Blue Moon Series

By Not Important

Published on May 23, 2013


The usual disclaimers apply. This story is fictional, of course. This is my first submission. I attempted to create a full novel with a complete plot. I have over 12 chapters written so far and will post more if there is interest. Here are the first 3.

Chapter 1

The day was bright as Sean opened the tailgate of his small pickup truck. He squinted into the 11 am sky and praised the good weather, a rarity for October. He grabbed his usual kit of tools and set off. The buildings around him were dilapidated, some even crumbled to their foundations. The old brickwork couldn't withstand the years of neglect and raw power Mother Nature threw at them year after year.

The old sawmill and support structures were ripe with old metals, however, and that is what Sean was after today. He looked around, eagerly remembering the mother- load of copper and steel he found two weekends ago further south of this location. The metal fetched quite a price and his labors were helping him pay his way through college. Giant old saw-blades could get him a thousand bucks but were very rare. Most of these old sawmill camps had long been picked clean. But Sean prided himself on discovering those gems that were forgotten.

Today he was almost dancing between the overgrown paths; he discovered the location of this little gem buried in an old Seattle Post newspaper and he was sure he'd find a treasure. He had a hammer at his hip and his trusty bolt cutters propped on a shoulder. His eyes were scanning the area for any potential metals.

After going through an old office where the entire building was leaning dramatically to one side he spotted the main structure. It was barely visible through the trees, bushes, and ferns, but his eyes had become adept at spotting old buildings. As he made his way through the forest growth he silently wished for a stack of saw-blades that would help him pay his rent this month.

As he approached the building, however, he noticed some oddities. First were the trampled greenery that surrounded the building, but he made out some faint animal tracks that quickly put his mind at ease. When he walked up to the main door he was very surprised to find a modern lock and chain at the door. The metals were not rusted or old at all; in fact, he figured they looked fresh from the store.

"What the fuck?" Sean asked himself in a whisper. He brought out his bolt cutters and in short order had the lock open. The chain was far too heavy to be iron and without much thought he threw the door open.

The air that assaulted his senses caused his breakfast to come up. He was astounded at the speed with which his body reacted. After he was done depositing his breakfast on the nearest fern he composed himself and with his shirt over his nose he entered the building. Inside he found what he could only decide was something out of the most horrible of movies. Blood was everywhere, tissue and fur were scattered on the ground. In one corner of the room sat a table, the wares set as if a royal feast was expected. Shiny golden goblets, utensils, and napkin rings glinted in the light streaming in from the open doorway.

The next thing Sean saw were the candles. There must have been ten thousand candles in the room, though none were lit. He grabbed the flashlight in his back pocket and clicked on the LED's. The super bright flashlight blasted the room into alien contrast. The elegant table at one end of the room conflicted with the other end of the room. On the ground were two giant cages; behind them was the most horrifying sight Sean had ever seen. The skull of a goat was atop the most gruesome totem pole imaginable. Along the outside were the skulls of deer, mountain lions, and all sorts of small animals. At the very bottom, ringing the outside of the upright log were 5 human skulls.

Demonic was not even close to describing how horrifying the sight was. Sean's ears were ringing in the silence, his brain making every effort to convince him to get the hell out of there. But something drove him to the cages. Some horrible curiosity to see what the monsters who claimed this room had for their next feast.

The beam of his flashlight hit the right cage and found only blood inside, though there was a pair of shoes in one corner. He'd never forget those shoes. He swung his beam to the left-side cage, prepared for almost anything. What he saw made him drop to his knees and throw up again. Coughing and gagging he looked at the small figure inside the cage.

Lying in the cage was the naked figure of a boy. How could Sean tell it was a boy? He would ponder this later and come up with nothing. All he could see were the back, butt, and feet of the figure curled up in the fetal position and his heart was flooded with pain. Boys were sacred to Sean, and he was convinced the boy in this cage was dead. The skin was very pale and he couldn't see any breathing movements.

Sean picked himself up and strode to the cage with purpose. Dead or alive, the boy was not staying here. He got his bolt cutters ready and was somewhat surprised at the device holding the door closed. It looked like a lock, but the metal of the bolt was funny somehow. It was too perfect in this dark place. His cutters went through it like butter and he pocketed the lock. When Sean swung the door open he cringed at the creaking hinges.

The small figure on the ground did not move; his flawless white skin shimmered in Sean's flashlight. "Must we do this again?" the figure said quietly causing Sean to stop in his tracks; he even held his breath. "I told you that you cannot break me or force me into anything."

"Kid!" Sean whispered finally, "Pssst! Can you walk? Are you hurt?"

The boy rolled onto his back and Sean saw that the child was indeed a boy; his face showed little emotion. The boy's brown hair was matted and dirty and clung to his forehead as he looked at the man with the light. Sean could tell the boy was very pale, even through all the dirt and grime covering his skin.

"Who're you?" The boy asked and sat up.

"I'm the one getting you the fuck out of here! Now move it!" Sean held out his hand to the boy.

For a second the boy just looked at the man, his head cocked to one side as if studying him. Finally he took the man's hand. Sean scooped up the boy in his arms realizing at once the boy was light as a feather and cold as ice. As he walked from this nightmare his flashlight dangled on one arm from its strap, the light going around chaotically. He would later realize he forgot the bolt cutters he tossed to the side after the boy spoke. For now, his mind was on getting him to his truck.

As he ran through the dense forest with the boy in his arms his mind wandered. Who was this kid, who were the monsters who held him, and what the hell had gone on in there? Though he wasn't sure he wanted the answer to the last question. The boy remained very quiet and merely held on to the man with his arms and legs.

Once his truck was in sight Sean started to breath heavily; the weight of the last twenty minutes was catching up to him and the adrenaline was wearing off. He felt he almost floated to his truck. Once Sean reached his truck he put the boy in the passenger seat, covered him with a sweatshirt he brought along in case a storm came through and buckled him in. He ran to the other side, and once the engine was started he sped off down the long-forgotten trail. His mind switched to driving mode and all his concentration was on getting as much distance between them and that room as he could. It was another thirty minutes before he was on a decent highway. Sean had to make a hard effort to keep below the speed limit. Sweat was running down his face, burning his eyes, and making his shirt uncomfortable.

Finally, after turning onto yet another highway he said, "Sean, m'name's Sean." He grabbed his water bottle and drank half of it. "Sean Kraft." He glanced at the boy who was staring at the road. The boy suddenly met his gaze and Sean was momentarily stunned by the boy's eyes. They were black as coal.

"Max," the boy said and held out his hand formally, "Max deGrace." When Sean took his hand the pair smiled at one another. Sean's heart was slowing finally, but the boy's smile melted it.

Sean's concentration turned to the road again, "Jesus Max, what the hell was that back there?" Sean hit his steering wheel, "I mean what the fuck man!?" He normally didn't swear, especially around kids, but the entire situation was overwhelming him. He offered the water bottle to the boy.

Max took the bottle with a whisper of thanks. "It's, er... rather complicated," was Max's answer.

"Complicated!" Sean said frantically, "It looked like a fuckin' slaughterhouse in there!" Again with the "F" word, he couldn't withhold the word. He noticed Max didn't seem to care.

"It was." The boy sighed, relieved, "What is the date?"

"The date? The DATE?" Sean was close to losing all mental cohesion. Somehow, thinking of something as mediocre as the date calmed him. "October, er, 24th."

"The year?" the boy said calmly.

"Jesus fuck!" Sean yelled and swerved a little out of his lane. He wiped sweat from his eyes. The day was turning cloudy. "Are you saying you spent over a YEAR in there?"

"Just asking," the boy said softly.

"The year, okay. Uh... 2026." He forcibly calmed himself down. His pulse had to be over 220. After he felt a hint of normalcy he managed another question. "So how long were you in there?"

Max looked at the clock on the dashboard, "Five months, three days, six hours, and about 40 minutes. But I imagine my time was up soon with Halloween coming up."

"Jesus kid," Sean was still in shock, "that was...well that was the most horrible thing I've ever seen."

"I should hope so," Max said, "I'd be worried if you felt comfortable in there."

Sean could only chuckle what sounded like a crazy man's laugh. "HA! What was that you said? They couldn't break you? What the hell could you know that would make them...?" He couldn't finish, what Max had said implied torture and he couldn't wrap his mind around it. What could be so important that torturing a boy was an option? What kind of animal could torture a boy?

"Like I said, it's complicated." Max put his hand on the man's shoulder gently. "Where are you taking me?"

Sean suddenly realized he hadn't a destination in mind; he was just driving away from that horrible scene. But all of a sudden the answer came to him. "Hospital, you need to be seen by a doctor." Sean paused. "And about a thousand shrinks." Sean imagined the boy needing a lifetime's worth of therapy to deal with the horror behind them. He knew he would need some.

"No!" Max said, his voice stern and commanding. "No hospitals. That will be the first place they check."

Sean sighed; he figured it wouldn't be that easy. He saved the boy, now he was responsible for him. He was about to make another suggestion when Max beat him to it.

"No cops, either." Max said. Sean let out another crazy laugh, pulled to the side of the road, and stopped. A single tear escaped his right eye and he wiped it away.

"Your family then? Can I take you somewhere you would feel safe?"

"My family has long been dead," Max said coldly. "What little family I had the people in that room took from me." For the first time Max looked sad, he almost looked his age.

"Jesus Max, I'm sorry. Is there anywhere you can go? Somewhere you would feel safe?"

"You saved me from that place; I think... well I feel safe right now. Where do you live?"

Another crazy laugh came out of Sean's mouth before he could stop it. "Ha! I'm not... well I'm not the kind of guy you want to hang around with Max." More tears were forming in his eyes. Life was just happening too fast. Years of treatment forced his honesty; it was almost like he couldn't help it. In his mind he saw his counselor yelling, "Honesty is key to Happiness."

Almost against his will he lifted the sleeve of his shirt to show his right shoulder. On it was the letter P tattooed in dark black ink about an inch tall with a red circle around it. He hoped Max knew the mark; he didn't want to explain it.

Max did know the mark, his eyebrows went up. "Really?" he said, as he traced the red circle with his finger. "How long?"

"Five years five months," Sean answered. He shivered from the cold finger on his shoulder.

"What happened?" Max answered.

"It's complicated," Sean said and smiled at the boy. He was surprised when he received a smile back.

"It seems we both have secrets," Max said. "Might I suggest a hotel then?"

Sean nodded, the boy didn't seem alarmed, but Sean was becoming more and more curious about Max. The kid spoke like a 40 year old and it disarmed him. A hotel was a good idea; he was becoming very tired. His body had been on high alert for a long time and he wasn't used to it. He wasn't sure how much more driving he could do.

For the next half hour neither spoke, and Sean found a decent hotel in a small town. He secured a room with two beds and paid in cash. In fact, it nearly took all his cash, but he refused to pay with a card. Sean knew he was being paranoid but he wanted to be on the safe side. After he parked in front of their room he led Max into the room and locked the door. Outside a light rain had begun. Thankfully the motel was fairly empty.

Once inside Max shed the sweatshirt and tossed it onto one of the beds. The now- naked boy walked around the room calmly and seemed to inspect it. Sean was standing at the locked door, still staring at the boy.

"You, uh... you need some clothes." Sean said.

Max shrugged, "I supposed I do." The boy turned to face Sean.

"There's, uh... a Target nearby, I can go and get you some things. How old are you?"

The boy grinned, "How old do I look?" Sean was frustrated; he didn't want to play games.

"Ten or Eleven," Sean answered honestly.

"Good guess, eleven it is. But a red-ringer would probably be good at guessing."

"I'm sorry," Sean hung his head, ashamed. The shame came so quickly and often in his life he had become accustomed to it. And the term 'red-ringer' echoed in his head like a bell.

"Don't be. I'm sorry I mentioned it. It was disrespectful," Max said and strode over to the man. In one quick movement Max hugged the man as tight as he dared. "Thank you for saving me. You don't have to be sorry for that. I am in your debt."

"Anyone would have pulled you out of that place," Sean hugged the boy gently and again realized how dirty the kid was. "You should take a bath. I'll, uh... go get you some clothes." He was afraid the boy would ask him for help bathing. He was in control of himself, but didn't need the temptation.

After hearing the water start in the bathroom he quietly walked out and drove to the store. He set his mind on getting the essentials.

First on his list were socks and underwear. Of course, he got regular white briefs. His desire to see the boy in white briefs was overpowering. Even if he couldn't touch the kid, he could enjoy the view. He picked out a couple of simple shirts, a pair of jeans, belt, and a pair of shorts. He was almost to the registers when he realized he didn't have any shoes for Max. He forgot to ask a shoe size, damnit! He was already low on funds and didn't have the money to spend on the wrong size so he picked up a pair of sandals that looked about the right size.

Once back at the room he knocked on the door twice, then once, then three times to indicate he was friendly. He entered the room with the bag of clothes and quickly had the door locked. Max looked squeaky clean, but very pale. Five months in that dark hell was not kind to his skin. The nude boy was lounging on the bed furthest from the window. Sean had to remember to breathe as he set down the bag. He tried to concentrate on simple things while he opened the package of briefs. Once he got one free he tossed it to Max.

The boy smiled and slid his legs into them. After lifting his butt he had the briefs on. Sean couldn't help but stare at the boy and forgot about the other clothes. Max smiled at the man, bounced himself off the bed, and casually walked over to Sean.

"Did you just get underwear?" Max asked smiling, seeing the other clothes.

"No... No, I got other stuff, I just... You are... you know... stunning." Sean said honestly.

"Yeah, yeah," Max waved the compliment off. He grabbed one of the shirts and put it on, and was impressed that the pants fit perfectly. He held off another red-ringer comment. After putting on socks he picked up the sandals. "No shoes?"

"I didn't know what size you are" Sean said. Now that the boy was dressed he was able to put his mind on other things. He cleaned up the tags and garbage from the shopping spree and tossed it all. He was now more worried than ever; almost every dime he had was gone. How was he going to make rent for November? He figured he had about ten bucks in his account and a week before rent was due.

"Thanks for the clothes," Max said as he walked around the room getting a feel for clothes again. "I'm sure it was an expense you didn't anticipate."

Sean's honesty bubbled up again, "Worth every nickel." He sat down on the window-side bed and sighed. "But I might be homeless next month."

"Don't worry about it, I'll help you." Max said and sat on his bed facing Sean.

The man smiled, "Sorry kid, but I don't think you're piggy bank can cover it." He put his face in his hands and cried. The stress and horror of the past three hours was catching up with him. He wanted to be strong for Max, the boy had been through unspeakable horrors, but his simple life didn't prepare him for the waves of emotion that hit him.

Max sat on the bed calmly and watched his savior break down. He had expected it and was happy the man didn't stuff away his emotions. He was clean and clothed. In Sean's absence he had called someone he knew would come through for him. More importantly, though, he had eaten his first real meal in months and felt his strength coming back finally. Those creatures who had held him captive only fed him enough to keep him alive. Their time would come, though. His current thoughts were on the man before him; he felt a deep affection for him.

Not everyone would have saved him, red-ringer or not, and knowing the man would have even taken him out of there dead said a lot for his integrity. Max could tell the man was struggling greatly with powerful feelings for him. He found it amusing the man guessed his pants size perfectly but bought underwear two sizes too small. It had been a long time since Max had any happiness in his life, and he was beginning to feel Sean's love like a person feels heat from a fire.

As Sean was recovering from his emotional dam-burst Max sat back on the bed and crossed his legs. "So what do you do?" the boy asked.

"I'm a student," Sean answered after he blew his nose into a tissue.


"I started as a psychology major, but I found it depressing." Sean recited, having told a hundred people the same story: "I eventually settled on Engineering. Mechanical, to be precise."

"Do you have a job?" Max asked.

"Yeah, part time. Mail clerk in a Seattle engineering firm."

"What were you doing in that ... place?"

"I have weekends off so I try to find scrap metal to sell. Old sawmills are great for it." Sean walked to the bathroom and washed his hands and face. The mundane questions were helping calm his nerves.

His absence didn't stop Max's questions. "How old are you?"

"Twenty six... and what's with all the questions?" Sean answered.

"Just getting to know you," Max said. "Any family?"

"My parents moved to Arizona and my sister lives close by." Sean wanted to ask a question of his own. He sat back on his bed, "So what's your story?"

"Close by? How close?" Max deflected.

"Oh no, you have to start answering some now. I want to know you."

"Well the animals from where you found me grabbed me and my... er... guardian, months ago. They didn't wait long to kill him."

Sean was feeling light-headed. "No, I mean before that."

"I was living in Renton; school, sleepovers, the usual." Max answered. "My turn. Sister?"

"Tri-cities," Sean said, "We don't talk often. And before you ask, she's 20."

"And the tattoo?" Max asked.

"Ohhh no," Sean said, "My turn. What in god's name did they want from you?"

"Money," Max answered simply, "and power."

"Money? Power? From a kid?" Sean said, he wasn't sure what to expect, but figured he'd be surprised at any answer.

Max nodded, "Basically. Now, your turn."

"You know about the mark?" Sean asked.

"Of course, every kid knows about them. I want to know how you got it."

"I was 20 and life was normal. Normal on the outside anyway. I was babysitting my neighbors' son almost every weekend to earn a little extra money for college. He was 10. Well my long hidden desires went crazy for the kid. It wasn't long before my actions were discovered. I was tested and marked along with 18 months of jail."

Max kept silent and was impressed with the man's honesty. He knew the P meant pedophile and the red ring meant a preference for boys under 13. There were all sorts of colors; most were taught early on in schools. Stay away from the P's. It was a stigma that lasted a lifetime. He remembered seeing the news regarding the law to mark convicted offenders. The act and movement was called "Keep Our Children Safe." For the most part though, the law was ineffective.

"Being here with me must be driving you crazy," Max said.

"I'm not some out-of-control maniac," Sean said. He saw the doubt on Max's face, "Sorry I stared at you. It's just been... er... awhile since I've been near a boy. And you're a stunner." For the first time Sean noticed that Max's eyes were not so dark anymore. They were a deep yellow, almost gold.

Max smiled, "Thanks. Like I said a while ago, I feel safe with you and I can sense you really like me. You look tired. I can watch some TV while you nap. Then maybe we can have supper?"

Suddenly the fatigue Sean was fighting hit him in full force and he yawned. "Maybe just a little nap." He lay back on the pillows and was asleep so fast he didn't even hear the TV turn on.

---------------- *** ----------------

Chapter 2

When Sean awoke he was thankful his nap had been dreamless. It seemed he did not move at all while asleep, but he felt a weight on his left side. He stared at the ceiling as he moved his left hand around and found it under the boy. Max, it seemed, had lay down next to him.

Great, Sean thought, just what I need. When he looked down at the boy he found that the kid was still dressed, thank God. Had the boy been any other way Sean might have lost all control. As it was his left hand was resting on the boys butt and Sean made no effort to move it. He figured the kid sound asleep and so he took a deep breath and closed his eyes again. He wanted to remember this moment; he longed for companionship and this boy was such a mystery. It was true he was attracted to Max that much he could admit to himself easily, but this boy had to have a family of some kind. Someone had to be looking for him. Though the thought of being the one to save him was full of its own unknowns.

Would he be blamed for that horrible room in the woods? Would the public want his blood even though he got Max out of there? He knew all the people would see was the red-ringed P and nothing else. Max had insisted on staying away from officers and hospitals, could the people from that room be that well connected? That line of thinking was straight out of the movies. And what was with the weird lock he had in his pocket. The symbol on it was unique and the metal bolt was as well.

"Why do you have that?" Max's voice came suddenly. Sean's heart-rate doubled instantly, he thought the boy was asleep.

"I uh... put it in my pocket after opening it. I've never seen anything like it, and I've popped a lot of locks." At that point he remembered his bolt cutters were still out there. "Ohh shit," he said sitting up. He crawled off the bed and started pacing, his right hand squeezing the lock.

"What?" Max asked.

"I left my bolt cutters in," he said pacing faster.


"My name is on them! I engraved S. Kraft on them years ago!" Sean was panicking.

"Oh," Max said simply. "How many S. Kraft's are there in the area?"

"I dunno," Sean said, "I know there's a few Krafts."

"So we have some time." Max said and walked over to the TV. Beside the screen was a pizza box, Max opened it showing two slices missing. "Have something to eat."

Sean calmed and grabbed a slice and ate it within a minute. "Where'd this come from?" he said between chews.

"I ordered it," Max said. Sean put away a second piece before the next question came up.

"Um... how'd you pay for it?"

"I had an old friend drop off some money," and before Sean could say anything Max added, "Don't worry, he can be trusted."

"Why didn't you just go with him?"

"Because I'd rather be with you, I trust him with some things, but not everything," Max said simply.

By the time the third piece was gone Sean slowed down. With a full stomach he calmed down more as well. He sat back on his bed and looked at the boy, "Why were you... uh... laying with me?" Sean quickly added, "Not that I'm complaining, just... I didn't expect it."

Max smiled and answered, "It's complicated."

"Try me," Sean said, "Enough of the complicated bullshit."

Max looked at Sean for a full minute before answering. The answer took Sean by surprise, it sounded so... mature somehow. "Well I've been subjected to some pretty bad shit the last 6 months and wanted to be close to something, er, someone warm and ... well ... good."

Sean let out another crazy laugh. "Good! HA!" He licked his fingers after finishing his fourth piece. "Good was not how I would describe some of my ... er ... thoughts."

"You're thoughts, as you put it, are rooted in love correct?" Sean nodded, "That is what matters, not what the thoughts are but their intention."

"Jesus kid, you sound like you're some guru monk or something," Sean said.

"Not a monk," Max smiled.

"An old soul then," Sean said offhandedly.

"Close," Max smiled. Sean looked at the bedside clock, it was past 7 already!

"So, old soul, what next?" Sean said.

"We have the room until tomorrow right?" Max asked rhetorically. "I say let's just rest and talk."

"Good idea."

The rest of the night was spent on regular conversation and some laughter. Max hadn't laughed in some time and it felt good to do so again. He mostly listened as Sean told him stories from his life. He got into some stories about big finds in abandoned places and ended with, "But you have to be my best find." Max smiled at the man, thankful he was no longer in that prison. As the night deepened Sean clicked the TV on and found some show both could watch, though he didn't think any level of R rating would best the place Max had been in. Sean still didn't want to subject the boy to more horror than need-be.

By the time 10pm rolled around Sean was under the covers nearly asleep. Max got off his bed, flicked the TV off and quickly undressed. Much to the man's surprise the boy didn't crawl into the empty bed beside his but crawled in with him. The boy was cold to the touch but Sean said nothing as the boy snuggled into him. Without a word Sean's left hand found the boy's rump again and gave it a gentle squeeze. The feel of the boy's thin cotton briefs and the closeness gave him a raging erection.

"Nice tent," Max said and hugged Sean's chest. "Thanks for saving me."

"You're welcome," Sean said and drifted off to sleep.

Max spent the night thinking of his new friend. He felt a bond with him that was rare. Love and affection emanated from the man like heat. Max was no stranger to the affections of men. His last partner was colder at heart than Sean and not nearly as intelligent. Even so it had been hard to see him destroyed by the monsters from his prison. The boy poked at the man's erection playfully and smiled at his snore. Could he tell this man his greatest secret? Would he be accepted or rejected by him once Sean learned the truth? Would the man want to join him? For hours the boy pondered, planned, and decided on what to do.

Sean's sleep was riddled with odd flashes for most of the night. Some of them were dark and some were not. As the day dawned his dreams turned to his new friend. It had been awhile since his desires showed in his dreams so the dream was powerful. Soon he was sucking the boys small penis as his was stroked. Max noticed the change in Sean's sleep immediately. The man began breathing harder, his heart sped up, and he was gently thrusting into the sheet covering him. Max could sense what was next; he pushed the sheet down and watched the tented boxer briefs. Soon enough Sean let out a little grunt and groaned as he filled his shorts. Max smiled as he watched the straining cotton seep the man's fluid.

It didn't take long before Sean woke up out of his wet-dream. It took a minute for him to catch his bearings. As soon as he realized what happened he apologized to Max. Sean fumbled around trying to get out of bed; he felt so much guilt and shame his mind wasn't sure what to do. Once standing he looked at Max who was lying on his back wearing his briefs. Sean's eyes zeroed in on the boys wonderful bulge. He looked away frustrated he couldn't behave.

"It's okay," Max said. "I know you're nervous, but I really appreciate the admiration."

"Admiration?" Sean said, "Jesus Max, how old ARE you?"

Max debated for a minute on what to say. He decided to trust in Sean. "I'm a bit older than how I look."

Sean was in the bathroom cleaning himself, his response echoed loudly, "A bit?"

"Please don't ask," Max said. "I don't know if you should be burdened like that. Please, just trust me."

"Trust you?" Sean said as he stormed out of the bathroom. One look at Max sitting on the bed in his briefs made him falter. Again his eyes found the boys package and he forced them to Max's face. "Trust you?" he said more calmly. "I guess I have to, but tell me one thing... Am I in something way over my head?"

The boy nodded, his pale skin shining in the morning light. "Answers will come in time if you want them. For now, I need your help. As you can see I find it difficult to do anything, no one listens to a kid. And driving is still awkward. So will you help me?"

Sean was almost dressed; he was zipping his pants when that last question hit him. "Max, of course I'll help you. I wouldn't leave you after pulling you out of that nightmare. I'm here for you." He let out a big sigh, "Now please get dressed before I go crazy!"

Max smiled and was dressed very quickly. Before they left the room Sean messed up the other bed. On his way out of the room he met Max's questioning gaze, "So it looks like you slept in it." The boy nodded and they were soon down the road. Something new that Sean noticed was a small black bag Max was holding.

As they sped down the road toward Sean's apartment the man finally asked what was in the bag. Max didn't take his eyes off the road, "Money."

"Really? From your friend? How much?"

"Enough," Max answered simply. Sean left the short answer alone and put his mind on the drive. They were about an hour away from his place and he wanted no problems getting there. Once the sun was out he noticed that Max produced the sweatshirt and covered himself. When Sean looked at the small boy he figured the kid was sound asleep. The rest of the trip went quickly and just as Sean pulled up to his building Max seemed to wake.

"We there?" the boy asked.

Sean smiled at Max and said, "Yep."

The pair casually walked to Sean's apartment on the 3rd floor. Once inside Sean locked the door and fell into his favorite easy-chair thankful for the familiarity of his home. "What's the next move boss?" He asked the boy.

"I need to call a couple people," Max said simply. "I need you to go about your day as you would normally. Let me know if you see anything suspicious. First I need a phone. I need you to run and fetch me a prepaid phone." Max handed the man a $100 bill.

Without a word Sean left and when he returned twenty minutes later he had a phone for the boy. While the kid sat at his small kitchen table Sean took a shower. He took some extra time in the shower to masturbate. He needed to do something to relieve some of the stress of the last two days.

While Sean was taking care of himself, Max was out at the table calling some of his contacts, two agreed to meet him at Sean's place and two at a beach tomorrow. There really was only a small handful of people Max trusted at the moment. The boy had the small black bag on the table and was writing some notes down when Sean appeared again.

At the moment Max was all business when he asked, "When you find metal to sell what's the most you've made in a single shot?"

"Three grand," Sean answered while he sat in the chair opposite Max.

"And you take it to your bank?" Sean nodded.

"They know I salvage."

Max opened the black bag and pulled out a pinch of bills, counted out 35 and slid them over. "There's 35 hundred. Nothing to raise a flag. Enough to cover expenses yes?"

Sean picked up the bills and with his eyes wide he looked at the boy. He was about to put the bills on the table and slide them back when Max slid ten $20 bills over. "There's some money for your pocket."

"Max, I didn't pull you out of that room to get money." Sean said. The crisp bills in his hands felt so good, but not as good as Max had felt in his arms.

"I know that," Max said and saw the doubt in Sean's eyes. "I really do know that. But we need you to be normal, and normal means you pay your rent and your bills." He slid two more hundreds over the table along with a list. "I need you to go get these things for me."

Sean picked up the list and felt almost surprised at how normal the items were. Three more t-shirts, one light jacket, sun-screen, a Seahawks hat, another pair of jeans, and shoes. He smiled at the shoe-size notation beside the item.

While Sean was gone to pick up the items Max met with the two people he knew would be by. He filled them in on what happened. They were long gone by the time Sean returned. The afternoon was turning into evening when there came a loud rap on the front door.

When Sean answered the door to his horror he found it was Ester, his nosy and overweight next-door-neighbor. Before he could say anything she marched past him like an NFL linebacker.

"Who's here?" She yelled, stomping in the hallway toward the kitchen. "I heard'em talkin'!"

"What are you talking about Ester?" Sean said.

"You have a BOY over'ere," Ester said. She turned around and thumped Sean on the chest to emphasize the word 'boy'. "I seen'em come in and heard'em talkin'."

Sean panicked but when they reached the kitchen there wasn't a thing out of place. The bag of items was gone, the small black bag also gone. "See! No one." His voice didn't sound very confident, however.

Ester grunted and waddled her way towards his bedroom. "You got'em locked in your closet or somethin', you red-ringers can't be trusted." She looked around Sean's bedroom and found no trace. "I heard'em, I know I did. Him 'n two others talkin' while you were gone."

Sean was rather surprised at this information. But he followed her around his small apartment for the next five minutes until she saw it all. After he closed his front door and locked it tight a little voice behind him nearly made him scream.

"Nosy bitch," Max said.

"Yeah," Sean said in a near-whisper, "All she does is spy on neighbors." As they walked back to the kitchen Sean spotted the bag from the store. "Where'd you go anyway? And who did she hear?"

Max nodded, "I was hiding, and I had two people over while you were gone. Trying to find the group responsible for that horror show you found me in."

"So two strangers were over here without me knowing?" Sean said a little put-out.

"Sorry, I'm not sure how much you need to know at the moment." Max said.

"Why can't I know everything?"

"Because telling you everything means you either are in for life or you die." Max put it as bluntly as he could. Hoping, maybe, that the man would drop the subject.

Sean let out a low whistle and sat back in his chair. "I am in deep."

"Deeper if you want to know everything," Max said. Sean looked at Max seriously. Max could feel the affection from Sean and managed a smile. He wanted to tell the man the whole truth, however, to do so would endanger him.

"Would it mean I'd never see you again?" Sean asked finally.

"Quite the opposite," Max said, "It'd mean you'd never be rid of me." And the boy managed another smile as he wrote down some notes.

"Well I'd call that a win-win," Sean said and smiled back.

"Don't make the decision now, please, let's take it a day at a time," Max wasn't sure he wanted to condemn the man.

"I'm hungry," Sean decided a change of topic was best. "How about you?"

Max shook his head no and continued to write. Sean had noticed his script was elegant and not in English. He decided not to ask about it and instead went to the kitchen to make himself a sandwich. He clicked the TV on in his living room and tried to be normal for a change. As he sat in his chair he felt almost normal, his usual TV show and familiar chair felt cozy.

When he snorted himself awake he saw the time was close to 10. He saw Max sitting on his couch watching some political show. Max was dressed down to his briefs; Sean silently groaned to himself and stretched as he stood.

"You have class tomorrow?" the boy asked simply.

Sean nodded as he tossed his paper plate. "Math 424 at 9 and Poly Sci at 3."

"Can you call in sick to work?" Max asked.


"I er ... we need to be somewhere at 5."

"I am back by 4:30 anyway."

"Oh, that works."

For the second night in Sean's life he went to bed with a nearly naked boy snuggled up next to him, a boy he had neither groomed nor manipulated into that position. He wasn't sure if his life would turn out good or bad, but he knew he wouldn't trade Max for a million bucks.

---------------- *** ----------------

Chapter 3

When Sean woke Monday morning he found himself in the now familiar position of holding Max at one side. Soon enough he was off to class and his attempt at normalcy was not difficult. His math class was fairly easy for him and his time at work passed quickly. At 4 all his responsibilities were done and he walked to his truck only to find Max sitting in the back. The boy seemed to be putting on some sun-screen.

"How did you ..." Sean started asking.

"Took the bus," Max answered casually.

The pair climbed into the cab of the truck and Sean asked where they were headed.

"Juanita beach," Max answered, "In Kirkland."

"You couldn't take the bus to the beach?"

"I want you to be there," Max said simply adding, "With me."

For the next half hour neither spoke as Sean made his way to the small public beach. The day was turning out fairly nice, the sun was even poking through the clouds occasionally. The beach didn't have many visitors but the work day was just ending. Max seemed to be on a mission as he walked to a pair sitting in nice chairs. Each had a big hat on and sunglasses, as soon as Sean saw they were holding hands his emotions ran wild.

Were these Max's relatives? Was this the last time he would see the boy? Max had been very quiet about the purpose of the trip or who they were going to see but he had gone along wanting to know how the next chapter turned out.

The boy was soon facing the seated pair and he seemed so confident it was a little unnerving. Sean stood to the side a good pace away from Max. When his gaze met the pair seated his eyes widened. The man was young, seemingly not out of his teen years, and the woman, too. Both were strikingly beautiful. He could sense judgment being passed on him from these two figures but was so used to it he didn't think much of it. Though for some reason his red-ringed P tattoo itched.

"Maximilian, it is so nice to see you okay," The man said.

"And who have you brought?" The woman asked.

"This is my friend Sean, the man who saved my life two days ago." Max said.

Sean was still absorbing the full name "Maximilian" when the man held out his hand. Sean took it and tried to give a firm confident handshake. "Nice to meet you Sean."

Max turned toward Sean now and gestured to the seated guests. "This is Edward and his wife Isabella, they are friends of mine."

Sean gently grasped the woman's hand when she said, "It's Bella, only my mother calls me Isabella."

"Pleasure to meet friends of Max," Sean said. "Maximilian?" Sean asked to the boy next to him.

"Long story," Max replied.

"So, formalities out of the way, can we get into details now?" Edward asked.

"Please wait here," Max said to Sean as the other three figures walked around the dock.

Over the next half hour Max recited the goings-on inside the room of horrors. The pair didn't seem to react too much. When he got to the part about being rescued the conversation mercifully lightened.

Soon enough the story was told and now the obvious question came up, this time the woman asked, "But who were they?"

At this point Max took something out of his pocket. Sean saw it as it was being passed around. It was the lock he took off the cage. The lock was in a Ziploc bag. As the pair examined the evidence Max added, "The cage was made out of the same metal."

"Naturally, did they guess or did they know?" Edward asked.

"See the symbol?" Max asked. "I thought at first it was a guess. The symbol is a cross topped with a V."

"Volturi," Edward said. Bella seemed to stop breathing.

"From what I understand," Max said nodding, "They created a religion of sorts. And this is their symbol."

"Why though?" Bella asked.

Max shrugged, "Boredom? Power? What I experienced in that room was meant to break me. I understand they have many followers already."

Max continued, "You shook them bad. They know they can't come after you and remain untouched. So I think they're building up as much power as they can. They want me bad, they want the two of you really bad, and they want Alice more than anything."

"And if they can't have you they want to destroy you so you can't threaten them again."

"So what now?" Bella asked.

"Well, they never figured on you getting out of there," Edward said. "Thanks to Sean, we are forewarned."

The pair walked back to the man awkwardly standing by the chairs in the sand. Max walked up and took the man's hand in his. "Sean saved me, and may have saved you in the process. He deserves our thanks."

Sean smiled and squeezed the boy's hand. "I may be way over my head, but I wouldn't do anything differently. I guess I was lucky to find him."

Bella smiled up at the man, "I find luck has little to do with things."

"So, Max," Edward said, "are you going to keep Sean around?"

Max nodded and smiled up at the man. "Yeah, and who am I to turn my head on fate?"

After everyone exchanged pleasantries a meeting was set up for Thursday. The four walked to the parking lot and after Sean had the trucks engine started he noticed Edward and Bella were already driving away in a modest Volvo. Several minutes went by before Sean got the courage to speak.

"So... How much can I know?"

"Everything, if you want, but there'd be no going back," Max answered honestly.

"What would change?" Sean asked.

"Everything," Max answered.

Sean remained silent for the rest of the trip back to his apartment. He wasn't sure what to do. He loved having Max in his life, regardless of the danger, but change was hard for him to adjust to. By the sound of things the change he'd need to face was dramatic. He walked to his door almost on auto-pilot and as soon as his key unlocked it his neighbor's door flew open.

Ester waddled up to the pair and was just about to start yelling when Max cut her off. "Miss, would you please have some coffee with us?"

The rotund woman's beady eyes went from Sean to Max quickly. Without a word she walked into Sean's apartment. The man and boy walked in behind her and Sean mouthed a question to Max. The boy just smiled up at the man and winked. Sean got to work making the coffee and Max sat at the table opposite the woman. For five minutes all was quiet until Max spoke again.

"I understand you are concerned for my well-being?"

Ester didn't know how to talk to the boy; she had imagined Sean doing all the talking. "This man is a pervert boy. Lord knows what he's done to you already." She was proud of herself for keeping calm.

"Sean has done nothing to me," Max said and sat back in his chair.

"Yet!" Ester burst out. "He's a ringer you know! Don't cover up for him."

"Yes, a red-ringer no less," Max said.

The woman's eyes narrowed a little and she glanced at Sean, "I know! You poor child, you must be terrified."

"Of what?"

Sean brought out Ester's coffee and she actually drank some.

"Of what this perv wants you for! Of course!"

"Do you know what a pedophile is, Ester?" Max said.

"A guy who wants sex with kids," Ester seemed to be sweating heavier than normal. Sean wanted to protest the statement but Max beat him to it.

"Not at all, a pedophile is someone who wants a relationship with a kid. Sex can be a part of it, as it can in any relationship." Max smiled his million dollar smile at the woman.

"So if you know that why are you here?" Ester spat. "He's keeping you here by force then!"

"Not at all, I am here under my own choosing." Max then asked, "What if I want a relationship with him?"

"You're too young! No kid'd want that!"

"Some do. I do." Max said and smiled at Sean. "Sean helped me out of a terrible situation, was honest with me about his status, and has done nothing to make me doubt him."

Sean wasn't sure what to say or do, so he just sat in a vacant chair. His heart was beating very fast, betraying the calm he was trying to show. Ester could be serious trouble; she had the police on speed-dial.

Max went on, "By making trouble for Sean you make trouble for me. And I thought you wanted to help me."

"I do!" Ester said exasperated. This is not how she thought the night would go.

"Then leave us be," Max said softly. It seemed that hearing it from the boy's mouth made it sink in deeper than normal. His message was clear and Sean could think of no way to improve on it. He was now even more in awe of Max than usual. Hearing the boy talk gave the man goose-bumps. Ester took another sip of coffee and stood up.

"If you need anything..." She said.

"I shall knock on your door," Max answered. The woman turned and waddled down the hallway to the front door. In short order she was gone and Sean let out a huge sigh, he was shaking. Max took Esters coffee to the kitchen and dumped the contents into the sink. He then dumped the other coffee as well and washed up everything.

"That was...," Sean began, "Remarkable. It sounded almost rehearsed."

"Not my first time defusing a situation," Max said. Sean couldn't get over how old this kid sounded. How mature. He needed to decide soon whether to jump in totally or walk away. As he looked at Max he just couldn't picture himself walking away from this boy.

Max made his way to the living room and clicked on the TV. He settled on the couch watching the news. Sean's stomach growled and he began thinking of dinner. He asked Max if he was hungry and the boy surprisingly said no. So Sean made himself a PB sandwich and joined Max on the couch. Soon enough the pair was cuddled together with Sean's left arm around the boy's shoulders and his hand resting on the kid's stomach. Max was leaning into Sean; his own right hand resting on the man's left leg.

---------------- *** ----------------

Authors note:

As you might have already guessed this story is meant to be a continuation of the Twilight series. I felt the canon had left potential for more and felt a boy love plot would fit nicely. All original characters of Twilight are copyright Stephanie Meyer. I tried my best to remain faithful to her characters.

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Next: Chapter 2: Blue Moon 4

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