Charmed Love

By Jayden Lopez

Published on Aug 24, 2013


This is a work of pure fiction. It does not contain any information regarding to the celebrities who portray the roles. If you aren't atleast 18, please don't read. It contains sexual acts, foul language, and male/male relations. Anyways, please enjoy.

Charmed Love-1

Finally bed. I buried my face into my pillow. I felt my body relax after a long and annoying day of demon hunting. I loved the feeling of the cool pillow against my face. As soon as I closed my eyes it seems that they opened. Light shining through and my alarm blaring in my ear. I looked up at the alarm clock and unleashed the same fury I showed the demons I hunted.

With a flick of my wrist I had obliterated the alarm clock. I wasnt getting up at 4:30 am today, it's fricken SATURDAY! My power of Molecular Manipulation had it's advantages. I was able to control molecules...causing fire, making them explode. Slowing them down so to put them in a temporal stasis, or freezing them to where ice overtakes them. Shifting them to make a slightly different object, also moving them as if telekinetically.

The door opened up, light flooding into my room. I buried my head under the pillow trying to prolong what little sleep I was getting.

"Milo?" My sister asked coming in.

"Milo. Can I sleep with you? I had another nightmare about the woogy." Melanie said. She's 14, but always has been terrified of the woogyman after she saw me banish it back under the bed. It wasn't the actual woogy of legend, just an evil spirit that couldn't solidify it's shape enough to make one.

"Sure." I said moving over and letting her in. I fell asleep instantly. When I woke up at...oh wait I destroyed my clock. I noticed my two brothers sleeping in my bed too.

"What is it with everyone? You're all witches too." I said putting my head back into the pillow.

"Yeah, but we aren't super witches like you." Danny said, his face buried in my abs.

"I'm not a super witch. No matter what the Elders say about me. I am not going to be a Charmed One. I'm not related to them, so why should I be one?" I said groggy.

The Elders gave me the power of the Charmed Ones. Advanced, but it was their powers.

Premonitions: I could see past, present, and future by will alone.

Molecular Manipulation: I could control molecules to a subatomic degree.

Telekinesis: I could manipulate objects, people, and even energies with an advanced telekinesis.

I had those powers and my original one.

Plant Manipulation: I could control and "communicate" with plants, trees, fungus, flowers, and foliage...bending it to my will.

I'll admit I could do much more than my four siblings, but I still don't see how that actually means I'm to be a Charmed One.

"Shut up. I can't sleep." Carlos said annoyed.

"Why am I the only person who finds this annoying?" I asked referring to everyone in my bed.

"I slept walked here." Danny said, understandable...he has been caught sleep walking since a young age.

"I didn't want to be alone." Carlos said.

"I was scared." Melanie said and I noticed Jennifer the only one who didn't answer. I called her name to see her pop her head up confused and disturbed, he hair was an absolute jungle.

"I wanted to make sure everyone was okay." She said tiredly before dowsing off again.

"Perfect." I said tiredly with a sigh.

"So what's on the agenda today?" Melanie asked me, "Nothing. I don't care what the Elders say. I'm not a Charmed One." I told my siblings.

I was so against being in anything that involves the Elders. My parents had suffered greatly for the Elders without so much as a thank you. They usually said something along the line, "It's your sacred duty." Bull Shit, I say.

The Elders approached me at an awkward time. I had just came out to my family as gay, they were all very supportive. Mom even tried to set me up with a few guys.

I was in the bathroom taking a shower when I heard tiny bells chime. When I looked out the curtain I saw a trio of old men in glowing white robes, it's easy to be freaked out.

They said something along the lines of, "Come my child. It is time to embrace your destiny." I was freaked out. Then they began to speak about the Charmed Ones and felt, I don't know them. I don't have the right to join their circle. I don't even come from the same Ancestor. Honestly our ancestor was friends with their ancestor, we come from a line of great and powerful witches...but I still don't feel right about it.

They just thrust the destiny on me. They never asked my opinion. I wanted to be a singer...being a witch is hard enough. Having to be a Charmed One and a singer...impossible. So I had to unfortunately change my plans and do something simple. My family said I was taking one for not just the team...but for the world, mortal and magic alike.

I got up out of the clump that my siblings forced me into. After taking a shower I made breakfast for everyone. My parents came down tired, I handed each of them coffee. I worked at Starbucks and knew my stuff.

"So is today the day?" My father asked me, "Unfortunately, I believe it is." I told him. I was not happy, even though I denied it...I was going to have to go through this.

I heard tiny bells chime as blue orbs filled the room.

"The test is soon to begin." The Elders spoke.

"What test?" I asked confused, I never heard about a test.

"Well. We weren't entirely truthful. You have the potential to be a Charmed One. In fact we see many destinies that belong to you regarding being a Charmed One. However...other candidates have arisen." A female Elder said.

"Then what makes you think I'm going to compete?" I asked them, I was set on taking a dive.

"If you don't compete then your entire family will lose their magic." A male Elder threatened me. As much as I hated the idea of being a Charmed One...I didn't want my family to lose their magic.

"That's not right!" My siblings cried in anguish at the thought of being powerless.

"Fine. I'll do it." I told them.

The Elders must take some sadistic pleasure from this. I watched them smile as they joint hands around me. In a matter of seconds I felt myself lift into the air.

I felt myself softly land onto some form of a ground. I opened my eyes to see myself surround by three other guys.

Two blondes, one natural and the other a dyed blonde.

One red head and one guy with raven hair.

They didn't look as confused as me. They in fact looked eager to be in this competition.

"So..." I started nervous, trying to find out how this goes.

"It's better not to learn who we all are. Just know I'm going to win. I have a lot of experience in demon hunting." The guy with the red hair said.

"Wow, cocky much." The raven haired guy said.

"Whatever." The red head responded.

I looked at themz. The red head was tall and pale, with glasses covering green eyes. He was skinny and I mean skinny.

The raven haired one was given an olive tan, he reminded me of Johnny Depp. He had a swimmers build and was smoking hot.

The natural blonde was actually pretty smart, even being classified as a nerd. He was skinny and had ache and braces.

The dyed blond was what surprised me. He was the one with the blonde mentality, tanned skin. Health freak, but totally dense. Maybe even a jock.

"So what can everyone do?" The natural blonde asked us.

"I have natural abilities that all witches have. My active power is flame throwing." The red head said.

"I think we all have the natural abilities a witch has." The natural blond said.

"However, my powers are ice." He said proudly.

"I have the power of telepathy." The dye headed blond said. It was hard to believe, telepathy takes a lot of focus.

"I heard that." He said looking at me.

"Congrats. I have the natural abilities of a witch. My active powers are plant manipulation, telekinesis, molecular manipulation, and premonitions." I said they looked at eachother than back at me.

"Is that all?" The red head asked looking at me intensely. He must see me as a threat.

"Yeah." I said ready to begin the competition.

"This is going to be interesting." The natural blond said.

"What did you do to him?" Carlos asked concerned.

"We transported him to the realm where he will compete against three other witches. The victor becomes the Charmed One, the losers...lose their powers." The Elders said.

"How can you do this?" My father asked seriously, he pulled my mother into his side.

"We have the up most confidence in your son." A female Elder spoke with a small smile.

Everything went white...the room or whatever this is..did. We were in a hall filled with white doors. It was sort of like the matrix.

"What's this?" The red head asked out loud.

"Maybe we each pick a door." I said picking first.

"No. I get first picks." The red head said grabbing the handle to my door.

"Fine." I waited for him to open it and walk in. The door immediately closed and disappeared.

"I'm getting this over with." I said going next.

The door closed as I entered, disappearing from view.

I was in my house, was the test over? Did I lose?? I walked to the kitchen to see my family eating dinner without me.

"Hey, guys. What happened?" I asked them. No one responded to me.

"Hello?" I asked confused on why everyone was quiet.

I touched my Dad's arm. He yanked it out of my hand, "Don't touch me faggot!" He yelled pushing me. Everyone began to smile as they continued to eat.

I could feel hot tears well up in my eyes.

"I don't get it. Why are you acting so mean?" I asked about to cry.

"I don't want you in my house. I don't want you to be alive." My Dad said lunging for me.

I ducked out of the way and dodged a knife my mom threw at me.

This is like my nightmare. My family not accepting me and not loving me.

"This isn't real. My family loves me!" I yelled angrily.

My powers began to fluctuate, everything began to lift.

Melanie raised her hand and threw an energy ball at me. I wasn't expecting it, the time I reacted I was already hit. I flew to the wall, I glanced at a wound on my body. I ran up the stairs holding my wound. I opened the medicine cabinet, grabbing pain killers and swallowing 3. I grabbed a towel and alcohol, I was taught by my real mother.

I disinfected the wound and began to put pressure on the wound. I heard someone kicking the door, trying to open it.

I began to cry as my nightmare became more and more true. The door was broken in two. I watched as my parents came into the bathroom and pulled me out. My mother put the tip of a small cutting knife into my arm, I couldn't help but scream as I saw it on the other side of my arm.

I focused on the blade and molecularly disintegrated the blade. My mother smackes me across the face.

"You got nothing." I yelled at them, "My parents aren't like you. They love me!" They stopped and looked at eachother, their wicked smiles became even more malicious.

"You have no power here." My siblings said coming into the bathroom.

"The power of three will set you free." I heard as whisper in my ear.

"The power of three will set me free. The power of three will set me free. The power of three will set me free." I chanted, a light began to shine from within me. I watched as it encompassed everything I saw.

"He's learnin to accept his Charmed Destiny." The Elders said with pride.

I heard demonic screams of pain as the light seemed to eat through the evil copies of my family.

I gasped in relief, catching my breath. I looked around to see the witches.

"That was easy." The red head said with a smirk.

Then light erupted before us as the Elders stood in front of us.

"I won the challenge." The red head said boldly.

"Actually. You all did marvelously well. However there is one person who passed." A female Elder said, looking to the others.

"Yeah, me. I'm the better witch out of all of these losers." The redheaded said.

"You move like a warrior. The Charmed Ones are protectors, Guardians. Even though the first Charmed Ones gave us a lot to deal with...they knew when to fight and when to protect. You all were so eager to fight, the chosen one is the one who fought because he had too...not because he wanted it." A male Elder said.

"So, wait. That means that..." The dye haired blonde started but was cut off.

"Milo, is the Charmed One." The first female spoke.

"Who's Milo?" The natural blond asked.

The Elders didn't say anything, but looked at me.

"You can't be serious! Fairy boy? Hell no." The red head said angrily turning to me raising his hand as if to attack.

I raised my hands trying to protect myself to see nothing.

"What the fuck?" He yelled irritated.

"You have lost. All of you may go." The oldest Elder spoke in a booming voice. With a hand he waved over the others, they were surrounded by orbs and were gone.

"Okay. It appears you need to go home and rest, a week we will come for you and take you to San Francisco to meet your 'Brothers'." The Elder spoke as I felt myself being surrounded by orbs.

"Milo! You did it." Melanie said happily.

"We all still have our powers. Good on you." Danny said.

"Now...there's something we need to tell you." Mom said as Dad pulled me to the couch.

"You see. The reason you are considered a Charmed One is because you are born from one." Mom said as tears began to well up in her eyes.

"I don't get it." I said confused, my head filling with different scenarios.

"You're adopted. Prue Halliwell was my friend, I met her before I met your father. She got pregnant, but because she was a Charmed One felt that it would be too dangerous for you to live a life with her." My mother said wiping the tears away.

"She said a spell and transfered you into me. Prue died and I was injured when I was demon hunting. Then with the help of the Charmed Ones, I put a spell on you that let you grow inside me but put YOU in a stasis. You were born on the day that Magic ceased to exist."

"The spell wore off that day and you were born...apparently the same day that Prue's sister Piper gave birth to her child. You were it turns out you are the reincarnation of Merlin. That...that is why you are chosen to be the next Charmed One." My dad said to me.

I just sat there in shock.

"Milo?" Everyone asked me, I was completely unresponsive.

(That's the first chapter. I hope you like it. Let me know. I'm addicted to Charmed. Blessed Be.)

Next: Chapter 2

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