Black Narcissus

By moc.liamnotorp@7retsulnworB

Published on Jun 23, 2021


Black Narcissus

Part Two

by Brownluster

Cathartic Release

Rick entered the changing rooms just as Zac was wiping down his showered body with particular attention to his arse crack. Rick knew he was old compared to this black stud but his cock immediately stiffened in his shorts. At that moment Zac straightened and looked in Rick's direction. "How's things going Boss" Zac said, " It has been a couple of weeks and I wondered how I was doing." Rick tried not to grin, putting on his more severe, managerial look. "Well, Zac, ( pause ), on that I would normally like to speak to my new employees in a more casual setting. So come to my apartment this evening and we will talk over your progress, okay? Say 7.30." "Sure thing Boss. I'll be there."

Whilst eating his beefed up evening meal in a local cafe, Zac could not help being nervous. A lot rode on this assessment and he really hoped Rick thought him up to the job. The last thing he wanted was to be sacked. He thought the other guys indicated his suitability but so much rested on the man in charge. So, it was in trepidation that he rode the lift to Rick's small apartment.

Rick was all smiles when he opened the door and ushered Zac into his living room. He was dressed in a tight pair of shorts, somewhat translucent, which showed his stiff cock. He also had a sporting vest but naught else. He asked Zac to remove his trainers and socks with some feeble excuse about the floors. So both were dressed in similar clothes. Zac had come to appreciate wearing shorts commando style so he did not even notice Rick's swollen appendage. Indicating his sofa, Rick went for a couple of cool beers and handed one to Rick.

"Assessment of new guys is always a hard thing Zac." Rick started. " On the whole I feel that you are settling in with the guys and with the routine well but it may take more time to know this is actually for you and in that I mean not only for me as your boss but also for you too. Certainly you work well with the other guys and Chi tells me that you are well suited to the more filthy side of our lives together. I look forward to tasting your turds myself." He paused again, almost as he did not know what to say next. Finally he went on. " You must understand that a lot of sex happens in a private club like ours, not only between staffers but with clients too. They will be, as you have seen, of all ages and sizes, and indeed, of varying temperaments and tastes. Not all are shit pigs but will desire other taboo sex from us all. Have you ever had other taboo sex Zac?" Zac had to think. He had dabbled but of course where he hailed from the opportunities were sparse and this he told Rick. After a small wince and sigh, he confessed to the greatest shame and most horrific event of his childhood.

When just fourteen years of age he had been sent by his parents one summer to work on a farm owned by a rough, old, letch of a white redneck who still used unacceptable words like the 'N' word for black labourers. He was totally uncouth but it was money and his family needed every penny. The actual work for a youth like Zac was not that bad mainly consisting of fetching and carrying and cleaning out the animals. However, after a few days, Zac noticed the white boss was always around when he did things, looking at him with a curious stare. One day, when all the other hands were out in the fields and the women household staff were at the market, he called Zac into the house. Not just that but he led him up to the guy's bedroom, shutting and locking the door behind him. The guy ( his name was Walt ) was dressed in a white, buttoned cotton shirt, unbuttoned to his waist, denim cut-offs and long khaki socks. He shucked off his shoes and indicated Zac should do so too. Then he took to pawing at Zac's teeshirt till he pulled it from the youth's shining black body. He then told Zac to slowly turn whilst Walt sat in a hard wooden chair watching and stroking the front of his cut-offs. Zac thought the look a leer but he complied. Walt then told him to remove his shorts and underpants. The boy once again complied, feeling so exposed in his slim naked body. Walt, a guy of 67 years, got up and slowly unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and removed it. He then unzipped his cut-offs letting them slip to the wooden floor. He stood now, his legs apart, staring at the boy dressed only in a very soiled pair of underpants. Zac could smell the piss and although this was quite pleasant to him he felt sure that Walt's intentions were anything but pleasant.

"Look boy, you are not pulling your weight. If you don't make daddy happy, he will have to send you packing." The last thing Zac wanted was to lose his job and the much needed income for his family. "I'll do anything Boss to make you happy." he replied. "Not Boss, Daddy shithole!" The shouted words brooked no objection. "Yes Daddy, I am yours" Zac stammered out. Walt indicated he should come over. The stink of urine intensified and Zac noticed Walt's Y-Fronts were sodden with piss. "Bend over my lap boy" he ordered. Walt actually pulled the lad over his wet crotch, mashing the boy's cock and balls into his own wet but engorged cock, only the material of the underwear separating them. "You may step up boy but you need to learn what will happen if you do not obey my every command."

Slap! Walt's open hand came down hard on the lad's bare buns. Zac's arse buns were classic bubble butt with a pleasing spherical roundness that showed off his lovely ebony colour and his deep ( even at that age ) arse cleft. However Zac was not appreciating any of that. His tears were falling even with that first blow and the blows repeatedly fell as Walt sated his lust. Then he hefted Zac to a standing position and stripped off his own underpants, now stained with piss, sweat and precum. Striding to a cabinet, he dug around in a drawer till he found a riding crop he used on his horse. This vile man was cruel to animals too ! Striding back he forced the boy back down over his waiting cock and balls, making sure he could fully enjoy the feel of Zac's little hard cock. Yes, that is the odd things. Zac hated what was happening but his cock was enlarged even as he suffered. Now Walt used the crop to good effect. Always careful to just redden the lad's buns and upper legs so nothing would last till he returned to his parents, he still whipped the boy so his buns and thighs glowed red. All the time Walt's lust created a bucket of precum oiling the boy's genitals.

When he finally had had his fill, Walt pulled Zac to the bed and forced him to bend over. He penetrated the boy's virgin hole without any lube bar precum. Zac screamed as the large fat cock pistoned directly into his arsehole up to Walt's balls. He squirmed as Walt punch fucked the lad with his prick, almost wanting to hear the boy's alarmed cries. He went on and on till he spurted his load into the fragile creature in front of him; for, to Walt, Zac was a sub human; a possession to use and discard as the slave owners had done one hundred and fifty years before. Many children resulted from forced mating with negro slave women in those times, and, in many ways, Walt was no different in his treatment of young boys. Was it domination or power, or just sick desire ??? The results, though, were always the same. When finished this disgusting excuse for a man left his victims weeping on the floor; beaten and abused. He even told them, as he did Zac, to clean the room before leaving!

When he did leave, Zac crept down to the darkest corner of the store room of the house, frightened he would be discovered and used again. And it was there that Molly, a black kitchen maid, found him later that day. Molly knew what happened to these coloured boys. She understood their pain, both physical and mental because she, too, had been abused as a young child. She held Zac till he cried himself out and then applied a salve to lessen the pain and bruising. She also took Zac for a long walk into the countryside and talked to him of the realities of being coloured, even in the late 20th Century. Nothing had changed in the south in essence in all those decades. White rednecks like Walt still lorded over their employees and had their lusts fulfilled with threats to offset them being found out for what they truly were. Zac's summer on that farm resulted in many such episodes with Walt and although he hardened himself against the pain and degradation, a hatred grew in his heart and a distrust of such white oppressors.

So it was, that all this came out in his talk with Rick, the same tears flowing as they did many years before. He confessed as Rick held him, that he did not understand why his cock got large each time an episode happened. Rick gently pointed out that deep within Zac his desire for extreme sex had been awakened and that although the abuse was totally wrong, it had opened Zac to possibilities in his future. Then Rick opened up that he often fantasised about a black guy spanking him. Zac asked how he could possibly want to have pain and degradation rained down upon him by choice. "Ah well Zac, you see, " said Rick, " There are many guys who like to be dominated and to them the pain is joined to ecstatic pleasure; the boundary wafer thin between the two sensations. I want a guy to take control, to use me, to lust after giving me pain but to me it is pure pleasure." Zac really could not understand. "Look, let me show you Zac." Rick got up and stripped before Zac and then asked him to do so too. He got Zac to sit on an old wooden kitchen chair and then Rick lowered himself over Zac's lap. Their cocks met and instantly enlarged. The feeling was electric. Rick's body was, for his age, supple and oh so smooth. Zac felt down his back and down his arse, automatically fingering Rick's arse crack.

"Now Zac, spank me." It was not an order, but a request. Slowly at first Zac drew back his arm and thwacked his open hand on each of Rick's arse cheeks. Rick just grunted. No tears, no sign of pain, just a grunt. Zac increased the severity of each smack, seeing a pink sheen develop on each bun the more it was hit. And then it happened. Decades of pent up tension and denial came out in a frenzy of blows to his boss's arse. He could not stop and yet Rick just moaned with pleasure. Zac actually felt he could do this and that the difference between him and Walt all those years before was as wide as an ocean. That old act was a crime but this was just another form of sex between consulting adult gay men. Rick went, during one pause, and got a tawse out of a drawer. A leather tawse was used originally in Scots schools for corporal punishment and suited this act of spanking with gusto. It was easier for Zac too as his hand was smarting from the blows he had given Rick. Thwack went the tawse and as the minutes went by Rick's arse coloured purple. There were red lines where Zac had hit him at an angle causing slashed thin lines on Rick's buns. When they finished, Rick's arse was literally black and blue with streaks of red, like a thunderstorm in flesh.

But Rick was not satisfied. His lust was mounting and he instructed Zac to shit turds onto the raw flesh of his arse. He told Zac to massage the shit into the mess which was his arse, making sure to coat his arse crack well. Then he asked what he had wanted ever since first interviewing Zac for the gym. Zac obliged plunging his huge black cock into Rick's shithole without any pause. It was just as Walt had done all those years before to a poor, black, virginal hole but now it was okay. He pounded Rick's arse as the older man gasped and moaned and even let out the odd scream. And yet, unlike the boy of former times, Rick relished every ramrod thrust. When Zac came both men were covered in shit and sweat and heaving great breaths. It was a true climactic act come to fruition. Both men had gained from the experience.

As they talked later, Zac thanked Rick for expelling the horror of his past by allowing him the revenge he never had on a white guy. It had changed him. No longer would he shy away from men who thought themselves supreme; in reality it was he who was the dominant one now. Of course it would not change his versatile sexual desires with other men but it had changed his toolkit of sex. Banished was Walt and all he stood for, but in its place was the realisation that such pain gave pleasure sometimes instead of horror.

Rick thanked Zac too. He had finally realised his ultimate sexual fantasy and knew he could call on a good friend to help him out in future.

Of course Zac had still to ask the question with a grin, "Well Boss, have I passed the test to be one of your boys?" " Oh yes my boy. Passed with flying, or should I say flaying, colours. You will fit in fine with us boys of the gym."

When the Doors Close and Boys Play

The next week Rick gathered all his boys together. "This Saturday we will have our annual closed group session. All of you except Zac know exactly what this means but for his benefit I will explain again. You see Zac, you are now a fully fledged part of our boys group. You have had sex with several of us and know we are all horny, randy bastards who enjoy the more dirty side of life." Laughter all round. "Once a year we throw a party for our clients we know are into hard and dirty gay sex. It will be in one week's time. I ask all of you to shit in a bucket we will have in the staff toilets rather than in the toilet. I also ask you to save turds at home and freeze them ready to defrost the day before. Some clients are connoisseurs of turd and will want a particular vintage." More laughter. "The gym will be closed that day and only invited guests will be allowed to come in. The event will start at noon with a buffet lunch and last till midnight. You all need be here by 10 am to prepare." Rick dismissed the guys and the working day began as though nothing was in the offing. All week Zac shitted in the large bucket, its contents removed at the end of the day for freezing. He also did the same with his turds at home. He understood the reasoning. At large and lengthy shit events, guys would often either not be able to shit to demand or there was insufficient for a good covering of everyone. Rick had told them to stop this collection Thursday and then not to shit at all. Also they were told to bulk up in shit producing foods so the capacity within their bowels was maximised. It was hard that. Zac constantly felt with the bending and exertion of his job that he was about to blow out a huge turd without meaning too. However he persevered and cum Saturday he was full to bursting. He arrived at 10 am as instructed and was soon busy on the many preparations for the event whether it be making sure the catering was laid out, hefting crates of beer and wine, or hanging slings stowed in a spare room from the ceiling of the gym. How had he missed all those heavy duty rings in the ceiling before ???

At noon Rick came out with a typescript list of guests. Zac was pleased to see Andy's name near the top although he wondered how much time he would be able to spend with his new lover. Rick said that all guests had to arrive by p.m. and that then the outer doors would be locked no matter what. In a stream guests arrived and were directed to the locker room. All the gym boys were dressed solely in jock straps and long brown socks. Sort of an advert of sorts ! The guests arrived normally dressed but when they emerged from the locker room they were is all manner of gear. Fetish gear shops must have been emptied as rubber, leather, lycra abounded. Many wore DMs and sported brown socks themselves. Andy wore a particularly sexy pair of chaps and a leather harness. His cock was already on display through the front zip of his rubber briefs. A handy back zip was available too.

At p.m. the doors closed and were locked. The buffet was a mixture of grab and finger food interspaced with plates full of staff turds defrosted the day before. The aroma of both food and turd was an elixir of delight. Many guys sniffed the turds and broke of pieces to savour. The beer flowed and gradually the atmosphere became very laid back. Rick had a separate room where guys entered and then returned to the main gym, often smoking. This was the 'enhancements' room and many different ones were on offer. Zac had never really been into drugs. It spoke too much of the gang culture where he came from. However Andy took him in hand and led him into the sala of temptation. Andy chose a few tablets and instructed Zac to swallow them down. The effects were slow in coming but when they did it was sudden. Zac felt euphoria and Andy gathered him into his arms and kissed him in a more erotic manner than ever before. He told Zac that the effect would wear off in time but to enjoy it whilst it lasted. He led him to a sling and helped him into it, strapping his ankles to the chain supports with leather straps. However he then did not enjoy Zac himself. Strange to tell it was the shy pilates coach Guy that was ushered to Zac's nether regions.

Guy had been the only gym boy who had not hit up on Zac. His white skin contrasted sharply with the ebony sheen of Zac's but his cock was a wonder to behold. Thirteen inches in length it was think, cut, and throbbing with veins. He approached Zac's arse like a child in a sweets shop. His first act to stretch Zac's arse cheeks and slowly lick the brown shit hole. His tongue seemed as if it had been created for rimming arse. It flicked in quick, sharp movements across the waiting hole, licking up the seepage from Zac's few day's restraint. It was almost too much to bare. Guy was quiet as he did this, the only sound bar Zac's moans was a slurping sound from the actions down below. Guy took his finger and licked it. Placing the head on the waiting black shithole, he eased it into Zac. The finger was slender and yet the feel of its penetration was profound. It came forth slicked with brown sludge from Zac's insides. Then two fingers were inserted. They twisted in a way reminiscent of a ballet of sorts. After two, three, then four and finally five fingers entered. Guy's fingers and hand were by slow manipulation spread with shit from his co-worker's arse. Still, at this point, Guy bent his body and shit a full pair of turds onto his fisting hand. These he offered to Zac to smell before taking a whiff himself and licking each along its length in full sight of his black dream boy. Then he manipulated the two into a more smooth mass and returned to the arse before him. With skill he pasted each into the hole and making sure his hand was likewise slick with malleable excrement, he started to swirl his whole hand into the waiting arse. Other guys had gathered and one took shit from a pail by the sling and lubricated Guy's arm as the hand sunk suddenly into Zac's arse. Another gave Zac poppers and a sniff of another vapour which both relaxed Zac and heightened his sexual arousal. His big black cock stood like a flag pole on the 4th July. The mushroom top oozed precum and smelt of piss yet to spurt.

Once into Zac's arse, Guy slowed his movements. Like the pilates coach he was, he used his hand, arm and body to flex in a fluid motion as his arm sank deeper and deeper into Zac's body. As it approached his elbow, the Brazilian JosŽ came up behind and buried his long, brown cock into Guy's white arse. Both grinned and it was obvious these two had been intimate before. It was an add on to the saga unfolding as Zac was fisted to the deepest he had ever thought possible. How was it that a comparative novice could take hand so deep? Perhaps it was the drugs. Perhaps it was the intoxicating ecstasy of the moment or, perhaps, it told of the skill of a truly great fisting Top. Even as JosŽ withdrew his cock now dripping with cum, Guy's arm sank even deeper. A whole crowd had gathered now to witness this black stud enjoying one of the most intimate pleasures known to gay man. Guy's whole arm was now inside Zac. Yes, Guy's arms were slim and not so muscled as others working in the gym, but to insert an arm to the shoulder is a mammoth feat. I know. I have been lucky to do it myself. His finger tips caressed Zac's innards and made the big guy feel more intimate than any fuck could achieve. However there is always a climax to this act of intensity. Guy slowly swirled as he withdrew, his entire arm brown with shit. As it came forth, guys eagerly licked the inches clean of shit so when Guy's fist finally popped forth his arm was white and pristine. Not so his hand. This he used to lubricate his great whit cock and its long stem before plunging it into Zac's gaping arse. He worked his cock to touch every surface left ultra sensitive after Zac's fisting. He pulsed his movements and Zac joined him as they danced a ballet of cock and arse. Guy's eyes never left Zac's. When the eruption happened it was titanic and Guy thrust back his head as he pumped cum into Zac. The guy might appear shy but his actions were anything but. He controlled his cock and after a gap of seconds, re-entered Zac and washed his insides with a long stream of warm piss. As he finally withdrew, the piss, shit and slime pulsed forth, eager mouths eating all the fresh dessert from this ebony dish.

Guy kissed Zac tenderly on the lips and thanked him in a whisper. Zac knew this guy would see his bed many, many times. AS he lay recovering Zac pondered on how different all his new friends were and yet joined in a beautiful brotherhood of shit sex. Around him many things were happening. Multiple fuckings, fistings beatings and slappings. It was a horn of plenty reflecting the variety and wonderment that was totally free and desired sexual play. It was at this moment that Zac knew he belonged here with these sorts of guy. Their honesty in sex was what he had always longed for but never thought he would find. At last the taboo sexual desires of a black narcissus had come to its fulfilment.

End Note:

I hope you liked this story of mine. It is of course primarily a tale of what we all want but I have tried this time to present the feelings from an inner perspective too. It also addresses harder and more dark aspects which sometimes result in our more extreme desires. I have been contacted by a few guys who suffered abuse as children. This is not the type of attention we all might have wanted as we grew up, but the unwanted attention which often leads to scarring of individuals later in life. However even in such abusive events there can sometimes lit a spark of something else which will kindle into an awareness of self in adult life and the blooming of a shit pig or spanking sub. If you have experienced such abuse and need to talk, email me. These things need to be talked of and not shut in a closet as Zac had to do until Rick released him from his boyhood shackles. It is important to point out that I in no way condone abuse of anyone when there is no willing consent. Such practices are not only unlawful but totally unacceptable. However victims often need release and understanding and I urge all readers, should they know of such victims, to support them as best you can. Sex should be for enjoyment and not for torment. One other point I should make. In the story shit is rubbed into what were, certainly, open wounds after S&M. This may be evocative in fantasy but the risk of infection makes this practice inadvisable in actual sexual contexts.

As always please support Nifty. They allow the light to be held out in the darkness which in an intolerant world is now rare. They deserve your support.



Next: Chapter 3

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