Boston Randy

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Apr 8, 2021


Randy settled into the routine of the cabin with Cory. For the first few days, he followed Cory around like a duckling would follow its mother: randy had no idea where Cory kept certain things, how he liked certain things... all of the factors that you think about after you've moved into a new house. He did feel like he was getting the hang of it, and Cory seemed to get a kick out of his bumbles. If Cory got rough with him, it was only in bed, after the day was over. Their day ended, usually, when there was no more light, and that was getting earlier and earlier. They had candles, and oil lamps, but Cory warned randy that as the season went on, they would have to conserve them. Still, if randy were reading something out loud that Cory really liked, he would light a candle or two so that randy could see the words. randy had to end every reading with the section from Walt Whitman that Cory loved so much. Meanwhile, Cory kept on thinking "this wasn't supposed to happen. This WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN. Cory man, get a grip on yourself. He's just a boy . There are thousands of them that come west every year." It wasn't working. There was no question: his lust for randy was high: REALLY high, especially when he saw randy parading around the house in nothing but his long underwear. There was more though. randy was bringing up feelings that he had last had with Amanda. This time, though, he didn't have a sense that there was something wrong.

A week and a half into moving into the cabin, it was Sunday. Cory had told randy the night before: Saturday night bath, a shave, and clean clothes for church. They'd take the mule, because, as Cory put it, "services can go long and they horses get antsy. The mules? They just can't be bothered."

randy decided that there was no better time than Sunday Mass to wear the shirt Jackson had given him. As far as he knew, Cory didn't know that he had it. He waited until Cory was washing up outside to change. He wanted it to be a surprise. It was. A good one. Cory walked in, and stopped dead in his tracks.

"randy boy... That's.... that's..." "Is it ok Sir? Jackson gave it to me before we took off. He thought it would fit me now. He said it was one of your favorites when he wore it, and now that I was your boy..." "He tell you how he got that shirt, randy?" "No Sir. Is there a story?" He saw Cory blinking away tears. "I bought Jackson that shirt when we were together. At one of the stores near Amanda's bookstore. It seemed to be a good color for him and it was.." He swallowed hard enough for randy to hear it. "It looks better on you, boy." randy blushed. "You think so Sir?" "Yeah, I do." He shook his head. "You know, that Jackson... he's come so much further than I thought he would." "Sir, I don't understand. Was that for me?" Cory smiled. "Yes and no. We'll talk after church. Now let's get going, cowboy!"

You could tell that winter was not that far away. The sky that Sunday was bright and clear, but there was cold in the air. randy had a memory of picking apples at about this time of the year back home in Boston, and smiled. "No apples out here," he thought. He saw the bright fruit on some of the cacti. "Are they edible Sir?" he asked. Cory smiled. "OH YEAH! They're like a lot of things. You have to take some risks to get to them. See those stickers? But they're juicy and sweet when you get them. " "Sort of like you," randy thought. He didn't say it, but Cory smiled: he knew what randy was thinking "Yeah, I've been compared to a cactus pear by Amanda" randy blushed. Could Cory read his mind now? "On the way back, if Padre Romero doesn't go on that long, we'll pick a few. Gather ye rosebuds while ye may." randy looked up. His mom used to hum that line to herself. He missed her.

Padre Romero DID go on for a while, to a congregation of maybe 40 people. randy recognized some of them already, and some others seemed to know him. He got smiles and doffed sombreros as they were gathering in the church. Cory had told him beforehand that he would be receiving Communion, but randy should feel free not to. "You probably shouldn't boy. I'll talk with Padre about it. Maybe you'll want it someday but now, no." Post mass was like Catholic churches all over the country. Padre Romero was at the front, greeting the parishioners as they left, switching easily between English and Spanish. "Hombres, you settled in good?" "We have Padre, thank you." Cory held out his hand to shake Padre's, and randy saw another few gold coins pass over. Padre looked at him "Randy. De donde eres?" "Boston Padre." He felt Cory behind him, hands on both of his shoulders. "Padre, randy was a bit of a scholar back home." Romero smiled. "Boston? Scholar? Are you a Harvard boy?" "Yes Padre. Two years. It wasn't for me." "Ai, yes, school isn't for everyone." "I think I learned more this summer than I did in two years of school." He felt Cory squeeze his shoulders when he said that. "Oh yes. Signor Cory is a good teacher. Pay attention to his heart, Randy. Sometimes his actions." He shook his head. "But his heart.... Cory always has his heart in the right place. " He paused. "So at Harvard, what did you study?" "It was mostly classics and rhetoric Padre" "AH. Classics. Greek? Latin?" "More Latin than Greek Padre. Greek would come later." "Bueno. Maybe you can come by when the weather isn't too bad. We can read some Latin together." randy turned around and looked at Cory "Would that be alright Sir?" Cory smiled. "You're safe with Romero. If it were the one before him... " "OH, that Padre Pollak! Church was good to be rid of him." "Now, Padre," Cory smiled. "Not everyone is cut out for church work. It's just good he found out this isn't where he belonged before it was too late." Romero smiled, and then his face darkened a bit. "Cory...." then he switched into some very rapid Spanish. randy didn't get all of it, but he could here the world "Will" a few times, and he saw Cory's face show some concern. "Gracias Padre. This is good to know." He patted randy's shoulders. "So, randy, ready to get back?" "Yes sir." Cory took another look at Romero. "I'm going to teach young randy how to pick cactus pears on the way back." Romero laughed. "See these hands, Randy? See the leather look? That's because I can't resist them. You develop a hard shell so you can taste the sweet juice." Again, randy thought of Cory.

"I really can't believe how good that shirt looks on you boy," Cory said, as they headed back with about a dozen cactus pears wrapped up in their bandanas. Cory laughed. "One thing Padre and I didn't tell you, which you should know: don't be too far from an outhouse when ya eat those. Clean you out faster than a cheating whore at cards." randy laughed. "Sir, how did you and Jackson meet?" Cory smiled. "Now THAT, young man, is a tale worth spinning. I'll tell you when we're home. "

When they got in the house, Cory laughed. "Best thing about walkin' while you ride boy, is seeing those cheeks ride up and down. Hee hee. Glad I got to church first." randy knew what that meant. He was glad. He was ready. 'Sir, you promised to tell me how you met Jackson." "Pour some coffee boy. Gonna sip while I tell ya." randy was getting better at coffee making but it was still strong. He had slightly burned his fingers on "the coffee bitch" as he called the pot, but he was careful. "And maybe tell me about that priest you and Padre were speaking about." "OH, yeah, Padre Pollak. " Cory shook his head. "You know, there's careful and careless. And it seems the more important you think you are, the more careless you get." "I don't understand Sir." "PATIENCE BOY, PATIENCE. When we were at church today, you think anyone didn't know what I do to you, or that you like it?" randy blushed. "I guess the town...." Cory smiled. "Yeah, and no one gives a shit. They didn't give a shit when Padre Pollak was diddling the altar boy. That they looked away from. When he did it on the altar, well..." "OH.............." said randy. "Yup. He was lucky to get outta here alive. The altar boy too. Seems he had encouraged the old guy." "So..." "Nah, not Romero. NO. That man has got the spirit in him. " "So, Jackson sir?" Cory sat back and took his coffee. "I'm surprised he never told you." "Told me what Sir?" Cory flashed a big smile. "Jackson was a law man." "WHA? A sheriff or something?" "Not a sheriff. He was too young for that. But he was in a posse out to stop rustlers like us. Well, they thought they were so smart. Had an ambush set for us. Never thought about the Indians, and who they were supporting. When we didn't move through the path they figgered we would, they began to wonder what was up. That's when we started shooting." "SHIT," randy said, then covered his mouth. Cory did NOT like him cursing. "Sorry Sir." "It's ok. Well, whoever didn't get shot that day, ran off. Except for one very scared young man. VERY scared." He shook his head and smiled. "Never tell him I told you this, but Jackson shat his pants. Peed them too. He was scared to death. " "Sir, I would be too. I almost did when..." "But ya didn't randy boy. You knew I was coming for ya." randy said nothing. "Anyhow, there was a guy in the group back then, Zacharia, he was gonna put a bullet through Jackson's head. But I took a look. And then I felt what I did when I saw you: my cock was telling me 'keep this one'. He wasn't too happy about it at first, but...." he smiled. "Cory can be very persuasive when he wants to be. And Jackson liked being persuaded." Intrigued, randy asked "What did you do to persuade him Sir?" Cory smiled. "You ARE one kind of flirt ain't ya boy?" randy smiled. "Get some rope. I'll show ya."

The roof of the cabin had two beams that had space between the beam and the roof. Cory tossed rope through each of them, and then he grabbed randy's wrists, securing them so that his arms were spread out like he were on a crucifix. Then he grabbed a big bandana and wrapped it around randy's mouth. "Not gonna tie your ankles boy, you just keep them spread." "mmmmmmmmmmmph." randy nodded. The angle of randy's bound arms was such that Cory could walk around him and he did, slowly. randy couldn't see him, but he felt Cory pull his hair firmly . His head went back, and he felt Cory's breath as he whispered. "When I get done with you boy, you're gonna be begging for anything I give you. And I'm gonna give you a lot. " "mmmmmmmmmmph." Now randy felt Cory's stubble rub against his ear, and his tongue flick in and out. "You like that boy?" "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnng" randy tried to shake his head yes as best he could. Cory let go of his hair and walked around in front. He smiled. "REALLY nice shirt. Bet what's underneath is even nicer." Little by little, he opened randy's shirt, until it hung open. "WOW. Look at those tits! Makes me think of a cow needing milking.." Cory's rough fingers moved over randy's nipples in gradually shrinking circles. It was driving randy crazy and he threw his head back "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." "Heh heh. Not getting any milk from that. Wonder if there's any if I taste em." Cory's beard rubbed up against his nipples, one after the other. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH." Cory stopped and smiled. "No milk yet. Maybe the wrong part. Am I playing with the wrong part, boy?" His rough hands moved very gently up and down randy's sides. He wasn't tickling him but he WAS stimulating him. Again, it was making randy crazy. He couldn't move much at all, and Cory was taking advantage of it. His fingers moved slowly, then quickly. Then he moved them to randy's torso. "So nice, sweet boy. So nice. So little hair too. Just like a boy should be...." He found randy's belt buckle, opened it, and slowly pulled the belt out of his jeans. "NICE. You wear em tight enough so that you don't even need a belt. No wonder your boy cheeks are so sweet looking." He put his hands behind randy and began to squeeze his ass, as his mouth went to randy's neck. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH!!!!!!" "MMMMMMMMMMMPH" Cory's fingers moved to the button on randy's waist, and then he stopped. Instead, he tried to slip his finger inside the pants. When he couldn't, he smiled. "Guess we're gonna have to get them off you a different way boy." He opened the top button and then began popping the buttons on randy's fly. "Bring your legs together boy. Gotta get these down." randy looked at Cory, pleadingly, and then did what he had been told to do. Cory slid the jeans down. "WELL! Looks like we found what needs to be milked!" Cory reached into the slot on randy's long johns and took his penis out. randy's reaction was a loud, LOUD moan that nearly knocked the bandana out. Cory smiled. "Now THIS is what we gotta milk huh, boy?" He began sliding his hand up and down on randy's cock. "I bet that this part right here.... might be most sensitive and we'll get more milk if we play with it." Cory made a small pincer shape with his thumb and forefinger, and stroked randy's cockhead back and forth. His approach was working. Clear liquid started to come out of randy. "Now look at that. First we get water. We gonna get milk boy?" randy shook his head, as Cory's hand went below his cock and to his balls Then he let go. "You gonna scream if I take off the bandana boy?" randy shook his head no. "GOOD. I wanna hear your moans." Cory took off the bandana and randy could hear him pushing a stool behind him. Then Cory appeared in front again, and went back to stroking his cock back and forth, up and down his shaft. "Hope you're liking this boy, cause it's almost all you're gonna get." "YES SIR. YES. I LIKE IT I LIKE IT." "Well, know what I like? I like your ass. And since you're the one tied up, guess who's gonna get what he wants first?" "you sir," came out of randy in a pleading voice. He saw Cory opening up his own jeans. His thick cock popped out. "You're gonna feel that boy. Gonna feel that REAL strong, REAL soon." He sauntered behind randy, who heard Cory getting his feet onto the stool. He felt Cory push his cheeks apart. "Look at that. As pretty as a cactus pear, ha ha. And I got the needle." randy felt cory's cockhead enter, and then felt him driving, slowly into his canal. "OH YES SIR. YES THAT'S... THAT'S OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH." Half of Cory's cock was already in him. randy's arms were getting tired, but he forgot that, when he felt one hand come around to his nipple, and another hand go to his cock. "I got my boy right where I want him . Impaled on my cock - didn't know I knew a big Harvard word like that, didja, boy?" "No Sir.. No.... OOOOOOH. FUCK MY HARVARD ASS. " "I'm gonna. Just like I'm gonna make your Harvard tits stand up and your Harvard cock shoot across the floor." randy felt Cory RAM his cock into him. There was no mercy. This happened with Cory: he became a madman during sex, and it was happening now. His rough skin felt so good to randy's cock, and Cory's cock was drilling into him, further and further. "SIR. SIR. I'M GONNA CUM. I'M GONNA CUM." "Cum before me and you're gonna clean it all up with your tongue boy." "I can't help it. I ... CAN'T. HELP IT!!!!!!!" As randy shot over the floor, he was thinking that now he understood why Jackson stayed around. "And here I cum boy. Here I cum... " There was one final push, and randy felt Cory's juices filling his ass. "Lots of jizz boy. And it's coming outta you. Guess you're gonna clean that too." "Yes sir. Yes sir. MMMMMMMMMMMM" Cory got off the stool and he pulled randy's head back again. "Kiss me you sexy right pocket Harvard bitch." "Yes sir. Yes sir. MMMMMMMMMMMM" Their lips were locked, and Cory drove his tongue into randy. As they were kissing, Cory pulled out his knife and cut the ropes. randy's arms were free, but Cory pulled them behind randy's back as he continued to kiss When he was finished, he looked at randy. "boy, you are really, REALLY something fucking special." He embraced randy. "Thank you Sir. Thank you. Sir, can I say something? It's a correction of something you said today, but... I need to say it. "Well, you may regret correcting me randy boy, but go ahead." "Remember when you told Padre I was a scholar back home?" "Kinda. I'm still remembering what just happened, so I can't remember much else." "Home is here Sir. Home is with you. It's not Boston. Not unless you're there." Cory held randy at arm's distance. "You know what you're saying don't you randy?" "Yes sir. YES. YES. Please don't make me leave." Cory smiled. "You're not leaving randy. Not unless you choose to." He held him tight and remembered how he thought this one was special. "And you're sure as shit not leaving until you clean that floor. Get to it. " He laughed. "You're gonna be glad your coffee is so fucking strong when you're done."

Next: Chapter 8

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