Charmed Again

By eric darlands

Published on Aug 8, 2008


Three weeks later

I wake up and follow my routine and make breakfast me and jean go shopping and we come home when we walk into the doo its about 3 and were hungy but ten demons shimmer ini put up a force shield propelling them back at the demons and then zankou appears

"why the fight is over"

zankou throws energy balls at me and the shield is weakening I wave my hand and jean leaves in obs I put down the shield and throw bolts of lightning

"evil in mymidst make it turn into a pig"

zankou turns into a pig

I throw a cage over him

"godd a good fight"

paige orbs in with jean

"zankou has the nexus "

I put up a shield

"From ancient time this power came From all to have and not to reign Pick it now, show no mercy, For this power can no longer be"

he explodes blasing the shield I put up there was a scorch mark but i will fix that later I go and fix lunch

"so I have to go I only I have one class today"

jean: what class


jean: mind if I come by

"yea come bye after you finish"

Eric obs to magic school Jean finishes about 5 minutes later

And heads to the stairway

"When you find your passage blocked All you have to do is knock"

she knocked on the wall

a door appeared and she walked through it and appeared in magic school and went to erics class she went in and took a seat

"and I like to introduce a friend of mine dr jean grey"

jean stands up then takes a seat

dean: and what can she do doesn't look like much than have a pretty face

"oh I assure you shes quite talented"

dean keeps talking but I hear a cry for help in my mind it was jubilee

"jean watch class practice powers il be back"

I orb to the mansion to see the xmen battling sentinels and then I see jubilee passed out in a corner and logan protecting her then a sentinel comes from the side of him and shot at him they moved in but I freeze them and unfreeze the xmen

"I leave and you guys ae already getting in trouble"

scott:didn't the professor ask you to leave

"it's a free country and you guys suck at fighting sentinels even with the brother hood"

scott:leave now "no"

he shoots a lase I freeze him

I then pick up all the sentinels an smash them together Intil they stop moving and then start burning them till they are ae surely down I unfreeze scott and block the laser coming at me

"my students could do better than you "

scott: what students


"okay im gonna go" I see all the wounded and go over and heal them then I go over to logan and jubes I heal logan and then jubilee she wakes up

Jubes: I knew you would come

"just call my name and I will be there"

I orb back to class as the students were practicing there powers on jean

"what the hell are you doing "

the bell rng and they tried to run out but I shut the door with telekinesis and send them back in there seats

"answer me!"

dean: target practice

they all laugh

"ohh you know what elase is funny detention all week and maybe all month"

dean: that's ot fairr we have lives

"and now your lives include detention"

"leave" they leave as fast as possible

"im sorry wanna go have lunch I will buy"

we leave but I am called to leos office and me and jean orb there we enter to see my students sitting with grins on there faces

leo: Eric im glad you came these students are the ones you chose for the program did you not

" I did"

leo: why do you give them detention

"for breaking the rules"

leo: what they tell me I must take away the detention

" no !!!"

leo: they didn't do anything wrong

"they used there power fo personal gain and hurt someone"

leo: well then the detention shall be double what Eric sentenced for lying to the headmaster

"jean who exactly did it I did see them attack but didn't see al of them"

jean: mary and ken didn't but that's it

I go into tthere minds and see both ken and mary didn't mean to

"actually mary and ken you off the hook just say sorry to jean and you guys go back to my classroom"

ken and mary:sorry jean


"cause they didn't want to you made them"

"any way everyone back to my class room"

we all leave back to my class

"okay you al came here because you have been chosen to be part of a team"

dean stated talking but I cut him off

"let me finish this is a group for the helping of all and I will give you al details in a bit now todays detention is cancelled so you can absorb this so you may leave"

I orb out to the professos office and see the mansion and everyone cleaning I wave my hand and it cleans itself up and the mansion returns to normal

Logan: thanx kid

"no prob"

I leave towards the professors office And enter and what I saw terrified me I saw the professor walking(with the help of his telekinesis ) and fucking emma over his desk

Screaming" ohhh myyy ga" I couldn't even finish the sentence

Professor covered himself with his clothes telekinetically and blushes I just run out the door slamming it behind me and run to the courtyard I still remember around here that's when bobby and ougue came up to me

Bobby:whats wrong

I sent them the images telepathicly and they sat down beside me with the same face

Rougue: holy shit


bobby: you remember the tape that you told us about scott he has been trying to get it out of us

"you guys don't even know where it is that fucking drama queen needs to settle down"

we heard a laugh behind us and saw betsy

"hell no I don't even get a hug pshh"

she comes over hugs me and sits down

betsy: you guys saw the professor and emma together didn't you its gross


"I got to go talk to them"

betsy: okay but you better say bye this time

"kay you guys wanna go out tonight I know a great bar and club"

everyone agreed and I orbed to the professors office and saw he was alone



"I was wondering if you were recruiting for xmen"

professor: didn't I tell you to leave

"yes but my students need the teamwork"

professor: you have students uh I suppose be here tomorrow morning it is a Saturday

"thank you professor"

and I orbed to the place where I left bobby and the gang

"hey miss me"

betsy: of course

" okay im gonna go get changed and meet you guys in thirty"

I to my room

And tell jean the plan telepathicly and she said she was in and we left twenty minutes later And grabbed bobby betsy and ougue and or to the backroom of p3 "okay bobby rougue no extreme alcoholic drinks I will know betsy me and jean are gonna go get hammered betsy your gonna know what it feels like to get dunk tonight"

betsy: how

"let my friend experience the things she wants for 24 hours from 7 to 7 the spell will end fom here to heaven"

betsy: hey im seeing like I used to not concentrating so hard hah im getting drunk tonight

"yea and guys codeword is charmed for free drinks anyproblems and call me over come on jean betsy"

we leave rougue and bobby and go get our drinks and go to the vip booth and find phoebe and coop

phoebe: hey guys

"hey phoebe hey coop"

coop: hey

"what are we talking about over here"


"lying im a human lye detector"

phoebe: so am I and I can see somethings wrong man trouble

"always im the freaking god of love its punishment I tell you probably from the elders maybe I should just fall in love with a demon !"

phoebe: ohh no you don't there all cheating self absorbed bastards you need an angel

"yea I need another drink and so does betsy"

phoebe so are you coming to billies wedding

"yea oh I almost forgot its in a week"

phoebe: yea

jean: im gonna go get drinks

betsy: i will come with ya

"come right back need to talk we need to tell phoebe about the baby"


"hahahahah just kiddin"

I got smacked and everyone laughed

"its still funny"

phoebe: no its not

"where is billy"

phoebe:home with her honey

"see this is depressing im the only single one except jean but she needs time her last boyfriend was gay"

phoebe: you will meet someone

" the last date I went on almost died because of me"

phoebe: you will find someone

jean and betsy:what are we talking about

"me becoming straight"

jean:hah good lluck with that you're the gayest guy I know

"yah except scott"


"except scott he is much gayer than me"

jean:no he is not

"yea he is lets get over him he has to be gay he passed up you"

jean: good point

"lets play a drinking game"

we decided to play drink and tell

"okay me first"

I drank a shot

"me and betsy made a movie together"

phoebe: what kind of movie?

"ill take that one next time"

betsy drank a shot:the movie was about making the teachers look like fools

jean: not me of course Im perfect

we laughed

phoebe and coop took a shot:were getting married

I faint and wake up the next morning I kick my healing factor back in and my headache dissipates and I left to the kitchen to see piper

"hey good morning"

I fall down off my chair and start convulsing Piper runs over to me


Paige orbs in

Paige see s me on the floor comvulsing and goes oer and ties to heal me it fails

Paige picks me up and orbs me to an alley outside the hospital and brings me inside still convulsing a nurse comes over

Nurse:what happened

Paige: I don't know he just did that

She took me going into a big room in the back


I orbed back to piper and told he everything

Piper: I will pack a bag and you go tell everyone

I leave and tell wyatt and chris then I o to phoebes loft And find my older sister crying

"whats wrong pheebs"

phoebe: Eric fainted when we told him

"he is in the hospital phoebe"

phoebe:what lets go now

I take he to the hospital and go to get piper


I cant beilieve Eric is in the hospital because of my wedding he is so upset because of... me I thought he liked coop Paige dropped me off at the hospital and the nurse told me he was stabilized and I could go in I went to his room and saw a doctor in

"is he gonna be okay"

doctor: he is suffering from a stress disorder bought on by well... stress

phoebe start to cry

the doctor leaves


Im still asleep but I hear others thoughts a doctor and wait phoebe I try to wake myself up and succeed

"pheob" still groggy from the morphine for the pain

phoebe: shhsh

"<phoebe its not your wedding that's b>"

I get so sleepy I fall asleep


Hes just lying so I don't get upset no can he I don't know Eric

I fell asleep fast and into a dream

I keep running and I see that its uncle coop but I learnt dreams are symbols so he has to represent something the he changes into a tuxedo and then phoebe appears and runs with her husband the next thing I know im in a church chained at phoebes wedding what does this mean

I wake up and see phoebe sleeping I press the nurse button and a nurse comes in

"can I leave now" whispering

nurse: in about an hour when the doctor checks your vitals and fills out the paper work "thank you"

she leaves and in comes piper

piper:are you okay sweetie


piper:what happened

"I don't know I can leave in a hour though piper can we take a walk"

I get dressed into my pants And leave to the park right on the hospital grounds

Piper:whats wrong

"does everyone know about phoebes wedding??"


"why didn't you guys tell me"

piper:she didn't want us to


piper:three weeks

"that short its not like in two days"

piper: you here because of her wedding ????!!!!

"sort of as she told me I fainted and that's right before I was brought here"

"I had a weird dream I don't know what it meant "

I explained the dream to her

Piper:are you not happy for her

"I don't know maybe im jealous I just don't know after being chased by coop maybe I feel threatened"

piper:by what

"well you have always been the mom in my life and paige was the friend but phoebe was my best friend"

piper: you feel like your losing her huh?

"I guess"

piper:coop is agood guy you know

"I guess I better get back so I can go home"

we went back to my room and sighned me out and phoebe was still asleep so I told pipe to go on ahead and I carried phoebe (with some help from telekinesis) but befoe I could go I got a prescription to relieve stress (that I wont follow) and went to the alley and orbed to phoebes loft and tucked her in and I thought of my dream again but then I started jerking around convulsing again I tried to orb but couldn't I tried walking but fell


she woke up and ran over to me


paige orbs in

paige runs over to me and gets some water and drops it on me I stop and get up

I orb out

Paige: what is his problem

Phoebe: me

Eric obed to the sanfransisco bridge and cied

"why cant I be happy"

barbus"because that one of two of your biggest fears

one being unhappy and lonely two you losing your family and another a certain matt is it?

"don't you dare "

he shimmers out

I orb to the mansion and find matt being stabbed by barbus with an athame and he shimmers out with him I see bobby knocked out I go to the pofessors office and talk him into using cerebro And I orb out back to the bridge and ty to sense him telepathicly and do he is in the golden gate park and found babus

Babus: you cant kill me without the power of threeee

"fo 24 hours from 7 to 7 take his powe from here to heaven"

a light leaves barbus and I blow him up go over to matt and heal him he wakes up

matt:BARBUS he said in fear

"it okay "

I held him close to my chest and calmed him down

"I got rid of babus your okay"

after a couple more minutes I orbed him to the mansion and go to the professors office and told him why I didn't meet him today with my students and he tol me to meet him tomorrow I orbed out to the manor and slept and slept I woke up it was about 3 am and kind of blurry I walked into the kitchen to see piper on the floor blood everywhere I run over to her and try to heal her I keep tying and trying but it doesn't work and I get light head and jump into a vision


I see prue she is talking to me

Prue:in the face of your biggest fear your powers will cease to work



"its not real its not real its not real"

tears keep falling from my eyes and I cant help it


she orbs in

paige: what

"I need help find barbus"

she orbs out

everything dissipated


they orb in

I grab there hands and a light shimmes over us

"summon spell for barbus"

all of us : ancient powers we summon thee to help us see the demon that hides from me

barbus appears

"fuck you"

I throw my hands up and he is knocked back

All of us: demon of fear feel our desire for you to turn into

He gets up and shoots us with an energy ball wyatt waves his hand and the energy ball flys back

All of us: FIRE!!!!

He burst into flames and explodes

I start panting after the image of piper came back to me nd I orb out to the bridge and wait and wait till the sun comes upi figured it would calm me

4 hours later

the sun came up and it was calming me down and in orbing in came leo

leo: what are you doing up here

"trying to be happy and unlonely"

Leo: what do you mean


leo:okay fine they are worried about you though


I orb out to the mansion and into the professors office and he wasn't there I find him telepathicly and go out by the garden and find him

"why did you want me to go home"

professor: because you need no help

"I don't even no my x gene"

professor: you can do it by yourself

"tell me why im done being lied to or I will find out for myself"

professor trys going into my mind

" haven't you learned by now"

I dig into his pathetic barriers and into his mind and find out his hidden agenda

" really your scared of me"

professor:I am not

" you're a liar but why me your also scared of jean"

I dig into his mind deeper and find

"you pathetic lowlife"

I walk away and into the mansion and look for magneto I find him out by the second floor balcony

"hello magneto"

magneto: hello

" recruiting?"

magneto: always

" I still wont kill"

magneto: I understand

"see ya later"

I orb away to the manor and lay down


Next: Chapter 7

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