Boys Crime and Punishment

By Ross Boy

Published on Aug 16, 1999


This story contains descriptions of sex between teenaged boys and is fictional. If this offends you or you are not allowed to read this type of material do not continue.

A boys Crime and Punishment Part II

It was slowly getting dark so Josh and I started to make our move. Luckily the river was low and had a gully deep enough that people along the street wouldn't see us. If we followed it far enough, it would take us to a park area almost opposite our school football field.

Brisk walking mixed with short bursts of terrified jogging finally got us back at school in under an hour. There were still a few kids hanging around after their soccer practice, which Josh had missed.

"Josh man, I am really sorry for everything that has happened today. I wish I had never turned around in the toilets."

"Ross dude, its ok. I mean, so I missed one soccer practice, and Tom is blackmailing me. But at the moment I am still floating from that super orgasm you gave me."

"Josh you are cool. You are better than perfect. Anyone else would have killed me by now."

"Well that would be a sad day, as the world, and by that I mean me, would be denied your gorgeous cock".

"Thanks Josh." I said blushing.

"But you know we could do everything that Tom asks us to, we could climb the harbour bridge in a thong, but what happens when he gets bored of us? He may just decide to show the video to everyone anyway. I just don't know what we are going to do about it."

"Ross the only thing I want to do right now is get some pants on. How 'bout you?"

"OK, you have a point."

We looked around again and saw that the remaining soccer players had left. The gym was still open, as the basketball team would be practicing later tonight. We sneaked in and headed straight for the locker room. We sighed with relief when we saw that it was empty. We got our spare gym clothes from our lockers. We stripped our shirts and were standing only in the others underpants.

"Ross, I hope you don't think I am weird by asking this, but would you mind if I held onto your pants for tonight? They feel so incredible on, knowing my dick is resting right about where yours has."

"Actually Josh. If I were wearing them, my dick wouldn't be resting there, it would be"

I reached out and twisted his limp penis so that it lay on the other side. We looked at each other and grinned. I didn't let go though, and I could feel it slowly harden between my fingers.

"Ross, you better stop. Look, my car is still in the carpark, lets get out of here and go some place more private where we can talk and work out what it is we are going to do".

"Your absolutely right. Let's get out of here before the basketball team, and you know who, shows up."

We finished changing and quickly left the building. As we approached the car park I could already see the blue mean machine. It was a sleek little sports car that Josh's dad bought him for his sixteenth birthday. It wasn't as if he needed it to be popular, but it certainly didn't hurt his appeal to the girls and guys.

"Josh man this is a great piece of machine you got here. You are lucky to have such generous parents."

"Thanks. You know Ross, you can drive if you want. I trust you."

"Really? You mean that?"

"Sure, here are the keys."

We swapped sides and got in. He was looking across at me and grinned slightly as I adjusted the mirrors and seat. I turned the key, and revved the engine. I put the stick in gear and took my foot off the clutch. Suddenly the car jolted and jumped a few times and went dead. Oh shit, how embarrassing. I stalled his car. Josh cracked up laughing, and I was so ashamed that I just laughed along too.

"try it again Brock."

My second attempt worked a little better and I bunny hopped in first until I got out of the driveway and onto the road. There I went up a gear and soon got the hang of it. We had been driving for a few minutes when I felt something on my thigh. I looked down to find Josh's hand slowly rubbing my leg. He was still facing forward, so I didn't say anything.

Wow, this was amazing. Only five hours ago I was some insignificant, lonely gay boy, and Josh was some far off fantasy. How strange that it took one bully and a camera (as well as my cat killing curiosity) to turn that world on its head. I drove us to the nearby cliff look out. It had a spectacular view of the ocean, though not much could be seen at this time except by the moonlight. But that made it perfect for us.

I pulled up and was pleased that there were only two other cars. I turned off the engine, took off my seat belt and turned to face Josh. His hand was still on my leg, and I brought mine down to hold his.

"Ross, I can't stop thinking about what we did today, and not just the part about Tom. I did something that I never thought I would do. And I loved it. It felt so right. Sexually, I have never been so turned on. I could have held you for hours, and I want to be able to try that again some time. If you want to as well that is."

"Josh you are such a dag. Of course I would love to try it again with you, and not just because Tom might force us. Hell I would much rather Tom not be there at all."

Josh smiled and moved in closer to me. His eyes looked into mine, his mouth relaxed, and his tongue moistened his lips. I moved my head closer to his, and we both edged forward closing the gap between us. Our pursed lips touched and our tongues entwined. Our breathing got heavier, and our hands started to roam. I grabbed at his back and pulled his body against mine.

"Arrh, ouch, shit, Ross wait."

Poor Josh, I had pulled him so close that I had dragged him against the gears.

"Josh, I am sorry."

"Ross you have been saying sorry all night, now cut it out. If you want, we can go back to my place and we can finish this off. My place is only a few minutes away, my parents are away and my sister will be at her boyfriends all night."

"Josh that sounds great, but I should probably be getting home. My mum will be worried about me by now. Maybe tomorrow?"

"Yeah, tomorrow would be good."

I started the car and drove towards my house. As I pulled onto the main road Josh turned at me and grinned. I couldn't figure out was he was smiling at until I felt it in my crotch. He had not returned his hand to my thigh, but my limp shaft. He fondled until it became hard, and then slipped his hand up the leg of my shorts.

He tickled my balls, and flicked my head with his fingers. Goo already started to flow from my engorged dick. Josh rubbed it in, and I pushed myself into the seat, and groaned. It took nearly all my concentration the stay in my lane.

"Josh, I don't think this is exactly safe sex, do you?"

"Just drive man, just drive."

"Whatever you say boss."

Josh removed his hand and pulled at the waist of my shorts. I lifted myself up, and he slid them under my bum and down to my thighs. My dick stood straight and proud out of my lap, sprouting from my curly hairs and tight ball sac. Josh admired my slender penis and then gripped my shaft at the base, and slowly worked his fist up above the head. He then retreated just as slowly back down to the base. His fingers brought down some pre-cum and it rubbed over my ridge and the sensation caused my leg to jerk. The car jerked forward as well from the sudden acceleration, but I didn't take long to get back in control.

Josh was thrilled by his newfound power. I could see he was enjoying this, as there was a noticeable bulge in his pants. Despite only having cumed very hard a few hours ago, I could already feel another load working up. The slow movement of his grip drove me insane. I liked it fast and hard when I did it, but this was unbelievable. I tried to hump his fist to get more sensation, but he was always ready for it.

"Oh, Josh, please man, please go faster...arh, please!"

His grip got tighter, but he went slower. This was as near to torture as I had ever been. My mind kept jumping from Josh pumping my dick, to whether the people in the other cars could see us, or what Tom would be making us do tomorrow, and then I would jump back to what Josh was doing to my rigid pole.

My legs tensed up, my balls once again retreated to the base of my shaft, and I could feel the juices churning inside me. My hands clenched to the wheel, and I tried hard not to lose the little concentration I had on the road. Oh my, this was good. Sweat was pouring from me, and I was bucking in my seat.

Josh brought his other hand across and gently took control of the wheel. The one attached to me loosened its grip but started to go faster. His hand became a blur as he skinned my shaft and head, and I fired off my second powerful load of the day. It flew up onto my shirt, against the door window, and over Josh's hand. I grunted and closed my eyes as the intense sensations took over my body. Knowing Josh had the wheel, I dropped my hand to Josh's and helped him finish milking the last drops from my dick.

When my orgasm subsided I pulled the car over. We were only two streets away from my house. I turned to Josh and laughed.

"Josh, that was incredible. That was...just incredible. I wish I could return the favour."

"Not tonight my friend, but I will let you make it up to me. Come on, let's go you should be getting home."

I started off again and soon enough reached my house. I got out and Josh came around to the driver's side.

"Josh, thanks for everything. You are an amazing guy. Thanks for trying to help me with Tom, thanks for making me cum so hard, thanks for liking me, and thanks for the drive home. This has to be the weirdest and best day of my life."

"Thank you too Ross, I have had a great day as well. But I only wish we didn't have to face Tom again at lunchtime. At least your not the one who has to make up for breaking his rules."

"Yeah I know, but what makes you think I am going to get out of this lightly?"

"I suppose you're right. I guess I should go now. Shall I meet you tomorrow in the library hall at the beginning of lunch before we go and see Tom?"

"Sure, I would love to meet you there."

"Alright, see you tomorrow sexy."

Part III

I woke from the deepest sleep I can ever remember having. I had dreamt about Josh and Tom, and had gone over everything that had happened yesterday. Just thinking about it made my dick tent my bed sheets. I thought about having a quick jerk but thought against it. I wanted to save myself for Josh.

I didn't have a shower before I went to bed, so my body was covered in dried cum. I jumped under the steaming water and I could see most of the dried flakes wash away. I ran my hands over my thighs and stomach and I could feel the re-hydrated cum slipping between my fingers. I kept thinking how this was both Josh's cum and mine mixed together and my shaft stiffened.

I brought my hand down and gripped over the head and shaft, and skinned my dick slowly like Josh had in the car. Oh, this was too much. Unfortunately I didn't have much self-control and returned to the familiar tight grip and pumped hard and fast. Images formed in my mind of Josh's slender dick, standing to attention from his taught body. I pictured his dark pointed nipples and the small bush of brown pubes above his cock. Josh was a dream guy, and he was mine (and Tom's). Then I started thinking about Tom's giant meat. I wonder if he will make us jerk him off? With images shifting from Josh's youthful tool, to Tom's staggering mast I shot over the shower wall and over myself. I wonder if I could ever run dry?

I finished up, got dressed and headed for the train to school. My classes rushed by as I counted down the hours and minutes to when Josh and I had to meet Tom again. I was panicked all day. My palms were sweaty, and I couldn't concentrate on anything. I was even threatened with a few detentions by my English teacher when I failed to respond first to roll call, and then again when I failed to answer whether I had done my homework.

Class was over and we broke for lunch. I was out of there like a bullet and headed straight for the library. I rushed and pushed past the herds of boys and girls desperate to find Josh. I broke through a small crowd to find him standing there looking left and right. Then we caught each other's gaze and nervously exchanged smiles.

"Hey Ross, how are you today?"

"Well apart from being scared shitless, not too bad. Should we go now and get this over with?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

We headed off to the yard to find Tom. He, like the rest of the basketball team, hung around the outside courts. When we got there he was talking to some other guys, two of them were from the basketball team. There were another two, but I only knew one of them, John. They were from the grade below us and we didn't have the same classes or went in the same circles.

Tom saw us coming and smirked, then 'dismissed' his friends. He turned to us and indicated that we should follow him over to some trees away from the group.

"Glad to see you boys again, though I was hoping you didn't so I could show off my wonderful directing skills. Josh my boy, you need to make up for last night, and I think I know the best way to do that."

"What do you want me to do master?"

"Josh I want you ask Tim from your soccer team to meet you in the gym showers after school today. Tell him it's important but you can't explain it until then. Do you follow so far?"

"Err, I think so master."

"Good. I will be there and so will Ross. Second, I want you to come with me."

Tom led us to the other side of the school to the toilets behind the science building.

"Josh, for the next part of your punishment you are going to take off all your clothes, and give them to me."

Panic broke across Josh's face, but after a moment's thought he started to remove his jacket, shirt and trousers. He paused at his briefs, looked around and then continued. He pulled them down while bending over which concealed his crotch. He pulled them off his feet and stood, displaying his semi-hard penis. He then grouped his clothes and handed them to Tom.

"Good boy Josh, I see I haven't quite humiliated you enough yet, but don't worry, there is more. Since you and Ross are so fond of each other, I think it would be only fair that I did all I could to help you two bond. Josh please get down on your knees. As for you Ross, please stand in front of Josh and take out you dick."

Josh went down on his knees, still mindful that anyone could walk in and see him bare assed naked in an embarrassing situation. I moved in front of him as ordered, unzipped and pulled out my cock. It had gone hard from seeing Josh's beautiful body and so it was pointing straight up and was looking Josh in the eye.

"Ross, doesn't it ever give up? Now, what you are going to do is take up where you were yesterday afternoon at the urinal. Do you know what I am talking about?"

"I am not sure master, do you want me to check him out?"

"No you idiot, I want you to take a piss. You are going to piss all over your buddy here. He is going to enjoy it, and then you are going to wipe it off him with his underwear. Do you understand me now?"

"But master, I couldn't do that, I couldn't do that to him or anyone."

"Ross it is entirely up to you of course. If you don't want to that's fine, but it will mean the whole school knowing what you and Josh do for extra-curricular activities."

I turned my attention back to Josh, I could see that his dick had fully hardened and was almost flat against his stomach. I held my dick, pointing it at my little man, and tried to piss. It was hard with a major stiffy, but eventually the golden flow started. I had to squeeze to keep it going, and eventually the stream got stronger. The yellow fluid hit Josh in the chest and ran down the length of his body.

"Now try and aim for his mouth, and Josh I want you to drink some of it."

I raised my angle, and the stream went from his chest, to his neck, and into his face. Josh hesitated, but then opened his mouth and moved to catch my stream in it. He gagged and splattered at first, but was soon gulping some of it down. Piss dribbled out of his mouth and over his chin. Luckily I didn't have much left in me and the flow came to a trickle and stopped. Josh coughed a bit, but soon gained control of himself. His dick was still very hard, and mine was still half engorged.

"Nice going you two, now clean this mess up."

I grabbed Josh's underpants and started to wipe my piss from his face and neck. But there just wasn't enough fabric and by the time I reached his chest it was soaked through with yellow.

"Master, what do I use now to clean Josh up?"

"Well if you need to clean more off, then I suggest you use your underwear as well."

I thought about this, and although I didn't want to walk around the rest of the day without any underwear for fear of tenting them with my numerous daily erections, I had to help Josh. I took off my pants and my underwear. I could feel the draft rush in between my legs and my balls and sac tightened up into a small, wrinkled, dark pouch.

I took my underwear and continued to clean the mess off Josh's sleek little body. I got on my knees with him and we gave each other a little smile. I reached his wet bush and cock, and slowly wiped them. Josh's eyes rolled back at my touch and his dick jerked beneath the fabric of my piss soaked CK's. I soon stopped, aware that Tom was still watching. I finished and stood up facing Tom. He was clearly pleased with himself but I couldn't tell if he was sporting a hard-on or not. He was leaning back against the sink and the way his pants crinkled I just couldn't tell.

"You two have done well so far. Now get dressed and go back to class. Throw your jocks in the trash on your way out as well, you don't want people to think you had an accident. I will see you both after school in the gym, and Tim better be there otherwise I will think of something much worse than this for the both of you."

We did as ordered. We got dressed, threw our smelly, wet jocks in the bin and left as fast as we could to as far away from Tom as possible.

"Josh I am sorry for that. I hope you can forgive me, you must be disgusted with me for pissing on you like that."

"Ross, as bad as it is to be pissed on like that, it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. To be honest it was actually kind of sexy having you piss on me. God I wanted to stroke my dick using your piss as lube. But if Tom had seen me do that he would have thought we weren't being punished."

"So you really liked it huh, well I am not sure I enjoy pissing on you. And especially since I don't have any underwear anymore. I don't have any spare clothes in my locker, I wore them last night."

"We are just going to have to get through today without jocks. What do you do if you wear boxershorts?"

"I never wear boxers because I always get stiffy's. I need my jocks to conceal them."

"Oh. Well just button your jacket and make sure you always have a book to carry in front. It always works for me."

"Thanks, good thinking."

"What do you think Tom wants with Tim?"

"I don't know Ross, but I don't think it's for a friendly game of basketball. Or at least not the one with the big orange balls. I better get going and find Tim before lunch finishes."

"OK, I will come with you just in case he doesn't want to go, you might need some help convincing him."

We headed off in search of Tim. He was 15, and was about 5'11'', but still fairly skinny. He was good at soccer, and Josh knew him pretty well so he shouldn't have any problems talking him into meeting after school.

We found him eating a sandwich and reading a football mag.

"Hey Tim, how's it going?"

"Not too bad Josh, what can I do for you? And what happened yesterday? We missed you at practice."

"Oh, yesterday, I had some really important homework I had to get done. I just couldn't get away for practice. What I actually wanted to ask you was...if you could do me a favour."

"What kind of favour?"

"I was hoping you could meet me after school, and help me with something. I can't really explain it now, but I would be really grateful if you could meet me in the gym showers right after class."

"I am not sure, I'm suppose to be going to the mall with my girlfriend Julie this afternoon. Is it really that important?"

"Yeah Tim, it is. Sorry I can't tell you more now, it is just difficult. So will you do it? I can give you a lift right after we finish if you like?"

"Sure, I guess. At least it saves me from a couple of hours dress shopping. I guess I will see you in the gym after school then."

Thanks Tim, I really appreciate this mate."

The bell went, and we all broke to go to our next class.

My final class - history - was almost over. I couldn't help but wonder what Tom had planned for us with Tim. Surely he couldn't expect Tim to do anything too serious? After all he would have to explain why he was getting us to do this in the first place, and he wouldn't come off that great either. But as ideas rushed through my head, blood also rushed to my dick. I am my own worst enemy.

The bell rang and everyone dashed for the door. I waited for a moment before standing and looked down to see if it was obvious. Even with just 5.5 inches, it still made a visible bulge, and so I tried Josh's suggestion. I buttoned my blazer, and it hid most of it. So I figured it was safe enough to go without causing a sensation. I walked out of the class into the hall, wanting to get to my Josh as soon as possible.

There were still lots of people in the hall and they started to bunch up, and I was being pushed from behind. I wasn't thinking and I was soon pushed into the back of a boy. I felt my shaft stab him in the bum, and I could feel the pre-cum being squeezed out of my dick onto the inside of my pants. The boy turned around and I saw that it was John, who was talking to Tom at lunch. He was taller than me by a good three inches, and had a thick mop of blond hair.

"What the hell was that you were poking me with? Was that your dick?"

"No of course not, don't be stupid."

"I am not stupid, I know what I felt. You have a fuckin' stiffy. What do you think your doing sticking it into my bum? Are you some poofter?"

"Look, let's just pretend it never happened. I've got to go, I have to be somewhere."

"Where are you going, to meet Tim?"

"What's it to you?"

"Tim has already told me, I was going there to wait for him."

" You can't do that! Err, I mean I don't know how long it is going to take. It's probably better if you just go home and wait for him there."

"No. I have already arranged it with him. He said he didn't want to take too long anyway."

I didn't think it would be wise to argue any further so I started moving again towards the gym. John followed me. When we got there we found Josh, Tim and Tom waiting by the shower doors. As John and I got closer Tom stepped forward.

"I see you have brought a friend. Well this should makes things a little bit more interesting. Follow me."

We all did as we were told and followed Tom pass the lockers into the shower room. Tim seemed a little confused, and John went and stood next to him. Then Tom finally spoke,

"OK, Tim you are the only one who doesn't know what is going on here. The reason I wanted you here was because I know how frustrated you are. I can seen you across from my bedroom window and I know how often you jerk off."

Tim's face went a deep red from hearing this. I don't think he realised just how tame his crime was compared to Josh's and mine.

"Tom, I err, I...never do that. What are you talking about?"

"It's OK Tim, these guys are here to help you out. Aren't you boys."

I answered with "Yes, Tim, we are here to help you, we are going to do everything that Tom says."

"Tom, what do you mean they are going to help me? This sounds pretty weird."

Then John spoke, "Tim man, its cool. I have already spoken with Tom. These two are going to help relieve some of our tension, you get it? I know that Julie doesn't put out, so lets just go along with it."

"Sure, fine. OK Tom, what do we do now?"

"Alright. Joshua and Ross, take off you clothes now. And get on your knees."

We did as ordered. I removed my blazer and shirt, and my shoes. I already had a raging boner that was clearly visible through my pants. I unzipped and let them fall to my feet. I could see John and Tim's eyes widen when they saw our hard dicks. I don't think he really believed this was going to happen until now. I saw Tim gulp as we went to our knees.

Then Tom went through his bag and brought out two sets of handcuffs. I couldn't believe this. He is going to tie us up!

"Ok you two faggots, I am going to handcuff your hands behind you back. You are not allowed to fall over, and you are not allowed to say another word unless I tell you to."

Tom grabbed Josh's hand and pulled them behind his back. I could see his cock standing proud, betraying its owner. It was craving attention and I could see pre-cum dribbling from his cockhead. Oh, how I wanted to scoot over there and wipe it up and rub it into his dick.

Then Tom did the same to me. I could feel three pairs of eyes focus on me and my hard 5 and a half inches of throbbing dick. Just feeling Tom's strong hands made me want to shoot then.

"You two are going to do whatever Tim and John here want. If you don't I am going to not only show the video of you two going at it, but I will also beat the cap out of you. OK boys, they are all yours."

John didn't waste any time and walked towards Josh with a big grin across his face. His pants were already tenting from what looked like a serious piece of meat. He stood in front of Josh and pulled down his zip. He was wearing grey cotton boxers, and the shape of his dick could clearly been seen. His fingers dove in and pulled out his massive member. It was very thick, and I could see that it must have been at least six and a half inches long. My eyes darted from Josh's slender dick, to this powerful pole that was only inches from his face staring him in the eye.

My dick was oozing pre-cum by this stage just looking at two fine specimens. John grabbed his shaft and pulled on it a few times getting it ready and rubbing his lube over his cockhead. He then ordered Josh to open his mouth. Josh complied and John pushed almost the entire length of his dick into Josh's little mouth. He held it there for a few seconds then withdrew and rammed it back in. He built up a steady fuck motion of taking it nearly all the way out and then pushing as much as he could back in. He then brought one hand behind Josh's head to keep it steady and prevent it from retreating backwards. His other hand went to his massive balls that were covered in blonde hairs and started rubbing them.

This sight was incredible. Josh must have liked this because his eyes were closed. His dick was continually flexing which forced a continual stream of clear fluid out of his dick that formed a pool on the ground. I looked down at my dick, which was doing exactly the same thing. How I wished I had a free hand, I was craving attention!

I didn't have to wait long because Tom was urging Tim to get in on the action. After a moment of hesitation Tim walked up to me. And nervously groped his crotch. My eyes widened with anticipation at seeing this young boy's meat. He was in front of me, and I could smell his sweaty groin, and the aroma sent me wild. There was a large bulge in his pants and I could see the flared head of his dick straining down against the fabric. It was a lot bigger than mine, and I could only guess at how long and thick it would be.

But Tim only stood there groping his shaft through his pants. What was he waiting for? Then Tom came up next to us and pushed my face into Tim's crotch. I opened my mouth and tried to suck at his thick shaft through the layers of clothes. It was rock hard. My mouth drooled over his lap and soaked through his pants and jocks. He was obviously wearing briefs. Tom's hand was still at the back of my head, holding me against Tim's manhood. I was nearly delirious.

I then felt Tim's hand push Tom away from my head, and I was momentarily free of his groin. I glanced over to Josh and John, and saw that John was going wild. His hips were bucking uncontrollably I could tell that he was about to shoot his load. Josh's mouth was stretched by the assault of this thick ivory shaft, and saliva was dripping from his lips.

John then pulled himself free of Josh's well fucked face and he started pumping his dick hard and fast. White jets of cum flew from his deep red cock head, and hit Josh square in the face. John's load was shooting with incredible force. It was all over Josh's, face and some shots landed in his mouth. Josh's tongue darted out trying to lick up as much s he could.

Whack! I was soon brought back to focus with something hitting me across the face. I looked back only to see the object coming at me again and it struck me in the cheek. My face felt wet, and when I opened my eyes again I saw that it was Tim's huge cock. Tim was beating me with his cock! It was a monster. It was cut, long and thick. It must have been seven inches long, and two and a half thick. It was very white, with just the head being a dark purple. Thick goo was stretched from his cock slit, to my face. My tongue instinctively went in search of his boy honey. It was sweet tasting.

Tim was now sticking his cock into my tongue, and I swirled my tongue around the large head. I felt his coarse ridge, and stuck the tip of my tongue in his wide open slit. This was incredible.

I then opened my mouth, inviting the monster cock into my waiting hole. Tim didn't waste anytime and thrust forward, nearly choking me. I gagged at first, not use to such a huge invasion. But I had little time to adjust as he pulled out and pushed back in fast. Lust had taken him over and he was going for it as hard and fast as his hips would take him. I used my tongue to lick the underside of his shaft, which I think made him go even wilder.

My nose was being buried with each thrust into his thick bush of pubes. They tickled my nose, but the sent is what excited me. They smelled of a heavy boy-musk mixed with the faint smell of urine. It was intoxicating.

I could feel his shaft grow even more, and I knew he too was about to blast. Unlike John, he didn't pull free. Instead he shoved the head and some of his cock down into my throat. I didn't know what to do, there was nothing I could do. I felt his shaft pulse and then felt his juices hitting the back of my throat. There was so much that some of it came back into my mouth and I tasted my first ever jism. It was so strong and thick, and it coated my tongue, mouth and my throat.

Tim soon finished his orgasm and pushed my head away from his tool. My mouth now felt empty deprived of his giant cock. I swirled what was left of his cum in my mouth and savoured the taste.

John and Tim quickly stuffed themselves back in their pants. John thanked Tom for the favour and left. Tim was very quiet and had a strange look on his face. They then both left without another word or even looking back.

"You two have done well. I think you have done enough for today. However I haven't finished with punishing you yet. I want you to come to my house on Thursday at eight o'clock. Do you understand me?"

"Yes master" we both replied.


Tom unlocked our handcuffs. He then picked up our clothes and threw them at us, and left the shower room.

Josh and I looked at each other, a little stunned at what just happened. We got dressed and slowly walked out without saying anything. I felt a little ashamed for enjoying Tim's cock so much, and wondered how Josh felt about all this.

"Ross, have you ever done that before? I mean, sucked someone else's dick?"

"No Josh, I haven't."

"Do you think that we, you know, could try it some time? If you want to that is?"

"Are you crazy Josh! I would love to suck your cock. I am so fuckin' hard now just thinking of sucking your cock."

"Well then, you do owe me from last night buddy, and I did promise to show you my room. So shall we?"

"Sure, whatever you say babe."

Well I hope you liked that. I have plenty of more action planned for the next parts, but if you have any suggestions, or areas of improvement, please let me know.

Next: Chapter 3

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