Boys Crime and Punishment

By Ross Boy

Published on Jan 31, 2000


Hi. Thank you to all the people who have sent messages of encouragement (and prodding to continue). Sorry for the long break, but things have been busy, and I have had the odd technical problem. But that's not what you want to hear. So, here is part V to A Boys Crime and Punishment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Part V

Josh and I got up from the chair, switched off the computer and went back to his room. I suddenly felt strange walking around naked in Josh's house, covered in drying cum. I knew nobody was home, but I still felt uncomfortable. We got back to his room and we hugged again. Only this time our bodies stuck together as we pulled away. Sticky goo trailed between us for a second before breaking.

Looking around, I noticed the posters that were on his wall were mostly of guys. Wow, he even had a picture of Matthew Lloyd, full forward for the Essendon Football Team . He's definitely one of my favourites. His room is a lot bigger than mine, and he even has a double bed, compared to my single.

There was a TV and video player, and a walk-in robe. I followed him in there only to be facing two naked guys! Wait a sec, those two guys were us.

I hate full length mirrors!

"Ross babe, what do you think I should wear. This blue shirt with these shorts?"

"Forget those, put these on sexy!" I had been searching through his things, and held up a pair of red speedos. Josh laughed and said,

"OK, but only if you put this on". Josh went to the back of his wardrobe and pulled out a small bundle of black cloth and threw it at me. I grabbed it as it hit my face and pulled it away to find a black satin g-string! We gave each other wicked grins and pulled them on as quick as we could and then ran out into the bedroom. We stood apart and admired each other.

I looked over his near naked body taking in his smooth skin and taught physic. I love the way his ruffled, soft, dark hair falls into his eyes. He's gorgeous. I allowed my eyes to fall to the red speedos. His dick, half hard, stretched down towards the right resting on his tight balls, which were making a nice outline of their own. I could make out the distinct shape of its head, with its large ridge and the curved slope towards the tip. I was practically drooling.

"Damn you look good Josh, why haven't I ever seen you in those before, and where do you ever wear this g-string?"

"well,, the speedos are just for swimming at home, and for when I am trying to get a tan. And the g-string, is well, so that I can get a better 'all over' tan. And I thought it may come in handy some day."

"Well, I am not sure if I feel comfortable with this thing between my crack..."

"Here, let me see."

Josh walked behind me to get a look at the 'string'. He ran his hands down the length of my back and cupped my bare cheeks. His fingers then poked under the thin fabric and followed it down between my buns. His finger lightly ran across my puckered hole, and I could feel the hairs on my neck stand tall. By reflex my cheeks clenched and for a second trapped his probing fingers. He lent forward and kissed me on the back of my neck. I let my head fall back and rubbed it against his. he moved his face against mine, and kissed me on the side.

Wack! "Ouch!"

The bastard had snapped the string against my butt!

I turned around and tackled him to the ground, making a grab for his balls. I was going to get my revenge this time. I found my prize, and gave them a light tug to let him know that I was in control. He stopped squirming and grabbed my arms, trying to release his precious jewels, but I wasn't about to give up. After a few seconds he realised that I wasn't going to let go in a hurry and just laid still. With my free hand I tended to my sore ass, and with my face exaggerated my pain.

"I think I owe you big time smart ass. Now how do you think you should make it up to me?"

"Would you like me to give you another blow job, sexy?"

"Nah, I think you'd enjoy that too much. I think you need to taught a lesson. You know, you don't deserve to get away with this lightly. it's not funny!" I said while being betrayed by the huge grin across my face.

"I think I know how I could make it up to you."

"Oh yeah, how?"

"I could kiss it better if you'd like?"

"You mean, kiss it better, down here?"

"Yeah, it's actually suppose to feel quite good. That is, if your the one that is being 'kissed' down there."


"Yeah, really. Come on let go of me and stand over there and place your hands against the wall with your legs apart."

I did as ordered, and stood facing the wall, with my back vulnerable to Josh. Was this just another way of him playing a trick on me? I looked around to see him standing there admiring my tight bubble butt.

Josh moved forward, ran his fingers down my back and stopped at my bum. He gripped the thin material and dragged them down and pulled them off my legs.

He went to his knees and ran his hands up and down my legs. I faced forward, waiting with intense anticipation. Could it really feel that good? I was skeptical.

Josh's hands came back to my butt and he started kneading them and placed gentle kisses on each cheek. Then he gripped them and pulled them apart exposing my hole. My hands balled up into fists, not quite knowing what to expect. A tingle ran up my spine as Josh lightly blew on my behind. Then it stopped, and was replaced by something wet, and...

"Oh fuck! Oh, what the...? My God Josh that feels...oh!"

I could not believe the sensations that I was feeling. His tongue was running up and down and around. My hips bucked uncontrollably from the assault. Man this was great. His tongue was fierce. He pushed it in, penetrating, invading. It tickled like no tickle I had felt before, but I knew this was good. I kept squirming. I couldn't wait to return the favour.

My cock, by now already hard again, was bouncing up and down as I jolted with each lash of Josh's tongue. Sometimes it swung up so high it slapped against my stomach.

"Oh, Josh dude, that is...oh."

Knock, knock, knock.

We both jumped to our feet, and spun around towards the door.

"Josh, what is that? Is there someone here?"

Knock, knock, knock.

"Yeah, it sounds like it, but I have no idea who it could be? Let's check it and get rid of whoever it is so we can come back here and finish this off."


We both rushed to pull on some clothes, and headed down stairs to the front entrance. The front door was solid wood, but the sides were opaque glass, and we could see shadows of at least two guys out there. Josh slowly went to the door, with an obvious look of concern on his face. He reached out with his hand for the door knob, turning it, and pulling the door slightly open and peering out to see who it was.

"Oh, it's you. What do you want?"

I was standing back, and had no idea who Josh was talking to, but I didn't like the slight tremble I could hear in his voice. The person on the other side said something, but all I could hear was a muffled noise.

I walked behind Josh to see who it was. As I peered over his shoulder a familiar face came into view. It was John, the guy Josh had only sucked off hours earlier in the gym. But this time he had more friends with him.

"So, I see your little poofter friend is here as well. That just makes it easier for us, and more to go 'round". Said John.

I didn't like the sound of that.

I looked past John to see two other guys, one I sort of knew, Andrew. He was a solid guy with a great build. He was about 5' 10", sandy blond hair, and deep green emerald eyes. I could probably spend hours gazing into them.

He was also a sharp dresser, with expensive designer labels and always knew how to wear colours that brought out his eyes or to best suit his fair complexion.

The other guy standing further back was Paul. He was tall with black hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. They radiated out from underneath his dark mop of hair, and olive skin. The contrast was unbelievable.

I almost forgot in my lustful exuberance in checking these guys out that we weren't meant to be happy to see them. They obviously wanted to get some action. Otherwise John wouldn't have brought them here. John took a step closer to Josh and towered over him. Josh went to take a step back, but stepped into me and we both stumbled a bit.

John sniggered and said, "You boys don't need to worry about shoes, you can come as you are."

"Where the hell do you want us to go, and what makes you think that we are going to do what you say?" replied Josh.

"If you don't do what we say, then I am going to tell Tom that you are being bad fairies and he may have to advertise to the entire school that you like to suck cock. Now what's it gonna be?"

"I guess we can go with you, where are we going?"

"Do you really think I am going to tell you two that. Now take off your shirts, and your shorts, and put these over you eyes."

John held out two red strips of cloth. Josh and I looked at each other for a moment, and then we slowly pulled off our shirts, shuckled our shorts and placed the red blind folds over our eyes. John and Andrew gave out wolf whistles when they realised that we weren't wearing normal underwear. John gave my bare cheeks a slap with his hand.

"Boys, I sure hope we didn't interrupt your fun, it seems like it was a hell of a game. But don't worry, we have plenty planned for you."

I felt a pair of hands push into my back herding me towards the road. I heard a car door open, and my head was pushed down as we got in. I didn't think the hands belonged to John, perhaps Paul, as they felt pretty big. I was scared at the thought of being driven somewhere, in a strange car with strange guys, wearing only a satin g-string.

The air-conditioning came on and I got goose bumps over my entire body, it was freezing! I heard someone chuckle as they ran their hands up my legs feeling my hairs on end. The hand kept going until it reached my basket, and gave it a rough grope. He pulled at my shriveled cock (from the cold) and then tugged on my balls. I flinched as he did this, but it only made him pull harder.

The guy that was feeling me up asked "So what were you boys up to before we arrived?" From the sound of his voice I knew it was Paul. Despite his size and rough hands, his voice was fairly soft.

I replied, "Not much, we were just err...playing on Josh's computer".

"Yeah, sure you were."

I was trying to pay attention to where they were taking us. Counting the turns, whether they were left or right. And I was trying to judge how long we had been driving for. But for all I knew we could have been going round in circles.

After what seemed like an hour - perhaps 15 minutes? - the car stopped and John told us to get out. I stumbled a bit, the ground was uneven. my dick was a little hard after being fondled for most of the trip. The string still felt uncomfortable and it took a lot of will power not to reach around and pull it out.

"OK boys, I think it is time to get down to business. You are gonna do everything we tell you to, and if you don't then we will leave you here, and then have Tom humiliate you in front of the whole school. Now the first thing I want you to do is get out of your stupid underwear."

I did as instructed, and pulled off the g-string. While I was relieved from the discomfort of the string, my modestly - which had been severely bruised of late - had me feeling very embarrassed. Here we were standing naked, God knows where, in front of three strange guys. We had no idea what they were going to do. I figured when they showed up at the house that they just wanted to get their dicks sucked and then be on their way. But they have gone to a lot of effort for a simple blow job.

They had us stand there for a minute in silence. Now that I was standing naked, my dick started to react even more, and was now hard and sticking straight out from my body. Despite the cool breeze that was blowing, it didn't give any signs of going away. Standing there doing nothing made me really uncomfortable. What were they waiting for, a written invitation? Whatever they were doing, there were quiet because I couldn't hear anything besides the wind, and the occasional ruffle and crunch of leaves.

Click, click, click.

Oh no, they were taking photos. What they thought they needed more blackmail material? It isn't like we weren't doing everything they wanted to anyway.

The silence was broken by Andrew, "These are just some shots for an art project of mine. Hope it doesn't bother you. I promise to let you see them after I get my grade. By the way, if I don't get a good score, you are gonna have to make up for it."

Shit, now he was going to use us for homework? I hope he hasn't got head shots.

I heard one of them walk towards me, and then felt cold, rough hands grab my rock hard cock. Wow, the intense feeling almost caused me to blow right then! The hand was course and sort of hurt, but in a good way, when he began to stroke up and down my shaft. Then I felt his other hand at my nipple, and he started twisting it as he pulled my cock. Wow, this was incredible. I almost forgot that we were here to do them the favour.

The hands then left my cock and nipple to turn me around. He then felt my buns and ran his hands up my back to my shoulders. He kneaded them for a moment and then traced down my spine to my bum. He let them go and grabbed my arms. He indicated to me to lean forward, and he guided my hands to a bench or log that was in front of me to lean against. Now the picture was becoming clear.

I felt something rub against my bum, it was warm, and it took me only a second to figure out what it was. It was hard, big and was snug between my butt cheeks. The hands rested on my bare shoulders while the massive cock rubbed up and down between my smooth buns. the sensation of this warm, hard shaft rubbing against my hole was incredible. After Josh's treat earlier, it was still super sensitive and rearing for action.

This cock, working its way over my ass felt great. It was so hard that I could feel the thick veins, and the little pimple bumps on the underside of the shaft. Whoever was doing this, was getting into it, as the thrusts became harder and faster. His balls were slapping against my the underside of my cheeks. I could tell his pubic bush was thick as it tickled against my skin. Pre-cum started oozing out of the head and lubricated my crack. This caused slurping noises with each thrust. The grip on my shoulders tightened, and I could hear him groan. Despite the cool air I could feel drops of sweat fall onto the bare skin of my back. The thrusting stopped suddenly and he lent over, resting his chest on my back, and his head on the back of my neck. His breathing was heavy, and his cock pulsed violently, eager to resume.

"Hey Paul, you aren't going to sleep there are you?" Yelled John.

"No. I am just warming up."

So it was Paul making use of me. Wow, I hope I get to see his monster cock.

"Ross, I think it's time you spread your legs further apart. Have you ever been fucked before?"

"No Paul, never. Please, you feel very big, I don't know if it will fit." I didn't know if pleading would stop him from having his way with my ass, but I really was scared of being torn in two by his huge dick.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle and I'll try to work you in first."

Paul stood and used his knees to knock my legs apart further. He placed his big hands on my buns and played with them a bit. He spat, and I then felt a wet finger rubbing around my hole. I was swimming in mixed feelings of excitement Paul circled round the edge causing my hole to tighten and relax, and then I heard him spit again and felt it land on my hole. He forced his finger at my opening, and pushed slowly in. The tip went in easy, but found resistance as it reached the first joint. He wiggled his finger around, while still slowly pushing further in. Even though it was just a finger, I felt invaded and that there was no way I would be able to take his massive dick.

Paul had finally pushed in up to his knuckle, when he pulled it out completely. I felt empty with it gone, and was preparing myself for the inevitable pain that would come with the force of his hard and powerful pole. He told me to brace myself, and then I felt...

"Oh, wow..."

It wasn't his dick, it was his tongue. I couldn't believe it!

"I figured you still needed some loosening up."

"Oh, yeah, that should do it."

I couldn't believe it. This hunk of a guy was actually rimming me. He actually had his tongue in my ass! His tongue was much larger, and could reach further than Josh's tender one. H was able to stretch my hole and probe deep. The wet, ticklish sensation was intense. I wanted so much to thrust, and squirm under his pressure but his strong arms held me firm. I couldn't break free. This was ecstasy.

By now my cock was so hard it hurt, and I was leaking so much pre-cum that I could feel it running down my slim shaft and wetting my bush. I could just imagine the small pool I was making on the ground. But it was over quicker than I hoped. Paul took his tongue away and told me to prepare for the main event.

I felt him nudge his large swollen cockhead at my hole, which was now rhythmically pulsing from the incredible pleasure it had received. It practically dragged in the first inch of Paul's thick shaft. Then it started to fill really quick. Even with his tongue lashing, my rectum was still narrow compared to his wide shaft. As he pushed further in, I tried little by little to relax my muscles to allow more of his dick to enter my steamy, wet, hot rectum. After what seemed like a mile of shaft, I felt his large balls and hairs press against me.

Then he began to slide that big thing out of me. Its retreat left a vacuum that hungered to be filled. It was now begging for it. I had never before felt such an intoxicating mix of pleasure and pain. He then pushed back in, faster than the first. He went all the way to the hilt. It didn't take long for Paul to work up a steady fuck rhythm. My own cock had at first gone soft, overwhelmed by the sensations caused by Paul taking my cherry. But now, with Paul's long pole reaching deep inside, my prostate was getting some heavy pressure. I was now hard again, with my cock twitching in unison with my love tunnel.

It was now that I started thinking about what Andrew and John were doing with Josh. Were they robbing him of his cherry as well? Or were they doing something worse? My thought was broken by Paul's heavy groans, and by him ramming his fuck tool in and out of my lovehole even harder and faster. I knew he was on the edge of cumming. My knees were sore, and my tunnel felt like it was on fire. His strokes became more erratic. He rammed home one last time, and I felt his body go rigid, and then he came.

I could actually feel each spasm of his shaft as it stretched me open even further. Once, twice, three shots, then I lost count. He was filling me up with his juice. His powerful hands had grabbed me by the shoulders and was pulling me back onto his cock, getting as deep as he possibly could. he was shooting so much and so hard that I thought I was going to taste it in my mouth!

After what seemed like an eternity Paul collapsed on my back, panting and sweating.

"Thanks Ross, you really have a sweet, tight ass!"

I said nothing. Perhaps still in shock. We remained like that for a few minutes. I could feel his dick slowly shrink inside me until it finally slide out. As it did I felt his jism run out of me and down the back of my thighs. Several more minutes passed, and I sense Paul had finally recovered as he stood and helped me straighten up. I must have been bent over like that for at least thirty minutes. My back ached.

"Where is Josh?" I inquired.

"He is over that way. Err, to your left, with a face full of Andrew's cock, and an ass full of John."

Paul helped me get closer to them, trying to lead me to avoid rocks, branches and ditches in the ground. Though not always successfully. I even fell on my ass, with a twig coming half an inch for stabbing me in the pucker. As we approached the threesome I could make out the sounds of Andrew and John moaning, and the slapping of flesh on flesh. Then the familiar gurgle and grunts as they both came hard and fast.

My heart jumped into my throat when Josh coughed and splattered and then was then muffled by more dick. Poor baby, I hope he is OK? Please don't choke.

"Ross, come over hear and lick this out." It was John.

I cautiously stepped towards the sound of his voice. When I got to where I thought they were I felt a hand grip tightly at the back of my neck, and forced me down on my knees. I could smell Josh's sweet scent, mixed with the strong chlorine like smell of semen. The hand then forced me forward and I found my face buried in Josh's crack and I knew what I had to do. I stuck my tongue out, not knowing what to expect. I didn't have a problem with rimming Josh, but was unsure what it would be like after being fucked and filled.

I got my first taste instantly as my tongue made contact with his opening. It was still gaping open, and I could get most of my tongue inside him. John's cum was strong. I almost gagged on the thick taste as I gulped it down. I could tell Josh was enjoying this change of pace, and figured this would make a great trick when we were on our own.

I didn't really finish cleaning out Josh's hole when John told us that it was time to go. I was happy to hear that. They helped direct us back to the car, and roughly forced us in the door. Though I noticed they didn't give us back our underpants. No one said anything as we drove.

The car stopped.

"You can take your blindfold off now."

I pulled it off my head, and rubbed and squinted my eyes as they adjusted.

"Joshua, I think this is the top of your street. Sorry Ross, your place is just too far out of the way." Said John.

"Hang on, my house is halfway down the street, that's half a mile down!" screamed Josh.

We both looked around in horror.

"sorry dude, this isn't a taxi service."

"Well what about our clothes?" I pleaded.

"You wanted to keep those? I left them behind. If you want I will give you a lift back there, but I am not coming all the way here again."

Josh and I traded looks of disbelief, now realising that we weren't going to get out of this easily.

All right boys, I will give you a lift back to your house. With one proviso."


"Both get out, and jerk off kneeling on the kerb under the street light over there."

"We can't do that! What if someone sees?"

"Then be real quick about it."

We weighed up maybe a quick couple of minutes of jerking, with running the length of the street completely naked. We opted to jerk off. Andrew roughly 'helped' us out of the car. We walked over to the light, knelt down, and went to work.

We faced each other, which helped combat the shyness of my shriveled penis. I looked over Josh's used body, thinking about what I wanted to do to him. He gripped his tender meat around the head and pumped with short strokes. I grabbed myself at the base, and skinned my dick furiously with a loose grip right to the tip.

We caught the attention of a midnight jogger. he stopped in the middle of the street and stared at us, working out whether we were actually doing what he thought we were. My face went crimson, and I felt my orgasm quickly recede. Thankfully he turned 'round and kept going. I sure hope he didn't recognise us.

Josh must have been oblivious to it. His eyes were closed and he was now thrusting his hips into his tight fist. his face screwed up and his balls and dick released his load! He was shooting long thick jets of cum. It was coming out hard and fast. Wham! He hit me in the face. Another, then another in my hair. Wow. He was going for broke. After about 10 shots Josh fell back on his heels, panting for breath.

I took my hand and wiped up some of his jism from my face and used it as lube on my hot, ripe dick. It was already cool from the air, but it didn't make much difference to the heat that was radiating from my engorged meat. I gripped around the base again, and made a long tight stroke, twisting round my rod as I neared the flared cock ridge. My balls were churning with what was going to be a very heavy load. My body was aching to release. I could feel it swelling up deep inside my gut.

"Argh! Oh, fuck!"

Cum was blasting from my cockhead. My hand was going like a blur, making a slurpy noise with the added lube. It hit Josh across his chest, completely covering his small, dark nipples. It ran down his torso into his fine fuzz. When I had finished I noticed that my fluid was clearer than normal. Probably because I had shot so much today.

We gathered ourselves and headed back to the car.

"Nice show boys."

"Glad you enjoyed it, can we please go home now?"

"It didn't do much for me, but I reckon the kid in the house over there enjoyed it."

We turned, and sure enough staring out the window was a boy, probably13 or 14. he must have seen us pull up, and watched the whole thing. Hell, he probably knows Josh, or even worse, he may go to our school.

"On second thoughts boys, I don't think I want to let you back in my car, covered in cum and all. I don't have seat covers."

With that John revved his engine and screamed off down the street. No doubt to wake up as many people as possible to see us running for dear life. we bolted as it sank in that we were standing naked in the street, in the middle of the night, covered in and reeking of fresh and old cum. When we reached Josh's house, we barely spoke a word.

This humiliation and punishment thing was getting out of hand. I could handle giving a few headjobs, stripping off, and even getting fucked. But not being photographed, and left naked in public. My thoughts raced over Andrew's photos and whether anyone would recognise us. Then I thought about how Paul had rimmed me. Was he gay?

My head was a sea of images from what Josh and I had been forced to do, and what we had done together. It has only been a couple of days, but my life is very different from a week ago. I had seen cocks of all shapes and sizes, and accommodated them in every orifice of my body. I have had my modesty shredded, and wondered if it could get any worse.

What will Tom make us do next? I don't think I want to know.

We showered and gently bathed each other. We went to bed that night embracing. We were both so exhausted that we were asleep moments after laying head to the pillow.

End of part V

Well, what did you think of my latest offering? I appreciate all responses and suggestions. I promise that the next installment will not be as long coming as this one.

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