Charmed Phoenix

By Uriel Cowan

Published on Dec 7, 2010


"Charmed Phoenix" uses characters from the Aaron Spelling TV show,

"Charmed". Spelling Enterprises; all rights reserved. I do not own these characters. They belong to Aaron Spelling.

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"Charmed II"

Chapter 1: A New Power of Three

Liz: Uriel, Honey, It a time to get up and get ready for school you don't want to be late.

Hey my name is Raheem Uriel Cowan,but everybody calls me Riel. I'm 6'0 light-skinned tiger eyes with long shoulder lenghth dark reddish black hair with a gymnast body. I got up and went to the shower singing my song Pretty Girl Rock.Aftwards got dressed and ran downstairs to the dining room to eat breakfast.

Liz: Uriel, I need to go to meetings this afternoon so when I get home tonight I want your room clean.

Sighing heavily: Ok, but I was going over to the Halliwells after I get out of gymnastic practice to study.(I'm going to study alright, Wyatt's blue eyes and his amazing six pack lol)

Liz with a smirk: I heard that!

Embarrassed I smiled back: Hey will you stay out my head, Please!

Liz: Honey your was broadcasting, plus I taught you way better then that.

My mom and myself are apart of the legendary Phoenix Clan, a guild of highly train witches assassins in fact my mom is the Phoenix Queen. The thing that make me so unique is for some reason I'm the only phoenix that doesn't have the birthmark.

Sighing deeply: Mom sorry, it's just my telepathy has been off for days now.

Liz: You just need to mediate and focus and be careful you don't want your projection power going off.

A little worried: I know right but mom I have to go.

Liz: Hey when is your next gym meet because! I wanted to film it for recruiters.

I yelled as I rush out the door: I don't know but I will text you when I find out. Love you!!!

As I was getting into my 2009 Mustang Convertible the Halliwells bothers were coming out the house across the street.

I yelled: Hey do you want a ride?

Wyatt smiled and yelled back : I would but I have football and Chris has diving practice afterwards.

I replied: I got gymnastics practice and we can get straight until studying for that Latin Test coming up.

Chris: Ok sure.

As they across the street to get into the car I couldn't help stare at Wyatt wearing his white hat, blue polo shirt, and his plaid shorts. As i was thinking about all the naughty things i could do to him. I felt a fever come over me as a fireball appear in my hand.(man i got to get myself in check as i extinguished the fireball.)

Chris: Riel are ok because you look hot. I weakly smiled back: I just peachy

As we headed to school we got behind a car accident and we only have 5 minutes to get to class and I race to the door. When I bump into the one person who made my heart flutter as much as Wyatt does.

Warren: You where's the fire, Riel?

He was the Quarterback and Captain of the Football and Baseball, and Basketball leading defensive player. He was 6'3 nothing but muscles with his short brown hair and amber eyes. The only thing was that he was Wyatt and Chris cousin and Wyatt biggest rival.

I reply: Late... to... class Uh and I got to go later.

I didn't see Chris, Warren, or Wyatt again until lunch, which is usually how it was. Chris and I were both juniors. Since Wyatt and Warren were seniors, they had a couple of free periods and usually ate lunch with us. I sat down between Wyatt and Warren as I usually did and had lunch.

Chris: Man I so freaking tired of these classes.

Warren laughed: I told I about signing up for all honor classes.

I was in me in my own Lala world when Wyatt ask me will I wait for him when he get out of practice because they had film study.

As I was snapping out my dream: uh yea yea sorry, just a lot on my mind.

Chris smirked: We can see that!

I looked at Warren and he had a look over that come across his face after Chris said that. Wyatt gives him a weird look.

Weird out I asked: What

Warren: Nothing. Damn! We have to go do something... for Mom he said suddenly Wyatt and Chris looked surprised but went along with it. Yep, I was officially confused. They all got up from the table.

Wyatt: I'll see you later to catch that ride and are you still coming back to our house?"

I'm still really confused: Yea, I know you need all the help you can get.

Wyatt kind of smiled a little: So, we'll see you later.

Chris: Well, I'll see you in class anyway

They walked off with Warren whispering something heatedly to Wyatt as they walked away. They always bickered, so I really thought nothing of it. But, I starting to get tired of them leaving me alone and disappearing everyday. I pushed it away and continued my lunch and went to the rest of my classes.

In Chemistry, Chris sat next to me, as usual. During a boring Lecture of The Gas Law and Noble Gases,

I tapped Chris and whispered: Hey. Where did yall go by the way?

Chris looked at me oddly: What part of, I'm trying to fall asleep did you not get?

I hit him lightly:Don't Change The Subject!

Chris' face turned reddish and he stammered a little: Nothing. It was just something that we had to do for mom.

Give a annoyed expression: I thought it was something for Phoebe because Warren said it for his mom. He looked a little weirder out, so I decided not to push. I continued my work before the teacher caught us talking.

After School

I was practicing my ring routine and nailed it, when I say Warren sitting there watching me. I walk over to talk to him.

Warren: Hey, nice moves.

I blushed: Thanks I try. I thought you had film study.

Warren: No that was for Defense and I wanted to check you out.

I blushed even harder and started to look like a tomato: So did you like what you saw?

Warren: How about I take you to the movies and I will tell you over dinner.

Shock and even redder if that was even possible: I would love that!

Warren: Tomorrow night at 7:00

Beaming a huge smile: yea sure

Warren smile a sexy grin: See then Cutie! With a wink

After he left, I head over to practice my floor routine with a huge smile on my face.

I was walking out the gym and met up with Chris and we head out to the parking lot to see that Wyatt was waiting for us when we both got out there. We got in the car and I let Wyatt drive us home. Wyatt blasted music on the way home, so nothing was said between three of us.

I tapped Chris on the shoulder while driving and mouthed: Are you OK?

He nodded and continued to bop to the music. It was completely silent until we got home. Wyatt finally turned the music off. As we walked to the door, I started say something to the both of them. When I heard someone scream and glass shatter. The door wasn't opened, so I kick the door down.

As he turn into his protective Super Wyattmode: Riel, stay here, I'll be right back! As he step in front of me to run inside.

I gave a smirk: No way!, I ran in, with Wyatt and Chris in front of me. I raced to the dining room.

There was Piper on the floor with navy blue demon in a Tank top standing above her.

I yelled: Get the hell away from her! The demon turned around and landed. He had some weird tribal marking on his face and his eyes were red. Then I ran and jump with the assisstance of my telekinesis to spin kick him into the grand father clock

Piper: Damn, We just fix that clock.

The demon got up and smiled an evil grin suddenly, a energyball came from his hand, He hurled it directly at me. Wyatt jumped towards me as the energyball came flying at me. He was sent flying through into the stairs banister.

Chris yelled: ENERGYBALL! I thought it was a warning or something:Duh Idiot!

But, when I looked at Chris, he had somehow teleported the man's orb of enegry and hurled it back at him. The man was hit, but he didn't look seriously hurt. He looked directly at me.

Chris: Warren get your ass in here.

Warren then flashed in and looks around at all the dammage.

Warren: What the hell happen here!

Chris: Turn around Dammit around! The Demon then throwns a engeryball at Warren as he turns around,but he ducks in time just the for the energyball to come flying at me.I then use my telekenisis to send it right back at him with twice the force, but just push him back a couple of steps.

The Demon: This fight is not for you, Phoenix. This is for the Halliwells only! Back the FUCK off now! He somehow pulled out two energyball, then stopped dead in his tracks. Completely frozen in a statue. Piper had her hands put up her hands up. The man was stuck like that, with both energyball still in his hands. I took the time to throw him through wall of living room

I ran over to Piper and helped her up. I went auto-pilot and start thinking of battle plans. I looked at Wyatt and noticed a small gash on his shoulder. He was bleeding a lot.

I freaked out: Are you OK, babe?

Suddenly, the gash on him glowed a bright white blueish color; like lots of tiny orbs of light. When they faded, the wound was completely healed. Just the tear in his shirt remained.

Tears streamed from my eyes: Thank God, your ok!!!

Wyatt: Are you a witch?

With a gulity look i responed: Yes and no I'm a phoenix.

Warren came over and help me lifted up Wyatt.

Chris walked over to me: That's not average Phoenix power.

Shock in a way I asked: How would you know?

Chris started to respond when I heard the tribal man-say: You'll pay for that, Bitch, directly in our direction. He prepared to launch the energyballs our way, when it happened.

I felt myself become hot. Like really super nova hot. My body felt hotter and hotter until I felt like the sun. Suddenly, I felt the heat travel to my hands. It felt like it had to explode and it came from inside of my hand and headed towards the man. It enveloped him completely, until the smoke and fire subsided. The burning and melting the guy exploded.

I was so freaked that I dropped to the floor. Everyone surrounded me immediately and they look freaked.

As I felled to my knees: It took me a while to speak. What... how... when... how did I do that?

They all picked me up and Warren and Wyatt held me up while Piper and Chris look at me.

Piper: You know thats a Upper level Demonic power!

I tried to speak: What? I know that I'm not completely a good witch but I'm not a demon.

Warren: I don't ever heard of a phoenix throwing fire. I know they can throw energyballs, but know can't nowadays Piper walked up to me and touched my face gently: First, calm down. I know you're really confused and scared right now. You have no idea what is going on and you want answers.

All I could do was look at her and nod. Wyatt grabbed one of my hands and held it tight as Warren did to the other . I probably would have been happy as a lamb from both them touching me, but I was too scared from thinking about my demonic episode at that moment.

I whispered: So this isn't the first time this has happened to me, Wyatt.

Piper: This Isn't The FIRST TIME YOU THROWN FIRE! She took a deep breath: Ok look, sweetie, I could sit here and explain it to you as best as I can, as can Wyatt, Warren and Chris. But I there's someone better that can explain it much easier to you. And we have to go there right now.

I looked at Chris, Warren, Wyatt and although a bit worried for me, they genuinely smiled.

Chris: Trust her, bro, Mom knows what she's talking about.

I looked at them skeptically and asked: Where are we going, Piper?

As she reached the door, she looked at me and smiled: To see your Mother silly.


Next: Chapter 2

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