Cold Night

By moc.oohay@tnemedrem

Published on Mar 24, 2003


TO THE READER: This is a story about explicit sex between consenting adults. If that bothers, stop now. This is also a work of fiction; this isn't about anyone you know or anyone you've seen on TV. If you're too young; you're already at the wrong website. If you like what you've read (or if you hated this) write me.

This is about fantasy. This is about fun. Don't read anything more into it than that.

Julie gasped and jerked at the intrusion. She forced herself to stay in her prone position. Gibby's finger probed for only a second before she felt Julie's virginity. She stroked the opening lazily before pulling out, "There it is, she's telling the truth." Nan leaned in and replaced Gibby's finger with her own. Julie let out a low moan as the Asian girl's slim fingers slid into her. "Listen," Julie said. "No one gets this far with me without giving me a kiss." Gibby leaned in and placed her lips over Julie's. She snaked her tongue into the girl's mouth gently as she cupped her bare breast. She hefted its silky weight in her hand while Nan continued to probe her roommate's exposed sex. The redhead moaned slightly as Gibby pulled away and sat back on her haunches. Nan pulled her finger out of her and sat back as well. She held her wet index finger apart from the others, as if keeping it ready to use again. Julie sat up and pulled her knees in and to the side, she was flushed and not only from embarrassment. "I'm sorry we ever doubted you," Nan said. "Me too," Gibby said, knocking back more of the liqueur. "And you're a very good kisser." Julie rolled her eyes in embarrassment and pointed to Gibby, "Your turn." "Dare." "It's your turn to show us," Julie said. "Show us how you get yourself off" Gibby stood up, hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her sweats and pulled them to her ankles. Underneath she wore a vivid green thong that was cut high over her thighs. At her roommates' encouraging, she did a theatrical turn on her heel, put her hand on her hip and cocked her thigh provocatively. Years of charging up and down a basketball court had turned her legs into pillars of lean muscle. She ran her hand over a perfectly sculpted buttock and pulled the thong down to the floor. She turned, revealing a partially-exposed set of nether lips topped off by a thin strip of blonde fluff. She parted her legs and ran her left hand down between her thighs and started gentle, circular strokes around her mound. She grazed the flat of her palm over her nipples, alternately cupping and pinching the hardening flesh. Julie noticed Nan's hand drift into the side of her uniform shirt as the tall lesbian worked her fingers into her pussy with increasing fervor. Her slight cries were punctuated by the wet kissing of her fingers against her lips. She had begun pawing her breasts roughly when Julie cleared her throat. "That's enough, lover girl," she said. "We don't want a mess on the carpet right away. You can sit back down now." "Please," Nan said. "Show a little restraint." "Fuckers," Gibby said as she plunked back down on the floor. Unlike Julie, she sat with her thighs open, allowing full view of her sopping pussy. "One thing's gotta change, though. Julie and I are butt nekkid, you've gotta lose the shirt." Nan clung to the top protectively, "But I'll feel funny, you two took all the tits. I didn't get any." "Not my fault," Julie said as she looked over her own breasts. She smiled, "I got these when I was 13. All the kids called me E.D." "What does that mean?" Nan asked. "Early Development," she said. "Not get those tiny titties out here before I tear that shirt off you." Gibby said "oohhh" as Nan took the starched shirt off her shoulders to reveal her small breasts. They were hardly a-cup, delicate mounds topped by small brown nubs. She pushed her chest out as far as she could. "Those are them," she said. "Satisfied?" "Deeply," Gibby said. "Now what'll it be; Truth or Dare?" Nan's eyes widened, "Oh, no. I just took off my top. That's a Dare!" Julie shook her head and made the game show "wrong answer" noise, "Nope. Sorry. You just did what you were told; you never asked if that was a Dare." "You guys are dicks," she said. "Dare." "Peel out of those tighty-whities," Gibby said with an evil glint in her eyes. "Let's see that pussy." Nan stood cocked her head to the side and nibbled on her thumbnail, her right knee turned inward. "I don't know. I don't think I'm supposed to do that." "Oh my God," Julie croaked. She took a long swig on the bottle. She folded her arms against her chest as she gawked at the display in front of her. "It's all right, honey." Gibby said, playing along. "We're all girls here." "You could pull them off," Nan said in a breathy whisper. "That would be OK." Gibby got up on her knees before the Korean beauty and began to roll the white cotton panties off the girl's hips. She bunched the fabric up into tight cords with her palms, slowly revealing the slight hips and smooth abdomen. Gibby took a final roll, revealing Nan's small, hairless pussy. Nan giggled, mock falling over her blonde roommate to reveal her small bottom to Julie. She got upright and stood there for a minute. She dropped the baby girl routine and raised her hands over her head to allow the two a full view. Julie's eyes shone, "I love that look so much." "She's just like a little girl," Gibby said with naked arousal. She was idly stroking her own pussy. "It's not that," Julie said. "OK, it's a little bit that. But it's more like she's...I dunno, extra naked." Nan sat down. Like Gibby, she left herself wide open, "Your turn, red." "OK. Truth." "It doesn't matter if you're straight or not, man or woman. There's something that all people share: Tell us, what was the most embarrassing time you and Bob got caught doing the nasty?" Nan laughed, "That's right, everyone gets caught eventually." Julie hid her face with her hand, "The most embarrassing?" "Yup." "I had a really stupid one once," Nan said. "Me and my 10th grade boyfriend were doing it in the back of his dad's Blazer in the parking lot of a junior high school at midnight of the homecoming game...." "By the way, you know you're giving out a freebie here," Gibby advised. "This story's just dumb," Nan said. "I can give this one away." "How is it that a 10th grader had a driver's license?" Julie asked. "He was in the 12th grade," Nan said. "Anyway, we were going at it when a cop pulls up out of nowhere and starts banging on the window. He got a total free shot of my ass. He starts asking us what we were doing and then asks me if I'm there of my own free will." "What did you say?" Gibby asked. "Of course I said I was there of my own free will. God!" "What did the cop do?" "He stayed for a second while he ran the plates and looked at my tits and then told us to get a room," Nan said. "All in all, I think the cop was pretty cool." Gibby turned to Julie, "What's your answer?" Julie took a deep breath, "Bob and I were at his cousin's wedding in August. Before the reception dinner we snuck off into the back of the rental hall and I sucked him off in a coatroom." "You blew beefy Bob in the back of the banquet hall?" Nan asked, she and Gibby exploded in laughter. "Who walked in? His grandmother?" Gibby asked. "Nobody walked in," Julie said. "We went back to the party and everything was fine for the next 45 minutes. It was Bob's mom that finally told me I should go to the bathroom and check my makeup." "Oh God, no." Nan's hand went to her mouth. "Yup," Julie shook her head. "There was a dribble of cum on my cheek the whole time." Both Nan and Gibby shrieked with disgust and horror. Gibby said, "Didn't Bob say anything?" "He was off doing shots with his grandfather, Virgil." She said, "We were there doing the Chicken Dance and polkas for another three hours. That was the most embarrassing thing that ever happened to me." "What did you do?" Nan asked. "I got all of my kisses on the other cheek, that's for sure." All three of them rolled over the floor in gales of laughter. After a while, Gibby finished the bottle and threw it away. "I'll take a Dare." "Why don't you strap that big cock on and let us see how it looks on you?" Nan said. "Yeah, put it on." Gibby picked up the wobbling piece of plastic and stepped into the harness. She brought the leather plate up so that it obscured her blonde mound. The cock shook as she secured the buckles on her hips. Once finished, she stood with her hands on her hips, the cock jutting before her lewdly. "That's a nice cock," Nan said appreciatively. "I can tire a girl out." "Did you know it almost matches that thong you were wearing?" Julie asked. "They came as a set," Gibby said. "It's your turn," "Dare," Nan said. Julie set herself forward on her hands and knees, "Suck Gibby's cock."

More to come. *******

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