Blue Moon Series

By Not Important

Published on Jun 7, 2013


The usual disclaimers apply. This story is fictional, of course. This is my first submission. I attempted to create a full novel with a complete plot. I have over 12 chapters written so far and will post more if there is interest.

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Chapter 8

It was Friday morning when Sean woke up alone for the first time since meeting Max. For a split second he thought he had dreamed the entire thing. All his concern washed away when he found a note on his clothes. "Sean, went to hunt so we could go do something fun today. How about a movie?"

Sean found himself floating on air as he showered and dressed. Edward loaned him some clothing and soon his own breakfast was consumed. As Sean was drying the last dishes he dirtied when Max returned. The man could almost sense the boy sneaking up to him.

"How was the hunt?" Sean asked blindly.

"How'd you.." Max looked a little put-out. It had been centuries since anyone knew he was sneaking up on them.

Sean shrugged his shoulders, "My boy-sense was tingling." Max hugged the man's waist and laughed. When Sean looked into Max's face he smiled at the deep gold of the boy's eyes.

"So, movie?" Max asked.

"Sounds like a plan. What's playing at the Cinerama?"

"Uh, let me check," Max said and pulled out his phone. After fingering the device for a minute the boy added, "Looks like the new sci-fi movie at 3, 6, or 9."

"Sounds good, you up for it? We can walk around down-town, too. A day in the city." It was a little more assertive then Sean was used to lately, but he really was feeling compressed.

After Max quickly showered and dressed he grabbed some sunscreen they were about to leave when Edward stopped them. He handed Sean a set of keys. "Bella never drives it," Edward said with a smile, "Maybe you will appreciate it."

Sean recognized the symbol on the key and found he couldn't form words very well. "But... no I couldn't. I mean, jeeze, seriously?"

"Have fun," Edward said.

Max was all smiles as they went to the garage. Under a cloth sat the car belonging to the key in Sean's hand. It was a Ferrari F50. The pair buckled into the race-inspired bucket seats and when Sean started the engine it roared to life.

It didn't take long for Sean to find the highways to curvy for speed, when he was able to hit 100mph in third gear he knew the car was built for speed. The engine roared through the trees as the miles melted behind it. To Sean it was exhilarating. Max wished he could drive it, but was happy to enjoy the ride with his partner. In no time the pair was cruising down the interstate catching the eye of every driver. Sean made sure to drive carefully; the car was so powerful it could easily be crashed.

By the time the towering buildings of downtown Seattle loomed over them Max had applied his sunscreen. Sean found a decent parking structure and Max handed his partner a good wad of bills for their day on the town. Sean returned the money and said he still had the $3500 Max had given him. Then hand-in-hand the pair walked into the bustling city. Sean absorbed the noise, smell, and feel of the city. He felt safe with Max by his side.

They visited several museums and at lunch time Sean ate at a nice restaurant nestled into one of the skyscrapers. After browsing several stores the pair started their way to the Cinerama. Tickets for the 6 o'clock showing were purchased and they soon had their seats. They sat under the balcony and cuddled together for the movie. Max had seen many inventions over the years, but one of his favorites was still the movie. Amazingly neither he nor Max attempted anything sexual in the dark. Though they had enough privacy neither wanted to break the closeness they felt cuddled together. Though Sean did kiss Max's head a couple times they didn't even move until the credits rolled.

As they walked to the parking garage they discussed the movie. The sun had set so Max no longer needed sunscreen. Max mentioned his love of the invention and how it was able to show you worlds impossible. Sean was finding himself with a new perspective on the world. One out of time. To him movies were nothing new, but found his little partner's perspective enriching.

A noise came to them as they walked by an alleyway. Max tried to ignore it, but Sean couldn't ignore the sound. Someone was being hit, the dull thud was unmistakable. The man stopped and looked into the alley. The figures of three people were standing in a rough semi-circle over the body of someone on their stomach. A fourth figure seemed to be kicking the downed victim.

"Don't," Max said, "Don't get involved. Please."

"We have to," Sean said, glancing at the boy holding his hand, "to walk away would be ignoring the very humanity you say holds you to life."

"I don't want them to hurt you," Max said, gently squeezing the hand in his. He knew the man was right.

"So it's okay for them to hurt whomever they have on the ground?"

Max couldn't respond. So he turned into the alley. Sean, though nervous, knew Max wouldn't have any issue with the thugs. He wished he could teach the thugs a lesson, but knew that Max had to be the one to intervene.

The pair walked up to the group calmly, hand in hand. Sean saw now that the man on the ground was in his 50's with a graying head of hair. The figures of the group now appeared to be in their late teens, the oldest probably early twenties.

"Four on one? A bit one sided don't you think boys?" Sean said simply as they approached the group. The one dealing the damage quickly stopped and looked at the figures walking toward them.

"You shoulda just kept walkin' man. Don't think just cuz you got a kid with you we gunna step off." The leader said and popped a switchblade.

"A knife?" Sean said. "You see a man and boy and you have three cronies with you and you pull a knife?" Sean sighed. "That's just another nickel inside."

The man on the ground groaned and Sean was glad he wasn't dead. Max's sharp eyes looked the men up and down. In his years as a red-eye he met many thugs and all were as thick-headed as they were stupid.

The man made to put the blade away saying, "I don' need it on your pussy ass. The boy will be last. His balls will make good ear-rings."

Max let go of Sean's hand and took a step forward, toward the man. He felt a raw anger toward the thugs. His eyes saw perfectly in the dimly lit alley. "I think I'll go first," Max said to the man, "And you might want to keep that blade out."

The thug just laughed and clicked the blade open again.

Sean touched the boy's shoulder, "Just... don't kill them.." And he took a couple steps back.

"The little prick a karate expert or sumthin?" The leader thug chuckled.

"Or sumthin'" Max said calmly.

Amazingly all four dark figures moved toward the boy.

As gracefully as Sean had ever seen Max, the boy walked up to the leader, dodged a knife thrust and soon had the knife in his own hand. After crushing it he dropped the fragments and in a move so fast Sean couldn't see the man's elbow was bending the wrong way. Max quickly moved to the second man and bent one of his knees so far Sean winced at the whip-crack of breaking bone. Before the third had time to register what happened one of his wrists was crushed.

The fourth was hesitating, not knowing what he should do. He glanced at the figures of his fallen mates and looked at the boy with wide eyes. With another glance at his comrades he turned tail and ran. Max walked to the fallen leader and looked into his eyes. The man was in shock, his right arm limp.

"Should you decide to hurt another person, I will find you and I will have your balls for breakfast." Max said to the man. His boyish eyes piercing into the man's soul. They were almost glowing in the light, reflecting that golden hue that was both unnatural and breathtaking. "Now then, take yourself and your pals to a hospital, if you ever want to jack off with that arm again, you'll need a miracle."

The boy turned and took Sean's hand in his as they walked out of the alley, helping the figure on the ground reach the street. The man was also in shock, but was well dressed enough for the rescuing pair to figure he was a business man. By the time the trio reached the parking garage the man was well enough to find his way home or to a hospital. He was thankful for the rescue and after giving his business card he said to call if they needed anything.

Sean pocketed the card and was soon driving his Max to the Cullen home. The car was silent for the first half of the trip back. Sean figured Max was mad at him and asked the boy as much.

"No, not at all." Max said softly.

"Then why so somber?"

"Just reflecting," Max said cryptically.

"I know you didn't want to get involved, and you didn't want to hurt anyone. But maybe those idiots will think twice before hurting someone else." Sean said trying to probe the boy's thoughts.

"Oh, yes, they will try to be good, but it's just not in their nature." Max said simply.

"Ever the cynic?" Sean asked, "So people can't change?"

"Can you?" Max asked back.

"Touche," Sean said. "But to believe there's some good in everyone helps dull the sharp edges." He was not used to being called out like that. Especially by someone who looked so young. Max had a point, however. Sean couldn't change who he was but thought out loud, "People can choose who they want to be, you may have helped them make better choices."

"That's all we can hope for, I guess." Max said. "You choose me."

"No, you choose me." Sean said and grasped Max's tiny hand in his. The rest of the trip was quiet, save for directions to the home.

Once back, Sean carefully parked the exotic car and walked back into the house with Max's hand clenched firmly in his. Edward was in the living room and quickly picked up that something had happened. Max hastily calmed everyone's nerves. Carlisle still held the look of concern.

"You must be careful Sean," the man said as the group sat down. "Interfering in the lives of people can be dangerous."

"Says the doctor," Sean quipped.

"That's different," Carlisle said.

"I couldn't not help the man," Sean said. Then he added, "Well Max did the work." The boy was at his side, Sean's arm draped over the boy's shoulder. He gave the small figure a gentle squeeze.

Edward decided to change topic and soon the group was discussing the movie. As the conversation progressed to the science behind the fiction, Sean had a thought. Edward picked up on it but said nothing.

"Do you need to breath? Are you affected by water pressure?" Sean asked.

Carlisle answered, "No."

"How about space? What would happen if you were in a vacuum?"

"I'm not sure, exactly."

"Man, you could do wonders to advance science." Sean said.

"Howso?" Carlisle asked; his knowledge of science was dominated by medicine.

"Well the problem with space travel or deep sea travel is time and distance. Not to mention pressure. Anywhere we need life support is so expensive that it hinders our ability to explore." Sean said. "To be the first to set foot on Mars..."

"That would require a LOT of sunscreen," Max said. The room filled with laughter.

"To do so would require our secret be known by many," Carlisle added.

"Not really," Sean answered, his gears already turning. "Maybe three people in the chain would have to know. Can you hibernate? Without feeding?"

"It is possible," Carlisle said. "Difficult but possible."

"Well, it's just a thought," Sean said simply. He was tired and couldn't fight off a huge yawn. "Bed time for the human in the room I think."

When Sean stood he fished the Ferrari's keys out of his pocket and tossed them to Edward. "Thanks for the sweet ride, that car... man, I never thought I'd be able to drive something like that."

Edward tossed the keys back and said, "Keep them, it's about time for someone to enjoy it."

Sean looked at the keys in his hand and found himself speechless. "I couldn't possibly accept it."

"It's a family car, and you're part of the family," Edward smiled.

Sean thanked Edward, knowing he couldn't say no, so he walked to the bedroom with Max still hand-in-hand. After stripping down the pair crawled into bed and Sean quickly drifted off to sleep with Max spooned into him.

---------------- *** ----------------

Authors note:

As you might have already guessed this story is meant to be a continuation of the Twilight series. I felt the canon had left potential for more and felt a boy love plot would fit nicely. All original characters of Twilight are copyright Stephanie Meyer. I tried my best to remain faithful to her characters.

Feedback can be sent to blstories79 (at) gmail (dot) com

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Next: Chapter 7: Blue Moon 9

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