Charmed Phoenix

By Uriel Cowan

Published on Dec 16, 2010


"Charmed Phoenix" uses characters from the Aaron Spelling TV show, "Charmed". Spelling Enterprises; all rights reserved. I do not own these characters. They belong to Aaron Spelling.

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"Charmed Phoenix"

Chapter 2: A New Beginning

Before they started heading out the door i told they to stop because my mother was in the in a meeting and i will contact her with my telepathy. To come here.

A confused Chris: Your a phoenix right, well how do you have all these powers? Piper: Wait, we will explain everything when she gets her. Warren with a look of concern : Babe sit down, with you walking around the table it is going to put a hole in the floor.

Sighing, I sit right beside him, but Wyatt looks aggravated by it: Your right and I need to calm down. I don't want anybody to get burn-up in here. Sitting down beside me and pulling me to his shoulder Wyatt says: You know that you are a good person no matter what your powers.

My mom shimmers in front of us. Wondering what's the huge problem that had cause her to be out her meeting. Liz: hey what's the the huge emergency I just got sealing the deal with a huge invest for the company in Vox's meeting. Uriel: Why didn't you tell me that the Halliwells have powers and are witches. Chris with a smirked: Bro..... Don't worry about that you need to learn to why the hell you became a freaking human flame-thrower overnight!

Wyatt: Have about everybody calmed down and let her explain the situation.

Warren: I agree with WY with this one

Sighing and started to pace the floor while looking at Piper ,Liz says: Well I guess it's time to tell them the truth about Riel.

Piper a little scared: Really, I think we need to get everybody here first especially Billy.

Have a shock glance at Piper and mom I started to rabble: Why... Do we need Aunt Billy here for, she all the way in New York.

Piper: Well she is have a huge part in this as well.

Liz takes a deep breath: She apart of this situation... About you and we need her here.

Confused and worried Warred asked: Who else will be coming because you said "everybody". Piper reply back simply: Your mom, Paige, Leo, Billy and Gabriel,

Uriel even more freaked and shaking: What's the problem.

Wyatt: calm down your shaking like a leaf. Piper yelled: PAIGE, PHOEBE, LEO, GABRIEL, GET YOUR ASSES HERE NOW. A whole bunch of orbs started to appear and standing in front of us was the Halliwells Family.

Paige having a scrawling look with a attitude: what's with the urgency we was on our way here anyway.

Piper: We have a to tell the The Uriel Big S.

Phoebe shocked: Now, i thought we have going to wait until he was 18!

Liz trying to stay calm, but still have a worried look on her face: Paige can you orb Billy here, Please.

Paige: Sure, BILLY! As she orbed in looking confused and jumped into a fighting stance.

Phoebe quick to calm her down: Billy stop stop stop, it us. You can get out of Xena mode.

Billy pissed off: a phone call would been better than having someone orbing you from the east coast.

Chris a little annoyed: From what i hear all of y'all own us a explanation about a secret about why Riel here is throwing Fire!

Billy in a stated of shock: Damn I thought this would never happen.


Uriel: Thank You

Liz walking over to me and has Wyatt to get up so that she can sit down beside me: Uriel i guess i will start. I am... not... your... Well i am but i just gave birth to you not conceive you. Uriel in a stare of blank shock: What... you mean... I am... not Your Son Billy came over and sat on the coffee table: Riel I can explain that. You see... I'm... your mom. Uriel: How in the HELL AM I YOUR SON! As i started to get pissed a vase of flowers burst into flames. Piper went over and froze the in placed like she did to the demon.

Gab: Son calm down your have to be calm or you lose control completely.

Liz: He rights honey. Uriel taking deep breaths to calm down while Warren rubs his back: Ok i am good, just explain this now!

Billy sighs: Well, before you was born there was this great battle between me and my sister against the sisters here in the Manor, and we were tricked by the a group of demons called the Triad to kill the sisters. We lost, they won and Christy, my sister, is dead. The Elder felt sorry for me and sent Gab your dad as my truth love to help through this pain. The fell to tell me that Gab here was one of the TopbThree Elders and couldn't really stay with me. I became pregnant and i found out later that i wouldn't carry the baby to full turn.

Liz started to came over because Billy begin to crying over the memories: Well, you was the only piece of the Gab she had left. So, we came up with the ideal that i will carry you to full term since i was your moms roommate/bff. The problem was the spell sped up the pregnancy and you was born in three months instead of nine. (Takes a deep breaths and continues) You was then hunted for everyday after your birth because you was the son of the Ultimate Power and a Head Elder. The sisters came up with the ideal that you should be kept with me and a raised as a phoenix, and have the whole Phoenix Guild to protect you and train you.

Uriel still in shock but shakes himself out of it: Is that's the realize why i don't have the phoenix birthmark

Liz: Yes, but because i had you instead of Billy, you were given phoenix powers. The phoenix powers seen to cancel out the passive effects of a elder and you are now more of a warrior elder hybrid assassin.

Uriel: Wait but that does not explain why i throwing Fire.

Gab, 6'3 light-skinned black man with blue eyes and black hair that cut military style, finally speaks: Well to help Billy to get over Christy, the other Elders decided to give you the same powers of Christy as well Billy. Basically your both of them combine. Plus you have my powers and Liz's.

Phoebe whistles: That's a lot of power in one kid.

Paige: Well Wyatt and Warren have to deal with that much power as well.

Uriel pissed looking at both Liz and Gab: But why did you not give me back after the danger was over I learned to defend myself. I lived this whole lie.

A grieving Gab: We could not tell you because if we did then you would had lost control like your doing now.

Liz: It was easier for of us to keep the story going because we lived with the secret this long.

Uriel becoming even more pissed at the situation: I knew your were my dad, why didn't you tell me about Billy.

Billy after finally calming down: We felt it was best for you to know one of as your true parent so that everything wouldn't be false. But i choose not raise you because it confirm that you were still alive and demons would always try to turn you or kill you. Gab would be in the heavens most of the time, you would be hardly seem with him. Plus you are the spitting image of Gab, and I miss him too much.

Uriel even more frustrated: The realize you couldn't raise me was because i look like him! As I pointed to Gab my telekinesis sent him flying into the wall.

Phoebe trying to give the room peace: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa please come down.

Paige sighing: Uriel breath before something gets set a blazes or goes flying around.

Wyatt opens his arms and signals me to come over to him: Come here and we will get you something to drink to calm your nerves.

Warren looking worried: Go ahead we all are here for you.

Uriel breathing heavily: No I'm fine just pissed, but fine.

Chris comes over and helps me up: Riel go and get you some water please, ok.

Riel pulls away and looks around: I'm fine and just truthfully wishes to be left a alone. ( instead of shimmering out i usefully do , i flame out in red orbs)

Warren quick to speak: Did he Flame Out!?

Chris looked not surprised: Well he didn't completely. Its like he Orbed first, then Flame Out at the same time, because i saw red orbs.

Gab looking worried: We have to find him before all his powers start to fully began to emerge, because of his unstable emotions.

Piper asked: What are his powers?

Gab reply simply while lowering his head: Fire Starting, Psyhcokinesis, (Telepathy, telekinesis, all other psychic abilities) ,Projection, and control over manna or Life Energy.

Paige shocked: How is he able control all that.

Liz: He mediates for hours focusing on control of his powers. His powers of Projection and Psychokinesis are the only ones that he been dealing since he was little, but i guess the Firestarting are abilities are coming out.

Leo whispers to Gab: You think that this have to do with the Phoenix Force prophecy.

Gab whispers back: It envoles everything that deals with it.

Meanwhile on the Golden Gate Bridge

Sitting down and looking out over into the ocean Uriel, thinks about the everything he discover today. From behind him some orbs appeared and out step Wyatt.

Wyatt sits besides him and response: Hey, Riel you know that I'm here for you and i will not let everything happen to you.

While laying his head on Wyatt's lap Uriel replies: I know that but it seems that everything I knew is a lie. I will never get to feel true happiness unless its fake. Why didn't you tell me that y'all were witches. I mean it could had stop us from having all these all those awkward moments.

As he stroke Uriel's hair in his lap Wyatt smirked back: Hey... Now you wasn't exactly honest as well. Your a super power house and everybody wants you to come home.

Smiling back while getting up to look Wyatt in the eyes Uriel Replied: Fine as long as y'all explain who you are because those powers your family were wielding are not some petty good witches powers. Wyatt says while stepping to stand up and help lift Uriel up: We will explain very thing after we get home.

At the Manor

As the bluish white orbs carrying Wyatt and Uriel into the Manor. The group all stand hoping that Wyatt found Riel and was bring in back. As the see the two stand there they all rush over to Riel and a apologies were flying around with hugs and kisses.

Uriel tired of being squeeze to death: Guy alright i won't leave like that against, but the Halliwells have some explaining to do.

Piper gasped: I guessed it our turn to explain this time. Well it all started the the 18 century with the our great ancestor named Melinda Warren. She was a superpowerful witch with three powers. They were telekinesis, power to freeze time, and premonitions. She was betrayed by her lover and was sent to be burn to a staked. When she die she made a prophecy about after her the Warren witches will become stronger and more powerful until they form the bond of three sisters, then become most powerful witches the world had ever seen.

Phoebe: Those sisters are us, we are the Charmed ones. The each sister was given one of the powers of Melinda Warren. Piper was given the power molecular immobilization or freezing time. Which in time grew into molecular combustion AKA blowing things up, and finally transmogrification of molecules. I was given the gift of premonition, through work hard work became empathy and levitation. Paige was given the powers of Telekinesis but because of her Whitelighter background became is in the form of telekinetic orbing, and several other Whitelighter abilities.

Paige take a deep breath: But after the Great Show Down with your aunt and your mom, our destiny was fulfilled and we basically pass the torch to Warren, Wyatt, and Chris.

Piper: They are the Future of the Warren Line.

Uriel looking confused: What does that have to do with me.

Leo and Gab looks at each other and both decided that Gab should speak: Son it's because your an Avatar of a great source force of power called the Phoenix Force, the Original source of all psychic and life energy. It's the reason why you so powerful. It was said that your destined to form a Triad with other Avatars of Magic and rule this world a iron fist.

Leo takes a deep breath: The Charmed ones are your body guards right now until you fully come into your powers.

Uriel protested: I don't think that I need anybody to protect me! I accomplished this much with out their help. I thought the Phoenix Guild were my body guards.

Gab sighs: But, your powers are starting to advance themselves to fast for you to control.

Billy step and spoke softly: We decided to have the New Charmed Ones to teach you control. Warren will teach you offensive techniques and keep your martial skills on point. Chris will teach you how to master defensive strategies, spells, charms, and potions. Wyatt will will teach you how to focus and center yourself, find overall control of your powers, and resistance of allowing your powers consume you.

Uriel looked at his real mom like she was crazy: i know the basics of all things. I'm apart of the Phoenix Guild don't you remember. I can handle anything that people can send my way.

Liz answered before Billy could protest: Uriel... Thing is that we can't let you travel around here with all that power untrained and focus. That's why called all the phoenixes to stop guarding you for now, because your to dangerous to the ones around you. It's either get train in control with the Charmed ones or let us bind your powers.

Uriel grunts while looking at the Charmed Ones: Fine, but if y'all do some stupid crap I'm not going to stand for it.

Wyatt relieved replied: Ok, well will started tomorrow after school.

Uriel: Ok then.


Thats is it for now and i need some one to edited because i really dont have the time. There will be a nice sex scene in the next one!!!! I will be writing now on in first person in Uriel's pov.

Next: Chapter 3

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