Charmed Again

By eric darlands

Published on Jul 16, 2008


Legend: telepathic messages are shown in <>

And thoughts shown in []

We open to a scene on two boys both backpacks slinged over there shoulders the older one has blonde shoulder

length hair the other has medium brown hair both have nice toned muscles

chris: so do you think we should tell him or wait for mom?

wyatt: i dont know its kinda the whole familys decision not just ours

chris:i guess i just dont like the lying to him you know

Wyatt: I guess so do you think he suspects anything

Chris: nah he would've told us by now were like brothers.....

ha never knew why that sounded so right

wyatt: yeah

they stopped dead at a house about a block away this was Eric's house

Eric had a lot of muscles and strength very tall about 6'3and had blonde hair very good looking

A boy named as of now Eric

Eric: hey guys whats up


Wyatt and Chris in unison: nothin

Eric: so we still up for the movie today

Wyatt: I am

Chris: me too

They walked a couple more blocks talking joking until they reached the about a block away from the school

A girl walked up to Eric

girl:hey Eric

Eric: oh hey sami

sami:nothin ready for class

Eric: yea you?

Sami:of course

Sami has been my best friend since 7th grade I would never give her up she's also the only one that knows im gay but hopefully that will change soon to my favor.

Eric:I should've known lets head to class it now or never

Me and sami had all the same classes together except 2 which was math and science she wasn't dumb o anything I was just really smart so I took A.P classes but was cool because math I got to hang out with wyatt and science I hung out with Chris.


1st Gym

2nd science

3rd social studies

4th lunch

5th -- 6th L.A

7th chorus

8th Spanish 1

9th math

sami:ok but be careful if Mr. jonhigk catches you mocking him again hes gonna be pissed

Eric:god that guy needs to lean how to take a joke

Sami: you sure you know Mr. j

Eric: hah well get what's comin to him

So we walked in to sophomore gym ( you probably figured out I was a sophomore so was sami but wyatt was a junior and Chris a freshman) we got in place so Mr. j wouldn't have a fit so we waited and talked till he finally started the class took attendance

Mr. j: Daniels


Darland ohh Darland you're here gonna be a repeat of class yesterday?

Eric:I have no idea what your talking about

Mr. j: humph

Mr. j continued taking attendance and the started class it was easy well for me at least the others could keep up I was on track but got kicked off but still very easy i finished along with sami and we were waiting for everyone else so we decided to chat for a while

Sami: so do you think the guy that left the note in ur locker is in our class

Eric:I don't know the note said he was but I don't know

Sami: who do you think it is

The story will continue from only Eric's point of view

"I don't know but I hope its Julio god he's hott"

sami:hah ids laugh if it was tom


sami and I were interrupted when Mr. j came over

Mr. J: Darland in my office now!

Eric walked to Mr. j office and waited the bell rang and everyone else got dressed and left Mr. j came into this office and sat down

Mrj: eric ive been watching you and ive noticed you've been looking at Julio a lot

" I don't believe so sir"

mrj: I think you have

I started to get nervous I have been looking at Julio and Mr. j but I didn't think anyone noticed

"ok so even if I had what's your point"

mrj: you've also been looking at me too

" maybe again point"

mrj: you gay aren't ya son

"none of your business"

mrj: obviously your gay because a straight man would have said no

"ok I have and yes is that a crime for a gay guy to look at guys"

mrj:not at all on the contrary

mr. j started coming towards me and sat on my lap and stated to rub my cock trough my gym uniform

"wat the hell do u think ur doin"

mrj: im gonna make you feel like a man

" no"

I got up and tried to leave but he grabbed my am and spun me around and punched me he was strong and I blacked out

When I woke up I saw I was still at the school in hid office in a cabinet of some sorts I saw through a crack in the middle where the doors met and saw the clock it was 3:00 surely wyatt, sami, and Chris would be waiting for me.

Wyatt: guys have you seen Eric

Chris and sami in unison: nope

Wyatt:he wasn't in math class

Chris: or science

Sami: I saw him first period but he wasn't in second or any others

Wyatt: ok maybe he skipped sami go looking at your house maybe he wanted to meet u there or something

Sami: ok

Sami leaves

Chris: he didn't ditch did he?

Wyatt: no I can still sense him inside the school I think hes in danger

Chris: demonic?

Wyatt: I don't know either way we have to help him

Chris: im behind yea one 100%

Chris and wyatt wandered the halls searching for Eric they searched all his classes but nothing turned up so they stated to go through teachers offices and they finally found him in Mr. j's office stuffed in a large cabinet he was tied up and gagged they heard a noise behind them but it was to late Chris was knocked over the head with a bat and was k.o wyatt tuned behind him and saw a man he'd seen this man around school before. Wyatt was then k.o now they were all knocked out cold. A few hours later the clock read 7:00 they were all now awake

"guys im so sorry I got u guys here "

Wyatt: its not your fault

Chris: yea were just happy you ok

but then Mr. j without being seen knocked out Chris and wy from behind and took Eric away from them to his desk

mrj: so Eric you're a lil faggot arnt you so you like taken it up the ass font you I bet you do lil queer bitch im gonna see how you like my thirteen inches inside yea lil cocksucker

he then undid my belt and zipper I was crying my eyes out I tried to fight but my hands were still tied and then undid his own

mrj: now get to suckin bitch

he then started to realeased erics gagged mouth then got up and got some water I didn't know why but he then woke up Wyatt and Chris

mrj: wake up bitches you need to watch ur fiend take what he deserves


mrj: stop cryin

he then started to grab Eric by the hair and move him towards mrj pulsating rock hard cock he pushed erics mouth towards his cock and got it in perfect Eric chocked

mrj yelled "stop beyin a bitch a take it like a good lil fag boy and start suckin"

Eric was so scared he listened and cooperated involuntarily

mrj: ah yea that's

mrj was moving erics head up and down and getting so excited he was now 18in and extremely thick Eric continued to cry he didn't want this he just thought Mr. j was kind of cute.

Mrj: awe im there

As mrj(john is what im changing instead of writing Mr. all the time) said there Eric felt liquid in the back of his throat john had a huge load he brought Eric back up so they were now face 2 face Eric had cum dripping down his mouth and some got onto john

John: bitch you got cum on me

John slapped Eric hard

Wyatt: I cant take this any more screw exposure

But before wy could do any thing john was sent flying and was k.o

Chris: nice going wy I didn't even see you look at him

Wyatt :that's because didn't

Chris: wat do ya mean

Chris was interrupted by me sayin

"wat the fuck"

Eric was now looking down at his hands but he heard john and looked at him he flashed away

Wyatt: Eric untie us

Eric untied them and wyatt told Chris go home and

grabbed me and orbed me to the halliwell manor

piper and Leo were waiting in the foyer and we orbed right in front of them

piper: wat the hell where have you been and didn't I tell you no magic in front of him

Wyatt: life or death sitch

Piper: like?

Wyatt: warlocks o a demon o something it was magical I just have never seen it before it instead of shimmering it flashed.

Piper: omg I got to get Ur Aunts I ll be right back don't go any where

Piper left the room and came back after a couple of minutes.

Entering with Paige and phoebe

Piper: Eric how much did Wyatt and Chris tell u

"Tell me about what?"

Wyatt: we didn't say anything


piper:ok then Eric we have news to tell you

"I gotta get the hell outta here"

as I walked towards the door I saw blue miniature orbs and Paige and Wyatt were in font of me

wyatt:u need to listen Eric its life o death sitch okay

phoebe: Eric listen sweetie why don't you and ch wy go in the kitchen to get something to eat

me, Wyatt, Chris left towards the kitchen

phoebe: this concern his mom to she needs to be here

Paige: ill go get her

and with that she orbed out and came back with Eric's mom

Eric's mom looked beautiful blonde hair blue eyes and she was only about twenty-nine her name was Jaime

Jaime: so wat happened that u guys have to orb me here?

Piper: Eric's found out

Jaime:wat that we know about him?

Piper: no not that the witch part, Jesus Christ try to keep up women.


Phoebe: ok wat other secret does he have?


Wyatt comes in the room

Wy: he is getting a lot rowdy I think he knows because he keeps blowing ch back with T.K so can we plz hurry up

Phoebe: wait I thought the eldest is suppost to move stuff with there mind???

Piper: they are?

Paige: I didn't

Piper: yea but you came last in line we already had our powers that makes sense this doesn't

Piper: WYATT you can bring him in now!!!!!!!!!

Wyatt, Chris, and Eric came in after they had to calm Eric down

"let me leave or else

Jaime: honey just listen to your aunts

My mom had been friends with mama piper, aunt paige, and aunt phoebe so I just call them my aunt except for mama piper I call her mama because she raised me like her own but when its important she groups them with the word aunts

Piper: Eric sweetie we have a secret to tell you. Your secet

"you know"

piper: wait wat the hell are you taking about you know?

"im confused what are we talking about?"

piper:ok ill come out and say it... you're a ... A witch

I just busted out laughing everyone just stared at me

Piper: man he is taken this a lot better than I thought he would have

"well I would have if I didn't already know"

piper: okay ?

"well I got bored one day and looks some stuff on the internet I kind of said a spell to unbinding spell with a potion and got my powers back and a few demons came at first I got scared but vanquished them then I wanted to know who my real mother was so I said a spell and I had a vision, premonition whatever you wanna call it anyway I know everything and ive came and looked in the book of shadows more than once"

everybody kind of went blank and the silence broke with Paige

Paige: damn I wanted to teach you your first potion

everybody laughed then kind of went to silence

piper: its getting kind of late why don't since it's a Friday and all stay over here and stay up late well teach you some stuff so you'll be protected since demons now know you exist ohh if its ok with your mom

Jaime: yes

"okay but I don't know what else I have to lean I already know

potion making







And a lot more

Piper: how did you do all that???

"I don't know cant every witch?"

piper: no, actually no witch can

well we will figure that out in the morning from the elders oh the elders are...

"I know already I read your mind"

piper: talk about invading someone's privacy

"its one of many talents and burdens"

"ohh and phoebe good luck"

they all soon went to sleep except of Eric lying in one of the guest rooms that he modified wit magic

[I wonder if they'll think of me the same] at thoughts going a mile a minute he soon fell asleep

Eric's dream

he stood there feeling alone when all the sudden a man came out of the darkness and he was cute swimmers physique and a little facial hair not much at least

man: where am I who are you

"I don't know where we are but my names Eric"

man: Caleb... Caleb Danvers

"so whats the last thing you remember?"

Caleb: falling asleep you?


"so do you think this is a dream ?"

caleb:yeah are minds must be connected you're a charmed one aren't you?

Eric immediately sent him flying backwards into a wall he conjured silently he then raised his hands and four more sides trapping Caleb

"how did you know I was a charmed one? What are you a demon a warlock a evil witch what???

Caleb muffled by the walls: im a good witch are family goes back to when your ancestor Melinda warren was executed my family and yours are the only ones left in the covenant are family hid Melinda's daughter and kept her safe...

Eric thought for a moment and wave his hand over the wall a hole appeared

"what is my great grandmothers name if you know so much"

Caleb: patty

Eric waved his hand one more time and the walls disappeared but before he could move Eric held him there with his mind

"for those who want the truth revealed open hearts and secrets unsealed from now until the time has passed in which the memory ends only truth will be heard from their own mouths"

"are you evil"

Caleb: no

"are you a witch a good one?"

Caleb yes

"the truth has been revealed time has passed for the spell I brake"

"sorry cant be to safe"

"try anything funny and I swear ill vanquish your sorry ass my self"

Caleb [ god hes hott]

"hey I heard that"

Caleb- sorry

"don't be"

[don't act stupid Caleb pull it together]

Eric laughed

"ok Caleb we need to try a spell"

Caleb- I got it just hold my hand

"I don't even get a date first"

Caleb-ill channel your power

Caleb- caught in thought caught in sleep wake us up to see his family.

end of dream

Eric woke up and so did Caleb.

Caleb: so

Eric looked outside and saw that they where at wyatts and Chris' house

"where do you live Caleb cause where in san Francisco "

Caleb: far far away in massachustes actually

"I think you should stay here for the night I can summon a second bed"

eic waved his hands and a bed appeared

"need anything else"

caleb:un nah If I need anything I have my powers anyway

"okay night "

eic woke up at 6:00 to screaming he went to the attic to see caleb in a crystal cage

caleb:I swear I didn't do anything

eric threw his family back with T.K

"what the hell do you think your doing"

piper: what was that for we were just getting info from a demon

phoebe then threw a potion but eric just stood in front of it and caught it with T.K

paige: stop that


I then put up a shield and went to the cage and moved the crystal and the cage went downi grabbed him and said

"off the map off the grid no one shall find us with magic block"

I then grabbed caleb and teleported him and me to the bridge I thought but I orbed instead

"wow orbing is a lot ... Different "

caleb: thanks for helping

"no problem what happened?"

caleb:they thought I was evil I waved away the bed and thought I was trying to hurt you so next thing I know im in that cage.

"im sorry..."

caleb: don't be its not your fault

" but it is my family and"

caleb: its not YOUR FAULT

"thank you I think im going to leave"

caleb: where and when

" I don't know I found a school called spencer academy"

caleb:I know where that is I go there well when do we leave?


caleb:yes we you cant go alone and well I go there anyway so maybe it's a sign


caleb me maybe protecting you

"ohh really who saved who back there"

caleb: I could have used my powes but they may haved found me as a threat

"fine your kind of cute anyway" he said joking

"is your mind always in the gutter"

caleb blushed then smiled

"lets get outta here there probably trying to find me any way"

caleb and eric orbed back to the mansion and was immeadiatly crowded

piper:what the hell was that for?


paige:you know savong a demon and letting us not be able to track you

"tracks an ugly wod lets use locate"

phoebe:everyone settle down or else im gonna explode and you were wrong and you were trying to protect him


phoebe: but shouldve waken him up and see if he was a friend

"hah and I had caleb if anything went wrong "

piper: and whats a mortal gonna do if a demon or a warlock show up

"calebs not mortal"

piper:then what is

"that's not for me to decide to tell you its his life"

caleb: all that matters is that im good

phoebe: fine everyone just apologize

we all said sorry

phoebe: caleb you might wanna ask permission first _

then she smiled

"ask about what and don't you dare tell them what we were talking about earlier"

Jaime:what were you talking about earlier

Caleb and I said in unison: nothing

flash back

eric is about 13 here and in the attic throwing things together in a cauldron

"history of my family I call upon your power to help me find the one my true love"

eric then threw the potion on the floor then smiled

back in present

"so I was thinking and me and caleb are leaving"

Jaime:what where

"somewhere close"

piper: what do you mean caleb and you

"well caleb lives there and I thought about going before I met him"


"im not telling"

all: what???

"I just came back to tell you goodbye"

piper:what about school and demons

"im enrolling asap and caleb will potect me"

eric looked at caleb and smiled as did caleb

piper:eric can I talk to you for a minute alone

everyone left the room except eric and piper

piper:I don't want you to go alone im gonna talk to wyatt and chris

"but I still cant tell you where im going"

piper: fine I understand but I want you to take this

piper: on this night and in this hour I call upon the saced power to make another book that's my families

and a miniature book of shadows appeared

"you made me my own copy?"

piper:yep protect it it has all the spells of the book and will update if we update the original book

"thank you mama piper"

eric left to talk to wyatt and chris

piper: erics leaving and I don't want him to be alone so I was wondering if you guys would go with him?

Chris:of course hes our brother



eric walked in

"im what"

chris: um um

"relax I know"

wyatt:you knew and didn't say anything

"ahh waiting for you to tell me"

next day...


Doorbell rang

"ill get it"

eric opened the door to a bald guy in a floaty chair and a red haied woman

"can I help you"

floaty chair guy: yes my name Is Charles Xavier and this is my associate dr jean grey

professor x tying to read my mind while saying it

"stay outta my head old man"

eric said forming a fireball in his hand

"leave now"

professor x:im sorry young man most people I find find it reassuring

"what do you need?"

jean:we would like to talk to you and your parents about attending school

"what kinda school?"

jean:a school for people like us

"come in"

eric lead them to the sunoom

" Piper,caleb, wyatt, chris"

everyone came ushing in

"guys relax"

they all sat down

piper:whats this all about?

"stop it now"

eric looked in xaviers direction

Xavier: as you wish then




"he was trying to gain acess to your mind"

Piper:I am taking a pill or something to make sure telepaths cant get into my head

"sure but he couldn't get in with my barier"


"not now just here what they have to say"

Xavier:I own a school for people like eic

Eic hung his head down

<don't tell then professor>

piper what kind of school

Xavier: a prep school

Piper:pep school what do you take me for professor

Xavier:eric would you like to?

"yes you see im not only a you know what but a mutant too"

piper:and that's all this school is for?

Xavier: yes piper

Piper:how do you know my name

Xavier:I knew your mother patty and you and you sisters being witches


"anyhow this is the school I want to attend"

caleb:what about spencer

"I think this will better be better for both of us"

"all of us"

"professor can they come to seeing as they do have powers and can help the xmen"

Xavier:how do you know?

"you keep projecting your thoughts"

piper:told ya we need a pill

jean: yep

"anyhow I would love to but youll have to ask them to"

Xavier: will you explain then

"of couse"

as I explained to everyone what was going on they agreed then

Xavier: piper would you like to teach?

Piper:of course professor

"okay then is It settled"

piper yes ill tell you aunts later and ill leave a note since the professor needs to leave asap

"okay ill go get everyones bags"

eric left upstairs

"powers of the witch rise let us gater the things will need to stay at xaviers for the next three weeks"

then four huge bags came for piper chris wyatt and eric

he levitated them and then went downstairs and said lets go

piper left a note and they all left to the black bird upon arriving

"thisll take to slow chris wyatt ob every one ive got this thing"

wyatt:you sure?

"yea "

and then they all left eic took hold and orbed the jet to the hanga after getting a mental image outta the professor then orbing back to the outside meeting up with the others jean lead them inside as walking inside isaw how truly beautiful this place is nothing like what I heard...


Next: Chapter 2

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