Cold Night

By moc.oohay@tnemedrem

Published on Mar 11, 2003


TO THE READER: This is a story about explicit sex between consenting adults. If that bothers, stop now. This is also a work of fiction; this isn't about anyone you know or anyone you've seen on TV. If you're too young; you're already at the wrong website. If you like what you've read (or if you hated this) write me. This is about fantasy. This is about fun. Don't read anything more into it than that.

One Cold Night

"I don't care how it sounds," Julie said. "I'm going to wear white on my wedding day, I want it to be accurate and I want my pussy to go pop that night. Call it a plan." With that, she nearly knocked over the bottle of green apple liqueur that she and her roommates, Gibby and Nan, had been drinking for the past hour with a single gesture. Gibby -- an athlete with natural skills -- caught it before it splashed across the carpet. "Take it easy," she said. "I don't want to have to cut you off." Julie covered her mouth and stifled an "oops" as Nan's giggling caught hold of her. The two of them rocked back and forth in gales of laughter around the floor of their dorm room. Normally, the three would be out bar hopping on a Saturday night, but a record-setting early-March snowstorm had struck the mid-Michigan area and had all but buried the university the three attended. They, like the entire city, were trapped indoors. The three of them had been drinking and talking in their pajamas all evening. The conversation had inevitably turned to sex. Whenever that happened the topic of Julie's continued virginity always came up. "I think it's cool," Nan said. "It isn't for me but it's cool that you've stuck with it." She poured another round of shots for her roommates, "To Julie." Gibby lifted her glass and downed it in one shot. She wiped a drizzle of the sticky green liquid off her chin with the back of her hand, "Bob must be a patient boy." Julie's longtime boyfriend, Bob, was a regular feature of the three's weekend jaunts. He was good-looking, a little shy and generally considered "correct" by Nan and Gibby. "How does that work?" Nan asked. "What do you guys do when you're alone?" Julie blushed, an effect that was heightened by her collar-length red hair. She adopted a coy look, "Stuff." "What kind of stuff?" Gibby's smile was shark-like and her voice dripped with sarcasm. "Does he get to put his hand under your shirt?" Nan picked up on the vibe, "Has he seen your boobs?" "Has he ever seen any boobs?" Gibby and Nan shrieked in laughter. Julie shook her head and waited. Nan's silky black hair had fallen across her face, obscuring her delicate, Korean features. Gibby had rolled onto her back, her lean muscled thighs curled up to her chin. "Yes, he's seen my boobs," Julie said. "He's seen a lot more than that, too." Gibby snapped up into a sitting position, "Have you touched his cock?" "Yes," the blush was in full force, turning her pale skin bright red. "Have you sucked it?" Gibby's blue eyes shone with glee. "Hey!" Julie said, holding both roommates off with her hands. "If we're playing Truth or Dare here it's someone else's turn." "OK," Gibby said. "I'll go first: Truth." Nan leapt on the opportunity quickly, "When did you realize that you were a lesbian? Was it immediately or did it just come to you?" Gibby's love for other women was always the second topic of conversation when the three of them talked about sex. On their first day in the room, she was upfront and honest about her sexuality and it hadn't been a problem. The standing rule of avoiding their shared bedroom whenever the divider had a coat hanger on the handle had worked well for all of them. She shrugged, "I always knew something was up, I figured it out when I was 14. That's about it." "Was that your first time," Julie asked. Gibby cut her off with a finger, "Oh no, it's Nan's turn." "OK: Truth." "How many boys have you slept with this semester?" Nan's sex life was the third topic of conversation that always came up. The petite girl had a steady stream of men in her bed and was most often the one responsible for the hanger being on the room divider. Her sex life was full, varied and noisy. "I'm not doing that one, choose another." "Nope," Gibby said. "It's either that or you do the dare." "OK, what's the dare?" Gibby thought for a moment, "You have to flash your tits out the window for 30 seconds." Nan shrugged, "There's no one outside to see anyway." She went to the window, looked out at the large flakes of falling snow, and pulled up the bottom of her t-shirt to reveal her tiny breasts. The cold air from the window hardened her small, dark nipples immediately and she shivered slightly. "I hope someone is keeping an eye on the time." Gibby was watching her roommate intently. She had seen Nan's breasts before but not for such an extended period. She wondered how those little nipples would feel on her skin. Julie marked off the time and she put her shirt back down. "OK, what'll it be, Julie?" "Truth." Nan looked at her intently, "Have you made Bob come in your mouth?" "Good question!" Gibby said, "Two in one." Julie rolled her eyes and stared at the ceiling, "Yes." Gibby and Nan high-fived each other and offered their hands up to Julie, who sheepishly returned both. "I've done that, yes I did." "Truth," Gibby said, taking another shot off the bottle and squaring her shoulders. "Tell us about your first time." said Nan. "I was on summer vacation with my parents on Lake Superior," Gibby started. "We were in a large campsite and I met a girl on the beach. We got to know each other and one day she asked if she could kiss me. I said yes and we found a spot in the dunes away from everyone else. We kissed for a while and she put her hand inside my top. I thought she had slipped but then she started squeezing. I came on the spot." The two other girls "oohh'd" in appreciation. Nan then said she wanted to do "Truth" again. "This should be easier for you," Julie said. "How many boys have you made come in your mouth this semester?" Nan scowled, "15 this semester. Jerkoff" "I'm satisfied. Truth." "Does Bob lick your pussy?" Gibby asked. "Yes he does," Julie said happily. "He's good at that." Gibby: "Dare." "You have to moon the window, for a full minute. Bare-assed," Nan said. Gibby got up and walked to the window. She turned on her heel, hiked up her shirt to her waist and pulled her shorts down to her knees. A long breath later, she stripped off her blue panties and bent over in front of the window. "I'm going to get you for this," she said and looked up from the floor. "You know this." Nan smiled broadly, "That's a really nice ass, do you think she works out?" "I'll bet she gets a lot of time on the Stairmaster," Julie said. Gibby's thighs were sculpted by years of basketball into lean columns. Her exposed ass was tight and high. She returned to her part of the floor after the minute was up. Despite the cold, her face was flushed. The redhead wouldn't let it go, "Snow or no snow; there's at least one moon out tonight." Nan: "Truth" Julie piped up, "What is the kinkiest thing you've done for a guy?" "That's easy; I did some dress up play with this one guy I met last year. I wore a schoolgirl outfit and called him Mister. Hold on..." She got up and went into her closet. After some rummaging around she came back into the room wearing a white dress shirt with her hair in pigtails. She held the shirt closed in front of her. "This is the best part," Nan opened the bottom of the shirt to reveal a pair of plain white cotton underpants. The costume took 10 years off of her appearance. She cocked her knee inward and amplified the effect. "Wow," Gibby said. "That's incredible" Julie said. "You look like you're 12!" "I know," she said as she sat down. "He originally wanted me to call him Daddy but that was too creepy for me." Julie took another shot of the liqueur, "This stuff is awesome, where'd you get it?" "It's one of my father's new products," Gibby said as she inspected the bottle. "The company doesn't know what they're going to call it yet. Dad calls it "green panty remover." "Eww," Nan said, taking another drink. "Bogue." "It's got you half naked," Julie said. "I pick Dare." "You have to take your top off and leave it off for the rest of the game," Nan said. "And I know you don't have a bra on so don't ask if you can go get one." Julie clutched at her breasts through her Humble Pie t-shirt, already protecting then against their eyes, "Uh-uh, I'll take Truth." "Can't be done, there's been too much switching already," the Asian girl's voice had taken on a slight slur. "We're all girls here, there's no bother." "You can't tell anyone," the redhead said sheepishly. "Please?" Gibby slammed another shot, "I just showed my ass to the great white north, you can pop your top here." With a look of great reluctance, Julie pulled her shirt over her head and laid it on the floor beside her. Her ample c-cup breasts were white like the snow outside with light peach nipples. The nubs hardened immediately from the exposure. Nan shook her head, "I feel terrible, I haven't bought a new size bra since I was 14." "Neither have I," Gibby said as she hefted her own breasts. They were slightly larger than Julie's and rounder. "I got cheated," she said as she looked down the neck of her dress shirt. She hadn't anything on underneath. Julie made a conscious effort not to cover her chest, "Your turn, Gibby." "Truth." "Do you use toys?" Nan asked. "I mean, when you're with... friends." "Yes," she said. "I've got some favorites that I keep around. You know, just for friends." Nan was about to pour a shot for herself when she realized that Julie was drinking right out of the bottle. Ah, she thought, we're moving forward. "I'll take Dare." "I dare you to give Gibby a big kiss on the lips," Julie said. "And there has to be tongues." Nan and Gibby looked at each other hesitantly. Both of them had considered the possibility that this game might take this corner, and now they were there. Nan shrugged, and Gibby nodded slightly. They both leaned forward and kissed, letting their tongues slide tentatively into each others mouths. The kiss lasted 10 seconds, when they broke away they kept eye contact. Julie was enrapt while the two kissed. She knew that girls did kiss, but she had never seen it in person. She was greatly aware that both were looking at her intently when they broke away, "I suppose it's my turn?" "Yes." They said in unison. "Dare." "I assume that you masturbate," Nan said. "That's not a question. Show us how you do it. You don't have to take off your shorts, but you have to do it." Julie's eyes widened. She looked to Gibby for support but saw only encouragement. She stared down at her feet, and nodded, "OK, but I've got to stretch out." Gibby and Nan moved aside as Julie lay down on her side with her left arm under her head. She cocked her hips a couple of times then began rubbing them together in a circular motion while she brushed her nipples with her right. After a few moments, her breathing started to hitch and her movements became erratic. Nan patted Julie's thigh after a while, "That's enough." "That also explains a lot of the sounds I hear in the morning," Gibby said. Julie sat back up with a blank, distracted look on her face. Her hand was still grazing her chest as she took another shot from Nan. She looked at Gibby with half-lidded eyes and said, "Dare." "It's not your turn," Gibby said. "No, you've got to take a dare," Julie said. "Show us your favorite toy." Gibby got up and walked into the other room as Nan took her turn on the bottle. When she came back, she carried a purple strap-on dildo, "This is my favorite." She laid the fake phallus down on the floor so that it stood straight up. It wobbled obscenely between the three of them. It was eight inches long and had realistic veins. Nan goggled at it while Julie shook the tip. "What's it made out of?" she asked. "I suppose that doesn't matter as Truth," Gibby said. "It's silicone, so it gets warm from skin contact." "You use that on your girlfriends?" Nan asked. "And they use it on me," Gibby said. Julie picked it up and shook it around some more, "So you put this on and you fuck them like you were a boy?" "Yes," Gibby said. "And it's Nan's turn." "Dare." Gibby stretched out her legs and took off her shirt. With her bare breasts exposed, she put her arms over her head, "You know what to do."

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