Brent's Struggle 01

By Keith Yates

Published on Jul 29, 2022


This is a fictional story that may involve sexual acts between two or more males. If this offends you, why are you here? If you are under the legal age to read sexually explicit material then do not read any further. This story in no way represents any person living or dead. Any resemblance to any real person is purely coincidental.

This story is the property of the author and no copying or posting to any other website is permitted without the author's written consent.

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A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong gives it a superficial appearance of being right.

Thomas Paine

Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it. Thomas Paine

Brent's Struggle Chapter 33

"Morning Matt," Albert greeted as Matt entered the office.

"Morning Albert. I'm going to need you to move my afternoon meeting."

"Certainly. Did something come up?"

"I'm picking Brent up from school for an appointment. Bryan was going to do it but he's helping a Marine buddy with something."

"I'll get that moved. How is Brent doing?"

"I think we are seeing some improvements. I'm just hoping the upcoming case does not cause a major setback."

Albert, being the best assistant in the business and able to piece together pieces of a puzzle had long ago figured out that Brent had to be one of the boys from the clinic. The news coverage had not released any of the names but from the timing Albert had figured it out. Matt had been glad that he did not have to hide anything from Albert. He was confident in Albert's discretion.

"As far as that other matter you asked me to investigate, Matt. I have found nothing. I've got a P.I. friend looking into it. He's a bulldog and he'll find out what happened and where the young man is resting."

Matt swallowed. He still had unresolved emotions where Devyn is concerned. "Thanks Albert. I appreciate you doing as much as you have on this."

"No problem. I'm curious now and I know Jerome will find him."

"Just keep me posted. Anything else I need to know before I get started?"

"Not really. I missed a call from our mystery Mr. Sexy Baritone. He left a message and I'm going to call him back. I was just waiting for you to get into the office. If we actually get ahold of him, then I can put him through."

"That would be good. This game of phone tag has gone on long enough.

"I'll just call him now." Albert picked up the phone and glanced at the message before punching in the number. "Fuck, it went straight to voice mail. At least I get to hear that sexy voice again...shit. Um, sorry, um..." Albert paused and then left his name and number.

Albert hung up the phone and looked sheepishly at Matt. "His, um, outgoing message, um wasn't that long."

Matt closed his eyes. "It recorded the part about his Sexy voice?"

"Sorry Matt. I'll..."

"Don't sweat it, Albert. He'll either call back or he won't."


"You are being quiet." Matt glanced over at Brent. The teenager had not said much since getting into the car. "Was school alright?"

"Yes," Brent said.

"What's wrong then?"

"I, um, got a text from Alex. He, um, wants to go out on... like a date."

"That could be fun." Matt glanced over at Brent. He could see Brent was nervous about it.

"I, um, don't know. He said just to a movie and maybe burgers or something."

"I think you should." Matt thought Alex would be good for Brent. It would help the teenager through the next few weeks to have a friend his own age.

"You do?"

"Sure. Alex is a nice guy. He cares about you a great deal."

"But I don't feel for him like he wants me too."

"Have you told Alex?"

"Yes, I was honest from the start. He thinks I'll get those feelings back again. I don't think I will."

"If you are honest with him and he is willing to take that chance, then what is the harm in giving him the chance?"

"I don't want to hurt him."

"Not giving him that chance might hurt him worse."

"I didn't think about that. It is just, um, you know when he comes over to the house it is, um, safe you know."

"Because we are there?"

Brent looked down at his hands. He felt like a stupid baby but Matt was right. "Yes. I know with you there, um, nothing is going to happen."

"I'll protect you as much as I can. The hell you went through will never happen to you again. I will protect you from that. I'm not sure I can or should protect you from every heart ache. Sometimes we need those experiences to grow."

"I don't know."

Matt pulled into a parking spot at the doctor's office. He turned to look at Brent. "You can talk to Dr. Drake about it. I think he'll agree with me but in the end, it is your decision. I'll support you either way."

"Thanks Matt." Brent reached over and put his hand on Matt's. He gave it a squeeze. "You are, um, great. You're, um, a hell of a dad."

Matt felt a lump in his throat. "Thanks, Brent."


Brent spent most of his appointment with Dr. Drake talking about the clinic. He hated remembering that place but he knew he needed to talk about it so he would be prepared for next week. He was still mostly talking to Dr. Drake about the events prior to his and Steven's incarceration in the basement chambers.

"I sometimes felt like it was something I was doing that caused her to take such an interest in me. She did not seem to be as interested in the other guys. Steven and Ned never told that she did that to them. After our private sessions I always felt ashamed that I let it happen. That I, um, ended up shooting during that, um, experience. I mean did I want it in some way?"

"It was nothing you did, Brent. Those feelings are normal. It is how most people feel after being raped."

"That is what she did isn't it," Brent said. He was looking down at the floor. "But I still came. I still got off."

"Brent, she was forcing that response from you. I'm sure some of the medications she was giving you were causing that."

Brent got up and moved around the room. He moved to the window and looked out. They were only on the third floor but Brent could look out and see the small park across the street. He watched a woman jogger and a couple kids playing with a ball. "Now I can't perform at all. I'm so messed up because of her."

Dr. Drake thought that was good Brent was putting his current emotional and physical issues where they belonged. He hoped this was one more step forward. Brent was no longer blaming himself for all the problems he was facing. "It is going to take time."

"Alex asked me out on a date." Brent was still looking out the window. His eyes following a teenager walking a dog. The boy looked to be his own age. Brent wondered if Matt and Bryan would let him have a dog. He had wanted one but his parents had always refused.

"That is good."

"I told him no. Matt thinks I should go."

"Why did you tell him no?"

"He deserves a guy that is not so fucked up. He keeps saying he doesn't care that I don't remember him but he has to."

"I'm sure he does care but he accepts it."

"I still haven't been able to, um, cum. I tried again but could not get there."

"Are you getting erect?"

"Yes, but I don't stay. She ends up in my head."

"It is going to take time to get past those experiences."

Brent looked down at his hands. "I'm not sure I can. Alex is not going to want a guy he can't have sex with. I'm sure before we were messing around all the time."

"Did you ask him?"

"Yes, he said we never got too far. I'm sure he wants to get further."

"Well one date doesn't mean you are going to go have sex."

"Alex told me once that we went to a gay club. He said we had fun. He offered to take me back there to see if it would help jar my memory."

"It might. If it is somewhere that you two have a connection to."

"I told him I wasn't ready. He could see my reluctance. He said Matt and Bryan could go too. He offered to take my, um, Foster Dads on our date."

"Alex sounds like a special young man. It sounds like he is willing to do whatever you need to fully recover."

Brent spun around. "Will I, will I fully recover?"

"You are always going to have some PTSD from these experiences but I think with time, understanding, and love you will be able to adapt. It seems like you are getting that from Matt, Bryan, and Alex."

"I'm not getting it from my parents. My dad mentioned me coming home again in our last visitation." Brent snickered. "I thought Matt might just punch him. They really do not like each other."

"I told you once, he's like a lion protecting his cub."

"It makes me feel, um, kind of good that he's there protecting me. He took off work early today so he could bring me here. He wants to go out for dinner tonight. Bryan's off with a Marine buddy doing something. He even mentioned going shopping. He thought maybe I would want something nice to wear for next week. He would make someone such a great dad."

"I think he's making someone a great dad right now."

Brent turned to look at Dr. Drake. "I guess maybe he is."

"Back to the Alex question. Go on the date with him. He's been understanding so far, I'm sure he's not expecting anything more than spending time with you."

"I don't know. I already told him no."

"So, call him, text him, whatever and let him know you changed your mind."

Brent sighed. "He'll think I'm such a flake."

"He'll understand Brent. You know if you want, you could bring him to one of your sessions. Maybe it would help."

"I never thought about that. I'll think about it." Brent looked at the clock. He realized his hour-long session had gone over again. "Sorry, it looks like we went over. "I'm the one that watches the clock, Brent. Not you." Dr. Drake always made Brent his last appointment of the day. If Brent needed to talk, the doctor was going to give him as much time as he could.


"You are being too quiet," Matt told Brent during dinner. "Was your session with Dr. Drake that bad?" Matt did not like to pry into what Brent talked to Dr. Drake about but he also wanted to help the teenager as much as he could.

"No, it is, um, beginning to help. At least, I think it's helping. I can talk a little more about, um, the clinic."

"That is good. Did you talk about Alex?" Matt wanted Brent to go on the date with Alex. He thought it would do the boy good to be out with a guy closer to his own age.

"We did. He agrees with you. He thinks I should go."

"I think Alex is a good guy, Brent. I think it would be good for you."

"Alex is a good guy." Brent looked down at his plate. The food here was great. Bryan always liked taking Brent out for Italian and Matt always wanted to go for Mexican. Brent liked both, so it worked out for him. "He deserves better than me."

"I think that is for Alex to decide."

"You know he told me we once went to a gay club and had a fun time. I don't remember it. He offered to take me back there. He, um, even offered to let you and Bryan come with us."

"That could be fun for all of us."

"You would go?"

"Of course, Brent. We would be happy to go. We both like Alex and we both love you."

Brent looked up from his plate. His eyes looked into the sparkling green of Matt's. He was a little surprised when Matt had used the four-letter word.

"We do Brent. I know we are just your guardians but we both love you."

Brent reached across the table and touched Matt's hand. "Thanks. I, um, love you guys too." Brent could feel his eyes burning with unshed tears. He wished that Matt and Bryan were his dad. Why could the universe have not given him an understanding dad like one of them. He and Devyn both deserved that. "Um, have you learned anything about Devyn?"

"No, but Albert has a P.I. looking into it now. I'm sure we will know something in a couple of days."

"Thanks for that Matt. I know he is not going to forgive me but I must at least try and make things right with him."

Matt felt guilty about not telling Brent the truth. Once they knew where Devyn was resting, then he and Bryan both agreed they had to tell Brent. "I'll let you know what we find out."

"I guess I'll, um, see if Alex still wants to go out Friday. Maybe it would be good."

"I think it will be." Matt wanted Brent to have a good connection with Alex. He thought it would make learning about Devyn easier.


"You know Brent changed his mind several times about this date," Matt said to Bryan after Brent had left with Alex for the date.

"He made the right decision going out with him. I think it will be good for him." Bryan was standing next to Matt as they were watching Alex backing out of the driveway.

Matt turned to face his husband. "I missed you this week. Did you get your buddy moved?"

"Yes, he's settled into his new place. Everything is accessible so he won't have any problems getting around in his chair."

"That is good. I'm pushing that accessibility in all our designs. It adds a little bit to the cost but I keep pointing out that it is less expensive to do it now than to have to retrofit later."

"You are so good." Leaning in, Bryan kisses Matt's lips. His tongue probes at Matt's lips and they part.

Matt slides his arms around Bryan and holds him tight. When the kiss breaks, Matt looks into Bryan's eyes. He can see a hunger burning in those blue depths. His lips curve up into a smile. He is sure Bryan can see that same hunger reflected in Matt's green eyes.

"You know I think this is the first time we have been alone in this house for months." Bryan's fingers begin to nimbly undo the buttons of Matt's shirt.

"I guess that is how it is when you have kids."

"He has become like your boy." Bryan pushed Matt's shirt open. Bryan's hands slid across the white cotton t-shirt that was stretched tight over Matt's defined chest. Bryan's thumbs rubbed across Matt's nipple. He leans in and kisses his mouth again.

Matt slides his hand under Bryan's shirt as they are kissing. His fingers are sliding across the warm skin of Bryan's body. Matt follows the trail of hair up from Bryan's belly button up the hard muscles of Bryan's chest.

Bryan pushes Matt's dress shirt off his shoulders and down his arms. It falls to the floor at their feet. Bryan tugs up Matt's t-shirt and pulls it up. In one fluid movement he has it off Matt.

"Damn Marine, you are a bit eager."

"I want you so bad." Bryan kisses Matt again. He lightly bites Matt's lower lip as his fingers massage the growing basket in Matt's pants.

"Oh, and I want you babe." Matt begins to undo Bryan's jeans. After unbuttoning and unzipping them, Matt slides his hand inside. He can feel Bryan's manhood growing hard. He massages that growing slab of man meat through the fabric of the man's underwear.

"Oh Matt." Bryan nips Matt's ear with his teeth. "That feels good."

Matt massages the shaft of Bryan's organ from the base to the fat head. Only the thin fabric of Bryan's underwear separates Matt's massaging fingers from Bryan's flesh.

Bryan takes each of Matt's nipples between thumb and forefinger. He pinches them lightly and then a little harder. He leans in and kisses Matt again.

Matt lets out a moan of pleasure at Bryan's manipulation of his nipples. He can feel them growing erect as is the member between his legs. "You are driving me crazy."

"Good." Bryan moves his mouth to Matt's neck and then his shoulder. Bryan's tongue leaves a trail as he is licking Matt's skin. Bryan moves lower onto Matt's chest. His fingers run through the hair and then his tongue licks its way to Matt's left nipple. His tongue drawing closer and closer to the areola. Bryan circles around the erect nub before taking it between his lips. He licks the nipple and then nibbles it with his teeth.

"Oh Bryan." Matt holds the back of Bryan's head. Matt's fingers tangle in the blond hair as he presses Bryan's mouth to his chest.

Bryan nurses on Matt's nipple. The reddish-brown nub became quickly coated with Bryan's spit. With a slurping pop sound, Bryan pulled his mouth from Matt's nipple. He kisses the middle of Matt's chest and then moves to Matt's other nipple. He gives it the same treatment as the first one. This elicits more moans of pleasure from Matt.

"Oh babe." Matt's voice is filled with the lust he is feeling for his husband.

Bryan moves his hand between Matt's legs. He cups the man's ample basket. He could feel the heat of Matt's sex through the fabric of Matt's pants. He can also feel how hard Matt is.

Bryan moves lower. He follows the hair on Matt's chest down. His lips and tongue licking and sucking as he moves lower on Matt's torso. Bryan kisses Matt's belly button and then follows the treasure trail down to where it disappears into Matt's pants.

Bryan drops down to his knees in front of Matt and looks up at the sexy man. His hands move to Matt's dress pants and he rubs the bulge. The material is tented out with Matt's desire for Bryan.

Bryan lowers Matt's zipper and pulls the erection through the opening. He kisses the stiff member. The thin fabric of Matt's underwear is between Bryan's lips and the head of Matt's cock.

"Oh shit."

"Oh, you like that, huh?" Bryan is looking up at Matt from the floor. "Then you will really like this." Bryan sucks the head of Matt's cock through the light blue fabric of Matt's boxer briefs.

"Oh yes babe." Matt's hand returns to Bryan's head. He runs his fingers through the thick blonde hair. He thrusts at Bryan's sucking mouth. He can feel his underwear becoming damp with Bryan's saliva.

Bryan pulls his mouth from the head of Matt's cock. He can see the clear outline of Matt's cock head through the damp material. Bryan quickly threads Matt's cock through the fly of the underwear. He peers at the beautiful member for a moment before flicking his tongue across the sensitive head. He loves the feeling of Matt's manhood against his tongue.

"Oh yes Bryan, please babe suck me."

Bryan's lips part and Matt's erection slides between them. Bryan concentrates on just the head. He explores every inch of the surface with his tongue. He runs it around and under the head. He slips it across the piss slit and is rewarded with a large drop of Matt's pre-cum. Bryan swallows that down enjoying the taste of Matt's juice on his tongue.

Matt's fingers are tangled even more tightly in Bryan's thick blonde hair. He holds the man firmly but gently. He pushes forward and feels Bryan accepting him. Inch after inch of Matt's erection is sliding between Bryan's lips and into Bryan's willing mouth.

Bryan can feel Matt pushing the thick cock into him and willingly he accepts each inch of Matt. He can feel the thick member going in and then feels Matt pulling it back. Then his lover pushes forward again.

Matt feels Bryan's tongue swirling around him again. He feels the pleasure building as Bryan works his cock. Matt pushes forward again and feels his cock at the back of Bryan's throat. He holds it there. He will let Bryan decide to take more of him.

Bryan swallows a couple of times and then moves down the shaft. He swallows, taking Matt past his gag reflex and down into his throat. He wants all of Matt and in a few moments, he has all of his man.

"Oh Bryan!"

Bryan's throat is stroking Matt and pushing the man further down the road to man-to-man pleasure. Bryan slowly slides his mouth up from the base of Matt's cock all the way to the tip. He sucks on just the head and then goes back down Matt's shaft.

"Oh babe!"

Bryan bobs up and down the shaft of Matt's cock. He takes the fat head repeatedly into his throat. He feels Matt gripping him tighter and knows he is pleasuring his man.

Matt grips the sides of Bryan's head and holds him tight. He begins thrusting into Bryan's mouth. His thick cock going in and out of the Marine's throat. "Oh Bryan."

Bryan takes the face fucking. Matt is gentle and caring as he is slow and deliberate at thrusting in and out of Bryan's mouth.

Matt pulls his cock all the way from Bryan's lips. The head and shaft glisten in the light with Bryan's spit. Matt rubs the wet head across Bryan's lips. He then reaches down and grabs Bryan under the arms. He pulls the man to his feet and then kisses Bryan. His mouth covering Bryan's. His tongue sliding along Bryan's lips and then against Bryan's teeth.

Bryan's arms slide around Matt. He holds the other man tight. His hands caressing and exploring the strong muscles of Matt's back and shoulders. He follows Matt's spine down to the man's pants. His hands slide over the pants to grip Matt's hard ass cheeks. Bryan has one in each hand and he squeezes those solid cheeks.

The two men's kiss breaks and they look into each other's eyes. Matt plants another kiss on Bryan's lips and then drops to his knees in front of the former Marine.

Bryan's erection is already protruding from his open pants. Matt's fingers quickly slip the erection from the fabric of Bryan's underwear. Matt grips the shaft holding Bryan firmly and looking with desire in his eyes at Bryan's cock.

"Go on babe. You know you want to." Bryan is looking down at the lust in his lover's eyes. He can feel Matt's hot moist breath against the head of his cock. He cannot wait to feel Matt's hot wet mouth around him.

Matt uses just the tip of his tongue to tease the piss slit of Bryan's cock. He can taste the pre-cum oozing from the fat knob. Matt moves out from the piss slit. He is slowly licking a circle around the head and then further down the head.

"Oh, come on, please Matt." Bryan is almost begging Matt as he feels Matt's tongue moving off his head and onto the shaft.

Matt can hear the yearning in Bryan's voice. He can hear the lust in each word and it sends new jolts into Matt's own manhood. Matt's cock throbs as it juts out from the fly of his dress pants.

Bryan grasps Matt's head and thrusts at the man's mouth. His cock slides along Matt's cheek. Bryan groans in pleasure as Matt licks the underside of his cock. Matt's tongue travels from the bass all the way to the head.

"Oh baby." Bryan tingles his fingers in Matt's wavy hair and holds him tight. He wants to thrust his length into Matt's warm wet mouth.

Matt's tongue reaches the underside of Bryan's cock head. Matt's hands are on the waist of Bryan's jeans as Matt's tongue slurps up the juice leaking from Bryan's cock. As he is drinking in Bryan's pre-cum, he slides Bryan's jeans down. Matt's hands feel along Bryan's legs as he pushes the jeans all the way to the man's feet.

Bryan's cock is pressed up against Bryan's stomach as Matt licks up and down the thick underside of the shaft. Matt continues to run his hands up and down Bryan's legs. He can feel the cords of muscle from Bryan's workouts. He can also feel the soft dark blonde hair that is soft against Matt's palms.

"Oh, baby suck me. Please Matty suck me."

Matt is enjoying teasing Bryan. He loves hearing the man almost begging for it. He moves up the shaft once more. He pulls it down and covers the head with his lips. The sigh of pleasure from Bryan, tells Matt that he is giving his lover pleasure.

"Yes baby. Yes."

Matt sucks on just the sensitive head of Bryan's cock. He swirls his tongue around it, which causes more moans of pleasure to escape Bryan's lips.

"Yes, oh yes." Bryan grips Matt hard and thrusts towards the man's sucking mouth. His cock slips in further. Matt's lips close behind the head of Bryan's cock and slide tightly down the thick shaft.

Matt hooks his fingers into the elastic of Bryan's underwear and lowers them down. He can only pull them down so far because Bryan's cock is still protruding from the fly.

Bryan is thrusting harder at Matt's mouth. He wants to slide down into Matt's throat. He wants to feel Matt's nose in his pubic hair. He wants his balls against the hair on Matt's chin.

Matt grips Bryan's ass cheeks. He is holding one in each hand. His fingers tease the blonde fuzz along Bryan's ass crack. Matt feels Bryan's cock at the back of his throat and he swallows. He takes more of Bryan into his mouth and the head slips down into his throat.

"Oh babe!" Bryan thrusts forward trying to push more of his rod into Matt's mouth. He wants to be balls deep inside Matt.

Matt squeezes Bryan's ass and begins slipping his lips up the shaft. He reaches the head and the cock slips from his mouth with an audible pop. "Damn but you taste good."

"Oh, and there is more for you where that came from."

Matt hooks his fingers back into Bryan's underwear and pulls them the rest of the way down Bryan's legs. Bryan's cock slaps up against his stomach as his underwear are removed. His wet cock glistens with Matt spit.

Matt cups Bryan's fuzzy balls. He lightly rolls them around in his fingers. The large eggs fitting comfortably in his hand. Leaning in, Matt kisses the cock. He licks it again and then looks up into Bryan's eyes.

"Oh baby." Bryan can see the lust in Matt's eyes. It sends a thrill of ecstasy up Bryan's spine.

Matt takes Bryan back between his lips. He wastes no time going all the way down. He swallows taking every inch of Bryan's cock into his mouth and down his throat. He holds it there and fondles Bryan's balls. He then pulls off and repeats the maneuver. He bobs up and down on Bryan taking the man balls deep repeatedly. The moans of pleasure grow louder as Matt sucks the other man's cock.

Matt pulls off Bryan's cock again. This time he pushes it up so he can work over Bryan's fuzzy nuts with his tongue. Matt runs a finger through the juice that is leaking from his cock. He coats that finger with his pre-cum. He then goes back to Bryan's cock with his mouth and tongue. As he is going down Bryan's shaft, he moves his hand between Bryan's legs. He moves up and pushes his finger between the cheeks of Bryan's ass. He fingers Bryan's hairy hole and teases it.

"Oh, oh Matt." Bryan flexes his ass muscles. He can feel Matt's probing finger rubbing his anal ring. He moves his feet a little further apart to allow Matt more access to him.

Matt rubs at Bryan's pucker. He can feel the man squirming as he presses harder against Bryan's back door. He feels that anal ring stretch and his fingertip penetrates Bryan.

"Ahah," Bryan moans softly as he is stretched by Matt's finger. He knows Matt is not going to stop with just the fingertip.

Matt pulls his finger from Bryan's hole and moves it back to coat it with more pre-cum. Matt rubs the finger against his cock head coating with the pre-cum. He then returned to tease Bryan's hole even more. He pushes it into that anal opening and this time it goes in with less resistance. He works it in and out. Matt's finger is sliding in and out of Bryan just as Bryan's cock is sliding in and out of Matt's mouth.

"Oh baby. Oh yes."

Matt pushes his finger in deeper. He has his whole finger inserted in Bryan's butt. He can feel Bryan flexing and squeezing his finger. The man has amazing anal muscles.

Matt pulls off Bryan's cock again. He takes in a few deep breaths. There is a strand of saliva connecting Matt's lips to Bryan's cock. Matt's chin is wet with his spit and Bryan's man juices.

Reaching down Bryan hooks his hands under Matt's arms and pulls the man to his feet. He pulls Matt in for a long passionate kiss. Their mouths and tongues doing battle with each other as they kiss. Their cocks rubbing against each other. Bryan's is wet with spit and pre-cum. Matt's is protruding from his pants with his juices dripping from the head.

Matt hugs Bryan tight. His hands sliding down Bryan's back to grip Bryan's fuzzy ass.

"I want you."

"I want you too."

The two men kiss again. They move towards the sofa. Matt guides them as Bryan is walking backwards. They never stop kissing and holding each other as they move.

The backs of Bryan's legs press against the sofa. He can feel Matt's turgid member pressing into him. Matt pushes and Bryan topples over the arm of the sofa. He lands looking up at his lover.

Matt reaches down gripping Bryan and pulling him back towards the arm. He gets Bryan's ass to where he wants it. There is a fire burning in the fireplace. Both men can feel the warmth from that fire on their skin.

"Shit were doing it here?"

Matt undoes his pants and pushes them down. He kicks off his shoes and then his pants. He quickly slides down his underwear so he is standing there with nothing on but his socks. "Why not. We have the place to ourselves. And you look too fucking hot not to do it right here."

Matt's erection swings over Bryan as Matt leans over to kiss Bryan's lips. He takes Bryan's wet erection in his hand and slowly strokes it.

"Oh, shit babe."

Matt drops down to his knees at the arm of the sofa. Bryan pulls his legs back exposing his tight pucker to Matt.

"That looks good enough to eat." Matt leans in and swipes his tongue over the little rosebud. He hears Bryan moan in delight. He probes at the tight anal ring.

"Oh yes!" Bryan has his hand behind his knees holding his legs back to give Matt total access to him. Bryan's cock is leaking even more pre-cum. It is oozing from the head and dripping onto his sweatshirt that Bryan is still wearing.

Using his thumbs, Matt pulls at Bryan's tight pucker. He presses his tongue harder and harder against Bryan's Star. His repeated probing is forcing the sphincter muscle to relax and allow him to probe. He pushes his tongue in deeper, forcing the muscle to stretch.

"Oh Matty. Oh yes. Tongue it."

Matt does as Bryan requested. He pushed his tongue in deeper. He tongued that little pucker and could feel Bryan's anal opening relaxing. Matt could feel it yielding to him and knew soon it would be ready for more than just his tongue.

"You're driving me insane." Bryan was squirming on the sofa after the long tongue fucking Matt had been giving his hole.

Matt pulled his tongue from Bryan's hole. He licked up from that wet pucker to Bryan's large balls. He runs his tongue over those two fuzzy orbs.

"Oh, Matt, come on. I'm ready."

Matt stands up next to the arm of the sofa. He slips his finger into Bryan's wet hole. "You think you are ready, huh?"

"Yes. Come on, do it."

"Matt pushes a second finger into Bryan's pucker. He feels the muscle relaxing and letting the second finger inside. "This still feels tight."

"Just the way you like it."

"Oh yeah, I definitely do." Matt is moving his two fingers in and out. He twists his hand as he finger's Bryan's hole.

"Oh shit. Oh yes!" Bryan feels the surges of pleasure as Matt is expertly fingering him and rubs across that hot little nub inside.

"Damn you are leaking a lot of juice there." Matt reaches down and lifts Bryan's heavy cock. He leaned forward and slurps up Bryan's pre-cum. There is a large wet spot-on Bryan's sweatshirt from where the cock had been resting and drooling pre-cum.

"Matt, you gotta either do it now or I'm going to get up and bend you over."

"Damn you are eager tonight."

"You are going to find out just how eager in a minute." Bryan started to move to get off the sofa.

"Oh no you don't, Marine." Matt grabbed Bryan's legs and prevented Bryan from getting off the sofa. He lifts them up exposing that hole that he just moments ago had his tongue inside. "You stay right where you are."

"Then you better get busy."

Matt moves to press the tip of his dripping cock against Bryan's wet pucker. He rubs the head up and down the fuzzy crack leaving behind a trail of pre-cum. The head rubs across Bryan's pucker which causes the former Marine to moan.

"Oh, you do like that." Matt guides his cock back to Bryan's pucker. He presses the leaking head against that tight ring.

"Oh yes," Bryan moans. He wants to thrust his ass onto Matt's stiff rod but from the position he is in on the sofa he does not have much leverage to impale himself on Matt.

Matt presses his rigid member harder against Bryan's sphincter and the ring of muscle stretches. The harder Matt presses the more the muscle stretches until Matt's cock head pops into the anal opening.

"Ah!" Bryan moans in pleasure as Matt's cock finally penetrates his hole. "Oh, babe Yes!"

Matt slowly begins pushing more of his thick length into Bryan. Listening to Bryan gasp and groan in pleasure, fuels Matt's own desires. He pushes a little harder forcing Bryan's muscles to stretch and accept him.

Bryan flexes his ass muscles around Matt's cock. He can feel the length going deeper. He can feel Matt stretching him and he loves it. "Oh yes. Oh yes."

Matt has about half of his length inside Bryan. He stops pushing forward. Matt rests there with his cock halfway up Bryan's fuck chute. Matt then slowly begins withdrawing his length. He pulls back until just the tip of his cock is inside Bryan's outermost sphincter muscle. Then Matt looks into Bryan's vivid eyes. "Give it to me." Matt does what Bryan asked and shoves his cock back into Bryan. He goes deeper this time. He pulls back and thrusts harder. This time the rest of Matt's thick meat is inside Bryan. Matt's balls are resting against the fuzziness of Bryan's ass.

"Oh man." Matt moans with the pleasure of being deep inside his lover. He closes his eyes enjoying the feeling of Bryan's flexing ass around him. Matt slowly pulls back. He holds it for a second with just the head of his cock inside Bryan and then he thrust back into the man. Matt starts off with slow deliberate thrusts. His cock slipping deep inside Bryan with each thrust of his hips.

Bryan whimpers with the pleasure of Matt's steady thrusts. He can feel the pleasure building for them both. Bryan's cock jumps each time Matt's fat meat passes over his prostate. His cock produces more hot pre-cum when Matt slides his length back inside.

"Oh yes Matt." Bryan moves his legs to Matt's shoulders and rests them there. He takes his own stiff member in hand and slowly strokes himself as Matt is thrusting into him.

"Oh babe." Matt is thrusting a little faster now. His hands caress Bryan's legs that are on his shoulders as he pumps his meat in and out of Bryan.

Bryan's moans grow louder as Matt picks up speed and force. His cock is sliding in and out of Bryan's hole. His balls are slapping against Bryan as he gets closer and closer to exploding inside Bryan.

Bryan's fist is pumping his cock in time with Matt's powerful thrusts. Bryan can feel Matt's hands sliding up and down his legs. He loves the feeling of Matt's hands on him. It pushes Bryan closer and closer to blowing his load.

Matt's body glistens in the light from the fireplace with a fine layer of sweat. He grips Bryan harder as he feels his nuts beginning to pull up. He can feel his cock expanding. He feels the first blasts of his load firing from his cock and into Bryan.

Matt's cry of pleasure is loud as he climaxes. His blasts of hot man milk firing deep into Bryan. The sensation of Matt's cock blasting jets of cum into him, sends Bryan over the edge. He begins erupting and firing his cum. His cock shooting jets of seed across the sweatshirt that he is still wearing.

Both men bask in the wave of pleasure that sweeps through them. Matt slowly and reluctantly steps back and his cock slides from Bryan. Matt lowers Bryan's legs from his shoulders and lets them hang over the arm of the sofa.

"Wow babe," Bryan opens his eyes to look at his naked lover. "That was good."

Matt moves to the side of the Sofa. Bryan moves up and Matt moves on top of him. He kisses Bryan's lips. "It is always good with you."

Bryan wraps his arms around Matt. His hands sliding up and down Matt's sweaty back. "I think we both needed that."

"We did." Matt kisses Bryan again. "We are going to have to find more time for each other."

"I agree." Bryan slides his hands down Matt's back. He squeezes Matt's bare ass. "We both have needs that we cannot continue to overlook."

"It's harder now to find the time for us."

"We just make the time. I think it would be good for Brent to see us showing each other affection."

"Well, if he had walked in on us a minute ago. He would have seen how, um, affectionate we are."

"Matt moves his hand to the side of Bryan's face. He lightly caresses Bryan's cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too, Matt."


Thanks for the movie," Brent told Alex as they were walking to his car. "I did like that one."

"I was hoping you would," Alex said.

Brent had been reluctant to go out with Alex on what Brent was sure the man was thinking of as a date. He had pushed it off and if it had not been for some prodding from Matt and Bryan he probably would not have gone.

"Thanks for, um, being so understanding. I know I kind of changed my mind about going out."

"I'm glad you did. I like spending time with you."

"As much as before?" Brent had been wondering about that. He wondered if Alex was liking him as much as the man had appeared to like him before the accident.

"Yes, I do. I know you think you are like a different person but you aren't."

"I know I am." Brent did not believe Alex and his voice showed that disbelief.

They reached Alex's car. "I'm going to touch you." Alex placed a hand on Brent's shoulder and turned the blonde towards him. He looked into the blue eyes. "Yes, there are differences but many of the traits that attracted me to you are still there. You are just a little more stiff, just not in the good way."

Brent's lips curved up into a smile. "Is that all you think about?"

"Not when it comes to you. I also think about these lips." Alex moved his finger to Brent's lips. Alex's finger hovers over Brent's lips not touching them. He looked into Brent's eyes. "I'm going to touch them." He lightly caresses Brent's lips with his fingertip. "They feel better than I remember. Makes me want to kiss them even more."

"No." Brent's voice was sharp as he brought a hand up and placed it on Alex's chest. "I'm not..."

"I know," Alex said. "I understand, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to kiss these lips. It doesn't stop me from wanting to feel that tongue against mine."

"Alex, I don't know..."

"It's fine Brent. You don't need to explain. You aren't ready but when you are I'm here. I'll go as slow as you need."

"Thanks." Brent turned to the car door and opened it.

Alex let out a sigh as Brent was getting into the car. He did mean he would go as slow as Brent wanted. He did not want to do anything to add to Brent's anxiety. Alex knew the next couple of weeks were going to be hell for Brent. Alex just wished Brent would trust him more. Alex could not help but wonder if part of Brent's hesitation was because Brent blamed Alex for the accident. Brent might not consciously remember the events but maybe subconsciously he knew it was Alex's fault that Brent had been put into harm's way.

Alex moved quickly around the car and slid into the driver's seat. He started the car and drove from the parking lot. The two were silent for a time.

"Brent, I'm sorry if it felt like I was pushing you. That truly wasn't my intention. I just want you to know that I find you as desirable as I ever did."

Brent swallowed before answering. "Alex, you have been wonderful." Brent exhaled. He knows Alex has really been more than just wonderful. "I don't know a guy that would go through everything you did and be so, um, understanding about everything."

"I just want you to be healthy emotionally. If that means not remembering, then I'll adjust."

"I don't know what it means. I'm not sure I'll ever be, um, healthy emotionally. I, um, well have issues." Dr. Drake had encouraged Brent to talk about his issues with Alex. It just felt so odd confiding in this man that Brent could not remember.

"I'd be honored if you would trust me enough to share whatever it is on your mind."

Brent looked out his window. He watches the houses passing by as they head back towards Matt and Bryan's. Brent takes a deep breath. "You know physical contact stresses me out."

"I do. I try hard not to touch you without telling you. If I've slipped up..."

"No, you have been great about it. That, um, helps me not get too distressed."

"Good. I'm going to touch you." Alex reached over and put his hand on Brent's forearm. He gives it a squeeze. "I want to be there to help you recover from what happened."

"It, um, goes deeper than just not being able to be touched."

Alex glances over at Brent. He can only see the back of Brent's blonde head. The teenager is looking intently out the window.

"I'm not sure I'll ever be able to be, um, sexual with a guy. I think I'm broke."

"It will just take time..."

"No, it won't. What she did... it broke something inside. I, um, I can't..." Brent knew he had to let Alex know that there would be no sexual future for them. He could not string the guy along. "I can't perform that way."

Alex pulls onto a side street. They are not far from Matt and Bryan's and the street is tree lined and very dark. There are no streetlights and the sky is overcast. The only light in the car is coming from the dashboard lights.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I know it changes..."

"Brent," Alex cuts off Brent's words. "I just want to be sure that I understand. Are you telling me you are, um, impotent?"

Brent can feel the heat creeping up his neck. He is glad that the car is dark. He continues looking out the window. He cannot look in Alex's direction. "I haven't been able to, cum, since I got out."

Alex can hear a tremble in Brent's voice. He understands how hard it is on Brent to admit his problem. Alex turns off the car so that it is completely dark. He hopes that will be easier on Brent. Alex's voice is soft when he speaks. "First let me say that I'm glad you felt you could trust me with this. I cannot begin to understand how hard that is for you. I'm sure in time that you will be able to..."

"No, I'm never going to be able to again. I'm never going to be able to." Brent pushes open the car door and jumps out. He begins running down the road. He cannot face Alex. He cannot face the people next week. He needs to just get away. He needs to just die and save everyone the grief of his existence.

"BRENT!" Alex quickly started the car and turned on the headlights before jumping out to Chase after Brent. With the light from the headlights, he can see Brent running down the road. "Brent please!"

"Just leave. Just leave me. I should have never told you."

"Brent please stop. Please talk to me." Alex is not sure he is going to be able to catch up to Brent. The guy is fast. `I've got to start doing some running,' Alex thinks as he is chasing Brent. His lungs are burning but he thinks he is catching up to the blonde.

Brent pushes his legs harder. He needs to get away from Alex. He was stupid for telling him. Alex is never going to understand. No one would understand what a fucked-up mess he is.

Brent does not see the pothole in the road. He steps into it and turns his ankle. He falls rolling over in the road. Rocks digging into his hands and knees.

"Are you alright?" Alex is panting as he finally catches up to Brent. His chest is heaving and he has a stabbing pain in his side. He drops down next to Brent. He can feel gravel digging into his knees. "Are you hurt?"

"Go away. Just fucking go away." Brent has a throbbing pain in his ankle. He thinks he can feel blood oozing down from his knee.

"Brent, I'm not going anywhere."

"You are stupid for being here with me. I'm fucked up. I'm fucked up."

"I get that you are recovering," Alex said, trying to pick his words carefully. "I know I will never fully understand what kind of hell you have been through. Even though I may never understand exactly how you feel, I still want to be here for you."

Brent can feel tears leaking from his eyes and sliding down his cheeks. "You are a good guy, Alex. Hell, you are fucking impressive. You're smart, handsome, sexy, and so fucking caring. You deserve someone who's not fucked up."

"But Brent, the guy I want is you." Alex reaches out towards Brent. "I'm going to touch you." He touches Brent's soft cheek. He tenderly wipes away the tears with his thumb. "You are not fucked up...well maybe a little but hell we are all fucked up in some respect."

"Alex," Brent's voice catches as he tries to talk. "I am not right. I can't fucking have sex...not even with myself. I can't fucking jerk off."

"I get this is a big deal to you."

"It's a fucking big deal. What kind of guy can't jerk off? I'm fucked up."

"Damn it, stop saying that." Alex takes a deep breath before he continues. "You went through hell. It has only been a few months since you got out. It is too soon to know if this problem is permanent. I'm betting it is just temporary. Probably once you get this court shit behind you that will get rid of a lot of stress and then you will be able to have some solo fun. Or better yet we can have some solo fun together."


Alex places a finger on Brent's lip stopping him. "One day at a time Brent. We will figure it out. Together we will figure it all out."

"You aren't going to be happy with a guy that can't have sex."

"That is my decision, Brent. Love is more than sex and I love you."

Brent felt his stomach lurch at the words. He was not sure he returned those feelings for Alex. He was not sure he would ever be able to return those feelings to anyone. The only person that he knew for sure that he had that kind of feeling for was Devyn. Maybe Devyn was the person that could get Brent past this problem. Brent wondered how you mentioned that. "Oh, I know we haven't seen each other for a couple years but would you help me get off?" Brent was sure Devyn would laugh in his face. Plus, Brent knew Devyn had every right to those feelings. Brent had turned his back on Devyn when Devyn had needed him the most. He could not expect Devyn to do anything but loathe him.

"Alex, I don't feel like that."

"I know. It is alright. I am good with having you as a friend."

"That might be all we will ever be."

"Then we will be friends and friends help each other."

"Thanks Alex."

"Now how about going back to the car. It is cold out here and these rocks are digging into my knees. Can you walk?"

With a little help from Alex Brent hobbled back to the car. "Should we go to the hospital to have your ankle x-rayed?"

Alex had helped Brent into the car and then got back behind the wheel. He turned up the heat.

"I think I just turned it. I don't think it is broken."

"Matt and Bryan are never going to let me take you out again. I'm sure they expected me to bring you back in one piece."

"I'm not badly hurt. I'll put some ice on it and I'll be fine." Brent reached over and touched Alex face then. "Thanks for, um, being so fucking nice."

Alex feels a tingle in his guts at Brent's touch. It was the first time Brent had initiated a physical contact. "You are welcome. If you need anything, you just have to ask. I might be able to even help you with your jerking off problem. Maybe you just need a hand with it."

"Alex," Brent chuckles.

"Well, you never know. It might just take someone with a different technique. I've been doing it longer so I might have some experience that you don't."

"Geez Alex."

"I'd be happy to show you. You can just watch me if you want."

Brent laughed. "I tried that."

"What?" Alex had started driving back towards Matt and Bryan's.

"I watched a couple solo videos online. It, um, didn't help."

"Well, those guys aren't me."

"You're impossible."

"But I made you laugh a little."

"You're crazy."

"That's what you always say. It's why you're going to fall for me all over again."

"Geez and you're so unconfident."

"Is that sarcasm I hear in your voice?"

"What do you think?"


Alex helped Brent up the steps to the front door. "You want me to help you inside?"

"No, I'm fine from here. I'm just going to clean up, get some ice and try to stay off my foot."

"Alright, call me if you need anything."

"Thanks Alex, um, for everything."

"I'm going to touch you." Alex places his hand on Brent's cheek. He can almost drown in the blue of Brent's eyes. He wants to lean in and kiss the lips but knows Brent is not ready for that. "If you need me at all Brent, just call me."

Brent knew that Alex was talking more about the upcoming weeks than about his injured ankle. "Thanks."

Alex removes his hand and turns to leave. "I'll call you tomorrow."

"Um, Alex, um could you come back."

Alex turns and goes back up the two steps to Brent. "Do you need help inside?"

"No, um, but" Brent hobbles closer and slips his arms around Alex. He holds him tight. "Thank You."

Alex enfolds Brent in his arms and holds the blonde boy tight. Alex can feel his eyes burning with tears as he holds Brent. Alex would have stood there all-night hugging Brent. It felt so good to have Brent back in his arms. Alex is sure with time they will be able to regain what was taken from them.

"I have to get off my foot." Brent breaks the hug. "It was a nice time."

"It was a fucking awesome date."

"It wasn't a date, Alex."

"We went out to a movie and I walked you to your door. It was a date."

"It was just two friends..."

"Nope, we hugged. It makes it a date. Our first date."

"We've been out before," Brent reminded Alex.

"Our first new date."

Brent chuckles. "Whatever dude."

"I'll call you tomorrow. Now get inside and get some ice on that ankle."

"Good night, Alex."

Brent turned and hobbled into the house.


Copyright 2022 by Keith yates ( all rights reserved.

No copying, reposting, or distributing is permitted without the author's written consent.

Next: Chapter 35

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