Black Narcissus

By moc.liamnotorp@7retsulnworB

Published on Jun 11, 2021


Black Narcissus

Part One

by Brownluster

He was a god, and he knew it ! His smooth ebony skin glistened in the light as droplets of sweat rolled down his naked body as he fucked the woman. It was half hearted. He knew his desires lay elsewhere although his gang boasted of this horse sized cock and its accomplishments. But inside, Zac wanted men, and not just men but white shit covered men. Torn by his upbringing, trying to conform to what was expected of him, he was torn asunder inside, his mind tortured by what he was and what he should be. This neighbourhood was mostly coloured folks. His family and culture so fixed that it was hard to break away from it. But, at last, there was some chance. Zac had finished college and now he was moving state to New York. At last he would be free of the obsessive ( was it ? ) overview of his close family and small group of buddies. Perhaps, away from it all he could start again in a place where gay sex was the norm and where interracial unions were more common. Why interracial ? Yes, he had asked himself that question more than once. It was odd but when he looked at another coloured guy his cock did not thicken at all and yet when a fair white guy walked past, it nearly punched through his cut-offs. And then there was all that question of brown sludge. What was that all about? Was it another sign of rebellion?? He just had no clue. All he knew was that vanilla sex was boring and he craved for arse and turds. Not that he had any experience. Perhaps the odd self taste and smear when his folks were away but certainly nothing like that in his sex sessions with women. He knew that scat and piss were large in hetero scenes but could never quite see himself fucking a woman's shitty arse. Indeed, It was hard even to carry out his prescribed 'duty' with them. The feel and smell were all wrong and he had to imagine a man to cum at all. Still, that would soon be behind him.

The new job was in a gym. Zac was well built with muscle and as fit as anything. He had coached physical education part time at college to pay the fees and had gained an expertise in personal coaching. Yes, most clients would be flabby, overweight men trying to regain some semblance of youthful vigour, but, hey, it was a job. It got him a working day surrounded by men as it was a private men's fitness club and he could dream, couldn't he ?

His apartment was small but had a good sized lounge, a bedroom with space for a kings size bed ( after all he was the stud right? ) and a sizeable wet room with shower. It was convenient for the job and he could entertain whenever he wanted without snooping neighbours. No one cared around there what you did. It was your own affair so long as you didn't stick your nose into other people's business. It was off the main streets of that district so sort of private. Ideal.

Zac's first day at work was by way of acclimatisation. He went through all the usual paperwork and was introduced to his colleagues. There was the boss Rick. He was a white man in his fifties, a veteran of the wrestling ring with bumps and scrapes to show for it. However he had known many types of people and was a good and considerate boss. Perhaps a tad effeminate even? There were four other personal trainers apart from Zac. They varied in age yet not one was over thirty years of age. Two were white, one latino and the last asian. Zac noted every one of them had no visible hair at all on any part of their bods which showed. Strangely he was attracted as much to the asian as to the white guys. Could he be branching out ? The latino whose name was JosŽ was Brazilian in nationality and had the laid back ethos of many from a hot climate. He worked hard but he relaxed hard too. He had an engaging smile full of pure white teeth and he was the sort that made immediate friends. The asian was Chi. Ethnic Chinese, he had escaped the architypical China Town identity so prevalent in the thinking of racialists. He had no accent bar that of New Jersey and was friendly with all. The two white guys were different in so many ways. Steve hailed from the deep south and took immense effort always to present his body in the best stance. It was as though he was trying to achieve an image he never had in the first place. His projection of manliness somewhat failed as it took so much effort to maintain. What was this guy's true nature Zac wondered. Guy was more shy. His body was slim and toned but not a mass of muscle. He was shorter than Steve and Zac at five feet five and yet his body could have been of wire. His ability to move his body into the most outlandish positions had earned him the job of pilates coach. The others? Well, Steve was a general fitness coach specialising in weights. Chi was a martial arts expert but used it in oriental movement coaching which was so good for both fit and flabby clients. JosŽ took swimming classes and generally helped the others. Zac was to be a general fitness coach till his abilities 'shone through' as Rick put it. Zac was content. None of these guys expected anything from him; he had nothing to prove and for the first time in his life he felt at home.

The guys had wanted to welcome Zac properly so they had arranged drinks after work with pizza. The day though was for work and Zac was introduced to five new clients. Four were total beginners and had to be shown how the machines worked and given simple exercise programmes to encourage them to build stamina and then increase their effort. Fortunately they were all keen learners although one or two were massively overweight and flagged after a short while. The last was a different matter. It seems he had worked out for years but had, like Zac, recently moved to New York from San Francisco. Tanned, he obviously liked sun worship and his arms were nicely muscled, his legs thick from bike riding. His name was Andy and he was extremely friendly towards Zac. You would have thought he was a beginner in the way he insisted that Zac show him the correct way to use both machines and weights, often so close and rubbing bodies with Zac that Zac could smell the guy's sweat and view his shaved armpits which was a real turn on. Zac fancied he saw a bulge in the guy's sports shorts but perhaps it was just wishful thinking. Andy was the last starter of the day and so they hit the changing room together, after everyone else had done so. They stripped their sweat soaked togs whilst carrying on a casual chat about the places they had lived before New York. Both eyed each other's naked bodies with circumspection ( or so they each thought ). When Andy bent over to stretch out his back, Zac was treated to a great view of his arse, stretched apart showing his smooth arse hole. It was so tempting to fuck that hole there and then and Zac's cock stiffened at the delicious thought. However the moment passed and if Andy noticed Zac's enormous member he tactfully said nothing. As it was his own was not much softer ! When clothed Andy asked Zac if he would like to go for a drink but Zac had to decline as he was being taken out by his colleagues. Nothing daunted Andy suggested that Friday night as neither had work the next day. Zac was pleased to say yes to this and they arranged for Andy to pick Zac up at his apartment.

That evening was full of beer, pizza and jokes flying back and forth. His work mates seemed totally at ease in each other's company when not in the gym which Zac thought was so rare these days. No petty niggles or ambitious twats trying to climb the ladder over another's back. Just good mates. It seemed too good to be true but then, Zac did not see the glue that stuck this mixed bunch to each other. However he would. They passed from bar to bar and ended up in a gay bar. None of them seemed phased by the presence of so many gay men but at the same time they made no moves on anyone nor accepted any offers that Zac could see. Zac only rarely had been to any gay place as his neighbourhood stank of testosterone and hetero vibes. This was like heaven even if his mates appeared not to notice. But, apparently, they did. The table was in front of a bench on the wall side and chairs on the other. It was in a booth and so afforded some privacy for their talk. Zac was asked about his home town and tried to tell them without letting too much of his loathing be on display. In all this Chi edged nearer to Zac so their bodies were all but touching and their bare legs ( all of the guys seemed to favour shorts on all occasions ) caressing each other without the need for trying. Chi smiled at Zac when their eyes met and Zac found himself warming to this guy who was evidently trying to make him welcome to their team. His relative innocence made him consider no other motive on Chi's part. As the evening wore on the talk got more basic and the beer flowed unceasingly. By the time to break up and seek home, Zac was swaying distinctly. Chi offered to see him home. When they got back to Zac's apartment and closed the door on the outside world, Chi suggested one last beer. They sat astride the leather sofa in the living room and chatted and drank. Chi suddenly said "You're really a coy guy Zac. You don't see a come on when its offered, do you? " "What you mean man?" Zac replied. "I've been trying to feel you up all evening and began to think you were straight, but every sinew tells me you're as gay as I am". Zac actually blushed. Not really noticeable on a black face, but he did. He had not realised at all. He stutted in trying to answer but Chi just smiled and planted a kiss on his lips. "It's okay mate. I know that coming from a different cultural background you have to hide a lot but with us there is no need. All the guys are gay and revel in it. You will find the others have as many hardons as you when not being viewed. We all saw you with Andy today. You will be inside his arse within a week I reckon but tonight it is my turn." With that Chi stripped off his shirt to reveal his tattooed and smooth bod. Not one hair on his torso or head. Next he pulled off Zac's shirt and felt his abs with his small, smooth hands. "Time to be naked mate" he said and pulling Zac to his feet unbuttoned Zac's shorts buttons letting the sportswear drop to the ground. Next he hoiked his fingers round Zac's underpants and, with difficulty because Zac's cock was swollen large, ripped them from his body. Zac needed no urging. He removed Chi's shorts with ease, discovering that the asian wore no underwear. Chi's long, smooth, uncut cock sprang to attention, knocking against Zac's cut monstrosity as they kissed passionately. Drawing Zac not to the bedroom but to the bathroom, Chi removed his socks and helped Zac out of his, ordering the big guy to kneel on the tiled floor doggy style. Easing Zac's arse cheeks apart Chi gave Zac what he had wanted all his life; a good arse rimming. Chi's experienced tongue explored the black guy's arse so no part went untouched. He eased the tip of his tongue into Zac's hole making Zac both gasp and groan. "This is what a tongue is for Zac" Chi said between burying his face in Zac's arse. "The best part of a guy is his arse; even better than cock although I'll admit yours deserves attention." With that Chi rolled Zac over and buried his cock in the asian's mouth. Could he really take so much? The whole length was drawn in which implied that Chi took cock into his throat, no mean achievement. Chi licked the stem of Zac's prick eagerly swallowing the precum oozing in buckets from the cock slit. Surely he was about to explode, Zac thought, as his whole being moved swiftly towards ejaculation. But no. Chi skilfully squeezed Zac's balls stopping the expected ,even saying, "Oh no Zac. That is reserved for my pleasure not yours." Saying this he raised his body in a crouch over Zac and grunted. A thick turd came from his arse and sluck onto the great black cock where it hung awaiting attention. "Wank the slime onto your member Zac. Even I need some lubrication." Chi laughed and so did Zac. Without even thinking what he was doing he took the loose turd in hand and wanked it all over his cock and balls. Chi's arse was already filthy and he slowly descended onto Zac's waiting pillar of shit. Large as it was, the pole disappeared into Chi's arse hole and he raised and lowered his body so that Zac's cock fucked him. His groans of pleasure made it evident the enjoyment this gave him. For Zac too his first shit fuck, unencumbered by a condom, fulfilled a life's ambition; both fucking a man and the smell and feel of peanut butter smooth shit on his body for the first time. When he came ( which was unfortunately quick ) his cum erupted in torrents like a volcano awoken after a thousand year's slumber. He filled Chi who manoeuvred his arse to feel everything to the full. Then Chi's small, but perfectly formed cock, sprayed Zac's face and chest with liquid nectar as his cum shot from him. They collapsed on the floor, holding their sweat, cum and shit splattered bodies together like a bond for life.

Chi looked into Zac's eyes and said with a grin, "Welcome to your new life." When cleaned up and showered ( which Zac was well loathed to do ) Chi and he sat and talked. Chi told Zac that shit sex was only one in a gambit of desires he would learn working in the gym. "All the guys have their own kinks and I dare say you'll find out in time. The only common thing was love of guys of all colours, exactly how it should be in this world." Zac explained his being drawn to guys of different colours to himself and Chi nodded wisely, agreeing with this as though totally normal. "This is as it is Zac. You are finding your true self and we will all love you for it and help you as we are able okay?" Zac actually cried. As Chi held him he wept tears of both release and joy at finding others who thought as he did. No longer was he a hidden, fearful outcast doubting his own nature.

When Chi left, Zac sat alone in the dark of his living room, easing himself into this new world as he had eased into Chi's shit lubed hole. He smiled with true contentment for the first time since puberty.

Riding the Surf Cowboy

Zac was excited come Friday afternoon. Andy had arrived for a two hour stint with weights, and supervised jerks. He insisted that Zac be his trainer and, whilst still nervous in his new job, Zac did his boss proud. He even merited a nod from Steve who lingered to watch as Zac put Andy through his paces with increasing weight loads on the bar. Grunting after a few minutes Steve wandered off leaving the two alone. There were no other guys in the gym that afternoon and so Zac and Andy had no disturbance as they exercised and took in each other's bodies. Come 6pm Zac had asked Rick for time off so he could enjoy an evening out with Andy and his boss had agreed with a grin on his face.

Andy asked Zac not to shower but to come as he was with him in his rather antique car to his apartment. So, both dripping with sweat, they arrived at a more down at heal area of New York. Andy's apartment was on the top floor with great views. It was quite large, the building having been a converted warehouse. Indeed much of it still fulfilled that purpose so, in fact, Andy's was the only apartment. The rest of the building was quiet, the workers having departed for their homes and the pair were left in glorious isolation. Andy was not slow at ripping off his vest to reveal his smooth chest. Zac followed suit and his chest glistened with the sweat. They gravitated to each other, kissing deeply with tongue and caressing each other's bodies as though feeling another man's body for the first time. Andy seemed intent on taking in Zac's body scent. Zac wondered if his ivory body had a unique smell or was it the sweat that turned Andy on so much. Then he had a thought, stimulated by an odour he could detect on Andy's own skin. Could it be he could still smell the horny scent of shit on his own skin? It was only the night before he had felt the lovely smooth sludge on his body and he had noticed that showering did not eradicate all the smell afterwards. Had the sweat re-ignited the shit smell ??? Perhaps. However how did that explain Andy's smell? Could he be into the same sex: Zac did not dare to hope. Whatever it was, the smell of his new friend was a real turn on for Zac and he took care to sniff every part of Andy's chest before lifting his arm to lick Andy's shaved underarm. The reward was even more shit scent and a groan from Andy.

Andy suggested a meal there might be more in order so they did not have to shower and Zac readily agreed. Andy poured beers and pottered in the kitchen. Zac stripped off his shorts and socks so he was just wearing a jock and when Andy glimpsed this, he did the same. Both jocks were well filled with bulging cocks and even their balls seemed larger and moon like somehow. Andy was making some sort of sludge concoction. Zac could not quite see what went into in but the smell was hypnotic. Andy explained it was his own recipe and, from what he had heard from the boys, he thought they would both enjoy it. Strangely even this had a shit scent and Zac began to wonder whether he was imagining things. The 'sludge' meal was soon finished but Andy said that it had to be eaten in a specific way. He got Zac to remove his Jock and then did the same himself and then took up a position on all fours on the floor. He instructed Zac to take some of the now cooled sludge and plaster it between his arse lips filling his crack. Then he told Zac to eat it straight from the canyon of his arse. Zac was a bit hesitant but complied and was soon eating and licking Andy's crack whilst he squirmed his butt. The taste was marvellous although he still could not tell what made up the meal. When he had finished every morsel he tongued Andy's puckered arse hole trying to push the tip in as far as possible. Andy was in heaven, however before his cock burst under pressure of ecstasy, he pulled away and ordered Zac into the same prone position. He plastered the other half of the sludge into Zac's arse crack and went to work on his meal served in a shining black dish. He was well experienced in rimming and had Zac almost screaming with pleasure. Andy thought he had never tasted such a sweaty arse as Zac's. He was, in fact, mostly into coloured guys but none had compared to this Black Narcissus, not in Frisco nor here in New York. His tongue forced its way into Zac's hole with abandon and he could detect the nubbed end of a turd. All well and good: there would be dessert ! Zac took this moment to ask what the sludge had been made of. Andy, without hesitation or embarrassment, told him that the sludge was made of liquidised chick peas, cream and his week old turds. Perhaps he expected a reaction; perhaps a retching as Zac realised he had eaten shit, but no. Zac's only comment was "Delicious mate!". Fuck good, Andy thought, a shit loving black god; what he had always wanted !!! Most black guys he had sex with were happy with fucking and rimming but shied away from shit. Andy had mostly to rely on shit loving Brazilians to get his fetish high. Here however, he had found a black guy whom he not only wanted to spend his life with but who also was a shit pig; plain and simple. Andy returned his attention to Zac's now mainly clean arse crack. His tongue eased its way into Zac's shithole the way Andy knew his own cock would later. Zac seemed to relax and although moaning deeply in his bass voice tones, he opened and pushed out his hole so that Andy could taste deeper into his arse. Andy relished the opportunity. He had provided Zac and himself with poppers of the strongest type and these helped enhance the experience. To Andy a man's arse was the most desired object of attention and so he wanted a long and intense relationship with this black stud's hole. Zac was, though, so horny his shit logs had shifted lower and now one started to emerge from his hole. Andy licked its hard knobby edges as it emerged into the world. Not that it would see the light for long. Oh No, that little goody was destined for Andy's own stomach and bowel. He gently caressed the turd with his lips, mouth allowing the turd to fuck his mouth. In and out it went whilst still seeking a world outside its master's arse. Gradually Zac's shit turd realised its fate and slipped wholly into Andy's eager mouth. Andy bit down on the turd so that a third remained in Zac's arse and this he took in hand and instructed Zac to coat his own cock with the now, more malleable shit. Zac took the turd from Andy, smoothing and squeezing it between his fingers before wanking its paste on his now massive cock stem. It felt so good! Meanwhile Andy was relishing the taste of Zac's turd in his mouth as he chewed and moved it around his teeth and tongue. Then the first swallow. This guy's shit was sweet with a bitter after taste which delighted Andy. Yet another desirous thing about this new shit buddy.

Shifting positions it was now Zac's turn to explore Andy's white (well really quite tanned) arse lips. He let his finger probe the almost prolapsed arsehole. He was immediately rewarded with a shit covered digit. He sucked on his finger unsure if the taste of this guy's shit would stimulate him as much as Chi's shit felt on his skin as he fucked him coated in his own shit. The answer came instantly. Yes, the taste confirmed he was a true shitpig and that eating and feeding on a guy's shit was what he had always wanted. This revelation somehow calmed him and excited him at the same time. Here he was, having not only sex with a guy of another colour, but also an intense taboo sex he had obviously always craved. And then there was Andy. They seemed drawn to each other in a way that transcended a normal one night stand; there was something more in the mix here which needed to be explored. Zac fully intended to explore his new friend as deeply as he could. Almost too late he saw the turd emerging from Andy's arse. Andy was groaning as he pushed the shit stick from his hole and Zac had to be there. Zac's mouth closed over the turd, emulating what Andy had done to his turd. The taste was intense. Andy liked spicy foods and this came out in the flavour of his shit. Many will say that all shit tastes the same but if a guy concentrates he can detect differences not just in consistency but in flavour. The texture was like a rustic pate as he crushed the shit in his mouth, remembering to leave some for Andy to lube his own cock shaft. He ate slowly savouring his first turd eating. He swallowed, feeling the shit slip down his throat and sighed with pleasure. Andy was already using the shit left in his hole to coat and wank his prick.

As the two lovers eyed up each other's slow stroking of their shitty cocks, they reached for each others. The touch of a cock slicked with shit is an electrifying experience, holding the promise of what would inevitably cum from this action. They wanked each other whilst kissing and sharing the taste of each other's shit caked mouths. To both shit was King; the pinnacle of gay sex. Andy drew Zac's body against his and their cocks and balls bounced against each other. Their cocks were pole stiff and both long and ribbed in their ecstasy. It was time to feel each other within. Andy took the lead. His favourite fuck position was to get Zac on his hands and knees, his bubble butt tantalisingly raised, ready for attention. There had been a tupperware tub just out of eyeshot which he now retrieved and opened. The aroma of old shit pervaded the air as he scooped out a handful and plastered Zac's arse slit and his own cock. He breathed in the aroma as he prized open Zac's arse cheeks. Andy's cock was almost the monster that Zac's was at eleven inches and thick and hard. He eased his cock into the waiting shithole, attending to the sight of white cock entering black hole. The difference delighted him. It was beautiful like the melding of colours on an artist's pallet. He cock sunk deeper into Zac. He felt the intense sensation of skin rubbing skin as it went deeper and deeper. When his balls hit his lover's arse he slowly withdrew and then rammed it home again. The shit provided a smooth interface, allowing the ease of a piston as it eases out and in once again. Andy knew this was far more sensuous that the rapid jacking that would bring instant ejaculation. This way extended the sensation and pleasure for both guys. When he did start to move in and out more rapidly he built on the feeling so that the climax would max out his desire for Zac. So when his cum shot into Zac it was a torrent likened to a horizontal monsoon rain as it soaked the insides of his lover's arse. It seemed an eternity although, of course, it was mere moments. His gasp of release sent shivers through his body for in Zac he had found the guy he had always wanted.

When he withdrew, his cock juices ran from Zac's arse lips and Andy's cock had not reduced in size one iota. Andy felt that it was right to just go for it. Slicking another wad of his shit on his massive cock mushroom, he plunged his prick back into Zac's still gaping orifice. He plummeted right in up to his balls and gyrated his pelvis to sink as far as possible. Then, whilst Zac was still gasping from this unexpected re-entry, Andy concentrated but calmed his mind. He knew what he was trying to achieve by this and was soon rewarded by the total relief feeling of piss pouring from his cock slit into Zac's bowel. Andy had not pissed for hours and so his bladder was full to bursting. Only the lust desire of fucking Zac had prevented his needing to piss before. The jet of golden piss was like a hose in full spurt and the piss soon forced its way back to the surface with Andy gyrating and Zac squirming his arse. The now brown liquid ran in rivulets down Andy's legs as he continued to offload his liquid of love. For that was how Andy felt about all watersports. Others might feel that sperm was the supreme indicator of one man's lust and love for another, but Andy felt that shit and piss were far more intimate because only the few would understand and accept these as the core of gay lovemaking. His 'donation' to Zac of his turds and piss, let Zac know just how much Andy wanted something more than just a one night stand. And Zac's acceptance, even as a total WS novice, said a big "yes please" in reply. With a grunt, Andy finished filling his lover and slowly withdrew his now slackening cock. As his mushroom popped from Zac's arse a torrent of shit coloured piss fountained out saturating Andy's already wet pubic area and legs. Zac sighed. The last few hours fulfilled his wildest dreams in a way that the sex the night before could never quite achieve. As he rolled over and gazed on Andy's wet and filthy body, he knew this man, above all others, would be his. Yes, it would not stop either of them fucking with other shitpigs, but Andy was the chosen one for Zac.

The two men lay with each other's bodies entwined, kissing deeply and murmuring sweet nothings in each other's ears. They made no attempt to clean up till the next morning when the two shit lovers woke to what seemed not only a new day but a new era too.

Watch out for Part Two: Gymfest Orgy coming soon.

Without Nifty's both supportive and tolerant acceptance of shit stories, we would all have no opportunity to feast our imaginations. Many gay shit sites now restrict storylines, so please support Nifty as much as you can.

Please feel free to write to me about this story or any other story I have on Nifty. I welcome both your feedback and ideas/experiences which can inspire future storylines. You can contact me at:

Thanks for reading my story.


Next: Chapter 2

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