But Who Knows Where or When

By Ritch Christopher (Of Blessed Memory)

Published on Feb 3, 2007


All rights reserved. Copyright held by the author. If you are underage or are offended by gay fiction, containing graphic sex and explicit language, please exit now.


"But Who Knows Where or When?"

Copyright Ritchris, 2007

A Story


Ritch Christopher


chapter one


"Maggie, I know what I told Rex, but it's been quite a trying day," Blaine said to his wife...Blaine, being Blaine Rogers, M.D. of the Whitcomb-Rogers medical practice in Epperson, Virginia, home of Epperson University.

Maggie's brother and Blaine's brother-in-law, Rex Morris, was in his junior year at the University. He was co-captain of the Epperson 'Bald Eagles' Varsity Football Team. There were fifty-two young men on the team roster and one of them, Phil Stanfield, a tight-end, had been quarantined from playing as he had tested positive for a trace of tuberculosis. The coach, Will Garner, was ordered by the dean of the school to have the entire team tested for the disease. This was first week of August and the first game was scheduled for the first week in September. The dean wanted the tests administered to assure the parents and the student body, as well as the rival team members, that the Eagles were disease-free.

Without consulting his brother-in-law, Rex had volunteered Blaine to assist the team doctor, Dr. Barry Meadows, in giving the skin tests, more commonly called PPD's or Mantoux tests, a test very similar to the old Tine tests where a small amount of a protein from the bacterium is injected under the skin on the forearm. With no live bacteria in this injection, it cannot cause any disease. The patient then waits 48-72 hours to have their arm checked. If the body recognizes the protein (meaning infection with the TB bacterium has occurred), it will respond by causing a "bump" to appear around the injection site. The clinician will then measure how large this bump is. A small bump may be normal, while a larger bump almost always signifies infection - but not necessarily illness.

Blaine had seen over twenty-five patients in his office earlier and was quite exhausted and really didn't feel like trekking out to the university to inject twenty-five or thirty arms. Any nurse could do it, but Dean Novak wanted the tests administered by full-fledged physicians.

"Blaine, just how long does it take to stick an arm? You'll be finished in less than half-an-hour!" Maggie replied.

"Yes, a half hour when I could be home, watching the news and waiting for dinner. Why in God's name did Rex 'volunteer' me?" Blaine complained.

"You know how proud Rex is to have a doctor for a brother-in-law. Besides, did you forget? We're not eating at home tonight."

"What? Did the stove and refrigerator go on the blink at the same time?"

"No, dear, WE'RE going OUT to dinner and then to the opera! 'Carmen'!"

"I thought that was NEXT week!"

"No, my darling, it's tonight...and you know how much you like 'Carmen'!"

"Call Carmen and tell her I'll take HER to dinner next week and then I'll rent a room and screw her all night!"

"I'm sure she'd love you taking her to bed, but the New York Traveling Met is in Richmond...tonight and tonight only!"

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Please don't tell me I have to drive to Richmond in a tuxedo!"

"You won't! I had your new navy blue suit cleaned and I've put out your baby-blue dress shirt with a matching tie."

"Oh, all right! BUT, if the Mantoux tests take longer than half an hour, we'll either miss dinner or the first act."

"We'll eat lightly and have a full meal after the opera!"

"Then I'll have indigestion all night and have to work tomorrow with gastric discomfort."

"I'm sure when you hear Lydia Townsend sing the 'Habanera', it'll soothe your gastric discomfort!"

"Lydia Townsend is singing 'Carmen'?"

"Of course, Blaine. Where is your memory? You read all about the opera AND the cast in Sunday's Gazette!"

"It must have been your other husband who read it! I don't recall reading ANYTHING about Lydia Townsend...but, come to think of it, she WOULD be a nice fuck!"

"Perhaps you can stand in the wings of the opera house and feel her up while they're singing the 'Toreador Song'."

"Not a bad idea! I could say that I'm the house physician and I need to give her a full examination."

"NOW you're thinking like my husband!"

"OK, sweetheart, I'll go by the university and be home as quickly as possible."

"Thanks, darling!"

"You bet! Oh, I love you!"

"And I love you, Doctor Jerk!"

Blaine set down the phone, grabbed his medical bag and went to the office medicine cabinet to scoop up a handful of PPD's, stuffing them into his bag. He said 'good-night' to his secretary, Phoebe, and asked her to tell his partner, Frank Whitcomb, that he would see him tomorrow, bright and early. Leaving the building, he crossed the parking lot and headed toward his dream car, his dark blue Lexus. After brushing a bit of dirt from the hood of the beauty, he slid in, buckled his seat belt, and started it up. The engine's soft purr always gave him a heady feeling of power, an overwhelming sense of his masculinity. After checking for traffic, he pulled out onto the street and headed toward the university locker room.

At the expansive home she shared with her doctor-husband, Maggie proceeded with her usual routine of primping and dressing. Glancing at his framed photo prominently placed on her dresser, she once more thought about her marriage and her husband. She smiled inwardly, remembering his comments about the mezzo they'd be hearing later this evening in the role of Carmen. She had heard Blaine's remarks about being unfaithful for the past four of the seven years that they had been married, but she knew in her heart that Blaine had never strayed from the path of fidelity, nor had she. 'Trusting' is the one thing a doctor's wife must endure. So many jealous wives of physicians had ended their marriage by suspecting their husbands of-- well, almost anything while they were examining pretty young patients. Maggie had nothing to fear about Blaine's faithfulness; she'd managed to keep her figure, kept her hair and makeup in perfect shape, and no woman on earth could please her husband more in the bedroom. Blaine was fully aware of this as well, she knew. Even after seven years of marriage plus three years of dating, no one on earth could match Maggie's oral sex. She was an expert on pleasing her man. Actually, it was Blaine who had to worry about his own fitness as he didn't want Maggie to find another man with a better build...so he worked out twice a week at the gym after work to maintain his manly allure for her. The Rogers, Blaine and Maggie, were ONE HOT COUPLE. Each of them turned heads when they went out or to the country club. Husbands were jealous of Blaine's wife and of Blaine for his great physique. Likewise, the wives were just as envious of Maggie.

The two had met in college and continued dating while Blaine was in medical school in Richmond. Before Blaine joined his partner, Frank Whitcomb, in their joint practice, Blaine had his own smaller medical practice with Maggie acting as his secretary, appointment maker, and bookkeeper. Blaine only had one LPN working for him, Lucy Basemore, a motherly woman in her fifties. She was an excellent nurse and was no temptation to Blaine or an object of jealousy for Maggie.

Frank's original medical partner had been offered a job in Atlanta which left an opening in Frank's practice. He had heard of the young talented new doctor in Epperson who was a huge drawing card to young women and soon asked Blaine to join him and thus they became the Whitcomb-Rogers medical team.

Frank was twenty years older than Blaine. Frank's wife, Phyllis, who had come from a well-to-do family in Epperson, had put Frank through medical school with a small portion of the money she received from her father's endowment. She had been the sole heir. Phyllis never let Frank forget that SHE was the one who made it possible for Frank to become a doctor. In spite of her overbearing attitude, they had two daughters, Marie and Darlene, and one son, Harry, aged 22, 21, and 20, respectively, all of whom were away at college. None of the three had intentions of following their dad into the medical profession. Marie wanted to be a clothes designer; Darlene wanted to become a stockbroker. Harry had no idea in hell what he wanted to do, he just enjoyed the fraternity parties at Sigma Chi and loved making notches on his belt every time he scored, screwing a different sorority sister.

Rex, Maggie's brother and only sibling, had inherited their father's house when he died, plus a huge trust fund, but not as big as Maggie's. The house was too big for Rex to live in alone and he opted to live in the dorm and go home to check on everything at his house on Sundays. Rex was as handsome as his sister Maggie was beautiful. With his money, Rex loved buying the latest men's fashions and could have easily been discovered as a Calvin Klein model had he ever set his mind to it. Rex could have any girl on the campus...and often did...but he still like the bond of friendship he had with his varsity teammates. There was a time for dating, but Rex still liked his weekends on the town with his close male friends. His best friend and confidant was Kent Stevenson, a senior, who was co-captain, along with Rex, of the Bald Eagles.

During a game, Rex and Kent looked out after each other and Kent, the quarterback, loved having Rex as his best receiver. They were a team, on and off the playing field, adding to the fact that they also shared a room together in the dorm. Often they double-dated, but they were great drinking-buddies on the boys' night out. Since neither of them had a brother, they were as close as brothers could get...nothing sexual; both were straight as Route #66 stretching to California.

And so, as soon as Blaine pulled into the campus parking lot, parking next to the gym's locker room, Rex came running out the door to meet his brother-in-law.

"Hey, Blaine, I was getting worried that you might not show up!" Rex called out to Blaine.

"I had a couple of walk-ins at the office or I would have been here earlier!"

"Dr. Meadows has already began administering the TB tests, so hopefully, you won't have to stay too long!"

"Yeah, thanks for 'volunteering' my services, you shithead!" Blaine snarled, in a joking manner. "Next time, see if you can't volunteer me to do Pap tests on the women's volleyball team!"

"I'll see what I can do...I guess I OWE you one!" Rex joked back.

"Tell me, Rex--this teammate of yours, was he diagnosed positively for TB?"

"I'm not sure. He went away to some clinic for tuberculosis in Charlottesville. He DID test positive, but they're not sure of the strain. In case it is something serious, the dean and the coach didn't want to take any chances...you know, law-suits and all, PLUS if it IS a potent TB strain, who knows what might happen to the rest of us on the team?"

"Were any of you in physical contact with him? Do you think he breathed on any of you?"

"Hell, I don't know! We shower together! I don't know how a person gets TB. I remember last year when we all got athlete's foot from the locker room shower. None of us knew we had it for a couple of weeks when we started seeing each other scratching our feet after we took off our cleats."

"Well, hopefully, all the PPD tests will be negative and that'll put everyone's mind at ease, especially the dean and the coach!"

"Come on in and I'll see where you're supposed to start."

"Thanks! Your sister has a big evening planned for her and me."

"Oh, the opera?"

"How the hell did you remember the opera when I didn't?"

"I was scared as hell she was going to ask me to go with the two of you!"

"You don't like opera?"

"Fuck, no!"

"Have you ever been to a live performance?"

"I've never even been to a dead performance...all that screaming and warbling while everyone takes turn dying at the end!"

"I might just FORCE you to go to an opera with me some time. A little culture wouldn't hurt you. Once you find your 'Cinderella', you might find yourself going to one to please her. By the way, Rex, IS there a 'certain' miss in your life at the moment?"

"No, seriously, I've been thinking about moving to Utah temporarily so that I don't have to decide on just 'one miss'."


"Yeah, I don't think I could ever settle down until I had six or seven wives at the same time."

"Jesus Christ, Rex! If they were all like your sister, your inheritance would disappear in no time at all on clothes!"

"Maggie DOES dress to kill, doesn't she?"

"Well, I like her that way. I love to make a grand entrance with Maggie on my arm and watch all the jealous men and the envious wives look at her. Then I smile broadly, as if to say, 'look but don't touch---she's all mine!'.

"Damn, you're still that much in love with her after all the years you've been together?"

"I love her more every day, Rex!"

"Well, even though she's my sister, I can plainly see why you've never cheated on her. Why should you? Fuck, if you hadn't married her, I was going to read up on incest!"

"Can I ask you something personal? Did you ever see your sister naked after she became a full-fledged woman?"

"HA! Now you want to delve into my dirty secrets!"

"Well, did you?"

"...a few times..."


"I'd KNOW she was bathing or showering and I would fake having to run to pee and I would charge in the bathroom with my dick hanging out...then I'd see her...and don't get me wrong, but she gave me MORE than one boner looking at her!"

"She still gives them to me when she's bathing."

"Now, if I could find ONE woman like my sister, I might forget about becoming a Mormon."

"You'd be one of the first Mormons kicked out of Utah with your sexual appetite!"

"Probably, but while I was there...JUMPIN' JOSEPH SMITH!!!"

"Come on, I'm already late. Let me go stick a few arms!"

Rex put his arm across Blaine's shoulder and they walked into the locker room together. All the rest of the team looked at Rex and Blaine as they entered. One of the linemen, Jeff Beaumont, spoke up, "Hey, Morris, is that your boyfriend? We always thought you were gay with your looks!"

"No, Beaumont, this is my brother-in-law, Doctor Rogers, I hope he sticks the needle THROUGH your arm, idiot. Or better yet, up your ass!"

Blaine set his medical bag on one of the benches and walked over to the team physician to see how he was administering the tests and asked where he should start.

The guys were lined up around the room. Dr. Meadows told Blaine to begin at the other end of the line and they could meet in the middle...AND so Blaine began injecting the tiny needles into as many arms as possible, taking the time to write each name afterward. Rex was the first player that Blaine injected. Then Rex followed Blaine, introducing him to each of the following team mates.

Six men down the line, Blaine came upon Kent, Rex's best friend. Blaine asked him to roll up his sleeve while Blaine swabbed the inside of Kent's forearm with an alcohol swab. Once he injected the serum, Blaine looked up and into Kent's eyes for the first time. Kent had the bluest eyes Blaine had ever looked into. Kent had blonde hair and had it been shoulder length, Blaine could only imagine what a beautiful woman Kent would be. At the same time, Kent returned Blaine's gaze and became 'lost' in Blaine's brown eyes. There was an instant attraction which troubled both of them and, at the same time, caused each to tremble slightly.

"Did I hurt you?" Blaine asked Kent.

"Huh?...uh, no...I...no, it didn't hurt at all."

Blaine withdrew the syringe and put a band-aid on Kent's arm. As he administered the procedure to Kent, he couldn't understand why he had become so nervous as he had trouble taking off the tabs covering the adhesive band. He had to admit to himself the confusion which overwhelmed him as he first saw, and then touched, Kent.

"I'm all butterfingers!" Blaine tried to joke.



"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, Kent."

Kent walked about six feet away from the line and Blaine followed him, so that no one could hear what Kent wanted to ask the doctor.

"Uh...how far in advance does it take one to get an appointment at your office?"

"Not long. I take walk-ins, when necessary. Why? Do you need an appointment?"

"Well, sorta..."

"Oh, is there something wrong with you?"

"I...I'm not sure...but it's something I don't want the other guys to know about."

"How about tomorrow? Do you have any free time before practice?"

"Uh...I could be there around two-thirty!"

"I'll tell my secretary to pencil you in for tomorrow at two-thirty. You can get my address from Rex."

"Uh...if it's all the same to you, I...I don't want Rex to know I'm coming to see you?"

"Is it that serious?"

"It could be..."

"OK. My office is in the Oakland Shopping Center...next to the Dial Laboratories."

"I can find it!"

"Good. I'll see you then..."

"Thanks, Dr. Rogers."

Blaine took one last long look into Kent's eyes and wondered why all the mystery. Perhaps he had some STD that Kent was worried about....and what was this sudden choking in his throat? Then Blaine moved on to the next team member, asking him to roll up his sleeve. Blaine kept looking back at Kent as he worked, "Next up", Rex said, "Tom Billingsley, tight-end."


When the TB tests were completed, Rex walked his brother-in-law back to his car, giving him a hug and thanking him once again. Remembering his sister's plans for the evening, he added his hopes that Blaine and his wife enjoyed the opera. Then Rex went back into the locker room to hear the final instructions from Coach Garner.

"Boys! I shouldn't have to tell you to be careful until we get the results back from the tests you had today. Fortunately, the fall semester hasn't begun yet, so there won't be much chance of your having spread the germ IF your test should come back positive. BUT until we know for sure, those of you who live at home, tell your folks that you've been temporarily quarantined and you shouldn't eat your meals with them. Don't let them drink after you, touch you...or even get close enough to inhale the breath that you exhale. Needless to say, your love life will be nonexistent...not kissing, no petting, no sex, of course, not even holding hands. IF you are contagious, you don't want to infect those who are close to you...and NO! Don't go visiting other teams we're supposed to play. I know some of you are apt to play dirty jokes to make our rivals think that THEY'VE all got TB, as well."

"Ah, Coach," Bill Byrd spoke up. "No jerking off?"

"Bill, everyone in this room but you can jerk off. I trust they will jerk themselves off, but we all know how much you love to play with your roommate's dick....Well..."

The whole team laughed and Ty Robbins poked Bill on the shoulder in fun. Bill laughed at the coach's joke as he tried to simulate kissing Ty on the cheek. "Ty, my sweetheart, you'll just have to live without my hand jobs until we get the 'all clear' signal." Ty hit Bill harder, for real this time. Everyone laughed again.

"OK, boys, Dr. Meadows should have the report back in two to three days, so practice is called off until Friday. By then, we should know if we're going to play our first game or not. So study your play books, rest, drink plenty of fluids...and I'm not talking about alcoholic fluids. Drink plenty of Eagle-Ade!"

The team dispersed, all heading home or to their dorm rooms. Rex picked up his sport bag with his gear and came over to Kent who was putting his towel into his bag.

"Hey, bud," Rex said to Kent, "you wanna shower here or wait until we get back to the dorm?"

"Huh...oh, I...I think I'll skip my shower. You go ahead and shower here if you like, and I'll see you in the room," Kent replied.

"Shit, man, you're popped out in sweat. Your forehead looks like you're wearing a pearl tiara with all the beads of perspiration on it. What's the matter? Do you feel sick?"

"No, lame-brain, it's August...the hottest month of the year! I sweat when I'm hot!"

"I saw you call my brother-in-law over to the side to say something to him. What was that all about?"

"Nothing, really. I was asking him about some vitamins...some that are legal and will pass the drug test if I'm asked to piss in a cup by the coach."

"That's bullshit. There are NO vitamins that I know of that are illegal. So what was the real reason you called him aside?" Kent didn't respond. "Look, Kent! IF you're sick or something, I should know about it! I mean, we DO sleep in the same room!"

"All right, asshole, IF you must know...come inside the toilet. I want to show you something."


"I don't want anyone else to see."

"Damn! Why so fucking secretive?" Kent walked into one of the toilet booths and when Rex was inside with him, Kent latched the door. Then he turned to face Rex and began lowering his trousers to his knees. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"Look!" Kent said, putting his hand under his scrotum to let Rex get a better look. "See that?"

Rex didn't have to lean over very far to see that one side of Kent's ball sac was swollen to about the size of an orange.

"Goddamn! What's wrong with you? Man, I've heard of guys getting blue balls, but that's ridiculous!"

"I don't know WHAT'S wrong, but I definitely know I don't have blue balls. You get blue balls when you're too full of jism and I came big and hearty last night in the bathroom. hoping if I came, the swelling would go down. It only got bigger. So I made an appointment to see your brother-in-law at his office tomorrow!"

"Christ, what do you think it could be, Kent?"

"Frankly, I'm worried shitless. All I can think about is Lance Armstrong and Scott Hamilton. Both of them had testicular cancer."

"Yeah, but they both got cured...IF that's what you think you have..."

"I don't know what I have, but I just hope it's nothing serious and your brother-in-law can treat it."

"Your left ball, is it hard like an egg?"

"Wanna feel it?"

"Not particularly. I...I've never touched another guy's genitals in my life."

"Come on, I don't mind."

"I...I don't want to hurt you."

"Just feel it and tell me what you think?"

"I'm no doctor, Kent, so I wouldn't know what to think!"

"Well, my ball is NOT hard. It's squishy like a tiny balloon filled with water."

Without being coaxed a second time, Rex put his hand over to gently touch the left side of Kent's scrotum.

"DAMN! It IS squishy!"

"See what I mean."

"Yeah, but how long has it been this way?" Rex asked, while he freely felt of Kent's right testicle to compare the two.

"Three or four days."

"Then I don't think you have testicular cancer. No cancer could grow THAT big in such a short time."

"Last night after you went to sleep, I got on the Internet and logged on to WebMD.com and I saw several things it MIGHT be..."

"Such as?"

"Don't get upset, but, one article described my condition as like having mumps of the testicles."


"Yes, and one of the things which caused it is TB."

"Are you fucking shitting me?"

"No, man. There it was in plain sight on my PC screen! I felt weak, as if I was gonna pass out or something, so I shut off my computer and went to bed. I was so scared, I don't think I slept a total of fifteen minutes all night!"

"God damn! Why didn't you wake me so that we could talk about it?"

"Like you said, you're no doctor, so why should I wake you and make you as scared as I was?"

"What time is your appointment with my brother-in-law Blaine?"

"Tomorrow at 2:30 pm."

"Want me to drive you?"

"No, I told your brother-in-law that I didn't want you to know anything about it...OH, by the way, you can stop feeling me up now."

Rex was unaware that he still had Kent's balls coupled in his hand. "Shit! I...I forgot."

"You sure that you never played with any other guy's balls before? You sure seemed to know what you were doing!"

"FUCK! I TOLD you! I was so wrapped up in what you were telling me, I forgot I was holding them." Rex looked down in embarrassment and replied, "Well, buddy-boy, I seemed to be doing something right. You've got a boner...or hadn't you noticed?"

"Holy shit! If you ever tell any of the guys about this, I'll kick you in the balls so that both of yours are swollen at the same time."

"Why? Didn't you enjoy what I was doing? I mean, I turned you on!"

"That'll be the day when YOU or any other guy turns ME on."

"Come on, pal, pull up your trou! I'm not gonna blow you here and now. But tonight, if you need a little testicular massage, just hop over into my bed!"


"We might arrange that AFTER you find out what's wrong with you!" Rex laughed, unlatched the stall door and walked toward the exit door. He stood there until Kent joined him and they walked together back to their dorm room.


Blaine got home around 6:30. Maggie was waiting for him with a martini, a warm bath, and his evening clothes laid out on the bed, all ready to go to the opera. Blaine all but gulped down the drink in three swallows, but kept the martini's olive in his mouth as he took time to kiss Maggie and transfer the olive from his mouth to hers.

"Hmm, a kiss with a Cracker Jack prize. What a delight!" Maggie replied chewing the olive before swallowing it

"You know if you have made a Gibson, you never would have gotten my onion."

"That's why I made you a martini instead," Maggie said, kissing Blaine a second time. "So how was it, sticking forty or fifty arms in a row?"

"Not bad. Barry Meadows did more than half the team. I was through quicker than I expected to be."

"Well, I have your bath all ready for you. We have plenty of time to grab a quick bite and still make an eight-forty curtain."

"I've wondered ever since I called you, how I could forget that the opera was tonight...ESPECIALLY with Lydia Townsend singing the lead."

"I wondered the same thing. I know that you have every single recording or CD she's ever made."

"People have compared her 'Carmen' to Rise Stevens and Maria Callas, but I really like Lydia the best in that role."

"Blaine, you've got to remember that Rise Stevens and/or Maria Callas' 'Carmen's' were recorded with much more primitive recording devices. Today, they can even raise a singer's voice up or down one-third by simply pushing a button in the control room. Stereo Lp's were just coming into vogue back when they made their albums."

"You're saying that Lydia's recordings are fake or the result of high-tech recording gear?"

"Well, when you hear her tonight, you can decide for yourself whether her voice on her recordings is real or technically enhanced."

"Hey...wanna take a shower with me?" Blaine said with a wry grin.

"We'd miss the first AND second acts if I did!"

"It might be worth it."

"Tell you what! When we get home later, IF you want to take a second bath before we go to bed, I'll consider it."

"That turns me on, you know, just hearing you talk about it!"

"Blaine, darling, you get turned on looking at K-Mart's brassiere ads in the Sunday papers."

"Only if the model looks like you, babe!"

"You're a sweetheart and I love you, but you've got to hurry. Leave this 'buttering up' flattery to me until later."

"God, how did I get so lucky marrying you?"

"You've asked me that thousands of times just to hear me reply that it was I who got lucky, snaring a handsome doctor."

"Sorry, but I have to admit I love hearing you say that, too."

Blaine finished stripping off all his clothes and headed for the enormous bath which they shared. Just before he entered the shower, Maggie gave him a wolf whistle, causing a grin to cross his face.

Maggie walked to the bathroom door and propped her back against the door facing, a la Lauren Bacall, and said, "Hey, big boy! Want me to wash your back?"

Blaine gave her the 'once-over' with his eyes and replied, "I'd rather you wash my front...sexy!"

"Oh, no! I'll get my hair all wet..."

` "How?"

"If I wash your front and get you all excited, your penis won't go down until I give you one of my special blow jobs!"

"HOO BOY! In that case, cancel dinner AND the opera!"

"You certainly had the correct answer. I wanted to see if you'd choose ME over Lydia Townsend...and you passed the test!"

"Sweetheart, I'd choose YOU over every woman in the world...even IF you're getting a bit old."

"WHAT? OLD? You conniving SOB, who's older, you or me?"

"On paper, I might be older, but as for looks, I'm afraid I look ten years younger," he quipped.

Maggie rushed to the bathtub, flipped the switch on the faucet, making the water come out of the shower head, and turning on the cold water which sprayed all over Blaine.

"GOOD GOD! Are you trying to freeze me to death in August?"

"No, dear, but I'll bet it made you lose that woody, didn't it?"

"You know how to turn me off as well as turning me on, don't you, Maggie!"

"Yes, and I'll continue that way for the next twenty-five years or more!"

She turned off the cold shower and leaned over to kiss Blaine quickly on the lips.

"God, how I love you!" Blaine said, meeting her eyes.

"Not as much as I love you, Blaine..."

"We're good together, aren't we...even after all these years. You've kept our marriage alive and new, not to mention unexpected...Now, about that blowjob...?"

"Later, my love, later. Now finish getting ready!"

Maggie exited the bathroom walking as a slinky prostitute might. She stopped and looked over her shoulder at her husband and winked. Blaine stood motionless in the shower, thinking how great his life was with Maggie. She was the girl of his dreams which made him one of the luckiest guys on the planet.


On the drive to Richmond, Blaine and Maggie sang all the way. Both were huge opera fanatics and often played 'Name That Aria', singing familiar strains from familiar works of the Grand Masters. When they became tired of playing, they lapsed into a comfortable silence. Then suddenly, out of the blue, Blaine asked a question.

"Honey, can I get serious for a moment?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"I know this sounds dumb, but in your life, have you ever found another woman attractive?"

"Of course I have, Blaine. What woman hasn't?"

"Like who, for example?"

"You mean personally or someone famous?"

"Either...or BOTH!"

"Well, I think every woman in the world would like to be like Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly. When I was growing up, I used to wonder how they treated their men in bed. Neither was particularly sexy, but both were absolutely stunning to look at. I used to wonder how Elizabeth Taylor pleased her many husbands."

"What about women friends of ours? Do you find any of them attractive?"

"Sure, Carolyn Oliver, Marsha Moore, Janet Reeve, to mention only a few."

"As a woman, could you ever find any of those three alluring enough to go to bed with them?"

"You mean...you mean have lesbian sex?"

"Well, yes, I guess...hypothetically speaking..."

"I don't see why not! They're beautiful women. All three are well-endowed in the breast department. I wouldn't find it distasteful to go to bed with any of the three. Now the sixty-four dollar question...WHY are you asking?"

"You know me better than anyone in the world and you'd be the first person to testify in front of God Almighty that there's not a gay cell or bone in my body."


"Today, when I was giving the TB tests, one of Rex's friends looked straight into my eyes and when I returned his look, he...he was no longer a man. He, in my mind, had turned into a beautiful woman...and I felt something I'd never felt before."

"Such as?"

"It's as though I was attracted to him. He...he sorta turned me on."

"That's normal. I'm sure that most men look at the likes of Brad Pitt or Jake Gyllenhaal and feel 'something'...and NO, I don't think it's gay. Beauty is beauty and you can't deny it. It's like looking at the Mona Lisa or Michelangelo's David. It doesn't make you OR me gay to see the beauty in art, so why shouldn't you or I have our breath taken away while looking at what's meant to be beautiful."

"I suppose not. It's just...never in my life have I been turned on by ANY man...until I saw this boy, Kent, today."

"Kent Stevenson? Rex's best friend and roommate?"

"You know him?"


"I didn't realize that he was Rex's roommate."

"Let me rest your mind. I think MOST men would find Kent Stevenson attractive...gay or straight. He IS beautiful!"

"God, I'm glad to hear you say that?"

"You were worried about having latent homosexual feelings for a college football player, were you?"

"Actually, I didn't know WHAT to think, but it DID bother me!"

"Well, darling, rest assured, if Kent was gay, I don't believe Rex would be sharing a room with him. The things I've heard Rex say about Kent...Kent has scored with more college co-eds than he's scored points on the football field."

"Oh, I didn't get the impression Kent was gay...he just made ME feel gay."

"Blaine, when we get home tonight after the opera, I'll prove to you in our bedroom just how heterosexual you are."

"Honey, you don't have to prove that to me. One night with you could cure ANY homosexual of being gay. Ha! You might be the 'cure' that all those right-wingers are looking for. I think you could make a gay priest forget about little choir boys."

"You think I'm THAT good, do you?"

"I KNOW you are, but it's the gay world's loss because, as long as I'm alive, no one else will ever find out how sexy you are!"

"Humph! Well, if you ever die or decide to leave me, I think I know where I can make my next million bucks!"

"If your price was a million, I'd rob every bank in Virginia to keep having sex with you!"

"Don't give me ideas or I might start charging you in the bedroom?"

"I have Visa AND American Express!"

"That'll do!"

Blaine looked out the windshield and saw a restaurant ahead.

"Hey, there's Outback Steak House! Wanna stop for a quick fried onion blossom and a tanker of beer?"

"Sure, why not! That should curb our appetites until after the opera! However, with beer and onions on our breath, we shouldn't be bothered by people sitting around us at the theatre."

"Ha! That's my girl!"


The opera was grand. Lydia showed her true unmagnified voice and Blaine stood applauding even after the final curtain call. Maggie had to call him down for whistling so loud. They left the theater and stopped at Luigi's Ristorante to have a late dinner of Italian cuisine...then home to bed where each of them experienced two orgasms before going to sleep. Maggie got out of bed to cleanse herself first. Then Blaine had the bathroom all to himself to tidy up his body before retiring.

Maggie had delivered in her best sexual demeanor which left Blaine exhausted...as usual. He sat on the commode to rest and also to get his blood pressure back into its normal range. Then he went to the lavatory to wash his genitals, brush his teeth, and then stood looking at himself in the mirror for a long time. He looked at his complexion and saw no lines, not even a hint of crow's feet on the corners of his eyes. He DID look young for his age, he had to admit. Next he focused on his eyes...and suddenly in the mirror, he imagined he was looking into Kent's eyes. A few seconds later, he felt his penis beginning to get hard. He couldn't believe this was happening... especially after the workout Maggie had just performed on his engorged organ. What in the name of God was happening to him? He was getting turned on by just THINKING about Kent?

Then he remembered that Kent had an appointment to see him tomorrow afternoon...and that excited Blaine even more.


(To be continued in "But Who Knows Where or When?" chapter two...next week.)

Next: Chapter 2

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