Bobby and Andy

By Robert Goater / winchesterbornbred

Published on Jul 15, 2012


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We had made fantastic love last night, but I was still awake an hour before the alarm was due to go off. I was in the usual position behind Andy with both arms round him and a stiffening cock stuck on his bum.

"Don't even think about it big boy." That of course was boss man, the reason for my very existence. Not that I would tell him that, so don't you ok?

"I wanna fuck you and as we have a 50/50 relationship my part is to give you my cock and your part is to give me your arse."

"Ok, but remember we had loads of food at David and Carl's yesterday and I just know some of it is ready to come out. At least we don't need lube."

"Mmmmm, maybe not just yet then." I reluctantly agreed.

He turned with a huge smile on his handsome face.

"Thought that would put you off, still I can go and clean up if you want me too." He kissed me and put his arms around my neck.

"No sweet meat, there is much more we can do. I slept well, did you?"

"Yep, like a babe." How the hell I did not take him up on his offer to douche I have no idea, but the 69 we got involved in was, as always, bloody wonderful. We swallowed each others offerings, turned back and kissed until the alarm went off.

I walked down to the bus stop with him and saw him off to work. I had some stuff to send off and went to the post office. When I got back home I made coffee and read through the paper, then up to the studio to start work after reading emails. I had several, but the most interesting came from the Football Association office asking me to contact them regarding work they were interested in me doing and the Olympic Committee asking the same. As it turned out both wanted huge murals of past sports men and women in their respective Headquarters to be located in the entrances of their offices in London. I replied to both that I would indeed be interested and for them to call and make appointments for me to go and discuss. As soon as I sent my replies I went on line to search for all footballers and athletes who would possibly be part of the murals. If I was asked to meet it would be good to have some knowledge of who I maybe asked to draw.

I worked till 1pm and then took a break and had something to eat in the kitchen at the table were last night I had made love to Andy. I smiled at the thought then picked up David's menu's and scanned through them. Sod it, i'm going to the super market and get stuff to cook for tonight. I picked out what I thought was the easiest and off I went.

I shopped for all I needed and quite a few more bits that we were out of and then went back home. Putting all the stuff out on the fuck table I scratched my head and called David!

Bless him he took me all through the process and said he would try and get away if I was in difficulty, but assured him I would be fine. I worked and worried and just prayed it would turn out to be edible.

Andy came home on time and in our normal way said hello to each other, only this time I had my mind on the cooker which he noticed and asked me what was wrong.

"Nothing, go and shower, dinner is nearly ready." I slapped his ass in the general direction of the bathroom and scuttled back into the kitchen.

"Bloody hell that was nice, has David been here?" Andy gave the ultimate compliment and belched his approval.

"No he hasn't, it's all my own work, but I did ring him to advice me and he did say he would come round if I got stuck. So, you liked it then?" I looked at Andy knowing full well he would come back with some daft shit.

"It was a little under cooked and I think the texture of the chicken was slightly putrid. However, the sauce was adequate although slightly too spicy for my taste, but I expect you will learn in due course. The rice was passable, but you should try different types as we don't.............." He ran like fuck out of there up to the bedroom were I caught up with him and gave him a good working over except I could not stop him laughing and finally had to strip him off and take him into the shower where an hour later we both came out both satisfied that we had each won what ever it was we wanted to win. We laid on the bed cuddled up still giggling and kissing.

"I will be honest." He said still with a massive grin on his face. "I actually really liked that very much. Honest."

"Why couldn't you say that in the first place you pillock?"

"Because I wanted this, you pillock." The phone rang and I guessed right when David said "Hi." Andy kept laughing as I told David what the meal was like and the comments afterwards and also what happened as a result of them.

"Look Bobby if the chicken does that to Andy wait till you get to the lobster it has a great effect on the sex life. I cooked it for Carl once when we were on holiday in France and never got out of bed and nearly missed the boat back home. It was fucking awesome, but he wont let me cook it again. Mind you we don't have to really!"

I thanked David and said we were looking forward to seeing them Thursday and meeting Joe.

"What did he say then?" Asked my love.

"He said you will love the lobster and I can cook it tomorrow if you would like?"

"Oh great. Look forward to it chef."

So do I my dearest, so do I.

As it turned out I could not find lobster, so I did burgers and chips instead and believe it or not it had the same effect!

Another Joe came round on Wednesday, but this one was Andy's boss who wanted to see the garden and advised Andy on the greenhouse and garden. They came indoors and Joe was really impressed with all that Andy had done.

"The garden has had some good work on it in the past and all you have to do is keep up with it and if you do all that we talked about Andy, in a couple of years I will be taking advice from you. This soil is just about good for anything you want to grow and when you get the trees cut back and trim the bushes you are going to get so much more light out there. You should think about extending the growing space and you guys will have more fruit and veg than you can eat, but then you can always sell it on to the shop in the village. I lived here years ago and this place has stayed in the 19th century and people can still make a living from growing their own, be it garden produce or eggs and chickens. I miss this place, but I had to go commercial to make a business. It reminds me of when I was a kid and all we had to eat is what we grew ourselves. Pity we could not get back to those days."

"What did you think about what Joe said? I could grow enough for the whole year if we freeze some of it."

"You grow it, I will cook it Andy."

"Oh fuck. What a waste."

Another "fight", this time in the lounge which Andy won as I screamed out begging him to let my arm pits alone. He is such a cheat.

Thursday was upon us and as Andy had the day off, I did as well, but I did tell him I had to go to London to meet people at the Football Association to discuss the mural they were thinking about next week.

"Does that mean you will have to stay up there?" Andy asked.

"If I take it on I will commute. So don't worry dear heart. I won't let myself get into any trouble in Soho." I kissed him and let him fuck me.

David called to say that Joe had arrived and would we like to come over for dinner at about 7?

"Shall I bring lobster?" He laughed and said no. "I have a leg of lamb, Joe's favorite. Just bring Andy and his knitting."

Joe was great, a lovely guy and from the start Andy and I got on fine with him.. It was obvious he still had a problem with his back and I wondered if going back to work next week was not too soon.

"I have to get back, there is so much work on and I hate being off anyway. I can handle the electrical stuff, it's just climbing ladders to get to it. I will be fine, many others have more problems than me."

He was 5ft 7 and had a good athletic build. He and David played a lot of football during their time in the RAF and Joe was still playing. He was good looking and seemed to have a nice personality.

"Joe have you had massage treatment for your back?" I asked.

"No, but I was told I should. Why you want to give me one?" We all laughed at that, but it made me think.

"I have a friend who is a qualified masseur and does a lot of work with local sports people. I could give him a ring if you want, i'm sure he would like to get his hands on you." Everyone was looking at me and waiting for Joe's answer.

"Who's that then?" He asked.

"A guy at the gym in town. Apparently he is very good. If you want I could give him a ring. Andy of course knew I was not just thinking about the massage. He was aware that Andrew would give a lot more than just that given half the chance.

"Ok thanks. It may help me get back to work next week."

He would also be getting a massage from one of the most drop dead gorgeous guys alive I thought. I went off to try to talk to Andrew.

"Hi Andrew, it's Bobby."

"Bloody hell, you are single and want me back, right?"

"No you daft sod, but you can do me a favour. Besides you are with Peter aren't you?"

"No, long story. I guess i'm shit at relationships. Anyway what can I do?"

I told him as much as I could about Joe and thought he could help him with a massage.

"Is he gay?"

"We don't know, but his friends think he maybe. That could be another thing you might like to find out." We both laughed at that and he assured me he would try. He was off in two hours and arranged for me to take Joe to the gym then.

"I will call you back if he is not interested, but if I don't we will be there at six.

I told Joe and he agreed it would be worth a try.

"Don't think I had better drink anymore then, don't want to go pissed."

We arrived in good time and I introduced them and got the impression both liked what they saw, or was it wishful thinking?

Andrew looked amazing with his natural good looks and a body to die for. I left them to it and said I would pick Joe up when he called. Back at the resturant we all wondered how the massage was going.

After an hour my phone rang. It was Andrew telling me he would drop Joe off.

"Hows it going?"

"Mind your own business, but I really don't think he will be ready for work on Monday and i've told him that. It's up to him what he does, but he can come back here any time." Andrew laughed and rang off.

I told the guys and we wondered what that ment.

"We will have to wait for Joe to tell us." Andy said. "Come on gay boys another drink, it's Bobby's round."

Joe came in and sat down. We all looked at him wondering what he would say. We didn,t have to wait long.

"Christ that was good, never felt better. Andrew certainly knows what he's doing. I'm going to have three more sessions and i'm sure I will be fine to work next week, about Wednesday I should think." I looked at David who just shrugged as if to say we would have to wait and see if there is anything other than just massage. There was nothing on Joe's face that gave anything away so we left it like that.

Once again David got a meal for us, but not long afterwards Andy and I were ready to go home.

"See you guys Satarday. I have a fantastic meal planned for you, but it may not be the first time a plan goes tit's up. Just make sure your life insurance is up to date."

"Oh it will be fine." Andy said. "I have every confidence in you. Have we got life insurance then?"


He asked me on the way home in the taxi if I thought Joe wanted more massages because he fancied Andrew. "Only time will tell, but he has given himself more time with David and Carl. He was supposed to go home on Sunday I think, so my guess is he does like Andrew and has said he is going to have more sessions. We just have to see my dear."

The driver butted in. "If you guys want a session with me when I get you home, I wont charge you for the hire."

"No thanks Jimmy. Bobby can't keep up with me let alone a third, but thanks for the offer." Andy was all humour. Jimmy shugged his shoulders and told us he was charging double.

Andy opened his front door and as soon as we shut it we both heard a dog barking in the back garden. "How the hell did a dog get there?" I said. We went out and were taken back when we saw a black labrador tied up to a post. "Who the fuck put that here?" I said and was very angry.

"Oh look at him, he is so scared." Andy walked towards the dog holding his hand out.

"He will have it off Andy, just leave him and I will call the RSPCA. Who ever left it here needs a slap."

"He will be fine Bobby, don't call lets see if he likes us."

"WHAT? NO WAY. It's been dumped here and I don't want it or any other dog. I've got you and thats more than enough to coup with."

"Ha fucking ha, very funny." Andy got to the dog and the mutt was all over him. Andy was convinced it was because the dog knew straight away he was such a nice guy and would look after him.

"Andy, we need to call the RSPCA. He can't stay here. We, I, don't want a dog. I'm going to ring them." I phoned and was told by recorded message the office was closed until Monday! I didn't even think to call a dog rescue center!

"We will have to go out and get some food for him and by the smell of him a shampoo as well." I looked at Andy and gave in, but told him it was up to him. I would have nothing to do with it.

We went out leaving the dog howling in the garden and drove into town to get a few things. Yeah right. We came back loaded and when we did, mutt welcomed Andy as though they had been together for years. All I said was that the dog had to stay outside and went to my studio to do some emailing. I could not consentrate as all I could hear was Andy talking to the frigging dog telling it that I was a nice guy really and not to worry and promising it he would be safe with him.

"No fucking way Andy. That thing is going as soon as possible." I said to myself.

To cut a very long story short I will tell you what you have already guessed. Mutt became the third member of our household, but not before quite a lot of disruption to that very household. Andy was delighted when I agreed he could stay, not that I had much choice to be honest. Andy had a way of winding me round his little finger.

"Ok, we keep the dog, but I name it. Deal?"

"I don't trust you. You will call him something really stupid."


"Ok, but I know I wont like it. Ok, surprise me Mr Bloody Wiseman?"

"Fuck off."

"Don't tell me to fuck off you prick."

"No Andy, thats it's name."

To be honest Andy did not loose his temper as much as I thought he would, but told me in no uncertain manner that he would sew his ass up if I did not come up with a proper name.


"BESS! Thats a girls name!"

"Yes my little dog lover, your "him" is a "her." Check.

"Oh shit your right. Fancy me not seeing that. Ok, hello lovely Bess, my black beauty!"


It did take some time for Bess to get the hang of our family life, like staying down stairs while we were otherwise engaged upstairs. I was on top of Andy one time and enjoying his bum when I looked up and Bess was sitting at the foot of the bed with her head on one side wondering if I was attacking her Andy. My dick flopped out and told him to get her downstairs, NOW.

She also had to learn that Andy and I being naked on the couch watching tv was not an invite for her to join us.

I banned her from getting on the furniture, so Andy sneaked in her her own arm chair and there she stayed keeping an eye on our activities. Still, she learnt quick because when we got a bit worked up and started fooling around, she would let out a sigh and bugger off to her bed under the stairs.

Our play fights took on a whole new meaning as Bess would join in and always on Andy's side, but soon realised I was not in fact trying to kill him, although the thought often crossed my mind.

She hated her life ban from the kitchen area after she scoffed down my first effort at baking a sponge. Ok it was crap and I was going to bin it anyway, but she had to learn. Andy of course took her side and told me off for trying to poison her!

Training her to stay down stairs in her basket when we went to bed was surprisingly not difficult. She would keep coming up until one night Andy took his socks down and put them in her basket. It worked and Andy was chuffed to bits that she found comfort with his scent. I got a kick for saying that I thought she had in fact passed out.

She worked out very quickly our daily routine. At first she got quite upset when he left in the mornings, but very much enjoyed me taking her out on my runs. She would run beside me on the lead through the village and then was able to do her doggy things when I let her off when we got to the countryside. It certainly kept her fit and did our relationship no harm either. But the most incredible thing was Andy coming home. Now he did not have a regular time of leaving work, but it would be between 5 and 6 30, depending on how much he had left to do. Bess, like a lot of dogs, seemed to have a sixth sence as she would only go to the front door to wait the half hour which took him to get home, regardless of the time he in fact left.

Of course she knew exactly when he got off the bus even though it was a couple of hundred yards from home and whinned until I let her out and she was all over him as soon as he opened the gate. I always came second now when it came to hugs and kisses. Still, I loved to see them together and felt very secure on the occasions I was away from home visiting clients knowing he had company and feeling she would protect him. (I also knew bloody well he would let her sleep with him if I was away over night. He of course denied it but had no answer when I pointed out the dog hairs on his side of the bed. Andy obviously moved to my side and Bess on his!)

So, Bess coming into our lives made us even more happy, if that was possible. We never found out who had left her tied up, but just in case it was you, thanks very much.

Satarday came and I was in a constant panic about cooking dinner for 7 o'clock that evening. Andy had to work which was just as well because it only left Bess to witness my bad temper when things seemed to go wrong. I talked to David a lot and in the end he advised me to give some to Bess, "and if she keels over we wont come!" He was pissing himself.

"Thanks fuck wit, your a great help."

I had the table laid and the wine in the cooler long before Andy came home. I think I must have looked at the clock a thousand times trying to calculate the timing for when to start cooking. I was really tensed up and it showed. Even though at that time Bess had only been with us three days, she learnt it was best to stay in her basket and let me get on with what ever I was doing. She was more than happy when my dear Andy came home. He could feel the atmosphere was somewhat tense and he too kept out of my way and went for a shower with Bess sitting outside the bathroom waiting for him to come out.

The boys turned up bang on time bringing more wine which was just as well because by then I had almost finished one of our bottles. It was only when they arrived I was more relaxed as I knew David was there to give me a hand. He did and as it turned out it was indeed a nice meal, but more important, a great evening with great company. This was my first effort in entertaining and it would not be the last either. I loved it as did all of them.

"I cant wait to do this when Colin and Gary come back. You will have to come again as well Joe. How's the back by the way?"

"It's so much better. Andrew is doing a great job and i'm going to have three more sessions and go back home Wednesday ready for work Thursday. Yeah I would love to come back Bobby, that was a great meal, thanks." I beamed at him and the others as the compliments flew. Even Andy said nice things and actually was not taking the piss either. I would show him how much I liked what he said later.

Then to top off the whole evening Joe came out to us and as he spoke the whole room was silent taking in every word.

"Look guys I need to say something and I bloody well know you have all wondered about me and I know Bobby you set me up by introducing me to Andrew. Well, the first thing to say is, yes I am gay and if I had any doubts it all become clear since, well do I have to tell you? You will now know Andrew and I have got involved and we are going to see quite a lot of each other and take things slowly and see where it goes. Neither of us are in a hurry and in any case it's too soon to go beyond the next date, but guys, you are going to see a lot more of me and Andrew. I'm going to stay with him next weekend and more if it works out. Now pass the bottle, i'm shaking like a leaf!"

We all got out of our chairs and went to Joe and hugged him. I had a smug look on my face which Andy picked up straight away. "Ok ok Bobby, but any of us could have done that, but i'm glad you did. Hope it works for you both Joe."

"Thanks guys, you don't know how much I have been shitting myself about telling you. Christ coming out is not easy, even to friends is it?"

What a night that was. David ended up calling the taxi and putting the pick up time back a couple of hours and then finally cancelling it when I suggested they slept here and I would take them back tomorrow. It ment David and Carl sleeping in the spare room and Joe on the couch. It also ment Andy and I would have to behave, but only to the extent we could not make the usual noise when we did stuff! Bess of course thought it was all for her and went from one to the other for attention and of course got lots of it.

We all got to bed at around 2am after handing out towels and finding something for Joe to sleep under. Andy and I went up to our shower room and after Andy had given Bess another pair of socks to keep her in her bed, we climbed in ours and began to fiddle. Andy laid on his back with me on my side, my left arm around his neck stroking his hair and my right hand wrapped round his dick. He did likewise and together we just played and took one another up the hill towards the inevitable end. We each got there together and with our mouths joined, we came in bucket loads. It was the quietest we ever did it!

"I hope it works for them Bobby." Andy said, but before I could reply he was asleep bless him. I on the other hand had a few moments thinking about Joe and Andrew and knew that the sex must have been awesome. Dispite my love for Andy I could never forget those amazing times I had had with Andrew for those two weeks before I met my boy. I looked down at his beautiful sleeping face and kissed his forehead. Having sex with Andrew was one thing. Having Andy as my partner could never be matched by anyone eles. Love and life is like that and my love for him was total and could never be equalled. With that happy thought and Andy in my arms, I too fell asleep. if you want to write. Best wishes Bobby and me, Andy

Next: Chapter 9

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