Captain Hook

Published on Jul 11, 2007


Captain Hook

By Bald Hairy Man

This is pure fantasy. It is not intended for minors or for persons who are offended by all male sex. If you are offended, Don't read it! It is a fantasy, not a sex guide. If you have any comments send them to or

I remember someone yelling, then all went black. We had been in a strong storm. The waves were as tall as the ship. Granted the ship was neither large, nor particularly well built. The waves were huge.

When I woke, I was in the water and the ship was gone. Wreckage floated on the surface, so there was no mystery as to the fate of the ship. There was no sign of the crew, or the captain. I have no idea how I survived, except my body was entangled with some rigging attached to the main mast. The mast was broken, but it floated and saved my life.

I must have floated for several days before I was picked up. With no water, or food and being baked in the unrelenting sun of the tropics, I was in poor condition. After a day I was unconscious most of the time, but I remembered being pulled out of the water. After that I only remember looking into the faces of several very ugly men, then I passed out again.

I dreamed strange dreams. Some times my mother was still alive, but I couldn't talk to her, or touch her. In other dreams I was still tied to the mast and sharks would eat an arm, or a leg, but these members would grow back only to be eaten again. Oddly, the strangest of my dreams were intensely pleasurable. My privy parts exploded with pleasure and ecstasy. I had some experience playing with my privies, but nothing like my dreams. Eventually the pleasurable dreams seem to force out the bad ones.

From time to time I opened my eyes and saw men. Mostly these men seemed odd and misshapen. One of them was different. He was a huge, bear of a man, covered in curly, black hair, but oddly dressed in a dandy's silks, satins and lace.

When I finally woke, I was with this man.

"Where am I?"

"You are on my ship, the Hercules," he said. "I'm Captain Hawthorn, but they all call me Captain Hook. And who might you be?"

"I'm Isaac Small. I was the cabin boy on the Dolphin. I think it sank in a storm."

"Most probably lost with all hands," he said. "There was wreckage, but no sign of life, other than you. How old are you boy?"

"Twenty years," I said.

"I guessed that. Some in the crew though you were younger, but I said you were fully grown."

"I have a beard!" I said, shocked they would think I was still a boy.

The man laughed. "And a hairy chest too, but there are beards and there are beards. Most of my men are grizzled and have beards that would do a beaver proud. Those that don't look like billy goats, that is," he said. "You're a fine specimen of a boy, man I mean. You were pretty much a goner when we found you, but the men wanted to save you, and that we did."

I was still weak and I must have fallen asleep again. When I woke, they had food ready. An odd looking man they called Porkchop was the cook and he helped me eat. I fell asleep again, but the next morning I felt good. I tried to walk, but was very unsteady. A man they called Candlestick and another called Pistol helped me walk.

I went on deck. The crew was an ill assorted collection of ugly and odd looking men. All were friendly and seemed to look on me as a pet spaniel, or boon companion. They all treated me with great familiarity even though I didn't know them at all. The crew had been at sea a long time and were surprised when I told them William and Mary were the rulers of England, and the Stuarts were gone.

That night I discovered my bum hole was oiled. The hole was tender too. It didn't hurt, but it felt different from the way I expected. I had dinner in the Captain's quarters with Mr. Smith, the first mate, and Mr. Bones, the surgeon. Mr. Smith was even bigger than the Captain and was what my mother would have called a fine figure of a man. He had a bushy white beard unlike the Captain's black bush. Mr. Smith had small legs, but a full sized trunk, thus he was short, but otherwise handsome. He had nursed me back to health.

We drank wine and I got a bit drunk. Mr. Smith and Mr. Bones left after eating and I was alone with the Captain. It was hot since we were near the equator and while the Captain was arrayed in all his finery during dinner, as soon as the other men left he stripped down to little more than a loin cloth. I followed his lead.

I had many questions and normally I would say nothing, but the wine made me bold. "Are your men naturally affectionate?" I asked. "They seem to know me well."

Smiling, the Captain said, "They tend to be hard. Life hasn't treated them well."

"Why this affection for me?"

"Come to bed with me and I will explain," he said. It was common enough for men to sleep together for warmth in the winter, but warmth wasn't a problem now. I got in bed with him. He took off his loin cloth and got into the bed bare naked.

"Normally we would have let a boy in your condition die. To save you would take a lot of work, and if we did save you, there would be another mouth to feed," he said. "When we found you near naked on that piece of the mast, they saw you were handsome, and also saw you were well equipped. They are a randy bunch of men and they could see a prospect for some sport."

"I've never been a sport!" I said. I didn't know exactly what "sport" was, but didn't like the way that sounded.

"You're wrong about that," the Captain said. "It was Candlestick who first worked his member into your bum hole. Candlestick is the randiest of the randy, a true cocksman."

"That can't be," I protested.

"Normally I would have punished the man for taking such liberties with an unconscious man. Candlestick is true lecher and libertine and he was simply trying to use your ass for his own pleasure before you died," the Captain continued. "You had been crying and screaming in pain and fear, but as soon as Candlestick's cock got into your bum, you moaned in pleasure. Every thrust of his member created a corresponding moan from you. Indeed, your member engorged and then sprayed Candlestick with your seed."

"That can't be true," I protested.

"It is true. Mr. Bones suggested, that if Candlestick's cock would give you some relief from pain, perhaps others would provide the same relief," the Captain explained. "He tried it and had the same effect. For you, dear Isaac, a cock is the best physic, far better than any apothecary's brew. It was from that time that you began to recover."

"Both Candlestick and Mr. Bones swived me?"

"I might as well tell you since you'll find out eventually. Every man in the crew had his turn," the Captain said. "Most did it two or three times. My crew has never been happier."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Then, I recalled my dreams. It all became clear to me. It was true. "Have you screwed me?" I asked of the Captain.

"Not until tonight," he said. Had I been a better person, I would have run from the cabin and thrown myself into the sea, rather than submit to him. I already had spent more time in the sea than I wanted and had no desire to do that again. The Captain put one arm around me and with the other he took off my loincloth. He moved his hand toward my bum and then fingered my hole.

When he touched it, I lost all desire to resist. Suddenly all the memories of my dreams flooded back and I wanted to experience them awake. By the time he got the cloth off, my organ was fully erect. I moved and my hand felt his member. It was a massive pole. I couldn't believe it would fit in my bum hole, but for some reason, I was more than willing to try.

I also solved a small mystery. He was called Captain Hook, but he had both his arms. His cock was hooked. The massive member formed a "C" as it curved toward his navel. "I wanted to tell you this before I send you back to the crew," Hook explained as he pushed me back on his bed and raised my legs to get better access to my bum. His cock was large, but when he peeled back the foreskin, the bloated, purple cock head was even bigger.

He had a vial of oil near the bed which he worked into my hole. I know I should have been shocked, but his thick fingers excited me. He coated his own cock with the oil, then nudged it into my bung hole. He took his time, as if he was testing my resistance.

By all rights I should have been shocked and sickened that this man would try to force his privy member into my ass. I was too excited to feel anything but desire. At first it was mostly curiosity, but that turned to lust as soon as his massy cock began to push through my defenses. I am quite sure if Hook had wished to rape me it would have been easy enough, but that wasn't his interest.

The huge knob that crowned his member popped into my hole with a twinge of pain. I felt a moment of unease. What had I gotten myself into? This worry passed quickly as I began to feel the same sensations I remembered from my dreams. As his member penetrated deeper into my ass, the feelings grew stronger. Soon I was moaning.

I looked at Captain Hook and saw he was smiling. Sweat poured off him, matting his furry body. His eyes looked crazed. Even though I was inexperienced, I knew he was crazed with lust and desire. For the first time since my mother had died four years earlier, I realized someone wanted me.

I know there is a great gap between a mother's love and the sex crazed lust of an old seafaring captain. But Hook's sexual lust was better than the mean and brutal life I had experienced since my mother's death.

Hook suddenly stopped; pulled his cock from my bum and flipped me over. A moment later he was probing my bum again. If anything, his cock felt better entering me from this direction. He seemed to like variety, since sometimes he was rough and forceful, other times he gently stroked my innards with his curved bow. He delicately probed my bum for good spots.

At first I was too overwhelmed to do anything other than to take what he dished out. After I got use to him, I began to wiggle my bum and squeeze my hole to play with his member. Hook loved that. When I began to shoot, my entire body would twitch and my ass grabbed his cock. He would moan when this happened and fill me with his seed.

We would rest when this happened. "Everything the crew says about you is true," Hook said. "You're a rare find indeed. If the crew hadn't already claimed you, I'd take you for my own."

"You are the Captain," I said.

"Fair is fair," he said. "They wanted to save you and they did the saving. You belong to them. They've never had such a handsome lad before. They tried a few, but they either wore out, or died. You were born to take a cock and love it. For tonight, you're mine. Tomorrow, I have to take my turn."

"I don't know if I could do that," I said, "for the entire crew, I mean."

Hook laughed. "If you can't, nobody can," he said. "I've fucked half the men who sail on this pond they call an ocean. No one has taken it as easy as you. Some like it because it's so big, others just because I'm the captain. Some grow to like it, but you're the first one to like it the first time I screwed him. Isaac, you are a wonder and a marvel."

He pulled me close to him and as he did, I felt his hard cock. For some reason, I shifted so he could re-enter my bum. It was very easy this time.

"You are a wonder," he muttered, as he slowly explored my ass. It was slow and comfortable. After shooting off several times later that night we both fell asleep. I didn't dream that night at all.

When I woke, it was light outside and the Captain was gone. I put my clothes on and went on deck. It was a beautiful day, with a blue sky and a good breeze. On my earlier ship, the Lady Reading, I never got on deck and was confined to the stench of the lower decks. The Hercules wasn't an impressive looking ship, but it smelled much better. The crew wore little more than loin cloths, and were tanned brown, but they didn't smell either.

Mr. Bones came up to me. "They aren't a handsome crew, but they're strong," he said. I mentioned the smell, or lack thereof.

"The feeling in England is that baths cause chills and thus sickness," he said. "I think bad vapors emanate from filth. Vapors are the culprit. The Captain thought that thinking was heretical, but I converted him to my belief. The men objected, but this is a heathy ship compared to most. Few have died of pestilence since I joined the crew." I went below to get some food.

Candlestick and Pistol were in the galley talking with Porkchop, the cook. Porkchop gave me small loaf of bread covered in butter with a slab of cheddar cheese. The bread was freshly baked and good. Mr. Smith joined us.

"You are a lucky man, Mr. Smith," Pistol said. "Last night was a quiet one."

"The Captain was occupied, so I took two watches," Smith said. The men all smiled knowingly.

"I trust your night with the Captain was enjoyable?" Candlestick asked.

"Enjoyable, but not restful," I said. Pistol winked at me.

"The Captain told you of our sport with you?" Mr. Smith asked.

"He told me it was a substitute for the apothecary's art," I said. "Apparently I was your plaything."

"There is a shortage of the apothecary's arts here, but no shortage of cock," Mr. Smith said. "Cock is not part of the cures of the ancient masters of medicine, but it is lucky for you it worked. The proof is in the pudding."

"We're hoping you aren't mad at us," Candlestick said quietly. "You may not have been awake, but I will swear you liked it as much as we did."

"My folks were church going people and good Presbyterians," Mr. Smith said. "They believed our fates were predestined. Your appearance on the ocean and our rescue of you, must have be pre ordained. It may sound foolish, it was meant to be."

"Are you saying God wanted us to fuck the boy?" Porkchop asked.

"I said it sounded silly," Mr. Smith said. "My Mama said ask and it shall be given, seek and ye shall find. God will provide for your needs."

"Well, we can all agree Isaac meets our needs," Pistol said. A whistle blew and all the men except for Porkchop and Mr. Smith went up to the deck.

"Did the Captain wear you out?" Mr. Smith asked. I was going to say yes, but then I realized what he really wanted. I shook my head. He got up and went to his cabin. I followed. His cabin was small compared to the Captain's, but all the other men were in hammocks on the gun deck. Mr. Smith took his clothes off, as did I.

While he was huge and massive, his cock was a thin tube of flesh. The knob was almost twice the diameter of the shaft. It popped into my bum effortlessly. Lubricated by the oil and Hook's seed, my ass had no problem taking it. Mr. Smith shot off easily, but left his cock in my ass as he fell asleep. I needed the rest too.

Next: Chapter 2

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