Capitol Massage

Published on Mar 4, 2017


Capitol Massage 5 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you do not like that, DO NOT read it! You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, and is not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. I have made no effort to portray safe sex practices. If you have any comments send them to or

About a month later we closed the Capitol from Thursday to Monday to do repairs and make improvements to the plumbing. We gave our clients warning of the closure. I was pleasantly surprised when the work was done by Saturday afternoon. The head plumber had an event to attend on Sunday, so they worked overtime. My wife and children were off visiting relatives.

I went to the Capitol to clean up and encountered Edgar. He had been away and didn't know we were closed. I was going to turn on the steam room to make sure all was in working order and I asked if he would like to make use of the facilities. He said he would like that, and he had some friends nearby who might like to join us. That was fine with me.

I wasn't surprised to have Enoch and Rollo arrive with Louis and Luigi. Biff came by to see if the work was done. We went to the steam room. The new equipment worked well. Of course, we all knew that we shared common interests, but I was the boss and there was slight unease.

"This is my vacation day, so there will be no massages. Why don't we all just relax and enjoy ourselves," I said. "You know I don't object to men being playful, if they are discrete. Since we are official closed to the public, I see no need to be discrete."

"Naked men are all equal," Rollo said.

"All sperm is created equal," Edgar proclaimed. The men laughed. "All cocks are beautiful too, but Enoch's tool is three or four inches more beautiful than most," he added. "We all share the same interests. Everything I have done has been private and secret. I've never openly indulged in the things that give me the greatest physical pleasure. I would love to spend the next hour enjoying myself sexually with my friends without shame or embarrassment."

I smiled. "I'm not sure about that," I said. "I think it might take two hours."

Luigi sat next to me. I put my arm around his shoulders. He fondled my balls and cock. Edgar came over us. Biff and Louis went over the Enoch who sat next to Rollo.

Louis was soon on his knees, sucking Enoch with obvious gusto. "Louis has a virgin ass, and he wants you to be the first," Rollo said.

"I'm too big. I'm afraid I might hurt him," Enoch said. As I watched that little drama, Edgar began sucking me. I had heard he was a skilled cock sucker and he was indeed good. Luigi rose and went behind Edgar. Edgar noticed and he spread his legs, opening his ass wider. Luigi had a thick, bulbous cock, but it clearly was not too thick for Edgar. Edgar was a happy man, wiggling his hips some to help Luigi penetrate deeper.

He did this without losing his interest in my cock. He later told me that he had never sucked a man while being fucked. Luigi shot off in Edgar. He was quite vocal and we all knew he was ejaculating. When Luigi pulled out, I went to Edgar's rear and slipped into his cum lubricated ass.

Edgar's ass was tight, warm and Luigi's sperm made it juicy. While his sphincter gripped my cock firmly, the slippery sperm gave me complete freedom of movement. I felt affection for Luigi. His sperm gave my cock an extra tingle and me an emotional boost. I had never shared a hole with another man's seed.

"I take it that this is a good experience?" I whispered in Edgar's ear.

"It is wonderful," he replied. "I've never sucked and been fucked at the same time. I've never taken two cocks in a row. You must think I am a libertine?"

"It seems that we are all libertines," I said.

A few feet away, Biff and Rollo were holding Louis's legs open and Enoch gingerly worked his cock into the young man.

"Am I hurting you?" Enoch asked when he pulled out and added lubricant to his cock.

"I want it," Louis mumbled.

Rollo guided Enoch's cock into the hole. Enoch massaged the hole gently, carefully thrusting slightly deeper with each movement. The only problems were due to the organ's size. Enoch had a prefect technique.

It seemed that there was no way the monster organ would fit in the young man, but Louis maintained his erection the entire time. It oozed a puddle of precum[1] on Louis's gut as he moaned.

Biff whispered something into Enoch's ear.

Enoch pulled out and Biff pushed his well lubricated cock into Louis's over stretched hole. His hole grabbed Biff's cock as if it were a baby's favorite toy. Biff thrusted ten or twelve times and had an orgasm.

He pulled out after his final ejaculation. Enoch re-entered. This time the entire cock vanished in Louis's hole. This was the first-time Enoch fucked a man, but his instincts took charge. He wasn't a man rammer, but the straddled the fine line between my approach, anal massage, and a sex crazed man's pounding.

Louis was fine. I watched Enoch. He had been so concerned about Louis, had hadn't noticed his own reaction. I noticed when the intense pleasure his cock felt reached his brain. A second later, it overwhelmed him. He was pumping faster and he was on the path to an orgasm. As I watched, Edgar had come up behind me. Suddenly his cock was in me.

Watching men fucking is entertaining, watching while being fucked is much more than that. Rollo bent over to suck Louis as Luigi sucked me. We came close to shooting off together. Enoch popped first. The first squirt of sperm made Louis climax. Rollo took his sperm like a thirsty man finding water.

Edgar rammed me hard and I ejaculated into Luigi's mouth. Rollo seemed to be almost desperate to take the man seed; Luigi seemed almost reverential. It was almost as if he was taking communion. I sensed that it was almost an honor to take my sperm. When I thought that I relaxed and almost forgot Edgar's organ. As I relaxed his cock went deeper and found new places to stimulate.

I don't know if it is possible, but I seemed to have a second orgasm, more intense than the first. I couldn't tell if it was a long orgasm with a lull in the middle or a second event. Both Edgar and Luigi noticed. Edgar's cock had relaxed a little. Now it was now harder than before. Luigi seemed to enjoy the second load more than the first.

Enoch relaxed but he left his cock in Louis. Louis was half hard and looked calm and satisfied. There was no post orgasmic let down. Enoch reached over and pulled Louis up and embraced him. They kissed. I noticed that Louis wiggled his ass to massage the deeply embedded cock.

We were all exhausted by then and our little party broke apart and we all when home. Monday was busy, as men who had missed the baths during the renovations all came in to make up for the missing days. This was good for us. I realized that our clients were becoming used to regular showers. While an upper-class person might take baths regularly, that was not the case for working men. They most needed the bath.

Enoch came in for his weekly massage in Wednesday. He was tense and uneasy. I asked if the little party on Sunday bothered him.

"Yes and no," he replied. "I enjoyed it greatly, but I am not sure that is right. I am embarrassed I enjoyed it so much. Was I taking advantage of Louis? He is a boy."

"We all enjoyed it, so that certainly is not unusual. Louis is not a boy; he is a young man. He would be insulted if you thought he was a boy. He is a good man, but I think he is not an innocent, if by innocent you mean unworldly and unaware," I said. "I think you both enjoyed the experience. Would you consider the possibility that you are worried that you enjoyed yourself too much?"

He looked at men for a few moments. "You may be right. I truthfully think I may have never felt that level of pleasure," he said.

I smiled. "I think that many men never reach that level. You are a lucky man!" I said.

"I don't know why he is interested in me. I am an old man," he added.

"You are an attractive and good man," I said. "To be direct, I am also quite sure your oversized cock plays a role too. I have discovered that men are not in control of the things that excite them sexually. Large breasts or blond women excite some men. Large cocks excite Louis."

"That seems odd," he remarked.

"Have you ever wanted something for years and then found it?" I asked. "I was watching when you cock entered Louis, you weren't fucking him, you were fulfilling a dream for him."

Enoch smiled. "I some ways he fulfilled a dream for me too, but I didn't know I had the dream, he said.

I smiled. "Then it was good for all of us," I said. "Was it too overt and direct? That sort of activity is hidden."

"When I returned home, I wanted to be shocked," Enoch said. "I was with Edgar and Rollo. I mentioned that and Edgar told me there was nothing wrong with what we did. We were all mature men enjoying ourselves. He had thought that sneaking around and secretly indulging in our inclinations enhanced the pleasure. Doing it in the open with no chance of discovery was vastly more pleasurable. Sharing it with friends is far better than the fleeting interlude."

"Have you ever had any one interfere with your activities in the steam room?" I asked.

"No, most men ignore it. Once and a while a man will come close and watch while playing with his privates," Enoch said.

"Do you ever ask him to join you?" I asked.

"No, but I ran into one of the men later, alone in the steam room," Enoch explained. "I asked if he was offended. He said no, but he liked to watch; he was not ready to join in."

I had a new client that after noon. He was another club man who came due to Major Davidson's recommendation. William Goodfellow was an athlete and could easily have been a model for the dashing man about town one sees illustrated in popular magazines.

He was uneasy and excited when we first met. I didn't know if William's uneasy was due to fear or anticipation. He was remarkably muscular. I think he was used to being admired. He was comfortable being nude. I asked him if he had a fixed routine of exercise. I assumed the Major had told him about my special services. I complimented William on his superb physical condition.

"I saw the muscle man Sandow months ago, and bought his book on physical culture. I have been following his recommendations since then," he said. "I must admit I am pleased with the results. Sandow is now in town for a rest from his exhibition schedule. He told me I needed a masseur to get over my lack of flexibility. Major Davidson is a friend and I asked him if he knew a good masseur. He recommended you."

"We will see what I can do," I said. William stripped and got on the table. I worked on his shoulder and arm muscles. They were tight. I then moved down his back towards his buttocks. He seemed to relax as I worked his gluteus.

"Sandow said some masseurs are good about helping a man relax," William said. "Davidson said that was your special skill." He paused for a moment and then resumed. "He told me he was excited and that you helped him release his tension."

"There are ways to do that, but some might feel they are overly intimate," I said. "Did you get close to the Major?" William nodded.

"Were you uncomfortable?" I asked.

"Yes, I was, but it was a pleasurable sort of discomfort. That probably makes no sense to you," he said.

"No, I understand. These were new experiences were they not? Very intimate and private experiences?" I leaned over him and whispered, "Did he get into you?"

"Yes," he whispered.

"You were surprised at your reaction? What was his reaction?"

"He shot off." William said. "I didn't expect to like to as much as I did."

"Did you shoot?"

"No, but I was close," he replied. "Davidson told me you might give me some help, perhaps some practice. I might recommend your establishment to Sandow."

"Am I right in assuming you want to be more receptive? I also assume you are looking for a discrete place to meet with Sandow?" I asked.

"Oh yes!" he whispered, "Are you shocked at my brazenness?"

"Not at all," I replied. "I am more than willing to help you. I do have one requirement of you; you must try to surrender to the pleasure and forget your conventional attitudes. You must allow yourself to enjoy."

"That may be difficult," he said. "I have been fastidious. That is my nature."

"We will see what we can do about that," I said. I wasn't too worried about William's ability to enjoy. Some men inflate their stories about sexual prowess. I suspected William minimized his reactions. He told me that he had taken the Major and the Major had climaxed in him. He clearly knew Sandow well enough to know the body builder's sexual interests.

I had been massaging his buttocks; I now worked his anus and sphincter. By then I knew he was more experienced than he had told me. When my cock head nuzzled in his hole he moaned. I am always slow and careful and I slowly eased my cock into him. He reacted when my knob pushed through his tight ass ring, but relaxed as I pushed into him.

"I ooze quite a bit of precum. If you need additional lubricant, let me know," I said.

"It is good," he replied.

After a short while, he flipped over and I re-entered him, holding his legs apart. As I gently pushed in I eased by the sphincter and my knob rubbed his prostate. He moaned. Five minutes later he had his first hand free orgasm. I had felt his prostate become rock hard as it filled with sperm; it then released his man seed. His second ejaculation landed on his chin. The sperm made an impressive display in his hairy torso.

He was exhausted and drained, but happy. He told me he had never experienced anything like it. He made an appointment for the next Sunday at 8:00 in the morning. We opened at 11:00 that day. I understood it was a private and special appointment.

I arrived early that morning. William, Sandow and a man I didn't know came shortly thereafter. The man was Sandow's dresser, Hans. Sandow was all but naked in his performances. Hans designed his fig leaf. I suspected Hans was more than a costume designer. Of course, Sandow looked good. We went to my room and stripped.

"I thought this would be a private massage with William," Sandow said, "but he told me about his session with you. I am always interested in other men's techniques. He said you were most skilled. Hans is most skilled too. Would it be too forward of me to suggest that you two enjoy yourselves, while William and I get more closely acquainted?" Sandow spoke with a pronounced German accent, but in proper English.

I should have realized earlier, but Sandow was an exhibitionist who enjoyed displaying his body. While he normally wore only a fig leaf, he clearly liked total nudity and displaying his manly parts. It was immediately clear his parts were in working order. William was younger, well-muscled and entranced by Sandow. William immediately dropped to his knees and began worshiping at Sandow's organ. He was kneeling, with his knees spread and his ass open. I saw lubricant glistening in his hole. He was prepared. I sensed Sandow was more than willing.

Sandow and William switched positions, now Sandow was sucking William. He was clearly interested in the young man.

Hans came over to me. "You will give me a massage?" he asked. I said yes and we went to the table. Hans was different from my usual clients. He was clearly receptive to sexual activity and there was no need to pretend otherwise. I didn't need to avoid his genitals and he opened his ass to me as soon as I made contact.

Often, I feel as if my cock is exploring undiscovered territories. As I eased into him it was comfortable and welcoming. He was accustomed to sex and his sphincter gripped my cock with enthusiasm. He moaned and made small movements to get my tool into a better position. These small shifts were good for me too. I tend to make rhythmic thrusts into an ass. I vary the depth of the thrust to gauge my client's reactions. When I find a good spot, I return to it with increasing frequency. I wasn't sure if I was fucking him or if he was masturbating my cock. We were perfectly synchronized.

William moaned as he climaxed. Sandow came over and briefly watched us. He tapped me on the shoulder. "Hans can accommodate two men; he has a most commodious ass. Have you ever shared a man?" Sandow asked. "I think you would find it most enjoyable."

We shifted positions. I got on my back and Hans sat on my cock. He was well lubricated and it was an effortless entry. Perhaps a minute later, Sandow's organ entered. He was well lubricated too and his cock entered easily. While it was easy it was tight and constricted. As he fucked Hans he was also rubbing the length of my cock.

All three of us were sexually involved. It was a new, and pleasurable experience for me. Sandow and Hans moaned in appreciation. I couldn't thrust, but Sandow massaged my tool and slowly built up speed. We were all stimulated. Much to my surprise Sandow climaxed first, bathing my cock is his warm man seed. I think Hans and I shot off at the same time. Sandow kept on thrusting, mixing our sperm together. Hans and I kissed as we ejaculated.

We didn't pull out. As our cocks relaxed after the orgasm, Hans must have clenched his ass, griping our cocks and holding them tight together. Sandow had another ejaculation, adding fresh sperm to the triple load in Hans' ass.

When Sandow pulled out, William had recovered and he entered Hans. His hard tool rubbed my semi-erect cock. I was still kissing Hans when he had a second orgasm. We all went to shower and agreed to try to meet again, if possible.

Later that week Fenton had an appointment. He was still shy, but much more relaxed that he had been at our earlier sessions. He was more comfortable naked and expected and enjoyed my oral massages. He was talkative and mentioned that he had met Phineas, who told him he enjoyed my massages.

"You might say we exchanged notes on our experiences here," Fenton said. "He had somewhat different experiences than I have had."

"I try to please all of my clients," I said. "they are perhaps more intense. I am not sure you would enjoy them."

"He told me that he hadn't expected to like what you did," Fenton added. "He said it was wonderful. He hadn't realized he could feel as much."

"We can experiment if you are interested," I said. "Would you like that?" He nodded. "You do realize that all experiments are not necessarily successful?"

Fenton nodded.

Next: Chapter 6

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