Bradleys New Beginning

By Frederick Pettine

Published on Oct 21, 1999


I want to thank a few important people who helped me write this story and a few other fun things. I'd like to Thank Lauren, author of "Lucky Me." For helping me out with the story, and listening to me when I ramble. I'd like to encourage DLS to keep up the good work with "Brian and Me." And I'd most definately like to thank my mother. For without everything that she's done in my life, I wouldn't be able to write the way I did. If it wasn't for what she and my family put me through, I wouldn't have been able to write this story with the feeling it's got now.

This is Chapter 3! I decided to do something different. The last installment was Chapter 1 and Chapter 2. This here is Chapter 3, Chapter four should be out tomorrow or the day after.

Now, I'd like to say that this story does not imply anything about the sexuality of any of the celebrities named herein. And as usual with these types of stories..

If you are offended by any homosexual material, straight material, hell, or any material contained herein, then you should leave. Immediately. If you are offended by male/male relationships, bye. If you are under 18, you shouldn't be here. If anyone actually knows any member of N'Sync of BSB...e-mail me. ::evil grin:: If not, e-mail me anyway!

All e-mails will be appreciated. Any suggestions are welcome, flamers ignored. Praises are most definately welcome. (Sorry, ego boost there) Also, if you are confused about anything in the story, just send an e-mail, IM, or ICQ message. I'll more than likely be on. Byee

E-mail: AOL name: Tornarius ICQ #: 13042113

Bradly's New Beginning


Frederick Pettine

Chapter Three:

The next morning a nurse answered the question that was plaguing my mind for the last week. She agreed to give me a ride home.

"But," I protested, "I don't have a place to go!" She smiled sweetly.

"Any friends that would allow you to stay with them?" I thought about that for a moment.

"John, possibly." I said with a slight smile.

"Well," she said handing me the phone, "Call him." I laughed softly and picked up the receiver, "Dial." She said forcefully. I grinned and started to dial. It rang about ten times until I grew tired and hung up.

"No avail." I whispered silently. She sighed softly and appeared to be thinking.

"I'd let you stay with me, but my boyfriend would kill you." She grinned sheepishly and winked at me.

"I've got a friend who owes me a favor. I'll go collect up. After I get out of here, I want to walk around for a bit. Clear my head. It's a bit stuffy up there." I smiled and she gave me a knowing nod.

"Well, if you ever need anything..." I smiled and cut her off.

"I know, get Nurse Nancy."

A pillow hit me on the side of my head. With a laugh, I apologized. "I'm sorry, Nancy." I said laughing a little bit.

"Hah! I am King Nancy!" I blinked at her. "What?" She said a little bit startled.

"No dear. You're Queen. Having an identity crisis here?" I raised an eyebrow. She laughed and gave me a hug.

"Thanks hon, you made me day."

"Nah, you made mine." She gave me a kiss on my forehead and with a smile, she left.

Suddenly, I was alone. Along in a hypocritical world stricken by grief. With a sigh, I slunk down lower into my bed until my head was laying on the pillow. With grim determination, I fell asleep.

The next morning I was awakened by my oh so favorite nurse. Julie. It seemed there was a storm cloud following her around, and today was no different. She tore the shade open and let the sun pour into my sensitive eyes. She went out into the hall for a moment and came back with a tray of food. She threw it on my little table that's on the side of the bed, and walked out grumbling under her breath.

I grabbed the tray and placed it in my lap. Grabbing a spoon, I looked into the bowl that was closest to me. It was filled with a greay substance that somehow resembled oatmeal. I dipped the spoon into the 'liquid' and pulled it out. It was covered and the substance didn't look like it was going to move anywhere soon. With a groan, I shoved the spoon back into the bowl.

I pushed at the 'oatmeal' with my spoon. It pushed back, I pushed again. A few seconds later it made a noise that sounded like a burp, and a bubble popped on the surface.

I lost me appetite.

Next I picked up a bowl that had, what resembled, gelatin. I was never a big fan of gelatin, but it was better than that 'oatmeal.' As I lifted a spoon of gelatin, my eyes flicked to the bandage around my wrists. My eyes teared over and I let out a soft sob.

For some reason my thoughts swarmed back to when I was ten. Seven years ago. That moment seven years ago that scarred me for life. Not scarred like seeing your parents having sex, oh no. Much worse.

About seven years ago, in the middle of the night, around 3:00am, when I heard the familiar squeak of my bedroom door opening. I shut my eyes tightly and prayed he'd go away. His visits were becoming more and more frequent. And when his middle-aged muscular frame is compared to my fragil little ten year old body, I was helpless.

He was towering ovre my bed now. I waited for what he was going to do this time.

His name was Rusty and even that name made me shudder. He worked with my mother and they were good friends. It wasn't long before he needed to move in with us.

That was two months ago. A month ago, the visits started. At first, he would just pull down my pajamas and feel me up. But with each visit, he did more and more. It wouldn't be long until...

I was pulled out of my thoughts as a doctor which I have never seen before enter my room. He had a warm smile and a friendly grace about him that just made you want to trust this guy. That threatened me.

"Hi!" He said happily. "How are you this evening?" He said all this in a thick southern accent.

"Evening? Doctor, I'm sorry to burst your fragil little bubble," I jabbed, "but it's not evening here. It's not even Noon!" I said with humor in my voice.

"It's evening somewhere else in the world." He said smiling a almost too-toothy grin. "Anyway, I'm Doctor Harold David. You can just call me Doctor D. since we won't be seeing much of each other." His grin shrunk to a small subdued smile. With a smile, I looked him over.

He had short sandy blond hair which made him look rather scruffy. His eyes were a dark sea-green. His nose wasn't too big, but it wasn't all that small either! But his most prominent feature would have to be his chin. It was strong and proud. It looked to be chisled out of marble. Even if he did need to shave.

His broad shoulders filled the white overcoad that the doctor wore. His little pocket notebook and some pens were stored in the front pocket. He held a clipboard in his right hand and a small black object in his right.

Underneath the white overcoat he wore a light blue dress shirt and a pair of tight blue jeans. Around his neck was a gold chain with a charm which resembled the letter 'H.' Over that was a loos stethascope.

"Nice chain. What's the 'H' stand for, Doctor D.?"

He smiled a small, sad smile. "Someone special gave this to me as a promise that we'd always be true together." There was definate sorrow in his voice by now. I gave him a small smile.

"Oh." I whispered. He said, 'someone.' Not a girl, not a specific guy. Could he be..? "So what happened? You seem sad, regretful. What happened?" I pushed a little deeper.

"Nothing. They moved around alot and I hardly ever see 'im." Oh my god! Did he just say 'him'? I don't know, I wasn't good at deciphering accents. "What about you? Got anyone special?"

The question was innocent enough, but it made me recoil a little bit. I wince softly and looked up. "Sorry." He said looking toward the ground.

"That's all right." I said with a small smile. "To answer your question though, I'm single. I always will be single. I hate all relationships. They're so superficial, that you don't know what's real and what's not anymore. They're for the lonely and depressed."

He recoiled from my words. "I'm sorry." He said again.

"Don't be. It's just that I've been hurt one too many times, and I decided to give up on love."

"Let's get to why I'm here," he said quickly. I thanked him silently for changing the subject. "The police have a few things they want to ask you about what happened. An officer will be here around six, I'm here to brief you on the dos and don'ts of officer conduct.

"Shouldn't a lawyer go over this?" He nodded with a smile.

"Normally, yes. But the hospital has insufficient--" I cut him off.

"The hospital doesn't think of me as important enough to spend money on a lawyer?" I asked innocently enough. He laughed.

"Basically." He excuse himself for a moment.

A few moments later he appeared with a brown buckskin(I think) suitcase. He set it on my lap and decided to use me as a table.

"Let me guess.." I started..

"You're right. You're not important enough for a table." He said grinning, "And that thing next to your bed is too small." We laughed over that for a few minutes.

About two hours later, we finished going over what he had to tell me and a little bit of stuff he shouldn't have told me. Unfortunately, there weren't anymore hints of his sexuality. We joked a little bit about the funding of the hospital until he had to leave. We said our goodbyes and he left.

After I had flipped through some channels, my mind wandered back to Rusty.

He was feeling me up now, his rough hands were running over my belly and down south toward my little ten year old penis and balls. He rubbed around a little more and started to feel around my ass. One of his big fingers started to force it's way into me tight anus. I let out a cry and he quickly yanked his finger back. By now, the tears were coming out freely. He decided to try something new that night. And I cried even more fiercly when he started to climb onto my bed.

He started to unbuckle his pants, another new thing. When they were undone and around his knees he proceeded to masturbate. I was crying freely and loudly by now, hoping that some unseen angel would help me. His free hand roamed all over my body and played with everything he could touch. I started to shake and cry, I was scared and he was hurting me. Not too much later did he ejaculate all over me. He didn't clean up, he just shaked his penis and put it back in his underwear. After that, he pulled up his jeans and left my room.

Soon after I heard his door shut I ran into the bathroom. I let out a small cry and started to throw up into the toilet. I kept vomiting and vomiting. I threw up everytihng that was in my stomach. Everything. Soon there wasn't anything left to throw up and I started to throw up blood. Soon after, I passed out on the floor.

Now, seven years later I was in the hospital. Laying in a hospital bed with no place to go but...the bathroom!

I jumped up and ran into the bathroom. It was large and pale, it smelled of antiseptic and lysol. The lysol made me sneeze.

Somehow I managed to relieve myself while I was sneezing, and clean myself up. After all that was done, I decided to make a few calls.

When I walked back into my room I noticed the bed was made, a nurse must've came in while I was in the bathroom and made it. I laid on the bed over the covers and propped up the back of it. When it was in the sitting position, I decided to make a few calls.

I picked up the phone and decided to try and dial John again. After about the third ring he picked up.

"Johnnie!" I said happily.

"Bradly!" He said just as chipperly.

"Johnny, I need your help." I said softly.

"What?" he asked cautiously.

"I need a place to stay. And I need a ride there."

"Oh! You can stay with me, as for ride, I have no idea." I sighed softly.

"Thanks Johnnie. I owe you."

"You're welcome. So where've you been? You're ma got pissed when I called yesterday and no one's answered the phone before then."

"St...Johns." I whispered.

"What?!" He screamed into the phone. His voice echoing off the drab walls.

"St. Johns. I gave up."

"All right. Promise me you'll stay out of trouble?"

"Of course." I smiled at my friend's show of concern.

"We'll talk later." Click. I think I made him mad...and I don't know what I did.

"Hi Honey." I said with extra syrupy sweetness as Nurse Nancy walked in. She laughed softly.

"Watch it choir-boy. I know how to use a scalpel, and when I'm done with you, you'd be singing soprano." I gasped melodramatically.

"You really do know how to spoil a man's time, don'g you?" She gave me a small grin.

"It's all in the wrist." I laughed and made a very crude sexual gesture. "You wish Honey!" With a smile, she gave me some pill and a tray of..stuff.

"Is this legal?" I asked cautiously looking over the food. I found the oatmeal and pushed it away. "My last bowl burped." She blinked at me for a few moments and then just laughed. As she left, I glanced at the clock. It was 4:30, hah! Trust the police to be late.

At around five to five, Doctor Harold David came in.

"You didn't mention that you were going to be present." I said lifting my left eyebrow out of puzzlement.

"Yeah, well. My favorite officer is going to conduct the interview. I decided to come by and bother him. He hates me for some reason." I just grinnned. He cracked up over something unknown to me.

Just as he was calming down, a man who reminded me of the butter-ball turkey entered my room.

"Don't you people knock? I could be fucking some nurse." I grumbled under my breath.

"What did you say?" Dr. D and the Officer said in unison.

"Nothing." I muttered.

All during the interview he kept throwing questions that were slightly uncalled for. Like, 'Do you know Ray Pauli?' and stuff like that. He kept trying to trap me by asking me if I hung out with Ray Pauli right after I said I never met him...which wasn't exactly the truth.

After the butter-ball finished up and left, Doctor D congratulated me on a 'job well done' and he left. Soon after, my Doctor decided to let me know that I was free.

"you're free." He said with a grin.

"Yay. I need a ride." I said in a monotone voice.

"There's someone out front. They said they'd wait for you." He smiled. "We'll miss you. You kept this place happening." I laughed softly.

"I'll come back and visit. Goodbye Doctor."

"Goodbye. You're ride is in the unloading dock. I'll see you sometime soon! For good things, I hope." I laughed and waved.

I gathered my stuff together and left my room. When I reached the unloading dock I froze.

A green grand am with "TazPanic" over the windshield. My heart hammered in my chest and jumped up in my throat when I saw him. I'd recognize him anywhere.

It was Rusty.

Next: Chapter 3

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