Castaways Series

By moc.loa@ku81tirB

Published on Feb 27, 2004


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The contents of this story are fictional. Any resemblance of the characters to any other persons is strictly coincidental. Certain characters engage in sexual acts, which may or may not be legal in the state or country in which you the reader may reside. Any reader with objections to graphic descriptions of sexual encounters between males who may not have reached the legal age of consent, or whose local, regional, state or national jurisprudence prohibits such descriptions, should not read further.

The Castaways...

Chapter 2. Copyright by rick19uk..8th February 2004

My name is Brian, I am 15 and I am a cabin boy on the good ship Morning Star. We are docked in The Port of London finishing loading whereupon we will embark 12 passengers on our voyage to the West Indies as our first port of call. Once there, we will then disembark about half the passengers and continue onto the islands in the South Seas. I expect to be about 20 by the time I return. We are taking a load of trade goods with which to barter for copra and other things from the natives of the many islands there. My duties include serving food and drink to the passengers and generally keeping their accommodations clean and tidy. There are usually 4 of us for this job as we serve and see to the officer's needs as well as helping with food preparation in the galley.

I am a little worried about this trip as we are short three boys so far. The other three who were serving aboard Morning Star jumped ship, and the Captain has so far been unable to recruit replacements. If we put to sea this short handed then I fear that I will be unable to have time to sleep let alone play with the other so far non-existent cabin boys. It can be a very hard life onboard ship but our Captain is a kindly man and gives us some liberty to have fun provided we don`t run amok and make a nuisance of ourselves. I have been at sea since I was 10 and so far I have served on 3 ships. Some of the masters can be very hard and cruel. I count my blessings for the berth on board here and hope we manage to recruit some more boys.

On the last 2 trips we have been to the caribean bringing cotton, coffee and tobacco back with us. We took trade goods out with us plus lots of fancy goods including a large amount of pots and pans. It was on the last trip I discovered some things I had no idea about. I was 13 when we set out the first time and I was berthed with an older cabin boy named Peter. He was 14 at the time and is one of those who jumped ship to go back inland and home to his mother.

He taught me all about masturbation and a few other things besides. I blush when I think about it but I must say it was really truly wonderful. I wonder if it will be as good with a girl when I eventually get to try one out. Im not too sure if I want to though, not when I see the men come back aboard and have had all their money swindled from them by these devious creatures. I remember my mother and father always fighting over money. She would scream and shout at him that he never gave her enough. He always replied that he gave her all he had and that he couldnt make the stuff. I suppose those are reasons enough to be scared of women, that and the fact that having fun with boys doesnt make babies. I found that out when one of the seamen was harangued by this awful trollop. She was carrying a baby in her arms and was there to meet us when we berthed this last time. She was screaming that unless he paid up, she would see to it he never got to put his cock up another woman anywhere around here ever again. It was awful, her dugs hung half way down her belly and her teeth were rotten. No, I dont think I really want to try one out.

We heard about a terrible storm in the North Sea yesterday and that a good few ships had foundered. That thought scares me to death and I know its one of the reasons Peter jumped ship, especially after the storm we went through in the Atlantic this last time. I know that most sailors cant swim and they fear it dreadfully. I can swim, I learnt when I was a small boy and do it every chance I get. When we are in the West Indies the water is so warm, its wonderful. You have to be careful of sharks though.

I think I am saved. I heard that a fishing boat came into port with two survivors from a ship that went down in the storm from three days ago. Rumour had it that the two were cabin boys and were the only ones thought to have survived so far. The Captain has gone to find them and I hope he manages to get them to join the ship. We heard they were found clinging to a packing case that was part of the wreckage. God! If they were shipwrecked they will have nothing but what they stand up in. I have some spare stuff if it will fit them, it could be fun.

My prayers have been answered; the two boys have been found by the Captain at the seaman's mission and have signed up with us. I have seen them and they look haggard and worn out, they are both very good looking. The biggest ones pants have shrunk in the sea and he looks huge, I hope he is like Peter and likes to play around. The younger one is really pretty for a boy; his voice when I heard it is just beginning to change. I can`t wait to meet them. They have been fed, berthed, and told to sleep to help recover from their ordeal and I hope will be up and around tomorrow. The boson has told me to take care of them and to take things easy for a couple of days till they are recovered. I wonder if they can get an advance to get clothes, they wont have anything at all but the salt stained rags they stand up in.

David and I slept the sleep of the dead on the twelve-hour journey into The Port of London. The bread and cheese the fishermen gave to us was like manna from heaven, we were ravenous. As we were approaching the port the men woke us and within half an hour or so we had our feet on dry land and were being shown to a seamans mission. Between us we had absolutely nothing. It would take over two weeks to get a message to grandfather and get some money down to me. I could imagine the horrors of being in this city with nothing. I have to say that due to my life so far I was totally unprepared for anything like this. I had been used to ample food and warmth, security and an adoring mother to take care of me. We arrived at the mission and the kindly fisherman explained our situation whereupon we were told that we could have a free nights lodging due to our dire circumstances. We would also be given a hot meal and breakfast in the morning. Clothing was my immediate and overriding worry. My entire new seamans kit had been lost when the ship went down along with my purse which contained £50.00. David`s carefully hoarded money and all his belongings were lost too. What a sorry pair we made.

We were served a meal of hot stew and hard bread. It may have been coarse compared to what I was used to but I have to say, it was absolutely delicious and in truth I could have sat through another helping. We were eventually ushered into a dorm type room full of pallets where we slept again for another full twelve hours. I have never been as exhausted in my whole life. When morning came we only just awoke in time to catch the meagre breakfast of watered ale and again, hard bread which I was to later learn was common ships fare. As we were finishing and were about to depart, a man in Captain's garb entered and asked the whereabouts of the two shipwrecked cabin boys. We were a little apprehensive at first and hung back somewhat. It eventually became clear that he was the Captain of a ship called "The Morning Star" and was looking to sign us up as cabin boys. We were hugely relieved and with little thought we agreed to go with him back to his ship. When David first saw the ship he heaved a sigh of relief and whispered to me that he thought the ship looked well founded and we should have no qualms sailing in her.

We climbed the plank and went aboard and were quickly ushered into the captain`s cabin whereupon we signed the articles for the voyage. He appeared to be a kindly man and after we had signed and he had given us his fear of God speech he summoned a seaman, telling him to take us to the galley and to instruct the cook to feed us. He was to check on us and when we were finished eating was to show us where we were to berth and to let us sleep and recover from our ordeal. On our way to our berth the seaman let on to another boy not much older than David or I.

Hello Brian says he, I bet you are relieved now? These are your two new shipmates. The captain says they are to be allowed to sleep after which you are to take care of them and take it easy on them for a day or two till they are recovered from their ordeal. Make sure that they are well fed. David and I looked at each other and again sighed huge sighs of relief at our apparent good fortune. It appeared we had landed on our feet. We got into our berth, self-consciously undressed and got in to our bunks and slept the sleep of the dead once more for about 15 hours. We awoke to the usual shipboard noises from above and having dressed in our salt stained clothing made our way cautiously up onto deck. We were immediately spotted by Brian and taken once more to the galley where the cook seemed to think we hadn`t eaten for weeks. Once we were gorged, Brian took us on a tour of the ship showing us where we would be working to take care of passengers needs. He asked us about clothes and said he had some old stuff he had outgrown and that we were welcome to have some. We jumped at the opportunity. He also said that there was always the ships slop chest to go through as well.

Whilst we ate breakfast along with Brian, his second the cook informed us, we took the opportunity to study each other. He was a sturdy youth with straw-coloured hair and the brightest of bright blue eyes. When he smiled, two dimples formed on his cheeks and he displayed a perfect set of white teeth. I noticed his hands were large and strong looking with long fingers. In short, he was a wonderful looking specimen of youth seeming to have a very winning personality. As with David, I felt the three of us would become firm friends.

We arrived at Brians berth and he began to empty things from his chest and after selecting a few things offered them to us. As I said earlier our own clothes were salt stained and were in truth, beginning to chaff and make us sore, so we gratefully accepted. We once again self-consciously undressed noticing as we did, that Brian didnt miss any opportunity to peek whenever the chance was there. He had us both in our birthday suits passing us things to try on. We were both very embarrassed and I know that for me at least it was the first time I had been naked in front of anyone since I was a small child. I suspected it was the same for David too.

As we were leaving the cabin Brian said that once the passengers were embarked, tomorrow in fact, we would all mess together and bunk in the four-berthed cabin we had used the previous night. It was in a nearby corner that had been partitioned off for we cabin boys. This so that we were near to our duties and the beck and call of the passengers and officers. He also went on to say that this was the best berth he had ever had in his five years of shipboard life. We all smiled, with David and I hardly able to contain our feelings of good fortune. We had food in our bellies, a bunk and "new" clothes, with money to come at the end of our voyage. We thanked Brian again for his kindness and set about what few duties he showed us.

The next day we were up bright and early and after taking an early breakfast we went with Brian to check the cabins and just generally touch things up. This last was in preparation of the imminent arrival of our passengers. Whilst David and I did this, Brian carried out his serving duties in the officer's mess. He having served aboard for the past 3 years was the senior steward so to speak and had earned this duty. Shortly afterwards we all went to the galley to help out there. I felt we were quite busy now, but God knows what it would be like once we did embark the passengers.

Brian had told us tales of some of his experiences and some of the awful people that travelled. He pointed out that there were lots of nice people too and that he had sometimes been given nice gratuities (tips). His advice was that we should be polite, diligent and attentive to our passengers needs and we would get along fine. It was also important to always be clean in our appearance and practices especially when dealing with the food we would be serving. He also said that if we were careful there would be opportunities to sneak the odd draught of wine or ale. The hard liquor was harder to pilfer but that if we ever did pilfer the drink we should do it very carefully. Other than the odd mug of watered down ale I had never drunk anything in my life so I was sure I wouldn`t be tempted. David concurred fiercely with this and we agreed it best not to be tempted and end up flogged which was the normal shipboard punishment for pilfering.

Around midday, the passengers began to arrive in dribs and drabs and we attended to their luggage and getting them settled into their cabin. We served drinks as they were ordered which were followed by their first shipboard dinner. It was a great success I thought. I thanked my mother that she had taught me the uses and positions of the various pieces of cutlery and correct sides that food and wine should be served from. I think both Brian and David, who were "old hands", were really quite impressed. As the evening wore on and the passengers began to retire, we cleaned up and finished for the night. David and I were absolutely exhausted and grateful to finish and retire to our bunks. We all three quickly undressed and got into bed where we chattered till sleep eventually claimed us and before we knew it, morning was upon us. .

The new morning heralded the day of departure and we were quickly up and dressed confronting a ship that was like a mad house. We managed to grab a quick breakfast and then went about our duties. David and I managed to sneak five minutes alone before we departed shore and we knelt and prayed together, imploring the Virgin Mary that we would be delivered back safe and not come to the same harm as our earlier voyage. Within another hour we were under way and sailing down the River Thames. The day flew by for all of us and it was as bedtime neared that we nosed our way out through the mouth of the estuary, into the open sea beyond. The ship rose and fell to the rythm of the waves and it was with an easy mind that I soon fell asleep. I had survived my third day at sea.

Over the coming weeks we fell into an easy rythm and simply ate the work up with no complaints from either passengers or crew. I had to admit to myself that the feelings of boredom were easily swept aside as I considered the grand adventure that my life at sea had in truth become. One such incredibly exciting adventure came one night as we went to our bunks. Brian who had been about his duties in the officer's mess had finished some time before us and had retired to his bunk just about immediately. David and I had also finished a little early and on entering our corner cabin we were confronted with Brian laid out on is bunk with his hand sliding up and down his rock hard dick.

At the exact moment we entered he threw his head back, screwed his eyes closed and white stuff then began to shoot from the end of his dick. I stood there awestruck. I had never seen anything like it in my life, whilst David, who stood at my side, tried to muffle a knowing snicker. Brian, on hearing him tried to hide his dick with no success at all and blushed beet red in his obvious embarrassment. He looked at each of us and began to giggle. He then pointed at each of our trousers, which had both begun to grow as soon as we saw him. Davids was pointing straight out forming a big tent-like shape in the front of his trousers whilst mine sort of tried to stand up but was pointed down my leg and held there by the leg of my pants. We were also beet red and it was me who having quickly recovered didn't really know where my voice came from when I found myself asking, what's all that white stuff then? David snickered which started Brian giggling again so I just sat on my bunk looking at the pair of them. Brian, looking slyly up at David said, well we had better tell you and show you all about it hadnt we David? David again, blushed furiously.

As I stated earlier I had been pretty well sexless up to this point but I was now burning with curiosity and answered for both of them when I said, yes! I think you had better. David went even redder still as Brian took the lead and reached out to stroke his hand over Davids trouser front. David gasped as Brian then quite boldly took hold of his dick through his trousers and began to pull back and forth on it. He swung his legs off his bunk and leaning forwards, undid David's belt and gave his pants a firm tug. They soon fell away revealing Davids hard cock At this point he beckoned me across. I nervously went to him and he began to stroke my cloth-covered cock too. Within a couple of minutes my pants were around my ankles and with my cock in one hand and David's in his other, he began to roll our foreskins back and forth which I have to say produced the most delicious of sensations. Within a very few seconds I thought I was going to pee but instead, convulsed and shot what little I had of my own "white stuff" over Brian's chest and hand. David immediately followed and also shot lots of it over Brian as well. Brian turned to me and said, now you know how to wank and if you liked it, we can do this every night. In reply, David and I, turning to face each other, blushed furiously again and answered, we would love to. When morning came we slipped from our bunks and on looking at each other, giggled when we spotted three hard cocks measuring I estimated, 4", 5", and 6" all stood to attention. We all, giggling even more, said in perfect unison. Tonight!

For the whole three and a half months it took us to cross the Atlantic to The West Indies we did indeed enjoy a great many wonderful playtimes. During that time we didn't encounter one storm but enjoyed brisk winds all the way, giving us, according to the crew, an amazingly fast crossing time. We all three, were now hard and fast friends and thought we were very lucky to be onboard The Morning Star and truly enjoyed our jobs and playtimes together. The Captain, the boson told us, was very pleased with us and when we entered Kingston Harbour and had berthed, gave us shore leave and told us to go and enjoy ourselves. We were given a little money and that, joined with the gratuities from the seven passengers who had disembarked made us feel quite rich indeed. We had all grown quite remarkably and our clothes really needed replacing. Our time ashore allowed us to scour the shops looking for hardwearing good value items. The choice, though somewhat limited, did in fact render us fully clothed and comfortable. I hoped that David would no longer be complaining of squashed testicles. At the time it didn't occur to me, but now at the time of writing, I am sure that with regard to a few of our gentleman passengers it was without doubt, David's very tight and revealing trousers, that ensured we did as well with gratuities as we did. I know that on reflection, we were all ogled fiercely.

The boson had taken the time to chat with us and we enjoyed many hours of his tale telling regarding his adventures at sea. He had been a petty officer in The Royal Navy and had soon found out my ability with math. He had chatted to the first officer on my behalf, who in turn had summoned me to his cabin. After a brief chat he then proceeded to put me through my paces so to speak. I think he must have been impressed with me because he then said that I should to report to him a little before noon each day. This would prove to be not too difficult because we were now down to five passengers due to the seven who had left us at Kingston. He began by showing me how to "shoot the sun" and take the noon sighting using his sextant. It was incredibly interesting and before too long he was showing me how to plot a course and use the measurement from the noon sighting of the sun to determine our position on the ocean. I love math and it was really quite easy for me to grasp the principles involved. I was, much to my own surprise, soon capable of plotting a course. The first officer would verify what I had done and with very few errors was soon able to compare with his own calculations, our equally accurate positions.

I was ecstatic and harked back to my conversations with grandfather and the excitement he induced in me regarding just such a feat. I began to think that I would, in all probability, eventually become an officer just like my dear father and grandfather. I am sure mother would have been very proud of my achievement and it was with this thought that a tear rolled down my cheek which I quickly wiped away. I snuggled into my bunk and slept dreaming once more, of great battles and prize money. We were at this time about three quarters of the way from Kingston to The Falkland Islands and it was beginning to become dramatically colder compared to the balmy seas we had enjoyed for the past four months. I had now survived six months at sea.

Next: Chapter 3: Castaways 3

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