I'm saving those for separate suits against him and the other members who had nasty things to say about you and Mike. Those will be individual lawsuits against them, instead of against the firm like this one is. I'm saving that as further bargaining pressure."

"Okay," Dave agreed. "I was wondering if it had been left out of this suit with intent or by mistake. You answered that one."

"Any other questions, boys, before I start making those phone calls?"

I looked at Dave and shook my head. "I guess not right now, John. And thanks. You're so good to us."

"My pleasure," John laughed. "I'm having more fun with this than you could possibly know or understand."

"We'll take your word for it, John. Thanks," I added.

Leon called, again, but this time it was from home. "More news, guys!" he began.

"The full partners meeting?" Dave asked.

"No, I still don't know when that's gonna be scheduled. We have a couple of partners out of town, so that may be what's delaying it. However, Myrna said that she's been asked to find time tomorrow for the Chair of the County Commissioners on a 'most urgent and grave situation,' to use the Chair's words," Leon confided theatrically. "Myrna was asked by the Chair to find time this afternoon or tomorrow morning with as many partners as she could line up. He wouldn't say what the topic was, but assured her more than once that it was of utmost importance that they meet right away with as many partners as they could round up in less than 24 hours. Well, we could clear only one calendar today, so it'll have to be tomorrow. And I don't think the Commissioner is gonna be happy. Myrna said that she'd only found three who were available and willing to meet. Two others said they knew what it was about and didn't need to hear from the County about it."

"Wow!" Dave laughed. "John's really built a fire under his friend at the County Commission. I sure hope it does some good."

"I'll call ya tomorrow when I know more," Leon promised. "I'll try to wangle a copy of Myrna's notes, too. Will you be home tomorrow night?"

"Yeah, sure," Dave agreed, getting a nod from me. "But, don't get your butt fired by slipping us the goods."

"I know how to be discrete," Leon snorted. "And so does Myrna. Both of us are pulling for a new board and we're doing whatever we can that can't be traced back to us which will sabotage the current board. They've been treating her like chattel lately. And she's really steamed about it, looking for revenge. There's nothing quite as dangerous and determined as a woman scorned," he noted, laughing.

The following day (Wednesday), we hit the gym, then, talked to John a couple of times about progress with the law firm clients' campaign of subtle and not so subtle pressure on the partners. Word was getting out. The media would get wind of it soon if they didn't keep their mouths shut. However, John assured us that these CEO's and COO's knew that they'd look just as bad as the lawyers. The media would tar them with the same "bigot" brush for "consorting with the enemy". So, they wouldn't be spreading the contents of the lawsuit around in conversation at their private clubs or golf courses.

As we were preparing dinner, Leon called. He was bursting with news. "Hot off the presses, Dave. Myrna busted her hump getting the minutes of this morning's meeting with the County Chair typed up. She's a miracle worker. Copies went to all the partners (at the request of the partners who attended the meeting). An extra one just happened to get made in the rush to distribute them. I'm on my way home now. Son of a BITCH! Watch where you're driving, ASSHOLE! Sorry, traffic's ugly tonight. I told the wife I'd be home late and not to expect me for dinner. I thought I'd wangle a dinner invitation from you guys?" he laughed.

"No problem, Leon," Dave assured him. "How soon can you be here?"

"Well, the traffic totally sucks, so as soon as I can get off the freeway, I'll be there. Give me some directions."

Dave dutifully gave him directions. They were complete with landmarks to watch for, so he'd know he was on the right track. "He should be here in about 15 minutes, Mike," he said hanging up the phone. "Perhaps more if he can't get off the freeway sooner."

I added more ingredients to the salad. Dave stirred more pasta into the boiling water and another chicken breast to the frying pan. We'd decided to be lazy tonight and do a simple salad with Chicken Helper as the main dish. Steamed broccoli florets with lemon and butter would round out the menu. I stashed a bottle of our favorite chardonnay into the freezer to chill it a little more than the wine fridge had. This chardonnay was better if chilled thoroughly. It helped soften the oak taste, which we found tended to overwhelm the more subtle essences of the wine. Besides, Leon was doing us an enormous favor. We should give him the royal treatment from a couple of queens!

Dave was just tossing the finished pasta and sauce when Leon drove up. I answered the doorbell, welcoming him warmly. I had to introduce myself and assure him that he'd found the correct address. We hadn't met before tonight. Dave joined us in the living room, then, gave Leon the nickel tour before sitting down for dinner at the oak table in the sunroom.

"Let's eat first," Dave suggested, "before we deal with this nasty business at the office, Leon."

"That's fine with me," he agreed. "I haven't had time to read it yet, but Myrna assures me it is DYNOMITE!"

"She'd know," Dave concurred.

Leon and Dave talked shop while we ate. Leon was a gem, no question about it. They were going to lose a wonderful man when he quit. From the sounds of it, Leon was going to take Clarence with him, wherever he finally landed. Clarence was young, but enthusiastic and a quick study. Leon was grooming him as his eventual replacement.

When we'd finished eating, I raced around the kitchen, putting away food and loading the dishwasher, while Dave and Leon got comfortable in the living room. Dave had built a fire earlier, while I'd fixed the salad and the pasta was boiling. As I entered the living room, I heard Leon say, "You did good, Dave." When I asked what he meant, Leon volunteered that Dave got the right man. I was a good cook, cleaned up well, and was easy on the eyes, FOR A WHITE BOY! They both laughed uproariously at that. Leon didn't have problems with gay men at all, he'd said. Left more women for him, he laughed. "But, the old gal keeps me on a short leash, so my skirt chasin' days are over," he sighed with a big grin.

Leon pulled the notes from his briefcase, handing them to Dave. "Rather than have us read these notes at different times, I'll read them out loud," Dave volunteered. We agreed. He began reading the meeting notes.

For ease of understanding, I've put them in a more narrative form.

The transcript of the meeting read as follows, after reciting the date, place, and attendees:

"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice," the Commissioner began. "I'm always pleased to see friends across the table when we have such important issues to discuss. I've brought with me our County Counsel to assist us in understanding the nuances of the law, as we understand it. I believe you all know Roger Throckmorton?"

The three partners nodded a greeting to their friend and legal colleague from the County. "We've asked Myrna to sit in and take notes. I hope you won't mind," one of the partners said. "You did mention that this hurried meeting was of the gravest consequence."

"That it is," the commissioner agreed. "We have no objections to Myrna taking notes," he added, turning to his counsel to be sure it was okay with him. Roger nodded. The three attending partners sat on one side; the county representatives sat on the other; Myrna, the executive assistant to the partners, sat at the end of the table.

"Let's cut to the chase here and move this discussion along," proposed the Commissioner. "I'm disappointed that only three of the ten partners could meet with us on such an important issue. But, I understand how hard it is to get several busy people together on short notice. You're busy people and so are we." The partners nodded wary agreement. "Your firm signed a contract with us in late June of last year which runs through June of this year for legal services. Subsequent renewals of the contract can run another four years after that, if both parties agree and the budget is there to fund it," he stated, thumbing through a copy of the current contract.

The County Chair looked up to be sure he still had their attention. "A clause in this contract states clearly that you will comply with county statutes dealing with non- discrimination. We have recently been apprised of a lawsuit, which claims sexual minority discrimination. Should that prove to be the case, you would be in default and we will cancel the current contract and not exercise the renewal option. Therefore, we are exercising our rights under the terms of the contract and, hereby, give you 30 days notice of our intent to cancel. Roger?"

The County Counsel handed the partners a notarized letter stating the County's desire to cancel the contract, effective 30 days from the receipt of the letter.

To say the partners were stunned would be to understate their collective countenances. How did the County know about the lawsuit so soon, they wondered. It didn't really matter. The cat was out of the bag, now. They were white as ghosts, stammering, sputtering to understand what had just happened. "But, you can't do this!" one of them insisted. "Their petition hasn't had a hearing, nor have we had time to respond."

"We have every right to cancel the contract, giving 30 days notice," County Counsel stated flatly.

"Gentlemen," the commissioner broke in, "the County must act swiftly when we see an abrogation of contract terms. You have 30 days in which to set the situation right. You can settle or take it to arbitration. But, let me be blunt. Your good names and that of this firm cannot afford to be dragged through the mud. This County Commission would never win another election if we didn't act now and distance ourselves immediately from this quagmire you've gotten yourselves into."

"Now just a minute, there, J.D.!" a partner exploded. "You can't threaten us like this. "

"This is not a threat. This is politics," the commissioner grinned malevolently.

"But, what about our side of the case?" another partner wailed. "Don't we get a fair hearing?"

"The way I understand it, Jim, is that you fired this young man, because he's gay. He has sterling credentials, and outstanding reviews, and promotions ever since he got here. His performance has been that of a rising, young star. I know for a fact that your managing partner has fired him only because of his sexual orientation. So, don't shit me about a fair hearing. Where was his fair hearing, huh?" the commissioner nearly shouted.

"We're a private organization," a partner blustered. "We can handle our employment issues without the County or anyone else second guessing us."

"I knew you'd say something that asinine!" broke in Roger Throckmorton, the County Counsel. "You signed a contract in which you agreed NOT to discriminate. And please, don't bore me with stale arguments about the constitutionality of the statute." He pulled a thick sheaf of paper from his briefcase and tossed it on the conference table. "Hearings, court challenges, and decisions all backing the constitutionality of the County's version of a sexual minorities statute. We crafted it carefully, so that stupid charges like yours wouldn't stand. Posturing isn't gonna change the fact that you've stepped on your dick. Oh, sorry, Myrna," he apologized for his crudity.

"We'll fight you on this, J.D.," the partner snarled. "You aren't the only clients we have, you know."

"I wouldn't advise that, Jim. I'll give you a few minutes to think this through. You're bright guys, you figure it out. Losing this contract isn't going to hurt you monetarily, by itself. We agree there. However, how many of your big clients do you think you'll keep in this town after word gets out that you're a collection of racist bigots?" The partners blanched. "That's certainly what the transcript of the board meeting shows, Jim."

"But, that was said in the heat of the moment," Jim complained. "He didn't really mean it." He shouldn't have admitted such a thing. How did the Commissioner know about the transcript of the board meeting? However, even bright people make stupid mistakes.

"Bullshit!" exploded the County Counsel. "Uh, sorry, Myrna. You know Les better than that. He meant every syllable of it. And you know it won't look good in print, Jim. I doubt very much that your other clients would be very understanding about those kinds of comments, especially when NONE of the other board members contradicted him on the spot," added Roger Throckmorton.

"Shit," one of the other partners muttered.

"And you're deep in it, Gentlemen. You have 30 days to make this right," the Commissioner said as he and the County Counsel stood to leave. "After that, you'll be dragged through the newspapers for sure. If it's a slow news day, the television stations will pounce on it, too. I can see it now. A teaser before the evening newscast: Local prestigious law firm accused of firing rising star lawyer because he's gay! How do you propose defending the firm in a ten-second sound bite? You know how these sharks are."

"Shit," muttered another of the partners.

Dave looked up from the typed notes, having reached the last page. "This is accurate, Leon?" Dave asked, putting aside the transcript of the meeting between the commissioner and partners.

"Myrna never embellishes. She types what was said. VERBATIM, Dave," he laughed, leaning back in the sofa. "Love your sunroom, by the way. It's so bright and cheerful, a great place to be on a stormy, nasty day like today. "

"Damn!" I breathed. "The Commissioner was certainly blunt enough. Can he get away with saying that?"

"He can and he will," Dave grinned. "They wouldn't dare leak these minutes to anyone. They'd look far worse than the Commissioner would. They're defending the indefensible."

"Myrna told me that they've been getting calls all day long from some of the movers and shakers around town," Leon confided, leaning in. "Not one of them was pleasant from the looks on the faces of the partners who took the calls or met with the clients. Not one!"

"John's gotten the word out, it would seem," Dave smiled. "I had no idea he knew that many people in this town."

"The problem seems to be Lester Mason," Leon added. "He's a brilliant lawyer, but has the social graces of a pig. Even though he's managing partner, there have been thinly veiled suggestions that he has to go or the clients will find another firm."

"The clients are saying that?" Dave asked.

"Not that I know of, but they could have. This is the partners who've been overheard saying this by several of my spies," Leon grinned. "The 'palace coup' will happen sooner, rather than later. I think they're waiting for a solid majority before they make their move. With the pressure that's coming from all sides, they'll cave soon and agree to a full partners meeting to discuss 'the future direction of the firm', as they call it."

The phone rang. John was calling to tell us that he'd just spoken with several of the firm's big clients who were angry that they got no satisfaction from their calls and meetings to the law offices. They got only stonewalling. The County Commissioner had assured him, though, that the wheels had been set in motion to cancel the contract with the law firm, as well as a frank discussion about what the partners had better do next or face severe public backlash.

"We have a transcript of that meeting, John," Dave volunteered.

"Well, isn't that nice!" John crowed. "Keep it for me. I don't want to use it unless I have to. Anything in it that I need to know about beyond what the Commissioner told me."

"Nope," Dave quickly decided. "Lots of words, posturing, and blustering, but the bottom line remains the same. They were told to get their act together, and soon, or there'd be hell to pay."

"Okay," agreed John. "I'm going to sit back for a couple of days and wait for their next move. With the parade of unhappy clients they've already talked to, I'm sure they'll have their full partners meeting soon. After that, they'll want to talk to us, and settle this fast. It all comes down to how quickly and deeply they feel the outside pressure, before they decide to act." He reminded us that we were going to win this one, and we shouldn't worry at all.

"And just so you know, Mason's kept his promise to make sure you never work here again. He's called a number of the other law firms in town, poisoning the well about you, Dave. Now, we don't know if they listened or would act on it, but that's not the point, anymore. Appearances are everything in this kind of suit. Because of his outrageous conduct, they have to settle on our terms or face a huge negative publicity storm. They'd never survive it," he assured us. "And I'll make sure during those negotiations (which I expect to happen right after they have their full partners meeting)," he repeated, "that they understand that."

We felt better about it, but we still worried. Anything could happen in the next few days to screw this up.

Two days later (Friday), Leon called. "The full partners meeting is set for Monday morning. The coup looks secure. I don't have a solid count, but I'll bet it comes out better than 6-4. They've asked me to look into the bylaws of the company to see what the provisions are for canceling a waiver for age."

"What's that mean?" I asked.

"They're going after old man Mason and maybe one of the other partners. They're both over 65, and have to be granted continuing status in the firm each year after their 65th birthday, kind of a forced retirement with loopholes. It's generally a pro forma kinda thing to grant the exemption," Leon explained. "So, they're looking to see if they can cancel the current exemption. In my opinion, they can. I was also told, they need some new blood in the firm."

"They aren't gonna get this Blood!" Dave laughed. "How much longer you gonna hang with these honkies?" Dave demanded.

"As soon as you've won, I'm outta here, and so is Clarence," Leon confided. "We have standing job offers at another law office that we'll pounce on. I checked yesterday to be sure it was still there. But, I couldn't tell them anything as I thought there was a chance it could get back to the people here. I didn't wanna get canned before I could finish this last 'project'."

Dave laughed. "You da Man, Leon!"

Friday night we had dinner with our neighbors, Gary and Robert. Of course, they insisted we stay for "dessert," which was tight, chocolate bootie and big, football- player ass. Dave decided not to let them in on his current employment difficulties. As they didn't ask about work, we didn't volunteer anything.

Saturday dawned bright and cool. Kurt called about noon, asking if we had plans for the evening. We didn't, so he told us that he and Gene were taking us to dinner. They wanted our views on the bids they'd gotten to remodel their potential new home. I suggested that they needed to talk to Scott (their real estate broker) who would know more about this stuff than we did. Kurt assured us that they had set up a time to go over the bids with Scott this afternoon. But, they still wanted and valued our input. We agreed to dinner.

When Dave and I discussed it further, I wondered aloud if Linc might be a good resource for them, too. We'd suggest to them tonight that when Gene goes back to Las Vegas to finish up his move, that he stop in and see Linc and ask his opinion on what was being proposed. Instead of waiting for dinner, Dave suggested that we call Linc and ask if he'd look over the bids. Linc agreed, suggesting that we fax them off to him tonight. Of course, Linc had to know what was going on with Dave's work situation. He promised to relay all the scandal back to Uncle Clay, too. After another 30 minutes on the phone, Dave called Gene back at the hotel, but didn't get an answer. He left a message with the front desk to have Gene or Kurt call us back when they returned.

Dave smiled when he hung up. "They're fucking!" he laughed. "The clerk mentioned that the two keys were not in the box behind the desk, so they may be elsewhere in the hotel, or may be gone, but didn't leave their keys at the front desk. He certainly knew it was two guys sharing that room. A couple of towering hunks like those two wouldn't go unnoticed if they'd left the hotel."

"I'm sure you're right, Dave," I laughed with him. "Remember how we were when we first got together? We couldn't stop fucking, either!"

By mid-afternoon, they'd returned our call. It wasn't necessary to find out what they'd been doing. They volunteered, in fact, bragged about how many times they'd blasted loads in each other's butts today. Promising to fax the bids off to Linc, and call us to confirm the restaurant and time after returning from their meeting with Scott, they hung up.

We took another shower before leaving for the restaurant. Tough as it was, we agreed not to fuck each other in the shower like we wanted to. We decided that Kurt and Gene would want to work us over after dinner as part of dessert like Gary and Robert had last night. Considering how buff and well hung our dinner hosts were, I knew it was a wise decision.

Dinner was French. Service was good, but not exceptional. The sauces were too rich for me, but I ate it and loved it. We skipped dessert at the restaurant and had it at our house. It started with sorbet and butter cookies, but quickly devolved to butt munching and ass pounding.

I started with my tongue up Gene's butt, but soon found myself with my legs over his broad shoulders and his 10" dick up my ass. Dave "suffered" the same fate with Kurt. Their youthful exuberance rushed them to a climax they hadn't intended to occur so quickly.

But, we managed to make them feel better, by hammering at their tight butts after we'd switched partners. Kurt did love to fuck with me. I was his first, after all. Gene, of course, would never turn down a big dick. And Dave's 11" butt channel stretcher was always a good fit in Gene's butt, even after all the fucking he and Kurt had been up to these last two days.

Dave had rolled Gene into a doggie style fuck. His round, muscled, bodybuilder ass worked overtime at munching and stroking Dave's black fuck post. Kurt had his sturdy legs over my shoulders, with his hands pulling his tight butt cheeks apart for my pistoning dick.

"I'll bet you haven't had a chance to drink each other's sperm in a long time, have you?" Dave asked.

"No," Kurt grinned. "The loads seem to get shot up each other's butts. We love fucking so much." Gene nodded his agreement as Dave screwed deeper.

"Then, I think you should get into a 69 while Mike and I continue working on your tight, hungry buttholes," Dave suggested with an innocent grin that no one believed. "A creamy finish for your dinner."

Gene scrambled over to Kurt with Dave still lodged deep in his well-fucked butt. However, he wasn't so fast that they ever disconnected. "That huge foot-long middle leg always feels so good, no matter where Kurt puts it," Gene sighed contentedly. "Teen cum is so plentiful and delicious," he added. "But, that big dick feels so good up my ass that I seldom think of how much I love to drink his cum directly from his trouser snake."

"Don't you drink directly from the condom?" Dave asked.

"Not the same," Gene admitted, swallowing nine thick inches of teen dick. "But, better than nothing," he grinned, going back to his task, trying to swallow more of Kurt's amazingly long ass and throat stretcher. If we hadn't already seen a 12" cock on Junior, we'd think there couldn't be any white boys with dicks that size besides Kurt.

Gene's throat and butt muscles acted in unison. Both knew how to milk dick to get cream. Dave warned him to slow down or it would be over much too soon. Kurt moaned and growled his agreement. The more my dick stroked his prostate and Gene sucked his dick, the more waves of contraction I felt echo through his taut body.

I leaned over Gene's broad back and kissed Dave. The passion in his return kiss warned me that he was going to cum very soon. A low rumble started in his throat. A reverberating matching groan resonated from Kurt. Gene was not holding back. With a monster dick in his butt and an even bigger one down his throat (combined with Kurt's lashing tongue on his throbbing 10" horse dick), it was more than his heavily muscled body could withstand. The 12" donkey dick in his throat strangled the roar of a peaking climax. His big nuts flushed heavy cream into Kurt's sucking cheeks. Gene's pulsating ass chute matched his climax waves, giving Dave an irresistible dick massage.

"FUCK!" Dave bellowed. His bull dick rammed hard and deeply into Gene's hungry butthole. Dave's attempt at long-dicking failed. He needed to sow his seed as deeply as possible. His big hands grasped Gene's hips and pulled him tightly onto his thick, black, spraying hose. How Gene was able to take so much dick after being hammered so many times by his new boyfriend was more than I could understand. I couldn't take Dave's as often as these two had been fucking lately, and I was much more used to hot butt-banging sex than Gene was. Or so I thought.

But, these fleeting thoughts were washed away by Kurt's gripping ass tunnel. His massaging butt punctuated each of his moans of pleasure. My dick had no choice but to empty my cream-filled nuts into the condom buried in his hungry hole. For someone so young, Kurt was an incredibly accomplished bottom. His butt thirstily drank of my cream, despite the condom. I grinned at the memory of being a part of his early education.

We pulled out of the younger men's holes as they were working on our overly sensitive, post-coital dicks, unmercifully. But, they continued nursing on each other's long dongs. Whether they dripped after cumming as much as Dave did was unknown, but it could have been their joy in orally satisfying each other, too.

"I'm astonished how good Kurt is each time I enjoy his hot ass," I smiled at Dave. "His deep ass seems to have gotten even better with Gene's dick stretching it more. I sure hope you enjoy his butt as much as we have, Gene. You've discovered an incredible young man, here."

The young, buff studs pulled away from each other. "Only when we're with you two do we feel completely fulfilled," Gene nodded to Kurt, getting his approval. "Taking a big dick up the butt while servicing Kurt is almost the most fun I can ever have with my clothes off The only thing better is getting him to fuck me with his big horse dick while he sucks me off. That's AWESOME! He makes love better than anyone I've ever been with."

"You ain't so bad yourself, Gene," Kurt allowed. "And I owe my lovemaking technique, poor imitation that it is, to Mike." I blushed several shades of crimson. "He showed me how men make love, not just fuck."

"Yeah, he's pretty good in that department," Dave agreed. I blushed again.

"Stop, already!" I protested. "I'm not that good. Besides, I've had good material to work with."

"I don't think so," Dave insisted. "You have an innate ability to take a sexual situation and make it romantic. I'm a kludge when it comes to intimacy. But, you've shown me how," he smiled, then, kissed me meaningfully. "One of many reasons that I love you, Mike."

Again, I blushed. "Not in front of the children, Dave," I protested weakly.

"I kinda like it," Kurt said, handing his new lover a towel to clean up. "It gives me hope that love can mean this much in our future together." He kissed Gene lightly on the lips, his eyes sparkling. "You mean the world to me, Gene."

"Aw, you just love me for my money," Gene laughed, blushing slightly himself.

Kurt smiled devilishly back at him. "Of course I do, now that you have a real job. But, the real reason, my love, is your BODY!" Kurt ran from the room and slammed the door to the bathroom. "Your hot ass and big dick!" he shouted through the door. Gene pounded on the door. "Or, was I supposed to say your mind?" Kurt laughed loudly from behind the door.

"Look, Kid," Gene said laughing, "I'm the best thing that ever happened to you!" He paused for a moment. "Well, except for Mike bringing you out! And I'm VERY grateful."

"Enough chatter," Dave broke in. "What about the remodel? We didn't discuss it at dinner. What did Scott say? Have you heard from Linc?"

"Nothing," Kurt sighed, reentering the bedroom. "Scott wasn't a lot of help. This was outside of his expertise. He knows some reliable remodelers, but he doesn't know anything about pricing."

"Nothing from Linc?" I pressed.

"Nada," Gene sighed. "But, we haven't given him much time, either. He asked for a copy of the floor plan as well, so he'd know what they were talking about, but Scott was able to come up with that for us."

"Does he know how to reach you?" I persisted.

"He has the number at the hotel, but we haven't been back there for hours," Gene revealed.

"So, call the hotel and see if you have any messages from him!" Dave directed.

Kurt and Gene smiled sheepishly. "Yeah, we should. It isn't too late in Vegas, is it?" I looked at the clock.

"They're in the same time zone, so 9:00 p.m. isn't too late," I advised.

Gene called the hotel, asked for messages and was told he did have a message from Linc. Using his cell phone (retrieved from his pants left in the sunroom), he dialed Uncle Clay's number.

After connecting, Uncle Clay brought Linc to the phone. "Ignore the bid from Handy Remodelers. They aren't dependable. I got that from two sources. The other two are good people. And not because I recommended them," he laughed. "The bids are approximately the same for the same level of remodel. I think you should talk to both of them and see what they have to say about their bids. You'll be able to tell more after that. What about Dr. Hartung's idea to get some college kids to do a set of drawings and proposals?"

"Gee," Gene said, "I forgot to follow up on that. I'll call tomorrow."

"Call tonight. These bids are good for 90 days, so tell the contractors after you meet with them that you may need an extension of their bid, because you're working with the college on plans and specifications," Linc suggested.

"I'll call Dr. Hartung and get that phone number for you, Gene," I volunteered. I dialed from the sunroom, so I wouldn't disturb the rest of the call.

"I'd call the contractors tomorrow, then. It may be Sunday, but I'll bet they're both hungry for a nice big job like yours, Gene," Linc proposed. "And call the college as soon as you get a number. You don't want this opportunity to get away from you."

"Thanks, Linc," Gene said. "We owe ya."

"No problem. You're a friend of the family now, so I'm glad to help."

I returned with Dr. Hartung's number. Linc told Gene to have me call Uncle Clay, as he had some family matters to discuss. I knew he only wanted to know if there was any more news about the lawsuit, and there really wasn't. I offered to send him an e-mail instead. Uncle Clay was fine with that.

Gene, then, called Grant Hartung. He rapidly explained the nature of the call, asking for the phone number of the college professor. Rather than give out his number, Dr. Hartung offered to call him and have the professor call Gene back. "College professors don't like to give out their numbers to students," he cautioned. "And Kurt is a student there."

"Oh, okay," Gene agreed, giving him the cell phone number he was calling from. Within five minutes, Gene's cell phone chirped. He told the professor all about his idea. He was intrigued. The college course was becoming too routine, too academic. This would be a good way to liven it up. He'd have to check with the Dean to be sure there were no objections. They'd have to jump a few hurdles, like permission to go on a "field trip" as he laughingly called it, but they shouldn't be showstoppers.

Gene related to him again that the bids were only good for 90 days, so time was of the essence. They agreed to meet next weekend at the house, so the professor could see what they were up against. That, of course, assumed that the college would not have pulled the rug out from under the idea. He'd certainly know before Friday if the college were going to be a problem. In the meanwhile, he was going to get the students rolling on the idea. Gene offered to give them a set of floor plans with a target of approximately $100,000 to spend, and a copy of the bids.

When Gene concluded the call, Kurt was beaming. The house was as good as bought, he thought, and showed through his big smile. "The house is livable as it stands, remember?"

"Yes, Kurt," Gene smirked. "I remember. So, we'd better call Scott back and make that offer after he pulls some comps to see if the offer price, plus the cost of the remodel will compare well with the market for the remodeled dwelling." Kurt nearly bounced off the walls. He gave Gene a bone-crushing hug and patted his new lover's gorgeous, naked butt.

"I promise to fuck you anytime you ask," Kurt gushed.

"Nice offer," Gene smiled. "But, I can't be bought for a hot fuck!"

"How about a hot fuck and a tight ass for your dick?" Kurt offered, upping the ante with a squeeze of Gene's fat cock.

"SOLD!" Gene laughed. "But, let's talk to Scott first. We still have to make sure this will fly, including the cost of the remodel," Gene cautioned.

"Okay, but I know this'll work," Kurt bubbled. I'd forgotten about the enthusiasm and sureness of youth; so refreshing.

After Gene called Scott and set up an appointment for early Monday morning, they departed for Gene's hotel (no doubt for more fucking and sucking), I sent an e-mail off to Uncle Clay, telling him that we really didn't have more to tell. They were already up on all the latest. We were in a waiting mode, now, but John assured us that all was well and we were going to win. He might do better asking John directly. Evidently, Clay was on the computer at that moment because he said he'd called John earlier in the evening and because of client-attorney confidentiality, he couldn't tell Clay anything. However, if Dave or I wanted to blab, that was up to us. Again, I assured him, we had nothing to add (and probably wouldn't), until at least Monday, if not later.

Sunday was another dreadful weather day. The rains seemed endless. But, we went to the gym and did our "chest day" without incident. The gym was nearly deserted. The rain and wind seemed to keep everyone home, including the gay boys.

Dave built another roaring fire. We sat on the floor at a comfortable distance from the heat source, reading and listening to music. I was deeply into my new book and Dave was working on his taxes. He was a procrastinator where his tax return was concerned. He always seemed to owe money when he filed. I'd already filed and gotten my small refund back.

After he'd finished with the forms, I went over them with him. He'd left out a couple of deductions, and used the wrong chart. That saved him nearly $200. So, he owed about $45 when I got done with it. I asked him to go through his checkbook to see if he had charitable contributions he hadn't listed. Of course, there were several that added up to nearly $500. That reversed the results, giving him better than $150 back.

He paid me for my services in front of the fire. He suggested that we grab one of my old copies of a porno film and do what they did. It was one that I'd always liked. Even though it was two buff white guys, the dicks were big, the butts round, and the cum shot far. I fucked him bareback (like they had (it was a very old video from about 1980)), but didn't pull out when I shot like the videotape showed. I deeply sprayed a creamy load of hot sperm up his butt just as the porno stars squirted.

Dave saved his load for later. I got a generous helping of his baby sauce early Monday morning before we got out of bed. His technique was incredible. What I had done to him several days before, he did to me. I was begging and thrashing about needing his creamy load. He postponed it as long as he could, bringing both of us to new heights of ecstasy before he slid his monster dick up my well-tongued and very needy asshole. And as he had done to me, I did to him. My butt muscles massaged and milked his dick so well that he was jetting dick gravy up my bootie within a minute of his fat dickhead parting my ass lips.

His hips plunged deeply and held me face down, pinned to the mattress. My hands were on his hard, muscled butt mounds urging him to fuck me hard and deep. He didn't need, but still enjoyed, the encouragement. One finger strayed into his ass canyon and rubbed against his clutching pucker. The contact was all it took for him to finish what my gripping ass was attempting to accomplish.

"Shit, Mike! Fuckin' cumming!" he cried in a strangled whisper into my ear.

I spread my legs and hole as much as I could to get him as deep inside of me as he could force his cock. The first jerk of his body produced a howl of pleasure from both of us, but the second wave of his climax shot a wad of cum so big up my ass that I felt it spread warmth through my guts. He growled and moaned, biting softly into my shoulder, jetting more cum into my welcoming love channel. His need to breed satisfied, he sighed contentedly. "Hot fuckin' ass, Mike. I only wish we could fuck all the time, but my dick and your butt would be too sore to touch if we did," he allowed.

"Mmmm," I responded. His big dick felt wonderful when it was so deep in my ass. I massaged his round, black ass mounds, pulling him deeper, spreading my legs more for him.

"You're the most incredible bottom," he purred.

"It takes a great top to make a good bottom," I assured him. "And you got all the right moves to get my eager ass to open up for you."

"Just don't get too comfortable in this position," he warned smiling. "I have needs, too. And they include your dick in my butt, hammering away until you fill me up with your baby sauce." He pulled out and slapped my pink ass. "Get your butt outta bed. We need to hit Costco and look over those plans Joe sent from Las Vegas for the yard." I'd already called my boss and told him that I need more time off to sort out this problem I had. It could take another week to resolve it.

"Shit, Dave," I groaned. "I wanted you to drain all your cum up my ass. Why'd you pull out so soon?"

"Because that pretty ass of yours would keep me in bed all day if I allowed it. Now, get up!" he added tossing a pillow at me.

I rolled out of bed, reluctantly. While he showered, I made the bed, "aborted his babies", and shaved. His beautifully muscled, café-au-lait body glistened in the cascading warm water. I stepped in next to him, standing behind him, nestling my face into his shoulder, and working his nips with my fingers. My dick responded to pressing against his hard body. His long dick responded to my dick expanding against his hard butt cheeks and my stimulation of his now erect nipples.

"You need to get fucked again, already?" he moaned as his monster dick throbbed harder and longer, and my fingers worked over his pecs.

"I had something else in mind," I whispered in his ear. I reached around him and plucked a bottle of lube from the shelf in the shower. "You need a hot fuck before breakfast?"

He turned off the shower, bent over and spread his cheeks. "Does this answer your question?" His black pucker winked at me. My tongue danced over it, licking and slurping, going as deeply as my oral digit would stretch. I stood, lubed my hard, throbbing 9" dick, and pressed into him.

"Yeah, I think it does," I answered breathlessly, pushing my fat dickhead through his opening. I popped inside and sank to my pubes. "Fuck! What a hot ass!" I groaned. I was still turned on by the deep fuck I'd gotten earlier. My heavy nuts boiled in their sack, reminding my dick how much I needed to shoot. "This isn't gonna take long," I breathed heavily. "You have me totally turned on, Dave!"

In answer, he milked my rod, pulling on my ass cheeks with both his hands, trying to get me as deep inside him as I could shove my jerking member. "Yeah, Man! Fuck that ass!" Dave's voice echoed about the walls of the bathroom. He punctuated each word with my hips bouncing off his hard butt cheeks, urged on by his big hands on my ass. "Fuck it!"

"Stop milking me! I'm gonna cum too soon!" I warned him with a growl.

That only spurred him on. In another ten seconds, I was streaming ropes of creamy cum up his ass. I bucked and slammed deeply and rapidly. My hips and dick were in control, but not the rest of me. I flopped on his back as more waves of climax washed hurriedly over me.

As I recovered my control, Dave reached for the bottle of lube. "You got me so fuckin' horny, I want another piece of that tight ass." He pulled off my slowly shrinking dick and turned me around. Before I could protest (like there was any chance I would), he had me lubed up and deeply speared. He nibbled on the back of my neck and played with my still erect, sensitive nipples. My ass channel gripped and relaxed each time his fingers plucked at my eraser hard, brown nubs.

Dave didn't need my milking ass to get him off. Banging his ass had gotten him very close to cumming anyway. The acts of turning me around and shoving deep was enough to bring him to the edge again. "Oh, MAN!" he muttered, and came. He grabbed my shoulders as leverage and rammed hard into me. He bellowed into the ceiling and rammed, again. "FUCK!" he repeated with each climax wave.

But, this time, he left his softening dick in my ass. He whispered how much he loved me, kissing my neck and shoulders. Ten minutes later, his softened dick exited my well-fucked butt. I was sad to feel it leave, and his warm, hard chest and stomach pull away from my back. He turned on the shower again, helping me wash my ass and dick. I did the same for him. But, in both cases, our dicks began to lengthen.

"We'll be fucking all day if we let our dicks control our actions," I warned.

"And the problem with that is?" he smiled, then, kissed me gently on the lips. His warm, full lips melted any resistance I had.

I broke the kiss and said, "We have to let Joe know when to come up and start on the yard. And we need to tell him about Gene and Kurt's place."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Dave sighed, but smiled. "There is more to life than fucking."

"Yeah, sucking," I grinned, bent over and sucked his flaccid dick into my mouth, tonguing the underside bundle of nerves.

He laughed pushing me away. "Who doesn't have an off button?" he taunted me. "Get away, you pervert," he laughed as I tried to get his dick back in my mouth. He turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. "If you gotta eat something, eat my ass," he laughed.

Dave thought I wouldn't. But, you know I did! His beautiful butt beckoned to me. I fell to my knees, pulled his hard, muscle cheeks apart and speared his recently fucked hole as deeply as I could. Dave laughed and backed into me. "Searching for cum?"

"I think I buried it too deeply to find any," I said standing again. My dick had gotten rock hard again. "Your butt turns me on so much!"

"I can see that, but we need to do something else today."

"Yeah, I know. You're such a party pooper!"

He slapped my ass with the towel and left the shower stall. "I'll start breakfast. You pull out the plans that Joe sent and we'll go over them as we eat, then go to Costco. I want to be home when Leon calls about the full partners meeting."

"Okay," I sighed like I'd been given a life sentence at hard labor.

"Don't worry," Dave laughed at my theatrics. "You'll get another deep load before the day is over. Now, get your ass outta the shower and get busy!"

So many issues unresolved. What about being daddies? What about a career for Dave after the settlement? Will there be a settlement? If so, on what terms? Will Gene and Kurt buy the house behind Mike and Dave? And MUCH more!

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