Castaways Series

By moc.loa@ku81tirB

Published on Mar 11, 2004


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The contents of this story are fictional. Any resemblance of the characters to any other persons is strictly coincidental. Certain characters engage in sexual acts, which may or may not be legal in the state or country in which you the reader may reside. Any reader with objections to graphic descriptions of sexual encounters between males who may not have reached the legal age of consent, or whose local, regional, state or national jurisprudence prohibits such descriptions, should not read further.

The Castaways...

Chapter 9. Copyright by rick19uk 11th March 2004

We were awake for the rest of the night and neither Brian or I could keep our hands off David and took it in turns to cuddle him to us, such was our absolute relief at having him returned to us. It's strange however that events most certainly seem to come in threes, with our first such event being the spotting of the distant sail, next was the island of pirates, with the third only being attributable to weariness and sleep depravation. The morning had barely become full light when we saw an island begin to loom on the horizon and this became our first piece of excitement for the day. About mid-morning time another then loomed just forward of the port side. This one sat low and close to the sea and was in fact the nearest, the more we looked at the larger one to starboard, so our excitement grew as we began to realise that it seemed to be possessed of a very familiar shape and was we agreed, to be our destination. Both islands had been visible for at least 4 hours and we were really clipping along under full sail with a very good wind. We were obviously extremely euphoric and hoped our troubles would soon be at an end wishing that we would soon be homeward bound aboard a friendly vessel. Midday saw us virtually parallel to the smaller island with us basking in the knowledge that we would soon be safe.

I was on the tiller and the two loves in my life were cuddled up napping when on hearing a faint shout, I was roused from my own drowsiness. It came from the port side island and on looking towards it I saw a large canoe full of natives wearing what I would only describe as full war regalia. They were coming straight for us. I shouted to Brian and David waking them very abruptly, and whilst pointing to the canoe I gabbled that we were being chased. Upon seeing the war canoe I watched the colour visibly drain from their faces having felt mine do just the same as I first caught sight it. I steered our little canoe a point or two further into the wind to try to get an extra knot or two out of her. My two loves quickly grabbed their paddles and began to paddle as if the very devil were behind us, which to all intents and purposes he was, but in the form of possible cannibals. It was a race that was lost before it began. The natives had twenty strong paddles going like hell and were visibly gaining on us, and within approximately thirty minutes the race was all but lost. As ever, Brian saw the obvious and screamed at me to cut the longboat loose which in the excitement I had completely and utterly forgotten about. I quickly sawed through the painter we had it tied with and it cut loose causing our little canoe to shoot forward at an amazing rate. We watched as it dropped back then crashed into the native canoe that was no more than a cable (60 feet) distant from us. As we sat and watched we realised to our horror that the canoe full of "cannibals" were in fact filled with native boys, and as the longboat cleaved it in two they fell into the sea crying out and waving to us.

We were at a loss as to what to do but the code of the sea was strong in us and our own vivid and horrible memories of being shipwrecked also made us think twice about abandoning them to their fate. We reluctantly turned and headed back, dropping the sail just before we ploughed into them. As we quickly lost way and were amongst them, they grabbed onto the side and outrigger rocking our small craft alarmingly. We were then shocked stupid as one of them said, "you...take...there", whilst pointing at the low island. "He speaks English"! David said. I nodded my head at him in agreement and looking in amazement at the speaker, I simply said yes, and at that we all three began to paddle making our way slowly to the not too distant island. We had managed to get six of them aboard our little craft, with the rest of them just clinging on trying not to get in the way of the paddles. It made the perfect recipe however, for painfully slow progress. I estimate that it took over three hours to get to shore, and to our utter horror as we landed, they grabbed us. We were roughly bundled up the beach and quite unceremoniously stripped of our loin cloths then tied to stakes. I and my two loves were quite literally shaking with fear as we pondered our fate, vividly remembering the visions of the beheaded and disembowelled savages we had seen but two days earlier. As the evening drew on and darkness descended, they gathered around their fire mounting two wild pigs onto the spit for roasting. We fearfully wondered when we would join them.

I became aware some time later that a boy of no more than thirteen was making his way towards us. It was me he came to first, and lifted a coconut shell to my mouth offering me a drink. I thought this was very strange, considering the fact that our fate as we saw it, was to soon be killed most horribly and end up eaten. As I nervously drank I was shocked to feel him grasp my dick with his free hand and begin to slowly roll my foreskin back and forth. Within seconds I was rock hard. I finished the water, and nodding thankfully to him, he threw the shell to the ground then sinking to his knees, took me deep into his throat to the very root of my dick. I glanced at David and Brian and they returned my shocked and owl eyed stare. We had been so engrossed in what had been going on with me that not one of us noticed two more young boys approaching my two love's. They were offered water too, and as they drank, the two boys repeated what was happening to me. Within minutes we were all being sucked with our balls being gently and most wonderfully rolled around in their sacs. It was really weird being tied to a stake and "made love" to, and we whispered back and forth to each other, asking what each of us thought was going to happen. It wasn't too long before we found out as the boy who was clamped onto me, rose to his feet, spit on his hand, and proceeded to rub it around his backside. He then turned and on bending slightly, pulled his arse cheeks apart, and then backing onto my dick he impaled himself in one swift movement. As he rocked back and forth I couldn't help but begin to thrust quite forcefully. The sensations of his hot hole on my dick were really quite exquisite and within minutes I was crying out as I gushed my cum into him. He pulled himself off me, and quickly turning to face me, he grasped my dick. He laid his own along the length of mine, then using a very rapid hand motion he tossed them both off, with him cumming very quickly and gushing huge amounts of cum into my pubic hair. As he finished he smiled up at me then turned to look at my two loves. I followed suit and saw that they were both thrusting hard into the two boys who had come to them. David came first and the boy did exactly as mine had done and tossed himself off cumming all over David's pubic hair with the same for Brian very soon after.

They left us after adjusting our bonds so that though still tied to the stakes we were now sat down. As we watched, they then joined their fellow natives around the fire. Every last one of them had joined in the most fantastic and lewd all out orgy, with one shagging the other whilst others lay head to toe sucking each other off with absolute and total abandon. As things began to calm down, they one by one began to tear strips and lumps off the roasted pigs joining in another orgy of gorging themselves on the roast pork. The three boys, who had "had" us, made their way over and began to feed us morsels of this quite delicious pork, all the while glancing furtively at our dicks. I don't care who you are, I know you would react the same, the situation was such that we had just been royally "had" and the further attention that our dicks were being given they too, soon stood full mast once more. The three of them as if telepathically linked, used their greasy hands to slick our dicks up and in perfect unison sat on our laps sinking down to the root then bouncing up and down quite merrily. The inevitable occurred and we once again filled their holes with our hot cum. This time however, they got off us standing with their dicks waving in our faces and were soon shagging our mouths. Tied up or not, I have to say that it was extremely erotic, exciting, and fulfilling, and as they filled our mouths with their cum we eagerly swallowed it all. As they finished we were once again faced with a most beatific smile from each of them and they simply curled up at our feet and went to sleep.

We awoke stiff and sore when the first sun shone on us, and about an hour later our attention was drawn to another group of natives joining the existing ones from the direction of the beach. We heard excited jabbering and didn't have to wait long before the new group came to stand and stare, gesturing at us and patting the young boys who had had sex with us on their backs. A much bigger boy then bent down and began to stare at David, moving on in turn to Brian and I. He gave a loud whoop and grasping his knife, which at first had me panic-stricken, he began to cut each of our bonds setting us loose from the stakes. He lifted me to my feet and grasping me into a hug it slowly began to dawn on me that he was one of the boys from the friendly island who we had had such good times with some two years earlier. The relief that flooded me is impossible to describe and suffice it to say I became weak at the knees and if he hadn't have had such a firm hold on me, I'm sure I would have collapsed to the ground. He proceeded to dance me around and moving over to my two loves it soon became a group hug and we all four had tears running unashamedly down our cheeks.

As we began to recover from our surprise and happiness at meeting again, the others lifted all four of us and carried us down to the beach then running into the warm sea. We frolicked and played dick tag for hours until we were all exhausted and starving from hunger. We must have had hold of thirty or forty dicks each and we had the most wonderful of good times with cum floating all around us on the wonderfully calm surface of the sea. As we all went ashore the one who had spoken English came to walk beside us. He began to try to explain what had gone on the previous night. It transpired that they had all seen and lusted after young white men and boys having seen them many times off the visiting ships. This island was used to send all boys who had attained puberty on initiation rites with the main object being to have anal sex. They had spotted us yesterday just as they were arriving at the island. They had quickly given chase with their ultimate goal being to have we three initiate the three young ones in their deflowering quest. They had decided that we may object so had "captured us" after we had rescued them thus forcing the issue on us anyway. They had been as relieved as us when it transpired that we were willing and wouldn't have objected, a fact related to them by the older boy telling them of our times together with them two years earlier. About four of the boys from that time were there too, but had not recognised us as we had grown so dramatically since then.

During that first afternoon we sat and painfully slowly explained our experiences and current plight to them. It was really very difficult due to the limited language skills of the English speaker amongst them. It took three times as long because it all had to be translated to the rest of them then we were barraged by tens of questions in turn to each of our statements. After we had related our trials and triumphs to them they were in complete awe of us and we were treated as heroes from that point on. The story continued as we ate the evening meal and went on until we were all yawning and beginning to doze off where we sat. When we awoke next day and ate a breakfast of fruit the questioning continued and in particular what we knew of the cannibals we had experienced seemed to be of very great interest to them. We learned that the peaceful islands were continually raided for captives and ultimate victims of these barbaric savages. Our present company lived in some fear of them but were quick to add that they had not been raided for what we understood to be over ten years. It was of extreme concern to our friends that we had seen them at their evil trade a mere distance of one days sailing away.

The gathering broke up soon after breakfast and became yet another day of fun and games which turned into a further three days before we embarked on the short voyage to the main island. I hasten to add that during that time neither of the three of us partook of more anal sex but did have some rather nice times with our young initiates including several of the other native boys besides. Although a great part of their sexual relationships between each other seemed to be taken up with anal intercourse, we were not pressured in any way to partake of what we could only assume to be "painful pleasure" when taking into great account the size of their endowments. Even the thirteen-year-old initiates out-sized David and I possessing the most wonderful low hanging balls that I never ceased to enjoy playing with.

The five days quickly passed and after breakfast on the sixth day we cleaned up our camp and embarked on the journey across to the main island. What stores we had left on our canoe had been unloaded and used making room for eight of their number to join us on the crossing. We raised our sail and with one of us on the tiller and ten paddling we fairly shot across the twenty miles or so that separated the islands leaving the other two canoes far in our wake. When we were about a mile off shore we heaved to and allowed them to catch up amidst lots of good-natured gesticulating and shouting. Our eight passengers were delighted to be in the winning canoe and as we crunched up the beach we were grabbed once more and carried ashore aloft on their shoulders. We were all soon joined by the rest of the voyagers and then taken to the hut's of the village elder's. Whilst we had been on the other island we had learned that the last ship to call had been about a year earlier and that ships called with some regularity about every year or so. Our general mood was one of total euphoria and that night we chatted about the fact that it had only been eighteen or so days earlier we had woken up in our cave resolved to achieve the impossible. We had experienced rank fear on several occasions during the voyage and agreed wholeheartedly that our greatest achievement was David's rescue from the pirates and the subsequent burning of their ship. The pictures burned into our brains of the cannibal's hapless victims would remain with us and be the source of horrible nightmares for the rest of our lives.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank my on-line friend Gerald alias archerflyer, for suggesting the theme for this chapter. His comments were that the story sadly lacked any raunchy sex and I hope I have now addressed that issue. I can in all honesty only see another chapter to conclude this story but to all those who have enjoyed it so far, be assured I have several more ideas bouncing round my skull...One is a sequel to this, but that as they say is another story......Rick

Next: Chapter 10: Castaways 10

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