Bobby and Andy

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on Jul 3, 2012


Hello. This story is an extension of "Mr Wiseman" in the Gay Beginnings section. It is a story about me and Andy, how we met and a little of my life before we did. You may have to read "Mr Wiseman" to understand all, but no SWAT will cum round if you don't! (unless you want them too?)

Look guys, there maybe some of you who should not be here, because of your age or location that excludes you from reading this masterpiece and I have to tell you NOT to proceed beyond this point. Get out now unless........Oh well, as I say, you have been warned. It does contain gay sexual stuff between consenting adults. You must not copy any part, or use it in anyway without consulting me.

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BOBBY AND ANDY. That's us from "Mr Wiseman" story.

We were in bed and had just woken up and in our usual position, Andy laying on his left side and me behind him. After a few adjustments I was able to insert all 8.5 inches of my rock hard cock into him. Once there and my arms around his body we said "good morning" to each other. I kissed his head and told him I loved him for at least the millionth time since we had met, fell in love and consummated that love just a few hours after that first meeting.

"I love you Bobby." Andy said holding my bum and pulling me into him. "Love you too my sweetman." I slowly and gently moved out and then back, just a couple of inches and all the while bringing us closer to the inevitable goal when I would explode into him and he would follow soon afterwards, all over the towel that was permanently available to receive his ejaculation via my right hand. God I loved Andy so much, all 5.5 of him. I don't know of course, but I would think it's impossible for two people to love one another more than we do.

"I wish I didn't have to go to work today." Andy moaned.

"Me too sweet fuck, but you have tomorrow off and it's your turn on top and when you finish with me after two minutes i'm going to take you out. Got it already planned."

"Oh? What plan?" He asked. No mention of the two minute insult as we both knew it could last all day if we could only control the inevitable, which neither of us could.

"Non of your business right now, but I know you will like it and if you tried to guess what it is for the next 50 years, you would not get close." My 8.5 had returned to it's normal 7.5 and I withdrew from the love of my life. Well actually it flopped out as Andy had turned round to give me a good morning kiss. They tend to last sometime and often results in yet another full scale love making session that brings us even closer, if that was possible.

"Ok, let me try. Is it a six month cruise or maybe a fuck session with all the gay guys in Aldershot?"

"Don't EVER say six month cruise again you shit! How the fuck did you get it right first guess?"

"Because you know I don't have a clue. What is it then?"

"Just wait, all will be clear soon enough my child."

"Piss off you twat." Oh dear Andy when will you EVER learn?

For the next 10 minutes I "beat" him up with him screaming for me to stop as I tickled him almost the death. Christ it is so lovely when we do that, our naked bodies all over each other and the inevitable result was one of us inside the other. Not this time though, it was a work day, but being away from one another for those few hours only bought us closer and we knew that the evening was just beginning when he came home.

I kissed him goodbye as he went off and waved from the lounge window until he turned the corner. The same window and the same corner some months ago before he had the accident that nearly took his life.

I rang the Estate Agent to confirm the appointment for 12 noon tomorrow.

"Yes Mr Wiseman, I will be there waiting for you. Looking forward to meeting you both."

Ok, I have to go back a bit. When Andy was well enough to work after his accident he got a job with a gardener at a nursery that grew all sorts and supplied it's own shop as well as local shops, markets and restaurants with top class fruit, veg, flowers, plants shrubs, trees and all things salad. On his first day at work Andy fell in love with it and is now running the place four years later. When he first started the job he would come home and would chat away about all that he was doing and his love of gardening. It was then I thought that we should move to a house with a garden for him grow top class fruit, veg, flowers, plants and all things salad for us. I was passing an Estate Agents when in town and noticed the details of a small bungalow with loft a conversion about 2 miles out of town on the edge of the village. I went in and made an appointment for us to view on Saturday.

"An elderly gentleman is the present owner and is selling to move into a nursing home. The thing is he is very particular about who he sells to. He has already refused two offers. I'm just warning you that he will ask a few questions Bobby." The estate agent told me.

"No problem. We are a bit particular as well, well Andy is."

He came home full of the days work and telling me all about it. I would ask him all sorts of questions about his work because I was interested, not only because of the work, but because it was him doing it. His enthusiasm was lovely to see and not for the first time I thanked God it could have been so different, but I also would have liked him to ask about my day without me prompting him, but it did not happen. So I asked.

"Would you like to hear about my day Andy?"

"Well I guess you have been sitting down all day drawing?

Oh, I thought nice comment.

"I'm sorry I mentioned it. It was very selfish of me. Sorry. Your meal is ready when you want to eat." I was a bit pissed off and it showed.

We sat in silence and neither of us enjoyed the meal and as soon as I had finished I went back into my studio. I had work to finish, but I was not in the right frame of mind to carry on with art work. Instead I sent out a few emails that needed to be answered, including one from an agent representing one of the biggest names in English and world football. Andy of course did not know that, but then I would not have known about his work unless I asked.

Still a bit miffed with Andy I had a shower and went to bed. This had never happened before and Andy was at a loss when I went to bed.

He climbed in after his shower and cuddled up behind me.

"Bobby whats wrong?"

"I'll leave that to you to work out. Think about it." I turned round and kissed him goodnight. "I never want us to go to sleep without kissing goodnight. We are out tomorrow and will have to leave 11 30, so i'm going to sleep."

"OK." He said in a very quiet voice and I knew he was thinking about what the hell he had done wrong. I felt as guilty as hell, but he would have to work it out himself. Surprisingly I dropped off leaving Andy wide awake, poor thing.

I was awake at 7 and quietly got out of bed so as not to wake him. I looked at him as he lay there. He looked so bloody beautiful and I cussed myself for getting shitty with him. I bent over him and kissed his forehead.

An hour later he came into the kitchen and kissed me good morning and got his toast and coffee, but the worry was written all over his face. The post had arrived and I handed him a letter and began to open mine. Nothing was said about last night. I had four to open all from clients and all containing cheques which amounted to £1500, I shoved them over to Andy.

"Not bad for sitting down all day and drawing don't you think?" Andy looked at them and the penny dropped. "Andy I thought we were in a relationship and if we are isn't every thing 50/50? Give? Take? Support? Be interested in the other? When I ask you about your day it's because I want to know and I want to know because I love you. Don't answer just think and don't ask about my day ever it will only be because I've said all this."

"I'm sorry Bobby, but you know I did not mean to upset you. I would never want to do that, I guess I just was not thinking." I looked at him and saw all the worry in his face and then a penny dropped in my thick head as well.

"Oh fuck. Here's me lecturing you and i've just done the same thing, ignored you."


"We are going out to look at a bungalow to see if it will suit us. I have been thinking that you would like to have a garden and it is in a really good location, BUT I didn't even discuss it with you first, just went ahead with making an appointment. I'm sorry Andy, maybe I have learnt a lesson as well." He didn't say a thing, just got up and came and straddled my lap and there he stayed and kissed me for a very long time. He broke away.

"There, that's all i've got to say about it, now lets get out. It sounds a great idea and a garden would be fantstic."

We arrived in good time and Terry the Estate Agent introduced us to Mr Thompson the owner. He asked us in and dismissed Terry telling him he would take it from here. Mr Thompson was quite tall and even for his age, I guessed in his 80's, he looked fit and stood up straight. His manner and silver hair reminded me of a friend, David, I used to meet for sex sometime before I met Andy.

He showed us around and the more we saw the more we liked the place. But when we got outside into large garden Andy really got interested. Although it was somewhat over grown and obviously had not been worked on for at least two years, the potential was obvious to see. The icing on the cake was the enormous greenhouse that Andy got really excited about.

We talked it over whilst having a coffee and I got the impression he wanted us to buy the place. Price was going to be a problem and I asked if I could make an offer, £2000 below what he was asking. Without hesitation he agreed! No discussion, just agreed the new price. It all seemed too simple having been warned he could be a bit picky as to who he would sell to.

"I want you two to have it. Reggy and I lived here for 28 years until he died two and a half years ago and to be honest, it's empty without him and in any case I need to move and take my memories with me. As you are in a relationship, it will be lovely to think you will be living here and be as happy as Reggy and I were. I asked him how long they had been together.

"42 of the loveliest years two men could have Bobby." He drifted off in thought. "The moment I saw him I told myself he was my man! I had not long been out of the Air Force, I was a pilot with Transport Command and got a job with British European Airways I used to go to my pub Sundays if I was not flying for a couple of drinks and lunch. I always took my book with me and sat at my usual table right next to the door. One day I happened to look up as he came in and go to the bar. As he was waiting to be served he turned round and we looked at one another and that, as they say, was love at first sight. I never believed that could happen until that moment. We were so very happy and I wish you the same, you two look wonderful together and I hope you come to live here."

When we told him that was exactly how we met and in a pub as well he was even more sure about us moving in.

We went back home more than happy, but we needed to go through the finances first. There would be about a £30,000 or more mortgage to sort out. I had the flat valued some while ago and knew more or less what it would sell for. Andy kept my head buzzing with all his plans for the garden and the greenhouse in his usual enthusastic way.

"It will be lovely Bobby, that garden is massive and I can't wait to get started."

"We have to think about mortgage sweet man, £30,000, or what ever is not exactly peanuts."

"I'm sure something will come up Bobby." He put his hand on my leg and stroked it.

"Keep doing that and i'm sure something will." We both laughed and I drove on until we arrived back.

"Right Robert my lovely fuck rod, what do you think, can we afford the mortgage?" He was back on my lap with his arms around my neck kissing me.

"Dunno, we will have to go and find out, but I fancy like going back to bed and show you how sorry I am about yesterday and to show you how much I love you, but really it's because i'm as horny as fuck!"

"Don't you just know how to make a guy feel good? So bloody romantic. Oh well time for a clean out then!" With a kiss he was off to do what he needed too.

We laid naked on the bed with Andy underneith me locked together with our arms around each other and giving our mouths a work out. I moved us to a chair and got Andy to sit on my manhood and waited as he gradually fed the whole thing into him. Once there he sat still waiting for his narrow passage to get used to my invasion. It was as tight as you could get and it was turning us both on so much. Andy began to ride me and it was not long before we were both approaching the end at great speed. The sight of my beautiful man in front of me was getting me more and more worked up and him at the same time. With one last thrust into me we both shot off massive loads, mine filling him and his making a mess of my belly. We held on to one another for some time until I picked him up, still with me inside him and took us to bed. I turned him round and there we laid with my arms around Andy's body. How I loved lying like this, it was impossible to get any closer. He turned his head and we kissed and told one another how much in love we were.

"You know we have a 50/50 relationship Bobby?"

"Yeees?" I wondered what was coming next.

"When we get up i've got something to show you."

"Ok, but I don't want to get up yet, i'm too comfortable like this." Andy knew I was getting warmed up again as my cock started to swell inside him.

"I think I know whats coming and I also know the towel will be wet again soon." I brought my cock out to the head and slowly pushed the whole thing back into his bum, time and time again all the while bringing us both nearer a wonderful end. It came a few strokes later and as my cock exploded I pulled him into me with sheer passion. The towel received his own discharge and as he came he yelled out his love for me. Not long after and with me still inside him, we dropped off to sleep. (while we are sleeping I must point out that we do change the towel ok? If we didn't it would have to be snapped in half to get it in the washing machine!)

I woke and asked him if he was.

"Yep, still alive dispite you shooting me in the bum." Again he turned and we kissed.

"Time to shower my fuck machine." He said. We got up and spent sometime making sure we were as clean as it was possible to be then went to the kitchen, I got a bottle of wine and poured out two glasses. We took it into the lounge and settled down on the couch.

"How much did you say a mortgage will be? £30,000+?" He asked.

"Well working it out after I had this place valued, yes. Why?"

"Well, this may help a bit." He handed me the letter he had got that morning. "Open it." I did as I was told and took out a letter from his solicitor and a cheque. I stared at it!

"Bloody hell 80 grand? I assume the company's settlement for the accident. They must have taken responcibility for it then?"

"They did and my solicitor says I should take it, so my handsome, we have just bought the bunglelow out right!"

"That's great sweet heart, you have just bought yourself a greenhouse and the front door with that!" I ducked as he threw a punch at me. I threw one back which ended up in a full scale "fight" all over the floor, which ended up back in the bedroom with Andy pinned down and his cock stuck in my bum.

"Give in punk?" He looked so cute when he tried to act hard. I allowed him to force me on my back and after a lot of pumping he completed a full shoot inside me. Once again the towel came in handy.

Five weeks later Andy and I cuddled up together in the middle of the bedroom happy that the house was now finished. New kitchen, new bathroom and completely redecorated.

"You know Andy, if you had not kept molesting me we would have got this all done a week sooner?" Just about every time I was up the ladder he would climb up behind me and run his hands up my thighs under my shorts and either end up pulling my knob, fondeling my bum, but usually both. One time he got me so wound up it ended up him sucking my plummimg off while the real deal was down stairs fixing the shower. "And you didn't then? You forgot the time I suppose when I was bent over cleaning the brushes and you came up behind me, dropped my drawers and did my arse a favour?"

"As you say, a favour my sweetness and lets just agree we loved all of it. Lovely surprises for both of us." We went around our new home and stood in every room. It was perfect. We took our shorts off when we got to the bathroom and stepped inside and spent quite some time washing each other, but for once it did not end up in bed.

"Bobby, i'm going to take you out for dinner and you can take me to the Campbell aferwards, Ok?"

Summer had long gone and it was back to winter clothes. We got ready and sat waiting for the taxi I had ordered and had a glass of wine. We cuddled up together as I looked around the lounge. "I think Mr Thompson would like what we have done don't you think Andy?" He looked around as well. "I'm sure he would sweet cock, but one thing i'm really sure of we are going to be as happy as they were when they lived here." He turned and smiled at me with that look that was full of love. Not for the first time I thanked my luck in finding this wonderful man. I was going to ask him to marry me again at dinner. My thoughts went back to the time I first asked him and how excited he was. The next day he had an accident that nearly killed him and all this time I had thought it was because he was not consentrating at work that caused the accident and he fell and ended up in a coma. Until now, I did not want to ask again, but now is the right time. I turned to him and smiled, took his face between my hands and kissed his adorable lips.

The meal was lovely, but I have to say that I don't remember too much about it. We sat opposite each other, not saying much, just enjoying our own thoughts and by the smile on Andy's face he was having nice thoughts like mine.

"Andy, I need to ask you something." He looked at me and said. "Before you do take this, but don't open it until I tell you." He handed me an envelope. I took it and laid it on the table. I reached across the table and took his hand in mine. If anyone saw me do that I could not give a toss. "For the second time, may I ask you to marry me please, but this time don't go and have an accident tomorrow?" I had seen him smile just about all the time we had been together, but the one he gave me now was the brightest and widest of all. "Open the envelope please Bobby." There was a note, it said, "BOBBY YOU HAVE JUST ASKED ME TO MARRY YOU. The answer is on my face, look." I looked up and saw the most miserable, unhappy face I had ever seen, which broke instantly into a MASSIVE smile of all time. "That's a yes then?" I had to be sure didn't I?

"Of course Bobby. I have never been more sure since you first asked me." He had to complain though, it would not be Andy if he didn't. "Took your time didn't you? As you can see I knew you would ask me again." I looked at him and, once again, pennies were dropping. "Hang on one frigging moment. When did you write that?" He looked at me with the innocence of the devil himself, he coughed and mummble something that I did not hear and smiled the smile he hoped would detract me from digging further. "You wrote that ages ago didn't you and been carrying it around with you all the time?"

Yes he had been carrying it around for weeks waiting for me to ask him to marry me since he was given the all clear from Doctor Peter. He just thought he would be smart and appear to have second guessed me. WHAT a prat and what a most gorgeous, lovable, handsome, wonderful prat he was.

We didn't need to say any more, just enjoy being who we were. Smiling and laughing was all that either of us wanted. Apart from shagging of course, but that would not go down too well in any resturant I guess.

We did not go to the pub afterall. The taxi took us home, our home. We walked up the path to Andy's front door and I waited for him to open it. It only took seconds as by now winter was with us and we needed to get indoors quick. As soon as we got into the warmth of our new home we took off our out door stuff and went to the lounge. Still fully dressed we settled down to an evening of domestic bliss. Me on the settee and Andy in front between my legs resting against my chest. As soon as we were comfortable I wrapped my arms around him with my head against his. Just shifting slightly we were able to meet mouth to mouth and that was us for a very long time and i'm sorry, you will just have to let us get on with it.

Hope to see you in the next chapter. is my address if you want to write, but do remember it's just a bit of fun and don't take it too seriously. Best wishes Bobby. And me, Andy

Next: Chapter 2

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