Captain Hook

Published on Jan 27, 2013


Captain Hook 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, any comments send them to

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To say my situation was strange understates the case. I was a young man sexually ravaged by an entire pirate crew after nearly drowning at sea. My situation should have been dire. Now that I was conscious, it appeared that I was the crews' pet, a plaything. I was a victim of circumstance.

Much to my surprise, I felt good and my situation nowhere near as bad as it seemed. I was a church-going lad, upright in every way. While my intentions were to be up right and honorable, it seems that when a cock touched my ass, hole the hole betrayed me. Instead of clamping shut to maintain my virtue, it opened wide and indeed welcomed the fuck tool.

This was a shocking realization. I was realistic enough to know my slutty hole had saved my life. If I was to survive on the ship, I had to resign myself to being used by every member of the crew. This shocking prospect did not cause the despair I anticipated. Indeed, as I thought about it, my own organ responded with some enthusiasm.

It took a week or two to resign myself to a life of continuous sexual stimulation and pleasure. I realize this sounds odd, but it was the truth. There were twenty men in the crew, in addition to Captain Hook, Mr. Bones and Mr. Smith.

After my experiences with the Captain and Mr. Smith, I assumed it would be a free for all. Fortunately, they remembered their earlier experiences with handsome boys. These lads died from overuse. Mr. Bones and Mr. Smith suggested a rationing system, with a limit on the number of men and activities. Some of the men were naturally brutal. The Captain made it clear that if anyone hurt me, he would find himself without any organ to fuck me with in the future.

Mad Bob was a problem. In England, he would have been hanged. The crew liked him because he was a crazed lunatic in battle and could terrify anyone who got in his way. Living with him was like living next to a grenade ready to explode. He wanted his rights and a turn at me. He first tried to beat me, not out of malice, but due to crazed energy.

My. Smith was the only man who seemed to be able to control him. He stripped him naked and bound his arms with rope. Bob's cock was free, hard and soon was in my ass. Mad Bob was well equipped. Filled with rage, Mad Bob channeled the rage into his cock. I had a well-lubricated ass; Mad Bob was the third man that day. I was fine.

Oddly, when a man tool enters my ass, I seem to wiggle and rotate my ass. The men told me I seemed to caress the organ in my hole. I was not aware I did this. Pistol told me the men weren't use to fucking a man who enjoyed it. Screams and cries for mercy were the usual reaction. Instead of telling him I wasn't aware I was doing that, I told him his cock was a wonder, a marvel. His cock was a magic wand and I had to reward him.

As Mad Bob fucked, I felt his rage turn into passion and pleasure. His wild thrusts turned into slow strokes. I wouldn't say he was tender, but he was clearly savoring my ass.

That was good for me, but even better for Mad Bob. After he shot off, he dropped to his knees and licked my hole. I relaxed a little and let some of his man seed drool from my ass. Mad Bob loved that.

Mr. Bones was there incase Mad Bob lost control and tried to hurt me. Mr. Bones would have been a normal sized man except for his legs. My mother told me that when a man was afflicted in one way, God would make up for that in another. Mr. Bones was smart. He had been apprenticed to a surgeon in Bristol, but he had moved well beyond that man's simple skills. He was educated and brilliant. I had heard of men like Isaac Newton who were scholars and deep thinkers, but never met one.

Mr. Bones was imaginative and curious. The Captain said he could think his way out of problems. Bones was an original thinker. For many leaders that was a problem. Most Captains wanted an obedient and ordinary man. Bones' theory about baths and cleanliness was not conventional. The Captain let Bones try it, and it worked. The Hercules had the healthiest crew on the Atlantic. Bones thought fruit prevented disease and scurvy. The crew didn't like that, but Mr. Smith made them eat. There was no scurvy.

Mad Bob interested Mr. Bones. While the lunatic was good in a fight, day-to-day life with him was a problem. Mr. Bones was excited when Mad Bob fucked me after being bound. He thought Mad Bob's mind was too restless to concentrate on any single activity. Battle was good for him, since he looked everywhere and attacked everyone.

When he was bound, Mad Bob shot off in my ass. Bones thought it was the first time Bob ever felt real sexual pleasure. He had no choice but to concentrate on fucking. Mad Bob was comparatively calm for a day after he drained his balls in my ass. Even Candlestick and Pistol noticed.

I wasn't experienced. I thought fucking was fucking and assumed it was the same for all. I didn't realize there were many ways to fuck and to enjoy. I assumed there would be a line of men waiting to pop their organs into my rear. They would drain their balls and leave. It wasn't that way at all.

I soon found that men living on a small ship for months had all found many ways to enjoy themselves. I didn't expect the wide range of activities.

Mr. Bones made every man wash and bathe before he came to me. I was use to washing, but bathing was a rare occurrence. Many men had a bath weekly or monthly; some never bathed. Their cocks would be both smelly and crusty. It would often have sores. Every man who came to me was freshly scrubbed and his cock clean.

Of course, the crew objected at first, but Mr. Smith was a dominant man and they obeyed. Mr. Smith wasn't a forgiving man. Mr. Bones was an imaginative man and he found ways to make the cleaning enjoyable. He also cleaned their asses inside and outside. He made that enjoyable too. Sex on the ship had been fucking and more fucking.

The men soon discovered that licking and sucking a cock were good too, now that the organ no longer smelled. Some found they enjoyed the taste of man seed. A few found that a mate's seed tasted better when served from another bloke's ass.

A few men came to see me alone, but many came with their friends. It was as if they came to a festive dinner and my ass was the main dish. Candlestick came with Pistol and Squid. Candlestick was tall thin and ugly, Pistol saw short, heavy and ugly. Squid was just all ugly.

Candlestick was uneasy. "I've never fucked you when you weren't knocked out," he said.

"Mr. Bones said you saved my life," I said.

"It was odd to fuck a mate who wasn't fighting me," Candlestick said. "It was strange."

"Did you like it?"

"I did. Squid liked it even more. He doesn't get to stuff a man often," Candlestick said. "He looks better when you're knocked out." I agreed with that. The three men looked better clean than they did on the deck.

Most of the men were working on deck so I was alone with the men. Squid dropped to the knees and began to suck my cock. I was afraid he wanted to bite me. I soon discovered he couldn't bite me; Squid had no teeth. He swallowed my cock and then licked it. He was able to swallow the whole thing. Once it was in his throat, he swallowed. That felt wonderful. He then sucked my balls. Later, he pushed me onto my hammock and then licked my hole.

Pistol was sucking on Candlestick's cock like a baby at his mother's breast. Pistol seemed to be caressing the boated organ with his mouth. When he pulled off, I could see Candlestick had a big one. He was skinny, but his cock was like a sausage.

Pistol pulled away from Candlestick when Squid pulled away from my ass. Pistol went to my ass and shoved it in. his pubic hair tickled my ass. Pistol's slobbering on Candlestick's ass and Squid's work on my ass, did the trick. It was an easy entry.

Candlestick was aroused, but he took his time. Many Captains punished sailors for man sex. Captain Hook didn't care. He felt man play made the men calmer and more relaxed. I discovered that if a man did well, he might visit the Captain for a reward. Usually that was a chance to eat the Captain's seed straight from his tool. The Captain also made deposits to the rear.

Squid was holding me still in the hammock. His cock was near my mouth. He was only half-hard and I licked the pucker of his foreskin. I sucked it in my mouth. I assumed his cock would taste of urine and cock cheese. I was wrong. It tasted sweet. I didn't know men oozed sweet and slippery cock juices when they were excited.

Squid had extra skin and it collected these juices. As I explored the skin, his cock grew to meet my tongue. He had a big knob and a wide piss slit. Again, I was sure the slit would taste of piss. I discovered it was the source of the sweet fluid.

Candlestick was pounding my ass, as I tasted Squid's ball juices. It was good for me. Indeed, it was very good for me. Candlestick lost control and he filled my ass with his man seed. Squid went to my ass and took his place. His cock was much shorter and thicker than Candlesticks. My slobber lubricated his ass, and Squid's mate's seed filled my ass.

Squid's organ seemed to rub my ass in a good way. Pistol's cock was at my mouth now. His cock juices weren't as sweet as Squids, but it was good. He eventually straddled my head as he sucked my cock. Squid continued to thrust. Squid shot off in my ass. I could feel his seed squirting. I lost it and Pistol took my cream. He began squirting too. Man cream isn't as tasty as the juices, but it was thicker. I didn't want to take it, but once it was squirting, I gobbled it up.

I fell asleep. When I woke, I felt good. This was to be my life for the next few months. At first, I thought I would lose my interest, but there was enough variation to be good. I was very careful not to show favoritism, but I also made sure they all knew I enjoyed them. While they were crude, rough men, no one wants to think they were lacking as a man. Of course, all cocks are different, but I can tell you, all can be pleasurable. I thought I would need to feign pleasure, but that wasn't a problem.

With three or four men a men a day, I was able to please the entire crew during the course of a week. Smith took care of the scheduling. There soon was a regular rotation. Men who celebrated a birthday always received an additional visit. I was always available for Mr. Smith and Captain Hook, but that was usually after I had handled the daily allotment of men.

Mister Bones was always solicitous of my health. He checked me and my ass to insure I wasn't damaged. He never mixed business with pleasure. His examinations never turned into sexual games. While he was very open in his discussion and treatment of sexual activities, I think he was shy.

Several men didn't participate. Pork Chop was fat and he didn't want anyone to see him naked. Old Max wasn't interested. Mr. Bones told me he wasn't able to get erect. Young Tom, the cabin boy was too frightened to do much of anything.

Captain Hook told me the crew had mellowed since I joined the Hercules. They weren't as mad at the world. We ran into several fishing vessels and let them go, unmolested. The crew use to take them and kill the crew just to break the boredom of a long voyage.

Unexpectedly Mad Bob joined me as a sexual entertainment. Bones noticed the success of binding him before he fucked me. Bones had him bound to the main mast naked. He then toyed with Mad Bob's cock until Bob spurted his man seed across the deck. The men of the crew were not delicate types. They saw this not as a humiliating exhibition, but as an athletic display. Mad Bob must have shot his load twenty feet. Mad Bob's position in the crew improved. After this, Bones brought Mad Bob to me and he didn't even need to tie the man up as he fucked me.

Mr. Smith had Mad Bob tied up a few times a week. His cock was impressive and always productive. I sampled him several times. His balls produced a particularly rich brew of man seed. Mad Bob did not exactly have friends on the ship, but he had his admirers. Mad Bob never talked. He bellowed and screamed, but he never talked.

Life at sea is mostly boring and tedious, with brief periods of excitement. I had been on the ship for a month, when we encountered a Spanish Galleon. It was a comparatively small ship so Captain Hook went after it. We were closing on the ship when we saw a Spanish Man-of-War hidden behind it. He was going with the wind; we were going against the wind. We were in trouble.

The Captain demonstrated why he was the Captain. We had a tense day before we found more favorable winds. The Captain was puzzled at the presence of a Man-of-War. England and Spain were at peace. A week later, we found we were out of date. We picked up two English sailors on a raft. It was all that remains of a ship's crew. We had interrupted the first maneuvers of a war between England and Spain. I never understood which war. France, England, Spain and Austria were continuously at war.

In times of war, pirates became privateers. As a pirate the English, French or Spanish could hang you. As privateer, only the French or Spanish could hang you. If we could make it back to England with booty, we could survive. It was an unlikely outcome, but I was hopeful.

The two sailors provided this information. I'm not sure the Captain would have saved them unless he needed information. We took the sailors to Port Royal and we received papers making us privateers. We were back at sea a few days later. Curiously, the crew was happy to be back at sea. I was the reason they liked the sea so much. The sex was better on the ship.

At Port Royal, I could have left the ship and vanished into one of the alleys of the city. I had dreamed and planned the escape. When it was time to run away, I lost interest. Three days in Port Royal without a cock or two in my ass left me feeling unhappy. Captain Hook came to the inn I was staying in and he fucked me to heaven and back. He wanted my ass as much as I wanted his cock. I returned to the ship with him. He wanted me to pretend to be a rescued sailor. It might save me from the hangman, if we were unlucky.

Back on the Hercules, I had a very busy week. The time in Port Royal disrupted Mr. Smith's schedule. They were owed time in my ass. Mad Bob needed some calming down too. It was a rough schedule but I was glad to help. Bones had Mad Bob tied up. I sensed Mad Bob hardly needed to be bound at all. He was almost affectionate. Of course, the only connection between us was his cock in my ass, but I could feel his affection.

Captain Hook's visit to Port Royal was successful. He was a sponge that absorbed rumors. Port Royal was nothing but rumors and tall tales. Hook could tell the difference. We soon captured several ships, took their valuables and let them proceed. We hardly killed anyone, and captured a sizable fortune. That Hook distributed to the crew.

I thought some of them would leave and return to England. No one did that. They always hoped for more. They talked about going home and settling down in a cottage somewhere in England. They loved the sea and the wild life on the ship. They could never leave the life on the sea.

The ship was different after Port Royall. Part of that was because of me. I was now there voluntarily; I wasn't just a rescued sailor anymore. The crew was always careful with me. When I returned to the ship, each man was convinced his cock was the reason for my return.

We had another few good weeks at sea and then we encountered a hurricane. I had never been in a bad storm before. A day later, I was in the water again on the remains of the ship. This time the ship had been controlled by a skilled captain, and we were in the Caribbean. I was near an island, and a part of the crew was in small boats from the Hercules. Hook had steered us toward land. The island was quite large and uninhabited. It had fresh water and fruit in abundance.

Two boats survived from the ship. The captain had a clear vision of our location. Captain Hook decided he would take the boats to the nearest English island and bring back help.

We were marooned on the island, but I wasn't sure being marooned was worse than being at sea in a small boat with few resources. Mr. Smith remained on the island with Bones, Mad Bob, Squid, Pork Chop and three sailors, Rollo, Fisher and Danny. I was to stay with them.

They sailed off and we were alone. Mr. Smith kept Mad Bob near him most of the time. The rest of the time, he was with me. His cock was either in my ass, or my mouth.

Mr. Bones had a remarkable ability to find food and water.

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