Black and White

By Gymhunk (Marlyn Lewis)

Published on Apr 9, 2003


All Disclaimers


Chapter 91--Another New Year

"Our young Marine sure looks good in a swimsuit," Uncle Clay sighed.

"He looks even better out of it," Dave smiled.

"I don't think my heart could take that," Linc blurted out. "Nor could yours, Clay," he giggled, glancing at his lover. "He's too good-looking, too built, and too available. He can rescue my black ass from a crazed jerk, anytime!" he said, echoing Clay's sigh.

"Take a nitro pill before you have a seizure, Linc," Dave laughed. "We swore to him before we left Salt Lake that you wouldn't molest him."

"I can still look over the menu, even if I am on a diet," Linc defended.

"He'd be the one to get us out of our monogamy, if anyone could," Clay agreed.

"But, he's just passing through," Linc moped.

"And he's a bottom," Dave confided.

"Oh, that's a problem," Clay pouted.

"No shit!" Linc fumed. "How can something that butch be a bottom?"

"Same way that you can, Honey!" Clay laughed.

"Same to you, Mr. Helium Heels," Linc dished back.

"We didn't mean to start a war by bringing him along," I apologized.

"Oh, you didn't," Linc assured me. "He's incredible eye candy. Look at that body and sweet smile. We'd have disowned you, if you hadn't brought him."

"I forgot to mention that Josh and his boyfriend will be back in town before school starts. They went to their own families for Christmas, but promised to be back for New Year's celebration. They'll be here for New Year's Day dinner and the football games extravaganza," Uncle Clay said. "And you know you're invited to John and Cynthia Wells' for New Year's Eve?" We nodded. "The theme this year is your favorite childhood character."

"Any problem bringing along Dex?" Dave asked.

"None at all. But, I need to let our hosts know we'll be bringing along another man. Let's go ask him if he wants to join us, and talk costumes while we're at it," Clay directed. Captain Garvey pulled himself effortlessly out of the pool, then, wrapped up in a large towel to ward off the December chill. "I was just reminding Mike and Dave that we're invited to a New Year's Eve party. It'll be a lot of fun. Our hosts are great people." Dex smiled warmly. "It's a costume party." Dex's face fell. "Our favorite childhood character," Clay elaborated.

"Uh, I don't think I have anything I could wear," the Marine sighed.

"What about G.I. Joe?" Dave wondered.

Dex brightened. "Yeah! That was one of my favorite toys when I was a kid. I could dress up in a salad suit. I always carry one with me." Blank stares greeted his uniform choice. "Camouflage fatigues," he explained.

"Oh, perfect!" Linc exulted. "Cynthia will be so pleased. She loves a man in uniform."

"So does a certain flight attendant," Dave chortled. He explained how Dex and Jay had met and about the planned rendezvous they had scheduled for tomorrow night. Dex blushed frequently.

"That reminds me, Dave," I suddenly remembered. "We need to call George and Mike, and Joe and Ray while we're here."

"Friends from home?" Linc asked.

"Yeah, George used to be a bartender at one of my favorite queer bars. Mike's a sales clerk here and looks a lot like Glen Hughes of The Village People. Anyway, Mike came up for a visit, met George and the rest is history," I smiled.

"And Joe and Ray?" Linc pressed.

I looked at Dave. "Joe's a landscaper from here that we met last trip down," Dave recalled fondly. "He came up for a visit and to do some landscaping at our new place. He met Ray (who happens to be the brother of our neighbor, the neighbor being a professional football player now). Anyway, Ray played basketball for the University and moved to Las Vegas to be with Joe as soon as Ray graduated."

"Oh, yeah! He works for the casino, now," Uncle Clay recalled.

"Right," I smiled. "I believe you pulled some strings to get him an interview."

"But, he did the rest. All I did was give him the chance to be considered."

"Why not invite both couples to our New Year's Day dinner?" Linc suggested.

"We certainly have the space," Clay agreed.

I made the calls while Clay let the Wells' know there'd be one more guest for their New Year's Eve party. Both gay couples had plans for New Year's Eve, but were pleased to accept the invitation for New Year's Day. They asked for directions and time, as well as what they could bring. Clay suggested a nice bottle of wine to go with the ham dinner.

"I hope no one's Jewish!" Linc blurted out. "Ham would be offensive."

"No one objected when I mentioned the main course," I recounted.

"Dodged that bullet," Uncle Clay laughed.

"So, what are you boys going to go as at the Wells' party?"

"I haven't even thought of a favorite childhood character," Dave groaned.

"You could go as Pluto," I smiled sweetly. "You love it doggie style so much!"

The group laughed. "Perhaps, for another party," Dave grimaced. "I'll get you for that," he whispered. "Maybe you could go as Nancy Drew!" Dave suggested loudly, grinning broadly. "You've told me how you loved those books. So much so that you read every one of them at least twice."

"Touché, BITCH!" I groaned. They laughed, again. "So, what shall we go as?"

"I'll have to think about it," Dave dodged. "What about you two?" I asked, swinging the spotlight to my uncle and his black lover.

"We thought of going as a couple of aging perverts, but that wouldn't be our favorite childhood characters," Linc laughed.

"So, we decided we'd go as Flash Gordon and Evil Emperor Ming, the Magnificent," Uncle Clay revealed. "Don't you think Linc would be a great Ming?"

"With the right make-up and costume, he'll be truly evil!" Dave grinned. "He already has a goatee that could be trimmed up perfectly to mimic Ming."

"Of course, I'll have to get some blonde hair, instead of my gray," Clay sighed. "This'll be fun!"

"You know," I mused, "we could go as Star Wars characters. Wasn't the first episode, well Episode IV now, released in the late 70's?"

"1977, to be precise," Dex answered.

"Yeah, I was like seven or eight years old when it came out and I was totally taken by it," Dave recalled. "Great idea, Mike!"

"So, which characters shall we go as?" I asked. "And I'm NOT going as Princess Leia! I don't believe she had a hairy chest."

"You could go as Chewbacca," Dave laughed.

"Thanks ever so much! But, I was thinking of Darth Vader or Han Solo," I replied.

"Oh, Darth Vader is MINE!" Dave insisted. "I'd be perfect for that and he's so deliciously evil."

"You're blonde enough that you could go as Luke, but you're too much of a daddy. So, that means Han for you," Dex decided. Clay, Linc, and Dave nodded.

"Okay. I know when I've been outvoted. Han Solo it is."

"Is there a good costume house in town we could go to?" Dave asked Uncle Clay.

"Oh, yeah. There are several. But, we might be able to do better at the casinos. They have huge wardrobe departments for the acts they bring to town. Let me call first to see what they've got," Clay volunteered. During the call, Clay smiled and gave us a "thumbs up" signal. "These are a couple of big guys, like 6'2" and 6'3", so we'll need to make sure Darth's cloak is long enough and Han's shirt and trousers are big enough. Yes, we can come down this afternoon for a fitting. How long will you be there?" He shepherded us to the door, cell phone still in hand. "We have less than 30 minutes before the wardrobe department closes."

We raced into town, then, turned down a street behind the strip. Uncle Clay wheeled into a secured parking garage that required a gate card to let us in. Producing the right card, we drove up to the back entrance. Clay jumped out of the car, asking Linc to park it for us while we ran inside. Leaving word at the door for the security guard to let Linc in and have someone guide him to the wardrobe department (even though he knew the way), we scurried down a series of corridors before we located the right rooms.

Two costumes, one for Darth Vader and another for Han Solo hung from an overhead bar. "Put these on and see how they fit," an older lady directed. "My, they are big men," she said as we grabbed the offered clothing and hit the dressing rooms. "I'll have to get a bigger black shirt for Darth and a larger, string-tied-front shirt for Han. Hold on a moment, boys!" she shouted. "I'm going to get you different shirts." Quickly locating the shirts, she gave them to Clay to give to us.

Linc burst into the room. "What'd I miss?"

"Nothing. They're getting fitted now, but needed bigger shirts," Clay replied, returning to the larger room.

"How does this damned helmet thing go on?" Dave boomed.

"Are you decent?" asked the matron.


"Come on out and let me show you, then." Dave strode out, looking menacing in his black costume, the huge cape swirling. "This goes on the back of your head," she demonstrated, pressing half the helmet into place. And this part snaps onto the other half like this. But, you'll probably need someone to help you with it. It isn't easy putting this on." She demonstrated how it worked. "Now, you need to open the top of your shirt more, so the bottom of the helmet disappears into the shirt and cape. Like this; then, button the shirt back up." Again, she showed how it was done. The four of us watched, knowing we could be asked at anytime to help Dave out at the party. "Any problem breathing?"

"No, I'm fine," his voice reverberated. "I saw that it had vents on the top and sides. And the grill in front is really great. I don't feel claustrophobic at all."

"There's a gain knob here on the bottom of the helmet (that'll be hidden by your shirt) that allows you to sound more sinister, more mechanical, and deeper voiced, if you should choose," she said. "Recite 'Mary had a little lamb," and I'll show you how it makes a difference. He recited it slowly, like Darth Vader would have, making us smile at the incongruity. The costumer rolled the knob between her fingers, showing how much change could be wrought. "Where do you think it sounds best, gentlemen?" she asked. "He can't hear himself distinctly, so you need to decide."

We listened again through the range, narrowing down our preferences until we all agreed. Pulling off the helmet again, she asked us to demonstrate to her satisfaction that we knew how to get the helmet on and off. "The gain control is pointing at the two o'clock position. Remember that when you put it on for the party. It gets bumped around a lot, and will have been twisted to another setting by the time you get it on, again." This lady knew her stuff.

"Maureen, you know your business!" Uncle Clay said, echoing my thoughts and giving her a big hug.

"That's why I get the big bucks," she grinned. "Now," Maureen turned, "let's see how our handsome Han is doing." She fussed with the trousers, pronounced them too loose, and gave me new ones to try on. "Ah, better," she declared. They were tighter across the ass and showed off my basket better (confirmed by the grins I got from Dave and Dex). "You have boots to go with these pants?" I stared blankly. "Didn't think so. You take about an 11, wide?" I nodded mutely. "Coming right up. But, you've gotta wear this shirt more open. Don't draw the strings so tightly around the throat. Make it drape more loosely, like this." She worked the bodice to make it hang open. "These leather draw strings need to be kept very loose. You need to show off your hairy chest, like Han Solo does. More swaggering, more like a pirate." I blushed and Dave smiled lustily. "Now, those boots," she remember. Rushing off, she went into another room and retrieved the desired pair of boots.

I tried them on. They fit perfectly. "These are so soft. What are they made of?" I asked.

"Just leather, but a soft leather; and they've been broken in for several years. You can imagine how many requests we've gotten for this costume in the last 25 years," she grinned. Had it really been that long since the first Star Wars episode hit the theatres? "Okay, off with the duds and let me box them up for you," she directed. "Oh, boots for our Darth, too. Let's see, about a 13 wide?"

Dave nodded. "Or a 14, depending on the shoe," he shouted after her. (Big feet, big meat!) He tried on a pair of black boots that perfectly complemented the costume.

"So, what about you, young man?" she asked, addressing Dex.

"I'm going as G.I. Joe, Ma'am."

"I have just the costume," she began.

"I'm a Marine Corps Captain, Ma'am. I already have the uniform," Dex smiled.

"Oh, so you would. Anyone else need anything? I know Clay and Lincoln have theirs already." Hearing no more needs, she said, "Okay, take 'em off and I'll box them up." Obediently, we returned to the dressing rooms and changed back. "Now, wasn't that painless?" she smiled.

We nodded readily. "You're a jewel, Maureen. Thanks for being so helpful, again," Clay gushed. We added our thanks, too.

Linc walked up to her and planted a big kiss on her cheek, making her blush furiously. "If I weren't so married to this man, Mo, I'd marry you in a heartbeat."

"Get away from me before I make a spectacle of myself," she laughed. "You always make my heart race, my Nubian prince," she added, patting his cheek tenderly.

"She's married and has four kids, one still at home," Linc said as we walked back outside. "And she's still madly in love with her husband. But, I love to watch her blush. I know she's always wanted to bed a black man, so I play on that just to toy with her."

"Yeah, I noticed how she fussed over Dave, too," I laughed. "I almost expected her to pinch his ass!"

"Maybe, she did," Dave grinned back.

After dinner, I checked our investments to see how we were doing. Not liking the tone of the new administration, nor the general direction the economy was headed (especially the predictions of a double-, if not triple-, dip before a sustained recovery), I vowed to move our money out of the market and into something safer. I checked on several indices, but liked the gold index numbers best. Letting Dave know that I was moving our money after the first of the year (we already had enough of a tax bite this year), I sent an e-mail off to myself, reminding me what I needed to do when we got home on Wednesday.

When I returned to the living room, they were discussing going out on the town and hitting some of the casinos. Dex was ambivalent, as he would be at Caesar's Palace most of tomorrow night and Sunday (although he admitted that he'd be spending little time gambling). We aren't gamblers (but, it could be argued that we were doing exactly that with our money in the stock market), so we decided to stay home and just chat with my uncle and his boyfriend. Dex loved that idea. He had been around very few committed gay couples. So, he wanted to watch and learn.

"We can be pretty boring in our home setting," Linc warned. We agreed that we were just as bad. So, Dex got them to talk about how they'd met and how they'd kept it together after 20 years. By the time they'd finished answering his questions, we were ready for bed. "I hope you don't mind," Dex yawned. "I need to save myself for Jay," he added sheepishly.

"We can get into your pants after Jay flies away on Sunday," Dave grinned, giving him a pat on the butt and a grope. I assured him that we wouldn't be disappointed, but we'd exact our revenge later. He grinned and said that he'd hold us to that promise. "I guess you're stuck with me tonight, White Bread," Dave whispered after we'd shut the bedroom door behind us.

I kissed him on the lips softly. "I can't think of a better offer, even if you'd given me a day to think about it." He slipped me out of my clothes, one article at a time, kissing the exposed skin warmly. "And speaking of a day," I moaned, "you have all night to stop that."

"I don't think it'll take that long," he smiled as I began to remove his clothes slowly. His nipples were already erect when I unbuttoned his shirt. My lips closed over the right, then, the left one. My hand strayed to his round, high ass, pulling him toward me as I sank to my knees. His hard dick throbbed against the fabric of his Levi's, soaking one large spot with precum. I tore open the buttons and buried my face into the wet cloth of his shorts. Sucking hard, I tasted his sweet precum. He kicked off his pants and pulled me up. I stood in front of him, clad only in my under-shorts. He crushed me to his hard body, running his hands lightly over my back and ass. "Let's make some babies tonight," he breathed lustily.

"Whose gonna carry it?" I smiled.

He paused and grinned back. "Both of us."

"I like that idea. Who goes first?"

"How about the one who needs it the most gets the first load?"

"How will we determine that?" I asked huskily, running my hands inside his shorts, and cupping his big muscled, melon cheeks.

"It'll be apparent," he teased.

We fell on to the bed, tugged each other's shorts off. Lips and tongues found hard dicks, and sucked and licked. His precum flowed copiously. I rolled over, so I was on the bottom. I didn't dare stay on top, or I'd cum before either of us got fucked. Dave's long dick prodded the back of my throat, but was too big to go down. I switched tactics, laving his big, rolling nuts, then, sticking my tongue up his butt. He momentarily lost track of blowing me and, using both hands, pulled his buns apart, giving me freer access to his sensitive pucker.

I grinned as I licked harder. He'd been right. It was readily apparent that rimming Dave was priming him to be fucked first. I was more than okay with that. But, given my current "over-revved" condition, this wouldn't be a very long ride.

As if reading my mind, he spun around, grabbed my dick and aimed it at his asshole. Smiling, he sat on it, gobbling up every thick inch and wiggling delightedly when he felt my pubes brush against his ass cheeks. I grinned up at him as he fucked himself. He needed to be fucked more than I needed to fuck him. But, with the milking action and twisting he was doing on my erect phallus, my earlier fears of a short ride would quickly become fact.

I warned him, but he grinned and doubled his efforts. "I want to feel that white baby gravy jet into me so hard that it blasts me off your dick," he growled. He bent down and kissed me passionately. My hands pulled down on his hips as I thrust up into him, hard. A moan of impending climax rattled in my throat. He kissed me harder. My body stiffened and my hips shot upwards, then, again. I was cumming like a fire hose, but in long spurts instead of one continuous squirt. "Yeah, Baby! Fill my fuckin' ASS!" he roared.

When I gained control of my body, again, I ran my hands over his round ass, enjoying the hard muscles. "You're still the best fuck on the planet," I smiled.

He played with my balls and rocked back on my buried dick. "Just keep fuckin' me. I want every drop of your jizz in me." But, it couldn't last. Within ten minutes, my shrinking, slippery dick had oozed out of his grasping ass.

"Guess that means it's your turn," he smiled, rolling on to his back and aiming his 11" post skyward.

"You expect me to sit on that monster?" I grinned.

"Only long enough to get it all the way in. Then, I have something special in mind!" he said mysteriously.

I reached into the nightstand drawer and pulled out a small container of lube. "How thoughtful of our hosts," I beamed.

"Hurry up before I cum!" Dave warned, slowly spreading the lube on his mighty phallus. I groped for his thick dick as I faced him and sat down slowly. The big, plum- size knob spread me open and slid in, striking my prostate deliciously. I grimaced for a moment as he fed me more dick. I tried to relax more and take in additional inches of his massive weapon. You'd think I'd be used to him by now.

When I finally swallowed the last inch, he rolled me on to my back and slowly pumped away. He closed his eyes, seemingly attempting to delay a climax. I wanted a longer ride than a few seconds, so I didn't milk his dick (much as I wanted to). He pushed both legs over to one side, rolling me on to my stomach (never extracting his 11" of thick horse dick). Pulling me up to all fours, he leaned over my back and whispered in my ear, "Doggie style, just the way I like it."

I glanced over my shoulder and smiled. This was payback for my comment in front of everyone else about him going to the party as Pluto. He leaned back, pushing his dick deeper and pulling my hips in to meet his thrust. I yelped at the sudden depth and tried to get away. But, he'd have none of that! Following me down to the mattress, he rammed me hard, cupping his hands under my shoulders for extra leverage. "Doggie style, eh?" he grunted, slamming harder into me.

The harder he pounded my ass, the more I enjoyed it. His big, hard body covered me from shoulders to knees. My ass raised up a few inches each time he rammed home, milking him, teasing him to fuck me deeper. "You love this, doncha?" he moaned.

"You know I do, Stud! Fuck my tight, white ass. Knock me UP!" I begged, tightening my ass grip on his pistoning rod.

"Oh, FUCK!" he shouted. "I can't hold back! Gotta CUM!" He held on to me more tightly than before and pounded into me in rapid, deep thrusts. I felt his dick jerk. Warmth spread through my insides, welcoming his spraying baby batter. "Fuckin' hot ass!" he murmured again and again.

"Yeah, Dave! Pump me full!"

He continued to bang away at my happy butt, gaining maximum pleasure as more cum jetted from his squirting dick. Finally, his hips slowed, then, stopped. "Fuck! What a hot ass!"

"Don't even think of pulling out," I admonished him. "I want all your cum to drain into my ass. Besides, I like you stretched out on my back like this."

"But, I'll get too heavy."

"I'll roll you off when that happens. Just enjoy the deep satisfaction of my hungry ass taking you bareback, again," I whispered.

He leaned in and kissed my ear and neck. "How'd I get so lucky to get such a good man as you, Mike?"

"Luck had nothing to do with it," I smiled back. "I caught you fair and square, and now you can't get away." I punctuated my last pronouncement with a tight squeeze on his slowly shrinking dick.

"You'll never be able to keep me inside with you doing that," Dave laughed. "I'll squirt right out with all that lube and cum in your ass."

"Then, don't move so I can keep you in me longer," I smirked.

"You just eat my dick with that sweet butt of yours and we'll both be happy."

He rolled away a little later, already asleep. Being his personal cum depository made me smile. I never thought of myself as a bottom, but with him in my bed, I would gladly acknowledge that label. Of course, he'd argue the point, begging for my dick in his ass just as loudly. Completely relaxed and satisfied, I fell into a deep sleep.

It wasn't light outside, yet, when I felt the blanket being tugged off my body and large, calloused hands touch my ass. I looked over my shoulder, smiling at the early morning raid on my ass. Dave's always hungry for more sex. But, it wasn't Dave. Captain Garvey's face smiled down at me, then, plunged between my spread ass cheeks, moaning softly as his tongue wiggled between my ass globes. The deeper his tongue probed, the louder his moans of pleasure grew, and mine!

"Equal time!" a voice from the darkness nearby demanded. Dex instantly moved off me and on to Dave's raised rear. My butt felt cool and abandoned.

"I thought you were saving yourself for Jay," I muttered.

"I decided I needed to be stretched out and prepared for a full night of fucking," Dex explained, finally tearing away from munching on my lover's round ass. "And because I've gone without a good fuck for more than four months, I know I need it."

"That's a gold-plated invitation if ever I heard one," I giggled, snaring a condom and lube. "But, I think you need some of what you're doing, before I plug in." He snickered softly, wiggling his ass in my face. "Yeah, love Marine butt!" I moaned, planting both hands on his ass and pulling his hard butt cheeks apart. "When was the last time you got some of this?" I whispered. I buried my face deeply between his twin globes of muscle and lapped at his hairy hole.

"Oh, Yeah, FUCK!" Captain Garvey mumbled, not removing his face very far from Dave's wet ass. "Damn! I haven't been eaten out like that since you guys were in Vancouver six months ago."

"Welcome back to the U.S., Captain Garvey," I mumbled between slurps at his tight asshole.

"You keep chewing on my butt like that, Marine, and I'll need to be ridden hard!" Dave interrupted.

"I was hoping you'd be doing that to me," Dex said.

"Sorry, I got here first," I corrected. Rapidly rolling on a condom, I plunged deeply into the young captain before Dave could push me out of the way. Riding him doggie style, I pulled his hips into each deeper thrust.

"Here," Dave directed, handing Dex a condom. "I gotta get fucked after a great rimming like that." But, Dex was too focused on the deep fucking I was giving him to respond to Dave's demand. However, Dave wasn't about to let that prevent him getting what he wanted. Affixing the condom, Dave quickly backed on to the Marine's hard 8" dick and speared himself deeply. "Yeah, like that!" he moaned.

Rotating my hips, I screwed Dex from every angle I could find. My fingers played with his erect nips, causing his ass muscles to contract in sympathy. I'm sure it made his dick jerk in Dave's ass, too. The harder I rode him, the more he milked and pulled on my dick with his tight love tunnel.

"Ah, SHIT!" I groused. I'd not been paying enough attention to what Garvey was doing to my dick. His mastery of his ass muscles had overwhelmed me before I could pull out or slow down. "Fuckin' CUMMING!" I roared as the second fierce wave of climax crashed over me. "Fuck!" I repeated again and again as more cum flushed from my overheated nuts and sprayed into the protective condom. Dex bucked beneath me, chewing on my dick in hopes of sucking more cum from me.

But, that was hitting an overly sensitive dick and I had to pull out. "Finish me off, Dave!" Dex cried. "I gotta get fucked!" he added, pulling his tongue out of Dave's ass.

Being the gracious host, Dave reluctantly turned and pushed Dex over on to his back. "Raise those legs, Marine, and let's see if you remember how to service a big, black dick!" Garvey pulled his knees up to his chest and willingly spread his ass for the big black man about to pounce. With the condom securely in place, Dave pushed forward. "Oh, yeah! So sweet!" Dave moaned as his thick 11" dick slowly slid home.

"Oh, Man! This is so good!" the Marine moaned. I grinned and decided to make it even better. Straddling his head, I sat on his face, then, leaned over, stripped off the condom that had just been up Dave's ass, and began sucking deeply on the officer's hard dick. Getting fucked and eating ass while being blown were too much for him. In less than twenty seconds, I tasted his cum and felt his moans echo into my round butt.

Dave pounded harder, eager to blast his load and give the Marine the stretching he'd requested. The faster Dave fucked, the more Dex encouraged him, grabbing at the black man's ass and pulling him ever deeper. "Yeah, so close," Dave groaned. I squatted down more, forcing my ass even harder into Dex's face. In one quick motion, I pulled Dave's face down and kissed him, sharing the bountiful crop of creamy sperm I'd just harvested. Dave grabbed my head and kissed me more ardently, mining more of Dex's baby batter. I felt him stiffen and kiss harder. His body jerked and he broke the kiss, bellowing out a monstrous climax, slamming thunderously into the eager Marine's butt.

We unwound our bodies and collapsed back on to the bed. "Damn! I haven't been fucked this good since you were in Vancouver," Dex reiterated. "I gotta move in with you," he grinned.

"Jay might not agree," Dave smiled back.

"Jay's an unknown. You're not."

"And you're still a Marine Corps officer. I'm doubtful that they'd let you serve out your hitch getting fucked all the time at our place," I said. "How about some hot Marine in Vancouver? Any prospects?"

"None. Porter left and we got some kid who can't find his butt with both hands. Gunny left, too, and I've got another Gunnery Sergeant that's married with a house full of kids. And he's about as crass and lowlife as trailer trash," Dex sighed.

"Haven't you seen a new lieutenant, yet, to take your place?" I wondered.

"Only promises, no replacement."

"So, do you think you'll re-up?" Dave asked.

"That decision is another six months away," Dex sighed.

"Why'd you join up in the first place?" Dave pried. "Is that not as appealing as it was, then?"

"Not really," he replied. "I was in ROTC in college. It helped pay for the books and tuition, and I wanted to see the world. So, after nearly five years, I've seen enough of the world to know that the military isn't my future, probably. But, with the economy as awful as it is, and seemingly getting worse, I may not have a lot of choices."

"What was your major in college, then?" I pressed. "Can't you do something with that?"

"European medieval history," Dex responded. "Not a lot of call for that these days. I'd have to go back to school to get a Master's and probably a doctorate to teach. Not much else I can do with that. But, I found it fascinating. And, to me, it explained a lot about why Europe is so fucked up now. Those hatreds of each other go back hundreds of years."

"We know a guy at home who just got his degree in the same thing. He's a trust fund baby and is seeing this porn star that we know from San Francisco. I'm sure you'd have a lot to talk about," Dave suggested.

"I don't want to break up a relationship," Dex said determinedly.

"They've only fucked a couple of times, and have known each other only a couple of months. So I doubt if we're talking true love, yet," I countered.

"Besides," Dave added, "he may not be your type, either."

"Why not stop by and see us after your trip to Florida to visit your parents? It'd be a stopover on your way back to Vancouver. You want some more of this, don't ya?" I grinned, waving Dave's big, flaccid dick at him.

"Some sales tool," Dex laughed. "I guess it wouldn't hurt. And I love my parents dearly, but can only tolerate a few days with them. They're so conservative!"

"Good! Just let us know when you'll be able to visit and we'll pick you up at the airport and deliver you back when you need to get to Vancouver," Dave grinned.

"In fact, we just might drive you up there and visit with Matt and Evelyn. They're still there, aren't they?" I probed.

"Oh, yeah. They're still thick with the powerbrokers in Washington, D.C."

"Good," Dave agreed. "I like the idea of a short driving trip up to see Matt and Evelyn."

"I'll give them a call before I head over to the casino to see Jay. I want to be sure they'll be there," he cautioned. "During the holidays, anything can happen."

Jay called Uncle Clay's house late in the afternoon. "I'm boarding the shuttle now to take me to the hotel. How soon can you be there?" he urgently begged.

"Uh, about ten minutes, I think," Dex replied. Linc nodded at the time estimate to get to The Strip from their house.

"The shuttle will be there in fifteen minutes, so take your time," Jay replied.

"Okay. See ya in fifteen minutes." Captain Garvey hung up the phone and scurried into the bedroom to pack an overnight bag. "You have any spare condoms?" he asked sticking his head out the bedroom door. "I wanna make sure I have enough," he smiled wickedly.

"Take all the ones in that bedroom," Linc directed. "Use them or leave them behind. They're getting close to their 'pull' date."

"And Mike and Dave's bedroom, too," Clay added.

"Thanks," Dex shouted back.

Dave and I took him down to Caesar's Palace in Uncle Clay's Lexus. On the way, he remembered to call the Consulate in Vancouver, confirming that Matt and Evelyn would be in residence for the next couple of weeks at least. When he revealed that we might be coming up for a visit, they were enthusiastic in their welcome and warm invitation to return.

"They absolutely must stay with us," Matt thundered loudly enough for us to hear, even though Dex had the phone. "Don't return Captain without that promise!" Dex laughed and promised that we'd be returning to Canada with him.

We pulled into the "Guest Registrations" driveway behind two airport shuttles. A bellman raced to the car to assist. Dex got out of the car with his overnight bag, causing disappointment to sag over the bellman's face. He was about to say something to the hotel employee when he spotted Jay. Dex raced up to him and hugged him from behind. The bellman and two of his co-workers grinned. Obviously, they'd seen gay men greet each other before.

Releasing Jay, he allowed the flight attendant to turn around and plant a big kiss on his lips. We saw them enter the hotel, arm in arm, when Dave wheeled the Lexus away. "Looks like their ardor hasn't cooled," I smiled, patting Dave's knee.

"And we won't get interrupted tonight, either," he grinned back.

Dex returned Sunday evening, exhausted. He crawled into the back of the Lexus and lay down. "Jay's an animal! What a hot fuck!" he moaned. "I don't think his dick got soft the whole time we were together. If we hadn't taken a break for showers and food, he'd have had that big dick up my ass the whole time."

"Details! DETAILS!" Dave insisted.

"We used all the condoms Linc gave me, plus most of the ones that Jay brought," he sighed. "It wasn't like he rode me for hours; but rather, he'd get in the saddle and pump a couple of minutes and cum. Then, he'd be ready to go again in ten minutes."

"Sounds like our Texas friend, Junior," I giggled. "He can fuck for hours and never lose his boner, and cums again and again."

"So, how big?" Dave pressed.

"Oh, a little shorter than Mike's, but damn! What a thick one!" he grimaced. "I'm so stretched, I'll never be able to feel another dick up my butt."

"How many times did he cum and how many times for you?" I wondered.

"I lost count after I came about six times. He loves suckin' me off. And him? I lost track after a dozen or so."

"You get into his butt?" I smiled.

"Only once," Dex sighed. "Sure was sweet, though. He milked my cream outta me so fast, I wasn't on his ass more than three or four minutes."

"So, you gonna see him again?" Dave asked.

"Oh, yeah! He flies into Vancouver sometimes, too, so there'll be lots of chances to get it on there."

"He sounds like quite a stud," Dave observed.

"He is! And I found his weakness right away," he grinned widely. "You know what a butt pig I am." We nodded knowingly. "Well, all I had to do was start rimming him and he'd be hot to fuck me, again. Needless to say, he was sitting on my face a lot!"

"Just the opposite of someone else I know," I laughed, patting Dave's shoulder.

"We all have our quirks," Dave smiled back. "And you know you love it that way."

"Oh, yeah. Don't ever change that!" I agreed.

Dex was wrong. He could feel another dick up his ass, Dave's and mine. We did our best to fuck him senseless Sunday night. He squealed like the little "pleasure piggy" that he is with each thrust. We didn't mind at all being tops to his hungry bottom for several hours. The only reason we called a halt to our fun was because we'd run out of condoms. Well, that, and the fact that Dex's ass was sore! Uncle Clay was good enough to let us all sleep in the next morning, knowing we'd be up half the night at the New Year's Eve party.

We drove over to John and Cynthia Wells' residence in two cars on New Year's Eve, not knowing how late we'd be staying. Besides, getting five big men into Uncle Clay's Lexus would still be a very tight fit. Dave drove us over in the Lexus (including Dex), and Linc and Clay took Linc's car, leading the way. The party was in full swing when we pulled up at 10:00 p.m. John and Cynthia greeted us at the door, delighted to see us.

Cynthia was particularly overwhelmed. She thanked us many times for our generous gift to the Susan G. Komen Foundation (for fighting breast cancer) in her name. "I only wish I had that kind of money to donate as well. But, I do have some well-heeled friends who put money into my charities. It's a great tax write-off, and it does a world of good," she reminded us.

Dave had on his Darth Vader helmet, so he didn't get a big kiss from Cynthia, but promised a big one after midnight. I got a huge hug and smooch from her, smearing lipstick over most of my face. She had to go reapply more before she greeted more guests.

True to form, Cynthia was all over Dex. When she found out that he was a real Marine officer, she couldn't stop gushing, as she introduced him to everyone there.

About 11:00 p.m., she found out that we knew Captain Garvey through the Vancouver Consulate. John put it together quickly, wondering aloud if he were involved in that nasty business when we were there. Assured that it all happened on his watch, Cynthia got everyone's attention, pulled us all into the Great Room and had Dex tell it all over again. He insisted that we stand with him for moral support and add details (such as us cowering in the basement, while he and his men secured the grounds and the Consulate). By the time all the questions got answered, it was nearly midnight. Luckily, all the guests had arrived before 11:00, so we didn't have to tell the story more than once.

As some costumes weren't obvious as to what the person was supposed to be, John had "name tags" made for all the guests. Dave was as sinister as possible in his Darth Vader helmet, with Linc being a close second with his rendition of Emperor Ming. After midnight, all the masks and helmets came off. At that point, nearly everyone thought Dave was Zorro, instead. Without a sword, he didn't quite make it, though, I thought.

Uncle Clay and Linc went home before one, but John and Cynthia insisted we stay longer and give them time to catch up on what we'd been doing (as well as Cynthia drooling more over Captain Garvey). I didn't have the heart to tell her that he "played on our team."

John pulled us aside and asked "the question," though. We didn't think it was our place to "out" Dex, so we didn't answer. Being the good lawyer that he is, he saw right through us. "I have to admire your taste in men. He's very handsome and quite muscular," he admitted. "Cynthia will be crushed, of course."

"Let it be her little fantasy to start her new year," Dave suggested.

John nodded thoughtfully. "Well, I think there's no harm in that." We talked some about investments and where we thought the economy was headed. "Bush is an idiot and so are his so-called advisors. He's going to make the same mistake his father did. 'It's the economy, Stupid!'" he laughed. "So, I think you're making a wise choice to move the money you've currently sunk into the market into something more solid. I moved mine on the first of December. I couldn't stand the suspense. It was keeping me awake at night. Now, I know it won't make huge gains, but I won't lose my ass, either."

"How long do you think I should leave it there, John?" I asked.

"Unless something dramatic happens, probably for the whole year," he sighed. "I don't see much more than bumping along the bottom for most of 2002 and into 2003."

"Wow! That's a long time," Dave observed.

"Well, you're long-term investors," John replied. "You can still make money in a down economy. You just need to know where that is. I'd check in with a financial planner and see what they think. Or even give me a call every six months or so," he offered. "I have some pretty good insights into where the economy is headed. I may not jump in right when it hits the lows, but I won't chase after a false updraft, either."

"Thanks, John. We trust your judgment on many things," I agreed.

"Yeah, you've been very good to us," Dave nodded.

Finally, at 2:30 a.m., we dragged Dex away from Cynthia's clutches and drove back to Uncle Clay's. "Cindy is quite the hostess," Dex smiled. "She sure knows a lot of people. She gossiped about nearly everyone there."

"Did she ever figure out your story?" Dave giggled.

"She didn't let on, exactly, but I think her gaydar works well. She was keen on telling me who the gay men at the party were."

"That's a pretty good clue. Women have a sense for that," I agreed. "Most men don't. But, John picked up on it."

"And she did enjoy the eye-candy on her arm. I noticed she never left your side the whole evening," Dave said.

"Well, I did get away a couple of times to pee, but that's about all," he laughed.

"She's a charmer with some great connections. But, I don't think you're in any danger," I said.

"She wouldn't get to first base with me, anyway," Dex allowed. "Besides, she's married to a really great guy."

"Yeah, we know. John's a true friend," Dave replied.

"You meet them through Clay and Linc?" he asked.

"Yeah, at the New Year's Party last year," Dave responded. "We've gotten very attached to them since."

"Kinda far away to do that, isn't it?" Dex wondered.

"Uh, not really," I dodged. "There is always telephone, you know."

"But, not the same as face to face," he parried.

"We've had a few of those, too," Dave smiled mysteriously.

"Are you using him or have you used him in his professional capacity?" Captain Garvey pressed, zeroing in on us.

"You interrogating us?" I laughed.

"Just gathering information," he grinned. "An occupational hazard it seems. You gonna answer the question?"

"I think we'd better take the Fifth," Dave deflected.

"Ah, hah!" the Marine barked triumphantly. "Despite the non-denial, I can see through you. Although I don't know all the particulars, he was the successful attorney in a lawsuit, gaining you much coin of the realm, enough to make some very generous contributions to Cindy's charities."

"No comment," Dave replied.

"It ties together so well," Dex mused.

"We'll stick with no comment," I affirmed.

New Year's Day dinner was a huge success. Lots of laughs, good food and wine, and arranged rendezvous with Dex for the next three days completed the evening. Joe and Ray lay claim to him that evening, with George and Mike promising a fun-filled day with them the next day (Wednesday). My nephew Josh and his new boyfriend told him that after all the old fossils got a shot at him, they'd show him how real men do it (Thursday). As Friday was his previously arranged day to fly off to visit his parent in Florida, being passed around for the rest of the week made him very happy. "I haven't had any sex for nearly four months (after Gunther dumped me), and now I get it nearly all the time. Life is GOOD!"

Before he left with Ray and Joe, we reminded him of his promise to visit us on his way back to Vancouver. "Call us as soon as you know you'll be flying back," I made him promise. "By the time you get away from your parents, you'll be hungry for sex again."

"Another reason not to stay in Florida too long," he chortled.

We rolled into bed early New Year's evening. The house was quiet and we were tired. Two late nights had taken their toll on us. Besides, our flight left at 10:30 the next morning. However, we did have enough energy to make love.

"Oh, look," I smiled innocently. "No condoms in the nightstand. I guess you'll have to fuck me bareback!"

"Such a shame!" he giggled in mock horror. "It doesn't seem right that I should bareback you without you barebacking me."

"Wanna go for a reversal of two nights ago?"

"Well, let's see what works out."

It wasn't a reversal of Sunday night, but rather, a variation on a theme. Again, Dave couldn't hold back his need to get fucked after a good rimming. With his tight, round, high ass in my face, there was no way I could stop myself from working him over the way he loved it most. I went about it slowly, almost teasing his ass and his tight pucker with my tongue and lips. That only served to drive him wilder with each passing minute.

He was doing his best to imitate my work, but his threshold is much lower than mine when it comes to needing a good fuck after being rimmed. About the only thing that changed was that he wanted me to fuck him face to face, instead of sitting on my dick. As long as I got my dick deep in his butt, I didn't care what position we were in.

The closer I got to my climax, the louder and more urgently he moaned into my passionate kisses. "I'm gonna cum, Mike! You're fuckin' it outta me!" he groaned, breaking the kiss. I leaned down more and licked, then, sucked the bloated head of his dick into my mouth. He bucked hard when he felt my lips and tongue lapping up his precum. His body stiffened and jerked again.

I tasted the first flood of cum and sucked harder. Again, his body thrashed. More baby sauce rocketed into my mouth, filling me. I swallowed rapidly, anticipating the next volley. His ass tunnel chewed on my dick with increasing ferocity at each new climax wave.

At the height of his climax, his butt sphincter clamped down particularly hard, closing off the blood supply to my dick and increasing the sensitivity of my dickhead. I'd been teetering on the edge of my own climax, but that added action shoved me hard into his ass and over the cliff. I howled as my climax broke over me, feeling a jet of his cum spray into my open mouth and down my jaw line. Gargling more of his cum, I thrust hard into his butt and unload more cannonades of dick gravy.

Dave's big hands enveloped my ass cheeks and pulled me tightly into him, my hips thrusting mechanically, needfully squirting more cum into him. I couldn't believe how many times I felt my dick and balls kick, blasting more cream into my lover.

"Fuck! What a ride!" Dave smiled up at me. I opened my eyes and smiled back. Three thick strands of cum lay up his chest from his thick dick tube to his throat. More cum pooled above his navel, his bloated dick slowly oozing out the last drops. "And keep fuckin'," he commanded. "I want all that dick juice in me, not dribbling on to your leg after you pull out."

Being the faithful boyfriend, I acceded to his wishes, smothering him in warm kisses and licking up his spilled cum.

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