Boston Randy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Mar 16, 2021


The capture of the two new "right pockets" was a morale booster to the whole rustler crew. The changes in temperature, the shorter days, all made it clear that their time together this year, was limited. They wouldn't see each other for about 5 months, maybe longer. No one discussed it, but everyone felt it, even Cory. randy watched him hold every member's hand a little longer when he shook it, dinners went on a quarter hour longer than they had, there were more dancers, and randy got asked to read, more and more. He had used up their small stash of books, and while the Bible was always popular, he had no more stories to read to the crew. "Sir, can I suggest something? I read books back home that we don't have here, but I remember the stories. Would it be ok if we did story hour instead of a reading hour?" Cory threw his arm around randy's neck. "Well listen to you with your ideas, little fucker. Heh heh." He rubbed his knuckle on randy's forehead. "Any of those stories dirty ones? Like stories about rustlers getting themselves some boys and fucking them until they can't walk anymore?" He grinned at randy. "Uh, no Sir," randy blushed. "I don't know any of those." "SURE YA DO, HANDSOME. YA KNOW OUR STORY. " He grabbed randy and hugged him tight. "But you ain't telling that story to NO ONE." "No Sir. But I got one that goes on for a long, long time, and I think the guys will like it. " "Well, let's try it. You'll know by the end of the first night." When they sat around the fire that night, randy began telling them the story of the 1001 arabian nights. The first story was about the sultan finding his wife screwing the black slave with the huge penis. It was a BIG hit. One of the rustlers was black - Travis - and he got all kinds of shit for whether he was as big as the slave or not? Travis, who DID have a bigger penis than most of the guys in camp, smiled. "Nah, couldn't compete with that, and I'll tell you. If I had been the Sultan and saw something like that, I might say 'me next' instead of killing him." "WOOP. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" randy's story was a hit, that was for sure. Wrapped up with Cory that night, Cory whispered in his ear. "So, this story is about a guy who takes a different girl to bed each night, kills her in the morning and moves on." " begins that way Sir. Until he meets a princess named Scherezade. Then she tells him a different story every night, and saves her life." "MMMM." He nibbled on randy's ear. "Now I feel like a sultan, who's got a cowboy's Scherezade." randy pushed in just a little more. Cory had a very odd way of being romantic, but randy had learned when he was. Cory reached around and began playing with randy's hair. "Too cold to expose your ass tonight, boy?" "It's YOUR ass Sir. You decide whether it's exposed or night." "Ha ha. Like there's any question. " randy felt the buckle on his jeans open, and then the jeans come down. Cory opened the buttons on his long underwear, and began to rotate his finger in a circle, right at the center of randy's split, right about his hole. randy could feel the wind, but the heat where Cory was fingering him was intense. It was a spot that always got him even hornier, and Cory knew it. "You my boy, randy?" "Yes sir. Absolutely. I belong to you..." He pushed his butt up and then gasped. "SORRY SIR. I didn't have permission. I'll lay back down. "NOPE. Do no such thing. No punishment... THIS time." randy heard the shot of spit to his hole and then Cory's finger pushing the liquid in deep. Then he braced himself. Cory was rough on entrance, and then he was smooth. No exceptions this time. "You feel so good Sir." "So do you, sweetpea. GOD, you make this shitty life so much better." He began sliding his cock in and out of randy. "You gonna take part in tomorrow's initiation?" randy winced. "Of the two new right pockets Sir?" "That's right. Ain't no way you're pairing up with them, but you may as well get a blow job when you can. At least that's my philosophy." "Would you like a blow job Sir?" "Nah, not right now. Right now... " He thrust fast and got a "YOWTCH" from randy, which he ignored. "Right now, I am doin' just fine." randy could tell that he was. Cory had pushed him back down on the ground, and he couldn't get to his cock, because Cory held him down so tightly. It was ok. Cory was happy. That was important. When Cory smacked his ass, randy knew it meant he wanted him to push back. When he growled, he knew it was the signal to say something like. "GOD my man does me SO GOOD. DO ME HARDER SIR." When he heard Cory whinny like one of the mares being taken by a stallion, he knew he was close. And Cory was whinnying now. randy tried not to laugh: he whinnied the way Ms. Minnie did when that stallion Blackjack took her. She was probably gonna give birth when they were all together again, but.... as Cory yelled his ejaculation yahoo, randy knew there was no risk of that for him. "I got my own fucking Scherezade laying next to me. My cowboy story teller." Cory fell asleep, and his snores were loud. randy had learned that when those snores were loud, nothing could wake Cory. It was time for him to take care of his own hard on.

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The next day, after breakfast, and washing up in the nearby creek where the water was getting colder and colder, it was "initiation time." The two new back pockets, who were named Caleb and Joshua, were told what they had to do. Caleb had more spirit. He had never heard of this.

"FUCK IT. I ain't sucking 24 goddamn smelly rustlers." Cory just came forward, and unholstered his gun. "Well, a few things, girlie boy. First, it's only gonna be 22, because I'm pretty happy with my boy, and I don't want him to get used to having his cock in a man's mouth. Second, you can decide not to, that's fine.

Then we'll let you go, and you can try to find your own troop again, or you may cross paths with Will's men." He laughed as he clapped his hand on randy's neck. "I know he's looking for a personal back pocket boy, and his branding iron is nice and hot. So it's up to you. " Joshua whispered to him "Caleb, it's ok. It's nothing we haven't done already. Look. I'll go first." Joshua got down on his knees and he took every single one of the guys. Some of them were brutal, some were kind, and only a few actually shot down his throat. Even Cooky took a try. When it was all over, Cory moved to the center of the group. "Ok fellas. Normally, we'd ride a few months before we had decision making time, but since winter's coming up: who's gonna bundle with Joshua? " There were actually three guys who showed interest. Travis had the most seniority, so Joshua got handed off to him. He smiled as he came up to his new top man. He had actually taken a shine to Travis when he saw him. Joshua had lived an interesting life, and had much more experience than the younger Caleb. Caleb was probably even younger than randy. "Gonna make you the happiest boy on the plains, joshy" Travis laughed. "Let's go off and have a chat." "yes sir." Joshua knew his place.

The next day, they repeated the process for Caleb. randy tried to be a sneak about it, because he was feeling like he could be jealous of this boy: he new Cory liked YOUNG men, and Caleb was younger than him. "Now what's my fucking Arabian princess worried about." randy felt Cory's arms encircle him and felt his hot coffee breath on his ear sir. "Oh hi Sir. Really... really nothing." Cory pulled him closer. "GOOD. Because you ain't got a shit to worry about. Yeah, he's young and pretty, but I KNOW he ain't as interesting as you. You're my boy, randy. I ain't taking that buckle away." randy smiled. "You missed two opportunities for blow jobs Sir. You want one that'd be better than both of them combined. "HEH HEH. Now THAT's my boy. Let's go take a trip away from the wagon. We'll tell em we're hunting rabbits or something. They won't believe us, but... who cares? randy smiled. "I get it Sir." He put his hands behind him as he walked with Cory. He felt almost like strutting: the TOP GUY of the group wanted him. He wasn't used to that. "Now, randy boy, later this week we're probably gonna be pulling into town to load up on supplies for the trail back home for the winter. So start thinking about what you NEED, not what you WANT. The house is big enough for two, but just barely. " He grinned as he stood in front of randy, as randy knelt and opened Cory's black pants. "You better remember everything you learned from Cooky too. kitchen is the boy's place." Cooky had warned him about this, so randy had been watching and learning all summer long. He'd be ready on that front. As he took Cory's thick cock in his mouth, he remembered the first lesson: the coffee pot got hot TOP to BOTTOM. He had gotten a good scorching for that; four days of gauze and bear grease before his hand functioned again. That was the first time he got a sense that Cory was keeping him. They had a guy who was the "medic" for the band. He took care of just about every injury. Cory took care of this one himself. He changed randy's dressings, rubbed the grease into the wound gently and carefully, and pretty much excused randy from any kind of sexual activity until randy felt better - and he didn't go and use Jackson, or anything else. As randy slid his mouth down on Cory's cock, he remembered that. The guys back in Boston had smelled better, been cleaner, and had read more books. None of them had taken as good care of him as Cory did. It seemed that watching the two initiations, and over 40 blow jobs, had pulled Cory's trigger. A blowjob usually took much longer than it did today, and as randy was swallowing the last of Cory's jizz, Cory spoke gently. "Know what, babe? I said think of what you NEED, but you can pick one thing you WANT. Let me see what it is. Living with me for months can be hard. DAMN it IS hard. I know because I do it all the time, HA HA HA. But seriously, you need something to keep yourself happy. "What about you Sir? " Cory smiled. "Oh, I have a few things. Most of all, I got this cute boy I found in a barn." He grinned and randy blushed. "Looking at him makes me smile, ya see, and then I'm all happy inside. But beyond that..." he reached into his pocket and pulled out his knife. "You guys have seen me split a snake, and slice up a steak with this, but on the other end of it.... is this set of whittlin' tools. I used it to make... this.." He pulled a wooden harmonica out of another pocket and began to play. "THAT'S YOU SIR? I ... I would hear that in the morning when I helped Cooky. I went looking for who played it, and never found you." Cory laughed. "EEYUP. I'm a sneaky one. You never know where you'll find me." randy could vouch for that. When they played the hunt and pursuit game, he never saw Cory until it was too late, and he was tied up and over Cory's shoulder. "I may be out of line Sir, but... why don't you play for the guys?" Cory smiled, and looked abashed. "You know how everyone has their secrets randy boy ? I bet there's someone in your head who, no matter how good I am to you, ain't ever leaving." "How did this man get so smart?" randy thought. It was true. Chad. Oh, CHAD! If they hadn't been found out.... "Well anyhew, kid, for me, there ain't no secret PERSON, but there's a secret THING: music. One day I'll buy a REAL harmonica but, for now.. this is good enough. " randy looked at him with his big eyes. "You'll play for me this winter, Sir" Cory just smiled. "Right pockets don't give orders boy. I didn't hear a question. I heard an order." randy smiled. "I guess I'll just have to be punished, because I'm not apologizing." Now Cory smiled. "GET OVER HERE YOU LITTLE FUCKER." As he hugged randy, he whispered. "Now what's your favorite song?" "Oh, I don't know Sir. I'd have to think." "You do that. I think I know though."

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The rustler's visit to the closest town was cause for a celebration. Whatever illegalities Cory's band did to cowboys, they were gentlemen in the town. Cory made sure of that. There were pretty girls who came out to meet them, and one young, sweet looking girl spotted randy right away . "HEY. You're new to the band. I'm Julie. What's your name." randy found himself tongue tied and fought for words. Then he heard Cory's deep voice. "Julie! Nice to see you. This is my boy randy. How's your mom." Julie stopped looking at randy immediately and looked at Cory with a look somewhere between love, lust, and worship. "Oh, Mr. Cory. Just lookin at you makes me blush. Momma is in the bookstore. We don't sell too many, but she always says that next to me, they're her favorite children." "Sir, there's a bookstore May I?" Cory laughed. "I kinda knew it. Yeah go off with Julie. Julie - you keep your wiles off my boy. And tell Amanda I'll be there soon." "Will do Mr. Cory. Nice seeing you again." Julie ran her hand under randy's arm. "Cory ain't gonna mind. Trust me. He always has the purtiests boys, and I can't help myself. And I know you ain't staying. So where you from cowboy randy?" "I'm from Boston Julie. Came out earlier this year and, well, long story but now I'm with Cory's group." She laughed. "randy, you'll learn. You travel as a group, but you're with Cory. Ain't no question about that." They got to the bookstore. "Momma, this is randy Boston. He's Cory's boy." A mature, but beautiful woman stood up. She was holding glasses in front of her, and had been reading what looked like a magazine with no pictures in it. "Well, randy Boston, it's nice to meet you." She held out her hand." "Well, ma'am, I got cowboy hands and yours... they're so pretty. I don't want to dirty them." Amanda smiled. "Well sonofagun. I thought I had heard every endearment on the face of the earth, and I have NEVER heard that one." She took randy's hand. "I've had MUCH dirtier in my hand, ha ha. " She grinned. "You should ask Cory about that. So... you're a cowboy, but you're in a bookstore. Are you looking for something to teach you how to read?" "Well, no ma'am. I can read. I was at Harvard before I came out west. " "HARVARD. MY STARS. I think you may be the first Harvard boy to come into my shop. We can talk SERIOUS." She smiled. So, what were you looking for?" "Well, Cory likes it when I read to him, and I was looking for something I could read over the winter, but something I'd enjoy too." She paused for a minute. "It's a big one, and Cory is gonna frown but... have you read 'Leaves of Grass' ? randy's eyes got big. "No ma'am. I got to see Mr. Whitman once, when he read in public, but... I was on my way before the book got published, so..." She got up and went to a corner of the store. "Well, I must've known you were coming. I ordered two copies. One for me and one... just in case. And now I know why. " She put the book in randy's hands. "Ma'am, it's... it's... It's so big.. " She smirked. "Yes, but, well, why don't you just tell Cory that I said it would remind you of him, the way my copy does." randy blushed. Clearly, there was more between them than he knew. "One other thing, though, randy Boston. I'm gonna let you have that book for free, on one condition. I'm gonna give you another one. A smaller one. There's a poet - a lady from Amherst - and her poems are beginning to come out. They're odd. But they're beautiful. Probably not for reading to Cory - he wont' have the patience - but I think you'll like them." She put a volume of Emily Dickinson on the pile. "Well, well, thank you ma'am. I promise I'll read them. I'll treasure them." She smiled. "Promise me too that you'll come back and discuss them with me." "Will do ma'am. I hope it won't be a year. " "It might. It might be longer, it might be shorter. I'll be here." She looked up. "WELL, look who came to join us. The famous Mr. Cory. " "Heh heh. Amanda you're as pretty as always. You find something for my boy. "I did. Take a look." He saw the volumes. "Well, that's all well and good, but our wagon is gonna be very full..." "Cory... " she smiled. "randy told me you like it when he reads to you. I remember that young man..." randy saw Cory's face soften. "You can think of me and Julie when he reads to you." Now randy saw Cory grab his composure. "Well... sure thing. Thank you Amanda. randy reads quite pretty." He reached into his pocket to pay and she smiled. "Cory.... I may have taken your money once, I'm not taking it again. This is my gift. You gave me one. And now...." randy saw Cory blush. "I truly thank you Amanda. I'm gonna try to make sure we can get back to town more than once next year." She smiled and shrugged her shoulders and told him what she told randy. As they left, Cory threw an arm around randy. "Sir, what was she talking about." Cory sucked in his breath. "We got the whole winter to talk about stuff like that. For now, get your books in the one on the left." There were now TWO wagons. "We split up halfway on the trail, so whoever is at the end keeps the old wagon for the winter. We'll either junk it or sell it for scrap when we start up next year. Makes good firewood. He smacked randy on the back. "NOW GET YOUR ASS OVER THERE AND HELP THE GUYS LOADING THE WAGONS. " I'll be back in a bit. " randy saw him head back to Amanda's bookstore. He was back in maybe half an hour, smiling. "You made some new friends today randy, people REAL important to me. C'mon. You can't lift that crate by yourself? Ok.. One.. Two... THREEE. It went into the other wagon. Soon, they were loaded up. They were heading back to the campsite. Just a few more days, and the season would be over.

Next: Chapter 5

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