Capitol Massage

Published on Jan 17, 2017


Capitol Massage 3 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DO NOT read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to or

A year later, Biff received a telegram telling him his father died. This was a total surprise and he set of to his home tow hey neede water that athat awashe early moring men,ose woho nen.

I had to take over the mornings and I split Biff's massage clients with Roger. Roger normally worked three days a week. He came in an extra day. I added a doorman, Tommy. He was Jack's friend and helper. He was a brick mason like Jack, but he had been injured and couldn't do heavy labor. He was big, friendly and well over six feet tall. He wasn't very smart, but he served as a door man and guard. He was always there first thing in the morning to greet the early crowd.

Biff's absence gave me a chance to meet the early morning men. These men were different from our usual massage client. At one time a man was either a boss or a laborer. Most of the morning men were teachers, accountants and bank tellers. There were some small contractors, waiters, electricians and plumbers too. These men were skilled and educated and needed to be presentable. A bath in most homes was a major event. In most modest homes the kitchen stove provided hot water that was carried in buckets to the tub for the weekly bath.

We had a boiler to provide hot water and it was continuously available. We provided all the work and effort of a bath. The city could be hot and dirty. A shower bath was a pleasure at Capitol Massage, not an ordeal.

There was one group of men who ran in, showered and went to work. They paid a small fee. There was a second group that took their time. They arrived shortly after six and had to be at work by eight or nine. They had an hour or so of spare time and soon made acquaintances and friends.

Biff understood that once the steam room was hot, it cost almost nothing to keep it warm. He provided massages for some men, but others entertained themselves in the steam room. Most of our customers had never been with other naked men. All of them wore towels, but these were prone to slip off.

Biff often wore a towel, since he often checked the steam area for men who stayed in too long. He had an ability to wear his towel with a little bit of his pubic bush showing. You could see the outline of his cock under the towel too, especially if he was slightly excited and the towel was damp.

Biff was a good-looking man and that helped with our clients. He cleaned the rooms regularly. Sometimes he mentioned to the clients that he didn't like sticky stuff on the floor or walls. Biff had a policy of never noticing erections. This created a relaxed atmosphere.

Major Davidson visited and I told him of Biff's father's death, He asked how Biff was taking it. I said that I didn't think they were close but it was shock. The Major said he would send a telegram. He came with a man he introduced as a retired Naval Captain. I asked if they wanted a massage. The Major said that he would wait until Biff returned. The Captain said he was interested.

The Major went off to work and I showed the Captain the locker, shower and steam rooms. I told him I would be ready for him in 20 minutes. He appeared on time and sat on the massage bench The Captain's name was Zachery Dulaney, but he asked me to call him Zac. He wore a towel, and I could tell he had been a muscular man in his younger days. It did not take long to realize that he knew of Biff's extra services. The Major was always discrete and reticent about his sexual interests but he must have given the Captain some hints. Zac lived in Boston, so in Philadelphia he was well away from prying eyes and wagging tongues. He was careful, but interested.

The first half of the session was all massage, except for a few slips of the hand. I noticed Zac was smiling after one of these "slips." As a Naval Captain, he was used to being in charge and he made the next move.

"I heard that Biff was a good masseur and he also knew how to get a man to relax," Zac said. "He provided a deep massage."

"We do provide some special services some times," I said.

"Are these services expensive?" he asked.

"We don't charge for extra services," I said. "If Biff thinks his client will benefit from extra attention, he will provide it if he has the time and inclination. His clients seem to enjoy him."

By then, Zac was well over half staff. I noticed that. he saw me looking at it. "Are you offended?" Zac asked.

"When you are a masseur, you never are offended by a man's body and its physical responses to the massage," I said. "These responses are varied, but all are normal."

"Have you ever been shocked?" he asked.

I smiled. "Cocks have a limited range of responses. I've seen them all," I said. "Most men think it is an emotional reaction, but often it is physical, at least at first."

"At first?" he said.

"We all know that the eyes, nose and ears are sensory organs," I said as I stroked his cock. Polite people never mention the cock as a sensory organ. It feels. We all know the ears transmit the sound of beautiful music to the brain." I stroked him again. "The cock's pleasure is so intense that what begins as a physical reaction, turns into intense emotions. These feelings turn into a drive. It is lucky that this drive is short lived and soon things return to normal. It's like a lightning strike, very bright, but short lived."

"Sometimes it is too short," Zac remarked.

"I may have some ways to make it last longer," I said "if you are interested."

He told me that he had some experience as a young man in the Navy. It had not been a gentle, pleasant experience. Despite that he wanted more. Zac liked the bottom but he was a Captain; he had to top. I got him back on the table, face down. After oiling his ass, I massaged his hole with my finger. His sphincter eventually relaxed, and I caressed his prostate.

"Oh, that's good," he moaned. "You are good at this."

"It is time to intensify those feelings," I said as eased my cock into Zac's willing ass, massaging his sphincter. He was tight, but when I popped though the obstacle, he grabbed the flared edge of my cock head tightly. He had a firm grip, but I pushed in to ram his prostate. When I touched it, he lost his grip and moaned. I lingered there before pushing deeper. My cock tapers some and when I was deeply embedded, the thick base of my cock re-applied pressure on his nut.

"Are you over stretched or over filled?" I asked.

"Not at all," he whispered.

I began to thrust, but I never pulled my knob out of his ass. It was always on the dark side of his sphincter. He squirmed, shivered and moaned. When he began to beg me to finish him off, I pounded harder. He shot off just before I did. It was good for both of us. He was relaxed and happy.

"Did that bring back good memories?" I asked.

"No," he replied. "It was much better than I remembered. I lost control; I am embarrassed I enjoyed it so much."

"Count yourself as lucky. I lost control too, did that bother you?" I asked. He smiled. I assumed all was well. "Some men can't fully enjoy the sensations. They are worried about what others might think." He thanked me, and left.

The Major and the Captain associated with other men of a certain taste. Most of these men were members of elite men's clubs. The Major was always reticent about his inclinations. Captain Zac was less so. He was also what was called a "fine figure of a man," and more masculine than the dandies pictured in stylish magazines. No one would suspect his inclinations.

He recommended me to some of his closer friends. Private clubs are selective, but everyone in the club knows each other, their families and family trees. Capitol Massage wasn't clannish. Our clients didn't necessarily know each other, or if they did it was casual and informal. No one knew your family or associates.

Two weeks later Zac came to see me with a friend, Appleton Galway. Appleton's most notable feature was blandness. He was the sort of man you forget, except for his impressive, inherited wealth and his obsession with butterflies. It seemed that his wealth was not enough to attract even a gold-digger. He was timid and shy.

I don't think he would have visited me except for the Captain's forceful personality. Zac told me that Appleton was a virgin, and he needed someone gentle to introduce him to life's pleasures. "I am a bit too rough and ready for him. I told him that wasn't part of my job. "Just do what you can," Zac replied.

Zac stayed with us and surprised me when he was comforting and supportive of his friends. Zac could be tender. I told Appleton that Zac may have given him the wrong impression, that I only did massages. He got on the table and I started massaging his upper back.

"Zac told me I was inexperienced," Appleton said. "We did some things. They seemed good, but I don't know if they were good."

"Did they feel good?" I asked.

He nodded. "My parents died in a train accident when I was an infant. My maiden aunts raised me. They were very careful and religious. They were afraid I would be exposed to bad influences so I had private tutors at home," Appleton explained. "The Captain told me that while I was a superb student in Greek and Latin, I am sorely lacking in other experiences."

"Do you regret that?" I asked. "If you are happy, all is well."

"I was satisfied," he said. "I was with the Captain in the pool at the club and he touched me in a private place. I liked that. He touched me again when we were in the shower after we swam. I made a mess. Zac cleaned it up with his towel. It didn't seem to bother him. I was afraid of what happened, but I think about it continuously."

"I think that happens to just about every young man when he discovers sex. You are older, but I think it is natural," I said.

"What do they do about it?" he asked.

"They do it more and enjoy it," I said. "It is a normal part of life." I accidentally bushed his cock with my hand. I was a genuine accident, not an exploratory gesture. He was hard a second or two later. I smiled. "All of your equipment seems to be in working order."

"This is what happened before," he said.

His cock had seemed small relaxed, but was more than adequate hard. "Are you going to shoot off?" I asked. He nodded. I leaned over and took his cock into my mouth.

"It's too much," he moaned.

"Just relax and enjoy it," Zac counseled. He rubbed his friend's shoulders.

I stood up. "I have a rule, I tell you when it is too much. You aren't a good judge of the possibilities," I said. "If things work out right, you will feel some wonderful things you have never felt before." I returned to his cock and he shot off seconds later. He shivered, shook and moaned, but he didn't stop shooting. I kept sucking after the main orgasm and coaxed a few more ejaculations from him.

I hadn't swallowed it all, when Zac kissed me. It wasn't a romantic kiss. He wanted to tale Appleton's seed. I think Appleton was shocked, but he became a regular client.

Sometimes I would sit with the morning men and chat. There was one place in the new steam room that gave me a view of the entire space. As I talked I saw men in the more distant areas playing. I didn't react and just talked with the men nearest me. They believed either I had terrible eye sight or was open minded like Biff.

I noticed that after 8:00 AM, the early crowd dispersed, and those who remained could be a little more intimate. My first massage clients came at 11:00, so I could sit in the steam room and relax. When I sat by myself I noticed some regulars at the other end of the room. A little later one of them, a man named Dooley, came over and sat next to me.

"You are the boss man here?" he asked. Dooley was gruff and direct man. I nodded. "My pals and I like it here. It's nice and relaxing. You watch us all the time. Would you like to join us or are you a watcher?"

"I am relaxing, not watching," I said. "Am I cramping your style?" I rearranged my cock and balls under the towel. The towel slipped open. Dooley noticed. He smiled and scratched his balls.

"You are well equipped," he whispered. "Biff said there was a rule about sticky stuff on the floor. Do you know about that?"

"I made the rule," I said. "Does it offend you?"

"I'm not too partial to it, but one of my pals likes it a lot," Dooley said. "He's over in the corner. Would you liked to meet him?"

"Does he take it flying through the air, or straight from the spigot?" I asked.

"He likes the spigot best," Dooley said as we walked to meet his pals. By then Dooley's towel was over his shoulder. I wondered if that was the sign that things were alright. The pal in the corner was Fergus, a short, muscular man. The other friend was called the Otis. We chatted a little and Fergus began to lick Dooley's cock. Five minutes later every spurt of Dooley's sperm was in Fergus. Not a drop hit the floor. It was neat, quick and pleasurable.

Fergus looked at me, but I told him I was saving it for later. Fergus then took care of Otis. Dooley and I shifted a little to screen them from the door. Dooley told me that he was a cop who walked the beat in our area. Fergus was the night clerk at the police station. Otis was a Unitarian minister. I didn't know anything about Unitarians, but he was a good man.

A week or two later, Major Davidson and Zac connected with Dooley and his friends. They were from greatly different social backgrounds, but I knew they shared common interests. Zac and Dooley enjoyed man sex and admitted that to themselves. They seemed to have a missionary's urge to help men who had the urge, but thought it was shameful and degrading. I don't know if this was due to charitable tendencies, or their personalities. Both men thought they were always right. If they liked it, it had to be good.

They were aggressive and strong men, leaders, not followers. Zac had a remarkable sense about men and he seemed to know instinctively who shared his inclinations. Dooley was a classic, hard man with a soft heart. A close friend of his killed himself because of the threat of exposure. In Dooley's view, he had been a good man and a credit to the force. That was his highest level of praise.

I worked with them with certain men. Dooley and Zac were aggressive and lacked the subtle touch. They recognized that men's private parts are delicate and tender. Their sexual instincts were to be enthusiastic. One might think that the more delicate approach was for mild mannered men like Appleton. I have encountered thin, small men would could take a horse cock without difficulty, and big bruisers who have trouble with a pinky finger up their hole. Careful and gentle was the rule until you learn a man's limits. Dooley might start gentle, but he would soon get carried away.

Biff could help when he returned, but he was much more skilled at oral services. I was the master of more tender areas. Otis, Dooley's friend, was helpful too. He was skilled at calming fears and worries. He was a sensible man. He had been at many deathbed scenes and had to calm the family of the deceased. He told me that while the character of the deceased was often problematic, there was no reason that the family should be distressed.

Otis was a firm believer in the "do unto other as you would have them do unto you," Biblical directive. He told me he had never done anything to another man that he would not have willingly had done to him. He was exceedingly open minded in sexual matters, except anything that did harm to others.

Both Zac and the Rev were perceptive men and they selected men carefully. As is the case in most matters sexual, self-interest plays a role. This was not as much of a problem in this case since my friends had partners or favored playmates. Davidson shared his house with his cousin Will, a rather countrified distant cousin. I later found out they were not related. I had noted that Zac and Dooley got along well. This became more than just getting along. Dooley was often very direct. He told me that was tight with Zac, but once and a while they were both interested in others for recreational release. They were not continuously searching for men.

When they found one, they often brought him to the Capitol. It was a safe place to explore his sexual options. There might be three weeks or a month between finding a needy friend. Dooley was at the Capitol several times a week. Zac was here weekly, and the Major every 10 days or so. The major and Zac often found upper class men in the clubs and brought them to the Capitol.

As a policeman, Dooley often found men in compromising situations. He didn't want to arrest them, but he knew that a warning had little effect on a sexually driven man. These men came from every social class. He sent them to the Otis for guidance. Otis was a widower, and lived a quiet life in a secluded house. He would bring the men to us.

Ernst Hoffman was a typical man who came to us. He was a 30-year-old watchmaker for a well-known jeweler. He was an immigrant for Germany, with no family here and limited English skills. Dooley found him sucking a cock in a poor neighborhood.

Otis brought him the us. Of course, Ernst liked what he saw, especially Biff. He sat with Otis and met some other men. Ernst became excited in the showers, and his towel couldn't hide the excitement in the steam room. It took him a while to realize his erect cock made him popular.

Philadelphia always had a large German population. Otis introduced the

m to Ernst. Several patrons, Wolfgang, Karl and Siegfried spoke German. They were somewhat older men, but they enjoyed the company of a younger German man with a semi-erect cock.

I was a little worried that Ernst would be offended by the attentions of the older men. In some ways, Ernst was looking for father figures who could guide and protect him. The men were pleased and flattered by his attention. It did not bother him that their attentions often focused on his genitals. Wolfgang and Karl were well equipped.

Several weeks later, I was with Otis and Ernst when Dooley visited with Fergus and Zac. We clustered in a corner and talked. Fergus was eager to serve the men. He took care of Zac. Ernst thought he was expected to serve Dooley. Dooley surprised us all by sucking him. Not only did he suck, he took Ernst's load.

I watched the expression on Ernst's face as he shot off. I am quite sure that Ernst had never had an older man take his seed. Dooley did not swallow the load; he fed it to Otis. He obviously enjoyed that.

It was also good for Ernst. He had sucked his German friends, but stopped short of eating their loads. Dooley's action was the seal of approval for Ernst to suck his friends to completion. Their friendship grew closer.

Dooley was a good man who tended to be kind. He had a skill at turning sex partners into friends. He was gruff and every inch a policeman, but one of his friends said that once you took his seed, you felt differently about him. Ernst was just one of the men he helped.

I discovered that sharing an orgasm connected me to a man. I certainly enjoyed both penetrating an ass and then exploring my playmate's dark places. I could tell when my cock turned from being an invader into a favorite guest. The brief moments while he climaxed were important to me. Many men moaned and twitched as I fucked them.

I sometimes felt him become tense as he approached the climax. Once and a while I could feel small contractions just before the first ejaculations. He was experiencing his most intense pleasure a man can possibly feel, and my cock was both inducing it, and the honored guest at the event. It was beautiful.

Next: Chapter 4

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