Breaking Bobby

By Bob story

Published on May 20, 2006


Finally I am allowed to go and get changed into my bike gear. But before I can go they make me kneel and kiss their boots before I go and thank them for fucking me. I do it all, I don't care now, even being told that the pics "won't go anywhere so long as I turn up for work tomorrow like nothing has happened" doesn't seem to shock me now. Finally I pull on my crash helmet only to find the condoms and 4 cigar butts in it.

End of Chapter 1

Chapter 2 THE NEXT DAY

When I woke up the next morning, Saturday, it took a moment to remember the horrible details of what had happened to me the night before. And then as I felt my sore arse sore throat and dry mouth, it suddenly came back. I lay in bed replaying the events unable to believe that they were real. How could I go back into work and face those men? They had raped and humiliated me and they had disgusting evidence of me appearing to get off on some of it.

I knew I had to get up, we worked Saturday mornings starting 8:30 finishing at 1pm. Eventually I dragged myself out of bed and into the shower. I knew I was going to be late but part of me didn't care -- it was only the threat of them emailing my folks with the disgusting pictures that made me get up at all.

After forcing down some breakfast I got my bike gear on and set off. When I arrived I walked into the reception area; Ben was covering the phones sat back, boots up on my desk talking to a customer. As he saw me a big grin spread across his face. I was in no mood to take too much shit from the kid so I went to walk past him and go and change out of my leathers, also my guts were a bit messed up suddenly I needed the toilet urgently. Covering the phone with his hand he called me back, "Tom wants to see you now". "Yeah when I'm changed," I said, after all Tom is not my boss so it's not for him to complain I'm late. "Now, Boi" asserted Ben with a knowing smirk that told me I was to do as I was told. Still desperate to use the toilet I held on and went out to the workshop hoping that Tom and Paul had not been told about my humiliation the night before. I found Tom who immediately yelled at me "where the fuck have you been?" "Yeah, I had heavy night -- I'll send Ben back out now" No way was I going to apologies to him and they were always being late. As I went to turn away he brought his knee up and slammed it into my nuts -- as the pain shot through me I heard a cheer from the others -- obviously watching the encounter. I almost fell over clutching my bollocks. Tom was pulling me up so he could look me in the eye. "You owe Ben for covering for you now he has to catch up. So you be back out here at 1pm to make it up to the lad. You got that you cocksucking cunt?" His grin told me he knew everything and I guessed that meant that Paul did too. Nodding, I staggered back to change and use the toilet with a mixture of rage and fear running through me.

I put a cup of coffee on my desk and told Ben he could go. I even managed to say thanks for covering the desk hoping it might make things easier later. He grinned at my submissive behaviour and reaching down he took my coffee had himself a large swig from it and then dropped a big gob in it. He handed it to me -- "drink up Bobby Boy" I took the cup and trying not to look at the lump of gob floating on the top obediently drank it down. He left me to my miserable mornings work.

1pm came -- I locked the door and went out the back having changed into their normal gear, they were all sat around the table rolling fags and drinking coffee. Paul and Tom were busy with Mark's digital camera, scrolling through the record of my abuse last night. I stand there waiting like a naughty school child; I listen to their disgust at what I was doing and the cries of delight at what was being done to me. Finally Wayne asked if I had come to apologies to Ben for wasting his time. With difficulty I managed a weak "yes". A sound smack to the back of my head sent me stumbling forward. "Fuck you really are a slow learner aren't you cunt" Bailey yelled at me "you were told to show respect -- so it's yes Sir, you got that now?" "Yes Sir" I reply and then I tried to start to reason with them -- saying they had their fun but now could they just leave me a lone. After my desperate plea they are all looking at me with a mixture of amusement and contempt -- Wayne answers for them all "No" and they all fall about laughing. "Now get on your fuckin knees and crawl over to Ben and apologies and ask what he wants to do to teach you not to do it again".

Slowly I sink to my knees and crawl to the apprentice -- fuck, he's 18 years old, which makes this even more humiliating. At his booted feet I hang my head and almost whisper "I'm sorry Sir for being late and making you extra work. What would you like me to do Sir"? "Speak up cunt," yells Mark and a Sidi boot kicks me in the side. I repeat it loader Ben leans forward blows the smoke for his fag in my face enjoying seeing me flinch. "Start on my boots and the then I think I'm gonna beat the fuck out of you with Rodney the Rubber. I start to tongue his boots again slobbering all over them aware that I have a bigger audience now watching me debase myself. I work hard at them running my tongue up the shafts round the backs. Finally he is bored and tells me to fetch the rubber paddle they made -- I am almost shaking as I hand him the paddle. He is high at being the one in control while the others just watch. "Strip" is his only command. I try pleading but he gets annoyed so I quickly start to drop my clothes. When I get to my underpants I drop them and he looks down to see the thick skid marks let after this mornings delays getting to the toilet. He can't resist it and carefully picks them up -- "look he's shit himself wiv fear" He waves the underwear under my nose, then orders me to open my mouth and as I finally do he stuffs the soiled pants into my mouth. The others laugh and shout encouragement.

Now with me gagged with my own dirty underwear he bends me over the table and finally lays into my arse with the paddle. The pain explodes across my arse, which is still bruised from last night. I struggle to get up but someone, I think Paul, grabs my hair and hold me down. I scream into the gag, the more he can hear me scream more into it he seems to get. He is in a frenzy slamming the rubber across my buttocks -- I can see Paul bending down to see the misery on my face. I'm crying but don't care I sob into the gag with smells and tastes of my own arse in my mouth. Finally I hear him drop the paddle, he's probably only given me 20 with it but it is hell. "Let that be a lesson -- fucker, do as you're told." Mark sneers at me "Right who wants a beer? -- Bobby's paying" and they all stand up. Shaking I struggle to my feet when Tom says, "you sick fucking cunt" and looking I see him pointing to my dick which to my own disgust is rock hard. They all look at me "you sick fucker he repeats, you fucking get off on that". They are all jeering at me for being a sad pervert. I try to protest but it's a waste of time I don't know why I get a hard when they beat me I just know I'm not enjoying it. Silently I pull the now damp underwear over my boner and finish dressing.

We lock up the workshop and with them in high spirits and me in total misery head down into town, about 5 minutes on foot. As we get to the shops Bailey decides he wants some tobacco and they divert to a small old-fashioned tobacconists in a side street. We all file in the little shop. It smells of tobacco, Bailey asks the lad serving for his baccy while the others look round. Suddenly Wayne thinks it would be a better idea if they have some cigars especially as he thinks I should pay. They get several of packets of the biggest ones they can find -- they aren't as big as the ones they had last night and thankfully not as expensive. It's then that Ben says' "ahh but poor Bobby's paying and he doesn't have anything" I try to say that's ok I don't smoke but am cut off -- "how about a nice new pipe" smirks Wayne "you really enjoyed the one last night. I'm red with embarrassment now -- first they are bullying me into paying and now humiliating me further in front of the shop lad -- who is clearly confused and amused by what's going on. "He likes a pipe Mark tells him" and I can see the thought "wanker" go through the lads mind as he joins in the fun at my expense. "What sort of pipe would Sir like" he asks in a patronising tone. Bailey answers for me "a big straight one" "no, Wayne objects, a bent one -- big bent one like that" and he points to a big smooth bent pipe in the rack. The lad gets it down and a straight one is found. They want a bigger one so he goes off and comes back with a very big straight one too. Offering them to me he asks which sort I normally prefer, to which I stammer that I don't know. "The bent one is pretty cool," he says with a smirk that says it will make you look like a cunt. "Why not take both, smoke them both at once," he adds with a laugh -- the little shit is enjoying my humiliation as much as the others. They agree especially as I'm paying. "Now what sort of tobacco would Sir like" he asks. When they have finally identified the strongest smelling tobacco and got me several packets of it I pay. They make me thank the lad for his help and we leave.

The pub is fairly crowded, noisy and Smokey with the mainly men watching sport on the TV. We find a couple of tables and pull them together and Paul and I go for the beers. When we get back they are already firing up the cigars, they take the piss because I've had the cheek to get myself a beer too. As soon as I'm sat down Mark lobs the bag with the pipes and baccy at me. "Time to play with your new toys -- fill em up boi." I cringe looking around to see who else is looking; the huge cloud of blue cigar smoke is getting attention. Trying to look inconspicuous I pull the pipes out and the tobacco and start filling them. They can't help themselves and are soon making a lot of noise issuing instructions on how to fill a pipe so now people are looking. Intrigued by the sight of a young bloke with a pipe apparently being ordered about, two blokes come over -- skinheads they are mates of Wayne and Bailey. I hear them asking what we are celebrating with the stogies -- and why I'm stuck with a pipe. These new guys are watching me intently as Bailey tells them I'm a poof' and their bitch so "I do what they say". Their expressions turn to contempt and while I can't hear the whole conversation I know Wayne or Bailey is filling them in on my roll as their bitch. Nervously I take a gulp of beer and ask which pipe I should light up. The bent wins and feeling a complete tosser I stuff it in my mouth and fire up with the proffered light and start to smoke my own pipe adding pungent clouds of smoke the already thick air as they jeer at me. By now almost everyone has seen the freak with a pipe in the corner.

After a while I am sent to the bar for more drinks -- pipe in mouth I move to the bar. The man next to me complains that it stinks. The one on the other side sensing my nervousness tells me I look like a wanker. Humiliated I flush red and not wanting trouble I apologies but dare not remove the pipe. When I return to the table with a tray full of drinks Tom is in deep conversation with Wayne's skinhead mate. I see him hand Tom some cash and then Tom calls me over. "Go to toilets take the end stall and wait for Jon here -- you got that cunt?" I look at him in horror as I realise he just pimped me out -- choking back tears of frustration, rage and fear I manage to ask what I have to do. "Just blow him and make a good job of it boi." I nod meekly and feeling sick head off to find the men's room knowing they are all watching me go.

In the men's room there are two stalls I take the end one and sit on the toilet and wait for what seems like ages but in reality is probably a few minutes. I hear the door creak open and see the toes of a pair of docs below the stall door so I know it's him. The door swings open and he grins down at me like a cat with it's prey -- closes and locks the door. Stepping it he tells me that if anyone comes in to stay still and not make a sound, he doesn't want people to think he's a faggot like me. He pulls open his button fly and pulls out his dick, it is long and smells of sweat and as I take I in my hand roll back the foreskin and wank it a bit "suck it cunt" he instructs. Ignoring the smell of sweat and piss I open my mouth and take the already swelling cock in my moth and suck. Looking up at him I the bastard is stood their casually rolling a fuckin fag as I suck on his cock. Remembering that I was told to give him a good time I take his balls in my hand and gently pull them as I work his cock to the back of my throat. A moan of pleasure says he's enjoying it. He starts to trust in harder fucking my face now. Suddenly the door squeaks -- someone comes into the toilet. We freeze -- as the guy pisses on the other side of door Jon pulls out of my mouth and turns around. He spreads his arse and silently indicates I'm to rim him. I can't argue so reluctantly look at his sweaty arse crack and slowly stick my tongue out and start to lick. The guy outside is finishing his piss and leaves. Jon is free to tell me to lick harder now and get my tongue right up his hole. I work my tongue into the tight smelly hole. Stabbing it in and out licking up the crack doing anything to stimulate that dirty skin hole. He lights his fag and relaxes a bit more so my tongue can get in more. I feel sick thinking about it. Eventually he pulls me off by the hair and returns to fucking my face. Turned on now he fucks me harder -- stopping only for me to suck his huge balls. Eventually he shoots wad after wad of cum into my mouth. Grunting as he unloads. I swallow it down. Thinking he will just leave now. But he has other plans. Still holding his dick in my mouth he grins down at me and lets go a stream of piss. I try to back off briefly his hot piss goes over my face and down my shirt. But he grabs my hair and pulls me back. In a harsh whisper he orders me, "drink it cunt". I swallow or choke so drink his piss down. When he finally done he tells me to stay there for 15 mins before I leave.

When I eventually come out the pub is almost empty -- they will be closing for a few hours `thank god' I think I can get out of here then. Back at the table they all look at me in disgust -- my piss stained T-shirt, messed up hair. I pick up my beer hoping to remove the taste of piss. As I go to pick it up Paul leans forward and knocks the inch of ash off his cigar into my drink. They laugh, Ben grabs if from me, "he likes gob too, look" and he hawks up a gob into my glass and proudly hands it to me. "Drink up pig" briefly I toyed with the idea of just running. But remembered those degusting pics they had of me, and held the glass up and drank the filthy mix, as they jeered and made noises of disgust.

By now that bar man had come over to join in the fun, as we were the only ones left now. They are again discussing the things they have done to me and what a sick pig I am. The Bar man is can't believe I gat a hard on when they beat me or inflict pain and clearly wants to see. I'm miserable knowing I going to suffer some more pain. Little did I know how much?


As the Barman locks the doors Wayne drags me to my feet and in front of the others is pulling my trousers down. As I meekly stand there he rips the laces from my shoes and starts to bind my balls. Stretching my nuts painfully to the bottom of their sack till they are a long tube of bootlace with my balls swelling red at the end. Then I am dragged to the poole table and as the others watch fascinated at what he has planned he orders me onto the table. I am positioned sitting on the table with my legs spread wide apart. Tom and Mark hold my legs apart so my feet are over the centre pockets. And Wayne stands behind my back to support me. Putting his arms around my chest he pulls me up to him so I'm sat up straight -- when my stretched balls touch the table I realise what he has planned. They are going t shoot poole balls at my nuts. I'm beginning and pleading with them to stop. But they are enjoying themselves now. Ben has the cue ball lined up with another for the first shoot. `Crack' the white cue ball hits the stripped ball and slams into my nuts. It's not that hard or fast but when your nuts are tied off tight they are hypersensetive. And the dull pain shoots up my balls and into my guts. "Ahhh" I writhe around to their whooping and shouts of congratulations on Ben's strike. Wayne is holding me still his arms locked round me, his head over my shoulder; he talks in my ear as I watch the Barman line up his shot. "This is your life you sick cunt, this is what you are fit for, so get fuckin used to it" And another ball hits my nuts. "Ahhh" and they laugh more.

As the Mark takes his turn Wayne gets Ben to bring him another cigar. With his head still leaning over my shoulder and his arms round my chest he stuffs the cigar in my mouth, "here light this for me bitch" and flicks the lighter into life and makes me pull on the cigar as the next ball strikes home. My yelp results in me inhaling a big lung full of smoke and almost dropping his cigar. As they laugh Paul points out that my dick is growing, looking down I was again disgusted to see my cock hardening. "See he is one sick cunt, aren't you boi" Wayne asks me as he blows more smoke in my face. I nod and whimper, "Yes Sir, I'm a sick cunt" I feel broken and almost betrayed by my own dick.

They continue taking turns at my nuts, and Wayne continues to tell me what a fuck up I am and how much I will suffer, It's like he's indoctenating me telling me I'm a pig, a cunt, a whore, a worthless piece of shit who deserves to be abused by real men -- and all the time they are torturing my balls. He puts the cigar in my mouth and ripping open my T shirt starts to twist my nipples he even takes the cigar from my mouth and twists the ash off the end against my nipple. The others love his sadistic inventiveness.

They want more now they are high on drink and adrenaline, Tom and Paul want a pop at my arse, and are "chatting fuck the cunt". Tom grabbing my erect cock pulls me off the table. He's yelling at me "you sick homo queer look you get off on this shit" I beg almost sobbing falling to my kneels pleading with them to let me go. But he bends down and gobs in my face "no chance cunt, we're gonna fuck you, sick thing is, you will probably enjoy it." This seems to give Mark an idea "make the cunt wank off first that way he won't be so fuckin horned up for," he suggests. They start chanting again "wank wank wank".

I'm pulled into the middle of the room on my knees Tom standing in front of me and ordered to wank off. Broken I take my hard cock and start to wank it. It's difficult in front of an audience again. Just as I get started Bailey tells me to wait. He stuffs the straight pipe in my mouth telling me "from now on fucker you only cum when we tell you and you will always smoke when you do it, got that?" I nod and take the lighter he offers and hold it over the bowl and puff the pipe into life. Now gripping the heavy pipe in my mouth and puffing on it I start to wank again. Now it's even more difficult. They are chanting "wanker, wanker, wanker" again I'm pulling my dick hard, my nuts hurt like hell and the smoke makes me feel sick. I hear Bailey say, "that should really cure the fuckers smoking problem" But evidently it's not enough for Tom he grabs two unfinished cigars from the ashtray and rams one up each of my nostrils. They stink and now I can only breath through my mouth around the pipe stem -- so I'm inhaling more of the smoke. I'm determined to get this over and wank harder. Tom is stood in front of me using the toe of his boot to torment my nuts when I finally orgasm. And in spite of myself I'm panting, "yes, yes" around the stem of that fucking pipe.

I collapse forward spent after an intense orgasm. But there is no mercy from Tom he grabs my hair and slams my face into his boots. "Lick it up cunt, it's your fuckin mess on my boots, now EAT it, you low life faggot." I do it I eat my own cum off his boots and even the floor.

As soon as I'm finished he's on me again, he's so horned up I'm dragged to a table and slammed across it. I struggle knowing what's coming but am held down. I hear him ripping his flies open as his hand pushed into the small of my back he gobs onto my arse. I feel the head of his hard cock poking at my hole, applying pressure he starts to push into me. I'm yelling that it hurts begging him to stop but it's just turning him on more. With the head in he pauses and says "ready bitch" and not waiting for an answer rams it home. His groan of pleasure are only masked by my yell of pain. In he starts to thrust hard slamming into me his balls slapping against my arse and he pounds away at me, the pain subsides a bit but having just cum there in no pleasure in it and the humiliation makes it worse. He gets faster, and they are all encouraging him telling him to fuck me harder and he does until he tenses up and freezes and I know he is cumming. He groans in pleasure and finally pulls out. Evidently somewhere there he put a condom on because he staggers round, and like they did last night, offers his shit streaked dick up for me to clean off with my mouth. Feeling sick I take the softening filthy cock and suck it clean. As soon as I start to suck it I feel another cock stretching my hole.

It becomes and animalistic scene, them holding me down, egging each other on. Chatting, "fuck, fuck, fuck" slapping my arse harder and harder. They are high on their power and sex. This is gang rape and they are loving it. When it is Wayne's turn he has me rolled over so he can see my face as he rapes my hole. He gobs on me and is yelling at me the whole time. "You cunt you worthless piece of shit -- this is what you are now boi our fuckin toy, something for us to use any time we want -- you got that?" Tell me cunt what are you?" "Say it load" and all the time he's slamming into my hole. He slaps my face until I answer him. Telling him what he wants to hear. "I'm a cunt Sir a worthless fucking cunt for you men to use, a low life homo, faggot." He made me beg for it "yes use me Sir fuck me, rape my hole, I need you all punish me for being such a useless cunt." "Please hurt me humiliate me," I'm sobbing now lost in a confused world. I feel like the lowest thing alive. And that's what they wanted to see me utterly broken. And worse still when I looked up Mark was there again getting it all on tape. Wayne is in a frenzy as he fucks me working my slack hole pumping away at me until he finally cums too.

Eventually they had all cum and were finally quite sat around drinking and smoking, as I lay exhausted on the table. "So slag say it again for us what are you?" Tom demands "A low life pig Sir" it's almost automatic now. Good now pig, clean up you know what to do with the condoms -- now do it". And so I slowly, painfully raised my self up of the table and gathered up the discarded condoms still full of warm spunk. I obediently emptied 7 condoms full of spunk into an ashtray full of cigar ash, mixed it about a bit and then looking at him for the instruction I knew would come "EAT".

And like the pig had become I pushed my own face into the thick stinking mess and ate their spunk and ash.

This is the beginning of my being broken and turned into a total pig by these guys. If you have comments, suggestions I'd love to hear them before I start chapter two. Email me at

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