Breaking Bobby

By Bob story

Published on Feb 24, 2006


I was knelt under the table confronted on four sides by boots. Big boots. Two pairs of DM's 20 holes oxblood red, topped off with tight skinhead bleachers, one pair of Sidi Courier motorbike boots topped off with black bike leathers and a pair of `fuck off' black Rangers topped of with jeans. A nudge from one of the DMs pushed me in the side towards the Rangers, followed by a curt instruction to get to work, "clean the fuckin boots bitch, get your fuckin face in there and worship that leather with your faggot tongue". Reluctantly I shifted position and bent into the black leather of the Rangers. It was difficult my hands were still tied behind my back so I fell forward. My head suddenly jammed between the shafts of the boots. Now led on my side I stuck out my tongue and started to lap at the leather. Desperate not to displease the boot's owner I pushed hard so that he would feel my efforts. I licked up the sides, swabbing them with my tongue, long licks up the shaft, and working round to the toe. He lifted his foot so I could suck on the toecap noisily. I worked back in between his legs to the sides of the boots and the shafts again. It was easier there then the fiddley and dirtier bits round edges of the soul. Suddenly he clamped his legs together pinning my head between the slick smooth shafts of his boots. He squeezed my head hard, squashing my cheeks. I gasped and an involuntary plea came out. There was laughter from the four men sat round the table. They interrupted the card game to have a look at me under the table. "Don't forget the fuckin souls, cunt" came the command and he released me so I fell just in time for him to lift his boot and bring it down on my face. I was almost on my back now, lying on my own hands, it hurt, and another boot was pressed between my legs crushing my nuts. As I gasped the boot in my face was pressed firmly into my open mouth. "Yeah lick that shit out cunt, suck those lugs clean, you homo cunt". More laughter and they returned to the game. I sucked hard on the filthy souls tasting the mud and grit in my mouth swallowing the dirt. Eventually I moved on to the next pair of boots, the Sidi bike boots and started the process all over again while the card game went on quietly above me and the smell of the spliff they shared drifted down to me. The odd kick was delivered to my body and whenever the opportunity presented itself another boot stomped into my nuts. My white shirt was covered in dirty marks and my best trousers were now scuffed and filthy. As I lay there almost mechanically swabbing the boots that formed my cage I asked myself how the fuck had I got into this situation?

Two moths ago I had been made redundant from my job, the strain proved too much the relationship I was in which had, frankly, been flagging for best part of a year now. So it was no surprise that Pete moved out. It had not been a good year and now with Pete's going the mortgage was down to me and so it was even more important I get a job.

The agency came up with an admin job at a local garage and tyre shop almost immediately, and desperate I said I would go for the interview. I was so keen to create a good impression I left my CBR600 bike at home and paid out for a cab. I need not have bothered. When I arrived, it was a warehouse on an industrial estate half-hour from my home. The roller doors where open revealing the workshop, various cars being worked on in eight workstations. There was a door to the side marked `reception. I went into the office. Glass panels overlooked the workshop and a door to the side meant that the guys on the shop floor could come and go. The office was quite large; a waiting area with dirty plastic seats and the usual assortment of car and bike mags, behind a counter were two large desks with computers and stacks of untidy paperwork. Later I found there was another room behind this one that opened out on the workshop, with lockers, a table and chairs for the mechanics to use, as always scattered with soft porn and bike mags. Off of this was a toilet.

The air in the waiting area hung with cigar smoke, which was coming from a man seated at the furthest desk. Reg Black the owner, and the man I had come to see. The interview was the shortest on record. He sat me down, got one of the lads to make me a crappy coffee and asked me a few questions about my experience, which was a little a above this! He described the job, which involved answering the phone taking bookings, special tyre orders for stuff not in stock, booking in special jobs and MOTs and reconciling the accounts at the end of the day. He offered me the job on the spot and like a mug I accepted. I was clearly going to be a fish out of water. A faggot, from a comfy office job thrown in with a bunch of mechanics whose main interests where `birds' bikes' booze and football. The only thing I had in common was the bike, which helped. I sure as hell wasn't about to tell them I was a faggot.

It went ok to start with the routine was pretty much the same most days, arrive 8:30 and soon as I had my smarter gear on and the bike gear in my locker I'd start taking calls, etc. Reg would always arrive at 10.00 get his coffee sit down and start making load calls abusing various suppliers at 10:30 he'd take one of his pipes off a rack on his desk and fire it up. The room instantly filled with pungent smoke, which fucked me off big time. If he remembered he'd flick the AC on but more often he'd forget. Id' get a break at 11.00 while he covered the phones and I would wander out for a coffee. If I was feeling brave I'd go and join the lads who stopped for a fag and tea break then. There were six of them working there all rough and typical of what you expect in a garage. None of them were bad looking if you like your men rough. But there was little doubt they were straight. The afternoons were much the same, Reg would wander back in from his daily pub lunch an announced that he deserved his afternoon cigar. At which point he would open his filling cabernet, which appeared to be stuffed with boxes of huge duty-free cigars from his numerous trips away. He'd site and smoke the place out again while I slaved over the phones.

As I said the lads where not a bad looking bunch and where very different in character. First there was Wayne; number one skinhead, complete with grade one, boots, bleachers and braces, when he wasn't in his overalls. 28 ish, blond his build was like mine, lean and toned only more muscled! He was quite moody and hardly had a word for me. To be honest he unnerved me and not without good reason as it turned out. His closest mate was Bailey (his surname I guess) also a skin with all the gear, more sociable then Wayne but without doubt a hard case. Ben was the apprentice 18 and impressionable, clearly impressed by the skins, which is why I guess he had invested in the fuck off black rangers and grade one cut with tramlines, even if he couldn't cut it as a proper skin. He was skinny, mouthy and invariably in trouble. Mark, a biker riding a Blade, only ever seen him in black leathers when not in overalls, stockier than the others and clearly he worked out, bit of a joker, but I could manage a conversation with him, usually about bikes. He was the same age as me at 33, only I'm frequently told I don't look 33. The other two mechanics were Tom and Paul, they were older at about 35 I guess and both married so seemed a bit more mature, although it didn't stop them leeching over every bit of `skirt' that came in or doing a good trade in porn mags. Tom was in charge in the workshop and Paul was when he was off. But then it wasn't what you'd call a disciplined place. It was Paul who had quickly rather patronisingly adapted my name from Robert to Bobby or Bobby Boy as he said when he wanted his own way over a job that I was trying to get booked in.

Two days ago I'd been brave enough to join the lads for a coffee and trying to look the part flicked through one of the porn mags commenting on the tits and totty generally. On the way back to the office I stopped by the toilets for a piss. Stood at the urinal pissing, Wayne came in and stood at the one next to me. As usual he said nothing, just unzipped and pissed. Suddenly he turned to me as aggressively demanded to know what I was looking at. I was startled especially as the last thing I would have done with him was look at his dick in the bog. So making a joke of it I said "we'll it wasn't that" nodding to his crotch, " I've got my own, probably bigger". The wit was wasted I found myself flung up against the lockers Wayne sneering into my face "you are a fucking faggot, and you need to watch yourself, cunt, learn some respect, got that -- cunt" and he spat into my face. "Got it," he repeated, clearly wanting an answer. "Yeah" I stammered. Then a pain exploded from my groin as he kneed me in the nuts and let me go. Instinctively I feel to the floor in a ball holding my bollocks aware that my dick still hung from my open fly. As I groaned on the floor I felt something warm on my head -- the bastard was finishing his piss on my head. He turned and left me there on the floor. I got to my feet and cleaned up best I could, fortunately he evidently had almost finished pissing before he hit on me because I was not that wet and most of it was in my hair. I dried it with the hand dryer and went back to work with my head reeling as to why he had suddenly decided I need show more respect.

Later in the afternoon when Reg had finished stinking the place out with his fat stogie and gone home Bailey came into the office to get some paperwork. Walking up to my desk he asked for the form he needed. As I handed it to him he looked at me and said "you smell of piss Bobby, and you know what, it kind of suites you" he grinned and left. Shit -- Wayne had told him now I had zero cred with Bailey too. I wondered if they all knew I was a faggot. For the next few days I was on edge the whole time I was at work. I couldn't wait to get out of there, get another job.

This morning came and before Reg got in Wayne ambled up to my desk, bending down to me he leaned in close and said "we have a poker game tonight and you are invited as the guest of honour so stick around when Reg leaves" I was stunned and at the same time nervous. I sure didn't want to be playing poker with them tonight and somehow I knew this was not good news. I ,told him I couldn't play poker and that I was busy tonight. "respect" was his only response and he walked off.

6pm came Reg cleared off and I heard the roller doors being closed. I sat nervously doing the last of my paperwork. Bailey wandered into the office with Ben, they had changed out of their overalls and now wore their own gear. Standing in front of my desk he dropped something onto the desktop. "ok ready for the game, Bobby Boy?" He asked. I looked at what he had dropped -- it was a 2" thick black dog collar with studs. I kind of panicked looking at the collar and started to get up saying I thought I should go. Baileys hand come down on my shoulder pushing me back into the chair, I tried to pull away so he grabbed my arms pulling them behind my back. Ben was now stood behind me and I felt him pulling something round my wrists. A plastic cable tie cuffed my hands behind my back. "what the fuck are you doing" I demanded as I struggled to get up. "chill out man, you're the guest of honour, the prize, gotta get you dressed for the part" he almost whispered in my ear. Ben handed him the collar and he secured it round my neck. Then Ben pulled a thick dog chain from his pocket and attached it to the collar and pulled. Defeated I stood up and walked behind Ben as he held the dog lead, I kept thinking the prize' what did he mean the prize'. Ben lead me out into the workshop and round to the rest area where Mark and Wayne sat, evidently Tom and Paul had gone. Wayne was rolling a joint and Mark shuffling the cards, they looked up to see me lead out by the 18 year old apprentice on a lead like a fuckin lamb to the slaughter, which I was. I was so humiliated lead around by a cocky kid on a lead.

Naturally it was Wayne, grinning, who told me that they were having a few games of poker and that I would make myself useful doing "a bit of cleaning" while they played. He pushed me to my knees and kicked me under the table as the took up their positions al round me. And it was Wayne who yelled at me to get to work, "clean the fuckin boots bitch, get your fuckin face in there and worship that leather with your faggot tongue". And that's how I got here.

A swift kick to the bollocks brought me back to the present. Mark was peering under the table asking if I had fallen asleep. I offered a weak "no" only to get another kick and asked "no, what bitch?" "no I haven't" I offered. Mistake I was pulled back down onto my back and found the soles of his Sidis pressed into my face. They were all looking under the table now grinning at me. "No. SIR" Mark barked at me "got that cunt, it's Sir from now on" even the apprentice is higher than you, so you call us SIR". "Ok Ok yes Sir, I whined to their laughter. "Don't fuckin forget -- respect bitch" Wayne called. The game went on a bit longer getting before a noisy conclusion as Bailey jumped up whopping that he was the winner and time to take his prize. He reached under the table gabbing the lead and pulled be out. "Party time Bitch". I pulled back pleading that they had had their fun, humiliated me and couldn't they let me go?". Wayne responded that he thought it was time to introduce me to Ronnie the Rubber. Turns out Ronnie the Rubber was a 3'' wide strip of thick rubber narrowed at one end to form a handle, they had made it from old inner tubes and were now going to be used to discipline me. I was dragged up to my feet and turned to face the table, with my hands still painfully cuffed I had little choice. Grabbing me by the hair Wayne bent me over the table, arse up and handed Bailey the paddle. "Your privilege to go first, mate" he smirked, and it occurred to me they all intended to beat me. It seemed an age before the first blow landed across my upturned arse and an involuntary "Uuughh" came out as the pain exploded across my arse. "count them out faggot" he instructed as he took up position for the next one. Whack, it landed "uuuugh Two...Sir" I suddenly remembered. This made them laugh enjoying seeing me cowed. He gave me six and handed the paddle to Wayne who seemed desperate to inflict some pain on me. I guess I was lucky they had let me keep my trousers on but it was still agony as he laid it on hard making me yell the numbers out military style. As I lay their panting almost whimpering Ben followed Wayne and tried to match him and finally came Mark. As the strongest he hit the hardest but by then I was almost numb to it. My arse felt on fire but each blow no longer hurt like the first. I knew I was crying and had a snotty nose. I just lay there defeated.

When I looked up it was to see Mark crouching in front of me with a digital camera. As soon as I looked up he snapped his pic, my dirty tear streaked face full on. I looked pathetic. But was too beat to care at that moment. Bending down close Bailey explained, "you disobey any of us, ever, and that what you get, bitch. You got that?" I nodded only to get another whack from the paddle. "yes SIR" I yelled instantly.

I was dragged back up off the table and turned to face Bailey again. I was a bit shocked when Ben suddenly yelled "he's got a fuckin boner" pointing at my crotch. And to my horror and shame I realised that I did. My dick tented out my trousers. "You sick fuckin cunt" Bailey sneered "someone beats, hurts you and you get off on it. So bobby Boy likes a bit of pain and punishment, you're gonna fuckin love being our bitch". He shoved me back down onto my knees between his legs. Hastily undoing his button flies he pulled out his fat dick. Holding my hair to keep my head up he started smacking my face with is cock. "Sure this won't be the first dick you've sucked will it cunt? But any teeth come near my cock and I'll knock em out of your worthless fuckin face, right?" "Yes SIR" I barked. As he smacked me more with his stiffening dick. Seeing Wayne start to roll a fag he had an idea. "We need a decent smoke, Man" he pulled a rough cut piece of metal from his pocket and threw it to Ben, telling him to go and get four big stogies from Reg's stach. Telling him to make sure he took them from different boxes so he wouldn't notice. Bailey had obviously made his own copy of Reg's key at some point. Ben went off in search of cigars while Bailey finally shoved his dick into my mouth. I stupidly thought if I did a good job and got him off quickly it would be over and I could go. So I worked hard sucking his dick, working it over with my toungh round the crown into his piss slit and I could hear him groan in satisfaction. Mark proceeded to catch it all with his camera but there was nothing I could do about it now.

Ben returned with 4 of the biggest cigars he could find and handed them out and gave Bailey back his homemade key. Ben had kept the biggest cigar for himself and they took the piss out of him asking if he could handle it. Wayne threw him his Zippo and they all watched the kid fire up the huge stogie. Ben had to show off and was soon puffing away on it "not bad" the cocky git claims like he was and expert -- oblivious to the fact that he wasn't supposed to inhale it. Bailey took the Zippo from Ben and while I worked at his dick and now his balls he lit his cigar. Holding the lighter under it and turning it in his mouth he puffed on it gently at first and then sure it was alight took a deep drag on it and exhales it straight down into my face. Seeing me flinch he did it again. "gotta do something about your bad attitude to smoking too Cunt" he muttered round the cigar. The others lit up and the air was heavy with smoke as Bailey decided that it was time to go for the big prize.

Pulling out of my mouth ad grabbing my hair I was again bent over the table. He finally agreed to take the cuffs off reminding me that `Ronnie' was there for me if I didn't behave. Roughly he reached round me ripped open my flies and pushed my trousers and boxers down. To my shame my dick was hard and pointed straight out between my shirt tales. "now fuckin tell us you're not a faggot -- you dirty little cocksucking whore" he spat at me. "This won't be the first dick up your arse either, will it?" he demanded "yeah but it will be the first Man's dick" Wayne called from the comfort of his front row seat. Bailey added to my humiliation by making me roll a condom over his stiff dick and suck on it a bit more. Then he pulled my arse cheeks apart and as token to lub gobbed on a few times before lining it up with my twitching hole. I desperately tried to relax knowing I wasn't gonna stop him -- so at least I could try and make it less painful. He pushed into me and I managed to relax a bit as I felt his thick helmet penetrate and heard a "emmm tight" from him. "plug him hard Wayne yells and so Bailey slams it all the way to my brief scream before Mark has the wit to stuff a rag in my mouth. The burning pain is unbearable, through the rag I'm begging Bailey to take it out. The others are laughing saying "that faggots must have small cocks". And Bailey pulls back a bit before ramming it in again. Slowly the pain subsides a bit. Looking up I can see our reflection clearly in the office window. Bailey is into a steady fuck enjoying the ride -- he reaches down and picks up his cigar and stops pumping my arse briefly while re-lights it. And them starts a steady rhythm pounding into me. Taking the cigar in his mouth he grabs my hips so he can fuck me harder and I know he is going for it he's slamming into me harder and harder. The others are egging him on "fuck the bitch" "rape his cunt hard" "make him suffer". Bailey is pounding it now and the whole table shakes -- in the reflection I can see the cigar glow red as he puffs on it in time to the fucking -- great clouds of thick smoke from his mouth and nose as he finally groans round it and then freezes. I know he's pumping his load into the condom inside my arse. I relax across the table waiting form him to pull out desperately hoping my arse won't be messy.

He pulls out and still breathing heavily walks round in front of me. His crotch is at eye level and I can see the semi hard dick covered in a slimmey shitty condom. The end is weighed down by a load of spunk collected in the end. "not bad bitch -- thanks, now clean me up" It won't be the first spunk I had to lick of a mans dick so I reach out and start to remove the condom. He slaps me hard round the head -- "no, the condom first cunt breath" he yells and I look at him in horror. "You see Ben' he say addressing the apprentice like the master at work "the thing about faggots is you don't have to be nice to them afterwards" "or before" adds Mark. "so fucking do it bitch" Bailey snarls loosing patients. Feeling sick I reach for his dick and holding the condom on his shrinking cock feed the filthy, stinking thing into my mouth, only to see Mark snapping it all up with his camera. Trying not to gag I suck the filthy cock into my mouth, licking off my own shit and arse juices, yes, I eat my own filth. I can't believe how low I am, humiliated, degraded. The condom tastes gross but I swallow it down obediently. When I finish cleaning the condom, Bailey slides it carefully off his dick and has me clean the spunk off that too. Finally he pulls away and gabbing a seat and sits down taking a long drag on his cigar and announces, through the smoke "Ben the cunt's all yours".

It's than I realise they all intend to fuck me -- the most I'd had was a couple of fucks in a night never four horney mechanics intent on raping me till I scream, I think to myself `I'm gonna be here all night'.

The boy leaps up, dead keen, and yanking down his flies pulls out his already stiffening cock, wanking it to a hard state he demands I put the condom on for him. I don't care now I just want it over so I reach out and mechanically roll it over his boy dick. He almost runs round to my arse and takes up position behind me. I watch him in the refection in the window he gleefully lines up his dick on my arse hole and in one hard lunch plugs into to me. I groan as he starts quickly slamming hard in and out of my arse. "oh yeah a hot fuckin hole man" he declares to the room like he is an expert. He just thrusts in and out really hard slamming me into the table hard getting faster and faster. Suddenly he stops, I think he has come but no -- he reaches down to the plate they have been using as an ashtray and retrieves his cigar puts into his mouth and jesters to Bailey for his Zippo. I can feel him wriggling his cock in my arse as he flicks the lighter to life and re-lights his stogie. In the refection I watch him puffing away on it till the end glows red and then clenching it in his mouth, copying Bailey, he starts his inexperience thrusting. Pounding my hole hard, he grabs my hips and goes for broke. I'm just a piece of meat on a slab to be shagged, he pumps faster and throwing pack his head taking a hard pull on the stogie he comes. He exhales a huge cloud of smoke as he mentally comes down. Pulling out, he walks round in front of me like a triumphant athlete. His still hard cock, smeared with my arse juices and filth. I know where it is going. And I just open my mouth not wanting to give him the pleasure of ordering me to it. He rocks back and forth as I suck more filth into my mouth, like the pig I was becoming. He too slides the condom off and enjoys me sucking the spunk off his cock. He drops the condom on the table next to Baileys.

Before he is even sat down Mark takes up his position and with condom on guides his fat cock into my now sloppy hole. I look at the others, they are sat casually watching me suffer, smoking and drinking from cans of larger, they start to egg him on..."go on Mark shag the bitch, make him feel another real mans cock in that sloppy fuckin twat, rape the cunt make him beg for it, fuckin rape that boy cunt.. rip him open...shag him hard" I brace myself as he rams his cock home. "Uuuuugh" I groan as he slams it in hard. He has a big cock and knows it and starts a steady fucking motion. Slowly he steps up the pace and now that the pain has gone I actually start to get into being fucked, I'm almost drooling as he fucks me. Panting I start to pant and am muttering, moaning, "fuck me" I try to stop myself but can't help it I'm getting off on it. The others suddenly realise I'm actually enjoying this. Wayne jumps up "the bitch is getting off on it" "let's see if he likes it both ends at once" and he quickly rips open his flies an pulls his hard cock out. Brutally he slams it into my face, shocking me back to the reality of being raped by these guys. He rams his hard dick into my mouth, making me choke, "yeah choke cunt fuckin suffer, that's all you're fit for bitch". And he starts to ram his cock into my mouth as Mark does my arse. They are syncronised pounding me from both ends. Mark grabs the lead and pulls my head up by the collar round my neck so Wayne has better access to my mouth and they fuck me faster. I'm choking, my arse is now being torn open as Mark slams into me hard and finally pumps his load into the condom deep in me. Pulling out he swaps places with Wayne who only pauses long enough to roll a jonnie on his cock and then resumme the rape. Mark wanders round with his shit streaked dick and offers it up for cleaning. I'm sobbing, a mess, tears and snot running down my face as he pushes his filthy stinking cock into my panting mouth for cleaning. Obediently I suck down eating more of my own shit as they taunt me, "chow down pig" "eat your own fuckin shit cunt", "you fuckin low life fag." And as I eat it Wayne pounds me from behind -- he doesn't last long after fucking my face and is soon grunting as he too comes. He holds my head up by the hair so he can feed me his cock for cleaning.

Once clean he pulls the condom off his dick. From my position slumped across the table exhausted I watch him slide the condom off and upend it over the plate they have been using as an ashtray -- he squeezes his load out onto the plate adding it to the big pieces of ash knocked from the cigars. Then he picks up each condom in turn and squeezes out the spunk adding it to the mess. Finally he picks up the plate and passes it round so each of them knocks the ash from their cigars into the mess. Returning to the table he grins at me as he sets it down on the table. grabbing me by the hair he drags me along the table and slams my face into the filthy mess "eat bitch, eat that man spunk" he snarls as he grinds my face into the mess, rubbing my face in the sticky mess until he sees me open my mouth and start to lick up the mixture of cigar ash and man cum. In a daze I slurp it up sucking their cum into my mouth. I taste the filthy mixture. Finally he pulls me upright by the hair so I'm standing against the end of the table. My face coated in their cum and ash, now drying to a mask on my face. I am shaky on my legs as they gather round to look at the broken whore I have become. Broken I stand there as they move around their prize puffing smoke at me from what's left of fat cigars.

"Not so fuckin posh now is he" Ben comments and they laugh. I hope desperately that they will let me go now, but know, Bailey notices that my cock is semi hard much to my surprise I realise that he right. He immediately has the idea that I should wank off for them. "start to get that cock harder cunt -- I'll be right back" and he disappears into the office. Without question I reach for my cock and start to wank it hard. I'm shocked at how quick I'm rock hard. Bailey is back with a black marker and draws lines across the table. They take bets on how far I will shoot, he even has me say how far I think. Not far I'm sure and indicate the nearest mark. They are getting into my humiliation so Bailey rips the remains of my shirt open and tells me to hold still while he writes' WANKER' across my chest. "get that on camera when the cunt comes Mark". As I star to pull my cock for them Bailey suddenly stops me "oh, almost forgot, cunt got to do something about that smoking attitude you've got". And reaching into his back pocket he produces one of Reg's big curved pipes and holding it up to the laughter of the others pushes the stem into my mouth. Reluctantly I hold it limply in my mouth. I Mumble a plea around the stem as he holds out his Zippo. "light up, boy". Resigned I take the lighter. I haven't smoked for years, I dislike it now as they know. I flick the lighter into life and hold it over the big pipe bowl and tentatively puff at it. The smoke fills my mouth and the smell of pungent pipe tobacco fills the air, I strive not to inhale it as I get the pipe going. I pathetically hand back the lighter as they mock me. "nice pipe cunt, suites you...WANKER" Ben calls, exhaling more cigar smoke -- like a veteran smoker.

Now puffing the pipe I start wanking my dick again -- it almost instantly hard again -- I can't believe it, I can't be getting off on this abuse can I? I wank harder. Waynes reminds me to smoke the pipe and not just leave it hanging in my mouth. "Fuckin smoke it bitch, go on inhale you poof" I puff again till huge clouds of blue/white smoke envelop my head, wanking harder, I'm beginning to pant, so i inhale if I like it or not. Wanking harder, puffing away, I'm suddenly tripping; images of their boots in my face, sucking their filthy dicks, eating their spunk. My head goes back I can feel the pipe slide to one side of my mouth, gripped by my teeth, smoke issuing from my nose and mouth I groan, vaguely aware of them all shouting for me to cum, shoot or dump my load. I have the most massive orgasum. Spurt after spurt of cum shoots across the table as I pant and finally come down. Taking the pipe from my dry mouth I slump into a chair.

They are up checking who has won -- evidently I shoot to the furthest mark, ever optimistic Ben won and is whooping his delight. Taking it as his queue to take charge he puts his arm behind my head and guiding me to the table pushed me down "lick it up you fuckin pervert, you made now eat it, you sad fucking pipe perve". The others seem to think it is funny too.

Finally I am allowed to go and get changed into my bike gear. But before I can go they make me kneel and kiss their boots before I go and thank them for fucking me. I do it all, I don't care now, even being told that the pics "won't go anywhere so long as I turn up for work tomorrow like nothing has happened" doesn't seem to shock me now. Finally I pull on my crash helmet only to find the condoms and 4 cigar butts in it.

This is the end of the beginning of my being broken and turned into a total pig by these guys. If you have comments, suggestions I'd love to hear them before I start chapter two. Email me at

Next: Chapter 2

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