Charmed Love

By Jayden Lopez

Published on Sep 15, 2013


This is a work of pure fiction. It does not contain any information regarding to the celebrities who portray the roles. If you aren't atleast 18, please don't read. It contains sexual acts, foul language, and male/male relations. Anyways, please enjoy.

Charmed Love-2

It's been a few days. I still have remained unresponsive. I was fully aware of what was going on around me. I just couldn't move nor respond. It was like my body wasn't my own.

My reality was...complicated. I'm still finding it hard to understand. My mom is my mother. I mean she gave birth to me...even if I wasn't conceived in her originally. I still love her like my mom...yet. I feel funny.

I feel...

I feel like a stranger. Like I have been visiting instead of living my entire life. That my real life I even have a real life? My siblings have come to my room and tried helping me. I mean they tried everything...almost everything.

"We can't just let him stay that way." Melanie said to the others.

"What can we do? We aren't family." Carlos said before getting bitch slapped by Jennifer.

"How the hell can you say that?" She yelled in his face.

"He has always been there to protect all of us. He may not be blood related but he damn well earned that right. He is our big brother. He has saved us countless times from demons and monsters and everything else out there." Jennifer said to him, her finger digging into his chest.

"Okay. You're right, I'm sorry. It's just...I don't want to lose my big brother." Carlos said as tears began to stream down his face. The thing about Carlos is through all the anger and obnoxious behavior he is the biggest emotional baby ever.

"You aren't going to lose your brother." Danny said as he looked through the family Book Of Shadows.

"What are you doing?" Jennifer asked, she happened to be the oldest after Milo. Then was Danny, Carlos, then leaving Melanie the youngest. We all shared olive Mediterranean tans and blue eyes, Milo the only boy among them with long wavy hair.

Jennifer fell for a demon boy who was bent on killing all of them. Milo saw through it and vanquished him, then helped Jennifer get over him. This was the first big thing that attracted the Elders attention in the first place, since Milo was a secret from even them.

"Why? What could it possibly help us accomplish?" Jennifer asked curious to what Danny was trying to do. He was the one who was always thinking, besides Milo who had a photographic memory and had memorized the entire book, Danny was the one who basically used the book religiously. Milo taught Danny all he knew about being a witch.

"We'll there isn't a spell anywhere that can help Milo. I think if we try to do it together...we can get inside his head. Wake him up from this...shock." Danny said, everyone looked at him as if he was crazy.

"No! What if we make things worse? Ever think of what might happen??" Melanie asked, she was the quiet one..the baby...the one who followed and worshipped Milo. Seeing as Milo had to grow up quickly...he never got the chance to be a child. Demons were a constant threat and the only one strong enough to protect them all was Milo.

She had a personal fear for the Boogyman, but was too young to say it right. She called it the woogyman or most times woogy. She was 6 at the time...Milo was 10. Their parents just didn't believe it, they felt it wasn't worth looking in too. Milo singlehandedly vanquished the spirit.

"We can do this. If we are smart..." Danny said.

"No. There's gotta be a much safer way than this. We can call on a whitelighter. Or maybe a witchdoctor?" Melanie said as they all looked at Milo through his open door. He just sat there. His black cat jumped on the bed and rubbed against his side purring.

Familiar's are suppose to move on to their next charge, however, due to his service and love the two have for eachother. The Elders gave Jinx immortality, the ability to talk, and charged him with Milo until Milo dies. Jinx, being Milo's familiar sticks by him like glue.

"You guys? When is Milo going to come back to me??" Jinx asked them as he walked out of the room, his tail held high in the air.

"We're working on it, Jinx." Melanie said biting her bottom lip.

"We'll please hurry. I miss him already." Jinx said before returning to Milo's side.

"Now the cat is worried." Danny said motioning towards Jinx and Milo.

"Jinx knows all kinds of stuff. Maybe he can tell us how to contact a witchdoctor." Carlos said tossing the idea out there.

"I hear you, No, I will not help you contact a witchdoctor. Most of the time they can't be trusted." Jinx said from the other room.

"Ungrateful, little..." Carlos started getting angry at being denied.

"Ungrateful? If it was up to either of you I would have been gone a long time ago. Milo saved me from myself, helped me realize my job as a familiar was and is important. I can never repay him the kindness he has showed me." Jinx spoke proudly of his owner.

"I will not let a Witchdoctor near him." Jinx finished, flashing his big blue eyes and white pearly teeth.

"Okay so then...we do the spell to travel into his mind." Danny said as he found a memory spell and reworked the wording.

"We call on the Ancient power to let us travel through time and space, let us find Milo's place. The place where he hides himself, where his memories dwell." Danny said, it wasn't a perfect spell...Milo being the one best at rhyming and making spells, that always worked.

"I feel bad. We always let Milo do the work. He always protects us, what do we do? We stand and do nothing. I'm going in."

Danny repeated the spell and burned it. He continued to repeat the chant. This time he found himself blacking out. When he came to he sees a broken nightmarish world. He finds himself confused and scared.

"This can't be Milo's head. It's just not right." He heard a sound, he turned ready to fight to see his siblings appear one at a time. The only one not coming was Melanie, she needed to watch out for Milo and lie to their parents.

"Whoa. This is...scary." Jennifer said crossing her arms and breathing heavily. She could see her breath with how cold it has gotten.

"This isn't his head. It can't be. I know Milo. He is a beautiful person." Danny said in protest to their surrounding element.

"Maybe the shock did more damage then everyone realized." Carlos said as they all held hands and walked along the path that seemed to just appear before them. The dried and cracked brick road that was lack of color led them into the vast area.

I felt funny. A brief flash of my siblings went through my head. I felt like something was wrong. My instincts were never wrong. I was able to set my thoughts to look for my family.

"Hey you're back." Jinx said happily jumping into my arms.

"Yeah, I just got this sudden urge to find my siblings. Do you know where they are?" I asked Jinx who shook his head.

"They got worried about you and made all these different plans. They said something about a spell, and a witchdoctor. I told them not to do the witchdoctor because most of the time they can't be trusted." Jinx said flicking his tail happily.

"Milo?" Melanie called coming from my room.

"You're back!"

"I'm not sure I left." I said confused, "Where is everyone?"

She had this unsure look on her face.

"Well?" I asked confused to why she seemed to be hiding something.

"I can't tell you. It might endanger everyone if you knew they were in your head." She said before covering her mouth.

"They what?!" I yelled in surprise.

"What spell did they use Melanie?" I asked seriously.

"I don't know. They used a spell Danny made up." She said I almost fainted. Danny isn't much for spell writing.

"Did he write it down?" I asked trying to save them from whatever idiotic plan they concocted.

"He did, but he burned it." Melanie said.

"Great. So they are running through my head? Now I need to find a way to get them out before they see too much." I said to her going through the book.

"Who turned on the lights?" Carlos asked as hundreds of lights danced in the night sky lighting the way.

"Maybe we are waking him up?" Jennifer said curious.

"Or maybe this place is just changing and adapting to us being in here. This is Milo's head....only he is suppose to be in here." Danny said looking around as they walked.

"Why does it feel like we are going nowhere?" Jennifer asked in thought.

"It probably just looks like that. Just keep walking." Danny urged them on.

"Can we hurry please? I'm getting scared." Carlos said nervously. Large ravens began to land on the tree branches, their red glowing eyes staring the siblings down.

"Maybe they can tell us where to go?" Jennifer asked curious.

"They don't look friendly." Carlos said.

"You guys, they are just birds. It's not like they can do anything." Danny said as he walked to one of the larger trees.

"I doubt they could even talk."

"Come and play. Come and play. Come and play." They said to the siblings in children's voices.

"Hello? Can one of you direct us to...our destination? To our brother??" Carlos asked nervously.

The birds began to snicker, "I don't see what's so funny." Jennifer said.

"You guys." Carlos said nervously. He pointed to all the ravens surrounding them. It looked like a sea of darkness.

"Uh. Time to leave." Danny said pulling Jennifer and Carlos away from the tree.

The birds rose into the air and seemed to combine into a giant raven with 6 glowing red eyes. It shrieked as it flew through the air towards them.

"Hurry up!" Carlos said as they all finally made it through a stone gate.

The world seemed to change in front of them. It was a sunny day a huge contrast to what they saw before. The field was filled with tall grass and beautiful blooming flowers. They saw a crystal clear blue shimmering lake with a white boat floating in the middle of the lake. They glanced at how the path led to the lake.

"This is weird." Carlos said looking at the butterflies flutter and the birds fly.

"We're in Milo's mind. Things aren't going to make sense." Jennifer said agreeing.

"Let's move before something else happens." Danny says to them as he takes off into a sprint.

Everything seemed perfect about

They got to the lake and noticed the road went straight through the water and out the other side.

"We can just go around." Jennifer said taking a few steps off the path.

"Whoa whoa whoa. No. Let's keep to the path." Carlos said.

"How? It goes through the water. Besides I don't think I want to get wet." Jennifer said taking a few more steps off the path. A large splash showered them with water.

They saw a large silhouette rush under the water. The water seemed to turn black and fill with darkness. The sun disappeared and thunder cracked as the wind began to blow harshly.

"Jenny, get back on the path!" Carlos yelled as he waved and called his older siblings names. They stood in terror as the vile black sludge bubbled and out rose a giant serpent with glowing yellow eyes.

The ground began to shake as the ground underneath their feet began to literally crumble.

A vicious and terrifying roar came from the serpent as it slithered out of the lake and onto the ground. They ran and finally made it to the path to find it was still coming.

Carlos waved his hand trying to manipulate the water from the lake, but to find out that his powers didn't work.

"We're in Milo's head. We don't have any powers." Jennifer said as she pulled her brothers along the path. They ran to the lake to see a path that was concealed in the water.


They took off down the path towards the boat. Their feet splashing the water as they ran along the path.

"How come we couldn't see the path before?" Jennifer asked confused as they almost made it to the boat.

"Because we didn't keep clear heads and tried to do things our way." Danny said as they reached the boat.

I read the book. It said the spell had to either run it's course or I had to intervene. I began looking through the book for spells of the mind. The only one we had was astral projection.

I grabbed some candles and placed them around. As I was about to light the candles a demon shimmered in.

"Dude! I don't have the time for you." I said before the demon bitch-slapped me across the room.

"You really don't want to mess with me right now." I warned him as he created a fire ball.

I raised my hand and caused the fire ball to explode taking the demon with it.

"I warned you." I said as I telekinetically placed the candles in place and lit them with my mind.

I sat crystals around me to create a protective force field. I laid next to a pillow and began to chant the spell I just written up.

"Through an idiot's spell, who's probably going through hell. I cast this spell to reach into my shell. I call on the power to astral project, to travel into my mind so my family I can protect." I chanted out loud before falling under the sway of the spell.

I noticed the large serpent that was attacking people who were on a boat. This is my mind? I imagined a force field over the boat. I watched as the beast was incapable of penetrating the shield. It splashed and thrashed, the lake tossed and turned.

"Hey ugly!" I yelled running towards the beast. It turned towards me and let out a terrifying roar. I couldn't let it hurt my siblings who were on the boat screaming in terror.

I imagined a sword made of light appearing before me. The beast was upon me. I missed and screamed as it swallowed me whole.

"No!!!" My siblings yelled in sorrow. The smell was horrible. I couldn't see and I could barely breathe...even if I wanted to or not. I felt the warm and squishy muscled throat force me down. I imagined the sword reappearing in my hand, I closed my eyes as I was blinded by thick and warm saliva. I swung the sword blindly, I felt the temperature change as I fell out of the throat covered in slime.

I got up from the ground slowly. Picking up my sword, I walked to the boat.

"I love you guys. I really do, but get out of my head." I said tiredly.

"We don't know how." Jennifer said as they sat on the boat.

"Simple. Put your hands together and close your eyes. Traveling can be torture for your eyes." I told them.

"With this spell I cast you out of my mental shell." I said as we all faded one by one me being the last to fade.

I woke up to see the shield being removed from my body. My siblings each holding a crystal.

"Atleast we kind of did what I planned to do." Danny said awkwardly hoping I wouldn't get angry at him.

"I-it's okay. I'm just glad everyone is fine. Danny that was a dangerous spell...promise me you won't do anymore mental travel spells." I said to him.

"I promise." He said as he broke into a sob and hugged me.

"I love you. I love all of you guys. I don't want to see anything happen to you guys. My biggest fear is that I can't protect you...that you get hurt because I'm weak for even a second. That's why I fight so hard to protect you. " I told them as they hugged me.

"I'm not brave. I'm scared...all the time...of everything. But my biggest fear is losing anyone I love." I said to them as I released my emotions through my tears.

(That's the next chapter. I hope you like it. Sorry it took so long. I've been going through some things. But I love you guys. Blessed Be. )

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