Bradleys New Beginning

By Frederick Pettine

Published on Dec 2, 1999


Hey Guys! I'm back on track! I had to stop with this part for a day because I needed to a description of someone from someone. Not naming any names...::glances at the dear little Lauren:: Anyway! I got everything, and this chapter is all done. It didn't take long, did it? I worked hard...yes! I did...

I'd like to go through the "Thank You" things and the stories to look out for...

I'd like to thank DLS for liking the graphic I made for him! And Lauren, and Scotty T, and Yuli also...for liking the graphics I made for them. I'd like to thank those guys for listening to me, and I'd like to say thank you to someone special, Chris, John, Justin, Joy, Lydia, and Christian! I'd like to thank you guys ;) I really would.

There's probably some confusion as to WHO Mr. Privea is...well...go back to the first chapter! Duh. ;)

I'd like to thank my readers! Yuli, Lauren, DLS, Scotty T, Christian D., and everyone else who reads but doesn't email. ::blinks very slowly:: I love you guys anyway!

Well, the usual stuff: If you're under 18, don't read if you don't like sex between men. (Not that sex'll be in here for a long long time...) Also, I am not portraying the sexuality of ANY of the members of the BSB.

Email me: or IM me: Tornarius, XxGothfire, Taryn Rhyolin, or Rad324, I'm under Taryn Rhyolin, more often than any of the others. ICQ me: 13042113 ;) or "Taryn Rhyolin"

Thanks! ::hugs:: Love you all! ::grins::

Welp! On with the good stuff! :)

Chapter 7:

"We need to talk." Kevin said on the way to my job. I squirmed in the driver's seat as he sat there and stared at me. "We really need to talk." I nodded and continued to drive.

"All right. I think you've got the right idea. We do need to talk, but I also need to get to work. I work until five, but I get an hour break between one and two." He nodded and started to fidget. Soon, I turned down onto the highway toward my job.

"We can talk some now. About how long until we reach..."



"We've got...a good 20 minutes." He nodded and looked out the window. I sighed softly and decided I should start some conversation. But, being the timid one, I was too shy to speak.

"We really do need to talk." He said simply. I nodded and glanced toward him. He was leaned against the door and looking out the window.

"Yes." I said with certainty. "Yes, we do." I knew he was going to ask...I knew he was going to talk to me about Brian. I just...somehow knew.

"What do you feel for Brian?" That question caught me off guard. I thought he was going to ask me, 'Are you using him?' or something along the lines. But not 'What do you feel for Brian?' But in the back of my head, I somehow knew he was going to ask the question. And I didn't hesitate to reply.

"I don't know." I said softly. I continued to drive as Kevin thought bout it for a moment. I sighed softly and said, "I honestly don't know. Sometimes I feel as though I love him, but it's too damned soon. You know? I always thought love took time...and patience. I've never been in love before, so I don't know. I came really close once, I guess I was close to loving her, but..." My eyes glazed over as I thought about Chrystal. "But we never had a chance to figure it out."

Kevin nodded thoughtfully and patted my back.

"It's all right. I'm sorry..."

"Don't be." I sniffed and looked at him for a moment, dead in the eyes. "Don't be."

"Okay." He said softly. "Um, you don't know what you feel for him?" I shook my head 'no.' He sighed audibly and looked toward the sky. After a brief moment, he looked back toward me. "Do you know what Brian feels for you?" I shook my head again. He grinned. "He thinks he loves you. He speaks very highly of you..."

'When did those two talk?' I thought, 'When didn't those two talk?' I thought more ruefully. With a light laugh and pulled off of the highway and onto the exit ramp for 'New Paltz.' "He really did tell you that?" Kevin nodded and I let out a loud 'Whoop!' in the car. I wasn't so sure what I felt for Brian, but I was damned glad that he felt something for me. And that it wasn't just show. Kevin started to laugh and I relaxed around him a little more.

"What do you think the guys are doing?" Kevin wondered out loud. I let out a little laugh.

"Brian's probably keeping them occupied. He's good at passing the time quickly." I said with a grin. Kevin looked at me for a moment, and I, not realizing what I said, blushed really red like. "I mean, we didn't, know? We didn't, I couldn't...we haven't." Kevin started to laugh even harder at my predicament.

"I know, Brian wouldn't have let you anyway."

"And I wouldn't have let him." I said with a smirk.

"Brian's still a virgin." Kevin said as I was pulling into the parking lot. He said that right out of the blue and I just slammed on the brakes.


"Park." He said with a light grin. I looked at him and started to fish around for a parking space. "You work here?" I nodded.

"I help Melissa manage this place. It's not a bad restaurant. I don't get paid much, but the people here make it up. Besides, being the youngest manager in Friendly's History helps a little bit, too." He looked at me for a moment.

"How old are you?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow. I laughed softly.

"How old do you think?"

"18." I shook my head.

"Close, but I'm 19." Kevin looked at me for a moment and grinned.

"Yeah, I see some gray hairs." I smacked his arm and pulled into a parking space.

"Smart ass." He grinned at me as we climbed out of the car and locked it up.

"So what do I do while you 'manage' the place?" He raised an eyebrow. I laughed softly.

"You sit. And wait. Unless you want me to unofficially employ you without a pay for a while as a waiter?" He grinned and shook his head.

"I don't know the first thing about being a waiter." I laughed softly.

"Neither do there goes that idea." I thought about it some more as we walked through the front doors. Suddenly it hit me! "You can help me 'manage' the place." I said with an evil grin. But before I could say anymore, Melissa ran from the back room, through the aisles of seats and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me.

"Oh! You're hear!" Her normally happy husky voice sounded tired and strung out. "And you brought help! Good, he can do fountain." She pulled off the "Friendly's" apron and tired it around him throwing instruction at him.

"But..." Kevin started to protest.

"No buts. You're helping." She said as she ushered him toward the ice cream and drinks part of the store and I couldn't help but laugh. This was going to be an interesting day.

"Excuse me sir?" A middle aged lady called. She had three kids sitting with her and I couldn't help but grin. They were adorable. I walked over there and gave her the proper "Friendly's" greeting.

"Can I help you?"

"Um, yes. Can I get..." And she proceeded to order everything that had chocolate or anything sweet, in the menu. I smiled and grabbed a pad from a nearby waitress and wrote it all down.

"Would that be all?" I asked hoping it was.

"Um, one last thing. Can I get a Cyclone?"

"What flavor?" I asked with a polite smile.

"Candy Cane." I nodded and walked over to fountain; the area where all the desserts were made. Handing the slip to Kevin with an evil twinkle in my eye, I walked away. Ignoring the curses I heard from my fountain man. Melissa walked up to me and pulled me into the bathrooms.

"You bastard!" She seethed. I raised an eyebrow.

"What did I do now?"

"You brought one of the Backstreet Boys and didn't warn me before hand!" I started to laugh.

"It was spur of the moment."

"Great, I've got a Backstreet boy serving fountain drinks and desserts and a dipshit as a manager! Great day today is." I laughed and pattered her shoulder.

"Don't worry dear. Everything will be fine." I said as I patted her cheek and made my way out of the bathroom. I then moved down the aisle and toward the prep area near the kitchen. Looking over the list of 'to do's,' I heard someone step up behind me. I jumped when I felt hands reach out and touch my sides. I felt the hands gently move my hips from side to side. With a lopsided grin, I turned around and stared down into Brian's deep blue eyes. I bumped him back a little bit with my arse and grabbed the prep work. I walked over to the sink and started to cut up and finish the prep, I saw Brian lean against the wall.

"Hi." He said. I grinned and glanced at him.

"Hey." I replied. "How did you get here?" That's right, he didn't know where I worked! How'd he get directions? I furrowed my brow in concentration and started to cut up the peppers. All the more I thought about it, the more confused I got.

"Melissa called the house. Seemed she recognized Kevin, and wondered where the rest of the Backstreet were...and called us in to help. Well, Kevin told us to help." I raised an eyebrow.

"He did?" Brian nodded and I laughed softly. It seemed I couldn't get away with just being evil to Kevin.

"Hmm." I mused, "Do you think the other guys are having fun?" Brian laughed softly.

"No. Melissa has Howie and Nick as waiters, AJ's helping cook, and Kevin's working 'Fountain" as she said. Kevin told me to work back here on Prep with you." I raised an eyebrow. I just kept quiet and I cut the peppers and thought.

'Was it destiny that brought the two of us together? Albeit, there was a snowstorm, there was a car problem. Kevin said that management gave them some time off, and that they were using it up now. But they were working with me, why? Because they were friends? Because they were loyal?'

"What's wrong?" Brian's voice penetrated my thoughts. His accent was a little more pronounced, because of his concern. I finished cutting up the peppers and threw them into the bin they belonged in. I then turned around and looked deep into Brian's eyes.

"What do you feel for me?" I asked cautiously and slowly. He was silently for a few moments before he answered.

"Frankly? I'm no sure. I think I love you, but it's been too soon. But," He sighed, "I don't know. I think I'm too confused to know what I feel for you. I know it's stronger than anything I've ever felt for anyone..." He let his words trail off.

"But you're still confused." He nodded slowly. "So am I..." I said softly, "So. Am. I." I smiled. "Why don't you go help and be a waiter?" He nodded and patted his arm. "We'll talk soon." I sighed inwardly. I was getting tired of talking. Real tired of talking. 'I'm just so damned tired,' I thought, 'I'm tired mentally. I'm tired physically...I'm just tired!' I screamed that last thought in my head.

Grabbed a cucumber and cut off the end rather crudely. Howie walked in, saw me cut the cucumber, and then walked out.

I dashed around the kitchen, going through the various spots and within the hour; finished all of the prep work. The only thing left for me to do was the deposit, and help out with whatever needed help in until five o'clock.

While I was counting the money in the office, Nick walked in with a lazy arrogant smile on his face.

"Hi." He said with that arrogant smile. I gave him an equally arrogant and lazy smile.

"Hi." I said with a grin. He let out a little laugh and leaned against the doorframe. I raised my eyebrow at him and he just kept staring at me. Finally, without knowing what I was missing, I asked, "What's up with you?"

"Nothing." He said, that damned smile still on his face. I looked at him and shook my head. For the next five minutes, I counted out the cash and worked on wrote up the receipts while he just leaned there, watching. Finally, I had enough.

"What do you want?" I asked rather forcefully. He only shook his head. I snarled but let the matter drop as I finished the deposit. I stood up and started to walk toward the frame. "Excuse me." I said softly. He didn't budge. I went to go around him but he moved into my way. I raised an eyebrow. He still had that smile on his lips, but his eyes were hauntingly clear. The only thing I saw there was grim determination.

"Do you love him?" Nick asked. I sighed and decided to give a straight answer for once.

"Yes." I said without hesitation.

"Good. That makes this all the more easier." Makes what?

"What?" I raised an eyebrow. And before I knew it, he kissed me. Without knowing what I was doing, I hauled back and punched him right in the eye. He fell down to the ground and I stormed past time, out into the dining room, past that, out into the fountain area where a baffled Kevin and a concerned Brian stood.

"Brad...?" Kevin said as I walked right by him and out into the cool clean air. I was too angry to care why AJ wasn't working fountain, for angry to wonder what was going on. I was just too angry. And as I slumped against the wall of the restaurant, I sighed. I couldn't help it, I just...couldn't. 'Maybe Brian and I weren't meant to be together. Maybe...No! Don't think like that,' I chastised myself mentally, 'You two are the best thing in the world. You love him, he thinks he loves you. When it's more definite, then you will know. Just trust your heart. Trust it.' I started to sob softly as I drew up my knees and hugged them.

"What's wrong?" AJ asked. I didn't even notice he came out of the restaurant, and I also didn't notice that he was standing right there.

"I'm pissed off at Nick, and I'm confused, and worried...and hurt..." He put an arm on my shoulder.

"Let's start with, why are you hurt?" I looked up and into his eyes.

"Because I don't know what Brian really feels for me." AJ grinned and sat next to me.

"When I was helping him with fountain, all he could talk about was you. And on the way here, all he could tell us was how glad he was to be able to spend some time with you. He does love you; he may not see that. You may not see that...but we do." I raised my eyebrow but said naught. "Now, why are you confused?"

"I'm confused about my feelings for Brian." I said softly. Wondering why I was trusting myself with him. He was almost a complete stranger, almost... "And I'm also confused about you guys." A concerned look crossed over his face.

"What about us?"

"Well," I said as I squirmed a little bit. "I don't know you guys very well. And already I trust most of you. You guys trust me also, it's like we've known each other for years...but it's still got me confused as to why..." He nodded.

"I feel the same way. But hey, guess what? We're not strangers anymore. We're buds. Okay?" I nodded softly.

"And why are you pissed off at Nick? If I may be so bold?" I laughed softly.

"He kissed me. The asshole kissed me and I punched him." AJ raised an eyebrow.

"You must be a damned good kisser. Two good-looking Backstreet Boy members kiss you, and you're upset? Gee, I wonder about me." He said with a silly little grin. I laughed and nudged him.

"Asshole." I said with an evil little grin. He smiled.

"Who? Me? Never!" His face turned serious; "I don't know what to do about the spoiled little shit. Just, let's see how everything turns out, all right? You've got 4 members backing you up. And the fifth won't bother with you." I nodded thoughtfully and grinned an evil little grin.

"Hey?" I said with an evil grin. "Thanks. Thanks for understanding." He smiled.

"What are buds for? Now go back in there, and help us work!" We laughed and made our way back inside. Maybe things would go right? Maybe...just maybe.

The day ended rather uneventfully. The guys had a blast, and Kevin still gave me the evil eye. I suspect it was because I made him work fountain, not waiter. All well.

It was around six o'clock when we all got home and collapsed on the couch and on the chairs.

"What's for dinner?" Nick asked. AJ busted out laughing.

"Trust Nick to be the first to think about food." Brian said with a laugh. AJ continued to crack up laughing and the rest of us joined in. Nick sat there with a silly little grin on his face. I still hadn't forgiven him, but I let it go for now.

"Hey Brad?" Nick said softly. I raised an eyebrow. "Can we talk? Privately?" I nodded.

"Meet me outside in like, three minutes. All right?" He nodded and walked outside without putting a jacket on. AJ looked at me, concerned.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" I nodded.

"Someone has to talk to him." I said. 'It might as well be me,' I thought bitterly, 'it might as well.' I stood up and AJ patted my back. The other guys gave him a weird look and I grinned. "He'll fill you in while I'm talking to Nick. All right?" Brian looked at me for a moment and swore under his breath. I sighed and walked out of the door and into the hallway. Where Nick was waiting.

I leaned against the wall and looked the blond in the eyes. He looked back for a fraction of a second and then avoided my eyes.

"Look, I'm...sorry." He said softly. I sighed and pinched the ridge of my nose.

"Don't be, I don't care. I put it behind me." I said cooly. He looked at me for a second then looked away.

"I am truly sorry." He said just as soft. I nodded.

"So am I." With that, I turned on my heels and walked inside. Maybe I was being hard on the kid, he wasn't much younger than me, if anything, he was the same age. What business did I have calling him a kid? Maybe he was even older than I was...but that wasn't the point! Did I have any reason to be so hard on him? All he did was kiss know? Is that such a crime, why am I holding it against him? I don't know what to do...

All these thoughts raced through my head as I walked through the living room and into the bathroom. I cracked my neck and relieved myself with the door shut. (Like I'd leave it open! Not only do some readers get off on this, like I mentioned in other installments...but maybe one of the other BSB will as well?) I flushed and washed my hands, who knows who'd hands I'd be shaking...and whether or not that might turn them on...anyway!

I walked out of the bathroom and rummaged through the spare bedroom's closet. Glanced at a neatly wrapped box, I pulled it out and walked into the living room. I handed the box to Brian who raised an eyebrow and I couldn't help but grin. "Open it, Dorkis." I said with a laugh. Brian grinned like a little boy and opened it. It was something Lydia had bought me for Christmas before she moved to London. It was an N64 equipped with 'Zelda,' 'Turok,' and 'Fighter's Destiny'. With an evil little grin, I helped Kevin and Brian hook it up, and watched them play.

While Brian was playing Zelda, Nick had come inside and looked at the group then at the television, then back at the group. Cautiously, we all moved aside and let him jump in the middle between Brian and Kevin. With an evil laugh, he took up the second player's controller and logged in. Before Kevin and I knew it, Brian and Nick were battling it out. I couldn't help but smile at the competitive side of Brian came out. Figuratively speaking, of course.

While Nick and Brian played, Kevin and I made our way into the kitchen to have a cup of coffee.

"Amazing." Kevin said softly as I was sipping my coffee. Normally, I'm not a coffee person. But I'm content with a cup now and again.

"Hmm? What is?" I replied with a light yawn.

"How those two can play for hours on end." Kevin said with a grin. "No one's going to get any sleep tonight." I laughed.

"Wanna bet? I slept through pretty much half of my life, I'm damned sure I can sleep through these two." Kevin let out a little laugh.

"They're not even as loud as they'll get. By two in the morning, you'll be screaming at them. Watch." I grinned at him and shook my head.

"Ten bucks says that I won't." Kevin laughed.

"I don't gamble, but..." He grinned, "You're on." We shook hands and finished our coffee in a comfortable silence. Just as I was downing the last sip of my coffee, I heard a "Yeah!" come from the living room. With a laugh Kevin said, "Sounds like Brian just won a round." I raised an eyebrow.

"To me, sounds like Brian just won the Nobel Prize." Kevin started to chuckle softly just as I heard someone knock at the door. I stood up and walked to the door just as Howie was about to open it. I gestured for him to sit down; "I'll get it. Don't worry." Howie nodded and I reached for the doorknob.

I opened the door and my mouth dropped open and my chin hit the floor. There stood a woman about five feet three inches. She was slim with long strawberry blonde hair. It was a little more strawberry here, and a little more blonde there, giving her face a natural glow. Being a natural redhead, she had fair skin with freckles here and there, dotting along the ridge of her nose and around her cheeks.

"Hi, Prick!" She said with a cheerful grin. I blinked slowly, letting it register as to who was here.

"Hi, Bitch!" I said with an evil grin. Here she was Julie!

I guess I never mentioned who Julie was, but let me tell you! She's awesome. She has this awesome smile, a wonderful sense of humor and she's always there when you need her. She also knows...when you need her.

"Oh my god." She squealed when she walked right past me without my inviting her, and she looked around the living room. Her eyes landed on Kevin and his eyes sparkled a bit. "You're Kevin Richardson!" She said in a strained voice.

"I am? Hmm, must've slipped my mind." I grinned and grabbed the pillow Howie was resting on. With a bubbly laugh, I threw it at him. Julie just stared at me dumbfounded.

"Bradly Matthew! I'm going to kick your ass. You had Backstreet here and you didn't tell me?" I nodded.

"You were in Georgia...and I..." I stumbled for words. Sometimes, this little butterball could be a little intimidating.

"Yeah, yeah." She said with a laugh as she plopped down on my couch. I sighed and shook my head.

"Who the hell said you could come in, anyway?" I said in mock anger. She laughed at me and shrugged.

"I did." I raised an eyebrow.

"When did you take over my apartment?"

"When you weren't looking." Now, at about this time, the game was on pause and everyone was looking at us.

"Oh." I said softly. It was her turn to raise an eyebrow. I sat down next to Howie and shrugged. She got up and sat right on my lap, leaned down, and pressed her strong face against mine.

"Bradly, you are scaring me. In the whole time I've known you, you were always fast with witty comebacks. What's gotten into you?" I laughed softly.

"It was a long day. Ask these guys." There were nods all around. She sighed and leaned down on my chest.


"Look love, it was just a long day. I'm sorry if I seem a little out of it." She looked in my eyes and noted that I was sincere. She nodded a little and got up off of my lap. "Now that that's over with," Nick said with a grin, "Let's play." And with that, everyone went back to what they were doing before. Howie and Kevin watching the game, Brian and Nick playing the game and AJ was just sitting there staring off into space. Julie sat down and started a conversation with Howie. I smiled softly as I got up and walked quietly into the spare bedroom. Once there, I closed the door halfway and sat down on the bed.

'What was Julie doing there? What was going on?' So many questions, so little answers. I leaned against the headboard and looked at the ceiling. Closing my eyes, I thought about the past events.

Brian and I confirmed our relationship, we both like each other. I gain the sides of AJ, Kevin, and Howie. Nick kisses me, I'm struggling with feelings between Brian and AJ, even thought I know that I am in love with Brian, I feel love for AJ. I just can't place what kind of love. It wasn't was, oh, I can't explain it. Then there's the thing between Kevin and I. He accepts Brian and I, and for that I am very grateful.

While all these thoughts raced through my head, I saw AJ peek his head in the door.

"You okay?" He asked softly. I looked at him and sighed.

"Yes, no, I don't know." And before I could help it, the tears came. "Everything is so confusing, it's all happening so fast." I sniffled softly and AJ ran over to my side. He put his arms around me and rocked me back and forth. As I cried upon his chest like a weeping child, I cried. Letting it all out, the frustration, the fear...the anger I felt at Nick. I just let it all out and poured it on him. He just kept whispering to me and rocking me back and forth.

As soon as the tears stopped, I looked up at him and gave him a light smile. "Hey." He said smiling back.

"Hey yourself. Thanks, Buddyboy, I needed that." He smiled and gave me a quick hug before sitting down on the bed and in front of me.

"So, are you okay now?" I thought about that and sighed.

"Yeah, I guess. I just hope Nick doesn't try anything. And then Julie came up from Georgia. I never mentioned Julie, have I?" When he shook his head I grinned. "Well, when I was really young, my mother had remarried. Her husband had another child, not with her though, but with his ex-wife. And the two of us met when we were young. Believe it or not, but she's a year younger than I am. Even though she looks like she's only sixteen, or younger." He nodded at this and smiled.

"She have a boyfriend?" I laughed softly.

"She's gay." He laughed.

"Damn, the cute ones are always gay." I laughed softly.

"Most of the cutes ones are always straight." He shook his head.







"Straight!" He said in triumph. I looked at him for a second, and then I noticed he didn't realize what he had said. And I started to laugh. He gave me a puzzled look as I finally came off my laughing high.

"You don't know what you just said, did you?" He shook his head and that made me start laughing even harder. "You said 'Straight.'" He looked at me for a minute.

"I did?" I nodded.

"You did."

"Well...I meant gay." He laughed and I shook his head. I glanced at the alarm clock and noticed it was ten at night.

"You do know," I started, "that it is ten at night?" He grinned at me.

"Yeah. That's the sad thing." I raised my eyebrow at him and grinned.

"C'mon, let's go out there." He nodded slowly and checked me over.

"Good." He said with a wide, lopsided grin. "No signs of crying." I laughed and shook my head.

"I don't normally look like I've been crying, when I cry. Though, I must admit. I'm pretty surprised I don't look like I just went through a car wash with my eyes wide open." He grinned at me and we stood up. "Thanks again." I said pulling him into a hug.

"No problem. What are friends for?" I smiled an evil smile and started to walk out of the room. He followed close behind.

When I entered the living room it was as if nothing had changed. Brian and Nick were stilling battling it out, Julie and Howie were in a serious conversation about tampons or something...and Kevin was leaning against the wall, half asleep. I rolled my eyes and walked up to where he was resting.

"C'mon you." I said with a laugh as I gently guided him down toward my bedroom. He yawned and kept mumbling unintelligible things to me as I stripped him to his boxers and laid him down in bed. He mumbled a soft 'Thank you' before he fell into consciousness and I left the room.

I walked toward the living room but stopped in the kitchen. As I rummaged around the cabinets, I had found what I was looking for...that disgusting looking, acrid tasting, Pepto Bismal. I opened it up and took a swig as I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch.

"Where's AJ?" I asked, noticing he was missing. They smiled at me.

"Worshipping the porcelain god." I raised an eyebrow. "Something he ate earlier got to him." I nodded softly and rubbed my stomach.

"You feel like crap." Julie said just as I said, "I feel like crap." She smiled and walked over to me and sat next to me. With a small smile, she patted my leg.

"It's all right, Hun. I'll live." Julie nodded and I heard a knock at the door. Glancing at the clock, I noticed it was almost eleven at night.

"Who could be here at this hour...?" I heard Howie mutter under his breath. I laughed softly and opened the door. And for the second time tonight, my mouth dropped to the floor.

"Hey, Mr. Pettine!" That deep baritone voice said with amusement. "I'm glad to see you're feeling well." I'll never forget those eyes, those sea-green eyes. I just stared at him, unable to say a thing. Unable to move. Finally, I was able to get my voice working.

"Hello, Mr. Privea."

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